Week 15 Outbreak Investigation
Week 15 Outbreak Investigation
Week 15 Outbreak Investigation
EPIDEMIC Reasons for Outbreak Investigation
3. Training
The number of cases from the previous • Conduct surveillance using case
few weeks or months, or definition
The number of cases from a existing surveillance
comparable period during the previous active surveillance
few years
• Interview case-patients
Salmonellosis Outbreak
3. Tabulate and orient data; time, place,
- Is a graphical depiction of the number of cases of illness by the date of illness onset;
- Can provide information on the following characteristics of an outbreak
a. pattern of spread
b. magnitude
c. outliers
d. time trend
e. exposure and/or disease incubation period
• The overall shape of the epidemic curve can reveal the type of outbreak
1. Common source
a. point
b. continuous
c. intermittent
2. Propagated
3. Mixed
• Continuous exposure will often cause cases to rise gradually (and possibly to plateau, rather than to
• Either same disease introduced separately or • The frequency of new cases of a disease
different diseases with different incubation among the contacts of known patients;
periods introduced around the same time
• The ratio of the number cases among contacts
Examples: occurring within the acceptable incubation
period following exposure to a Primary Case to
Many food borne pathogens (Salmonella, the total number of exposed contacts.
typhoid, Hepatitis A) and airborne organism (M.
tuberculosis) EPIDEMIC CURVE
• To educate responsible individuals in the prevention of similar outbreak in the future (the public
health educator)