Rhythmic Activities
Rhythmic Activities
Rhythmic Activities
Dancing can be a way to stay fit for
What are the
people of all ages, shapes and Phases of Dance?
sizes. It has a wide range of
physical and mental benefits
including: Folk/ Ethnic dance
improved condition of your heart and lungs - It is a cultural art form handed
increased muscular strength, endurance and down from generation to generation.
motor fitness It communicates the customs, beliefs,
increased aerobic fitness
rituals, and occupations of the people of
improved muscle tone and strength
weight management a region or country.
stronger bones and reduced risk of
osteoporosis - Folk dancing belongs to the people. It
better coordination, agility and flexibility emanates from them. Ethnic tribes have
improved balance and spatial awareness their specific tribal art forms originated
increased physical confidence
and danced by the people of the tribe.
improved mental functioning
improved general and psychological well-
greater self-confidence and self-esteem
better social skills.
Dancing means to express one’s
emotion through movements
discipline by rhythm.
It refers to movement set to music
where there emerges organization,
structure and pattern.
It is a measure motion of flow,
characterized by regular recurrence of
elements or features as beats,
sounds, or accents.