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Assignment #3 - Template: Software Requirements Specification

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Assignment #3 – Template

Software Requirements Specification

Revision History
Date Revision Description Author
mm/dd/yyyy 1.0 Initial Version Your Name

Table of Contents

1. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... 4
1.3. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 5
2.1. PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. PRODUCT ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................................................ 5
2.3. PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY/FEATURES ............................................................................................. 5
2.4. CONSTRAINTS................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5. ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES .................................................................................................. 5
3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 6
3.1. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 6
3.2. EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 6
3.3. INTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 7
4. NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 8
4.1. SECURITY AND PRIVACY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 8
4.2. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 8
4.3. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 8

Software Requirements Specification

1. Purpose
This document outlines the requirements for the Mine Pump Control System (MPC).

1.1. Scope
This document will catalog the user, system, and hardware requirements for the MPC
system. It will not, however, document how these requirements will be implemented.

1.2. Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations

List any acronyms, terms etc. that need to be defined.

1.3. References
Use Case Specification Document – Step 2 in assignment description
UML Use Case Diagrams Document – Step 3 in assignment description
Class Diagrams – Step 5 in assignment description
Sequence Diagrams – Step 6 in assignment description

1.4. Overview
The Mine Pump Control System (MPC), is designed to monitor and pump flood water
out of mine shafts. As underground mining operations take place far below the water
table, flooding into mine galleries and shafts is an ever-present danger.

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Software Requirements Specification

2. Overall Description
2.1. Product Perspective

2.2. Product Architecture

The system will be organized into ___ major modules: the ___ module, the ___ module,
and the _____ module.
Note: System architecture should follow standard OO design practices.

2.3. Product Functionality/Features

The high-level features of the system are as follows (see section 3 of this document for
more detailed requirements that address these features):

2.4. Constraints
List appropriate constraints.
Constraint example: Since users may use any web browser to access the system, no
browser-specific code is to be used in the system.

2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies

List appropriate assumptions
Assumption Example: It is assumed that the maximum number of users at a given time is

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Software Requirements Specification

3. Specific Requirements
3.1. Functional Requirements

3.1.1. Common Requirements:

Provide requirements that apply to all components as appropriate.
Example: Users should be allowed to log in using their issued id and pin, both of which are
alphanumeric strings between 6 and 20 characters in length. The system should provide HTML-based help pages on each screen that describe
the purpose of each function within the system.

3.1.2. _____ Module Requirements:

Provide module specific requirements as appropriate.
Example: Users should be allowed to log in using their issued id and pin, both of which are
alphanumeric strings between 6 and 20 characters in length.

3.1.3. _____ Module Requirements:

Provide module specific requirements as appropriate.
Example: Users should be allowed to log in using their issued id and pin, both of which are
alphanumeric strings between 6 and 20 characters in length.

3.1.4. _____ Module Requirements:

Provide module specific requirements as appropriate.
Example: Users should be allowed to log in using their issued id and pin, both of which are
alphanumeric strings between 6 and 20 characters in length.

3.2. External Interface Requirements

Provide module specific requirements as appropriate.
3.2.1 The system must provide an interface to the University billing system administered
by the Bursar’s office so that students can be automatically billed for the courses in
which they have enrolled. The interface is to be in a comma-separated text file containing
the following fields: student id, course id, term id, action. Where “action” is whether the
student has added or dropped the course. The file will be exported nightly and will
contain new transactions only.

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Software Requirements Specification

3.3. Internal Interface Requirements

Provide module specific requirements as appropriate.
3.3.1 The system must process a data-feed from the grading system such that student
grades are stored along with the historical student course enrolments. Data feed will be in
the form of a comma-separated interface file that is exported from the grading system
3.3.2 The system must process a data-feed from the University billing system that
contains new student records. The feed will be in the form of a comma-separated text file
and will be exported from the billing system nightly with new student records. The fields
included in the file are student name, student id, and student pin number.

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Software Requirements Specification

4. Non-Functional Requirements
4.1. Security and Privacy Requirements
4.1.1 The System must encrypt data being transmitted over the Internet.

4.2. Environmental Requirements

4.2.1 System cannot require that any software other than a web browser be installed on
user computers.
4.2.2 System must make use of the University’s existing Oracle 9i implementation for its
4.2.3 System must be deployed on existing Linux-based server infrastructure.

4.3. Performance Requirements

4.3.1 System must render all UI pages in no more than 9 seconds for dynamic pages.
Static pages (HTML-only) must be rendered in less than 3 seconds.

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9/1/2019 25 8

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