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Introductory Chapter: Matlab and Simulink Applications

Chapter · February 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.98578


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1 author:

Constantin Volosencu
Polytechnic University of Timisoara


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Introductory Chapter: Matlab

and Simulink Applications
Constantin Volosencu

1. Generalities and publications

In the scientific and technical field there are a multitude of numerical calculation
programs. Some examples of these programs can be given as follows. Analytica,
created by Lumina Decision Systems, is a numerical modeling environment with a
visual programming language based on influence diagrams. LabView, created by
National Instruments, is a graphical and textual through formula nodes software,
for process monitoring and control. Mathcad, created by Parametric Technology
Corporation, is a computer software for the verification, validation, documentation
and re-use of mathematical calculations. Matlab is a proprietary multi-paradigm
programming language and numeric computing environment developed by
MathWorks. It allows numerical computation and simulation with extended 2D/3D
visualization with vector manipulation. Matlab allows matrix manipulations, plot-
ting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user inter-
faces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages. Simulink is a
Matlab-based graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating and
analyzing dynamical systems from different domains.
According to MathWorks presentation, the Matlab language fundamentals con-
sists in syntax, operators, data types, array indexing and manipulation. Some of
mathematics domain supported are linear algebra, differentiation and integrals,
Fourier transform and other. The users may presents graphic results in two and
three dimensional plots, images, animation and visualization. Data can be imported
and exported, analyzed, preprocessed and visually explored. The language has
many functions and assures programming scripts with program files, control flow,
editing and debugging. The users may develop applications using App Designer,
Guide or a programmatic workflow. Advanced software development is supported
with object-oriented programming, code performance, unit testing, external inter-
faces to Java and Web services, C/C++, .NET and other languages. The language is a
desktop environment with preferences and settings and platform differences. It
assures support for third-party hardware, such as webcam, Arduino, and Raspberry
Pi hardware. Simulink is a block diagram environment for multidomain simulation
and model-based design. It supports system-level design, simulation, automatic
code generation, and continuous test and verification of embedded systems.
Simulink provides a graphical editor, customizable block libraries, and solvers for
modeling and simulating dynamic systems. It is integrated with Matlab, enabling
users to incorporate Matlab algorithms into models and export simulation results to
Matlab for further analysis. It allows modeling of time-varying systems and of
large-scale architectures, running systems, reviewing results, validate system
behavior, optimizing performance for specific goals. The users may extend the
existing Simulink modeling functionality using Matlab, C/C++, and Fortran code.

MATLAB Applications in Engineering

It assures hardware support for third-party hardware, such as Arduino, Raspberry

Pi, and Beagle Board.
The software has many applications in practice, which can be mentioned: signal
processing, image processing and computer vision, control systems, test and mea-
surement, radio-frequency and mixed signals, wireless communication, robotics
and autonomous systems, automotive, aerospace, FPGA, ASIC, and SoC Develop-
ment, computational finance, computational biology and the number of application
is increasing.
Over the years, numerous books have been published that present applications
of the Matlab and Simulink programs. Some examples from the last years can be
highlighted, as follows. Some books dedicated to students and engineers, which
presents fundamentals of Matlab may be mentioned. This books make introduction
in basic programming, fundaments consisting in data, statement structures, control
structures, functions, algebraic computation, variables, complex numbers, vectors
and matrices, data processing, examples of solving problems, examples in chemistry
and physics, but also some advanced techniques for object-oriented programming,
graphical user interface design and web applications [1–7]. More advanced issues as
model predictive control or deep learning application are presented in [8] and
respectively [9].
Extensive collections of works in the field of Matlab and Simulink applications,
from the last years, can be cited as follows [10–20]. These collections, which can be
used for educational, scientific and engineering purposes, include applications of:
programming, developing graphical user interfaces, power system analysis, control
systems design, system modeling and simulation, parallel processing, optimizations,
signal and image processing, computer graphic visualization, electric machines,
power electronics, genetic programming, digital watermarking, artificial networks,
algebraic computation, data acquisition, image processing, seismology, meteorology,
natural environment, interconnected power grids, antennas, underwater vehicles,
models and data identification in biology, fuzzy logic, and discrete event systems.
Papers using the Matlab and Simulink programs have appeared and continue to
appear in the literature. Here are some examples from the last years. A Matlab
processing toolbox for analytical spectral devises field spectroscopy data, for genera-
tion of consistent and comparable ground spectra that have been corrected for viewing
and illumination geometries as well as other factors such as the individual characteris-
tics of the reference panel used during acquisition [21]. A software development
platform is used in [22] for speedy evaluation and implementation of image processing
options on the automatic guided vehicles. A program code written in Matlab, designed
to be used inside of a Simulink model in [23], allows a fuel cell model to be used in a
wide variety of 1D simulation platforms by exporting the code as C/C++.

2. Examples

2.1 A hyperbolic partial differential equation

The following example is realized using the PDE modeler toolbox. With this
application the users can analyze elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic Eqs. A hyper-
bolic equation case study, for wave propagation in square domain in plane, is
presented in this example [24, 25]. The equation used in analysis is:

¼ c1 ∇ðc2 ∇uÞ þ c3 u þ c4 (1)
∂2 t

Introductory Chapter: Matlab and Simulink Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.98578

where the parameter have the following values: c1 = 1, c2 = 1, c3 = 0, c4 = 10.

The space on which is made the analysis is a square with unitary dimension l = 1.
Boundary conditions were imposed as follows: on the left, right and front Dirichlet
conditions: h = 1, r = 0. On the square’s base Neumann conditions: q = 0, g = 0.
The discrete optimized number and position of meshes are presented in
Figure 1. The contour solution is presented in Figure 2. For these meshes the
approximated solution is presented in 3D in Figure 3.

2.2 Modeling and simulation of a control system for a second order process

The second example presents a simple case of modeling and simulation of a basic
control system for a second order process.
The process has the transfer function:

yðsÞ KL
H p ð sÞ ¼ ¼ (2)
uðsÞ ðT 1 s þ 1ÞðT s þ 1Þ

where u is process input and y is process output.

The following values are chosen for the process parameters: T1 = 0,4 s,Ts = 0,04 s
and KL = 2.
The process has a disturbance v at its input.
A linear PI controller is chosen, with the transfer function:
uc ðsÞ 1
H R ð sÞ ¼ ¼ KR 1 þ (3)
e ð sÞ Tis

Figure 1.
The optimized meshes.

MATLAB Applications in Engineering

Figure 2.
Contour plotted solution.

Figure 3.
Plotted solution in 3D.

where e is the error, as difference between the reference w and the feedback r
and uc is the command. The controller is tuned in accordance with the Kessler
version of the module criterion:

Introductory Chapter: Matlab and Simulink Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.98578

T i ¼ T 1 ¼ 0, 4
KR ¼ ¼ 2, 5 (4)
2K L T s

In Figure 4 shows how to arrange the work windows for this application on the
screen. First, Matlab work space is open, then Simulink. A Simulink block diagram
for the control system according the above theory is developed, with transfer func-
tion and integrator blocks from Continuous block library, Add and Gain blocks from
Math Operators, Step and Clock blocks from Sources, To Workspace and Scope blocks
from Sinks. The parameters are entered literally in the Simulink scheme, and their
values are given in Matlab. The parameter values are saved in a data file, which is
called with instruction load each time before the scheme is run. The values of the
vectors w, uc, v, u, y, calculated at the tome values from vector t, are passed into
Matlab workspace with the blocks To Workspace The time variations of the variables

Figure 4.
Simulink block diagram work screen.

Figure 5.
Simulink diagram for fuzzy block.

MATLAB Applications in Engineering

uc and y are presented on the two scopes. The time variations of the variables w, v,
uc, u and y are presented using the instructions suplot, plot, grid, xlabel, ylabel, axis.
Analyzing the output graph y it can be seen that the overshoot σ1% = 4,3%, the
settling time tr = 8,4.Ts = 0,336 s, in accordance with Kessler’s tuning criterion.

2.3 Modeling and simulation of a fuzzy control system for the second order

The third example presents a simple case of modeling and simulation of a basic
fuzzy control system [26–29] for the same second order process like in the second

Figure 6.
The screen for fuzzy control system.

Figure 7.
The screen for fuzzy system design.

Introductory Chapter: Matlab and Simulink Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.98578

The process has the same transfer function. A fuzzy PI controller is used.
In Figure 5 shows Simulink block diagram for fuzzy controller. With the
fuzzyLogicDesigner window the user may set membership functions, rule base and
In Figure 6 shows how to arrange the work windows for this application on the
In Figure 7 shows the work window for fuzzyLogicDesigner. The Simulink block
diagram uses a fuzzy controller with derivation at the input and integration at the
output. The working with Matlab and Simulink is the same like in the second

Conflict of interest

The author has no conflict of interest.

Author details

Constantin Volosencu
“Politehnica” University, Timisoara, Romania

*Address all correspondence to: constantin.volosencu@aut.upt.ro

© 2021 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

MATLAB Applications in Engineering


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