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FOB Syllabus

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EC (1262)-18.08.

2022 Annexure - VIII


Course Objective(s): The course seeks to explain the concepts in Organisational behaviour
and apply its concepts to improve the understanding of human behaviour for enhancing the
functioning of an organizational unit.

Learning Outcomes: At the completion of the course students will be able to:
1. Identify and define organisational behaviour concepts.
2. Explain how individual differences—such as personalities, perceptions, and learning
affect employee performance.
3. Analyse motivation and leadership styles and determine their effectiveness in employee
4. Develop an understanding of group behaviour and group dynamics.

Course Contents:
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts in OB (4 Weeks)
Importance and Key concepts in OB. Perception, Factors affecting Perception, Perceptual
Process, and Errors in Perception. Personality: Concept and Factors affecting personality.
Learning: Concept and Theories of Learning, Concept of Reinforcement.

Unit 2: Motivation and Interpersonal Relations (4 Weeks)

Motivation: Concepts and their application, Content theories (Maslow and Herzberg’s
Theories); Process theories (Expectancy theory). Managing Interpersonal Relationships;
Transactional Analysis; Ego states, Types of Transactions, Importance of Transactional
Analysis. Johari window.

Unit 3: Group Processes and Leadership at Work (4 Weeks)

Leadership: Trait Approach, Behavioural theories (Ohio and Michigan State Studies, and
Blake & Mouton’s Managerial grid), and Concept of Situational/Contingency approach to
Leadership. Groups: Definition Stages of Group Development, Group Processes-Group

Unit 4: Organizational Dynamics of Politics, Conflict and Change (3 Weeks)

Organisational Power: Concept, Sources of Power, Tactics to gain power in Organizations.
Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Stages of conflict, Management of conflict.
Organisational Change: Concept, Resistance to change, managing resistance to change,
Implementing Change.

1. Stephen P. Robbins, T. A. Organisational Behavior. Pearson.
EC (1262)-18.08.2022

2. Aswathappa, K., & Reddy, G. S. (2009). Organisational behaviour . Mumbai: Himalaya

Publishing House.
3. Luthans Fred, Organisational Behaviour, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4. Singh Kavita, Organisational Behaviour, Pearson.
5. Greenberg Jerald and Baron Robert A.: Behavior in Organisations: Understanding and
Managing Human side of work, Prentice Hall of India
Note: Latest edition of the readings may be used.

Teaching – Learning Process

Lectures, Presentations, Case Studies, Class Discussions.

Total Marks: 100
Internal Assessment: 25 Marks
End Semester University Exam: 75 Marks
The Internal Assessment for the course may include Class participation, Assignments, Class
tests, Projects, Field Work, Presentations, amongst others as decided by the faculty.
Key Words
Organisation, Motivation, Leadership, Conflict, Behaviour, Learning, Perception,

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