Foundation 1.2
Foundation 1.2
Foundation 1.2
2. Cohort studies
* The goal of epidemiology is to study
the frequency of occurrence of health- – Population with known levels of
- The study of factors that affect the exposure to potential causative and
health and cause diseases in related events, majority to the causes
and determinants of disease patterns in protective factors is recruited and
populations. followed over time to determine who
gets and who does not get the disease
- The backbone of disease prevention. of interest.
Systemic investigation can identify
- The systematic study of the distribution causal (contributory) and preventive
factors – an observational science. - Relatively long term (5-20 years) -
patterns and determinants of health, More expensive.
diseases and conditions in a population
for the purpose of promoting wellness Does population exposure to X
increases the risk of disease Z? Patterns of Disease Occurrence
and preventing diseases or disease-
causing conditions. 1. Sporadic – intermittent occurrence or
Are dietary supplements (X, Y, Z)
beneficial in lowering the risk of on-and-off presence of disease.
*The objective is to provide effective
solutions for controlling diseases and disease?
2. Endemic – continuous or constant
preventive measures to populations that occurrence of a disease in certain area.
are at risk. Epidemiologic Classification
3. Epidemic – sudden increase in the
Epidemiology Descriptive – attempts to describe
number of cases in short period of time
patterns (tabulations or summaries of
in certain area.
Multiple Causation Theory: polls or surveys) of disease according to
spatial and temporal information about
4. Pandemic – worldwide epidemic or
the members of a population.
global outbreak.
Analytical – attempts to explain and Epidemiologic Process
predict the state of a population’s health.
The goal is to summarize the 1. Determine the nature, extent and
Web of Causation: relationship between exposure and scope of the problem.
disease incidence by comparing two
measures of disease frequency. a. Establishing the epidemic – present
prevalence of the disease and incidence
Descriptive vs Analytical of the disease