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Final Call For Chapter - Updated

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Call for

Title: Power Converters, Drives, and Control for Sustainable Applications
Subtitle: ...
Edited by: S. Ganesh Kumar, Marco Rivera Abarca, S.K. Pattanaik
Estimated publication date: March 2021
Scope of work:
1. Power converter topologies for sustainable applications
New configurations of power converters with reduced number of switches, Developments in DC-DC, AC-DC, DC-AC, AC-AC converters,
multilevel converters, matrix converters and resonant converters for sustainable applications.

2. Design and development of electric drives for electric vehicle applications.

DC drives, AC drives, special machines and Design of electrical machines for electrical vehicle applications.

3. Control techniques for sustainable applications.

Linear and non-linear control techniques, Adaptive control algorithms, sensorless control, predictive control, sliding mode control and energy
based control algorithms applied for power converter and electric drives.
Tentative table of contents or list of topics:
I. Trends and developments in sustainable field.
II. DC-DC Power converter topologies for sustainable applications
III. AC-DC Power converter topologies for sustainable applications
IV. DC-AC Power converter topologies for sustainable applications
V. AC-AC Power converter topologies for sustainable applications
VI. Resonant Power converter topologies for sustainable applications
VII. Design and development of electric drives for electric vehicle applications
VIII. Control techniques for sustainable applications.
About Scrivener Publishing: Established in 2009, the purpose of Scrivener Publishing is to publish books in the technical
applied sciences for both the practitioner in industry and the researcher in academia. This high-quality content is essential to
our professional customers and is sold globally as print and electronic as well as in aggregated databases, including Scopus
and Web of Science. By partnering with Wiley, the leading engineering publisher, to create our joint imprint, Wiley-Scrivener,
Scrivener Publishing offers our authors, editors and contributors, efficient and personalized editorial attention, as well as global
marketing, sales, and distribution both in print and digital.

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission (of approx. 500 words):
15.10.2020 Abstract Acceptance:
Full Chapter Submission: 15.12.2020 Chapter Acceptance: 15.01.2021
Final chapter Submission (in Word): 15.02.2021 Submission to Publisher: 15.03.2021
The book will be published under the Wiley-Scrivener imprint and will be indexed by Scopus and offered to Web of Science.

How to Submit Your Chapter:

Send your 500-word abstract by the designated deadline to:
Advise us how many words your chapter is likely to be and the number of figures/tables. Note we are looking for a range of
8,000-12,000 words. Make sure list all co-authors with complete contact information and links to Google Scholar Profile and CVs.
The publisher’s guidelines can be located at https://www.scrivenerpublishing.com/guidelines.php. Note that all chapters will be
put through similarity software and publisher’s guidelines are an overall similarity index of less than 15% (with maximum 3%
from any single source). ...

Reviewing Policy: The editor(s) will engage 2 single blind peer-reviewers to assess originality, clarity, usefulness, and ad-
herence to scope of project.

About Editor(s):
S. Ganesh Kumar : https://www.aukdc.edu.in/fis/facultyprofile.php?ch=63514
Google scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=RzKWROYAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F6mzSmGzDLgM0rmVTnUXS-
Marco Rivera Abarca : https://marcorivera.cl/marco_web/
Google scholar link : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FOKLmaQAAAAJ&hl=en
S.K. Pattanaik : https://www.aukdc.edu.in/fis/facultyprofile.php?ch=61343
Google scholar link : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=JPUuoTcAAAAJ

v 1.7 6.22.2020

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