BPI BDO COH: Ending Balance 343,189.84
BPI BDO COH: Ending Balance 343,189.84
BPI BDO COH: Ending Balance 343,189.84
4000 General Fund 1,490,833.59
4110 Designated Staff Support 25,800.00
4150 Special Projects 33,223.28
4160 Designated Others 72,367.00
4202 Designated Camps & Conferences 278,984.30
4520 Other Income 60,150.00
4810 Bank Interest 445.15
6066 Miscellaneous 10,605.00
TOTAL INCOME PhP 1,973,408.32
5046 Special Projects 32,100.00
6081 Forwarded to National Office 318,458.87
6103 Camps, Conferences & Events 525,763.78
6105 Transportation & Accomodations 164,246.55
6107 Meetings, Networking & Rep 223,839.19
6108 Communications 102,265.17
6109 Utilities 46,503.19
6110 Love Gifts & Honoraria 431,746.50
6111 Supplies 24,995.10
6112 Material Production 10,950.00
6113 Repairs & Maintenance 59,365.58
6114 Taxes & Licenses 189.01
7100 Miscellaneous 4,669.50
TOTAL EXPENSES PhP 1,945,092.44
BALANCE PhP 28,315.88
Prepared & Checked by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Noted by:
Cash Accounts
SMRU-BANK-BDO 109,808.21
SMRU-BANK-BPI 139,262.85
SMRU-Beg. Balance -
SMRU-COH 89,545.78
SMRU-COH Cash Count -
SMRU-Paypal Account -
SMRU-Savings & Investment -
TOTAL Cash Accounts 338,616.84
Asset Accounts
Airfare, Purchased -
Appliances & Misc 7,600.00
Computers & Related Equipments 140,100.00
Furnitures & Fixtures 7,000.00
Inventory -
IV Home Kabacan 800,000.00
Kitchenwares 7,000.00
Office Equipments 2,000.00
Receivables 93,154.22
TOTAL Asset Accounts 1,056,854.22
Liability Accounts
Accounts Payable & Designated Fund (56,906.38)
SMRU-Unliquidated Cash Advance -
TOTAL Liability Accounts (56,906.38)
Cash and Bank Accounts
SMRU-BANK-BDO 109,808.21
SMRU-BANK-BPI 139,262.85
SMRU-Beg. Balance -
SMRU-COH 89,545.78
SMRU-COH Cash Count -
SMRU-Paypal Account -
SMRU-Savings & Investment -
TOTAL Cash and Bank Accounts 338,616.84
Other Assets
Airfare, Purchased -
Appliances & Misc 7,600.00
Computers & Related Equipments 140,100.00
Furnitures & Fixtures 7,000.00
Inventory -
IV Home Kabacan 800,000.00
Kitchenwares 7,000.00
Office Equipments 2,000.00
Receivables 93,154.22
TOTAL Other Assets 1,056,854.22
TOTAL ASSETS 1,395,471.06
Other Liabilities
Accounts Payable & Designated Fund 56,906.38
SMRU-Unliquidated Cash Advance -
TOTAL Other Liabilities 56,906.38
Category June July August September October November December January February March April May OVERALL TOTAL
4000 General Fund 113,272.50 105,749.45 146,468.71 101,470.00 120,029.24 114,518.21 245,260.84 162,647.50 96,601.50 49,191.40 67,605.21 168,019.03 1,490,833.59
4110 Designated Staff Support 14,200.00 3,500.00 6,200.00 0 0 0 200 100 0 1,600.00 0 0 25,800.00
4150 Special Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,223.28 0 0 0 0 33,223.28
4160 Designated Others 12,000.00 19,050.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 317 6,000.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 0 5,000.00 0 72,367.00
4202 Designated Camps & Conferences 4,000.00 88,665.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 500 0 1,000.00 164,319.30 8,000.00 1,000.00 0 0 278,984.30
4520 Other Income 9,100.00 2,000.00 6,500.00 14,050.00 1,000.00 9,800.00 3,850.00 4,100.00 9,750.00 0 0 0 60,150.00
4600 Operation Ahon Fund 0 0 0 0 1,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000.00
4810 Bank Interest 90.24 31.56 14.68 70.42 16.67 17.01 48.81 21.85 15.82 80.55 19.23 18.31 445.15
6066 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,605.00 0 0 0 0 0 10,605.00
FROM SMRU-BANK-BDO 0 0 101,700.00 0 27,000.00 0 0 30,000.00 0 0 60,000.00 0 218,700.00
FROM SMRU-BANK-BPI 104,506.65 118,000.00 58,495.00 118,363.45 130,708.50 110,687.59 119,739.67 195,001.43 113,955.49 194,026.24 51,842.53 56,945.60 1,372,272.15
FROM SMRU-COH 73,328.00 43,400.00 76,004.16 98,281.15 86,620.00 91,622.61 96,274.05 237,530.95 130,749.71 90,969.23 100,900.21 157,636.89 1,283,316.96
FROM SMRU-COH Cash Count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
FROM SMRU-Unliquidated Cash Advance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
TOTAL INCOME 330,497.39 380,396.01 408,382.55 342,235.02 367,191.41 332,645.42 484,978.37 831,944.31 364,572.52 336,867.42 285,367.18 382,619.83 4,847,697.43
5046 Special Projects 0 28,100.00 4,000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32,100.00
6081 Forwarded to National Office 17,000.00 14,050.00 19,200.00 54,828.92 0 0 0 104,092.82 3,000.00 105,087.12 0 1,200.01 318,458.87
6103 Camps, Conferences & Events 42,905.01 163,056.50 11,733.75 5,913.50 67,388.39 19,217.25 30,589.20 154,084.45 10,875.73 20,000.00 0 0 525,763.78
6105 Transportation & Accomodations 16,482.50 18,243.94 11,204.50 23,292.92 18,874.00 14,783.50 13,482.50 20,913.23 15,597.40 10,610.06 367 395 164,246.55
6107 Meetings, Networking & Rep 32,431.50 29,832.20 19,380.94 22,246.30 10,176.21 17,071.08 32,628.95 22,796.46 27,341.45 8,414.10 800 720 223,839.19
6108 Communications 5,113.00 10,212.00 6,671.88 6,116.00 5,952.40 9,576.00 8,289.00 10,732.64 10,411.00 8,981.00 9,851.52 10,358.73 102,265.17
6109 Utilities 4,011.00 2,792.00 3,030.00 5,560.00 3,862.00 6,829.00 6,051.92 1,544.00 5,898.09 0 1,691.52 5,233.66 46,503.19
6110 Love Gifts & Honoraria 17,495.00 35,495.00 26,495.00 35,242.50 37,642.50 37,942.50 56,821.50 36,117.50 39,317.50 35,242.50 27,242.50 46,692.50 431,746.50
6111 Supplies 3,001.25 2,822.00 3,285.15 2,263.45 1,340.75 1,311.50 2,472.00 3,081.00 1,573.00 2,297.00 1,000.00 548 24,995.10
6112 Material Production 0 0 3,250.00 5,600.00 0 2,100.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,950.00
6113 Repairs & Maintenance 1,158.00 1,216.08 24,552.00 114 450 0 284 1,837.50 28,640.00 1,114.00 0 0 59,365.58
6114 Taxes & Licenses 18.04 6.31 2.94 14.08 3.33 3.4 9.76 4.37 103.16 16.11 3.85 3.66 189.01
7100 Miscellaneous 100 50 50 2,375.00 2,094.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,669.50
TO SMRU-BANK-BDO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,447.50 8,392.71 16,723.90 27,500.21 38,034.19 97,098.51
TO SMRU-BANK-BPI 73,328.00 43,400.00 76,004.16 98,281.15 86,620.00 91,622.61 96,274.05 231,083.45 122,357.00 74,245.33 74,400.00 118,602.70 1,186,218.45
TO SMRU-COH 104,506.65 118,000.00 160,195.00 118,363.45 157,708.50 110,687.59 119,739.67 225,001.43 113,955.49 194,026.24 111,842.53 56,945.60 1,590,972.15
TOTAL EXPENSES 317,549.95 467,276.03 369,055.32 380,211.27 392,112.58 311,144.43 366,642.55 817,736.35 387,462.53 476,757.36 254,699.13 278,734.05 4,819,381.55
BALANCE 12,947.44 -86,880.02 39,327.23 -37,976.25 -24,921.17 21,500.99 118,335.82 14,207.96 -22,890.01 -139,889.94 30,668.05 103,885.78 28,315.88
ADD: PREVIOUS BALANCE 314,873.96 327,821.40 240,941.38 280,268.61 242,292.36 217,371.19 238,872.18 357,208.00 371,415.96 348,525.95 208,636.01 239,304.06 314,873.96
ENDING BALANCE 327,821.40 240,941.38 280,268.61 242,292.36 217,371.19 238,872.18 357,208.00 371,415.96 348,525.95 208,636.01 239,304.06 343,189.84 343,189.84