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Machine Design Problems 1&2 Alcorcon

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The document covers topics related to machine elements and pipe problems. It presents multiple choice problems involving stresses, speeds, pressures, diameters and other mechanical elements.

The main topics covered include stresses and machine elements, speeds, pressures, diameters, loads, and other mechanical properties. The problems presented involve concepts like speed ratios, center distances, loads, diameters, pressures and other calculations.

The problems presented are multiple choice and involve calculations related to mechanical elements like cylinders, shafts, pipes, bolts, plates and other components. Concepts like speeds, loads, diameters, pressures, stresses are calculated.



1.Twocy li
nder sr ol l
ingi nt heopposi tedi rect i
onhasaspeedr at i
oof3.I fthedi amet erofdr i
veri s10i nches,
findt hecent erdi st ancebet weency li
nder s. A.15i nB.10i nC.25i nD.20i n
2.Twocy li
nder sr ol l
ingi nt hesamedi rect ionhasspeedr at i
oof2. 5andcent erdi stanceof50cm.Fi ndt he
diamet eroft hel argercy l
inder . A.56. 34i n B.263. 45i n C.166. 67i n D.66. 67i n
3.Fourcy linder sr olli
ngi nopposi tedi r
ect ionshasaspeedr at i
oofA: B: C:D=5: 3:1:4.I fcent erdi stance
bet weency l
inderAandCi s70i nches, findt hedi amet erofcy linderD.
A.18. 75i n B.26. 34i n C.12. 45i n D.16. 37i n
4.Apul leyhasat angent ial veloci tyof75f pm.I fpul leydi amet eri s10i nches, f i
ndt hespeedoft hespeed.
A.24. 34r pm B.28. 65r pm C.34. 22r pm D.32. 34r pm
5.Shaf tAwi th12i nchesdi amet erpul leyr unningat250r pm i sconnect edt oshaf tBbymeansof26i nches
diamet erpul ley.Anot herpul leyonshaf tB16i nchesdi amet eri sconnect edt o10i nchesdi amet erpul leyon
shaf tC.Fi ndt hespeedofshaf tC. A.184. 61r pm B.284. 56r pm C.173. 45r pm D.197. 44r pm
6.Ast eel tier odonbr idgemustbewi thst andapul lof6200l bs.Fi ndt hedi amet eroft her odassumi ngaf actor
ofsaf etyof4andul timat est ressof66, 000psi .A.0. 234i n B.0. 534i n C.0. 691i n D.0. 734i n
7.Iftheul timat eshearst rengt hofst eel plat eis45, 000psi ,whatf orcei snecessar ytopuncha0. 9i ndi amet er
hol eina0. 5i nt hickpl at eusi ngaf act orofsaf etyof3. 5.
A.63, 617l bs B.61, 567l bs C.65, 378l bs D.69, 345l bs
8.A2. 5i ndi amet erby1. 8inl ongj our nal bear ingi st ocar ry5000l bloadat320r pm usi ngSAE40l ubeoi l at
200oFt hroughasi ngl ehol eat30psi .Comput et hebear ingpr essur e.
A.1111. 11psiB.142. 23psi C.123. 34psi D.197. 34psi
9.Aj our nal bear i
nghas8cm di amet erandl engtht odi amet err atioof3.Fi ndt hepr oject edar eai nmm2.
A.19, 200 B.20, 009 C.18, 058 D.17, 017
10.Acabl est eel hasal engt hof100m andst retcht o5cm whent hel oadi sappl iedatbot hends.I ft ensi le
st r
essi s50psi ,findt hemodul usofel ast i
tyoft hest eel .
A.100, 000psiB.120, 000psiC.110, 000psiD.130, 000psi
11.Ashaf twhoset orquev ariesf rom 2200t o6400i n-lb.I thasadi amet erof1. 25i nchesandy i
eldst r essof
63, 000psi .Fi ndt hev ariabl ecomponentst ress.
A.6524. 45psiB.4245. 56psiC.5475. 95psiD.7834. 56psi
12.Howmany1/ 2i nchdi amet erhol et hatcanbepunchi nonemot i
onofa1/ 8i ncht hi ckpl ateusi ngaf or ceof
50t ons.Theul timat eshearst ressi s52ksi andf actorofsaf et yof3. A.7 B.9 C.8 D.10
13.Det ermi net hemi nimum di amet erofat aperpi nf oruset of ixal evert oashaf t
,ifi tist ot ransmi ta
maxi mum
torqueof750i n-lb.Theshaf tdi amet eri s1.5i nchesandhasast r essof20, 000psi .
A.0. 252i n B.0. 452i n C.0. 642i n D.0. 826i n
14.A19mm st udbol tsisusedt of ast enedona250mm di amet ercy linderheadofdi esel engi ne.I ft her ear e
10st udbol ts,det ermi net hepr essur einsi det hecy l
nderi fbol tst ressi s50Mpa.
A.288. 8KPa B.2888KPa C.3426KPa D.4828Kpa
15.Acol umnsuppor t
sacompr essi vel oadof250KN.Det er mi net heout si
dedi amet erofcol umni fi nsi de
diamet eri s185mm andcompr essi vest ressof50Mpa.
A.200. 62mm B.201. 47mm C.216. 42mm D.208. 41mm
16.Ast eel hol l
owt ubei susedt ocar ryat ensi l
el oadof500KNatast ressof140Mpa.I fout si dedi amet eris
10t imest het ubet hicknessoft het ube. A.11. 24mm B.107mm C.20. 64mm D.22. 61mm
17.A20mm di amet err iveti susedt of ast enedt wo25mm t hickpl ate.I ftheshear i
ngst ressofr iveti s80Mpa,
whatt ensi lefor ceappl i
edeachpl at et osheart hebol t?
A.26. 35KN B.28. 42KN C.30. 41KN D.25. 13KN
18.Two30mm t hi ckpl at eisf ast enedbyt wobol ts,25mm i ndi amet er.I fthepl atei ssubj ect edt o50KN
tensi on, findt hebear ingst ressi nbol ts.
A.33333. 33KPa B.4444. 44KPa C.5555. 55KPaD.555555Kpa
19.Whatf or cei snecessar yt opuncha30mm hol ei n12. 5mm t hickpl at eifultimat eshearst ressi s410Mpa?
A.480KN B.481KN C.482KN D.483KN
20.A2. 5i nchesshaf tissubj ect edt o3KN. mt orque.Fi ndt hest ressdev eloped.
A.48. 62MPa B.52. 75MPa C.59. 67MPa D.38. 64Mpa

21.Ashaf twhensubj ect edt opur et or siondev elopedast ressof50Mpa.I fpol armomentofi ner tiais6. 1359x
7 4
10 m , det ermi net hemaxi mum t or quet heshaf tcoul dhandl e.
A.1. 23KN. m B.1. 68KN. m C.1. 84KN. m D.2. 48KN. m
22.Al ev er,secur edt oa50mm r oundshaf tbyast eel taper edpi n( d=10mm) ,hasapul lof200Natar adius
of800mm.Fi ndS, thewor kingst ressont hepi n, inMpa.Consi derdoubl eshearont hepi n.
A.41 B.43 C.46 D.48
23.Ina2. 0m cant ilev er edI -beam,2Mt onwei ghti sappl i
edatf reeend.I ftheal l
owabl est ressi nbeam i s110
Mpa, det ermi net hesect ionmodul us. A.18. 54i n3 B.21. 77i n3 C.26. 83i n3 D.24. 28in3
24.A6mm st eel wi rei s5m l ongandst r etches8mm underagi venl oad.I fmodul usofel ast icityis200Gpa,
findt hel oadappl ied. A.7KNB.8KNC.9KND.10KN
25.Ast eel wi re10m l ong, hangi ngv er tical lysuppor tsat ensi leloadof2KN.Negl ect ingt hewei ghtofwi r
det er mi net her equi r
eddi amet eri ft hest ressi snott oexceed140Mpaandt het otal elongat ioni snott o
exceed5mm.AssumeE=200Gpa. A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm
26.Ani ronr od4m l ongand0. 5cm2i ncr osssect i
onst retches1mm whenamassof225kgi shangoni t.
Comput et hemodul usofel ast icityoft hei ron.
A.176. 58GPa B.169. 81Gpa C.160. 41GPa D.180. 26Gpa
27.A20m r odi sst r et chest oast rai nof0. 001.Det ermi net hedef lectionoft her od.
A.20mm B.25mm C.30mm D.35mm
28.Ar ai lhav ingacoef f
icientofl inearexpansi onof11. 6x10-6m/ m Ci ncr easesi tsl engt hwhenheat edf rom
70 Ft o133 F.Det ermi net hest r ain. A.2. 04x10-4 B.6. 05x10-4 C.4. 06x10-4 D.2. 77x10-4
29.Whatt emper atur ewi l
l t
her ai lsjustt ouchedi fst eel r
ai l
roadi s10m l ongar el aidwi t
hcl earanceof3mm at
initial temper atur eof15 C.Usek=11. 7x10-6m/ m C.
A.35. 64 C B.40. 56 C C.45. 64 C D.50. 64 C
30.Ahol lowshaf thasani nnerdi amet erof0. 035m andout erdi amet erof0. 086m.Det er mi net hepol ar
momentofi ner ti
aoft hehol lowshaf t.
A.1. 512x10-6m4 B.1. 215x10-6m4 C.1. 52x10-6m4 D.1. 125x10-6m4
31.Iti sapr obl em ofexpansi onandshr i
nkageofst eel mat er i
al sot hatt hesl i
ght lysmal lerhol eofast eel
bushi ngof1. 999di amet erwi tht hef ol l
owi ngpr ocess/ mat erials/ datat oappl y:
Coef fi
cientofexpansi onofcar bonst eel =0. 0000068i n/ in-F.Temper at urer aisedbygasheat ing=24. 5oF
o o
Cool i
ngmedi at ousedr yi cewi thboi li
ngpoi ntof- 109. 3F( -78.5C) .Shr inkager atebel owboi li
ngpoi ntis
0.00073i n/ in.Det er mi net hef i
nal cl ear ancebet weent heexpandedst eel bushi nghol eagai nstt he
shrinkageoft hest eel shaf t.A.0. 000793 B.0. 000693i n C.0. 000750i n D.0. 000800i n
32.Whatmodul usofel ast i
cityi nt ensi oni sr equi redt oobt ainauni tdef ormat ionof0. 00105m/ mf rom al oad
pr oduci ngauni tt ensi lest ressof44, 000psi ?
A.42, 300x106psi B.41, 202x106psi C.43, 101x106psi D.41, 905x106psi
33.Ift hewei ghtof6”di amet erby48”l ongSAE1030shaf tingi s174. 5kg, t
henwhatwi l
l bet hewei ghtof
chr omi um SAE51416ofsamesi ze?A.305. 5l bs B.426. 4l bs C.384. 6l bs D.465. 1l bs
34.Comput et hemaxi mum uni tsheari na3i nchesdi amet erst eel shaf tingt hatt ransmi ts2400i n- l
boft orque
99r pm. A.4530psi B.4250psi C.3860psi D.4930psi
35.Ift heul timat eshearst ressofa1/ 8i ncht hickdr awnst eel platesi s35ksi whatf or cei sr equir edt opuncha
1½i nchdi amet erhol e? A.10, 011l bs B.22, 322l bs C.11Mt ons D.20620l bs
36.Theshaf twhoset or quev ar iesf r om 2000t o6000i n-lbshas1½i nchi ndi amet erand60, 000psi yield
st rengt h.Comput ef ort heshaf tmeanav er agest r
A.6036psi B.6810psi C.5162psi D.5550psi
37.Al inkhasal oadf act orof0. 80t hesur facef actorof0. 80.Thesur facef act oris0. 92andt heendur ance
str engt hi s28000psi .Comput et heal ternat i
ngst ressoft hel inki fitissubj ectedt oar ev ersingl oad.
Assumeaf act orofsaf et yof3. A.8150 B.10920 C.9, 333 D.7260
38.Theshaf tissubj ect edt oast eadyl oadof36, 000i n-lbatashearst r
essof10, 000psi .Comput ethe
diamet eroft hesai dshaf ti ni nches. A.17/ 8 B.2¼ C.3 D.2¾
39.Ashearpi ni st obeshearat15hpand1000r pm.Thepi nat tachesahubt oashaf t1. 5i nchesi ndi amet er
andul timat eshear ingst ressof50, 000psi .Fi ndt hedi amet eroft hepi n.
A.1/ 8i n B.¼i n C.¾i n D.1i n
40.Ast eel 0.5i nchx1i nchst eel 200f tl ongi ssubj ect edt oa5000l bst ensi l
el oad.Fi ndt hedef or mat ional ong
itswi dthi fpoi son’ sr at i
oi s0. 25.A.0. 000007i n B.0. 0000417i n C.0. 000015i n D.0. 000067i n
41.Ast eel rodi sst ret chedbet weent wor i
gidwal lsandcar r
iesat ensi lel oadof5000Nat20oC.I fthe
owabl est ressi snott oexceed130MN/ m2at- 20oC, whati st hemi nimum di amet eroft her od?Assume

;E=200Gpa A.10.
22mm B.11.
22mm C.12.
22mm D.13.


1.Ashaf tisusedt ot ransmi t200KW at300r pm bymeansofa200mm di amet erspr ocket .Det ermi net he
forcet angentt ot hespr ocket .
A.60. 44KN B.60. 33KN C.60. 88KN D.63. 66KN
2.Findt hedi amet erofast eel shaf twhi chwi llbeusedt ooper atea110KW mot orrotat ingat5r psi ft orsional
stressi s90Mpa. A.60. 20mm B.58. 30mm C.38. 30mm D.46. 20mm
3.Ashaf thasanul timat est ressof350Mpaandhasaf actorofsaf et yof5.Thet orquedev el opedbyt heshaf t
is3KN- m andt hedi amet erout sidedi amet eri s80mm.Fi ndt hei nsi dedi amet eroft heshaf t.
A.83. 45mm B.76. 45mm C.69. 62mm D.66. 34mm
4.Whati st hespeedof63. 42mm shaf ttransmi t
ted75KW i fstressi snott oexceed26Mpa.
A.550r pm B.600r pm C.650r pm D.700r pm
5.Ast eel shaf tt ransmi t50hpat1400r pm.I fallowabl est r
essi s500psi ,findt heshaf tdi amet er.
A.3. 58i n. B.2. 84i n. C.1. 65in. D.2. 54i n.
6.Theshaf tofamot orhasal engt hof20t imesi tsdiamet erandhasamaxi mum t wi stof1degr eeswhen
twist edat2KN- mt or que.I ft hemodul usofr i
gidityoft heshaf tis80Gpa, f
theshaf tdi amet er. A.69. 23mm B.73. 23mm C.64. 23mm D.66. 33mm
7.Ahol lowshaf tdev el opedat orqueof5KNandshaf tstressis40Mpa.I fout sidedi amet erofshaf tis100
mm, det ermi net heshaf tinnerdi amet er.
A.68. 43mm B.63. 28mm C.58. 38mm D.77. 64mm
8.Ahol lowshaf tt hathas100mm out sidedi amet erand80mm i nsi dedi amet eri susedt ot ransmi t100KW at
600r pm.Det er mi net heshaf tstress. A.13. 73MPa B.16. 82MPa C.19. 86MPa D.17. 21Mpa
9.Whati st hepol armomentofi ner tiaofasol i
dshaf tt hathasat orqueof1. 5KNandast ressof25Mpa?
A.2.46x10-6m4 B.2. 02x10-6m4 C.3. 46x10-6m4D.1. 24x10-6m4
10.Af or cet angentt o1f ootdi amet erpulleyi s5KNandi smount edona2i nchesshaf t.Det er mi net he
torsi onal def lect i
oni fG=83x106Kpa. A.0. 804 /m B.0. 654 /m C.0. 786 /m D.0. 938 /m
11.Whati st hemi nimum di amet erofast eelshaf twhi chwi llbeusedt ooper atea14KN. mt or queandwi l
twistmor et han3i nal engt hof6m?( G=83x106kPa)
A.100. 64mm B.96. 80mm C.118. 45mm D.120. 72mm
12.Asol idshaf t5m l ongi sst ressedt o60Mpawhent wistedt hrough4 .Fi ndt heshaf tdi amet erifG=683
Gpa. A.95.46mm B.90. 42mm C.101. 32mm D.103. 54mm
13.Comput et hemaxi mum uni tsheari na2i nchesdi amet erst eel shaf ti
ngt hatt ransmi ts24, 000i n-lboft orque
at120r pm. A.15, 279psi B.17, 456psi C.14, 233psi D.16, 344psi
14.Whati st hedi amet erofl ineshaf tt hatt r
ansmi t150KW at15r ps?
A.2. 28i n. B.3. 54i n. C.1. 62in. D.2. 06i n.
15.Amai nshaf thas50mm di amet erisrunni ngat300r pm.Whati st hepowert hatcoul dbedel i
verbyt he
shaf t. A.30. 40hp B.28. 60hp C.32. 50hp D.16. 42hp
16.A2i nchesdi amet ermai nshaf tr unningat600r pm i smount edbya12i nchesdi amet erpul l
eyandi st hen
connect edt ot heshaf tofdr i
v enmachi nemount edbya40i nchesdi amet erpul l
eybymeansofabel t
beltef ficiencyi s90%.Fi ndt hedi amet eroft heshor tshaft.
A.4. 23i nches B.3. 23i nches C.2. 25inches D.1. 45i nches
17.A1. 5”di amet ershor tshaf tisusedt ot r
ansmi t44. 4hp.Det er minet heshaf tspeed.
A.500r ps B.8. 33r ps C.400r pm D.450r pm
18.A3”di amet ersol idshaf ti sdesi redt or eplaceahol l
owshaf thav i
ng4”out sidedi amet er .Consi dert he
strengt ht obet hesame, det ermi net hei nsidedi amet erofhol lowshaf t.
A.2. 5i n. B.3. 0in. C.3. 5in. D.4. 0i n.
19.Amot ori susedt odr i
veacent r
ifugal pumpt hatdi schar ges3000l i/mi nataheadof10m.Thepump
efficiencyi s68%andr unni ngat550r pm.Fi ndt het orsional stressofshaf tifshaf tdi amet eri s35mm.
A.13. 85MPa B.11. 85MPa C.12. 85MPa D.14. 87Mpa
20.Aci rcul arsawbl adehasaci r
cul arspeedof25m/ secand500mm di amet eri sdr ivenbyabel tt hathasa

slipof7%.Fi ndt her equi redspeedofdr ivenshaf tifspeedr at i
oi s3.
A.954. 80r pm B.2533. 56r pm C.3542. 45r pm D.3015. 57r pm
21.An800mm di amet erci rcul arsawbl adei sdr i
v enbya1800r pm mot orwi t
hgearspeedr atioof1. 8.Find
theper i
pher al speedoft hebl ade.
A.137. 43f t/sec B.140. 65f t/sec C.132. 43f t/sec D.135. 21f t/ sec
22.Amachi neshaf ti ssuppor tedonbear ings1m apar tist otransmi t190KW at300r pm whi lesubj ectedt o
bendi ngl oadof500kgatt hecent er .I fshear ingst resses40Mpa, det ermi net heshaf tdiamet er.
A.100mm B.90mm C.94mm D.98mm
23.A100mm di amet ershaf tissubj ect edt oat orquef6KN. m andbendi ngmomentof2. 5KN. m.Fi ndthe
maxi mum bendi ngst ressdev eloped.
A.45. 84MPa B.60. 25MPa C.50. 28MPa D.55. 46Mpa
24.Ashaf thasal engt hof10f t.Fi ndt hedi amet eroft heshaf tthatcoul dsaf elydel i
A.1. 18i n B.7. 55i n C.2. 34i n D.1. 64i n
25.A12f tshaf ti sr unni ngat260r pm.Whatt hatt hisshaf tcoul dsaf elydel iver?
A.3. 37hp B.5. 34hp C.4. 56hp D.2. 34hp
26.Twoci rcularshaf ts,onehol l
owshaf tandonesol idshaf t,
ar emadeoft hesamemat erial andhav e
diamet ersasf ol lows:hol l
owshaf ti nsi dedi amet eri sone- hal foft heext ernal diamet er.Theext ernal
diamet eri sequal tot hedi amet eroft hesol idshaf t.Whati st her at iooft het wisti
ngmomentoft hehol low
shaf tt ot hatoft hesol idshaf t? A.¼ B.1/ 3 C.9/ 16 D.15/ 16
27.Det er mi net het hi cknessofahol lowshaf thav inganout si
dedi amet erof100mm i fitissubj ectedt oa
maxi mum t orqueof5, 403. 58N- m wi thoutexceedi ngashear ingst ressof60Mpaorat wi stof0. 5degr ee
permet erl engt hofshaf t .G=83, 000Mpa.
A.15mm B.86mm C.16. 8mm D.14. 2mm
28.Anengi neofamot orv ehi clewi thawheel di amet erof712mm dev el ops50KW at2, 000r pm.The
combi nedef ficiencyoft hedi ffer ent ial andt ransmi ssioni s75%wi thanov erallspeedr educt ionof25i st o1.
Det ermi net het or quet obedel iver edbyt hecl ut chi nN- m.
A.239 B.359 C.432 D.471
29.Anengi neofamot orv ehi clewi thawheel di amet erof712mm dev el ops50KW at2, 000r pm.The
combi nedef ficiencyoft hedi ffer ent ial andt ransmi ssioni s75%wi thanov erallspeedr educt ionof25i st o1.
Det ermi net hedr awbarpul l dev elopedi nKN.
A.13. 40KN B.15. 45KN C.14. 55KN D.12. 57KN
30.A102mm di amet ersol idshaf ti st ober epl acedwi thahol lowshaf tequal lystrong( tor sion)andmadeof
samemat er i
al.Theout sidedi amet eroft hehol lowshaf ti
st obe127mm.Whatshoul dbet heinside
diamet er?Theal lowabl eshear ingst ressi s41. 4Mpa.
A.107. 88MpaB.105. 82MpaC.291. 53mm D.109. 60mm
31.Ast eel shaf toper at esat188r ad/ secandmusthandl e2KW ofpower .Theshear ingst r
essi snott oexceed
40MN/ m2.Cal cul atet hemi ni mum shaf tdi amet erbasedonpur et or sion.
A.9mm B.11mm C.13mm D.15mm
32.Ar oundst eel shaf tt ransmi ts373wat t
sat1800r pm.Thet orsi onal deflectioni snott oexceed1degi na
engt hequal to20di amet ers.Fi ndt heshaf tdi amet er .
A.6. 53mm B.8. 72mm C.12. 84mm D.18. 16mm
33.A25mm di amet ershaf ti st ober epl acedwi thahol lowshaf toft hesamemat eri
al,wei ghi nghal fasmuch,
butequal lyst rongi nt or sion.Theout si dedi amet eroft hehol lowshaf ti
st obe38mm.Fi ndt heinside
diamet er. A.21. 25mm B.33. 64mm C.47. 21mm D.50. 28mm
34.Whatf act orofsaf etyi sneededf ora1. 998i ndi amet ershaf twi thanul ti
mat est rengt hof50, 000psi t
transmi t40, 000i n-lbt or que. A.2. 25 B.1. 95 C.2. 14 D.1. 55
35.At ubul arshaf t, hav ingani nnerdi amet erof30mm andanout erdi amet erof42mm, i
st obeusedt o
transmi t90KW ofpower .Det er mi net hef requencyofr otationoft heshaf tsot hatt heshearst r
exceed50Mpa. A.26. 6Hz B.20. 6Hz C.97. 5Hz D.66. 5Hz
36.Asol idt ransmi ssi onshaf tis3. 5i nchesi ndi amet er .I tisdesi redt or epl acei twi t
hahol l
owshaf toft he
samemat er i
al andsamet or sional str engt hbuti tswei ghtshoul donl ybehal fasmuchast hesol idshaf t.
Findt heout sidedi amet erandi nsi dedi amet eroft hehol l
owshaf tinmi l
met ers.
A.107. 315mm ; 86. 97mm B.112. 231mm ; 84.60mm C.120. 217mm ; 65. 97mm
D.131. 204mm ; 54. 30mm
37.A76mm sol i
dshaf ti st ober epl acedwi thahol lowshaf tofequal tor sional strength.Fi ndt heper centage
wei ghtsav ed, ift heout si deoft hehol lowshaf ti s100mm.

A.56. 53% B.67.
31% C.48.
49% D.72.
t300KW at800r
. A.70mm B.65mm C.80mm D.90mm



1.Af langecoupl i
nghav i
ng180mm bol tci rcleand19mm t hickuses8bol ts,16mm di amet ert oconnectt wo
shaf ts.I tisuset ot r
ansmi t60KW at180r pm.Det ermi net hef act orofsaf et yinbear ingi fy i
compr essi oni s448Mpa.
A.15. 6 B.18. 5 C.30. 8 D.25. 4
2.At ur binei sconnect edt oagener atorbymeansoff langecoupl ingt hathasabol tcircledi amet erof500mm.
Thegener at orout puti s40MW, 3600r pm and90%ef f i
ciency .Ift hereare16bol ts,det ermi nethef orce
act i
ngoneachbol t.
A.26. 41KN B.29. 47KN C.35. 62KN D.32. 61KN
3.A75mm di amet ershaf ti st ransmi tti
ng300KW at600r pm.Assol i
dcoupl i
nghasabol tsof6andeach18
mm i ndi amet er.Fi ndt her equi r
edbol tci rclediamet eri fshear ingst ressinbol ti s27. 5Mpa.
A.227. 4mm B.233. 6mm C.254. 5mm D.272. 6mm
4.Thet ot al f
or ceof125KNi sr equi redoff langecoupl i
ngt hathas5bol t
shasal soashear ingst r
forbol t.Det ermi net her equi redbol tdi amet er.
A.62. 45KN B.54. 21KN C.45. 62KN D.32. 57KN
5.Af langecoupl i
ngwi thbol tci rcledi amet erof250mm uses8bol ts,25mm di amet er.Thet orquetransmitt
is15KN- m andcompr essi v est r
essofbol tsis15Mpa.Det ermi net herequi redf l
anget hickness.
A.25mm B.30mm C.35mm D.40mm
6.Af latkeyi st obedesi gnedf or75mm di amet ershaf twhi chwi ll t
ransmi t150KW at400r pm.
Ifallowabl eshear ingst ressi s200Mpaandkeywi dt hi s15mm, determinet hel engt hofkey .
A.30. 65mm B.31. 83mm C.33. 75mm D.32. 85mm
7.A70mm di amet ershaf tingofSAE1040gr ade, coldr oll
ed, havingay i
edpoi ntof52ksi and1/ 2x3/ 4x4
incheskey .Comput et hemi nimum y i
el dpoi ntint hekeyi nor dert ot r
ansmi tthet orqueoft heshaf t
fact orofsaf etyis3.
A.51, 698psi B.45, 986psi C.54, 907psi D.58, 096psi
8.Ar ect angul arkeyi susedi npul l
eyconnect i
ont ot ransmi t100KW at1000r pm on50mm shaf tdi
amet er.
Det er mi net hef or cer equi redt or emov et heshaf tfr om t hehubi ff=0. 4.
A.33. 24KN B.36. 85KN C.38. 19KN D.30. 55KN
9.A7/ 16”hei ghtx3”l engt hf latkeyi skey edt oa2i nchesdi amet ershaf t.Det ermi net het or que
devel opedi nkeyi fbear i
ngst ressal l
owabl eis25Ksi .
A.16. 406. 25i n- l
b B.15, 248. 56i n-
lb C.17, 420i n-l
b D.16, 246.75i n-lb
10.Ar ect angul arkeywasusedi napul l
eyconnect edt oal i
neshaf tat15KW and600r pm.I fshearingofkey
is230Mpa, deter mi net hef or ceact i
ngonkeyl engt hi fkeywi dt hisone- f
our t
hofshaf tdiamet erandkey
lengt hofonei nch.
A.43KN B.48KN C.45KN D.46KN
11.Asquar ekeyi st obeusedi na40mm di amet erflatkeyandt hatwi l
ldev elopa2KN. mt or que.Ifbearing
st r
essoft hekeyi s448Mpa, det ermi net hecr osssect i
onal dimensi onoff latkeyt obeusedusi ngkeylength
of21. 12mm. A.21. 12mm B.25. 61mm C.28. 21mm D.18. 61mm
12.A100KNf orcei sact ingonakeyt hathasal engt hof4t imesi tsheight.I fbear ingst ressofkeyi s400Mpa,
det ermi net hehei ghtofkey .
A.10. 54mm B.11. 18mm C.12. 65mm D.15. 25mm
13.Aonemet erpul leyi sf ast enedt oa100mm shaf tbymeansof25mm squar ekeyand150mm l ong.What
forcet angentt opul leyr i
m wi llsheart hekeyi fshear ingst ressi s200Mpa.
A.65KN B.70KN C.75KN D.80KN
14.A1. 2m pul l
eyi sf ast enedt oa120mm shaf tbymeansofsquar ekeywi th140mm l ong.Whatf orce
tangentt opul leyr im wi l
l crushandkeyi fbear ingst r
essi s410Mpa.Assumekeyandshaf tareoft hesame
mat er i
al .

A.160. 25KN B.172. 20. 25KN C.180. 42KN D.86.10KN
15.Apr essi susedt opunch10hol espermi nut eof30mm di amet erhol ef rom 25m t hi
ckpl ate.Det ermi net he
powerneededt opunchahol eiful timat eshearst ressi s400Mpa.
A.2. 68KW B.1. 96KW C.3. 58KW D.0. 96KW
16.Theki net icener gyneededt opunchahol ei s5kj .Whati st hemaxi mum t hicknessofhol et hatcanbe
punchedi fhol edi amet eri s25mm andul timat est ressofpl at ei s420Mpa.
A.12. 61mm B.14. 68mm C.17. 41mm D.19. 62mm
17.Dur ingapunchi ngpr ocessof350kgf lywheel thespeedv ar iesf rom 200r pm t o180r pm wi th1m mean
diamet er .Det ermi net heki neticener gyneeded.
A.3. 63KJ B.6. 28KJ C.4. 51KJ D.5. 62KJ
18.Apl ate200mm wi deand25mm t hickwi thst rengt hof410Mpa.i st obeshear .Dur ingshear ingpr ocess
an800mm meandi amet erflywheel changesi tsspeedf rom 200r pm t o180r pm.Det er mi net hewei ghtof
flywheel tobeused.
A.3265. 84kg B.3452. 71kg C.3621. 72kg D.3846. 86kg
19.Theener gyr equi redt opunchasquar ef rom 20mm t hickpl atei s10KJ.I ftheul ti
mat est rengt hofpl ateis
420Mpa, det ermi net hemaxi mum si desofsquar et hatcanbepunched.
A.45mm B.30mm C.60mm D.55mm
20.A1m meandi amet erf lywheel , 500kgwei ghtchangesi tsspeedf rom 220r pm t o200dur ingshear i
process.Whatf or cei sneededt osheara30mm t hi ckpl ate.
A.384. 13KN B.683. 71KN C.4216. 12KN D.4565. 25KN
21.Theener gyr equi redt opunchahol ei s3. 0KJf rom af l
y wheel meandi ameterof800mm t hatsl owsdownt o
3r psf rom 3. 3r psdur ingpunchi ng.I fwei ghtofar m andhubaccount10%ofr i
m wei ght ,det ermi net her im
wei ght .
A.421. 68kg B.456. 68kg C.482. 68kg D.416. 68kg
22.Af l
ywheel hasat otal wei ghtof500kgandt hewei ghtofar m andhubi s8%oft otalwei ght .I fithasamean
diamet erof1m and( wei ght)wi dt hof300mm.Det er mi net het hi cknessoft hef l
ywheel ifdensi tyofmat erial
s7000kg/ m3.
A.60mm B.65mm C.70mm D.75mm
23.Af l
ywheel hasar i
m wei ghtof450kgandmeanr adi usof450mm.I fri
m wi dthis5t imest her imt hi ckness
andmat er i
al densi tyis7200kg/ m3, det ermi net hewi dthoff l
y wheel .
A.332. 45mm B.242. 61mm C.286. 76mm D.298. 78mm
24.Thepowerr equi r edt oshearapl ate50mm t hickf or10sec.i s5kw.I fult
imat estrengt hofpl at emat erials
s420Mpa, howwi deshoul dt hepl atebe?
A.80. 42mm B.85. 65mm C.90. 28mm D.95. 23mm
25.A900mm meandi amet erf l
y wheel hasawi dthof350mm, 75mm t hickanddensi tyof7100kg/ m3.
Negl ect ingt hewei ghtofar m andhub, findt heener gyr eleasedi fitsspeedchangesf rom 280r pm t o250
A.7. 79KJ B.9. 30KJ C.2. 87KJ D.6. 71KJ
26.A48i n.di amet erf l
ywheel hasawei ghtof800l b.Dur i
ngoper ationt hespeedi s180r pm.I fcoef ficientof
fluctuat i
oni s0. 1, det er minet heener gyr eleasedbyf l
y wheel .
A.3541. 71f t-lb B.3842. 68f t-lb C.3911. 62f t-
lb D.4612. 71f t-
27.Af l
ywheel wei ghi ng1000kghasa( wei ghtof800l b.Dur ingoper ation)ar adiusofgy rationof1. 5m.The
nor mal oper ationspeedi s160r pm andcoef ficientoff l
uct uat ioni s0.08.Det erminet heki neticener gy
releasedbyf ly
wheel .
A.31KN. m B.36KN. m C.41. 56KN. m D.46. 65KN. m
28.A5f t
.meandi amet erf l
ywheel hast oabsor b3500f t-lbofener gyandmai ntainacoef ficientoff luctuat i
0.09.I fmeanspeedi s80f t/sec, f
indt hewei ghtoft hef lywheel .
A.190. 66l bs. B.195. 66l bs. C.198. 66l bs D.200. 77l bs.
29.Amechani calpr essi susedt opunch6hol espermi nut eona25mm t hi
ckpl ate.Thehol ei s25mm i n
diamet erandt hepl at ehasanul timat est rengt hi nshearof420Mpa.Thenor mal oper atingspeedi s200
rpm andi tsl owsdownt o180r pm dur i
ngt hepr ocessofpunchi ng.Thef lywheel hasameandi amet erof
onemet erandt her im wi dthis3t i
mest het hickness.Assumet hatt hehubandar m accountf or5%oft he
rim wei ghtconcent rat edatt hemeandi amet erandt hedensi tyofcasti r
oni s7200kgpercubi cmet er .Find
thepoweri nKW r equi redt odr ivet hepr ess.
A.1. 310KW B.5. 67KW C.8. 92KW D.9. 03KW
30.Itisf oundt hatt heshear i
ngmachi ner equi res205Joul esofener gyt oshearaspeci fi
met al.Themeandi amet eroft hef lywheel ist obe76. 2cm.Thenor mal operatingspeedi s200r pm and

slowsdownt o180r pm dur ingshear i
ngpr ocess.Ther im wi dt hi s30. 48cm andt hewei ghtofcasti roni s
7,196. 6kg/ m .Fi ndt het hicknessoft her im, assumi ngt hatt hehubandar msaccountf or10%oft her im
wei ghtconcent ratedont hemeandi amet er .
A.0. 583cm B.0. 587cm C.0. 672cm D.0. 480cm
31.Asheetmet al wor kingcompanypur chaseashear ingmachi nef r om asur plusdeal erwi thoutaf l
ywheel .I t
iscal cul at edt hatt hemachi newi l
l use238Joul esofener gyt osheara1. 2mm t hi
cksheetmet al
flywheel tobeusedwi l
lhav eameandi amet erof91. 44cm wi thawi dthof25. 4cm.Thenor mal oper ating
speedi s180r pm andsl owsdownt o160r pm dur ingt heshear i
ngpr ocess.Assumi ngt hatt hear msandt he
hubwi llaccountf or12%oft her im wei ghtconcent rat edatt hemeandi amet erandt hatt hemat eri
al densi t
is0. 26l b/ cu. i
n, comput ef ort hewei ghtoft hef lywheel .
A.296kg B.304kg C.347kg D.493kg
32.Ashear ingmachi ner equi res150kg- m ofener gyt oshearast eel sheet , andanor mal speedof3. 0rev /sec,
slowi ngdownt o2. 8rev/ secdur i
ngt heshear i
ngpr ocess.Thef lywheel oft hemachi nehasamean
diamet erof75cm andwei ghs15. 5kg/ cm3.Thewi dthoft her i
mi s30cm.I fthehubandar msoft he
flywheel accountf or15%ofi tst otal wei ght , fi
ndt het hicknessoft her i
mi ncm.
A.0. 00487cm B.0. 00432cm C.0. 00363cm D.0. 00482cm
33.Acasti ronf lywheel withameandi amet erof36i ncheschangesspeedf rom 300r pm t o280whi leitgiv es
up8000f t-l
bener gy .Whati st hecoef ficientoff l
uct uat ion?
A.0. 069 B.0. 015 C.0. 082 D.0. 020
34.Twoshor tshaf tshav i
ngi dent i
cal di amet er sof38. 1mm andr ot at i
ngat400r pm ar econnect edbyaf l
coupl inghav i
ng4bol t
swi th100mm bol tci rcle.Thedesi gnshear i
ngst ressoft hebol t
si s12N/ mm2and
desi gncompr essi v estressoft hef langei s15N/ mm2.Whati st hepowert r
ansmi ttedbyt heshor tshaf tin
KW? A.30. 4KW B.26. 5KW C.29. 3KW D.32. 3KW
35.Twoshor tshaf tshav i
ngi dent i
cal di amet er sof38. 1mm andr ot at i
ngat400r pm ar econnect edbyaf l
coupl inghav i
ng4bol t
swi th100mm bol tci rcle.Thedesi gnshear i
ngst ressoft hebol t
si s12N/ mm2and
desi gncompr essi v estressoft hef langei s15N/ mm2.Whati st hedi amet erofbol tshoul dbeused?
A.19. 30mm B.22. 37mm C.20. 40mm D.18. 32mm
36.Twoshor tshaf tshav i
ngi dent i
cal di amet er sof38. 1mm andr ot at i
ngat400r pm ar econnect edbyaf l
coupl inghav i
ng4bol t
swi th100mm bol tci rcle.Thedesi gnshear i
ngst ressoft hebol t
si s12N/ mm2and
desi gncompr essi v estressoft hef langei s15N/ mm2.Howt hickshoul dt hef langebe?
A.11. 51mm B.13. 60mm C.12. 49mm D.15. 65mm
37.Af langecoupl ingi stobedesi gned, usi ng25mm di amet erbol tsatadi st anceof152mm f r om thecent erof
theshaf t.Al l
owabl eshear ingst ressont hebol tis103Mpa.I ftheshaf ti st ot ransmi t5, 800hpataspeed
of1, 200r pm, howmanybol tsar eneededi nt heconnect i
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
38.Af langebol tcoupl i
ngconsi st sofei ghtst eel 20mm di amet erst eel boltsspacedev enlyar oundabol tcircle
300mm i ndi amet er.Ifthecoupl ingi ssubj ectedt oat orqueof15. 1KN- m, det ermi net hemaxi mum
shear ingst ressi nt hebol ts.
A.40450KPa B.63320Kpa C.40054Kpa D.31298Kpa
39.Apul leyi skey edt oa2and½i nchesdi amet ershaf tbya5/ 8i nx7/ 16i nx3i nf l
atkey .Theshaf trotatesat
50r pm.Theal lowabl eshear ingst ressf ort hekeyi s22ksi .Theal lowabl ecompr essi vest ressf orthekey ,
hubandshaf tar e66ksi ,59ksi and72ksi , respect ivel y.Det er mi net hemaxi mum t or quet hepul l
safel ydel i
v er. A.48398. 4in- l
b B.54140. 6in- lbC.51562. 5i n-lbD.67495. 2in- l
40.Ar ect angul arkeywasusedi napul leyconnect edt oal ineshaf twi thapowerof7. 46KW ataspeedof
1200r pm.I ftheshear i
ngst ressoft heshaf tandkeyar e30N/ mm2and240N/ mm2, respect ively.Whati s
thedi amet eroft heshaf t? A.18. 7mm B.21. 7mm C.25. 8mm D.30. 2mm
41.Whatpr essur ei sr equiredt opunchahol e2”di amet ert hrougha¼i nst eel plate?
A.10t ons B.20t ons C.30t ons D.40t ons
42.Findt hef orceneededt opunch2i nhol ef r om a1. 5i nt hickpl at e.
A.200t ons B.210t ons C.220t ons D.240t ons
43.A2i ndi amet er6- spl i
neshaf t( d=0. 9D,w=0. 25D,h=0. 25D)andper manentf i
thasacompr essivef orce
of2000l bs.Fi ndt hecompr essi vest ressi fhubl engt hi s1½i n.
A.244. 44psi B.344. 44psi C.444. 44psi D.544. 44psi
44.A4- spl i
neshaf t( d=0. 75D,w=0. 24D,h=0. 25D)andt osl idewhennotunderl oadhasadi amet erof2. 5
in.Fi ndt heshear ingst ressi fshear ingf or cei s2500l bs.I fhubl engt hi s2i nches.
A.420. 83psi B.520. 83psi C.620. 83psi D.720. 83psi
45.A1. 5i ndi amet er10- splineshaf td=0. 91D,w=0. 156D,h=0. 045D)andper manentf i
compr essi vef or ceof2200l bs.Fi ndt het or queappl iedi fhubl engt h1¾i n.

75psi B.1,
75psi C.1,
75psi D.1,

1.Ahor i
zont al cant ilev erbeam, 20f tlongi ssubj ect edt oal oadof5000l bl ocat edt oi tscent er .The
dimensi onoft hebeam i s8x12i nchesr espect ively.w=120l b/ f
t, fi
ndi tsflexur al stress.
A.3150psi B.2912psi C.4625psi D.5663psi
2.Av er ti
cal l
oadof1000Nact satt heendofahor i
zont al r
ect angul arcant il
everbeam 3m l ongand30mm
wide.I ftheal l
owabl ebendi ngst ressis100Mpa, fi
ndt hedept hoft hebeam.
A.77. 46mm B.38. 43mm C.54. 77mm D.45. 34mm
3.Asi mpl ysuppor tedbeam i s50mm by150mm i ncr osssect ionand5m l ong.I fthef l
exur alst ressi snott o
exceed8. 3Mpa, fi
ndt hemaxi mum mi d- spanconcent ratedl oad.
A.0. 623KN B.0. 987KN C.1. 245KN D.4. 34KN
4.Ahor i
zont al cant ilev erbeam, 20f tlongi ssubj ect edt oal oadof5000l bl ocat edt oi tscent er .The
dimensi onoft hebeam i s8x12i nchesr espect ively
.w=120l b/ft,findi t
sf l
exur alst ress.
A.3150psi B.2912psi C.4625psi D.5663psi
5.Themaxi mum bendi ngmomenti nducedi nasi mpl ysuppor tedbeam ofa200f tspanbya200l bl oadatt he
midspani s: A.25, 000f t-l
b B.15, 000f t-l
b C.30, 000f t -
lb D.10, 000f t-
6.Cal culatet her pm f ormachi ningacasti ronwor kpiece6i nchesi ndi amet er.Thel owestcut ti
ngspeedf or
casti roni s50f pm. A.35. 3 B.33. 3 C.43. 3 D.53. 32
7.Tof acili
tatet hemi l
ling( roughi ng)wor kofacasti ronmat erialusi nga1½i nchdi amet ercut terchoose
bet weent het woav ail
abl est ock.Fi ndt hespeedoft hecut teri nrpm.Hi ghspeedst eel cut terwi t
hacut ting
speedof50f pm.Car bidet ippedcut terwi t
hacut ti
ngspeedof200f pm.
A.389 B.572 C.509 D.412
8.Cal culatet hecut tingspeedi nfpm whenspi ndl espeedofal athei st urning8i nchesdi amet erbr onze
cast ingusi ngaspi ndlespeedof120r pm. A.220f pm B.3016f pm C.2510f pm D.251f pm
9.Usingoxy acet ylenewel dingmet hodt owel da3f tlongseam i na3/ 8t hickpl ateataconsumpt ionr ateof9
cu.f t
/ftofwel df oroxy genand7cu.f t/f tacet y lene.Whati st het otal combi nedgasconsumpt ioni ncu.f t?
A.51 B.48 C.45 D.55
10.Wi t
ht heel ect ricar cwel dingr ateof18i n/ mi n, howl ongwi l
littaket owel da½i nt hickpl ateby3f tlong
seam? A.3mi n B.2mi n C.1. 5mi n D.4mi n
11.Howl ongwi llittaket omi lla¾”by2”l ongkey wayi na3”di amet ershaf ti
ngwi tha24t oot hcut tert urni
100r pm and0. 005”f eed/ toot h? A.0. 136mi n B.0. 196mi n C.0. 166mi n D.0. 106mi n
12.Howl ongwi llittaket osawar ectangul arpi eceofal umi num pl ate8i nwi deand1½i nt hicki ft helengt hof
thecuti s8i n,thepowerhacksawmakes120r ev /
mi nandav eragef eedperst rokei s0. 0060i n?
A.13. 11 B.11. 11 C.14. 01 D.12. 03
13.Comput et hecut t i
ngspeedi nfpm ofawor kpi ecewi th2i nchesdi amet erandr unningat100r pm?
A.72 B.102 C.62 D.52
14.Det ermi net het imei nsecondst osawar ect angul armagnesi um bar5i nwi deand2i nt hicki ft hel engt hof
cuti s5i n.Thepowerhacksawdoes120st rokes/ mi nandt hef eed/ strokei s0. 127mm.
A.189 B.500 C.90 D.20
15.Usi ngoxy acet y l
enewel di
ngmet hodt owel da3. 5ftlongseam i na0. 375”t hi ckst eel plateata
consumpt i
onr ateof9cu.f t/ftofwel df oroxy genand7cu.f t/f
tacet yl
ene.Whati st het ot al combi nedgas
consumpt i
oni ncu.f t? A.48 B.24. 5 C.56 D.31. 5
16.Howl ongwi llittaket omi lla3/ 4”by2”l ongkey wayi na3”di amet ershaf t
ingwi tha30t oot hcut tert ur
at90r pm and0. 004”f eed/ tooth? A.13. 60sec B.9. 69sec C.16. 96sec D.11. 1sec
17.Comput ef ort hedr i
llpenet rat i
oni nin/ mi nwhenadr i
llturnsat1200r pm andt hef eedof0. 005i n/rev.
Mat erial i
sst eel . A.1. 8 B.12 C.3. 6 D.6
18.Comput et hemanual cut ti
ngt imei nmi nut es, ofast eel plate4f tby8f tby2. 5cm t hickwi thahandcut ti
speedof3. 8to4mm/ sec, cutti
ngl engt hwise.A.10. 42 B.0. 38 C.1. 81 D.8. 16
19.Amachi neshaf ti smount edwi th16i nchesdi amet erpul l
eyr unni ngat450r pm.Fi ndt heper ipher al speed
inf t/min. A.1885f pm B.1983f pm C.2345f pm D.2845f pm


1.Det er mi net heper mi ssibl ewor kingst ressofaUNCbol tst hathasast ressar eaof0. 606i n2ifmat erial used
ncar bonst eel . A.4055. 5psi B.5244. 5psi C.4675. 5psi D.4186. 5psi
2.Thest ressar eaofUNCbol tis0. 763i n2, i
fmat erial usedi scar bonst eel,determi net eappl i
edl oadont he
bolt. A.3407. 14l bs. B.3846. 71l bs. C.4025. 86l bs. D.3102. 74l bs.
3.Comput ethewor kingst rengt hof11/ 2i n.bol twhi chi sscr ewedupt i
ght l
yinpackedj ointwhent he
owancewor ki ngst ressi s13, 000psi .
A.11, 465. 5l bs. B.13, 860. 5lbs. C.11, 212. 5l bs. D.11, 854. 5lbs.
4.Det er mi net hedi amet erofbol tneededt ot ight lypackedt hej ointi sbol twor kingst rengt hi s90. 76KNand
wor ki ngst ressi s82. 71Mpa. A.0. 5i n. B.1. 0i n. C.1. 5in. D.2. 0i n.
5.A12cm x16cm ai rcompr essorhav e5bol t soncy li
nderheadwi thy ieldst r
essof440Mpa.I ft hebol tst ress
areai s0. 13i n2, det ermi net hemaxi mum pr essur einsi det hecy l
inder .
A.142. 23psi B.671. 96psi C.742. 78psi D.840. 60psi
6.Thecy linderheadofammoni acompr essorhascor egasketar eof80cm2andf langepr essur eof90kg/ cm2.
Det er mi nethet orqueappl iedont hebol ti fnomi nal diamet erofbol tusedi s3/5i nchandt her ear e5bol t
A.476. 28i n.l
b B.586. 28i n.lb C.381. 02i n.lb D.666. 28i n.l
7.Thet ot altor quer equi redt ot urnt hepowerscr ewi s50N. m.I fthel i
nearspeedofscr ewi s7f t
./mi nandl ead
of8mm, f
indt hehor sepoweri nputoft hepowerscr ew.
A.2. 86hp B.1. 84hp C.2. 14hp D.2. 38hp
8.Asi ngl esquar et hreadpowerscr ewhasal eadof6mm andmeandi amet erof34mm.I fitisusedt ol i
oadof26KNandcoef fi
cientoff ri
ctionoft hr eadi s0. 15, det ermi net het orquer equi redt ot urnt hescr ew.
A.91. 9N. m B.65. 8N. m C.72. 6N. m D.86. 5N. m
9.Anacmet hreadpowerscr ewt hathasameandi amet erof25mm andpi tchof5mm i susedt oliftal oadof
500kg.I ffrictionont hr eadsi s0. 1, det ermi net het or queneededt ot urnt hescr ew.
A.11. 10N. m B.126. 3N. m C.13. 10N. m D.10. 30N. m
10.Adoubl esquar et hreadpowerscr ewhasameanr adi usof80mm andapi tchof10mm i susedt oliftal oad
of80KN.I ff ri
ct ionofscr ewi s0. 13andcol lartor quei s20%ofi nputt orque,det ermi net hei nputt orque
requi red. A.830. 75N. m B.1365. 40N. m C.840. 76N. m D.846. 76N. m
11.Ther ootdi amet erofadoubl esquar et hreadpowerscr ewi s0. 55i n.Thescr ewhasapi t
chof0. 2in.
Det er mi nethemaj ordi amet er. A.0. 524i n. B.0. 750i n. C.0. 842i n. D.0. 961i n.
12.Apowerscr ewconsumes6hpi nr aisinga2800l bwei ghtatt her at eof30f t/mi n.Det er mi net heef ficiency
oft hescr ew. A.12. 5% B.16. 8% C.42. 42% D.66. 62%
13.Asquar ethr eadpowerscr ewhasapi tchdi amet erof1. 5andal eadof1i n.Negl ectingcol l
arf ri
deter mi net hecoef fi
cientoff ricti
onf ort hr eadsi fscr ewef fi
ciencyi s63. 62%
A.0. 113 B.0. 121 C.0. 146 D.0. 151
14.Asquar ethr eadscr ewhasanef f
iciencyof70%whenf ri
ctionoft hr eadsi s0. 10andcol l
arf ri
ct i
oni s
negl igible.Det ermi net hel eadangl e. A.12. 6 B.14. 3 C.16. 5 D.18. 3
15.A12cm x16cm ai rcompr essori soper at ingwi thamaxi mum pr essur eof10kg/ cm2.Ther ear e5bol t
whi chhel dt hecy l
inderheadt othecompr essor .Whati st hemaxi mum l oadperbol tinKN?
A.2. 22 B.4. 44 C.3. 33 D.5. 55
16.Whatwei ghtcanbel iftedbyascr ewt hathasanef fi
ci encyof80%i fitisoper at edbya50l bfor ceatt he
endofa30i nl ev er?Thepi tchdi amet eroft hescr ewi s½i n.
A.12, 000l bs B.13, 000l bs C.14, 000l bs D.15, 000l bs
17.Findt hehor sepowerl ostwhenacol l
ari sl oadedwi th1000l b,rotat esat25r pm, andhasacoef fi
ictionof0. 15.Theout sidedi amet eroft hecol lari s4i nchesandi nsidedi amet eri s2i nches.
A.0. 0629Hp B.0. 0926Hp C.0. 0269Hp D.0. 0692Hp
18.Comput et hewor kingst r
engt hof1”bol twhi chi sscr ewedupt ight lyinapackedj ointwhent heal lowabl e
wor ki ngst ressi s13, 000psi . A.3600l bs B.3950l bs C.3900l bs D.3800l bs

19.Whati st hewor kingst rengt hof2”bol twhi chi sscr ewedupt ight l
yi npackedj ointwhent heal l
owabl e
wor kingst ressi s12, 000psi .A.20, 120l bs B.20, 400l bs C.20, 400l bs D.20, 200l bs
20.Whati st hef rictional HPact ingonacol larl oadedwi th100kgwei ght ?Thecol l
arhasanout sidedi amet er
of100mm andani nt ernal di amet erof40mm.Thecol l
arr ot atesat1000r pm andt hecoef ficientoff ricti
bet weent hecol l
arandt hepi votsur facei s0. 15.
A.0. 8HP B.0. 5HP C.0. 3HP D.1. 2HP
21.I fthepi t chofascr ewi s2/ 9, f
indt het hr eadperi nch.
A.0. 34 B.4. 5 C.5. 4 D.17
22.Aney ebol ti sl ift
ingabl ockwei ghi ng350l bs.Theey ebol tisofSAE1040mat erialwi t
hSu=67ksi andSy=
55ksi whati st hest ressar ea( i
ni nchessquar e)oft hebol ti fitisundert heuni fiedcoar seser iest hr ead?
A.1341 B.0. 1134 C.0991 D.1043
23.Comput ehowmany3/ 8i nchdi amet ersetscr ewsr equi redt ot r
ansmi t3Hpatashaf tspeedof1000r pm.
Theshaf tdi amet eri s1i nch. A.1½ B.2 C.3 D.1
24.Forabol t edconnect ion, speci ficat ionsuggest st hatahi ghgr ademat er i
al of13mm bol tbet ight enedt oan
al tensi onof55, 000N.Whati st heappr opr i
atet ighteni ngt or que?
A.41N- m B.139N- m C.145N- m D.143N- m
25.Aney ebol tisl i
fting500l bswei ght .TheSu=70ksi ansSy=58ksi .Whati st hest ressar eaoft hebol t?
A.0. 009i n2 B.0. 026i n2 C.0. 1388i n2 D.0. 1276i n2
26.Fi ndt hehor sepowerr equi redt odr i
v eapowerscr ewl iftingal oadof4000l bs.A2and½i nchesdoubl e
squar et hr eadwi tht wot hr eads/ inchi st obeused.Thef rictional radiusoft hecol laris2i nchesandt he
coef ficient soff rictionar e0. 10f ort het hreadsand0. 15f ort hecol lar.Thev elocityoft henuti s10f t/mi n.
A.5. 382HP B.4. 395HP C.3. 683HP D.6. 472HP
27.Det ermi net hedi amet eroft hest udbol tt hatar erequi redt of ast endownt hecy li
nderheadofa203mm x
304mm gasengi ne.Ther ear et enbol tsont hebl ock.Theexpl osi onpr essur eis31kg/ sqcm andst uds
ar emadeofor di nar ybol tsmat er i
al SAE1020.Howdeepshoul dt hebol tbedr i
A.38. 1mm B.40. 2mm C.37. 3mm D.35. 5mm
28.Adoubl et hreadAcmescr ewdr ivenbyamot orat400r pm r aisest heat t achedl oadof900kgataspeedof
10met erspermi nut e.Thescr ewhasapi tchdi amet er36mm.Thecoef ficientoff r
onont hreadsi s0. 15.
Thef rictiont or queont het hr ustbear i
ngoft hemot ori st akenas20%oft het otal torquei nput .Det er mi ne
themot orpowerr equi redt ooper at et hescr ew.
A.3. 239KW B.4. 658KW C.2. 482KW D.4. 391KW
29.A12cm x16cm ai rcompr essori soper atingwi thamaxi mum pr essur eof10kg/ cm2whi chhel dt he
headt ot hecompr essor .Thecor egasketar eai s60cm2wi t
haf l
angepr essur eof100kg/ cm2.Det ermi ne
t hesi zeofUNFbol tsi ninches. A.½i n B.¼i n C.1/ 3i n D.½. 5i n
30.Ther ootdi amet erofadoubl esquar et hreadi s0. 55i nch.Thescr ewhasapi t
chof0. 20i nch.Fi ndt he
out sidedi amet erandt henumberoft hr eadsperi nch.
A.0. 75i nchand5t hreads/ inchB.0. 50i nchand5t hr eads/ inchC.0. 75i nchand4t hreads/ inch
D.0. 50i nchand4t hr eads/ inch
31.Asi ngl esquar et hr eadpowerscr ewi st or ai sedl oadof70KN.Thescr ewhasamaj ordi amet erof36mm
andapi tchof6mm.Thecoef ficientoft hreadf ri
ct ionandt hecol larf r
ict ionar e0. 13and0. 10r espect i
v ely.
Ifthecol larmeandi amet eri s90mm andt hescr ewt ur nsat60r pm, f
indt hecombi nedef ficiencyofscr ew
andcol lar . A.13. 438% B.15. 530% C.14. 526% D.12. 526%
32.Asi ngl et hr eadedt rapezoi dal met rict hreadhasapi tchof4mm, andameandi amet erof18mm.I tisused
asat ransl ationscr ewi nconj unct ionwi thacol l
arhav i
nganout sidedi amet erof37mm andani nsi de
di amet erof27mm.Fi ndt her equi redt or quei nN- mt or aiseal oadof400kgi fthecoef f i
cientoff rict i
oni s
0. 3f orbot ht hr eadsandcol lar. A.34. 6N- m B.32. 6N- m C.39. 1N- m D.38. 5N- m
33Thecol l
aroft hecapst anhasanout sidedi amet erof8i nandani nsidedi amet erof6i n.Thet otal load
suppor tsi s2000l bs.I ft hecoef ficientoff r
ict ioni s0. 10, whati st hecol l
arf ri
ct i
ont orque?
A.705i n-lb B.802i n-lb C.1012i n-l
b D.972i n-l
34.Cal cul atet hebol tar eai nmm2ofeachof20- bol tsusedt of ast ent hehemi spher ical j
oint sofa580mm
pr essur ev essel wi t hani nt er nal pr essur eof10MPaandamat erial strengt hof80MPaandabol tst rengt h
of150MPa: A.880. 69 B.920. 5 C.820 D.790
35.Adoubl e- threadAcme- for m powerscr ewof50mm maj ordi amet erisused.Thenutmakes1t urnpercm
ofaxi al trav el.Af or ceof60kgi sappl iedatt heendofa750mm wr enchusedont henut .Themean
di amet eroft hecol lari s90mm.I ft hecoef fici entoff ri
ct ionatt het hreadandatt hecol larar e0. 15and0. 13,
r espect iv ely .Det er mi net hewei ghtt hati sbei ngl ifted.
A.42. 95KN B.39. 50Kn C.45. 82KN D.32. 72KN

erminethest r
2 2 2 2
A.0.563in B.0.606in C.0.
334in D.0.785i
erminethest r
npsi ofa1-4UNCbolti
A.4991psi B.5991psi C.6991psi D.8901psi

1.Det er minet hei nter nal pressur eofcy li
ndr ical tank500mm i nt ernal diamet er,20mm t hickand3m l engt hi f
stressesl imi tedt o140Mpa. A.10. 06MPa B.10. 53 C.11. 20Mpa D.12. 88Mpa
2.Det er minet hebur st i
ngst eam pr essur eofast eel shel lwi thdi amet erof20i nchesandmadeof5/ 16st eel
plat e.Thej ointef fi
ciencyi sat80%andat ensi l
est rengt hi s63, 000psi .
A.2, 445. 6psi B.3, 150. 0psi C.5, 233. 4psi D.4, 736. 4psi
3.Awat ertank10m x12m i scompl etelyf i
edwi thwat er .Det ermi net hemi nimum t hicknessoft hepl at ei f
stressi sl imi tedt o50Mpa. A.11. 77mm B.12. 66mm C.14. 55mm D.12. 44mm
4.Det er minet hesaf ewal lthi cknessofa50i nchesst eel tankwi thi nter nal pressur eof8Mpa.Theul timat e
stressi s296Mpa.Thef act orofsaf et ytousei s3. A.2i n B.3i n C.5i n D.4i n
5.Thei nternal pressur eofa400mm i nsidedi amet ercy l
indr i
cal tanki s10Mpaandt hicknessi s25mm.
Det ermi net hest r
essdev el opedi fjointef f
ici encyi s95%.
A.80MPa B.84. 21Mpa C.86. 75MPa D.78. 42Mpa
6.Acy l
inderhasmaxi mum l oadof2500kgwhi l
et hepr essur ei s2, 550kpa.I ft heul timat est ressi s55, 000
Kpaandf act orofsaf etyof4, findt her equi redwal l thicknessoft hecy l
nder .
A.8. 45mm B.11. 42mm C.9. 34mm D.10. 26mm
7.Aspher i
cal tank15mm t hickhasani nternal pressur eof5Mpa.Thej ointef ficiencyi s96%andst r essi s
imi tedt o46875Kpa.Fi ndt hei nnerdi amet eroft het ank.
A.150mm B.200mm C.250mm D.540mm
8.Aspher i
cal tankhasadi amet erof10m and80cm t hickness.I ft angent ialst ressoft anki s16Mpa, findt he
maxi mum i nter nal pressur eoft het ankcancar ryift hewal lthi cknessi s25. 4cm.
A.1625. 60kpaB.1863. 45kpa C.2357. 43kpa D.3422. 45kpa
9.Acy l
indrical tankhasani nsi dedi amet erof5i nandi ssubj ect edt oi nt ernal pr essur eof500psi .If
maxi mum st ressi s1200psi ,det erminet her equi r edt hickness.
A.1. 0i n. B.1. 2i n C.1. 4i n. D.1. 6i n.
10.At hicknessofcy l
indr i
cal tanki s50mm.Thei nter nal diamet eri s300mm andhasant angent i
al st r
8423. 58Kpa.Det ermi net hemaxi mum i nter nal pr essur e.
A.20MPa B.25Mpa C.30Mpa D.2358. 41kpa
11.Ar oundv ertical steel tankhasani nsidedi amet erof3m andi s6m i nhei ght .I tcont ainsgasol inewi tha
densi t
yof750kg/ m3.I ft heal l
owabl et ensi lest ressi s25Mpa, findt hemi nimum t hickr equired.
A.2. 65mm B.2. 85mm C.3. 65mm D.1. 82mm
12.Acy li
nderhav ingani nt ernal diamet erof18i nchesandanext ernal diamet erof30i nchesi ssubj ect edt oan
nt ernal pressur eof8, 000psi .Ift hehoopst ressatt hei nneri s13, 000psi ,fi
ndt heext er nalpr essur e.
A.1280psi B.1384psi C.1450psi D.1653psi
13.Acy li
nderhav ingani nt ernal diamet erof16i nandwal lthicknessof6i nchesi ssubj ectedt oani nt er nal
pr essur eof65Mpaandext ernal pressur eof13Mpa.Det er mi net hehoopst ressatt heout er
A.23. 58Mpa B.28. 45Mpa C.37. 42Mpa D.33. 45Mpa
14.Thepr essur einsi det hecy l
indrical tankv ariesf r
om 800kpat o3200kpacont inuousl y.Thedi amet erof
shel l i
s1. 6m.Fi ndt hewal l t
hicknessi fy ieldpoi nti s460Mpa, endur ancest r engthi s200Mpaandf actorof
saf etyof3. A.18. 34mm B.24. 83 C.20. 45mm D.28. 45mm
15.Det ermi net hebur sti
ngst eam pr essur eofast eel shel lwithdi amet erof12i nchesandmadeof1/ 4t hick
steel plate.Thej oi ntef ficiencyi sat85%andt het ensi lest rengt hi s64ksi .
A.4234. 32psiB.8382. 44psiC.4533. 33psiD.5345. 55psi
16.Det ermi net hesaf ewal lthicknessofa26i nchesst eel t
ankwi thi nt ernal pressur eof8Mpa.They ield
str essofmat erial i
sat280Mpa.Thef act orofsaf etyi s3.
A.23. 23mm B.28. 30mm C.30. 12mm D.39. 23mm
17.Awat ert ank10m x12m i scompl etelyf il
ledwi thwat er.Det er mi net hemi nimum t hicknessoft hepl atei f
stressi sl i
mi t
edt o50Mpa. A.11. 77mm B.14. 55mm C.12. 66mm D.12. 44mm
18.Det ermi net hebur sti
ngst eam pr essur eofast eel shel lwithdi amet erof10i nchesandmadeof¼i ncht hi

at e.Thej oi
ntefficiencyisat70%andt hetensi
A.4200psi B.10. 5ksi C.42. 8ksi D.8500psi
19.Comput ethesaf ewallthicknessofa76. 2cm di ameterst
essureandt hesteelmat eri
essof215. 4Mpa.Thef actorofsaf
A.1½i nches B.3. 89cm C.4. 09cm D.3.59cm
ndert ankwi t
h10i nchesi nsi
dediamet ercontai
nsoxygengasat2500psi .Cal
hicknessi nmi l
met erunderstressof28, 000psi. A.10.54 B.11. 34 C.10. 24 D.12.24

1.Asquar edandgr oundendsspr inghasapi tchof20mm, wi r
edi amet erof12. 5mm.I ft herear e12
act ual numberofcoi lsthedef lect i
onwhenspr i
ngi scompr essedt oitssol i
dl engt h.
A.78mm B.75mm C.77mm D.79mm
2.Aspr i
ngwi thpl ainendshas15act iv
ecoi l
sdi amet erof6mm andpi tchof10mm.I fspr ingr atei s100
KN/ m, det ermi net hesol idf orce. A.4KNB.5KNC.6KND.7KN
3.Aspr i
ngr atehasaspr ingr ateof30KN/ m.I fwi r
edi amet eris10mm wi thameandi amet erof70mm,
det er mi net henumberofact iv
ecoi l
s.G=80GN/ m2.
A.6. 54 B.7. 82 C.8. 42 D.9. 72
4.Aspr i
nghasal oadof50l b.wi thaspr ingi ndexof8.I fst ressi nducedi s90,000psi ,
det ermi net hewi rediamet er. A.0. 058i n. B.0. 828i n. C.0. 452i n. D.0. 1157i n.
5.Itisf oundt hatal oadof50l b.anext ensi oncoi lspr ingdef lects8. 5in.Whatl oaddef lectt hespr ing2. 5in?
A.10. 64l b. B.12. 48l b. C.13. 48l b. D.14. 70l b.
6.Aspr i
ngsust ain200f t-lbofener gywi thdef l
ect i
onof3i n.Assumet hatt hemai ncoi l diamet eri s7t i
mest he
wir edi amet erandal l
owabl est ressof100, 000psi ,det er mi net hewi redi amet er.
A.0. 416i n. B.0. 321i n. C.0. 568i n. D.0. 672i n.
7.Awei ghtof100l bs.st ri
kesacoi lspr i
ngf rom ahei ghtof18i nchesanddef lect sthespr i
ngof6i nches.
Findt heav eragef orceact ingont hespr ing. A.600l b. B.700l b. C.800l b. D.900l b.
8.Ifiti sdet ermi nedexper iment al
lyt hatal oadof20kgappl iedt oanext ensioncoi lspringwi llpr ov i
def lect i
onof200mm.Whatl oadwi l
l def lectt hespr ing60mm.
A.4kg B.5kg C.6kg D.7kg
9.Thr eeext ensi oncoi lspr i
ngar ehookedi nser iesandsuppor tsawei ghtof70kg.Onespr inghasaspr ing
rateof0. 209kg/ mm.andt heot hert wohav espr ingr atesof0. 643kg/ mm.Fi ndt hedef l
ect i
A.346. 71mm B.389. 30mm C.426. 71mm D.552. 66mm
10.Fourcompr essi oncoi lspringi npar all
el suppor tal oadof360kg.Eachspr inghasagr adientof0. 717
kg/ mm. A.125. 52mm B.132. 52mm C.138. 52mm D.145. 52mm
11.Aspr inghasadi amet erof25mm and12act i
vecoi ls.I fal oadofa10KNi sappl iedi tdef lect s75mm.
Det ermi net hemeandi amet eroft hespr ingG=80GN/ m2.
A.20mm B.134. 65mm C.150. 34mm D.40mm
12.Acoi lspr i
ngi st ohav eameandi amet erof50mm andi stosuppor tal oadof1000N.Theal l
owabl e
wor kingst ressi s415Mpaandt hemodul usofel ast icityi nsheari s80Gpa.Fi ndt hewi r
edi amet eroft he
spr ingi nmm. A.7. 195mm B.5. 719mm C.5. 197mm D.1. 579mm
13.Al l f
ourcompr essioncoi lspr i
ngsuppor tonel oadof400kg.Al l f
ourspr i
ngsar ear r
angedi npar alleland
rat edsameat0. 709kg/ mm.Comput et hedef l
ect ioni nmm.
A.564 B.1457 C.171 D.141
14.Af or ceof1. 1KNi sact ingona7. 5act iv ecoi l
swi thwi redi amet erof13mm.Theout sidedi amet erofcoi l
117mm andG=80GN/ m2.Det ermi net hedef l
ect ion.
A.27. 6mm B.29. 8mm C.32. 5mm D.34. 6mm
15.Aspr ingwi thpl ainendshas15act ivecoi lsdi amet erof6mm andpi tchof10mm.I fspr i
ngr at ei s100
KN/ m, det ermi net hesol idf orce. A.4KNB.5KNC.6KND.7KN
16.Comput edef l
ect i
onofa16coi l
shel ical spr inghav i
ngal oadof120kg.Themodul usofel ast icityi nshear
ofspr i
ngi s100Gpa, outsidedi amet erof10cm andwi th10mm wi r
edi amet er.Thespr ingi ssquar edand
gr oundends. A.96. 12mm B.90. 43mm C.102. 34mm D.108. 45mm
17.Fi ndt heWahl factoroft hespr inghav ingani nsidedi amet erof10i nchesandwi redi amet erof0. 75i n.
A.1. 056 B.0. 374 C.1. 863 D.1. 099
18.Ahi ghal l
oyspr inghav i
ngsquar edandgr oundendsandhasat otalof16coi l
sandmodul usofel ast i
shearof85Gpa.Comput et heWahl fact or .Thespr ingout sidedi amet eris9. 66cm andwi redi amet eris
0. 65cm. A.1. 056 B.1. 10 C.1. 185 D.1. 2
19.Acoi ledspr ingwi t
h5cm ofout sidedi amet erisr equi r edt owor kundert heloadof190Nwi thsquar eand
groundend.Thewi r
edi amet eri s5mm, thespr ingi st ohav e6act ivecoi l
s.Themodul usofr i
gi dityis809

Gpaandt hemeanr adi usist obe23mm, with7mm pi tchoft hespr i
A.6. 5coi ls B.7. 5coi l
s C.8. 5coi l
s D.9. 5coi l
20.Ahel ical springhav i
ngsquar edandgr oundendshasat otal of18coi l
sandi tsmat erialhasmodul usof
elast i
ci tyi nshearof78. 910Gpa.I fthespr i
nghasanout si
dedi amet erof10. 42cm andawi redi ameterof
0.625cm, comput et hedef lectioni nt hespr ingduet oal oadof50kgs.
A.302mm B.490mm C.400mm D.322mm
21.Comput et hemaxi mum def lectionofa20coi l
shelical spr i
nghav i
ngal oadof75kgs.Thespr ingisa
squar e/ groundendswi thmodul usofel asticityinshearof79. 84Gpaout sidediamet erof101. 6mm and
diamet erof9. 525mm. A.140. 7mm B.112. 7mm C.15. 17mm D.126. 7mm
22.Thesmal leroft woconcent richelical springsi smadeof22mm di ameterst eelspri
ngandhasanout side
diamet erof100mm wi th10act iv
ecoi ls.Theout erspr i
ngi smadeof32mm st eelspr i
out sidedi amet erof250mm wi th8act i
vecoi ls.Bef or eloadi sappl i
ed,theout erspringi s25mm l onger
thant hei nnerspr ing.I fthel oadi s90KNi sappl iedt ot hisr estofspr ings.Fi ndther ateofeachspr i
A.507. 5KN/ m, 143. 6KN/ m C.493. 8KN/ m, 126.5KN/ m
B.731. 5KN/ m, 212. 5KN/ m D.976. 1KN/ m, 318.8KN/ m
23.Cal cul at et hewi rediamet erofast eel spri
ngt hatcoul dsuppor tal oadof50kg.Al l
owabl ewor ki
427x106N/ m2, t
hespr i
ngmeandi amet erist obe44. 45mm andG=79. 3Gpa.
A.0. 2106i n B.0. 3028i n C.0. 3924i n D.0. 6931i n
24.Asemi -elli
pt i
clami nat edspr ingi smadeofNo.10BWGst eel 2incheswi de.Thel engt hbetweensuppor tis
26½i nchesandt hebandi s2½i nwi de.Thespr i
nghast wof ull-
lengthandf i
vegraduat edleav es.Acent ral
oadof350l biscar ri
ed.Assumet hatt hedi stancef r
om bol ttoendofbandi s1/6oft hebandwi dthand
cknessi s0. 134inch.
Le¬=L/ 2-( bw- 1/ 3bw) /2---effectivelengt h Wher e:bw—bandwi dth;L—lengt hbetsuppor t
A.Det ermi net hemaxi mum st r
essi feachsetofl eavesf orani nitialconditi
onofnost ressi ntheleav es.
Ans.Sf=68, 000psi ,Sg=45, 300psi
B.Det ermi net hemaxi mum st r
essi finiti
al str
essi sprovidedt ocauseequal str
esseswhenl oaded.
Ans.51, 900psi
C.Det ermi net hedef l
ect ioni nPar tA. Ans.1. 74i nches




1.Findt het oot ht hicknessofa14deg.I nv olutegearhav i
ngadi amet ralpi t
A.5. 33mm B.6. 65mm C.8. 45mm D.12. 36mm
2.Agearsethav ingagearr ati
oof3i st obeusedatacent erdi stanceof10i nches.I ft hegearhas60t eet h,
whatmustbet heci rcularpi t
ch? A.0. 7236i n. B.0. 7851i n. C.0. 8970i n. D.0. 7283i n.
3.Comput ethespeedoft hegearmount edi na52. 5mm di amet ershaf tr eceivingpowerf rom apr imemot or
with250hp. A.2182r pm B.2081r pm C.2265r pm D.2341r pm
4.Findt hedi st ancebet weencent ersofapai rofgear s,oneofwhi chhas12t eet handt heot her37t eeth.The
diamet r
al pi tchi s8. A.3i n B.4i n C.5i n D.6i n
5.Twopar all
el shaf tshav eanangul arv eloci tyr atioof3t o1ar econnect edbygear s,t hel argestofwhi ch
has54t eet h.Fi ndt henumberoft eet hofsmal lergear .
A.14 B.16 C.12 D.18
6.Aspurpi nionr ot atesat1800r pm andt ransmi tst oamat i
nggear30hp.Thepi tchdi amet eris8i nchesand
thepr essur eangl eis141/ 2.Det er mi net het otal l
oadi nl bs.
A.123. 45l bs B.653. 45l bs C.271. 24l bs D.327. 43l bs
7.Aspurpi nionr ot atesat1800r pm andt ransmi tst omat inggear30HP.Thepi tchdi amet eri s4”andt he
pressur eangl ei s141/ 2.det er minet het angent i
al l
oadi nlbs.
A.495 B.525 C.535 D.475
8.Twoi dl ersof28Tand26Tar ei ntroducedbet weent he24Tpi nionwi that urningspeedof400r pm dr iving
af i
nal 96Tgear .Whatwoul dbet hef inal speedoft hedr ivengearandi tsdi r
ect ionr elativet ot hedr ivi
gearr ot ation? A.120r pm andopposi tedi rection C.80r pm andsamedi rection
B.100r pm andopposi tedi rection D.100r pm andsamedi rect i
9.Aspurpi nionsuppor t edoneachsi debybal lbear i
ngsr otates1750r pm andt ransmi tt oamat inggearat25
Hp.Thepr essur eangl eis20degr eesandt hepi t
chdi amet eri s5.Det ermi net het angent ialloadi nl bs.
A.420 B.300 C.360 D.400
10.Themi nimum cl earanceal lowedf ormeshi ngspurgear swi t
haci rcularpitchof0. 1571anddi amet ralpitch
of20.Thespurgearhas25t eeth. A.0. 007855 B.0. 008578 C.0. 007553 D.0. 007565
11.Comput et hespeedoft hespeedoft hegearmount edona52. 5mm di amet ershaf trecei vingpowerf rom a
ngmot orwi th250hp. A.2182r pm B.2071r pm C.2282r pm D.2341r pm
12.Themi nimum whol edept hofspurgearof4- 1/2degi nv ol
ut et ypewi thdi amet erpi tchof24andci rcular
pitchof0. 1309: A.0. 09000 B.0. 09900 C.0. 089875 D.0. 089758
13.Ani nt ernal geari ssetupwi tha5- indi amet erpi nionandcent erdistanceof18i nches.Fi ndt hedi amet erof
theint ernal gear . A.38” B.21. 5” C.26” D.41”
14.Thet oot ht hi cknessofageari s0. 5i nchandi tscircularpi tchi s1.0i nch.Cal cul at et hededendum oft he
gear. A.0. 3183 B.1. 250 C.0. 3979 D.0.1114
15.Comput ef ort het oot hthicknessof14½spurgearwi thdi amet erpitch=5.
A.0. 3979 B.3. 1831 C.0. 03141 D.0. 31416
16.Comput et heci r cularpi t
ch( i
ni nch)ofapai rofgear shav i
ngar ati
oof4andacent erdi stanceof10. 23.
Eachgearhas72t eet handpi nionhas18t eet h.
A.0. 8095 B.0. 7825 C.0. 8035 D.0. 8085
17.A36t oothpi nionwi thar unningspeedof300r pm dr ives120t oothgearof14½degr eesi nv olutef ulldepth

pr essur eangl e.Whatwoul dbet hespeedoft hedr ivengear ?
A.1000r pm B.100r pm C.90r pm D.140r pm
18.Fi ndt het ootht hi cknessont het oothci r
cleofa20degr eefulldept hi nv ol utet oot hhav ingadi amet r
al pi
of3ci rcularpi tchof1. 0472andwhol edept hoft oot hat0. 60.
A.10. 7mm B.13. 2mm C.10. 1mm D.7. 9mm
19.Apai rofgearr atioof3and60geart eethof14½degr eef ulldeptht oot h.Thedi amet ral pitchi s10.
Comput et het oot ht hicknessont hepi tchci rcle.
A.0. 570 B.0. 352i nch C.0. 157i nch D.0. 142i nch
20.Apai rofgear /pi nionof42t oot hand18t oot hwi thadi amet ral pi
tchof0. 7874t eeth/ cm andt headdendum
s0. 8/panddedendum 1/ p.Thegearpr essur eangl eis20o.Comput et hecent erdist anceoft hepai rof
gear sinmet er s. A.0. 5026 B.0. 3426 C.0. 3516 D.0. 4013
21.Ani nt ernal gearr equi resani dlergeari fthedr iv inggearof6i nchesi ndi amet erandt hecent erdist anceof
thei dlertot hedr iveri s20i nches.Whati st hei nsi dedi amet eroft hedr ivengear ?
A.62i nB.70i nC.74i nD.81i n
22.Acutgeart ransmi ts25HPatapi tchl inev eloci tyof6000f t/min.I ft heser vicei sinter mi ttentt hedy namic
loadi s: A.244l b B.264l b C.274l b D.284l b
23.Apr ecisiongeart ransmi ts25HPatapi tchl i
nev eloci t
yof6000f t
/ mi n.I ftheser vicei si ntermi ttent
A.244l b B.264l b C.274l b D.284l b
24.Anengi neofamot orv ehi clewi thawheel diamet erof712mm dev elops50KW at2, 000r pm.The
combi nedef fi
ciencyoft hedi ffer ential andt ransmi ssioni s75%wi thanov erallspeedr educt ionof25i sto1.
Det er mi net het or quet obedel iveredbyt hecl utchi nN- m.
A.239 B.359 C.432 D.471
25.Anengi neofamot orv ehi clewi thawheel diamet erof712mm dev elops50KW at2, 000r pm.The
combi nedef fi
ciencyoft hedi ffer ential andt ransmi ssioni s75%wi thanov erallspeedr educt ionof25i sto1.
Det er mi net hedr awbarpul ldev elopedi nKN.
A.13. 40KN B.15. 45KN C.14. 55KN D.12. 57KN
26.Anengi neofamot orv ehiclewi thawheel diamet erof712mm dev elops50KW at2, 000r pm.The
combi nedef fi
ciencyoft hedi ffer ential andt ransmi ssioni s75%wi thanov erallspeedr educt ionof25i sto1.
Det er mi net hespeedr educt i
onoft rav eloft hev ehi cleinkm/ hr.
A.10. 74 B.11. 69 C.12. 58 D.13. 80
27.Af ourwheel vehi clemustdev elopadr aw- barpul l of17, 500l bs.Theengi newhi chdev el ops500hpand
dr i
v es500hpanddr ivest hr oughageart ransmi ssi ona34t oothspi r al bev el piniongearwhi chmesheswi th
aspi ral bev elgearhav ing51t eet h.Thi sgeari skey edt ot hedr i
veshaf toft he48i ndi amet err earwheel s
oft hev ehicle.Whatt ransmi ssi ongearr atioshoul dbeusedi ftheengi nedev el opsmaxi mum t or queat1500
rpm?Not e:t heef f
iciencyoft hebev el geardi ffer ent i
al i
A.17. 493:1 B.16. 667: 1 C.18. 562: 2 D.11. 492: 2
28.Aspeedr educt iongearboxconsi stofanSAE4140st eelpinionmount edt oashaf tona30HP, 1750r pm
elect ri
cmot or.Thepi ni ondr ivesacastst eel (wi th0. 25%car bon)gearwi thaspeedr educt ionof5: 1.
Assumi ng20degr eesi nv olut est ubt eet hand16t eet hpi ni
on, determi net hepi tchdi amet ers.
A.2. 67, 13. 35i n B.3. 23, 15.43i n C.2. 50,16.61i n D.2. 45, 20. 11i n
29.Api ni onr otatingat1800r pm andsuppor tedoneachsi debyabal lbear ingt ransmi t18KW t oamat ingspur
gear .I fthepr essur eangl eis20degr eesandpi tchdi amet eris102mm, det ermi net het angent ial load.
A.3, 231N B.2, 244N C.1, 320N D.1, 583N
30.Twoshaf tar econnect edbyspurgear s.Thepi tchr adi iofthegear sAandBar e207mm and842mm
respect i
vely.I fshaf tAmakes350r pm andi ssubj ectedt ot wisti
ngmomentof236N- m, whati st het oot
pr essur eoft het wogear s. A.1177N B.1255N C.890N D.878N

1.Awor krotat
ingat1150r pm drivesawor m gear.Thev eloci
iois15t o1.A10hpmot ori
susedt o
supplytheworm withwor m pit
chgeardi ameterof3i n.Findthetangentialfor ceonthewor m.
A.365.37lbs B.465. 37lbs C.565. 37lbs D.665. 37lbs
2.Adoubl ethr
eadwor m gearhasapi t
chof11/ 8andapi t
chdi ameterof3i n.I thasacoeffici
0.20andnor malangle(pressureangle)of14.5o.Thewor missuppliedby12hpat1200r pm mot or.Find
ceont hegear .Thewor mi slefthandthreads.
A.597.08lbs B.697. 08lbs C.797. 08lbs D.897. 08lbs
3.Asingleworm gearhasapi t
chdi ameterof2i nandapi t
chof1i nwi thcoefficientoffr

normal anglei s14. 5degr eeswi tht angent i
al forceongearof1000l bs.Fi ndt heseparationf or ceongear
andwor m consi der i
ngal efthandt hreads.
A.171. 23l bs B.271. 23l bs C.371. 23l bs D.471. 23l bs
4.Adoubl et hreadwor m gearhasal eadangl eof7. 25degr eesandpi tchr adiusof2½i n.Fi ndt hepi tchoft he
wor m.
A.¼i n B.½i n C.1i n D.1½i n
5.At ri
plet hreadwor m gearhasahel ixangl eof78degr ees.I thasapi tchof¾i n.Findt hepi tchdi amet erof
thegear .
A.2. 37i n B.2. 77i n C.3. 07i n D.3. 37i n
6.Adoubl et hreadwor m hasal eadof1. 5i nandpi tchdi amet erof3. 5i n.I fnor mal pressureangl ei s14. 5
degrees, findt hepr essur eangl eoft hewor m.
A.11. 68o B.12. 68o C.13. 68o D.14. 68o
7.At ri
plet hreadwor m gearhaspi tchof¾i nandpi tchdi amet erof2¼i n.Fi ndt heheli
xangl e.
A.72. 34o B.62. 34o C.52. 34o D.42. 34o
8.At hree-threadwor m, rotatingat1, 000r pm, drivesa31- toothgear .Fi ndt hespeedoft hegear .
A.76. 77r pm B.86. 77r pm C.96. 77r pm D.106. 77r pm
9.Adoubl et hreadwor m hav ingapi tchof1i ni suset odr ivea40t eethgear .Findt hepitchdi amet eroft he
A.9. 73i n B.10. 73i n C.11. 73i n D.12. 73i n
10.At ri
plet hreadwor m geari suset odr ivea25t eet hgearhav i
ngapi tchof¾i n.Findt hecent erdi st ance.
A.2. 34i n B.3. 34i n C.4. 34i n D.5. 34i n
11.Adoubl et hr eadwor m hasahel ixangl eof82oandapi t
chdi amet erof1¾i n.Thewor mr ot atesat800
rpm.Fi ndt hel inearspeedoft hewor m.
A.129. 82f pm B.139. 82f pm C.149. 82f pm D.159. 82f pm
12.At ri
plet hreadwor m gearhav i
ngadi amet ral pitchof5i nisuset odel iveragear .Thespeedr atioi s10.
Findt hepi tchl i
nev el ocityofgeari dt hewor mr otat esat600r pm.
A.64. 25f pm B.74. 25f pm C.84. 25f pm D.94. 25f pm
13.Adoubl et hr eadwor m gearhav ingapi tchof1i nandhasal i
nearspeedof200f pm.Thepi tchdi amet erof
wor mi s4i n.Fi ndt het angent ial speedoft hewor m.
A.1, 256. 64f pm B.1, 356. 64f pm C.1, 456. 64f pm D.1,556.64f pm
14.At ri
plet hreadwor m gearhasapi t
chof¾i nandpi tchdi amet erof3. 5i n.Thenor mal pressur eangl eis
14.5degr eesandcoef fi
cientoff rict i
oni s0. 10.Fi ndt hewor m ef f
iciency .
A.50. 05% B.55. 05% C.60. 05% D.65. 05%
15.At ri
plet hreadwor m gearhasnor mal pr essur eangl eof14. 5oandcoef fici
entoff r
oni s0. 15.I fwor m
ciencyi s70%, findt hel eadangl e.
A.25. 74o B.27. 74o C.29. 74o D.31. 74o
16.Awor m hasf ourt hr eadsof14. 5 nor mal pressur eangl eandpi tchdi amet erof4¼i n.Thegearhas52
teethof1¾i npi tch.Fi ndt hecent erdi st anceoft heshaf ts.
A.12. 61i n B.14. 61i n C.16. 61i n D.18. 61i n
17.Awor m hasf ourt hr eadsof14. 5onor mal pressur eangl eandpi tchdi amet erof4¼i n.Thegearhas52
teethof1¾i npi tch.Fi ndt heef ficiencyoft hewor mi ffri
ctioni s0. 03.
A.82. 88% B.86. 88% C.89. 88% D.92. 88%
18.At ri
plet hreadwor m hasapi tchdi amet erof3i nches.Thewheel has25t eet handapi tchdi amet erof5
inches.Mat er ialforbot ht hewor m andt hewheel isofphosphorbr onze.Comput ethehel i
xangl e.
A.0. 20 B.0. 30 C.0. 40 D.14
19.At ri
plet hreadwor m geari suset odr ivea25t eet hgearhav i
ngapi tchof¾i n.Findt hecent erdi st ance.
A.2. 34i n B.3. 34i n C.4. 34i n D.5. 34i n
20.Adoubl et hr eadedr ighthandedwor m geart ransmi ts15HPat1150r pm.Thepi t
choft hewor mi s0.75
inchesandpi tchdi amet erof3i nches.Thepr essur eangl ei s14and½degr eesandt hecoef ficientof
ctioni s0. 12.Fi ndt hesepar at ingf or cei npounds.
A.504l bs B.501l bs C.407l bs D.5091l bs

A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5

napl anenor mal tot heteet h.
A.0. 528 B.0. 628 C.0. 728 D.0.828
o o
3.Ahel icalgearhav ingahel ixangleof23 andpr essureangl eof20.Fi ndt hepressur eanglenormalt
teeth. A.0. 235 B.0.335 C.0. 435 D.0. 535
4.A75hpmot or, runningat450r pm isgear edtoapumpbymeansofhel i
calgearhav ingapini
8in.Fi ndt het angent ialf
or ceofthegear .
A.2, 326l bs B.2, 426l bs C.2, 526l bs D.2, 626l bs
5.At urbineat30, 000r pm isusedt odr i
v ear eductiongeardel i
vering3hpat3, 000rpm.Thegear sare20
degreesi nvolut eherr i
ngbonegear sof28pi t
chand21/ 8ineffect i
vewi dth.Thepi nionhas20t eethwit
xangl eof23deg.Det erminet heloadnor mal t
ot hetoothsur face.
A.20. 4lbs B.24. 4lbs C.28. 4lbs D.32.4lbs
6.Ahel icalgearhav ing20t eet handpi t
chdi amet erof5i n.Findt henor mal di
ametral pit
degrees. A.3. 31i n B.4.31i n C.5. 31in D.6. 31in
7.Ahel icalgeart angent i
oadof200l bsandaxi al l
oadof73l bs.Fi ndt hehelixangle.
A.14degr ees B.16degr ees C.18degr ees D.20degr ees
8.Ahel icalgearhav ing20t eet handpi t
chdi amet erof5i n.Findt henor mal di
ametral pit
degrees. A.3. 31i n B.4.31i n C.5. 31in D.6. 31in
9.Twohel i
cal geart ransmi t50HPat3600r pm.Whatshoul dbet hebor ediameterofeachgearbei ft
owabl est r
essi ngearshaf tsi
s12, 500psi ?
A.1. 252i n B.1. 3275in C.1. 4568i n D.1. 5276i n

1.A20of ull
dept hst raightt oot hgearhasaf acewi dthof3¾i nandapi tchdiamet erof12i nwi thconepitch
angl eof37. 5o.Fi ndt hemeandi amet er .
A.6. 72i n B.7. 72i n C.8. 72i n D.9. 72i n
2.Ast r
ai ghttoot hbev el gearhasaf acewi dthof4”andapi tchdi amet erof14i nwi t
hconepi t
changl eof40o.
thet orqueont hegeari s8000i n-l
b, whati st het angent i
al f
or ceont hegear ?
A.1400l bs B.1400l bs C.1400l bs D.1400l bs
3.Apai rofst raightt oothbev elgearconnectapai rofshaf ts90o.Thev elocit
oi s3t o1.Whati sthecone
pitchangl eofsmal l
ergear ?
A.71. 57deg B.65. 34deg C.18. 43deg D.12. 34deg
4.Aspi ralbev el pinionwi thal efthandspi ralrotat escl ockwi set ransmi tspowert oamat inggearwi t
ratioof2t o1.Det ermi net hepi tchangl eoft hepi nion.
A.16. 56deg B.20. 56deg C.26. 56deg D.32. 56deg
5.Aspi ralbev el pinionwi thal efthandspi raltransmi ts4hpat1200r pm t oamat i
nggear .Themeandi ameter
oft hepi nioni s3i n.Fi ndt het angent ialforceatt hemeanr adiusoft hegear .
A.110l bs B.120l bs C.130l bs D.140l bs
6.Apai rof4- pitch, 14. 5o,involutebev el gearhav e2: 1reduct i
on.Thepi tchdiameteroft hedr iveris10i nand
facewi dthof2i n.Det ermi net hef aceangl eofpi nion.( Shaf t
satr i
ghtangl e)
A.20. 85deg B.23. 85deg C.25. 85deg D.27. 85deg
7.Theconeangl eofpi nionofapai rofbev el geari s30owhi lefort hegear60o.I ft
hepi niont urnsat300r pm,
ndt hespeedoft hegear .
A.173. 21r pm B.183. 21r pm C.193. 21r pm D.203. 21r pm
8.Theconeangl eofpi nionandt hegearar e25oand65or espect ivel
y .Fi ndthespeedr at
A.1. 5 B.5. 2 C.4. 23 D.2. 14
9.Apai rofbev el gearhav ingaspeedr at i
oof3hasa5- pitchat14. 5degi nvolut
e.Thepi tchangl eofthe
pinioni s8i n.Fi ndt headdendum angl eoft hepi nion.( Atr i
ghtangl ebet weenshaf ts)
A.0. 906o B.1. 45o C.2. 34o D.3. 20o
10.Apai rofbev el gearhav i
ngaspeedr ati
oof2has4- pitchat14. 5oinv olute.Thepi tchdi amet erofpini
in.Fi ndt hededendum angl eoft hegear .
A.1. 11deg B.2. 11deg C.3. 11deg D.4. 11deg
11.Acl ass3pi nionbev elgeari smadeofal l
oyst eel hardenedt o300Br inell
.Thepi nionr unsat850r pm with
5i npi tchdi amet er.Fi ndt hegearst ressatf act orofsaf ety3.
A.35, 023psi B.45, 023psi C.55, 023psi D.65, 023psi
12.Comput et hepi tchangl eofabev el geargi vent hepi nion’snumberoft eethof14and42t eethont hegear.

A.18. 4” B.28. 4” C.33.4” D.38. 4”
13.I nastandar dbev elgear,t
hepi nionr
otatesat150r pm, i
tsnumberoft eethis14whi l
ethgearhas42t eeth,
whati sthepi t
changl eoft hepinion?
A.18. 4degr eesB.20degr ees C.14.5degr eesD.20. 5degrees
14.Af ourwheel vehicl
emustdev elopadraw- barpul
lof17, 500lbs.Theengi newhi chdevel
dr i
ves500hpanddr ivesthroughageart ransmissiona34t oothspir
al bevelpi
niongearwhichmesheswi th
aspi r
al bevelgearhav ing51t eeth.Thi
sgeari skey edtothedr iv
eshaf tofthe48indiameterrearwheels
ofthev ehicl
e.Whatt ransmissiongearratioshouldbeusedi ftheenginedev el
opsmaximum t orqueat1500
rpm?Not e:theef fi
ciencyofthebev elgeardiff
A.17. 493:1 B.16. 667:1 C.18.562:2 D.11. 492:2


1.Fi ndt heangl eofcont actont hesmal lpul l
eyforabel tdriv
ewi thcent erdistanceof72i nchesi fpulley
diamet er sar e6i n.and12i n. ,respect ively.
A.180. 60deg.B.243. 40deg.C.203. 61deg.D.175. 22deg.
2.Det ermi net hebel tlengt hofanopenbel ttoconnectt he6cm and12cm di amet erpul leyatacent erdi stance
A.172. 39cm B.160. 39cm C.184. 39cm D.190. 39cm
3.A12cm pul l
eyt urningat600r pm isdr i
vinga20cm pul leybymeansofbel t.Iftotal bel tsli
det er mi net hespeedofdr i
v i
nggear .
A.360r pm B.342r pm C.382r pm D.364r pm
4.Thet orquet ransmi ttedi nabel tconnect ed300mm di amet erpul l
eyis4KN. m.Fi ndt hepowerdr i
vingt he
pul leyifbel tspeedi s20m/ sec.
A.358. 88KW B.565. 88KW.C.533. 33KW D.433. 33KW
5.A3/ 8inchf latbel tis12i ncheswi deandi susedon24i nchesdi amet erpul l
eyr otati
ngat600r pm.The
speci fi
cwei ghtofbel ti
s0. 035l b/n3.Theangl
i eofcont acti s150degr ees.I fcoefficientoff ricti
oni s0. 3and
st ressi s300psi ,howmuchpowercani tdeli
ver ?
A.65. 4Hp B.69. 5Hp C.60. 5Hp D.63. 5Hp
6.Abel tconnect edpul l
ey shas10cm di amet erand30cm di amet er
.I fcent erdistancei s50cm, determi nethe
angl eofcont actofsmal l
erpul l
A.152deg. B.154deg. C.157deg. D.159deg.
7.Acompr essori sdr ivenbyan18KW mot orbymeansofV- belt.Theser vicef actoris1. 4andt hecor r
ect ed
hor sepowercapaci tyofV- bel tis3. 5.Det erminet henumberofbel t
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10
8.Apul l
ey600mm i ndi amet ert ransmi t
s50KW at600r pm bymeansofbel t.Det ermi net heef fecti
vebel tpul
A.2. 65KN B.3. 65KN C.4. 65KN D.5. 65KN
9.Apul l
eyhav eanef fectivebel tpull of3KNandanangl eofbel tcontactof160degr ees.The wor king
st ressofbel tis2Mpa.Det ermi net het hicknessofbel ttobeusedi fwi dthis350mm andcoef f
frict i
oni s0. 32.
A.6. 42mm B.7. 24mm C.8. 68mm D.9. 47mm
10.Apul leyhasabel tpull of2. 5KN.I f20Hpmot orisuset odr iv et
hepul l
ey ,determinet hebel tspeed.
A.19. 58f t/secB.5. 97f t
/sec C.7. 42m/ sec D.10. 86m/ sec
11.Abel tconnect sa10cm di amet erand30cm di ameterpul leysatacent erdi stanceof50cm.Det ermi nethe
angl eofcont actatt hesmal lerpul ley.
A.137. 8o B.146. 4o C.165. 2o D.156. 9o
12.An8i ndi amet erpul l
eyt ur ningat600r pm isbel tconnect edt oa14”di amet erpulley .Ift her
ei sa4%sl ip,
findt hespeedof14i npul ley .
A.482r pm B.523r pm C.238r pm D.329r pm
13.A3/ 8”t hickf latbel tis12”wi deandi susedona24”di amet erpulleyrotat i
ngat600r pm.Thespeci f
wei ghtoft hebel tis0.035l b/in3.Theangl eofcont actis150o.I Fthecoef fici
entoff ri
ct i
onis0. 3andt he
saf est ressi s300psi ,howmuchpowercani tdel i
A.69. 5hp B.75. 6hp C.48. 3hp D.35. 2hp
14.Thest andar dwi dthofaB85pr emi um qual i
tyV- beltis_____ ___.

A.7/ 8” B.13/ 32” C.½” D.21/ 32”
15.Det ermi net hewi dt hofa6pl yr ubberbel tr equiredf orav ent il
at ingf anrunni ngat150r pm dr i
v enf r
om a12
nchpul l
eyona70hpat800r pm.Thecent erdi st ancebet weenpul l
eyis2f tandt her atedbel tt ensi oni s
78.0l b/ i
nwi dt h.
A.2” B.8” C.10” D.15”
16.A25. 4cm pul leyi sbel t-drivenwi thanett or queof339N- m.Ther atiooft ensi oni nt het ightsi deoft hebel t
is4: 1.Whati st hemaxi mum t ensi oni nt hebel t?
A.3559N B.3549N C.3539N D.3569N
17.A500r pm shaf ti sf it
tedwi t
ha30i nchesdi amet erpul leywei ghi ng250l b.Thi spul leydel iver s35hpt oa
load.Theshaf ti sal sof it
tedwi tha24i npi tchdi amet ergearwei ghi ng200l b.Thi sgeardel iver s25hpt oa
load.Assumet hatt het ensionoft het ightsi deoft hebel ti st wi cet hatont hesl acksi deoft hebel t
det ermi net heconcent ratedl oadpr oducesont heshaf tbyt hepul l
eyandt hegeari nl b.
A.2, 123l bs B.1, 321l bs C.1, 132l bs D.1, 431l bs
18.Anopenbel tdr i
v econnect sa450mm dr i
v ingpul leyt oanot herdr ivenpul ley1000mm i ndi amet er.The
beltis300mm wi deand10mm t hick.Thecoef ficientoff r i
ct i
onoft hebel tdr i
v ei s0. 3andt hemassoft he
beltis2. 8kg/ m oft hebel tlengt h.Ot herdat aar e:
A.cent erdi stancebet weenshaf t=4met ers
B.maxi mum al lowabl et ensi lest ressont hebel t=1, 500Kpa
C.speedofdr ivingpul ley=900r pm
Det ermi net hemaxi mum powert hatcanbet ransmi ttedi nKW.
A.59. 49KW B.40. 72KW C.38. 78KW D.37. 80KW
19.Anel ect ricmot orr unni ngat1200r pm dr ivesapunchpr essshaf tat200r pm bymeansofa130mm wi de
and8mm t hickbel t.Whent hecl utchi sengagedt hebel tsl i
ps.Tocor rectt hiscondi ti
on, ani dlerpul ley
wasi nst alledt oi ncr easet heangl eofcont actbutt hesamebel tandpul leywer eused.Theor igi nal cont act
angl eont he200mm mot orpul leyi s160degr ees.Theor iginal cont actr atioi s2. 4andt henett ensioni s12
N/ mm oft hebel twi dth.I fani ncr easei nt ransmi ssi oncapaci tyof20%wi llpr ev entsl ippage, det ermi net he
newangl eofcont act .
A.320degr ees B.220degr ees C.250degr ees D.219degr ees
20.Anammoni acompr essori sdr ivenbya20KW mot or.Thecompr essorandt hemot orRPM ar e360and
1750, respect i
v ely .Thesmal lsheav ehasapi t
chdi amet erof152. 4mm.I fthebel ttobeusedi sst andar d
C-120, deter mi net hecent erdi stancebet weensheav es.
A.709mm B.865mm C.806mm D.686mm
21.Anai rcompr essori sdr ivenbya7. 5HPel ect r
icmot orwi thaspeedof1750r pm wi thst andar dA- 60V-
bel t
s.Thepi tchdi amet eroft hesmal lsheav ei s110mm andt hel argersheav ei s200mm.Ser vicef act or
is1. 2.Det er mi net hear cofcont act .
A.173. 92degr ees B.183. 56degr ees C.169. 87degr ees D.212. 65degr ees
22.Apul l
ey610mm i ndi amet ert ransmi ts40KW at500RPM.Thear cofcont actbet weent hebel tpul leyi s
0.35andt hesaf ewor kingst ressoft hebel ti s2. 1Mpa.Fi ndt het angent ial for ceatt her im oft hepul leyin
Newt on. A.2, 406N B.4, 321N C.2, 405N D.3. 321N
23.Apul l
ey610mm i ndi amet ert ransmi ts40KW at500r pm.Thear cofcont actbet weent hebel tandpul l
144degr ees, t
hecoef ficientoff ricti
onbet weenbel tandpul leyi s0. 35andt hesaf ewor kingst ressoft hebel t
is2. 1andt hesaf ewor kingst ressoft hebel tis2. 1Mpa.Whati st heef f
ect i
v ebel tpul linNewt on.
A.2, 505N B.3, 931N C.4, 528N D.2, 823N
24.Ar eci procat ingammoni acompr essori sdr ivenbyasqui rrel cagei nduct ionmot orr ated15HPat1750r pm,
acr osst hel inest artingmot orpul ley203. 2mm di amet er, compr essorpul ley406. 4mm di amet er.Fi ndt he
wi dthofbel t. A.129 B.132 C.130 D.127
25.Apul l
ey610mm i ndi amet ert ransmi ts37KW at600r pm.Thear cofcont actbet weent hebel tandpul l
144degr ees, t
hecoef ficientoff ricti
onbet weent hebel tandpul l
eyi s0. 35,andt hesaf ewor kingst r
thebel tis2. 1Mpa.Fi nd: A.Thet angent ialfor ceatt her i
m oft hepul ley . Ans.1. 93KN
B.Theef f
ect i
vebel tpul l
. Ans.1. 93KN
C.Thewi dthoft hebel tusedi fitst hicknessi s6mm. Ans.261mm
26.Any l
on- cor ef latbel thasanel ast omerenv elop;i s200mm wi de, andt r
ansmi ts60KW atabel tspeedof
25m/ s.Thebel thasamassof2kg/ m oft hebel tlengt h.Thebel tisusedi nacr ossedconf i
gur at i
ont o
connecta300mm di amet erdr ivi
ngpul l
eyt oa900mm di amet erdr ivenpul leyatashaf tspaci ngof6m.
A.Cal culat et hebel tlengt handt heangl esofwr ap. Ans.13. 95m,3. 34r ador191. 4o
B.Comput et hebel ttensionsbasedonacoef ficientoff rictionof0. 33. Ans.1. 76KN,1. 96KN
27.Thet ensionr at i
of orabel tinapul l
eywi tha200oangl eandaf r
ict ional coef fi
ci entof0. 3is:
A.2. 85 B.1. 85 C.3. 0 D.3. 85


1.Abr akehasadi fferencei nbandt ensi onof4KN.Thedr um di amet eri s1met erandr otatingat300r pm.
Det ermi net hepowerneededt odr ivet hedr um.
A.54. 62KW B.56. 85KW C.62.83KW D.64. 86KW
2.Inabr ake, thet ensi onont ightsi dei st hricet hesl acksi de.I fcoef fi
cientoff r
ictionis0. 25, f
indt heangl eof
cont actoft heband.
A.240. 61deg.B.251. 78deg.C.286. 75deg.D.275. 65deg.
3.Onabr akedr um t hedi f
fer encei ntensi onbet weent hesl acksi deandt ightsi dei s5.I fther atioinband
tensi oni s3, det ermi net het ensi oni nt ightsi de.
A.5. 0KN B.5. 5KN C.6. 5KN D.7. 5KN
4.Ast eel bandhav eamaxi mum t ensilest ressof55mpaandt hi cknessof4mm.I fthet ensioni ntightsi dei s6
KN, whatwi dt hofbandshoul dbeused?
A.25. 64mm B.27. 27mm C.28. 28mm D.29. 29mm
5.Abandbr akehasast r
aightbr akear m of1. 5m andi spl acedper pendi cul artot hedi amet erbisect i
ngt he
angl eofcont actof270degr eeswhi chi s200mm f rom t heendofsl acksi de.I f200Nf orceisappl iedatt he
ot herenddownwar dofbr akear m, det ermi net het ensi onatsl acksi de.
A.2121. 32N B.4646. 32N C.3131. 32N D.4141. 32N
6.Abandbr akehasa76cm di amet erdr um sust ainsal oadof1Mt ont oahoi sti
ngdr um 50cm i ndi amet er.
Whati sthebandt ensi ondi ffer ence?
A.657. 89kg. m B.785. 98kg. m C.686. 86kg. m D.948. 71kg. m
7.Ther at i
oofbandt ensioni nabandbr akei s4.I fangl eofcont acti s260degr ees, det ermi net hecoef fi
A.0. 10 B.0. 25 C.0. 35 D.0. 30
8.Abandbr akehasanangl eofcont actof280degr eesandi st osust ainat orqueof10, 000i n-l
bear sagai nstacasti rondr um of14i ndi amet er .Thecoef ficientoff rictioni s0. 30.Fi ndt het ensionatt he
tightsi de.
A.1, 857. 29l bsB.2, 501. 50l bsC.3, 854. 84l bsD.9, 501. 50l bs
9.Abandbr akei si nstal l
edonadr um r ot atingat250r pm andadi amet erof900mm.Theangl eofcont actis
1.5πr adandoneendoft hebr akebandi sfast enedt oaf ixedpi nwhi l
et heot herendt ot hebr akear m 150
mm f rom t hef ixedpi n.Thecoef fi
cientoff rictioni s0. 25andt hest raightbr akear mi s1000mm l ongandi s
placedper pendi culart ot hedi amet erbi sect ingt heangl eofcont act .Det er minet hemi nimum f orcei n
Newt onsappl i
edatt heendoft hebr akear m necessar yt ost opt hedr um i f60KW i sbei ngabsor bed.
A.200N B.220N C.240N D.260N
10.Abandbr akei suset of ast enedt oan800mm br akedr um wi tht i
ghtsi dei s3t imest hesl acksi deoff orce.
Thet orquet ransmi ttedi s2KN. m andast eel bandwi thamaxi mum t ensi lestressof60Mpaand3mm t hick
wi l
lbeused.Whatshoul dbei tswi dthi nmm?
A.71. 67mm B.61. 67mm C.51. 67mm D.41. 67mm
11.Asi mpl ebandbr akehasa76cm dr um wi thcoef ficientoff rictionof0. 25andar cofcont actof245o.The
drum sust ai nsal oadof820kgandr otatesat260r pm.Fi ndt hepowerabsor bedbyt heband.
A.53. 23KW B.63. 23KW C.73. 23KW D.83. 23KW
12.Det ermi net hef orcewi thwhi cht hebr akeshoeofadi esel el ect ri
ct rainmustbepr essedagai nstt hewheel
toabsor b.250, 000f t
bofener gyin20seci fthemeanv eloci tyofwheel r
elativetot hebr akeshoei s45f ps
andcoef ficientoff ricti
oni s0. 20.
A.1, 389l b B.1, 489l b C.1, 589l b D.1, 689l b
13.Abandbr akei susedt ooper ateona600mm di amet erdr um t hati sr ot ati
ngat200r pm.Thecoef fi
oni s0. 25.Thebr akebandhasanangl eofcont actof270oandoneendi sf ast
enedt oaf i
xedpi nwhi l
theot herendi sf astenedont hebr akear m 120mm f rom t hef i
xedpi n.Thest raightbr akear mi s760mm

longandi splacedper pendicul
artot hediameterbisecti
ngtheangl eofcont act.Determinethemini
mum pull
necessar yattheendoft hebrakear mt ostopthedr um 34KW isabsor bed.
A.269N B.1200N C.456N D.200N
14.Asi mpl ebandbr akehasa76cm dr um andfi
ttedwithast eelband2/ 5cm thi
nedwi t
habakel i
havingacoef f
onof0. 25.Thear cofcont acti
s245degr ees.Thedr um isatt
hoistingdrum, thatsustai
nar opeloadof820kg.Theoper ati
ngf orcehasamomentar m of1.50m andt he
bandi sattached12cm f rom thepivotpoint
.Findt hetorquejustr equir
edtosuppor tt
A.2,413.26N- m B.3,492.31N-m C.2,453.29N- m D.1,
894.82N- m
15.Whatbandt hicknessinmm i snecessaryfora500mm di amet erdrum ift
hemaxi mum l i
0.05Mpa, andt heallowableband’sst r
A.5.234 B.2.530 C.3.125 D.4.621

1.Aconecl utchhasanangl eof12oandcoef ficientoff rictionof0. 42.Fi ndt heaxi alfor cer equiredift he
capaci tyoft hecl utchi s8KW at500r pm.Themeandi amet eroft heact i
v econi cal sect ionsi s300mm.Use
uni f
or m wearmet hod. A.504. 27N B.604. 27N C.704. 27N D.804. 27N
2.Howmucht orquecanaconecl ut cht ransmi tiftheangl eoft heconi cal element si s10degr ees.Themean
diamet erofconi calsect ionsi s200mm andanaxi alforceof600Ni sappl ied.Consi deracoef fi
ictionof0. 45. A.135. 49N. m B.155. 49N. m C.175. 49N. m D.195. 49N. m
3.Acl utchhasanout si
dedi amet erof8i nandi nsidedi amet erof4i n.Anaxi al f
orceof500l bi susedt ohol d
thet wopar tst ogether .Iff rictioni s0. 4, howmucht orquecant hecl utchhandl e?
A.322. 22i n-l
b B.422. 22i n-lb C.522. 22i n-lb D.622. 22i n-lb
4.Adi sccl utchhas6pai rsofcont act i
ngf rictionsur faces.Thef rictional radi usis2i nandt hecoef fici
frictioni s0. 30.Anaxi alfor ceof100l bact sont hecl ut ch.Theshaf tspeedi s400r pm.Whati st hepower
transmi t
tedbyt hecl utch?
A.1. 28HP B.2. 28HP C.3. 28HP D.4. 28HP
5.Aconecl utchhasconeel ement satanangl eof12o.Thecl utcht ransmi t25HPataspeedof1200r pm.The
meandi amet eroft heconi cal fri
ct ionsect i
oni s16i nandt hecoef ficientoff ri
ctioni s0. 35.Fi ndtheaxi al
neededt oengaget hecl utch.
A.238. 04l bs B.248. 04l bs C.258. 04l bs D.268. 04l bs
6.Abandcl utchhasanangl eofcont actof270oona15i ndi amet erdr um.Ther ot ational speedoft hedr um is
250r pm andt hecl utcht ransmi ts8HP.Thebandi s1/ 16i nt hickandhasadesi gnst ressof5000psi .How
wi deshoul dt hebandbe?Usecoef fi
cientoff r
ont obe0. 40.
A.1. 0145i n B.1. 3145i n C.1. 5145i n D.1. 7145i n
7.Theangl eofcont actofabandcl utchi s250degr ees.Thecr oss-sect i
onoft hebandi s1/ 16i nx1. 5i n.The
desi gnst ressf orthebandmat erial is8000psi .I fthedr um is16i nchi ndi amet erandr otatesat350r pm,
whati st hepowercapaci t
yoft hecl utchi ff=0. 40.
A.20. 50hp B.24. 50hp C.27. 50hp D.30. 50hp
8.Asi mpl edi sccl utchhasanout sidedi amet erof200mm andi nsidedi amet erof100mm.Thef ri
ctioni s0.40
andappl i
edl oadi s1,500N.Fi ndt het or quet ransmi ttedusi nguni for m wear .
A.16. 67N. m B.26. 67N. m C.36. 67N. m D.46. 67N. m
8.Fi ndt hepowercapaci tyofaconecl utchwi thmeandi amet erof250mm i ft heconi cal el ement sincl i
degr eesandaxi alforceof450N.Ther otational forceofdr iveris200r pm andt hef rictioni s0. 20.
A.0. 693KW B.1. 693KW C.2. 693KW D.3. 693KW
9.Det er mi net hepowercapaci tyofaconecl utchunderuni f
orm pr essur ehav i
ng250mm maj ordiamet er, 200
mm mi nordi amet er,lengt hofcont act125mm, 870r pm andf=0. 30i fallowabl epr essur ei s70Kpa.
A.19KW B.21KW C.23KW D.25KW
10.Fi ndt heconeangl eofacl ut chhav i
ngamaj ordi amet erof300mm andmi nordi amet erof250mm and
engt hofcont actof250mm.
A.3. 74o B.5. 74o C.7. 74o D.9. 74o
11.Fi ndt hepowercapaci tyofuni form wearofaconecl ut chhav i
ngmaj ordi amet erof250mm, minordi amet er
of200mm, l
engt hofcont act125mm, f=0. 30, speedof870r pm andhasanoper at ingf orceof500N.
A.1. 69KW B.3. 69KW C.5. 69KW D.7. 69KW
12.Usi ngauni f
or m wear , fi
ndt hepowercapaci tyofasi ngl edisccl ut chwi t
hanout sidedi amet erof200mm
andi nsi dedi amet erof100mm, rot atingat1160r pm ( f=0. 35) .Theaxi al oper atingf or cei s800N.
A.0. 55KW B.1. 55KW C.2. 55KW D.3. 55KW
13.Aj awcl ut chf ora43/ 16i nshaf thast hreej awswi thr adial f
or ces.Thei nsi dedi amet erofj awsi s43/ 8”

out sidedi amet eris11½i nandaxi alhei ghtofj awsi s2i n.Thewor kingst ressi nt heshaf ti s6,000psi .
Whati st hebear ingst ressi njawf aces?
A.1, 220psi B.1, 120psi C.1, 020psi D.1, 320psi
14.Anengi nedev elopi ng40HPat1250r pm i sf i
ttedwi thaconecl ut chbui l
ti ntot hef lywheel .Theconehasa
faceangl eof12. 5degr eesandmaxi mum di amet erof14i n.Thecoef ficientoff rictioni s0. 20.Thenor mal
pr essur eont hecl ut chf acei snott oexceed12psi .Det ermi net hef acewi dthr equi red.
A.1i n B.2i n C.3i n D.4i n
15.Abl ockcl utchhasf ourwoodenshoeseachcont act i
ngwi th75degr eesoft hei nsi deofa12i ndr um.The
coef ficientoff rictioni s0. 30andt hemaxi mum cont actpr essur ei snotexceed35psi .Thi scl utchi sto
transmi t15hpat250r pm.Det ermi net her equi r
edwi thofshoes.
A.1i n B.2i n C.3i n D.4i n
16.Thel ar gerdi amet erandf aceoft hedi skofmul tipledi skcl utchar e255mm and25mm r espect i
v ely.The
loadappl iedt ot hespr i
ngoft hecl ut chaxi allyis1, 688N.Assumi ngt hatt her ear e10pai rsoff riction0. 15
andt ur ning1000r pm.Fi ndt hepowert ransmi ttedbyt hecl utchusi nguni form pr essur emet hod.
A.24. 61KW B.26. 61KW C.28. 61KW D.30. 61KW
17.Anengi neofamot orv ehiclewi t
hawheel diamet erof712mm dev elops50kwat2000r pm.Det er mi net he
axi al for ceont hecl ut chinKN.Out sideandi nsidedi amet eroft hecl utchar e300mm and240mm,
respect ivel y.Ther ear e4pai rsofmat i
ngsur faceswi thf=0. 30.
A.1. 474KN B.2. 474KN C.3. 474KN D.4. 474KN
18.Amul tipledi sccl ut chof10st eel discand9br onzedi sc.Theef fectiveout sideandi nsidedi amet ersar e
20. 32cm and15. 24cm, r
espect i
v ely .Ift heaxi al forceof540Newt oni sappl i
edandt heshaf ttur nsat1200
rpm, findt hehor sepowercapaci ty.Assumeacoef fi
cientoff rictionof0. 27.
A.39. 566hp B.40. 482hp C.37. 458hp D.35. 659hp
19.Adi sccl ut chhas6pai rsofcont aini ngf rictionsur faces.Thef ri
ct i
onal radi usi s2- i
nandt hecoef ficientof
frict i
oni s0. 3.Anaxi al f
orceof100l bact sont hecl utch.Theshaf tspeedi s400r pm.Howmuch
hor sepowercant hecl utcht ransmi tted?
A.2. 28hp B.3. 12hp C.5. 2hp D.4. 51hp
20.Aconecl ut chhasanangl eof10degr eesandacoef fi
cientoff r
ictionof0. 42.Fi ndt heaxi alforcer equi redif
thecapaci tyoft hecl utchi s7. 46KW at500r pm.Themeandi amet eroft heact iveconi cal sect i
oni s300
A.0. 40332KN B.0. 3928KN C.0. 2453KN D.0. 2384KN
21.Amul tipledi sccl ut chconsi stsof10st eel discsand9br onzedi scs.Theef fectiveout sideandi nsi de
diamet er sar e203mm and152mm r espect ively.I fanaxi alfor ceof445Ni sappl iedandt heshaf tt urnsat
1000r pm, det ermi net hepowert ransmi tted.Assumeacoef ficientoff rict ionof0. 25andbaset hedesi gnon
unifor m pr essur e.
A.18. 77KW B.21. 3KW C.16. 5KW D.14. 3KW
22.Theef fect i
v eradi usoft hepadsi nasi ngl e- collart hrustbl ocki s230mm andt het otal loadont het hrust
blocki s240KNwhent heshaf tisr unni ngat93r pm.Taki ngt hecoef ficientoff rictionbet weent hr ustcol l
andpadsas0. 025, det erminet hepowerl ossduet ofricti
A.14. 34KW B.18. 24KW C.25. 62KW D.13. 44KW
23.Aconecl ut chi stot ransmi t30KW at1250r pm.Thef aceangl eoft heconecl utchi s12. 5oandt hemean
diamet eri st obe355mm.Thecoef ficientoff ri
ct i
onbet weent hecont act ingsur facesi s0. 20andt he
maxi mum nor mal pressur ei s83Kpa.Det er mi net heaxi alfor cei nKNr equi redt ot ransmi tt hepower
A.1. 4 B.1. 5 C.1. 6 D.1. 3
24.APaj er oj eepwagon’ sengi nedev elops40KW at1200r pm, wi thasi nglepl at ecl utchhav ingt wopai rsof
frict i
onsur facest ransmi t
tingt hepower .Consi dert hecoef fi
ci entoff r
ict iont obe0. 30andt hemean
diamet erofdi scst obe200mm.Det ermi net heaxi alforcer equi redt oengaget hecl utchandt ot ransmi tthe
power .
A.5. 31KN B.6. 34KN C.4. 32KN D.5. 68KN


1.Themai nbear ingofaonecy l
inderst eam ar e152mm di amet erby280mm l ongandsuppor taloadof4400
kg.Fi ndt hebear ingst ress. A.507. 10kpa B.517. 10kpa C.527. 10kpa D.537. 10kpa
2.Abear ing150mm di amet erand300mm l ongsuppor t
sal oadof5000kg.I fcoef fi
cientoff r
oni s0.18,
findt het or quer equi redt or otat et heshaf t. A.331N- m B.662N- m C.873N- m D.1020N- m
3.Abear ingj our nal rotat esat460r pm i suset osuppor tal oadof50KN.I thasadi amet erof20cm andl ength
of40cm.Fi ndt hef r
ict ionl ossi nkwperbear i
ng.Usef=0. 12.
A.20. 45KW B.18. 45KW C.16. 45KW D.14. 45KW
4.Abear inghasaperuni tloadof550Kpa.Thel oadonbear ingi s20KNandi thasadi amet ralrati
0. 0012.I fdi amet r
al cl earancei s0. 120mm, findt hel engt hofj our nal.
A.163. 63mm B.263. 63mm C.363. 63mm D.463. 63mm
5.Abear ingwhoseshaf tr otatesat500r pm, hasaf ricti
onl ossof15KW.Thebear i
ngl oadi s30KNand
frictionof0. 14.Fi ndt hebear ingdi amet er.
A.136. 42mm B.146. 42mm C.156. 42mm D.166. 42mm
6.Ashaf tr ev olv i
ngat1740r pm i ssuppor t
edbybear ingwi t hal engt hof105mm anddi amet erof64mm.I f
loadi sl i
ghtandSAEOi lNo.20( u=2. 4x10-6r ey ns)i susedanddi amet ralclearancei s0. 136mm, fi
ndt he
powerl ossduet of r
ict i
on. A.164wat ts B.174wat ts C.184wat ts D.194wat ts
7.Ashaf ti ssuppor tedby3i ndi amet erand4i nl ongbear ingt hatusesoi lwi thv i
scosi tyof2. 5x10-6r eyns.
Thebear inghasadi amet ral clear anceof0. 008i n.Atwhatspeedshoul dt heshaf tr otat essot hatt hefricti
poweri sl imi tedonl yt o1hp. A.1, 765r pm B.2, 765r pm C.3, 383r pm D.4, 765r pm
8.A76mm bear ingusi ngoi lwi thanabsol ut ev i
scosi tyof0. 70poi ser unni ngat500r pm gi vessat i
sf actory
oper ationwi thabear ingpr essur eof14kg/ cm2.Thebear ingcl ear ancei s0. 127mm.Det ermi netheuni t
pressur eatwhi cht hebear i
ngshoul doper atei ft hespeedi schangedt o600r pm.
A.16. 8kg/ cm2 B.18. 8kg/ cm2 C.20. 8kg/ cm2 D.22. 8kg/ cm2
9.A76mm bear ingusi ngoi lwi thanabsol ut ev i
scosi tyof0. 70poi ser unni ngat1500r pm gi vessat isfactory
oper ationwi thabear ingpr essur eof14kg/ cm2.Thebear ingcl ear ancei s0. 127mm.I fthebear i
ngi sgivena
totalcl ear anceof0. 076mm andspeedt o600r pm, whatchangeshoul dbemadei noi l?
A.0. 051poi se B.0. 151poi se C.0. 251poi se D.0. 351poi se
10.Aj our nal bear ing50mm i ndi amet erand25mm l ongsuppor t sar adial l
oadof1500kg.I fthecoef fi
bear ingf ri
ct i
oni s0. 01andt hej our nal r
ot atesat900r pm, f i
ndt hehor sepowerl ossi nt hebear i
A.0. 465HP B.0. 665HP C.0. 865HP D.0. 965HP
11.Abear ing2. 085i nchesi ndi amet erand1. 762i nl ongsuppor tsaj ournal runningat1200r pm.I toper ates
satisf act orilywi thadi amet ral clear anceof0. 0028i nandat ot al r
adi alloadof1, 400l bs.At160oFoper at i
temper atur eoft heoi lfilm, thebear ingmodul usZN/ P wasf oundt obe16. 48.Det ermi net hebear i
ngst ress
A.281psi B.381psi C.481psi D.581psi
12.Abear ing2. 085i nchesi ndi amet erand1. 762i nl ongsuppor tsaj ournal runningat1200r pm.I toper ates
satisf act orilywi thadi amet r
al clear anceof0. 0028i nandat otal radial loadof1, 400l bs.At160oFoper ating
temper at ur eoft heoi l fil
m, t
hebear ingmodul usZN/ P wasf oundt obe16. 48.Det ermi net hev i
scosi t
cent i
poi ses A.4. 23 B.5. 23 C.6. 23 D.7. 23
13.Themai nbear ingsofanengi near e152mm di amet erand280mm l ongandsuppor tsal oadof4400kg
mi dwaybet weent hebear ings.Fi ndt hebear ingpr essurei nKpa.
A.101 B.705 C.507 D.1014
14.Asl eev ebear inghasanout si dedi amet erof38. 1mm andl engt hof50mm, thewal lthicknessi s3/ 16i nch.
Thebear ingi ssubj ect edt oar adi al l
oadof450l b.Det ermi net hebear ingpr essur e.
A.100psi B.150psi C.200psi D.250psi

15.A2.5”di ameterby2i nlongjournalbear
ingistocarrya5500- l
pm usi
200Ft hroughasi ngleholeat25psi .Computethebear ingpressure.
A.1100psi B.900psi C.1000psi D.950psi
16.Ajournal bear
ingwithdiamet erof76.2mm issubjectedt oaloadof4900Nwhil
f i
onis0.02andL/ D=2. 5,fi
spr ojectedareainmm2.
A.12, 090 B.14,165 C.13,050 D.14, 516

1.Achai nandspr ockethas18t eethwi thchai npi tchof1/ 2i n.Fi ndt hepi tchdi amet erofspr ocket .
A.0. 879i n B.1. 879i n C.2. 879i n D.3. 879i n
2.Achai nandspr ockethas24t eethwi thchai npi tchof½i n.I ft hespr ockett urnsat600r pm, findt hespeedof
chai n. A.601. 72f pm B.621. 72f pm C.641. 72f pm D.661. 72f pm
3.Achai nandspr ockethasapi tchdi amet erof9. 56i nandapi tchof¾i n.Howmanyt eet har et herei n
spr ocket ? A.25 B.30 C.35 D.40
4.Achai nandspr ockethasapi tchdi amet erof28. 654i nandt her ear e90t eethav ailable.Fi ndt hepi tchoft he
chai n. A.½i n B.¾i n C.1i n D.1¼i n
5.Af anr equi r
eatl east4. 5hpt odel iver18, 000CFM ofai rrunni ngat320r pm.Foraser v icef act orof1. 15,
findt hedesi gnedhor sepoweroft hespr ocket .A.4. 5hp B.4. 84hp C.6. 34hp D.5. 175hp
6.A20- toot hdr ivingspr ockett hatr otatesat600r pm andpi tchchai nof½i ndr i
v esadr iv enspr ocketwi t
speedof200r pm.Fi ndt hedi amet eroft hedr ivenspr ocket .
A.7. 55i n B.8. 55i n C.9. 55i n D.10. 55i n
7.Achai nwi thspeed800f pm hasdr ivi
ngspr ockett urnsat900r pm.I ft hepi tchofchai ni s¾i n, fi
ndt he
numberoft eet hofdr ivingspr ocket. A.12t eet h B.14t eet h C.16t eet h D.18t eet h
8.Findt hest andar ddi stancebet weenspr ockethav i
ng4i nand16i ndi amet er
A.18i nB.20i nC.22i nD.24i n
9.An18t eethspr ocketdr ivi
ngwi th98t eethspr ocketatacent erdi stanceof34pi t ches.Fi ndt hechai nlengt h
npi tches. A.131 B.136 C.140 D.142
10.Aspr ocketwi t
h8i ndi amet erandpi tchof¾i ndr ivesanot herspr ocketatst andar dcent erdi st anceof48
pi tches.Fi ndt hedi amet erofl argerspr ocket .A.30i n B.32i nC.34i nD.36i n
11.Adr i
v i
ngspr ocketwi t
h12t eet hdr ivesanot herspr ocketwi th48t eet hbymeansofachai nhav ingapi tchof
½i n.I fchai nl engthi s72i n, fi
ndt hecent erdi stancebet weenspr ocket s.
A.28. 36i n B.26. 36i n C.24. 36i n D.22. 36i n
12.Acer tainfar m equi pmentwhi chr equi r
es2200N- mt or queat500r pm hasdi esel engi net ooper at eat1500
rpm asi t
spr imemov er.ANo.60r oll
erchai nwi tht otal lengt hof60pi tchesandasmal lspr ocketof23t eeth
aret obeusedwi thoper atingt emper aturet or emai nconst antat45oC.Det ermi net henumberoft eet hof
ar gerspr ocket . A.49t eet h B.59t eeth C.69t eet h D.79t eet h
13.Apumpt hatoper at esaheadof30m i suset odel iver80l it
er spersecondofwat eratanef ficiencyof85%.
Thepumpi sdr iv
enbyadi esel engi nebymeansofchai nandspr ocketwi thaser vicef act orof1. 3.I f
hor sepowerperst randi s25, f i
ndt heappr oximat enumberofst randsneeded.
A.1st rand B.2st rands C.3st rands D.4st rands
14.A3- st randchai nandspr ockett urnsat600r pm hasaser vicef act orof1. 4.If14hp/ st r
andchai ni st obe
used, fi
ndt het orquecant hechai nandspr ocketbedel iver ?
A.262. 61f t-l
b B.362. 61f t-l
b C.462. 61f t
-lb D.562. 61f t-
15.Acer tainfar m equi pmentwhi chr equi r
es2200Newt onmet ert orqueat500r pm hasadi esel enginet o
oper ateat1500r pm asi tspr i
memov er.ANo.60r ollerchai nwi that otallengt hof60pi tchesandasmal l
spr ocketwi t h23t eet har et obeusedwi t
hanoper at ingt emper at uret or emai nconst antat45degr eesC.
Det er minet heno.oft eethoft hel argerspr ocket .
A.70 B.69 C.68 D.69
16.A4i nches’ diamet ershaf tisdr i
venat3600r pm bya400HPmot or.Theshaf tdr i
vesa48i nchesdi amet er
chai nspr ocketandhav i
nganout putef fi
ciencyof85%.Theout putf or ceoft hedr iv
ingspr ocketandt he
out putoft hedr ivenspr ocketar e:
A.200l band250HP B.261. 8l band300HP C.291. 66l band340HP D.noneoft heabov e

17.I nchainofor dinaryproporti
onst het erm RC40meansapi tchof_ __
A.4. 0mm B.½i nch C.4.0cm D.3/ 8i nch
18.Thechai nspeedofanRC80chai nona21- t
oot hsprockett ur ningat600r pm is_ _____.
A.5. 355m/ s B.1500f pm C.1005f pm D.310m/ min
19.Whatmaxi mum chai nnumbercanbeusedi ft hesmal lsprocketi storunat1200r pm?
A.RC60 B.RC80 C.RC40 D.RC70
20.Amot ortr
ansmi ts40hpt oanai rconditi
oningappar atusbymeansofar oll
erchai n.Themot orrunsat720
rpm.Thepi tchdiamet erofthespr ocketont hemot orshoul dnotexceed6¾i n.Ift hedr i
vecal l
cef actorof1.2andachai npitchof1i n,determinet henumberoft eethoft hesmal lsprocket.
A.21t eeth B.25t eeth C.19t eeth D.18t eet h
21.A10- hpengi newithaspeedof1200r pm isusedt odr i
veabl owerwi thav elocit
yr ati
oof3: 1.Thepi tch
diamet eroft hedrivensprocketi s85mm andt hecenterdi stancebet weent hespr ocket sis260mm.Usean
RC40dr i
veandaser vi
cef actorof1. 2.Findthenumberofst randsneeded.
A.2st rands B.4st rands C.3st rands D.1st rand
22.Asi lentchai nSC4i susedf oradesi gnhpof12.Whatchai nwi dthi
sneededi fthe21- toothdr i
sprocketr unsat1200r pm? A.1.25i n B.1. 75i n C.1. 5in D.2i n
23.Wi thaspr ocketbor eof2” ,themi nimum numberofspr ockett eet
hforRC40i s____ __
A.20 B.19 C.21 D.23
24.A10- hpengi newithaspeedof1200r pm isusedt odr i
veabl owerwi thav elocit
yr ati
oof3: 1.Thepi tch
diamet erofthedr i
vensprocketi s85mm andt hecenterdistancebet weent hespr ocketsi s260mm.Usean
RC40dr iveandaser v
icefact orof1.2.Findt henumberoft eet hofthedr i
vingspr ocket:
A.17 B.18 C.21 D.24





1.A6x19I PSwi r
er opewi thr opediamet erof44. 5mm i stobeusedf orhoisti
ng.Fi ndtheweightoft herope
fthedept hofmi nehoi stis100m.
A.1411. 31l bs B.1511. 31lbs C.1611. 31lbs D.1711. 31lbs
2.A6x19I PSwi r
er opehasawi r
eropedi amet erof50. 8mm andsheav ediamet erof40in.Findthebendi ng
essoft her ope.
A.96, 500psi B.97, 500psi C.98, 500psi D.99, 500psi
3.A6x19I PSwi r
er opehasawi r
eropedi amet erof2i nandsheav edi amet erof50i n.Findtheequivalent
bendingl oadoft her ope.
A.124, 800l bs B.134, 800lbs C.144, 800lbs D.154, 800lbs
4.Ami nehoi stist ocar r
yacagel oadedwi thor eatat otal l
oadof8t ons.Thedept hofmi neshaftis328f t.A
6x19I PSwi reropewi thr opedi ameterof1. 75inist obeusewi t
hsheav edi amet erof39in.Thecage
loadedi st ost artfr om restandwi llat
namaxi mum v elocit
yof525f pm in10seconds.Fi ndthet otall
ofther ope.
A.12, 086l bs B.14, 086l bs C.16, 086lbs D.18, 086lbs
5.Awi reropei susedwi tht otal l
oadof9000kgandbendi ngloadof50, 000kg.I fbearingstr
engthoft herope
is110,000kg, fi
ndt hef actorofsaf etyoft herope.
A.4. 67 B.6. 67 C.8. 67 D.10. 67
6.Whati st hef actorofsaf etywhena0. 50i n,6x19medi um plowst eelwireropecar ryi
nga8820l bloadi s
bentarounda24i nsheav ei fbreakingstrengthofr opei s8.13tons.
A.4. 369 B.8. 369 C.1. 369 D.6. 369

7.Inahi ghri
ding, theel
sesatahei ghtof1200ftwi thanaccelerati
with2000kg.Det ermi nethenumberof15. 6mm di ameterropesneededi ftotall
oadineachr opeis
2178.77lbs. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
8.Determinetheprobabl ebendingstressandequi v
ngl oadina1½i n6x19st eelropemadef r
a0.095i nwir
ewheni tisusedona92i nsheave.
A.10,400psi B.12, 400psi C.14, 400psi D.16, 400psi
9.Determinetheprobabl ebendingloadandequi v
alentbendingloadi na2in6x9st eelr
opemadef r
om a
0.098inwire,wheni ti
susedona90i nsheave.
34l bs B.17,861.34l
bs C.19,861. 34lbs D.21,861.34lbs

1.Determinet heforcenecessar ytomov eawei ghtof5000l bssuppor tedonfoursteel
sof2f tdi
amet er
assumingt hecoef fi
ngf r
ontobe0. 008.
A.10l bs B.20l bs C.30l bs D.40l bs
2.Determinet hedesiredlif
eofl i
feofballbearingtosuppor tar adi
al l
ustloadof2, 100l bfor18hr sperdayf or10y ear s.
A.55, 700hr s B.65, 700hrs C.75, 700hr s D.85, 700hr s
3.Thewei ghtoneachwheel ofamot or-dr
ivent rav
elingcranemov ingat500f pm i
ionis0. 02,fi
ndt hehorsepowerr equiredt oovercomer ol
A.7. 27HP B.9.27HP C.5.27HP D.3. 27HP

1.Ahor izontal cant il
ev erbeam, 20f tlongi ssubj ect edt oal oadof5000l bl ocat edt oi tscent er.The
dimensi onoft hebeam i s8x12i nchesr espect ivel y.w=120l b/ ft,
f i
ndi tsf lexur al stress.
A.3150psi B.2912psi C.4625psi D.5663psi
2.A10m si mpl ysuppor tedbeam hasauni forml oadof3KN/ m ext endedf rom l ef tendt o4m andhasa
concent ratedl oadof10KN,2m f rom t her ightend.Fi ndt hemaxi mum momentatt he10KNconcent rat ed
oad.( EI=9, 000KN. m2)A.20. 80KN. m B.26. 34KN. m C.23. 45KN. m D.12. 34KN. m
3.A12m si mpl ysuppor tedbeam wi t huni forml oadof2. 5KN/ mf r
om r ightendt ol ef tendhasamaxi mum
deflect i
onof : (
EI=11, 000KN. m2) A.43. 23mm B.32. 55mm C.54. 23mm D.61. 36mm
4.An9m si mpl ysuppor tedbeam hasauni forml oadof3KN/ mf rom l eftendt orightendandconcent rated
oadof15KNatt hecent erhasamaxi mum def lect i
onof :(EI=7, 000KN. m2)
A.12. 34mm B.42. 66mm C.56. 62mm D.34. 34mm
5.A14m cant i
lev erbeam hasaconcent ratedl oadof25KNatt hemi d-span.Fi ndt hemaxi mum sl opeoft he
beam.( EI=10, 000KN. m2) A.95. 24mm B.68. 86mm C.123mm D.23. 94mm
6.A10m cant i
lev erbeam hasauni for ml oadof4KN/ mf rom l efttor ightend.Fi ndt hemaxi mum slopeof
thebeam.( EI=12, 000KN. m2) A.0. 0164r ad B.0. 0556r ad C.0. 0264r ad D.0. 4564r ad
7.A11m cant i
lev erbeam hasauni for ml oadof2. 3KN/ mf rom l efttor ightendandwi thconcent ratedl oadof
11KNatt hecent er .Findt hemaxi mum sl opeoft hebeam.( EI=12, 000KN. m2)
A.0. 011r ad B.0. 022r ad C.0.033r ad D.0. 056r ad
8.Av er ti
cal loadof1000Nact sattheendofahor izont alrectangul arcant il
ev erbeam 3m l ongand30mm
wide.I ftheal l
owabl ebendi ngst r
essi s100Mpa, fi
ndt hedept hoft hebeam.
A.23. 45mm B.38. 43mm C.54. 77mm D.45. 34mm
9.Asi mpl ysuppor tedbeam i s50mm by150mm i ncr osssect ionand5m l ong.I ft hef lexuralstressisnott o
exceed8. 3Mpa, findt hemaxi mum mi d- spanconcent r
atedl oad.
A.0. 623KN B.0. 987KN C.0.0345KN D.4. 34KN
10.Anoccupantmov est owar dthecent erofamer rygoar oundat10m/ s.Ift hemer rygoar oundr otatesat8
rpm.Comput et heaccel erationcomponentoft heoccupantnor mal tot her adi us.
A.6. 79 B.8. 38 C.7.54 D.6. 11
11.Acart ravelswi thani nitialvelocityof36km/ hr.I fitisdecel er ati
ngatt her ateof2m/ s2,howf ar,i
nmet ers
doesi ttrav elbef orest oppi ng? A.17 B.21 C.25 D.15
12.Abl ockwei ghing60l bsr estonhor i
zont alsurface.Thef orceneededt omov eal ongt hesur faceis15l bs.
Det ermi net hecoef f
icientoff ri
ction. A.0. 0 B.0. 112C.0. 36 D.0. 25
13.Abasebal list hrownst r
ai ghtupwar dwi thav eloci tyof25m/ s.Comput ef ort het i
meel apsef orthebasebal l

Prepar edby ;Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
tor etur n.Assumef oraz er odr ag. A.5. 10sec B.2. 21sec C.2. 50sec D.2. 04sec
14.Awheel accel erat esf rom r estwi tha=4r ad/ sec. sec.Comput ehowmanyr evol uti
onsar emadei n6
seconds. A.5. 71r ev B.6. 36r ev C.11. 46r ev D.20. 00r ev
15.Whatmi ni mum di st ancecanat rucksl ideonahor i
zont al asphal tr oadi fiti st rav el
ingat20m/ s.The
coef f
icientofsl idingf rict i
onbet weenasphal tandr ubberi sat0. 5.Thewei ghtoft het rucki s8500kg.
A.44. 9 m B.58. 5m C.53. 2m D.40. 77m
16.Al iqui df ullist ober otat edi nt hev ert i
cal pl ane.Whatmi nimum angul arv el oci tyinr pm i sneededt o
keept hel iqui dnotspi l
ngi ft her ot at ingar mi s1. 5met ers?
A.2. 26 B.24. 42 C.37. 16D.2. 86
17.Comput et hespeedasat ellitet oor bi tt heear thatanel ev ationof150km.Ear th’sr adi usi sat6500km.
Assumenochangeofgr av itywi tht heel ev at i
A.6320m/ s B.7120m/ s C.8077m/ s D.7920m/ s
18.Comput et hecut tingspeedi nf pm ofawor kpi ecewi th5i nchesdi amet erandr unningat120r pm.
A.314. 16 B.301. 23 C.157. 08 D.483. 45
19.Det ermi net het imei nseconds, tosawar ect angul arbar7i nwi deand1. 5i nt hicki fthel engt hofcuti s7i n.
thepowerhacksawdoes120st rokes/ mi nandt hef eed/ strokei s0. 154mm.
A.482. 45 B.304. 50 C.577. 27 D.653. 45
20.Comput et hedr illpenet rat i
oni ni n/ mi nwhenadr illtur nsat1000r pm andt hef eedof0. 004i nper
rev olution. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
21.I nanOxy gen- acet yl
enemanual wel dingmet hod, towel da5f tl ongseam i na0. 375i nt hickst eel plateata
3 3
consumpt ionr at eof10f t /ftf oroxy genand8f t /ftf oracet y lene.Comput et het otal combi nedgas
consumpt ioni nf t . A.70 B.80 C.90 D.100
22.Comput et hemanual cut t i
ngt i
mei nmi nut esofast eel plate4f tx8f tby¾i nt hickwi thahandcut t
speedof3t o4mm/ sec, cut tingcr osswi se.
A.4. 94 B.5. 81 C.6. 49 D.7. 12
23.Howl ongwi ll itt aket omi lla½by3”l ongkey wayi na4i ndi amet ershaf ti
ngwi tha24t oot hcut tert urningat
90r pm and0. 006i nf eedpert oot h.
A.10. 34sec B.13. 89sec C.15. 40sec D.17. 34sec
24.A6f tby12f tst eel pl atei st obedi v i
dedi nt ot hreepar tsequal lybycut tingcr osswi se.I ft hecut tingr ateis
0.5i nperi n, howl ongwi llitt aket odot hej ob?
A.288mi n B.234mi n C.197mi n D.349mi n
25.Det ermi net hei nt ernal pr essur eofcy lindr ical tank500mm i nt ernal diamet er ,20mm t hi ckand3m l engt hif
stressesl imi tedt o140Mpa.
A.10. 06MPa B.10. 53C.11. 20Mpa D.12. 88Mpa
26.Det ermi net hebur stingst eam pr essur eofast eel shel lwithdi amet erof20i nchesandmadeof5/ 16st eel
plate.Thej oi ntef f i
ciencyi sat80%andat ensi lest rengt hi s63, 000psi .
A.2, 445. 6psi B.3, 150. 0psi C.5, 233. 4psi D.4, 736. 4psi
27.Awat ert ank10m x12m i scompl et elyf ill
edwi thwat er.Det er mi net hemi nimum t hicknessoft hepl at eif
stressi sl imi tedt o50Mpa. A.11. 77mm B.12. 66mm C.14. 55mm D.12. 44mm
28.Det ermi net hesaf ewal l thicknessofa50i nchesst eel t
ankwi t hi nter nal pressur eof8Mpa.Theul t
imat e
stressi s296Mpa.Thef act orofsaf et yt ousei s3.
A.2i n B.3i n C.5i n D.4i n
29.Thei nt ernal pr essur eofa400mm i nsi dedi amet ercy li
ndr ical tanki s10Mpaandt hicknessi s25mm.
Det ermi net hest ressdev elopedi fjoi ntef fi
ci encyi s95%.
A.80MPa B.84. 21Mpa C.86. 75MPa D.78. 42Mpa
30.Acy l
inderhasmaxi mum l oadof2500kgwhi l
et hepr essur ei s2, 550kpa.I ftheul timat est ressi s55, 000
Kpaandf act orofsaf et yof4, findt her equi redwal l thicknessoft hecy l
inder .
A.8. 45mm B.11. 42mm C.9. 34mm D.10. 26mm
31.Aspher i
cal tank15mm t hickhasani nter nal pressur eof5Mpa.Thej ointef ficiencyi s96%andst ressi s
mi tedt o46875Kpa.Fi ndt hei nnerdi amet eroft het ank.
A.150mm B.200mm C.250mm D.540mm
32.Aspher i
cal tankhasadi amet erof10m and80cm t hickness.I ft angent ial stressoft anki s16Mpa, findt he
maxi mum i nt er nal pressur eoft het ankcancar ryi ft hewal l t
hi cknessi s25. 4cm.
A.1625. 60kpaB.1863. 45kpa C.2357. 43kpa D.3422. 45kpa
33.Acy l
indr i
cal tankhasani nsi dedi amet erof5i nandi ssubj ect edt oi nternal pressur eof500psi .I f
maxi mum st r essi s1200psi , det ermi net her equi redt hickness.
A.1. 0i n. B.1. 2i nC.1. 4i n. D.1. 6i n.
34.At hicknessofcy lindr ical tanki s50mm.Thei nter nal diamet eri s300mm andhasani nternal pressur eof
8423. 58Kpa.Det ermi net hemaxi mum i nt er nal pr essur e.
A.20MPa B.25Mpa C.30Mpa D.2358. 41kpa
35.Ar oundv ertical st eel t
ankhasani nsi dedi amet erof3m andi s6m i nhei ght .I tcont ainsgasol inewi tha
densi tyof750kg/ m3.I ft heal l
owabl et ensi lest ressi s25Mpa, f i
ndt hemi nimum t hi ckr equi r
A.2. 65mm B.2. 85mm C.3. 65mm D.1. 82mm
36.Acy l
inderhav ingani nter nal di amet erof18i nchesandanex ter nal diamet erof30i nchesi ssubj ect edt oan
inter nal pressur eof8, 000psi .I fthehoopst ressatt hei nneri s13, 000psi ,f i
ndt heext er nal pressur e.

Preparedby ;Engr.RodelT.Nav al
A.1280psi B.1384psi C.1450psi D.1653psi
37.Acy l
nderhav i
ngani nt
ernaldiamet erof16inandwallt
hicknessof6i nchesissubjectedt
oani nt
pressur eof65Mpaandext ernalpressureof13Mpa.Det erminethehoopst r
essatt heouter
A.23. 58Mpa B.28. 45Mpa C.37. 42Mpa D.33. 45Mpa
38.Thepr essureinsidethecyl
om 800kpat o3200kpacont inuously.Thediameterof
shellis1.6m.Fi ndthewall t
s460Mpa, endur
ancestrengthis200Mpaandf act
safetyof3. A.18. 34mm B.24.83C.20.45mm D.28.45mm



1.Comput et hecut ti
ngspeedi nf pm ofawor kpi ecewi th5i nchesdi amet erandr unningat120r pm.
A.314. 16 B.301. 23 C.157. 08 D.483. 45
2.Det er minet het imei nseconds, tosawar ect angularbar7i nwi deand1. 5int hicki fthel engthofcuti s7i n.
thepowerhacksawdoes120st rokes/ mi nandt hef eed/ strokei s0. 154mm.
A.482. 45 B.304. 50 C.577. 27 D.653. 45
3.Comput et hedr ill
penet rat i
oni ni n/mi nwhenadr il
ltur nsat1000r pm andt hef eedof0. 004inper
rev olution.
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
4.InanOxy gen- acet ylenemanual wel dingmet hod, towel da5f tlongseam i na0. 375i nt hicksteelplateata
3 3
consumpt i
onr ateof10f t /ftf oroxy genand8f t/ftf oracet y lene.Comput et het otal combinedgas
consumpt i
oni nf t .
A.70 B.80 C.90 D.100
5.Comput et hemanual cutt i
ngt i
mei nmi nutesofast eel plate4f tx8f tby¾i nt hickwi thahandcut t
speedof3t o4mm/ sec, cut tingcr osswi se.
A.4. 94 B.5. 81 C.6. 49 D.7. 12
6.Howl ongwi llittaket omi lla½by3”l ongkey wayi na4i ndiamet ershaf ti
ngwi tha24t oothcut t
ertur ningat
90r pm and0. 006i nf eedpert oot h.
A.10. 34sec B.13. 89sec C.15. 40sec D.17. 34sec
7.A6f tby12f tst eel platei st obedi v i
dedi ntot hreepar tsequal lybycut ti
ngcr osswi se.I fthecut t
ingr ateis
0.5i nperi n, howl ongwi llittaket odot hej ob?
A.288mi n B.234mi n C.197mi n D.349mi n
8.Det er minet hei nternal pressur eofcy lindrical tank500mm i nt ernal diamet er,20mm t hickand3m l engt hif
stressesl imit edt o140Mpa.
A.10. 06MPa B.10. 53 C.11. 20Mpa D.12. 88Mpa
9.Det er minet hebur stingst eam pr essur eofast eelshel lwithdi amet erof20i nchesandmadeof5/ 16st eel
plate.Thej ointef ficiencyi sat80%andat ensi l
est rengt his63, 000psi .
A.2, 445. 6psi B.3, 150. 0psi C.5, 233. 4psi D.4, 736. 4psi
10.Awat ert ank10m x12m i scompl et elyfil
ledwi thwat er .Det er minet hemi nimum t hicknessoft hepl ateif
stressi sl imitedt o50Mpa. A.11. 77mm B.12. 66mm C.14. 55mm D.12. 44mm
11.Det ermi net hesaf ewal l thicknessofa50i nchesst eel tankwi thint ernalpressur eof8Mpa.Theul ti
mat e
stressi s296Mpa.Thef act orofsaf et yt ousei s3.
A.2i n B.3i n C.5i n D.4i n
12.Thei nter nal pressur eofa400mm i nsi dedi amet ercy l
indrical t
anki s10Mpaandt hicknessi s25mm.
Det ermi net hest ressdev elopedi fjoi ntef fi
ciencyi s95%.
A.80MPa B.84. 21Mpa C.86. 75MPa D.78. 42Mpa
13.Acy l
inderhasmaxi mum l oadof2500kgwhi l
ethepr essur ei s2, 550kpa.I ft heul timat estressis55, 000
Kpaandf act orofsaf etyof4, findt her equi redwal l thicknessoft hecy l

A.8. 45mm B.11. 42mm C.9. 34mm D.10. 26mm
14.Aspher ical tank15mm t hi ckhasani nter nal pr essur eof5Mpa.Thej ointef ficiencyi s96%andst ressis
imi tedt o46875Kpa.Fi ndt hei nnerdi amet eroft het ank.
A.150mm B.200mm C.250mm D.540mm
15.Aspher ical tankhasadi amet erof10m and80cm t hickness.I ft angent ial st ressoft anki s16Mpa, f
maxi mum i nter nal pr essur eoft het ankcancar ryi fthewal lthicknessi s25. 4cm.
A.1625. 60kpaB.1863. 45kpa C.2357. 43kpa D.3422. 45kpa
16.Acy l
indr ical tankhasani nsi dedi amet erof5i nandi ssubj ect edt ointernal pr essur eof500psi .If
maxi mum st ressi s1200psi ,determi net her equi redt hickness.
A.1. 0i n. B.1. 2i n C.1. 4i n. D.1. 6i n.
17.At hicknessofcy lindr i
cal tanki s50mm.Thei nt ernal diamet eri s300mm andhasani nter nal pressur eof
8423. 58Kpa.Det ermi net hemaxi mum i nter nal pressur e.
A.20MPa B.25Mpa C.30Mpa D.2358. 41kpa
18.Ar oundv er tical st eel tankhasani nsi dedi amet erof3m andi s6m i nhei ght .I tcont ai nsgasol i
newi t
densi t yof750kg/ m3.I ft heal l
owabl et ensi lest ressi s25Mpa, f
indt hemi nimum t hickr equi red.
A.2. 65mm B.2. 85mm C.3. 65mm D.1. 82mm
19.Acy l
inderhav ingani nt ernal diamet erof18i nchesandanext er nal diamet erof30i nchesi ssubj ect edt oan
nt ernal pr essur eof8, 000psi .I fthehoopst ressatt hei nneri s13, 000psi , fi
ndt heext er nal pressur e.
A.1280psi B.1384psi C.1450psi D.1653psi
20.Acy l
inderhav ingani nt ernal diamet erof16i nandwal lthicknessof6i nchesi ssubj ect edt oani nter nal
pr essur eof65Mpaandext er nal pressur eof13Mpa.Det er mi net hehoopst ressatt heout er
A.23. 58Mpa B.28. 45Mpa C.37. 42Mpa D.33. 45Mpa
21.Thepr essur ei nsidet hecy lindr i
cal tankv ariesf rom 800kpat o3200kpacont inuousl y.Thedi amet erof
shel lis1. 6m.Fi ndt hewal lthicknessi fy ieldpoi ntis460Mpa, endur ancest r engt hi s200Mpaandf actorof
saf etyof3. A.18. 34mm B.24. 83 C.20. 45mm D.28. 45mm
22.Anext ensi oncoi l spr ingi st obeel ongat e5n.underal oadof50l b.Whati st hespr ingr ate?
A.5l b/ mi n B.10l b/ mi n C.151l b/ mi n D.20l b/ mi n
23.Aspr inghasal oadof50l b.wi thaspr i
ngi ndexof8.I fst ressi nducedi s90, 000psi ,
det ermi net hewi redi amet er . A.0. 058i n. B.0. 828i n. C.0. 452i n. D.0. 1157i n.
24.Iti sfoundt hatal oadof50l b.anext ensi oncoi lspr i
ngdef lect s8. 5in.Whatl oaddef lectt hespr i
ng2. 5i n?
A.10. 64l b. B.12. 48l b. C.13. 48l b. D.14. 70l b.
25.Aspr ingsust ai n200f t-lbofener gywi t hdef l
ect ionof3i n.Assumet hatt hemai ncoi l diamet eri s7t imes
wir edi amet erandal l
owabl est ressof100, 000psi ,determi net hewi redi amet er .
A.0. 416i n. B.0. 321i n. C.0. 568i n. D.0. 672i n.
26.Awei ghtof100l bs.st rikesacoi lspr ingf rom ahei ghtof18i nchesanddef lect st hespr i
ngof6i nches.
Findt heav er agef or ceact ingont hespr i
A.600l b. B.700l b. C.800l b. D.900l b.
27.Ifi tisdet er mi nedexper iment allythatal oadof20kgappl iedt oanext ensi oncoi l spr i
ngwi l
lpr ovidea
def lectionof200mm.Whatl oadwi l
l def l
ectt hespr ing60mm.
A.4kg B.5kg C.6kg D.7kg
28.Thr eeext ensi oncoi l spr i
ngar ehookedi nser iesandsuppor tsawei ghtof70kg.Onespr i
nghasaspr i
rateof0. 209kg/ mm.andt heot hert wohav espr ingr atesof0. 643kg/ mm.Fi ndt hedef lect i
A.346. 71mm B.389. 30mm C.426. 71mm D.552. 66mm
29.Fourcompr essi oncoi lspr ingi npar al l
el suppor tal oadof360kg.Eachspr inghasagr adi entof0. 717
kg/ mm. A.125. 52mm B.132. 52mm C.138. 52mm D.145. 52mm
30.Aspr inghasadi amet erof25mm and12act iv ecoi ls.I fal oadofa10KNi sappl iedi tdef lects75mm.
Det ermi net hemeandi amet eroft hespr ingG=80GN/ m2.
A.20mm B.134. 65mm C.150. 34mm D.40mm
31.Aconcent richel i
cal spr ingi suset osuppor tloadof90KN.Thei nnerspr i
nghasspr ingr at eof495. 8KN/ m
andout erspr ingi s126. 5KN/ m.I finiti
al l
yt hei nnerspr ingi s25mm shor ter, thant heot herspr ing, fi
ndt he
per centl oadcar ri
edbyi nnerspr i
ng.A.34. 65% B.55. 86% C.86. 25% D.76. 81%
32.Howl ongawi r
ei sneededt omakeahel i
cal spr i
nghav i
ngameancoi ldiamet erof1i nchi fther ear e8
act ivecoi ls. A.25. 13i n B.26. 56i n C.30. 21mm D.32. 34mm
33.A0. 08”di amet erspr inghasal engthof20i n.I fdensi t
yofspr ingi s0. 282l b/ i
n, det ermi net hemassof
spr ing. A.0. 0395l b. B.0. 0283l b. C.0. 0485l b. D.0. 0686l b.
34.Asquar eandgr oundspr i
ngendsspr inghasaf reel engt hof250mm.Ther ear e10act ivecoi l
swi t
hwi re

diamet erof12. 5mm.I fthespr ingr atei s150KN/ m andmeandi amet eri s100mm, determi
net hesol id
stress. A.2315. 54Mpa B.7654. 8Mpa C.7842. 7Mpa D.8432. 9Mpa
35.Findt heef f
ectivelengt hofl eafspr ingwhosel engthbet weensuppor tsis28i nanddi st
ancebet weenbol ts
is2¼i n.
A.11. 875i n B.12. 875i n C.13. 875i n D.14. 875in
36.Al eafspr i
ngismadeof2i nwidewi thef fectivelengt hof15i nandt hicknessof0. 125i n.Thespr i
twof ull-
lengthandf ourgr aduat edl eaves.I fcentral l
oadi s320lbiscar ried,det erminet hestressforf ul
A.22, 800psi B.24, 800psi C.26, 800psi D.28, 800psi
37.Al eafspr i
ngismadeof2. 5i nwi dewi thef fectivelengthof14i nandt hicknessof0. 14i n.Thespr inghas
lengt handf iv egraduat edl eaves.I fcent ralloadis400l biscar ried,det er
mi net hestr
essf or
graduatedl ength.
A.36, 090psi B.34, 090psi C.32, 090psi D.28, 800psi
38.Al eafspr i
ngismadeof3i nwidewi thef fectivelengt hof15i nandt hicknessof0. 2i n.Thespr inghast wo
lengthandf ivegr aduat edleav es.I fcent ralloadi s500l biscarr
ied, determi nethemaxi mum st ressfor
A.20, 786psi B.22, 786psi C.24, 786psi D.26, 786psi
39.Al eafspr i
ngismadeof3i nwidewi thef fectivelengt hof16i nandt hicknessof0. 18i n.Thespr i
threefull-lengthandsi xgraduat edl eav es.I fcent r
al l
oadi s1000lbiscar ri
ed, determi nethedef l
A.0. 23in B.1.23i n C.2. 23i n D.3. 23in
40.Findt heef f
ectivelengt hofl eafspr ingwhosel engthbet weensuppor tis30i nwi t
hbandi s2.5inwi de
assumi ngt hedi stancef rom bandedget ot hebol tis1/ 6ofthebandwi dt h.
A.14. 167i n B.16. 167in C.18. 167i n D.20. 167in
41.At ruckspr i
nghas10l eav esofgr aduat edlengt hwi theffecti
velengthof20i n.Thecent rall
oadi s1200l b
withaper missiblestressof40, 000psi .Det erminet hethicknessofthest eelifther atiooftotaldept hto
widthis2. 5.
A.¼i n B.3/ 8i n C.¾i n D.1i n



1.A6x19I PSwi r
er opewi thr opediamet erof44. 5mm i stobeusedf orhoisti
ng.Fi ndtheweightoft herope
fthedept hofmi nehoi stis100m.
A.1411. 31l bs B.1511. 31lbs C.1611. 31lbs D.1711. 31lbs
2.A6x19I PSwi r
er opehasawi r
eropedi amet erof50.8mm andsheav ediamet erof40in.Findthebendi ng
essoft her ope.
A.96, 500psi B.97, 500psi C.98, 500psi D.99, 500psi
3.A6x19I PSwi r
er opehasawi r
eropedi amet erof2inandsheav edi amet erof50i n.Findtheequivalent
bendingl oadoft her ope.
A.124, 800l bs B.134, 800lbs C.144, 800lbs D.154, 800lbs
4.Ami nehoi stist ocar r
yacagel oadedwi thor eatatotal l
oadof8t ons.Thedept hofmi neshaftis328f t.A
6x19I PSwi reropewi thr opedi ameterof1. 75inistobeusewi t
hsheav edi amet erof39in.Thecage
loadedi st ost artfr om restandwi llat
namaxi mum v elocit
yof525f pm in10seconds.Fi ndthet otall
ofther ope.
A.12, 086l bs B.14, 086l bs C.16, 086lbs D.18, 086lbs
5.Awi reropei susedwi tht otal l
oadof9000kgandbendi ngloadof50, 000kg.I fbearingstr
engthoft herope
is110,000kg, fi
ndt hef actorofsaf etyoft herope.
A.4. 67 B.6. 67 C.8. 67 D.10. 67
6.Whati st hef actorofsaf etywhena0. 50i n,6x19medi um plowst eelwireropecar ryi
nga8820l bloadi s

bentar ounda24i nsheav ei
hofr opeis8.13t ons.
A.4. 369 B.8.369 C.1.369 D.6. 369
7.Inahi ghr i
ding, theel
sesatahei ghtof1200f twi thanaccelerati
onof3.84ft/s andloaded
with2000kg.Det ermi nethenumberof15. 6mm diameterr opesneededi ftotall
oadineachr opeis
2178.77l bs. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
8.Determi netheprobabl ebendingstressandequi v
alentbendingl oadina1½i n6x19st eelropemadef r
a0.095i nwi r
ewheni tisusedona92i nsheave.
A.10, 400psi B.12, 400psi C.14, 400psi D.16, 400psi
9.Determi netheprobabl ebendingloadandequi val
entbendingl oadi na2in6x9st eelr
opemadef r
om a
0.098inwi re,wheni ti
susedona90i nsheave.
A.15, 861.
34l bs B.17,861.34lbs C.19, 861. 34lbs D.21,861.34lbs

1.Determinet heforcenecessar ytomov eawei ghtof5000l bssuppor tedonfoursteel
sof2f tdi
amet er
assumingt hecoef fi
ngf r
ontobe0. 008.
A.10l bs B.20l bs C.30l bs D.40l bs
2.Determinet hedesiredlif
eofl i
feofballbearingtosuppor tar adi
al l
ustloadof2, 100l bfor18hr sperdayf or10y ear s.
A.55, 700hr s B.65, 700hrs C.75, 700hr s D.85, 700hr s
3.Thewei ghtoneachwheel ofamot or-dr
ivent rav
elingcranemov ingat500f pm i
ionis0. 02,fi
ndt hehorsepowerr equiredt oovercomer ol
A.7. 27HP B.9.27HP C.5.27HP D.3. 27HP


1.Comput et hecuttingspeedi nf pm ofawor kpiecewi th5inchesdi amet erandr unningat120r pm.

A.314. 16 B.301. 23 C.157. 08 D.483. 45
2.Determi nethet i
mei nseconds, tosawar ectangularbar7i nwi deand1. 5inthicki fthelengthofcutis7i n.
thepowerhacksawdoes120st rokes/ minandt hef eed/
strokei s0.154mm.
A.482. 45 B.304. 50 C.577. 27 D.653. 45
3.Comput ethedr i
llpenet rat
ioni ni n/mi nwhenadr il
lturnsat1000r pm andt hef eedof0. 004inper
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
4.InanOxy gen-acetylenemanual wel di
ngmet hod, towel da5f tlongseam i na0. 375i nthicksteelpl
3 3
consumpt i
onr ateof10f t /ftf oroxy genand8f t/ftforacetylene.Comput et het otalcombinedgas
consumpt i
oni nft .
A.70 B.80 C.90 D.100
5.Comput ethemanual cutti
ngt i
mei nmi nut esofast eelpl
ate4f tx8f tby¾i nt hickwi t
hahandcut ti
speedof3t o4mm/ sec,cut tingcr osswi se.
A.4. 94 B.5.81 C.6. 49 D.7.12
6.Howl ongwi l
littaket omi l
l a½by3”l ongkey wayi na4i ndiamet ershaf ti
ngwi tha24t oothcut t
90r pm and0. 006i nf eedpert oot h.
A.10. 34sec B.13. 89sec C.15. 40sec D.17. 34sec
7.A6f tby12f tsteel plateist obedi v i
dedi ntothreepar tsequallybycut ti
ngcrosswi se.Ifthecut t
0.5inperi n,howl ongwi l
litt aket odot hejob?
A.288mi n B.234mi n C.197mi n D.349mi n


mi netheinternalpressureofcy l
caltank500mm i nt
ameter,20mm thi
ckand3m lengt
edt o140Mpa.
A.10. 06MPa B.10. 53 C.11.20Mpa D.12. 88Mpa
mi nethebur sti
ngst eam pressur
eofast eelshell
ate.Thej ointeffi
ciencyi sat80%andat ensil
est r
A.2,445.6psi B.3, 150.
0psi C.5, 233.4psi D.4, 736.4psi
10.Awat ertank10m x12m i scompl et
ledwithwat er
.Det ermi
nethemi ni
mum thi

stressi sl imi tedt o50Mpa. A.11. 77mm B.12. 66mm C.14. 55mm D.12. 44mm
11.Det ermi net hesaf ewal lthi cknessofa50i nchesst eel tankwi thinternal pressur eof8Mpa.Theul timat e
stressi s296Mpa.Thef act orofsaf etyt ousei s3.
A.2i n B.3i n C.5i n D.4i n
12.Thei nter nal pr essur eofa400mm i nsidedi amet ercy li
ndrical tanki s10Mpaandt hicknessi s25mm.
Det ermi net hest r
essdev elopedi fjoi ntef f
ici encyi s95%.
A.80MPa B.84. 21Mpa C.86. 75MPa D.78. 42Mpa
13.Acy l
inderhasmaxi mum l oadof2500kgwhi let hepr essurei s2, 550kpa.I ftheul timat estressi s55, 000
Kpaandf act orofsaf etyof4, findt her equi redwal lthicknessoft hecy l
inder .
A.8. 45mm B.11. 42mm C.9. 34mm D.10. 26mm
14.Aspher ical tank15mm t hi ckhasani nter nal pressur eof5Mpa.Thej ointef f
iciencyi s96%andst ressi s
imi tedt o46875Kpa.Fi ndt hei nnerdi amet eroft het ank.
A.150mm B.200mm C.250mm D.540mm
15.Aspher ical tankhasadi amet erof10m and80cm t hickness.I ftangent ial stressoft ankis16Mpa, fi
maxi mum i nter nal pressur eoft het ankcancar ryift hewal lt
hicknessi s25. 4cm.
A.1625. 60kpaB.1863. 45kpa C.2357. 43kpa D.3422. 45kpa
16.Acy l
indr i
cal tankhasani nsi dedi amet erof5i nandi ssubj ect edt ointernal pressur eof500psi .I f
maxi mum st ressi s1200psi ,det ermi net her equi redt hickness.
A.1. 0i n. B.1. 2i n C.1. 4i n. D.1. 6i n.
17.At hicknessofcy l
indr i
cal tanki s50mm.Thei nt ernal diamet eris300mm andhasani nternal pressur eof
8423. 58Kpa.Det ermi net hemaxi mum i nter nal pr essur e.
A.20MPa B.25Mpa C.30Mpa D.2358. 41kpa
18.Ar oundv ertical steel t
ankhasani nsi dedi amet erof3m andi s6m i nhei ght .I tcont ainsgasol inewi tha
densi tyof750kg/ m3.I ft heal l
owabl et ensi lest ressi s25Mpa, findt hemi nimum t hickr equired.
A.2. 65mm B.2. 85mm C.3. 65mm D.1. 82mm
19.Acy l
inderhav ingani nter nal diamet erof18i nchesandanext er naldiamet erof30i nchesi ssubj ect edt oan
nter nal pressur eof8, 000psi .Ift hehoopst ressatt hei nneris13, 000psi ,f i
ndt heext ernalpressur e.
A.1280psi B.1384psi C.1450psi D.1653psi
20.Acy l
inderhav ingani nter nal diamet erof16i nandwal lthi
cknessof6i nchesi ssubj ectedtoani nter nal
pressur eof65Mpaandext ernal pr essur eof13Mpa.Det ermi net hehoopst r
essatt heout er
A.23. 58Mpa B.28. 45Mpa C.37. 42Mpa D.33. 45Mpa
21.Thepr essur ei nsidet hecy lindrical tankv ariesf rom 800kpat o3200kpacont inuousl y.Thedi amet erof
shel lis1. 6m.Fi ndt hewal l t
hicknessi fy ieldpoi nti s460Mpa, endur ancest rengt hi s200Mpaandf actorof
saf etyof3. A.18. 34mm B.24. 83 C.20. 45mm D.28. 45mm





1.Findthedi stancebet weencent ersofapai rofgear s, oneofwhi chhas12t eet handt heother37t eet
amet ralpitchi s7.
A.3. 0in. B.3. 5i n. C.4. 0in. D.4. 5i n.
2.Determinet hepi tchdi amet erofagearwi t
h28t eeth, 4di amet r
al pi
A.7i n. B.8i n. C.9i n. D.10i n.
3.Twopar allelshaf tshav eanangul arv elocityrati
oof3t o1ar econnect edbygear s,thelargestofwhichhas
36teeth.Fi ndt henumberoft eet hofsmal l
A.10 B.11 C.12 D.13
4.Twopar allelshaf tshav eacent erdistanceof15i n.Oneoft heshaf tcarriesa40- t
oot h2diamet r
whichdr iv
esagearont heot hershaf tataspeedof150r pm.Howf astist he40-toothgeart ur
A.600r pm B.300r pm C.150r pm D.75r pm
5.A14. 5degr eesf ull
-dept hinv ol utegearhasanout sidedi amet erof8. 5anddi amet ralpit
chof4.Fi ndt he
numberoft eet h.
A.30 B.32 C.34 D.36
6.Apai rofmeshi nggear shasadi amet ral pi
tchof10, acent erdi stanceof2. 6inches,andv eloci
oof1. 6.
Determinet henumberoft eet hofsmal lergear.
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40
7.Aspurgear20degr eesf ull-dept hinvol uteteethhasanout sidedi amet erof195mm andamodul eof6. 5.
Determinet henumberoft eet h.
A.20 B.25 C.28 D.41
8.Whati sthepi tchdi amet erofa40t eethspurgearhav i
ngaci rcularpitchof1. 5708.
A.20i n. B.25i n. C.30i n. D.35i n.
9.Howmanyr ev ol uti
onspermi nut eisaspurgeart ur ni
ngat ,ifithas28t eet h,acircularpit
chof0. 7854i n.and
apitchlinev eloci t
yof12f t
/ sec?
A.378. 44r pm B.643. 82r pm C.954. 66rpm D.392. 88r pm
10.Howmanyr ev olutionspermi nutei saspurgeart urningi fithasamodul eof2mm, 40teeth,andpitchl i
ocityof2500mm/ sec?
A.596. 83r pm B.386. 83r pm C.476. 85rpm D.312. 83r pm
11.Ast andard20degr eesf ull-dept hspurgearhas24t eethandci rcularpitchof0. 7854i n.Det erminethe
workingdept h.

A.0. 25i n. B.0. 45in. C.0.50i n. D.0. 60in.
12.Whatist heequi valentdiamet r
alpitchofageart hathasamodul eof2.5?
A.5. 68 B.10. 16 C.7.42 D.8. 96
13.A20degr eesfull-
dept hgearhast ootht hi
cknessof0. 25i
indt headdendum di stance.
A.0. 159 B.0. 625 C.0.246 D.0. 189
14.A14.5degr eesfull-
depthgearhast ooththicknessof0. 25in.
, f
indt headdendum di stance.
A.0. 3462i n. B.0. 2145in. C.0. 1658i n. D.0. 2096i n.
15.Agearhasapi t
chdi amet erof10inchesanddi ametralpi
tchof5, determinetheout sidediameter.
A.10. 0in. B.9. 03in. C.10. 4in. D.10. 2in.
16.A14.5degr eesfull-
depthhasadedendum of0. 2inch.determinet het oothspace.
A.0. 0418 B.0. 0586 C.0.6995 D.0. 0885
17.Aninternallymeshi nggearhasacent erdistanceof20i n.Iflar
gergearhasadi amet erof50inches,fi
amet erofinternalgear.
A.5i n. B.10i n. C.15i n. D.20i n.
18.A10inchesdi amet ergeari susetot ransmit20KW at900r pm.Det er
mi nethetangent i
eachgear .
A.1. 761KN B.1. 671KN C.1. 842KW D.2. 614KW
19.A200mm di amet er14.5degr eesinvolutegeari suset ot
ransmi t40KW at600r pm.Det erminethetotal
cetransmi tt
edongear .
A.6. 57KN B.8. 42KN C.7.61KN D.9. 21KN

20.Asquar edandgr oundendsspr inghasapi t

chof20mm, wir
edi ameterof12. 5mm.I ftherear e12
actualnumberofcoi l
st hedef lect i
onwhenspr i
ngiscompr essedt oit
A.78mm B.75mm C.77mm D.79mm
21.Aspr i
ngwi thpl ainendshas15act ivecoi lsdiameterof6mm andpi t
chof10mm.I fspri
ngr ateis100
KN/ m, det erminet hesol i
df orce.
22.Aspr i
ngr atehasaspr ingrateof30KN/ m.I fwirediameteris10mm wi t
hameandi amet erof70mm,
determi net henumberofact i
v ecoi l
s.G=80GN/ m2.
A.6. 54 B.7. 82 C.8. 42 D.9.72
23.Amachi nistmadet wo8di amet r alpitchspurgear stobemount edatacent erdistanceof16i ncheswi t
speedr atioof7t o9.Fi ndthef ollowi ng:
A.Numberoft eet hofeachgear . Ans.144and112t eeth
B.Pi tchdi amet erofeachgear . Ans.18i nches14i nches
C.Out sidedi amet erofeachgear . Ans.18. 25inchesand14. 25i nches
D.Ci rcularpi tch Ans.0.393i nches
24.Therear et hreepar allelshaf t
sA, BandC.Shaf tAcar r
iesa24- t
oot hgearof4DPmeshi ngwi thal arge
gearofshaf tBhav i
ng70t eet h.Asmal l gearwi t
h20t eethand3DPofshaf tBmesheswi tha50- tooth
gearofshaf tC.
A.I ft heshaf tsar eonl ev elpl ane, f
indt hedistancebetweenshaf tAandC. Ans.23. 417i n
B.Fi ndt her pm ofshaf tCi fshaf tAt urnsat1200r pm. Ans.164. 57r pm
C.Fi ndt het orqueofshaf tCi fthei nputhpatshaf tAi s50HPandef fi
ciencyofeachpai rofgear si
98%.Ans.18, 383i n-l
25Apai rofmeshi ngspurgear shasamodul eof2.Thepi ni
onhas18t eethandt hegearhas27t eeth.Find:
A.Pi tchdi amet erofeachgear . Ans.36mm and54mm
B.Cent erdist ancebet weengear s Ans.45mm






onof(x+y)dx– xdx=0

onofydx– (

uti )dx– xydy=0

uti 3x2+2y
onof( )dx+2xdy=0

i dx+ydx+xdy=0

onofx( )–2y=-


threadwor m gear
hwor m gearandtransmit15HP.The
worm has14½ot eethwit
h¾pi tch,2i
udedf aceangleof60o.Thecoef
ionis0.05.(AssumeY=0. 322)
A.Det er
mi netheheli
xangleoftheworm. Ans.70. 30o
B.Det er
mi nethespeedrat
io. Ans.10. 33

stance. Ans.4.
essintheworm wheel
h. Ans.31,
. Ans.85.

2.Anelevatorisdrivenbya50- HP1, 200r pm motort

hroughawor m dr
ive.Theworm hasfourt
14. essureangl eandpi tchdi amet er4.25i
n.Thewor m gearhas52t eet
hof1¾i npit
chand4i nf
Thewor m bear i
ngsar e18incent ertocenter,
andtheworm gearbearingsare9i
Assumet hecoefficientoffricti
ont obe0. 03.
A.Det erminet hedi amet eroft hegear. Ans.28.95in
B.Det erminet hecent erdistanceoft heshaft
s. Ans.16.60in
C.Leadangl eoft hewor m. Ans.27.65%
D.Det erminet hel oadofeachbear i
ng. Ans.92.70%
E.Tangent ialspeedoft hewor m Ans.1,
335f pm
F.Tangent ialloadont hewor m. Ans.1,
235l bs
G.Tot alloadont hewor m. Ans.2,
598l bs

3.A20-toothhelicalgearhasapi t
erof10i n.Thehel i
measuredinapl aneperpendicul
sofrotationis20o.Theaddendum is0.
dedbyt hedi
A.Findthediamet ralpi
tch. Ans.2.
arpitchinaplanenormaltotheteeth. Ans.1.
C.Findthepressur eanglei
napl anenormalt
othet eeth. Ans.18.

nerunningat30,000rpm isusedtodr
Thegearsare20degi nvol
uteher r
chand21/ 8i
xangl eof23deg.Det ermine:
A.Numberoft eet
hofthegear . Ans.200teeth
chdi ameterofthepi
nion. Ans.0.715i
y. Ans.5,610f
ine. Ans.17.63l
mi netheloadnormaltot hetoothsur
face. Ans.20.40l

5.Apai rof4di amet ralpit

ch14½degr eeinvol
reduct i
on.Thepi tchdi amet erofthedriveri
s10inandthef ace2in.Determine:
A.pi tchangl eoft hepi nion Ans.26.55o
B.pi tchangl eoft hegear Ans.63.45o
C.pi nionaddendum angl e 28o
D.Faceangl eoft hepi nion Ans.27.83o
E.gearaddendum angl e 28o
F.Faceangl eoft hegear Ans.64.73o
G.Geardedendum angl e 48o
6.Apai rofbev el
gear shavet hei
es.Thel ar
gergearhas50t eet
madeofSAE1045st eel.Thepi nionhas20t eet
handrunsat850r pm andtransmit30hp.Deter
mi ne:
A.t hegeardi amet er Ans.12.5in
B.t hepi niondiamet er Ans.5in
C.t hel engthofcont act Ans.6.
73i n
D.t hepi tchli
nev eloci t
yoft hepinion Ans.1,
112f pm
E.thet angent i
alforce Ans.890lbs

7.Apairofbev elgearhav ea1:1v el

rpm.Thet eet
har e5di ametral
pitch14½degi nvol
st r
A.theoutsidediamet erofthegears Ans.8.28in
chl i
nev eloci
tyofthegear Ans.523f pm
al forceofthegear Ans.504lbs

1.A10HPengi newit
haspeedof1200RPM i
hav eloci
s85mm andthecent
weent hesprocket
tchof13mm.Fi nd:

iversprocket Ans.21teeth
ivensprocket Ans.63teeth
hofpowerchaininpitches Ans.84pitches
D.Numberofstrands Ans.2strands

unsat1200rpm.Assumi ngaser
ive. Ans.2str

iedbyt heclutchpedaltodisengagetheclutchfrom t
chdi skhasanout sidediameterof36cm andi nsi
ingpr essur
ei nkg/cm2whent hecoeffi
B.Thepowertransmittedbyt heclut
chdiskinKW. Ans.69.6KW

19.Anaut omobil
eengi nedevelopsmaximum t or
queat1000r pm,atwhichspeedt hehorsepoweris35.The
enginei stobeequippedwi thasingl
fortorqueder i
vedont hebasisof“uni
form wear”distr
ionandassumi ngf=0.40andt hatthemean
diamet eroftheclutchdisksis75/8inches,deter
mi netheaxi
obeappl iedtotheclut
Ans.722. 95lbs

20.Abandbr akeistooperateona600mm di ameterdrum rotat

ingat200rpm.Thecoef fi
betweenbandanddr um is0.25.Thebandbr akehasanangl eofcontactof1.5πradiansandt heband
widthis60mm.Oneendoft hebandisfastenedtothefixedendpi natt
heendoft hel everwhiletheot her
endont hebrakearmis760mm l ongandi splacedperpendiculart
ngt heangl eof
orquecapacityofthebrakeifthemaxi mum bandpressureisnottoexceed300Kpa.
B.Whatistheminimum pullnecessaryattheendoft heleverar
mi nordert
oabsor bt hetorque.
C.Howmuchpowercanbehandl edatthegivenspeed?
essinthebandi ft
hebandt hicknessi



1.Abr akehasadi fferencei nbandt ensi onof4KN.Thedr um di amet eri s1met erandr otatingat300r pm.
Det ermi net hepowerneededt odr ivet hedr um.
A.54. 62KW B.56. 85KW C.62.83KW D.64. 86KW
2.Inabr ake, thet ensi onont ightsi dei st hricet hesl acksi de.I fcoef fi
cientoff r
oni s0. 25, f
indt heangl eof
cont actoft heband.
A.240. 61deg.B.251. 78deg.C.286. 75deg.D.275. 65deg.
3.Onabr akedr um t hedi f
fer encei nt ensi onbet weent hesl acksi deandt ightsi deis5.I fther atioinband
tensi oni s3, det ermi net het ensi oni nt ightsi de.
A.5. 0KN B.5. 5KN C.6. 5KN D.7. 5KN
4.Ast eel bandhav eamaxi mum t ensi lest ressof55mpaandt hi cknessof4mm.I fthet ensioni ntightsi dei s6
KN, whatwi dt hofbandshoul dbeused?
A.25. 64mm B.27. 27mm C.28. 28mm D.29. 29mm
5.Abandbr akehasast r
aightbr akear m of1. 5m andi spl acedper pendi cul artothedi amet erbisect i
ngt he
angl eofcont actof270degr eeswhi chi s200mm f rom t heendofsl acksi de.I f200Nf orceisappl iedatt he
ot herenddownwar dofbr akear m, det ermi net het ensi onatsl acksi de.
A.2121. 32N B.4646. 32N C.3131. 32N D.4141. 32N
6.Abandbr akehasa76cm di amet erdr um sust ainsal oadof1Mt ont oahoi sti
ngdr um 50cm i ndi amet er.
Whati sthebandt ensi ondi fference?
A.657. 89kg. m B.785. 98kg. m C.686. 86kg. m D.948. 71kg. m
7.Ther at i
oofbandt ensioni nabandbr akei s4.I fangl eofcont acti s260degr ees, det ermi net hecoef f
on. A.0. 10 B.0. 25 C.0. 35 D.0. 30
8.Abandbr akehasanangl eofcont actof280degr eesandi st osust ainat or queof10, 000i n-l
bear sagai nstacasti rondr um of14i ndi amet er .Thecoef ficientoff rictioni s0.30.Fi ndt het ensionatt he
tightsi de.
A.6, 501. 50l bsB.7, 501. 50l bsC.8, 501. 50l bsD.9, 501. 50l bs
9.Abandbr akei si nstal l
edonadr um r ot atingat250r pm andadi amet erof900mm.Theangl eofcont actis
1.5πr adandoneendoft hebr akebandi sfast enedt oaf ixedpi nwhi l
et heot herendt ot hebr akear m 150
mm f rom t hef ixedpi n.Thecoef fi
cientoff rictioni s0. 25andt hest raightbr akear mi s1000mm l ongandi s
placedper pendi culart ot hedi amet erbi sect ingt heangl eofcont act .Det er minet hemi nimum f orcei n
Newt onsappl i
edatt heendoft hebr akear m necessar yt ost opt hedr um i f60KW i sbei ngabsor bed.
A.200N B.220N C.240N D.260N
10.Abandbr akei suset of ast enedt oan800mm br akedr um wi tht i
ghtsi dei s3t i
mest hesl acksi deoff orce.
Thet orquet ransmi ttedi s2KN. m andast eel bandwi thamaxi mum t ensi lestressof60Mpaand3mm t hick
wi l
lbeused.Whatshoul dbei tswi dthi nmm?
A.71. 67mm B.61. 67mm C.51. 67mm D.41. 67mm
11.Asi mpl ebandbr akehasa76cm dr um wi thcoef ficientoff rictionof0. 25andar cofcont actof245o.The
drum sust ai nsal oadof820kgandr otatesat260r pm.Fi ndt hepowerabsor bedbyt heband.
A.53. 23KW B.63. 23KW C.73. 23KW D.83. 23KW
12.Det ermi net hef orcewi thwhi cht hebr akeshoeofadi esel el ect ri
ct rainmustbepr essedagai nstt hewheel
toabsor b.250, 000f t
bofener gyin20seci fthemeanv eloci tyofwheel r
et ot hebr akeshoei s45f ps
andcoef ficientoff ricti
oni s0. 20. A.1, 389l b B.1, 489l b C.1, 589lb D.1, 689l b


33.A6- spli
neshaf t(d=0. 85D,w=0. 25D,h=0. 075D)andt oslidewhennotunderl oadhasadi amet erof2.
in.Findt hepowert ransmi tt
edi fshear i
ngf or cei s2500l bsandshaf trotat
esat2500r pm.
A.105. 36hp B.115. 36hp C.125. 36hp D.135. 36hp
34.A1¾i ndi amet er4-spl i
neshaf t(d=0. 9D,w=0. 25D,h=0. 25D)andper manentf i
thasper missibl
pressureof700psi .Fi ndt hecompr essiv efor cei fhubl engthis2i nches.
A.2150l bs B.2250l bs C.2350l bs D.2450l bs
35.Thet ransmi ssi
ongear sofanaut omobi lear ecar ri
edona2i n, 6-
neshaf t(d=0. 80D,w=0. 25D,h=
10D)t osl i
dewhenunderl oad.Thehubl engt hofeachgeari s15/ 8in.Det erminethetotalhorsepower
ansmi t
t edat3, 000r pm wi th800psi permi ssiblepr essur
eont hespli
A.60. 83hp B.66. 83hp C.70. 83hp D.76. 83hp
36.A1. 5indi ameter10- splineshaf t(d=0. 91D,w=0. 156D,h=0. 045D)andper manentf i
tisuset otransmi
100kwpowerat2000r pm.Fi ndthecompr essi vef orceoft hespl i
A.2, 898l bs B.3, 898l bs C.4, 898l bs D.5, 898l bs
37.A1. 5indi ameter10- splineshaf t(d=0. 91D,w=0. 156D,h=0. 045D)andper manentf i
tisuset otransmi
100kwpowerat2000r pm.Fi ndt heshear i
ngst ressoft hesplineifhublengthi s1¾i n.
A.1, 311. 44psi B.1,411. 44psi C.1,511.44psi D.1,611.44psi
38.A6- spli
neshaf t(d=0. 85D,w=0. 25D,h=0. 075D)andt oslidewhennotunderl oadhasadi amet erof2.
inisuset ot r
ansmi t125hpat1800r pm.Fi ndt hecompr essi
v estressofthespl ineifhublengthis20%of
shaftdiamet er.
A.1, 122psi B.2, 122psi C.3, 122psi D.4, 122psi
39.A1¾i ndi amet er4-spl i
neshaf t(d=0. 9D,w=0. 25D,h=0. 25D)andper manentf i
thasper missibl
pressureof850psi .Fi ndt heshear ingf orceoft hespl i
nesifhubl engthis2i n.
A.1, 578l bs B.2, 578lbs C.3, 578l bs D.4, 578l bs
40.A6- spli
neshaf t(d=0. 85D,w=0. 25D,h=0. 075D)hasacompr essiv
ear eaof2i n2andshear ingareaof
3in.Fi ndt hemi nimum di amet erofshaf tisr equi r
edi fhublengthi s2¼i n.
A.1. 975 B.0. 889 C.1. 286 D.3.609


NSTRUCTI ON:Enci rclet hel ett
ert hatcor respondst ot hecor rectanswerofy ourchoi ce.
1.Av acuum gageconnect edt oat ankr eads30kpaatal ocat ionwher et hebar omet ricreadingi s755mm Hg.
Deter minet heabsol ut epr essur eint het ank.
A.70. 6kpa B.84. 23kpa C.90. 34kpa D.98. 45kpa
2.Det erminet hepr essur eexer tedonadi verat30m bel owt hef r eesur faceoft hesea.Assumeabar omet r
pressur eof101kpaandt hespeci ficgr avityofseawat eri s1. 03.
A.404kpa B.410kpa C.420kpa D.430kpa
3.Acompr essedspr ingabov ethepi st onexer tsaf or ceof60Nont hepi st
on.I ft heat mospher icpressur eis95
kpa, deter minet hepr essur einsidet hecy linder .
A.108. 20kpa B.112. 56kpa C.123. 4kpa D.137. 40kpa
4.Iftheabsol utet emper atureis300oK, whati st heequi valenti noR?
A.530. 34oR B.534. 23oR C.537. 20oR D.540. 6oR
o o o o
5.Ifthe Fscal et hricet he Cscal e, whatar et hev alue Fand C?
A.26. 67oC and50oF B.26. 67oC and80oF C.16. 67oC and70oF D.56. 67oC and60oF
o o o
6.Wat erent er
st heheat erat30Candl eav esat150F, whati st het emper aturedi ffer
encei n C?
A.25. 55oC B.35. 55oC C.45. 55oC D.55. 55oC
7.A5kgpl asti
ct ankt hathasav olumeof0. 2m3i sf ill
edwi t
hl iqui dwat er .Assumi ngt hedensi tyofwat eris
1000kg/ m, det er mi net hewei ghtoft hecombi nesy stem.
A.195kg B.200kg C.205kg D.210kg
8.Det erminet hemassoft heai rcont ainedi nar oom whosedi mensi onsar e15f tx20f tx20f t.Assumet he
densi tyoft heai ri s0. 0724l b/ ft . A.11. 49sl ugs B.13. 49sl ugs C.15. 49sl ugs D.17. 49sl ugs
9.Thewat erflowsi nt hechannel 200mm x300mm att her ateof2m/ sec.Whati st hev olumef lowin
3 3 3 3 3
t /sec? A.1. 24f t /s B.2. 24f t /s C.3. 24f t / s D.4. 24f t /s
10.Twogaseousst r eamsar emi xedt oget herwi thonest r
eam cont ai
nsadi amet erof120mm andspeci fi
grav it
yof0. 86andspeedof5m/ sandont heot herst ream i s150mm anddensi t
yof890kg/ m3at2m/ s.
Findt hemassf l
owr ateatt heexi ti fdiamet erofexi tis200mm.
A.65kg/ s B.70kg/ s C.75kg/ s D.80kg/ s
11.Inonesect ionofwat erf l
owt hepr essur ei s1500kpa.I fint er nalener gyi s20KJ/ kgf indt heent halpyatt his
poi nt. A.21. 50KJ/ kg B.23. 50KJ/ kg C.25. 50KJ/ kg D.27. 50KJ/ kg
12.Inaconst antt emper at
ur epr ocessat150oC, heati st ransf er redwi thanent ropychangeof0. 5KJ/ K.
Det ermi net heheataddedf ort hesy stem. A.201. 50KJ B.211. 50KJ C.221. 50KJ D.231.50KJ
13.Twohundr edkgofwat erisaddedt o4000kgofal cohol wi thspeci fi
cgr av ityof0. 8.Det er mi net hespeci fi
volumeaf t
ermi xing, m3/ kg. A.0. 00124 B.0. 02124 C.0. 00124 D.0. 000124
14.Abat chofconcr et econsi stedof240l bsf ineaggr egat e,380l bscoar seaggr egat e, 100l bs, cement ,
gallonswat er .Thespeci fi
cgr av it
yoft hesandandgr av elmaybet akenas2. 65andt hatoft hecementas
3.10.Howmuchbywei ghtofcementi sr equi redt opr oduceonecubi cy ard?
A.547. 14l b/y d3 B.647. 14l b/ d3 C.747.
y 14l b/ yd3 D.847. 14l b/y d3
15.Av essel hasapr essur eof200Kpag.Theat mospher i
cpr essur eis10m ofwat erequi valent .Findt he
absol utepr essur ei nm ofwat er.
A.28. 39m ofH2O B.30. 39m ofH2O C.32. 39m ofH2O D.34. 39m ofH2O
16.Wat erflowsi napi peatt her ateof10kg/ s.I fspeedoff l
owi s10m/ s, f
indt hepi pedi amet er .

Preparedby ; Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
A.30. 23mm B.35. 68mm C.38. 39mm D.42. 39mm
17.R-134af lowsi napi peat30oCwi thaspeci ficv olumeof0. 04434m3/ kg.Thei nternal ener gyandent halpy
ofR- 134aar e250. 8KJ/ kgand273. 0KJ/ kgr espect i
v ely .Thepr essur eoft her efrigeranti nMpai s
A.0. 5 B.0. 4 C.0. 3 D.0. 1
18.Wat erisheat edonanel ectrical rangewi thapowerr at ingof1. 5KW f oraper i
odof18mi nut es.Thei ni
andf i
nal temper aturesoft hewat erar e15oCand85oCand70%ofel ect r
ical heatist ransf erredt ot he
wat er.Whati stheamountofwat er ? A.1. 4kg B.3. 9kg C.5. 5kg D.9. 2kg
19.Anewt emper atur escal eist obeusedwher efreezingandboi li
ngt emper atureofwat erisat1000Nand
5000Nr espect i
vely .Cal culat et heabsol utezer oi ndegr ees0N.A.- 460B.- 992.6C.- 273.15D.- 100
20.Thei ncreaseofent hal pyofacer tai ngasi s141. 9KJKJwhent hepr essur ei ncreasesf rom 103. 448kpat o
1034. 48Kpaandt hev olumedecr easesf r
om 0. 4772cu.m t o0.0745cu.m.Fi ndt hechangeofi nt ernal
ener gyinKJ.A.121. 45 B.114. 25 C.141. 5D.154. 21
21.Inaconst antt emper atur e,closedsy st
em pr ocess, 120KJofheati st ransf err
edt ot hewor ki
ngf luidat38oC.
Whati sthechangeofent ropyoft hewor kingfluidinKJ/ K.A.0. 683 B.0. 386 C.0. 854 D.0. 92
22.Fivehundr edki l
ocal oriesofheati saddedt o2kgofwat erat80oC.Howmuchst eam i spr oduced?
A.0. 85kg B.1kg C.1. 1kg D.1. 25kg
23.Anengi neercar riedananer oidBar omet erf rom thegr oundf l
oort ohi sof ficeat opt heShangr i
-LaHot elin
Mandal uy ongCi ty .Ont hegr oundl evel,thebar omet err eads102. 5Kpaabsol ute;topsi dei tread95kpa
absol ute.Assumi ngt hatt heav er ageai rdensi tywas1. 2kg/ m3, est i
mat et hehei ghtoft hehot el.
A.500m B.550m C.580m D.637m
24.Thef l
uidinamanomet ert ubei s60%wat erand40%al cohol (SG=0. 80) .Whati sthemanomet erf l
ghtdi ffer encei fa10Kpapr essur edifferencei sappl iedacr osst het woendsoft hemanomet er?
A.1. 27m B.1. 5mC.1. 75m D.1. 18m
25.Onehundr edgr amsofwat erismi xedt o150gr amsofal cohol (densi ty=790kg/ m3) .Cal culatet hespeci fi
volumeoft hesol utionassumi ngt hati ti smi xedcompl et ely.
A.1. 2cm3/ gm B.1. 5cm3/ gm C.1. 75cm3/ gm D.2. 0cm3/ gm
26.Af luidflowst hrougha20t ubesonasi ngl ecool erwi thav elocityof5mps.Thet ubei nsidedi amet eris40
mm andaf luiddensi tyof0. 80gr am/ ML.Whati sthev ol umef l
owr atei ngpm?
A.99. 6 B.105 C.94 D.89
27.Adoubl epur poset ank18f twi de, 24f tlongand4f tdept hi sf i
ledwi thwat er.Whati st hewei ghtofwat erin
thet anki nl ongt ons? A.49t ons B.48t ons C.54t ons D.50t ons
28.Oil fl
owt hougha16t ubesonasi ngl ecool erwi thav eloci t
yof2m/ s.Thei nternal diamet eroft het ubei s
30mm andoi l densi t
yi s0. 85gm/ ml .Fi ndt hev olumef lowi nl i
ter spersec.
A.22. 62 B.32. 22 C.62. 22 D.42. 62
29.Thebar omet erofamount ainhi kerr eads930mbar satt hebegi nni ngofahi ki
ngt ripand780mbar satt he
end.Negl ect ingt heef fectofal tit
udeonl ocalgr avit
at i
onal accel er ation, det er
mi net hev er ti
cal dist ance
mbed.Assumeg=9. 7m/ s2 A.1274. 21m B.1289. 00m C.1267. 34m D.1583. 34m
mi netheat
s740mm Hgandgravi
onisg=9.7m/ s2.Assumet het
kg/m3. A.99.45kpa B.97. 41kpa C.95.44kpa D.98. 66kpa
31.Whati st heki neticener gyofa500kgbodyt r
av eli
ngat20m/ s?A.80KJB.85KJ C.90KJ D.100KJ
32.Whati st hepot enti
al energyofa300kgbodyi fi tstrikesthegr oundf rom a50m el evation?
A.127. 15KJ B.137. 15KJ C.147. 15KJ D.157. 15KJ
33.Fiv eki logramswat erent erst heheat erat25oCandl eavest heheat erat180oF.Det er minet heheatadded
inkw. A.1198KW B.1298KW C.1398KW D.1498KW
34.Wat erent erst hecondenserat30oCwhi chhasamassof3kg/ s.I fheataddedi s100kw, determinethe
out lettemper at ureinoC. A.37. 96oC B.39. 96oC C.41. 96oC D.43. 96oC
35.Theent halpyofai ri sincreasedby140KJ/ kginacompr essor .Ther ateofai rflowi s16. 42kg/ min.The
poweri nputi s48. 2kw.Whati stheheatl ossf rom t hecompr essor ?
A.9. 88kw B.10. 56kw C.12. 39kw D.15. 35kw
36.St eam ent er sat urbine80l bsofst eam permi nut ewi thanent halpyof1700Bt u/ l
bandv elocityof98f t
leav est het urbi neat1400Bt u/lbat880f t/s.Theheatl ossi s90, 000Bt u/hr.Fi ndthehor sepowerout putof
thet urbine. A.304. 56hp B.483. 45hp C.501. 62hp D.601. 62hp
37.St eam ent er sat urbinest agewi thanent hal pyof3620KJ/ kgat75m/ sandl eav est hesamest agewithan
enthal pyof2800KJ/ kgat128m/ s.Cal cul atet hewor kdonebyst eam.
A.514. 62KJ/ kg B.614. 62KJ/ kg C.714. 62KJ/ kg D.814. 62KJ/ kg
38.Ast eam t urbi nedev eloped2372. 20Hpwheni tsi nletcondi ti
oni s1300Bt u/lbent halpyand400f t/svel
andst eam f lowof200l b/mi n.Theexi tent halpyi s800Bt u/ l
b.Fi ndtheexitv elocit
y .
A.50f ps B.52f ps C.54f ps D.56f ps
39.Themassf lowr ateoft hegasi nagast urbi neis40kg/ sec.Thespeci f
icent halpyandv elocityintheinl
are1300KJ/ kgand160m/ secr espect i
v elywhi leint heout letar e350KJ/ kgand50m/ secr especti
Cal culat et hepowerout putinKW oft het ur binei fther eisaheatl ossof1000KW.
A.37462 B.34605 C.41872 D.30405
40.Ahousei st obeheat edbyhotwat ert hatr ecei vesheatf rom af urnace.Airwi thaent halpyof305KJ/ kgand
fuel wi thanent hal
pyof45360KJ/ kgent erst hef urnaceandt hegasesl eavinghav eaent halpyof608

eparedby ;
eare17kg- ai
3KW ofheatbyci


NSTRUCTI ON:Enci rcl et hel ettert hatcor r
espondst ot hecor rectanswerofy ourchoi ce.
1.Airina10m3t ankhasapr essur eof500kpaandt emper at ureof40oC.Det erminet hemassofai ri
nt he
tank. A.44. 66kg B.55. 66kg C.66. 66kg D.77. 66kg
2.Thepr essur eandt emper atur eoft hev essel is380kpaand60oC, whati sthedensi tyofai ri nkg/ m3?
A.3. 976kg/ m3 B.4. 976kg/ m3 C.5. 976kg/ m3 D.6. 976kg/ m3
aand90oFi 3
3.Whati st hespeci ficv ol umeofai rat15psi nf t /lb?
3 3 3 3
A.13. 57f t/ lb B.15. 57f t/ lb C.17. 57f t/ l
b D.19. 57f t /l
4.Thet emper at ureofani deal gasr emai nsconst antwhi letheabsol utepr essur echangesf rom 100kpat o
800kpa.I finitial vol umei s100l iter s,whati st hef inal volume?
A.10. 00l iter s B.12. 50l i
t ers C.15. 00l iters D.17. 50l iters
5.Anaut omobi l
et irei si nf latedt o35psi gat54oF.Af terbei ngdr iv
en, thet emper aturer iseto80oF.
Deter mi net hef inal gagepr essur eassumi ngv olumer emai nsconst ant .
A.36. 51psi g B.37. 51psi g C.38. 51psi g D.39. 51psi g
6.Anai rbubbl ef r
om t hebot tom ofal akebecomest riplei tsel fasi treachesont hewat ersur face.Howdeep
st hel ake? A.10. 65m B.15. 65m C.20. 65m D.25. 65m
7.Findt hemassofammoni ai nt he100f t tankhav i
ngapr essur eof70psi at120oF.
A.11. 61l b B.19. 12l b C.24. 34l b D.31. 61l b
8.Ifthei nitial pr essur eofi deal gasat110kpai scompr essedt oone- halfi tsor i
ginal volumeandt otwiceits
original temper at ur e, whati st hef inal pr essur e? A.400kpaB.410kpa C.430kpa D.440Kpa
9.Acl osedr igidcont ainerhasav olumeof1m3andhol dsai rat344. 8kpaand273oK.Heati saddedunt ilt
temper at ur ei s600K.Det er mi nechangeofi nt ernal ener gy
A.758. 80KJ B.1034. 00KJ C.1230. 35KJ D.1330. 35KJ
10.Aper fectgashasav alueofR=58. 8f t-l
b/ lb-Randk=1. 26.I f20Bt uar eaddedt o5l boft hisgasat
const antv olumewhent hei nit i
al temper at urei s90oF, fi
ndt hechangei nent ropy
o o o o
A.0. 1350Bt u/ RB.0. 2350Bt u/ RC.0. 0350Bt u/ RD.0. 3350Bt u/ R
11.A2kgmassoxy genexpandsatconst antpr essur epf172kpai napi st on-cy l
indersy stem f r
om a
temper at ur eof32oCt oaf inal temper atur eof182oC.Det ermi net hewor kdone
A.77. 90KJ B.86. 1KJ C.96. 1KJ D.106. 1KJ
12.Whi l
et hepr essur er emai nsconst antat689. 5kpat hev ol umeofasy stem ofai rchangesf rom 0.567m3t o
0.283m .Det er mi net heheatadded/ reject ed.A.682. 29KJB.782. 29KJ C.882. 29KJ D.982. 29KJ
13.Api st on- cy li
ndercont ai ningai rr ecei vesheatataconst antt emper atur eof500oKandani nit
200kpa.Thei nitial vol umei s0. 01m3andt hef inal volumei s0. 07m3.Det ermi net hewor k.
A.- 3.89KJ B.- 4. 89KJ C.- 5. 89KJ D.- 5.89KJ
14.Ani deal compr essorcompr esses12kg/ mi nofai ri sot her mal lyfrom 99kpaandaspeci ficv olumeof0. 81
m3/ kgt oaf inal pr essur eof600kpa.Det ermi net hewor ki nkw
A.8. 89kw B.18. 89kw C.28. 89kw D.38. 89kw
15.Ar i
gi dt ankcont ai nsaper f ectgaswi thR=2. 08KJ/ kgoKandk=1. 67.Cal cul atethef i
nal temper atureinoC
ifitini tiallyat30Cand15KJ/ kgofheati sadded. A.34. 83 B.36. 54 C.32. 72 D.38. 43
16.At her mody nami csy st em cont ains10cubi cmet ersofai rat300kpaand127oC.Thewei ghtoft hissystem
inNewt onsi sA.93 B.127 C.192 D.256
17.Airi nacl osedpi ston- cy l
inderdev icear rangedt omai ntainapr essur eof400kpai sheat edf rom 27oCt o
227oC.I ni ti
al l
yt hev ol umeoft heai risonel it
er .Whati st hef i
nal airv olume?
A.0. 5l i
ter B.0. 00167m3 C.2. 4l iter D.0. 036m3
18.Airi sheat edf rom 27oCt o327oC.Howmuchdoest hespeci fi
ci nternal ener gyoft heai rchangedasa
resul toft hisheat ing? A.301. 5KJ/ kgdecr ease B.301. 5i ncreaseC.215. 4decr easeD.215. 4inc.
19.Oxy genat200kpa, 27oCi scont ai nedi napi ston- cy linderdev i
cear ranget omai ntainaconst antpr essure.
Howmuchwor ki nKJ/ kgi spr oducedbyt hissy st em wheni tisheat edt o227oC?

Prepar edby ;Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
A.0 B.11. 2 C.37. 1 D.52. 0
20.Ai rat1Mpa, 27oCi scont ainedi napi ston- cy linderdev icet hati sar rangedt omai nt ainaconst antpr essur e.
Howmuchheati nKJ/ kgi srequi redt or ai set het emper at ur eoft hi sai rto527oC?
A.180 B.370 C.500 D.1040
21.Api ston- cy li
nderdev icecont ai ns1kghy dr ogengas.Heati st ransf erredt ot hehy drogenasi t
st emper ature
incr easesby10oC.Whati st heboundar ywor kdonedur i
ngt hispr ocess?
A.143KJ B.102KJ C.80KJD.41KJ
22.Ai rent er sanadi abatic, steady -
flowt urbineat1Mpa, 527oCt hroughaonesquar emet erductwi thav el oci t
of100m/ sec.Theai rleav est het ur bi neat100kpa, 157oC.Themassf lowr at eoft heai rinkg/ seci s:
A.87. 4 B.137. 3C.327. 2D.435. 6
23.A0. 5kgst eel (c=0. 5KJ/ kgoK)r ivetcool sf rom 800oKt o300oKuponbei ngi nst alledi nar i
vetedst ruct ur e.
Theent ropychangei nKJ/ Koft hisr iveti s: A.- 0.631 B.- 0.245 C.0. 245D.0. 631
24.A1750kgcari sr ai
sedt oahei ghtof1. 8m byhy dr aulichoi st .Thehy dr auli
cpumphasaconst antpr essur e
of800kPaoni tspiston.Howmuchv olumei nm3shoul dt hepumpdi splacet odel i
v ert her equi redwor kf or
ngt hecar ? A.0. 0386 B.0. 0581 C.0. 0213 D.0. 0472
25.Ther ateofheatt r
ansf ert ot hesur roundi ngsf rom aper sonatr esti sabout400KJ/ hr .Supposet hatt he
v ent il
ationsy stem fai l
si nanaudi tor ium cont ai ning100peopl eandassumi ngt hatt heener gygoesi ntot he
ai rofv olume1500m3i nitiallyat300oKand101kPa, calcul atet her atei n oC/ mi nofai rt emper atur echange.
A.0. 81 B.0. 53 C.0. 24 D.1. 0
26.Af reshpour edconcr et ehar denst hechemi cal transf ormat ionr el easeener gyatar at eof2W/ kg.Assume
thecent erofapour edl ay erdoesnothav eanyheatl ossandt hati thasasav erageheatcapaci tyof0. 9
KJ/ kgoK, findt het emper atur er isei noCdur ingonehouroft hehar deni ng( cur i
ng)pr ocess.
A.7 B.6 C.8 D.9
27.Ai ratapr essur eof100kpahasav ol umeof0. 32m3.Theai ri scompr essedi nar ev er sibleadi abat ic
mannerunt il t
het emper atur ei s190OC.Ther ev er siblewor ki s–63KJ/ kg.Det ermi net hei ni
al temper at ure
A.98. 23oC B.102. 19oC C.123. 45oC D.143. 45oC
28.Ai ratapr essur eof100kpahasav ol umeof0. 32m3.Theai ri scompr essedi nar ev er sibleadi abat ic
mannerunt ilthet emper at urei s190C.Ther ev ersi blewor ki s–63KJ/ kg.Det er mi net hechangeofi nt ernal
ener gy A.68. 68KJ B.18. 68KJ C.20. 34KJ D.38. 68KJ
29.Thr eecubi cf eetofoxy genar ecompr essedi napi st on-cy linderi nr ev ersibleadi abat icpr ocessf rom a
temper atur eof300oKandapr essur eof102kpaunt ilthef inal v olumei sonet ent ht hei nitialvolume.
Det er mi nef i
nal temper at ur e A.753. 56oK B.853. 56oK C.953. 56oK D.1, 053. 56oK
3 o
30.I nar ev ersi bleadi abat i
cmanner , 17. 6m / mi nofai rar ecompr essedf rom 277Kand101kpat o700kpa.
Det er mi net hechangeofent hal py A.56. 24kw B.66. 24kw C.76. 24kw D.86. 24kw
31.I nar ev ersi bleadi abat i
cmanner , 17. 6m3/ mi nofai rar ecompr essedf rom 277oKand101kpat o700kpa.
Det er mi net hepowerr equi red A.34. 71kw B.44. 71kw C.64. 71kw D.54. 71kw
32.Ai rcont ainedi napi ston- cylinderandi scompr essedi nar ev er sibl eadi abaticmannerf rom at emper at ureof
300oKandapr essur eof120kpat oaf inal pressur eof480kpa.Det ermi nef inal temper at ure A.
345. 79oC B.445. 79oC C.545. 79oC D.645. 79oC
33.Ai rcont ainedi napi ston- cylinderandi scompr essedi nar ev er sibl eadi abaticmannerf rom at emper at ureof
300oKandapr essur eof120kpat oaf inal pressur eof480kpa.Det ermi newor kperki l
ogr am. A.-
94.61KJ/ kg B.- 124. 61KJ/ kgC.- 104. 61KJ/ kgD.- 304. 61KJ/ kg
34.Ai ri scompr essedpol y tropi cal l
yf rom 101kpaand23oCanddel i
v er edt oat ankat1500kpaand175oC.
Det er mi neperki logram ofai rt heheatr emov eddur ingcompr essi on
A.131. 38KJ B.231. 38KJ C.331. 38KJ D.431. 38KJ
35.Oneki l
ogr am persecondofai rini tiallyat101kpaand300oKi scompr essedpol ytropi cal lyaccor di ngt ot he
processPV11.3=C.Cal cul at et hepowernecessar yt ocompr esst heai rt o1380kpa.
A.37. 72kw B.137. 72kw C.237. 72kw D.337. 72kw
36.Ai ri scompr essedpol y tropi cal l
yi nacy l
inderaccor dingt oPV2=C.Thewor kr equi redi s180KJ/ kg.
Det er minet hechangeofi nter nal ener gy .
A.449. 06KJ/ kg B.179. 62KJ/ kg C.159. 62KJ/ kg D.169. 62KJ/ kg
37.Ai ri scompr essedpol y tropi cal l
yi nacy l
inderaccor dingt oPV2=C.Thewor kr equi redi s180KJ/ kg.
Det ermi net heheatt ransf erred.A.107. 77KJ/ kgB.269. 44KJ/ kg C.127. 77KJ/ kg D.137. 77KJ/ kg
38.Ai ri sexpandedf rom 1Mpa, 327oCt o200kpai nacl osedpi st on- cy l
inderdev i
ceexecut ngPV1.2=const
i ant
pr ocess.Thewor kpr oduceddur ingt hi spr ocessi nKJ/ kgi s:
A.202. 6B.263. 4C.361. 7D.422. 8
39.Anai rcompr essorhasani nletai rent hal pyof35Bt u/ l
bandexi tent hal pyof70Bt u/ lb.Themassf lowofai r
is3l bs/ s.I fheatl ossi s466. 62Bt u/ mi n, findt hewor kinputt ot hecompr essor .
A.139. 51hp B.149. 51hp C.159. 51hp D.169. 51hp
40.Anai rcompr essorhasani nletent hal pyof32Bt u/ l
bandexi tent hal pyof68Bt u/ lb.I fheatl ossi s5Bt u/ l
findt hecompr essorwor k. A.41Bt u/lb B.- 41Bt u/ lb C.20Bt u/ l
b D.- 20Bt u/ l



1.Inanai rst andar dOt tocy cle,thecl ear ancev olumei s12%oft hedi splacementv olume.Fi ndt he
compr essionr atioandort her mal efficiency .
A.0. 52 B.0. 55 C.0. 53 D.0. 60
2.ACar notcy cl ehasamaxi mum t emper at ureof220oCandmi ni mum t emper at ureof20oC.Fi ndt hecy cle
ciency . A.54. 23% B.58. 35% C.43. 20% D.40. 57%
3.Ast eam engi neoper at ionbet ween150oCand500oC.Whati st het heor eti
cal maxi mum t hermal ef fi
A.99% B.27% C.49% D.45. 30%
4.Anengi nehasabor eof15cm andst rokeof48cm.I ft hev ol umet riccompr essioni s2200cm3, findt he
engi neef f
ici ency . A.46. 2 B.44. 2 C.45. 4 D.40. 3
5.ACar notengi ner equires40KJ/ secf rom t hehotsour ce.Theengi nepr oduces20kwofpowerandt he
temper atur eoft hesi nki s26oC.Whati st het emper at ureoft hehotsour ce?
A.245. 57oC B.210. 10oC C.250. 18oC D.325. 00oC
6.ACar notengi ner eceiv es130Bt uofheatf rom ahotr eser v rat600oFandr
oi ejects49Bt uofheat .
Cal culatet het emper atur eoft hecol dr eser voir.
A.- 21. 9oF B.- 60.46oF C.- 20. 8oF D.- 22. 7oF
7.Themaxi mum t hermal effici
encypossi blef orapowercy cleoper atingbet ween1400oFand280oFi s:
A.58% B.58. 73% C.60. 22% D.57. 40%
8.Aheatengi nei soper atedbet weent emper aturel imi tsof1380oCand230oC.Engi nesuppl i
edwi th14, 142
KJperKWH.Fi ndt heCar notcy cl eef ficiencyi nper cent.
A.70. 10B.65. 05C.67. 56D.69. 32
9.AnOt toengi nehascl ear ancev olumeof9%.I tproduces350kwpower .Whati st heamountofheat
rejectedi nKW? A.204. 45 B.160. 50 C.152. 10 D.145. 85
10.Anai rst andar dengi nehasacompr essi onr at i
oof15andacut -offr ati
oof3.I fthei ntakeairpr essur eand
temper atur ear e100kpaand28oC, findt hewor ki nKJperkg.
A.2976B.2166C.2437D.992. 50
11.Thet her mal effici
encyofapar ticul arengi neoper atingonani deal cy cl
eis45%.Cal culatetheheat
suppl iedper1500wat t-
hrofwor kdev el opedi nKJ. A.12, 343 B.12, 000 C.14, 218 D.11,108
12.AnOt tocy cl ehasani nitialcondi tionof98kpaand30oC.Thecompr essionr atiois11andt hemaxi mum
temper atur eoft hecy clei s1400oC.Fi ndt heheataddedi nKJ/ kg.
A.632 B.689 C.763 D.876
13.AnOt tocy cl ehasani nitialcondi tionof100kpaand30oC.Thecompr essionr at i
oi s10andt hemaxi mum
temper atur ei s1400C.Fi ndt hecy clemeanef fect ivepr essur eperkgofai r.
A.395. 67kpa B.491. 34kpa C.503. 95kpa D.674. 30kpa
14.AnOt tocy cl ehasaheataddedof1000Bt uandwor kout putof550Bt u.Fi ndt heper centclearance.
A.6. 32% B.8. 97% C.12. 04% D.15. 72%
15.Ai riscompr essedi nanOt tocy clef rom 100kpat o700kpa.Fi ndt hecy cleef f
iciency .
A.42. 65% B.39. 45% C.48. 56% D.58. 34%
16.Adi esel cy cl ehasacompr essi onr atioof8andcut -offratioof2. 5.Fi ndt hecy l
eef fici
A.42% B.44% C.46% D.48%
17.Adi esel cy cl ehasacompr essi onr atioof6andcut -offratioof2.I fheataddedi s1500KJ, findt heheat
rejected. A.857. 60KJ B.982. 34KJ C.1, 082. 34KJ D.1209. 34KJ
18.Adi esel cy cl ehasani niti
al temper atur eof30oC, compr essi onr at i
oof14andcut -offrati
oof5.Fi ndt he
maxi mum t emper atureoft hecy cl e. A.3984oC B.4081oC C.4764. 33oC D.5836. 40oC
19.Inanai rst andar ddi esel cycle, compr essi onst artsat100Kpaand300 K.Thecompr essionr ati
oi s12t o1.
Themaxi mum cy clet emper atur ei s2000 K.Det ermi net hecy cleef ficiency.
A.60. 34% B.56. 23% C.54. 22% D.45. 45%

Prepar edby ; Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
20.Adi esel engi nei soper atingona4- st rokecy cle, hasaheatr at eof10, 000KJ/ KW- hrbr ake.The
compr essi onr at i
oi s10.Thecut -
of fr at i
oi s2.Usi ngK=1. 32, whati st hebr akeengi neef ficiency .
A.63. 5 B.51. 2 C.73. 5 D.78. 72
21.Det er minet heai r-st andar def fi
ciencyofanengi neoper at i
ngont hedi esel cycl ewi thcl ear anceof6%when
thesuct ionpr essur ei s100Kpaandt hef uel i
si nj ect edf or5%oft hest roke.AssumeK =1. 4.
A.54. 96% B.63. 68% C.43. 07% D.76. 05%
22.AnOt tocy clehasanef f i
ciencyof54%.I fheataddedi s400KJ, fi
ndt hewor kdone.
A.216KJ B.218KJ C.220KJ D.222KJ
23.AnOt tocy clehasanef f i
ciencyof60%.I fwor ki s700KJ, fi
ndt heheatr eject ed.
A.466. 67KJ B.476. 67KJ C.486. 67KJ D.496. 67KJ
24.AnOt tocy clehasanef f i
ciencyof48%.I fheatr ej ect edi s1000Bt u,findt heheatadded.
A.1716Bt u B.1918Bt u C.1923Bt u D.2023Bt u
25.AnOt tocy clehasani ni tial condi tionof31oCand100Kpa.Thecompr essi onr atiois8andt heheatadded
duringt hepr ocessi s1000KJ/ kg.Fi ndt hemeanef fect iv epr essur e.
A.659. 73KJ/ kg B.689. 73KJ/ kg C.709. 73KJ/ kg D.739. 73KJ/ kg
26.Thecompr essi onr atioofOt tocy clei s10.I fmaxi mum t emper at ureoft hecy cleis1200oC, f i
ndt he
temper at ur eaf t
erexpansi on. A.30. 5.41oC B.307. 41oC C.311. 41oC D.313. 41oC
27.Thei nitial temper at ureandpr essur eofOt tocy clear e28oCand100Kpar espect ively.Thecompr ession
oi s6andheataddeddur ingt hepr ocessi s1300KJ/ kg.Fi ndt hemaxi mum pr essur eoft hecy cle.
A.4648Kpa B.4748Kpa C.4848Kpa D.4948Kpa
28.Andi esel cy clehasacy cl eef fi
ciencyof58%.I fheataddedi s1600KJ/ kg, fi
ndt hewor k.
A.928KJ B.938KJ C.948KJ D.958KJ
29.Adi esel cy cl ehasacompr essi onr at i
oof8andi ni ti
al temper atur eof34oC.I fmaxi mum t emper at ureoft he
cyclei s2000K, fi
ndt hecy cleef ficiency .A.40. 06% B.41. 06% C.42. 06% D.44. 06%
30.AnOcean–Ther mal Ener gyConv er sionpowerpl antgener ates10, 000KW usi ngawar m sur facewat er
nlett emper atur eof26oCandacol ddeep- wat ert emper at ur eof15oC.Ont hebasi sofa3oCdr opi nt he
temper at ur eoft hewar m wat eranda3oCr isei nt het emper at ur eoft hecol dwat erduet or emov al and
addi ti
onofheat ,cal cul at et hepowerr equi redi nKW t opumpt hecol d-deepwat ert ot hesur faceand
throught hesy stem heatexchangeri ft her equi redpumpi ngpr essur ei ncr easei s7kPa.
AssumeaCar notcy cleef fi
ci encyanddensi t
yofcol dwat ert obe1000kg/ m3.
A.108 B.120 C.146 D.160
31.Thecompr essi onr atioofanai r-
st andar dgasol ineengi nei s8.Theheataddedi s1850KJ/ kg.I ft hei niti
pressur eandt emper atur ear e100kPaand25oCr espect iv ely.Det er mi net het emper atur ei noCatt heend
oft hei sent ropi cexpansi on. A.1368B.1147C.969 D.1452
32.Cal culat et het her mal ef fi
ciencyofanai r-
st andar dDi esel cy cleoper at i
ngwi t
hacompr essi onr atioof23and
cut-of frat ioof2. 25 A.0. 603B.0. 587C.0. 656D.0. 714
33.Cal culat et het her mal ef fi
ciencyofanai r-
st andar dl imitedpr essur ecy clewi t
hacompr essi onr atioof23,
nitial pressur eandt emper at ureof100kPaand25oCr espect i
v ely, apr essur el i
mi tedof12MPa, andt otal
heati nputof1500KJ/ kgofai r.A.0. 687B.0. 593C.0. 648D.0. 714
34.Anel ast icspher econt ai ninggasat120kPahasadi amet erof1. 0m.Heat ingt hespher ecausesi tt o
expandt oadi amet erof1. 2m.Dur i
ngt hepr ocesst hepr essur eispr opor ti
onal tot hespher edi amet er.
Calcul atet hewor kdonebyt hegasi nKJ. A.41. 8 B.50. 6 C.45. 6 D.35. 4
35.Ani deal gaswi thamol ecul arwei ghtof7. 1kg/ kgmol i
scompr essedf rom 600kPaand280oKt oaf i
5m3/ 2
speci ficv ol umeof0. kg.Dur ingt hepr ocesst hepr essur ev ariesaccor di
ngt op=600+150v+95v
wher epi si nkPaandvi nm / kg.Cal cul atet hewor kofcompr essi oni nKJ/ kg?
A.32. 8 B.28. 7 C.35. 6 D.30. 4
36.Ai risusedi naCar notengi newher et hev olumesatt hebegi nni ngoft heconst antt emper atur eheataddi tion
andt heconst ant -temper atur eheatr eject ionar e0. 356m3and5. 573m3r espect i
v el
y .Cal culat et het hermal
ciency . A.0. 754B.0. 782C.0. 713D.0. 667
37.Anai r-standar dOt tocy cl ehasacompr essi onr at ioof8.Att hebegi nni ngofcompr essi ont hepr essur eand
temper at ur eofai rar e100kPaand25oCr espect iv ely.Theheataddedi s1500KJ/ kg.Cal cul atet hemean
effect i
v epr essur ei nkPa. A.1230B.1132C.1354D.1068
38.Thecy clewor kofanai r-standar dOt toengi nei s1000KJ/ kg.Themaxi mum cy clet emper atur eis3200oC
andt het emper atur eatt heendofi sent ropi ccompr essioni s650 C.Cal cul at et hecompr essi onr atiooft he
engi ne. A.8. 5 B.7. 22 C.8. 0 D.0. 311
39.Cal culat et het her mal ef fi
ciencyofanai r-
st andar dDi esel cy clewi thmi ni mum t emper at ur eandpr essur eof
20oCand100kPa, andmaxi mum t emper atur eof1000oC.Theheataddedi s800KJ/ kg.
A.0. 223B.0. 365C.0. 283D.0. 311
40.Ani nvent orpr esent edt hef ollowi ngt estr esul tsoft heengi nehedesi gned:powerdev el oped, 35KW; fuel
consumpt ion, 3.1kg/ hr ; fuel heat ingv alue, 49, 540KJ/ kg; oper atingt emper at urel i
mi ts,28oCand1200oC.
A.hi scl aimi sv al id B.hi scl ai mi snotv ali
d C.i nconcl usiv e D.noneoft heabov e
41.At hr ee-pr ocesscy cl eoper at ingwi th5. 0kgsofai rast hewor kingsubst ancehast hef ol lowi ngpr ocess:
const antv olume( 1- 2); const antpr essur e( 2-3) ; andconst antt emper at ur e( 3-1).Gi vent hatP1=100kPa,
T1=300oKandV1/ V3=6, det ermi net heheataddedi nKJ.

Prepar edby ;Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
42.TwoCar notengi nesAandBoper atei nser i
esbet weenahi gh- t
emper aturer eser v oi rat1200oKandl ow-
temper atur er eser voirat450K.Engi neAr ej
ect sheatt oengi neB, whi chi nt ur nr ej ect sheatt othel ow-
temper atur er eser voir.Theheatr ecei vedbyengi neAi s600KJ.Thet woengi neshav eequal t
ef fi
cienci es.Cal cul atet hewor kofengi neBi nKJ.A.300 B.168. 5 C.254. 7D.140. 6
43.Aheatengi nehasat her mal efficiencyof45%.Howmuchpowerdoest heengi nepr oducewhenheati s
transf erredi nt oi tatar at eof109KJ/ hr ?A.50MW B.75MW C.100MW D.125MW
44.Thet her mody nami cef ficiencyofaheatengi net hatr eject sheatatar ateof20MW whenheati ssuppl iedto
tatar at eof60MW i s: A.33. 3% B.50% C.66. 7% D.75%
45.ACar notengi neoper atesusi nga527oCener gyr eser voiranda27oCener gyr eser v oir.The
ther mody nami cef ficiencyoft hisengi nei s: A.50% B.62. 5% C.73. 6% D.103%
46.Ani nv ent orcl aimst ohav ecr eat edaheatengi newhi chpr oduces10KW ofpowerf ora15KW i nputwhi l
oper at i
ngbet weenener gyr eser v oirsat27oCand427oC.I st hiscl aimv alid?
A.Yes B.No C.Pr obabl y D.Noneoft heabov e
47.AnOt tocy cl ehasacompr essi onr atioof8andamaxi mum t emper at ureof627oC.Att hebegi nningoft he
compr essi onst roke, thepr essur eandt emper atureoft hewor kingf luidar e100kPaand27oC.Basedupon
thecol dai r-standar danal ysi sassumpt ion, howmuchwor ki spr oducedpercy cl ecompl eti
A.43. 7KJ/ kg B.85. 6KJ/ kg C.97. 4KJ/ kg D.114. 2KJ/ kg
48.ASt erlingengi neusesanener gysour cewhoset emper aturei s727oCandener gysi nkwhoset emper ature
i otheengi net opr oduce1uni tofwor k?
A.1. 0 B.1. 19 C.1. 43 D.2. 01
49.ABr ay toncy cl ehasacompr essi onr at ioof9.Fi ndt hecy cl eef ficiency .
A.42. 62% B.44. 62% C.46. 62% D.48. 62%
50.ABr ay toncy cl ehasani ni ti
al airt emper at ureof30oC.I fpr essur er atioi s12, f
indt hecompr essorwor k.
A.310. 28KJ/ kg B.313. 28KJ/ kgC.316. 28KJ/ kg D.319. 28KJ/ kg
51.ABr ay toncy cl ehasani ni ti
al temper at ureof27oCandpr essur er at i
oof8.I fmaxi mum t emper atureis
1400C, findt heheataddedi nt hecombust or .
A.1109. 56KJ/ kgB.1119. 56KJ/ kgC.1129. 56KJ/ kgD.1139. 56KJ/ kg
52.Themaxi mum t emper at ureofBr ay t
oncy clei s1600oCandi tspr essur er atioi s6.Fi ndt het urbinewor k.
A.750. 44KJ/ kg B.760. 44KJ/ kg C.770. 44KJ/ kg D.780. 44KJ/ kg
53.Thecompr essi onr atioofBr ay toncy clei s10.Fi ndt hecy cleef fi
ci ency .
A.60. 19% B.56. 18% C.54. 18% D.52. 18%
54.Thet emper at ureoff ourcor ner sofBr ay toncy cl
ear et 1=3 0oC, t2=4 00oC,t 3=1 300oC, t4=1 00oC.Fi nd
thecy cleef fici ency . A.56. 39% B.64. 34% C.76. 45% D.92. 22%
55.ABr ay toncy cl ehasani ni ti
al condi tionof28oCandmaxi mum t emper atureof1450oC.I fpr essurer ati
oi s
10, f
indt hebackwor kr atio. A.0. 227B.0. 337C.0. 447D.0. 557
56.Agast urbi neonanai rst andar dBr ay toncy clehasai rent eringi nt ot hecompr essoratat mospher i
condi tionand23oC.Thepr essur erat i
oi s10andt hemaxi mum t emper atur ei nt hecy cl eis1000oC.
Comput et hecy cl eef fi
ci encyperkgofai ri nper cent .
A.48. 21% B.31. 89% C.38. 23% D.56. 23%
57.Ai rent ert hecombust i
onchamberofagast urbineuni tat500Kpa, 227oCand40m/ s.Thepr oduct sof
combust ionl eav est hecombust orat598kpa, 1007oCand150m/ s.Li qui df uel ent er swi t
haheat i
ngv alue
of43, 000KJ/ kg.Thecombust oref ficiencyi s92%.Whati st heai r-
fuel ratio?Pr oper ti
esofai :At500oC,
h=503. 02;At1280oC, h=1372. 25KJ/ kgA.44. 95B.43. 40C.50. 05D.32. 52
58.Ai rent er st hecompr essorofagast urbi neat102kpaand320oKwi thav ol umef lowr at eof6m3/ s.The
compr essorpr essur er atioi s10andi tsi sent ropicef ficiencyi s82%.Att hei nlett ot het urbine,thepr essur e
s1000kpaandt het emper atur ei s1450oK.Thet ur binehasi sent ropi cef fi
ci encyof0. 87andt heexi t
pressur ei s102kpa.Ont hebasi sofai rst andar danal ysis, whati st het her mal eff iciencyoft hecy clein
per cent ? A.29. 98B.30. 18C.28. 97D.31. 94
59.I nagast ur bi neuni t,ai rent erst hecombust i
onchamberat550kpa, 227oCand43m/ s.Thepr oduct sof
combust ionl eav et hecombust orat511kpa, 1004Cand140m/ s.Li qui df uel ent er swi thaheat i
ngv alueof
43, 000KJ/ kg.Forf uel -airr atioof0. 0229, whati st hecombust oref fici encyoft heuni tinper cent?
Proper tiesofai r:At500oC:h=503. 02 ;At1280oC:h=1372. 25
A.64 B.92 C.80 D.102
60.Ani deal gast ur bineoper ateswi thapr essur eof8andt emper atur el imitsof20oCand1000oC.Theener gy
nputi nt hehi ght emper atur eheatexchangeri s200KW.Det er mi net heai rf lowr at einkg/ hr.
A.650 B.859 C.970 D.732


1.At180oCt heent ropyofasubst ancei s5. 2KJ/ K, thequal i
tyoft hesubst ancei s:
A.34. 23% B.68. 83% C.56. 34% D.87. 56%
2.A10m3v essel initiallycont ains5m3ofl iqui dwat erand5m3ofsat ur atedwat erv aporat100Kpa.
Calcul atet hei nt ernal ener gyoft hesy st em usi ngt hest eam t ables.
At100Kpa:v f=0 .001043m3/ kg,v g=1 .6940m3/ kg,Uf=417. 3KJ/ kg,Ug=2506KJ/ kg
A.5x106KJ B.8x105KJ C.1x106KJ D.2x106KJ
3.Av essel wi thav olumeof1m3cont ainsl iqui dwat erandv apori nequi librium at600Kpa.Thel i
quidwat er
hasamassof1kg.Usi ngst eam t ables, calcul at et hemassoft hewat erv apor .
At600Kpa:v f=0 .001101m3/ kg,v g=0 .3157m3/ kg,
A.0. 99kg B.1. 57kg C.2. 54kg D.3. 16kg
4.Ast eam hasacondi tionof2Mpaand250oCunder goesconst antpr essur epr ocessunt ilitsqual i
Whati stheheatr ej ectedbyst eam?
A.981. 33KJ/ kg B.1986. 23KJ/ kg C.1046. 16KJ/ kg D.1542. 34KJ/ kg
5.Steam wi thspeci f i
cv olumeof0. 09596m3/ kgunder goesaconst antpr essur eprocessat1. 70Mpaunt i
speci ficv olume0. 13796m3/ kg.Whati st hewor kdone?
A.71. 4KJ/ kg B.67. 1KJ/ kg C.82. 78KJ/ kg D.97. 23KJ/ kg
6.Steam wi thanent hal pyof2843. 5KJ/ kgunder goesaconst antpr essur epr ocessat0. 90Mpaunt ilt
ent halpybecomes2056. 1KJ/ kg.Whati st hei nt ernal ener gy ?
A.- 703. 2KJ/ kg B.703. 2KJ/ kg C.564. 3KJ/ kg D.984. 4KJ/ kg
7.Onekgofst eam at260oCandwi thent hal pyof1861KJ/ kgi sconf inedi nar igidcont ainer .Heati sapplied
unt ilthest eam becomessat ur at ed.Det er mi net heheatadded.
A.770KJ B.828KJ C.790KJ D.800KJ
8.Oneki logr am ofst eam at121oCand10%moi st ur eunder goesaconst antv olumepr ocessunt ilt
hepr essure
becomes0. 28Mpa.Det ermi net hef i
nal temper atur e.
A.200. 4oC B.374. 5oC C.206. 5oC D.873. 4oC
9.At ankcont ains0. 50m / kgofst eam.Heati st ransf er redatconst antv olumeunt i
lthepr essur ereaches100
kpa.Det er mi net hef i
nal steam qual i
ty. A.23. 34% B.45. 32% C.29. 47% D.39. 45%
10.Ther ear e2. 27kg/ mi nofst eam under goi ngani sot her mal processf rom 27. 5bar ,316oCt o6. 8bar.
Det ermi net hechangei nent ropy ,KJ/ mi n-K. A.1. 6176 B.2. 1734 C.3. 465D.0. 204
11.St eam at200oCandwi thent ropyof5. 6105KJ/ kg- Kexpandsi sot her mal lyt o0.515Mpa.For5kgmass,
whati st hewor kdone?A.2119. 06KJ B.1103. 4KJ C.1372. 4KJ D.1408. 2KJ
12.Onekgofst eam expandsi sent ropi cal l
yf r
om 2. 1Mpaand374oCt o93oC.Fi ndt hef i
nal qualit
A.76. 44% B.87. 34% C.93. 15% D.98. 34%
13.St eam f lowsi sent ropi cal l
yt hr oughanozzl ef rom 1500kpa, 288oCt o960kpa.For0. 454kg/ smass
determi net hechangei nv olume. A.0. 031m3/ s B.0. 043m3/ s C.0. 054m3/ s D.0. 076m3/ s
14.Ast eam t urbiner ecei ves0. 52Mpaofst eam at300oC.Thenexpandedi nani rr
ev er sibleadi abat i
apr essur eof0. 012Mpa.I ftheexhaustst eam i sdr yandsat urat ed, cal culatethest ageef fi
ciencyoft he
process. A.67. 45% B.69. 50% C.74. 23% D.87. 45%
15.St eam at1. 4Mpaand270oCf lowsst eadi lyt hroughast eam t hrot tl
ev alvet hatreducesi tspressureby50%.
Findt hechangei nent ropy ,KJ/ kg- K. A.0. 31 B.- 0. 058 C.0. 63 D.0. 76
16.Ast eam cal or imet err ecei vesst eam f rom api peat0. 1Mpaand20oSH.Forapi pest eam pr essureof2
Mpa, whati st hequal ityoft hest eam? A.88. 34% B.90. 34% C.92. 34% D.95. 56%
17.Ani sobar i
cst eam gener atingpr ocessst artswi thsat ur atedl i
qui dat20psi a.Thechangei nent ropyisequal
tot hei nitialent r opy .Whati st hechangei nent hal py .At20psi a: (hfg=960. 2Btu/ lb, sf=0. 3359Bt u/lb-R)
A.- 230. 4Bt u/ lb B.- 196. 2Bt u/ lb C.196. 2Bt u/ l
b D.230. 4Btu/lb
18.Acy linderandpi st onar rangementcont ainssat urat edwat erv aporat110oC.Thev apori scompr essedi na
rev ersibleadi abat i
cpr ocessunt ilthepr essur ei s1. 6Mpa.Det er mi net hewor kdonebyt hest eam per

Preparedby;Engr .RodelT.Naval
ogram ofwat er.(
Hint:Usesteam t
A.-637KJ/ kg B.- 509KJ/kg C.- 432KJ/kg D.- 330KJ/kg
19.Acarwi thf rontal eaa=2m2,
ar andtr
ngat80km/ hri rat20oCi
nai sexper
0.225Apairv .Howmuchpoweri nKW i
sneededinordertomai ntai
A.8. 92 B.3.64 C.7.81 D.5. 92


1.Ast eam condenseri naRanki necy clehasani nl etcondi tionof150kpaand90%qual it

y.I fthemassof
steam i s2kg/ s, fi
ndt hegal lonspermi nut eofcool ingwat eri nthecondenserf or12oCr isei ntemper ature.
A.1093. 34gpm B.1198. 34gpm C.1284. 56gpmD.1274. 48gpm
2.Aboi lerf eedpumpoper ateat40oCsuct i
on.I fpumpef ficiencyi s85%andneeds20kwpowerofmot or
neededt odr ivet hepump, fi
ndt hemaxi mum pr essur eoft heboi l
ercoul dat t
ai nf oramassof2kg/ s.
A.8108. 26kpa B.8232. 34kpa C.8441. 60kpa D.9825. 45kpa
3.Aboi lerf eedi sav ailabl eat5Mpaand200oC.Theboi l
erhasast eam gener atedat10kg/ sat5Mpaand
380oC.Fi ndt hedev elopedboi lerhor sepoweroft ur bine.
A.1092. 45hp B.1265. 34hp C.1573. 45hp D.2336hp
4.ARanki necy cl ehasanout putof5000kw.Theov er alleff ici
encyof65%andf act orofev aporationof1. 2.
Findt hemassofst eam ev apor at ed. A.982. 45kg/ hrB.10, 224. 60kg/ hrC.6171. 27kg/ hrD.8745. 23kg/hr
5.ARanki necy cl ehasast eam t hr ot t
lecondi t
ionof4Mpaand400oC.Thet urbineexhausti s1at m,f indt he
cycleef fi
ci ency . A.23. 23% B.27. 06% C.34. 23% D.43. 23%
6.ARanki necy cl ehasat urbinewor kof600KJ/ kgandef ficiencyof88%, pumpwor ki s3KJ/ kgandef fi
of75%.I fcy cleef f i
ci encyi s26%, findt heheataddedt ot hecy cle.
A.2577. 60KJ/ kgB.2345. 19KJ/ kgC.2015. 38KJ/ kgD.1852. 40KJ/ kg
7.ARanki necy cl ehasani nitialmassofl iquidf l
owi ngat15kgat75oC.I ff inal ent hal pyis1200KJ/ kg, f
indt he
changeofent hal pyoft hesy stem. A.655. 75KJ B.834. 34KJ C.763. 45KJ D.885. 97KJ
8.At ur binehasanav ailabl eent hal pyof3300KJ/ kgi naRanki necy cle.Thepumpwor khasal so25KJ/ kg.
Foraf l
owof3kg/ s,f indt hesy st em out put . A.5960kw B.6080kw C.6343kw D.9825kw
9.InaRanki necy cle, t
hesy stem t ur binei nlethasacondi tionof3126KJ/ kgent hal pyandent r
opyof6. 68
KJ/ kg- K.Thequal it
yaf terexpansi oni s82%andent halpyof2103KJ/ kgwi thhf=233KJ/ kg.Fi ndt he
ci encyoft hecy cl e.A.23. 45% B.35. 40% C.30. 34% D.38. 44%
10.Theav ai l
abl eent hal pyofst eam att heexi tofboi l
eri naRanki necy clei s2900KJ/ kgandent hal pyatt he
ent ranceoft urbinei s2870KJ/ kg.I fmassofst eam i s3. 5kg/ s, fi
ndt heheatl ossbet weent heboi l
erexi t
andt urbi neent rance. A.105kw B.30kw C.20kw D.50kw
11.InaRanki necy clest eam ent erst het ur bineat3Mpa( ent hal pies&ent ropi esgi ven)andcondenserof60
Kpa( proper tiesgi ven) ,whati st het hermal efficiencyoft hecy cle? At3Mpa: hg=2804. 2 sg=6. 1869
At60kpa: hf=359. 86 hfg=2293. 6 sf=1. 1457 sfg=6. 3867 vf=0 .
A.25. 55% B.45. 23% C.34. 23% D.12. 34%
12.Adi esel elect ri
cpl antsuppl i
esener gyf orMer al co.Dur ing24hr sper iod, thepl antconsumed220gal l
fuel at28oCandpr oduct4, 000kw- hr .Indust ri
al fuel usedi s28oAPIandwaspur chasedatP15. 50perl i
15.6oC.Whatshoul dbet hecostoff uel tobepr oducedperkw- hr?
A.P1. 05B.P2. 10C.P3. 20D.P1. 00
13.A750bhpdi esel engi neusesf uel oi lof30oAPIgr av i
ty,fuel consumpt i
oni s0. 75l b/ bhp- hr.Costoff uel is
P17. 95perl i
ter.Forcont inuousoper ation, deter mi net hemi nimum v olumeofcubi cal dayt anki nm3,
ambi entt empi s45oC. A.4. 98 B.6. 25 C.7. 135D.9. 04
14.Adi esel powerpl antusesf uel t hathasadensi tyof892. 74kg/ m3at15. 66oC.Fi ndt heheat i
ngv alue.
A.44, 690KJ/ kg B.19, 301Bt u/lb C.43, 000KJ/ kg D.4356. 2KJ/ kg
15.Adi esel powerpl antusesf uel wi t
hheat i
ngv alueof45, 038. 8KJ/ kg.Whati st hedensi tyoff ueat30oC?
A.0. 9kg/ li B.0. 877kg/ li C.0. 850kg/ li D.0. 878kg/ li
16.Adi esel engi neconsumed940l i off uel perdayat30oC.I fthef uel waspur chasedat15oCand30oAPIat
P4. 00/ li
, det ermi net hecostoff uel tooper atet heengi neperday .
A.P5, 677. 50 B.P4677. 50 C.P3721. 98 D.P5, 000. 00
17.Acy li
ndr ical tank3m l ongand2m di amet erisusedf oroi lstorage.Howmanyday scant het anksuppl y
theengi nehav ng27oAPIwi
i t
hf uel consumpt ionof65kg/ hr? A.5. 84 B.5. 39 C.7. 83 D.7. 39
18.Thespeci f i
cgr av it
yoff uel oil hav ingaheat i
ngv alueof44, 899. 2KJ/ kgi s:

Preparedby;Engr.Rodel T.Naval
A.0.90 B.0.80 C.0.877D.0.893
19.St eam f
lowsintoat urbineatarat
eof10kg/ s,and10kil
om theturbi
onandki net
icener gyef
ne.I nl
e2. 0Mpa
and350oC( h=3137KJ/ kg)and0.10Mpa&100%qual i
A.4000KW B.4375KW C.4605KW D.4973KW

1.Af uel isr epr esent edwi thC5H8i sbur nedwi t
h40%excessai r.Ifmassoff uel i
s0. 17kg, fi
ndt hemassof
ai rneeded.
A.3. 38kg B.1. 638kg C.2. 34kg D.5. 34kg
2.Theanal ysisofapr oductofcombust ionondr ybasi s,whenC6H18wasbur nedwi thatmospher icair,
follows:CO2=12%,CO=1. 75%,O2=3. 01%, N2=83. 24%.Comput et heact ual air-f
uel ratio. A.12.
15.29 C.17. 35D.14. 73
3.Aboi lerbur nsf uel oilwit h15%excessai r.Thef uel mayber epresent edbyC14H30.Cal culatet hemol al
ai r-
fuel ratio.
A.14 B.117. 69 C.102. 34 D.17. 14
4.Gi v ent hef ollowi ngul timat eanal ysis: C=71%,N2=4%,H2=4%,O2=3%,S2=5%,Ash=6%,
Moi st ur e=8%.Usi ng20%excessai r,det ermi net heact ual ai
uel rat io.
A.11. 56B.11. 21C.21. 21D.9. 22
5.Acer tai ncoal hast hef ol l
owi ngul ti
mat eanal y sisC=70%,N2=4%,H2=2. 5%,O2=3. 5%,S2=7%,
Ash=5%,Moi sture=? Det erminet heheat ingv alueoff uel i
nBt u/ lb.
A.27, 299. 65 B.11, 735.35 C.26, 961. 45 D.27, 320
6.Af uel gashast hef ollowi ngv olumet ricanal ysis:CH4=68% C2H6=32%Assumecompl etecombust i
wi th15%excessai rat101. 325Kpa, 21oCwetbul band27oCdr ybul b.Whati sthepar tialpr essur eofwat er
v apori nKpa?
A.9. 62 B.12. 81C.17. 28D.15. 94
7.Ther ear e23kgoff l
uegasesf ormedperkgoff uel oil burnedi nthecombust ionofaf uel oil C12H26.Whati s
theexcessai rinper cent ?
A.46. 67B.26. 67C.36. 67D.45. 66
8.Byhowmuchi st hechangeofv olumeoft hepr oduct sofcombust ionofbenzene( C6H6)wi t
h t heor
air?Bot hv olumesofr eact ant sandpr oduct sar et akenatt hesamepr essur eandt emper ature.
A.1. 3%i ncreaseB.1. 3%decr easeC.nochange D.9. 2%i ncr ease
9.Cal cul atet heamountofai ri nkgnecessar yforcombust i
onof1kgofoct ane( C8H18)wi tht heor eti
A.12. 5 B.14. 8 C.15. 1 D.13. 5
10.Cal cul atet hemassi nkgoft hecombust ionpr oduct sof12kgdi esel fuel oil(C16H30)wi th30% excessai r
A.185. 2B.284. 6C.208. 7D.235. 44
11.Fi vekg- mol ofoct anear ebur nedwi thst i
ochi omet ricamountofai r.Howmuchwat erisf ormedi nthe
pr oduct si fthecombust i
oni scompl et e?
A.15kg- mol B.25kg- mol C.35kg- mol D.45kg- mol
12.Met hy l alcohol (CH3OH)i sbur nedwi th30%excessai r.Howmuchunbur nedoxy geni nkg- mol -oxygen/kg-
mol -fuel wi l
l therebei nt hepr oduct si ft hecombust ioni scompet e?
A.0. 35 B.0. 45 C.0. 55 D.0. 65
13.Dodecane( C12H26)i sbur nedatconst antpr essur ewi th150%excessai r.Whati st heai r-fuelfort hi
pr ocess?
A.37. 5 B.42. 3 C.48. 7 D.51. 3
14.Acompl etecombust ionofoneki l
ogr am ofC16H32r esul tedt o20ki l
ogr amsofpr oduct sofcombust ion.
Cal cul atet heper centexcessai r.
A.29. 16B.40. 5 C.35. 4 D.55. 6
15.Cal cul at et heheat ingv alueofcoal hav i
ngt hef ollowi ngcomposi tionbywei ghtusi ngDul ongf or mul
Car bon75%, hydrogen5%, oxy gen6%, ni t
rogen1. 5%, sul fur3%, wat er1. 5%, ash8%
A.150, 450Bt u/ l
bB.13, 658Bt u/ lb C.12, 640Bt u/lb D.14, 580Bt u/lb
Acent ral stat i
onhasannual fact orsasf ollows:
Loadf act or=58. 50% Capaci tyf act or=40. 95% Usef actor=45. 20%

Prepar edby ;Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
Ther eser vecar r
iedov erandabov et hepeakl oadi s8900kw.Fi ndt hef ollowi ng
16.I nst alledcapaci ty .
A.59, 600kw B.49, 600kw C.39, 600kw D.29, 667kw
17.Annual ener gypr oduct ion:
A.106x106kw- hr s B.206x106kw- hrs C.306x106kw- hrs D.406x106kw- hrs
18.Hour spery earnoti nser vice.
A.880hr s. B.823hr s. C.800hr s. D.750hr s.
19Awat ert ubeboi lerhasaheat ingsur f
acear eaof500m2.Foradev elopedboi l
erhpof933.Det er mi net he
percentr at ingoft heboi ler.
A.169. 81% B.150. 17% C.160. 17% D.180. 17%
20Thef act orofev apor at ionoft heboi leri s1. 12andast eam r ateof0. 73kg/ s.Whati st hedev el opedboi ler
A.1. 98hp B.188. 074hp C.1. 88hp D.198. 2hp
21.Theper centr at i
ngofwat ert ubeboi leri s200%, fact orofev apor at ioni s1. 1andheat ingsur facear ei s300
m2.Fi ndt her at eofev apor at ion.
A.8, 153. 02kg/ hrB.8513. 02kg/ hrC.9, 380. 61kg/ hrD.9830. 61kg/ hr
22.Theact ual speci ficev apor at ionofacer tainboi l
eri s8.Fact orofev apor at ioni s1. 15.I ft heheat ingv al
uei s
26,000KJ/ kg.Fi ndt heboi l
eref f i
ci ency .
A.79% B.78. 11% C.76. 39% D.80. 00%
23.TheASMEev apor ationuni tsofaboi leris24, 827, 500KJ/ hr .Theboi lerauxi l
iariesconsumes2. 5MW.
Whati st henetboi l
eref ficiencyi ft heheatgener at edbyf uel is32, 000, 000KJ/ hr .
A.49. 46% B.59. 40% C.64. 75% D.60. 10%
24.A150, 000kgofcoal suppl iedt ot woboi l
er.Onehasacapaci tyof350kg/ hrandt heot herboi lerhasa
capaci t
yof100kg/ hr.Howmanyday st oconsumet heav ailablef uel ?
A.15 B.14 C.51 D.13
25.Aboi leroper at esat82. 5%ef fi
ci encywhi let hemassofst eam gener atedi s995, 000l bsi n5hr s.The
enthal pyofst eam i s1400Bt u/ l
bandf eedi s250Bt u/lbwhi l
et hef uel usedf orboi lerhasaheat ingv alueof
14,850Bt u/ lb.Fi ndt hemassoff uel neededi nshor tt onsperday .
A.10. 78B.98. 34C.224. 16 D.313. 45
26.Acoal -f
iredpowerpl anthasat ur bine- gener at orr atedat1200MW gr oss.Thepl antr equi redabout10%of
thispowerf ori tsi nter nal oper at i
ons.I tuses10, 000t onsofcoal perday .Thecoal hasaheat i
ngv alueof
6,500Kcal /kgandt hest eam gener atoref fi
ci encyi s85%.Whati st henetst ationef f
iciencyoft hepl antin
percent ?
A.30% B.25% C.33% D.38%
27.Twoboi ler sar eoper at ingst eadi lyon94, 000kgofcoal cont ainedi nabunker .Oneboi lerpr oduci ng1600
kg/ hrofst eam at1. 2f act orofev apor ationandanef fi
ciencyof65%andanot herboi lerpr oduces1464kg/ hr
ofst eam at1. 15f actorofev apor at i
onandef ficiencyof60%.Howmanyhour swi llthecoal int hebunker
runt heboi ler si ftheheat ingv al uei s7, 600Kcal /kg?
A.240. 4B.220. 5 C.230. 09 D.225. 3
28.At y pical steam gener at orwi thanef f
iciencyof75%i spr oduci ng10kg/ secofst eam.Theent hal pyoft he
enter ingwat eri s125. 79KJ/ kgandi ssuper heat edt oanent hal pyof3034. 8KJ/ kg.Thef uel usedhass
heat ingv al ueof42150KJ/ kg.TheA/ Fr atiobywei ghti s14.Det er mi net heamountofai rneededi nkg/ hr.
A.38371 B.48378C.56873 D.46378
29.Ast eam gener atorev apor at ed20, 000kgofwat erperhourf rom f eedwat erwi t
hent hal pyof461. 3kJ/ kgof
steam wi thent hal pyof2706. 3kJ/ kg.Coal consumpt ioni s2100kg/ hr .I t
sheat ingv al ueasf iredi s28,300
kJ/ kg.Cal cul at et heBoi lerHor sepower .A.1271 B.1352 C.1586 D.1873
30.Adi esel powerpl antconsumes650l i off uel at26oCi n24hr swi th28oAPI .Fi ndt hef uel rateinkg/ hr.
A.23. 83B.24. 85C.22. 85D.26. 85
31.Thef ol l
owi ngdat awer eobt ai nedi nasmal lpowergener atingpl ant :
Powerdev elopedbyt hest eam t ur bine=2800KW
Heatsuppl iedt ot hest eam t urbi negener ator=3500KJ/ kg
Heatr eject edbyt hest eam t ot hecool i
ngwat eri nt hecondenser=2200KJ/ kg
Powerr equi redbyt hef eedwat erpumpt oret ur nt hecondensat et ot hest eam gener ator=12KW
Det er mi net hemassf l
owr at eofst eam i nkg/ sec.
A.1. 685B.2. 537C.3. 082D.2. 145
32.Asi mpl eRanki necy clepr oduces40MW ofpower ,50MW ofpr ocessheat edandr eject s60MW ofheatt o
thesur roundi ngs.Whati st heut ilizat i
onf act oroft hiscogener ationcy clenegl ectingt hepumpwor k?
A.50% B.60% C.70% D.80%





1.Ast eam engi nedev elops60Bhpwi thsat ur at edst eam at1034. 25Kpaabsol uteandexhaustat124. 11
Kpa.St eam consumpt ioni s736. 36kg/ hr.Cal cul atet hei ndi cat edengi neef f
mechani cal effici
ency .
A.69. 74% B.67. 74% C.66. 74% D.68. 74%
2.Thecr ankofadoubl eact ingst eam engi ner ot atesat220r pm.Thebor eandst rokeoft hest eam engi neis
300mm x470mm, andt hemeanef fect i
vepr essur eact ingupont hepi stoni s4.5kg/ cm2.Fi ndt heindicated
hor sepowerdev el
opedi nt hecy l
inder .
A.144. 14KW B.144. 14hp C.150. 14hp D.153. 51KW
3.St eam ent ersast eam engi neat2Mpaand230oCandexi tat0. 1Mpa.St eam consumpt ioni s1500kg/ hr.
Det ermi net heequi valentRanki neef fici ency .
A.31. 22% B.21. 22% C.33% D.22. 12%
4.Thei ndicat edef fi
ciencyofast eam engi nei s65%.Theengi neent rancei s2600KJ/ kgandexi tis2100
KJ/ kg.ifst eam consumpt ioni s3000kg/ hrandmechani cal ef f
encyi s90%, whati sthebr akepoweroft he
engi ne? A.55KW B.84KW C.243. 75KW D.70KW
5.Ast eam engi ne18”x24”r unsat250r pm.Thedi amet erofpi stonr odi s3.5i n.Thei ndicat orcar dis3.5in
longandt hear eaoft heheadendi s1. 96sq.i n.Ar eaoft hecr ankendcar di s1.86sq.i n.Spr ingscal eis
800l b.I nt het est,apr onybr akewi th10f tlev erar mr egi st er edanav eragel oadont hescal eof100psi /in.
Whati sthemechani cal efficiencyoft heengi ne?
A.86. 50% B.88. 00% C.92. 20% D.84. 10%
6.Ast eam engi nehas10%br aket her mal eff i
ci encyandconsumes750kg/ hrsteam.Theent halpyofst eam
att heent ranceandexi toft heengi near e2800and450KJ/ kgr espect i
vely.Det ermi net hebr akepowerof
theengi nei nKW. A.87 B.76 C.49 D.35
7.Av ailableent hal pyoft urbi nei s∆h=1200KJ/ kg, tur bineef ficiencyi s75%, fulll
oadcapaci t
yi s4, 300kw.
Fi ndt hef ulll
oadst eam consumpt ioni nkg/ kw- hr.
A.2. 34 B.4. 51 C.4. 0 D.7. 45
8.Ast eam condenserr ecei v es12kg/ sofst eam wi thanent hal pyof2670KJ/ kg.St eam condensesi ntoa
iqui dandl eaveswi thanent hal pyof260KJ/ kg.Cool ingwat erpassest hrought hecondenserwi th
temper atureincr easesf rom 13degr eesCt o28oC.Cal culat et hewat erflowr atei nkg/ s.
A.533 B.518 C.460. 50 D.528
9.St eam expandsadi abat i
cal lyi nat ur binef rom 2500kpa, 400oCt o350kpa, 240oC.Whati st he
ef fect i
venessoft hepr ocessi nper centassumi nganat mospher i
cpr essur eof15oC.Negl ectchangesi n
kinet i
candpot ent i
alener gy .St eam Pr oper tiesar e: At2500Kpaand400oC: h=3239. 3 s=7.0148
At350Kpaand240oC: h=2945. 8 s=7. 4174
A.61 B.72 C.80 D.86
10.Aheatexchangerwasi nst alledpur posel yt ocool 0.80kgofgaspersecond.Mol ecularwei ghti s28and
k=1. 32.Thegasi scool edf rom 150oCt o70oC.Wat eri sav ail
ableatt her ateof0. 50kg/ sandata
temper atureof14oC.Cal cul at etheexi ttemper atur eoft hewat erinoC.
A.48 B.42 C.46 D.51. 44
11.Ast eam t ur
bi newi th90%st ageef ficiencyr ecei vesst eam at5Mpaand550 Candexhaust sas50Kpa.
Det er minet het urbinewor k. At5Mpaand550 C: h1 = 3550. 3 s1 =7. 1218
At50Kpa: hf =340. 49 hfg =2305. 4 sf =1. 091 sfg =6. 5029
A.117KJ/ kg B.132KJ/ kg C.964. 60KJ/ kg D.143KJ/ kg
12.Ast eam t ur
bi newi th92%st ageef ficiencyr ecei vesst eam at7Mpaand550oCandexhaust sas20Kpa.

Prepar edby ;Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
Det er mi net heact ual exhaustent halpy.
A.2413. 89KJ/ kgB.2389. 07KJ/ kg C.2341. 9KJ/ kg D.2541. 9KJ/ kg
13.Ast eam t urbineof6MW capaci tyhasaWi ll
an’sl ineequat i
onofms=5. 5L+3, 200kg/ hr.Det ermi net he
steam consumpt ionat73%l oad, kg/hr.
A.27, 290 B.26, 100 C.30, 000 D.28, 920
14.A18, 000KW geot her mal planthasagener atoref ficiencyandt urbineef f
respect ively.Ifthequal i
tyaf t
ert hrottli
ngi s16%andeachwel ldischar ges220, 000kg/ hr ,det er minet he
numberofwel l
sar er equiredt opr oducei ft hechangeofent halpyatent ranceandexi toft ur bineis500
KJ/ kg.
A.4wel ls B.5wel l
s C.6wel ls D.8wel ls
15.I na10MW geot her mal powerpl ant ,t
hemassf lowofst eam ent eri
ngt het ur bineis20kg/ sec.Thequal i
aftert hr ottl
ingi s25%andent halpyofgr oundwat eris750KJ/ kg.Det er
mi net heov erall efficiencyoft he
plant .
A.7. 4% B.9. 6% C.16. 67% D.15. 4%
16.Al iqui ddomi natedgeot her mal plantwi thasi ngl ef lashsepar atorrecei veswat erat204 C.Thesepar ator
pressur ei s1. 04Mpa.Adi rectcont actcondenseroper at esat0. 034Mpa.Thet urbinehasapol ytr
opi c
ci encyof0. 85.Foracy cl eout putof40MW, whati st hemassf l
owr at eoft hewel l-
wat eri nkg/ s?
At204 C: hf =870. 51KJ/ kg
At1. 04Mpa: hf =770. 38 hfg =2009. 2 hg =2779. 6 sg =6. 5729
At0. 034Mpa: hf =301. 40 hfg =2328. 8 sf =0. 9793 sfg =6. 7463
A.2871B.2100C.1725. 31 D.2444
17.Gr oundwat erinaGeot her mal Planthasagr oundwat erf l
owof46kg/ s.I ft hequal ityofhotwat erent er
thef lasht anki s12%, fi
ndt hemassofst eam ent eri
ngt het urbine.
A.5. 52kg/ s B.2. 54kg/ s C.3. 40kg/ s D.4. 80kg/ s
18.I na13MW geot her mal powerpl ant ,t
hemassf lowofst eam ent eri
ngt het ur bineis27kg/ s.Thequal i
aftert hrottli
ngi s23%andent hal pyofgr oundwat eri s730KJ/ kg.Det er mi net heov erall efficiencyoft he
plant .
A.15. 72% B.15. 49% C.15. 17% D.15. 38%
19.St eam i naRanki necy clei sexpandedf rom a200psi asat ur atedv aporst atet o20psi a.Thet urbinehasan
efficiencyof0. 8.Whati st heact ual enthalpyaf terexpansi on.
At200psi a( sat uratedv apor ):h=1199. 3Bt u/lb, s=1. 5466Bt u/lb-R
At20psi a:sf=0. 3359Bt u/ lb-R,sfg=1. 3963Bt u/ lb-
R,hf=196. 2Bt u/lb,hfg=960. 2Bt u/l
A.960. 2Bt u/ lb B.986. 1Bt u/lb C.1028. 7Bt u/ lb D.1062. 8Bt u/lb
20.A150MW t urbo- gener atorr equi res700, 000kgofst eam perhouratr at edl oadand22, 000kgperhourat
zer ol oad.Cal culat et hest eam r atei nkg/ KW- hourat75%ofi tsr at
edl oad.
A.5. 83 B.4. 72 C.3. 54 D.6. 32
21.A10MW st eam t ur bine-gener atorpowerpl anthasaf ull l
oadst eam r ateof5. 5kg/ KW- hr .Nol oadst eam
consumpt ioni sar ound10%oft hef ulll
oadst eam consumpt i
on.Cal culat et hehour lyst eam consumpt i
hal floadi nkg/ hr.
A.30250 B.29830 C.32510 D.31820
22.A5- MW st eam t ur binegener atorpowerpl anthasaf ull-loadst eam r ateof6. 0kg/ KW- hr.Assumi ngno- l
consumpt ionat10%oft hef ull
-load.Comput et hehour lysteam consumpt ionat60%l oadi nkg/ hr .
A.14500 B.19200 C.26500 D.35600



1.Dur ingt hedy namomet ert estofanengi nef or1hrst eadyl oad, theengi neconsumes40kgf uel hav ing
43,300KJ/ kgheat ingv alue.I ft het orquedev elopedi s2. 5KN- m dur ingt het estat600r pm, whati st he
ciencyoft heengi ne?
A.31. 22% B.32. 65% C.55. 77% D.25. 99%
2.A4- strokeGasol ineengi nehasabor eandst rokeof400mm x450mm r unni ngat750r pm.I ft he
clear ancev olumei s0. 0527m3/ s, calculat et heengi neef ficiency .
A.55. 82% B.65. 82% C.35. 82% D.45. 82%
3.A3MW di esel engi neconsumes240l iof25oAPIf uel andgener ates900KW- hr .Det ermi net her ateoff uel
consumedbyt heengi ne.
A.0. 2kg/ s B.0.4kg/ s C.0. 6kg/ s D.0. 8kg/ s
4.A20cm x35cm di eselengi newi th4cy linder sandoper at ingonaf ourst roke, hasar at edpowerof160kw
andi sr unni ngat250r pm.Fi ndt hev olumedi splacementperbr akepowerdev eloped.
A.0. 9m3/ mi n-kwB.0. 1m3/ min-kwC.0. 06m3/ min-kw D.0. 0344m3/ mi n-kw
5.Anengi nehasapowerout putof8. 5hpwi th70%ef f
iciency .Whatwi llbet hekw/ hp?Regi steredt ot he
met er?
A.1 B.2 C.41. 33% D.4
6.A2500KW di esel engi neuni tuses1bbl oi lper550KWHpr oduced.Oi l i
s25 API .Ef ficiencyofgener at
90%, mechani cal ef fi
ciencyofengi ne83%.Whati st het her mal eff
iciencyofengi nebasedoni ndicat ed
power (
%) ?
A.31. 69B.41. 33C.39. 60D.35. 60
7.Asi ngl e- acting, four -
nder ,4st r
okecy cledi esel engi newi thabor exst rokeof22x28cm, oper atingat
375r pm, consumes9kg/ hoff uel whoseheat ingv aluei s43, 900KJ/ kg.Thei ndi catedmeanef fect ive
pressur eis500Kpa.Thel oadont hebr akear m, whichi s100cm i s115kg.Whati sthebr akemean
effect i
vepr essur ei nKpa?
A.415. 20 B.332. 98 C.319. 95 D.645. 33
8.Inadoubl eact i
ng, 2st rokecompr essioni gnitionengi ne,12- cyli
nder ,thedi amet eroft hecy li
nderi s750
mm, str okei s1450mm andt hepi stonr oddi amet eri s240mm.Whenr unni ngat120r pm, thei ndi cated
meanef fect i
v epr essur eabov eandbel owt hepi stonsar e6barand5barr espect i
vely .Cal culat et hebr ake
poweroft heengi newi t
hamechani calef ficiencyof80%i nki lowat ts.
A.6050B.6030C.12, 900 D.8375
9.Deter mi net heout putpower( KW)ofadi esel powerpl anti ft heengi neandgener at oref ficiencyi s80%and
96%, respect i
v ely.Theengi neuses250APIf uel andhasaf uel consumpt i
onof0. 08kg/ s.
A.2741. 45 B.2815 C.1096. 6 D.9758. 6
10.Af our -cylinderf our -str
okeDi esel enginewi t
h20cm bor eand25cm st r
oker unni ngat1000r pm hasa
readi ngof350kpameanef fect i
v epr essur eint hei ndicat ordi agram.Cal cul atet hei ndi catedpower
gener at edi nKW. A.183. 26 B.114. 54 C.229. 1D.91. 63
11.Apr onybr akef orm
easur ingt hepowergener atedofasi x-cy l
inder, t
wo- st rokeDi esel engi ner unni ngat
2000r pm i ndi cat esar eadingof180N.Thel engt hoft hear m oft hepr onybr akei sa1. 25m.I nanhour
oper at ioni tconsumes14kgoff uel withaheat ingv alueof53, 000KJ/ kg.Det er mi net hebr aket hermal
efficiency .
A.0. 2391 B.0. 2857 C.0. 2583 D.0. 2286
12.Thef ollowi ngdat aar et heresul tsonat estofanOt tocy cleengi net orque=1200N- m; indicat edmean
effect ivepr essur e=800kPa, fuel consumpt i
on=0. 004kg/ sec; f
uel heat ingv alue=43, 816KJ/ kg;

Prepar edby ; Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
bor exst roke=30cm x32cm; speed=300r pm.Cal cul at et hebr akemeanef fecti
v epr essur e.
A.253 B.333 C.393`D.287
13.ADi esel engi neconsumed400l itersoff uel hav i
ngadensi tyof860gms/ lit
erandaheat ingv alueof42500
KJ/ kg.I fthet hermal ef ficiencyi s35%, howmanyhp- hr swi llbegener ated?
14.Det er mi net hebr akepowerofanengi nehav i
ngabr aket her mal effi
ciencyof35%anduses25oAPIf uel with
fuel consumpt ionof40kg/ hr .
A.165. 84KW B.173. 52KW C.133. 54KW D.60. 67KW
15.Adi esel engi nedev elopsat or queof5KN- m at1800r pm.I ft hebr aket her mal effi
ci encyi s31%, fi
ndt he
heatgener atedbyf uel .
A.3050KW B.3040. 25KW C.3000. 25KW D.5000KW
16.A500KW di esel engi neoper at esat101. 3Kpaand27oCi nMani l
a.I ftheengi newi l
l oper atesi nBagui o
hav ing93Kpaand23oC, whatnewbr akepowerdev el opedi fmechani cal ef fi
ciencyi s85%?
A.600kw B.754KW C.459KW D.971KW
17.A50Bhpbl astf urnaceengi neusesf uel wi th10f t /Bhp- hr.Theheat ingv alueoft hegasi s33, 700KJ/ m3.
Det ermi net hebr aket her mal ef fi
ciency .
A.28. 15% B.56% C.28. 34% D.25. 24%
18.Dur ingt hedy namomet ert estofanengi nef or1hrst eadyl oad, theengi neconsumes40kgf uel having
44, 000KJ/ kgheat i
ngv alue.I ft het orquedev el
opedi s2. 5KN- m dur ingt het estat600r pm, whati sthe
br aket hermal ef f
iciency ?
A.30. 11% B.32. 13% C.34. 556% D.23. 45%
19.Fi ndt hepowerwhi cha2. 81MW nat ur algasengi necandev el opedatanal titudeof1981. 2m t akingi nt o
consi der ationt hepr essur echangeal one.
A.1. 975MW B.2. 199MW C.1. 769MW D.1. 997MW
20.Awast eheatr ecov eryboi lerpr oduces4. 8Mpa(dr ysat ur at ed)st eam f rom 1040Cf eedwat er.Theboi ler
recei vesener gyf rom 6kg/ sof954Cdr yai r.Afterpassi ngt hroughawast eheatboi l
er ,thet emper atur eof
airi shasbeenr educedt o3430C.Howmuchst eam i nkg/ spr oduced?Not e: At4. 80Mpadr ysat ur
at ed,
h=2796. A.1.89 B.1. 3 C.1. 55 D.2. 55
21.Awat erbr akecoupl edt oanengi neont estabsor bs90kwofpower .Fi ndt hemassf l
owoff reshwat er
thr ought hebr ake,inkg/ mi ni fthet emper aturei ncreasesoft hewat eri s12oC.Assumeal ltheheat
gener atedi scar ri
edawaybyt hecool ingwat er.
A.107. 50kg/ mi nB.110kg/ mi n C.100kg/ mi n D.128kg/ mi n
22.A350hpdi esel engi nehasacool ingwat ert hatent ersat100oFandl eav esat180oFwi thcp=4. 19KJ/ kg-K.
Findt hegal l
onspermi nut eofwat err equi red.
A.10. 23B.19. 61C.14. 56D.16. 5
23.A310mm x460mm f ourst rokesi ngl eact i
ngdi esel engi nei sr atedat170KW at280r pm.Fuel
consumpt i
onatr atedl oadi s0. 28kg/ KW- hrwi thaheat ingv al ueof43, 912KJ/ kg.Cal culatebr aket her mal
eff i
ci ency . A.31. 53% B.27. 45% C.29. 28% D.54. 23%
24.Asi xcy linder ,fourst rokedi esel engi newi th76mm bor ex89mm st rokewasr unint hel abor at or
rpm, wheni twasf oundt hatt heengi net or quewas163. 5N- m wi t
hal l cy l
inder sf i
ringbut133N- m whenone
cy li
nderwasout .Theengi neconsumed12. 5kgoff uel perhourwi thaheat i
ngv alueof52, 120KJ/ kgand
252kgofai rat15. 6oCperhour .Det er mi net hei ndicat edpower .
A.32. 1kw B.38. 4kw C.34. 5kw D.48. 3kw
25.Acarengi nepr oducesanav erageof25KW ofpoweri naper iodof10- mi ndur ingwhi ch1. 25kgof
gasol inei sconsumed.I ft heheat ingv alueofgasol inei s43000KJ/ kg, t
heef f i
ciencyoft hisengi nedur ing
thisper i
odi s:A.24% B.28% C.32% D.36%
26.A4l iter(2- li
terperr ev olut ionatst andar dpr essur eandt emper ature)spar ki gnit
ionengi nehasa
compr essionr atioof8and2000KJ/ kgheataddi ti
onbyt hef luidcombust i
on.Consi der i
ngacol dair-
standar dOt tocy clemodel , howmuchpowerwi lltheengi nepr oducewhenoper ati
ngat2500r pm?
A.50. 2hp B.73. 1hp C.97. 4hp D.151. 39hp
27.Apur eDi esel cycleoper ateswi thacompr essionr at i
oof15, andacut -offr atioof2. 5.whati st herat eof
heati nputi nKJ/ secr equi redf ort hiscy clet opr oduce300hp?
A.227 B.386 C.438 D.556
28.A15. 24cm x22. 86cm si ngl eact i
ng, 8cy li
nder ,4st rokedi esel engineoper at esat1200r pm.Thel oadon
thebr akear mi s101. 6cm l engt his120kg.Whati st hebr akemeanef fect i
v epr essur ei nkPa?
A.451kPa B.500 C.625 D.354
29.Agasol ineengi negener ates250kwwhi leconsumi ng0. 018kg/ secoff uel .Thef rictionpoweri s25kw.
Thehi gherheat i
ngv alueoff uel is44, 000kJ/ kg.Cal cul at et hei ndicat edt her mal efficiency .
A.0. 372B.0. 333C.0. 347D.0. 316
30.Cal cul atet hev olumet ricef fi
ci encyofat ourst rokesi x -cy li
ndercarengi neof8. 5cm bor eand9. 5cm st roke
runni ngat2000r pm wi th2. 0m3/ mi nofent eri
ngai r.
A.0. 71 B.0. 75 C.0. 55 D.0. 62


NSTRUCTI ON:Enci rclet hel et tert hatcor respondst ot hecor rectanswerofy ourchoi ce.
1.Inahy droel ect ricpowerpl antt het ailwat erl ev el fi
xesat480m.Thenetheadi s27m andheadl ossi s5%of
thegr osshead.Whati st heheadwat erel evat ion?
A.508. 97m B.456. 7m C.508. 421 D.903. 9m
2.Forapr oposedhy dr oel ectr i
cpl ant , thet ai l
wat erandt heheadwat erel ev ationi s160m and195m,
respect i
v ely.I ftheav ailablef lowi s10m3/ sandheadl ossof4%ofav ai l
abl ehead.Whati st hewat erpower ?
A.3261. 825KW B.3678. 2KW C.3296. 16KW D.2425. 78KW
3.Inahy droel ect ricpl antt hebr akepoweri s1, 850KW r unni ngat450r pm andnetheadof30m.Det ermi ne
thespeci ficspeedoft het urbine.
A.90. 17r pm B.65. 65r pm C.72. 41r pm D.76. 87r pm
4.InaFr anci st urbi ne, t hepr essur egagel eadi ngt ot het urbinecasi ngr eads400kPaandcent erofspi r al
casingi s3m abov et het ail race.I ft hev eloci tyofwat erent eringt het ur binei s8m/ s, whati st henetheadof
thet urbi ne?
A.45m B.65m C.54m D.47m
5.From ahei ghtof65m, wat erf lowsatt her ateof0. 85m3/ sanddr ivingawat ert urbineconnect edt oan
electricgener at orr ev olv i
ngat170r pm.Cal cul at ethepowerdev elopedbyt het ur binei nKW i ft het otal
resistingt orqueduet of r
ict ioni s540N- m andt hev eloci tyoft hewat erl eavingt het ur binebl adesi s4. 75m/ s.
A.623. 34 B.656. 89 C.522. 8D.541. 98
6.Apel tont ypet urbi newasi nst alled31m bel owt heheadgat eoft hepenst ock.Theheadl ossduet of ricti
is15%oft hegi venel ev ation.Thel engt hoft hepenst ocki s80m andt hecoef f i
cientoff ricti
oni s0. 00093
Mor se) .Det ermi net hedi amet erinmet ersoft hepenst ockandt hepowerout puti nKW.
A.0. 422, 820. 50 B.2. 457; 12, 345. 7C.1. 899; 2, 348. 20D.1. 686; 13, 128. 05
7.Atapr oposedhy dr oel ect ricpl antsi te, theav er ageel ev ati
onofheadwat eris600m, thet ailwat erelev ation
is480m.Theav er ageannual wat erf lowi sdet er minedt obeequal tot hatv olumef lowi ngt hrougha
rectangul archannel 4m wi deand0. 5m deepandav eragev eloci tyof5. 5m/ s.Assumi ngt hepl antwi ll
oper at e350day s/ y ear ,findt heener gyKwht hatt hepl antsi tecandev elopedi fthehy dr aulict urbinet hatwill
beusedhasanef f i
ci encyof78%andgener at oref fi
ci encyof90%.Consi deraheadwor kl ossof4%oft he
avai l
abl ehead.
A.76, 876, 852 B.76, 900, 353 C.78, 987,567 D.73, 304, 488
8.Ar unni ngat400r pm hasaspeci fi
cspeedof60r pm andheadav ailablei s41m.I ft her atingofeach
turbinei nst alledi s100kw, howmanyt ur binesmustbeused?
A.2 B.4 C.5 D.7
9.Theav ailabl ef lowofwat eri s25m3/ sat39m el evat i
on.I fahy droel ect ri
cpl anti st obei nst alledwi th
turbineef fi
ci encyof0. 86andgener at oref ficiencyof92%, whatmaxi mum powert hatt hepl antcoul d
gener ate?
A.7567. 63kw B.8520. 3kw C.6520. 30kw D.6545. 90kw
10.Thedi fferencebet weent heheadr aceandt het ailraceofahy dr o-elect ri
cpl anti s190m.Thef ri
ctionl oss
throught hepenst ocki sequi valentt o8m.Wat erflowatt her ateof2. 5m3/ sec.Powerl ossduet of r
thet ur binei s65kwandt hel eakagel ossi s0. 02m3/ sec.Det ermi net heel ect rical powergener atedi nkwi f
thegener at oref ficiencyi s96%.
A.5052 B.4188 C.4631 D.3942
11.A40- m wi deand5- m deepr i
verl owsatt her at eof1. 5m/ sec.Ahy dropl anti nstallednear bydev elopsa
gagepr essur eof320kPaatt het ur bineent rance.Cal culatet hemaxi mum powerav ai lablei nMW.
A.98 B.84 C.96 D.90
12.Thespeci ficspeedoft urbi nei s75r pm andr unni ngat450r pm.I ftheheadi s28m andgener ator
efficiencyi s96%, whati st hemaxi mum powerdel i
ver edbyt hegener at or.

Prepar edby ;Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
A.1610kw B.650. 5kw C.750kw D.853kw
13.Foragener at orr unni ngat5r psand60hz, fi
ndt henumberofgener atorpol es.
A.18pol es B.8pol es C.24pol es D.20pol es
14.I nFr anci st ur bine, thepr essur egagel eadi ngt ot het urbinecasi ngr eads385kpaandcent erofspi ral casing
is3.5m abov et het ailr
ace.I ft hev eloci tyofwat erent eringt het urbinei s9m/ s,whati st henetheadoft he
A.45m B.46m C.47m D.48m
15.APel tont y pet urbinehas30m headf ricti
onl ossof5. 0m.Thecoef f
icientoff r
ictionheadl oss( from
Mor se)i s0. 00093andpenst ockl engt hof85m.Whati st hepenst ockdi amet er?
A.1. 52m B.1. 69m C.1. 58m D.1. 89m
16.Fr om ahei ghtof70m wat erf lowsatt her at eof0. 85m3/ sandi sdr ivi
ngat ur bineconnect edt o160r pm
gener ator .I ff ri
ctional torquei s545N- m, calcul at ethet ur binebr akepower .
A.532. 95kw B.574. 563kw C.560. 74kw D.579. 48kw
17.Aboi leruses2400kgofcoal perhourandai rr equi r
edf orcombust i
oni s15kgperkgcoal .Ifash l ossi s
10%, det er mi net hemassofgasent er i
ngt hechi mney .
A.42, 250kg/ hr B.38, 160kg/ hr C.40, 250kg/ hr D.37, 200kg/ hr
18.Thegasdensi tyofchi mneyi so. 75kg/ m3 andai rdensi tyof1. 167kg/ m3 .I fthedr i
vingpr essur ei s0. 26
kpa, det er mi net hehei ghtoft hechi mney .
A.65. 71m B.63. 56m C.64. 63m D.87. 2m
19.Theact ual v eloci t
yofgasent eringi nachi mneyi s5m/ s.Thegast emper atur eis25oC andpr essur eof97
kpawi thagasconst antof0. 287kJ/ kg-k.Det ermi net hechi mneydi amet eri fmassofgasi s53, 000kg/ hr.
A.1. 82m B.1. 37m C.1. 58m D.1. 92m
20.Acoal fi
r edst eam boi leruses3, 000kgofcoal perhour .Ai rrequi redf orcombust ionis15. 5kg/ kgofcoal at
baromet ri
cpr essur eof98. 2kpa.Thef luegashast emper at ureof285oC andanav eragemol ecularwei ght
of30.Assumi nganashl ossof11%andal lowabl egasv eloci tyof8. 5m/ s, fi
ndt hedi amet erofchi mney .
A.1. 794m B.1. 91m C.2. 3m D.1. 81m
21.Ast eam gener atorwi theconomi zerandai rheat erhasanov er all draftlossof22. 17cm ofwat er.Ift he
stackgasesar eat177oC andi ft heat mospher ei sat101. 3kpaand26oC, whatt heor etical heightofst ack
inmet ersi sneededwhennodr af tfanar eused?Assumet hatt hegasconst antf ort hef luegasesi st he
sameast hatf orai r.
A.560mB.550m C.589mD.540m
22.Apowerpl antsi t
uat edatanal titudehav i
nganambi entai rof96kpaand24oC .Fl uegasesatar at eof5. 0
o o
kg/secent ert hest ackat200C andl eav esat160C .Thef l
uegasesgr av imet ri
canal y sisar e18%CO2
,7%O2 and75%N2 .Cal cul atet hehei ghtofst acknecessar yf oradr i
vingpr essur eof0. 20kpa.
A.57. 33m B.52. 42m C.59. 2m D.50. 2m
23.Aboi leruses2500kgofcoal perhour .Theamountofai rneededf orthecombust i
onofonekgofcoal is
16kg.I fashl ossi s10%, cal cul atet hemassofgasent eringt hechi mney .
A.42250 B.50300 C. 35600D.48950
24.Ahy dr o- elect ri
cpowerpl antconsumes52, 650, 000KW- hrsperannum.Expect edf lowi s1665m3/ mi nand
over all ef ficiencyi s65%.Whati st henetheadi nmet ers?
A.52 B.35 C.74 D.34
25.Ahy dr oel ect ricpowerhast hef ol l
owi ngdat a:cat chmentar ea- -120sqkm, av erageannual rainfall --135
cm, runof f–85%, availabl ehead–350m, ov eral lstati
onef fi
ci ency–85%.Cal culatet hepowert hati tcan
dev elopi nkw.
A.12, 743 B.10, 641 C.11, 435 D.13, 502




1.Whati st her equi redbasear ea( ft )oft hef oundat iont osuppor tanengi newi t
hspeci f
icspeedof1200r pm,
andwei ghtof11000kg, assumebear ingcapaci tyofsoi las48kpa.Usee=0. 12.
A.11. 6 B.131. 2C.124. 803 D.126. 8
2.Det er
mi net her equi redspeedofanengi nehav ingawei ghtandf oundat ionar eat obe23, 750l bsand150
ft ,r espect iv ely .Assumeasoi lbear i
ngcapaci t
yas0. 45kg/ cm2.Usee=0. 11.
A.1500r pm B.1520r pm C.1820r pm D.1920r pm
3.Theheatt ransf eracr ossa5”wal loff irebr icki s500W/ m2.I ft hesur facet emper atur eoncol dsidei s30oC
andt her mal conduct i
v i
tyofbr ickis0. 7Bt u/ hr -
ft-F, f
indt het emper atur eonhotsi de.
A.82. 41oC B.65. 37oC C.73. 45oC D.87. 25oC
4.Twowal lsofast oragepl antcomposedofi nsul atingmat eri
al (k=0. 25KJ/ hr-m- C)wi th15cm t hi ckand
concr et e( k=3. 2382KJ/ hr-m-C)wi th10cm t hick.Thesur facet emper at ur eonhotsi dei s35oCandcol d
sidei s- 10oC.I ft hear eai s8m squar e,findt het emper aturebet weenwal ls.Not e:I nsul atingmat eri
al i
col dside.
A.28. 34oC B.34. 12oC C.32. 79oC D.- 7.78oC
5.Det er
mi net het her mal conduct i
vityofamat erial t
hati suseda4m2t estpanel ,25mm t hi
ckwi t
temper at uredi f ferenceof20Fbet weensur faces.Dur i
ngt he4hr soft estper iod, theheatt r
ansmi tt
edi s500
o o o o
A.0. 0432W/ m- C B.0. 0723W/ m- C C.0. 0321W/ m- C D.0. 0195W/ m- C
6.St eam i ni t
iallyi ssat urat edat250oCpassedt hrougha12cm st eel pi
pef orat ot al distanceof200m.The
steam l inei si nsul atedwi thmat erial hav i
ngk=10W/ m2- Kandt hicknessof6cm.Theambi entt emper ature
of25C.Det er mi net hesur f
acef il
m conduct anceofai ri fthemoi stureatt hedi schar geendi s10%and
steam r at ei s0. 13kg/ s.
m2- o
m2- o
m2- o
A.0. 124W/ CB.0. 872W/ C C.0. 661W/ CD.0. 452W/ C
7.Atanav eraget emper atureof110oC, hotai rf l
owst hrougha5m pi pewi thout sidedi amet erof80mm and
pipet hi cknessi s1cm.Thet emper atureoft het ubeal ongi tsent i
rel engt hi s24oC.I fheatt r
ansf eris650W,
m2- o
findt heconv ect iv efilm coef ficient, W/ C.
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
8.At ankcont ainsl iqui dni tr
ogenat- 190oCi ssuspendedi nav acuum shel l byt hreest ainlessst eelr ods0. 80
cm i ndi amet erand3met ersl ongwi t hat her mal conduct i
t yof16. 3W/ m- C.I ftheambi entai rout si
det he
vacuum shel l is25oC, calculat ethemagni tudeoft heconduct i
v eheatf l
owi nwat tsal ongt hesuppor trods.
A.0. 143B.0. 0587 C.0. 182D.0. 176
9.Thev ol umeofconcr eteneededf ort hef oundat i
onofanengi nei s12cubi cmet er s.Theconcr etemi xt
ur eis
1: 3:5byv olume.Cal cul atethenumberof40kg- bagsofcementneededconsi der i
ngt hedensi t
as1500kg/ m3.
A.60 B.55 C.45 D.50
10.Acomposi tef ur nacei st obeconst ructed.Thei nsidewal lt emper atur ei s1300oCwhi l
et heout sidewal l
temper atur ei s40C.Thr eet ypesofbr i
cksar eav ailablewi tht hef ollowi ngpr oper t
Br ick Ther malThi ckness Maxi mum al lowabl e
Conduct ivi
ty temper atur e
moK) o
(W/ (met ers)( C)
A 1. 5 0.12 2000
B 0. 2 0.070 1000
C 0. 7 0.10 500
Theheatl ossmustnotexceed800W/ m2.Cal cul atet hemi nimum wal l thicknessi nmet ers.

Prepar edby ;Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
A.0. 76 B.0. 88 C.0. 82 D.0. 77
11.Thesur faceofaf urnacewal lisatat emper atureof1350oC.Theout sidewal l temper atur ei s42oC.The
furnacewal lismadeof25cm ofr efract or ymat erial hav ingat her mal conduct iv i
tyof1. 4W/ moK.The
out sidewal l isst eel ,1cm t hi ckwi t
ht her mal conduct i
vityof47W/ m K.Cal cul at et het hi cknessi nmet ersof
brickt obei nst alledi nbet weent her efract orymat er ialandst eel ifi tsther mal conduct ivityi s0.28W/ moKand
theheatl ossi snott oexceed750W/ m2.
A.0. 438B.0. 402C.0. 481D.0. 513
12.Acount er fl
owheatexchangeri sdesi gnedt ocool 0. 65kg/ secofoi l withspeci ficheatCp=3. 4KJ/ kgoKf rom
o o o o
150Ct o70C.Wat erf orcool ing, Cp=4. 18KJ/ kgKi sav ailabl eat20Candf lowr at eof0. 6kg/ sec.
Cal cul atet hel engt hofa3. 5cm i nsi dedi amet ertubi ngi nmet er s.Theov er allcoef fi
cientofheatt ransf eri s
90W/ m2oK.
A.337 B.452 C.296 D.543
13.Acol dsodai nitiallyat2oCgai ns18KJofheati nar oom at20oCdur inga15- mi nut eper iod.Whati st he
aver ager ateofheatt ransf erdur i
ngt hepr ocess?
A.20W B.18W C.12W D.10W
14.Theai rcont ai nedi nar oom l osesheatt ot hesur r
oundi ngsatar at eof50KJ/ mi nwhi l
ewor ki ssuppl iedt o
ther oom bycomput er.TV, andl ightsatar at eof1. 2KW.Whati st henetamountofener gychangei nKJof
airint her oom dur inga30- mi nut eper iod?
A.0. 36 B.70 C.660 D.1100
15.Sat ur atedst eam at500oKf lowsi na0. 20m i nsidedi amet er ,0.21m out sidedi amet erpi pe.Thepi pei s
cov er edwi th0. 08m ofi nsul at ionwi that her mal conduct ivityof0. 10W/ m- K.Thepi pe’ sconduct i
vityi s52
W/ m- K.Theambi entt emper at ur eis300oK.Theuni tconv ect ivecoef fi
ci ent sar eh1=18, 000W/ m2- Kand
ho=12W/ m- K.Det er mi net heheatl ossf rom 4m ofpi pe.
A.778. 21wat ts B.825. 80wat ts C.830. 80wat ts D.835. 80wat ts
16.Ani nsul at edst eam pi pel ocat edwher et heambi entt emper at urei s32 C, hasani nsidedi amet erof50mm
wi t
h10mm t hickwal l.Theout sidedi amet eroft hecor rugat edasbest osi nsul ationi s125mm andt he
sur facecoef ficientofst i
llai r,ho=12W/ m2- K.I nsidet hepi pei sst eam hav ingat emper atur eof150 Cwi th
m coef ficienthi=6000W/ m2- K.Ther mal conduct iv i
tyofpi peandasbest osi nsul ationar e45and0. 12
W/ m- Kr espect ively.Det er mi net heheatl ossperuni tlengt hofpi pe.
A.110W B.120W C.130W D.140W
17.Seawat erf orcool ingent er sacondenserat25oCandl eav esat40oC.Thecondensert emper atur ei s45oC,
whati st hel ogmeant emper at uredi f
fer ence?
A.16. 34oC B.10. 82oC C.23. 34oC D.12. 34oC
18.Thehotcombust iblegassesofaf urnacear esepar at edf rom t heambi entai randi tssur roundi ng, whi char e
28oC, o
byabr ickwal l 120mm t hi ck.Thebr i
ckhasat her mal conduct ivityof1. 23W/ m- Kandasur face
emi ssi vityof0. 82.Atst eadyst atecondi tionst heout ersur facet emper at urei s120oC.Ai rsur facef ilm
m2- o
conduct ancei s15W/ K.Whati sthet ot al heatt ransmi t
tedf or20squar emet erar ea.
A.42. 15KW B.23. 45KW C.45. 45KW D.52. 45KW
19.Acount er fl
owheatexchangeri sdesi gnedt oheatf uel oilfrom 26oCt o100oCwhi letheheat i
ngf l
ui dent ers
at138oCandl esat105oC.Thef s27oAPIandhasaspeci o
eav uel oili ficheatof2. 3KJ/ kg- Kandent erst he
heatexchangeratt her at eof1000gal l
onsperhour .Det ermi net heheat ingsur facear eai fov erall
m2- o
coef f
icientofheatt ransf eri s420Kcal /hr - K.
A.4. 21m2 B.3. 12m2 C.2. 34m2 D.5. 84m2
20.Apl ate- typesol arener gycol l
ect orwi thanabsor bingsur facecov eredbyagl asspl at ei st or ecei vean
nci dentr adi ationof800W/ m2.Thegl asspl atehasar eflect i
v i
t yof0. 12andat ransmi ssi vityof0. 80.The
absor bingsur f acehasanabsor pt i
tyof0. 90.Thear eaoft hecol l
ect ori s5m2.Howmuchsol arener gyin
wat tsi sabsor bedbyt hecol lect or ?
21.Whati st hel ogmeant emper at ur edif ferencei noCofadoubl e-pi pecount erflowheatexchangerwher ea
o o
uident er sat90Candexi tsat50C.I nsi det hei nnerpi peanot herf l
uident ersat20oCandexi tsat60oC.
A.0 B.30 C.75 D.35
22.Heati st ransf erredf rom hotwat ertoanoi l i
nadoubl e-pipecount erfl
owheatexchanger .Wat erent erst he
out erpi peat95oCandexi sat40oCwhi
t l
et heoi lent er sthei nnerpi peat25oCandexi tsat50oC.Cal culat e
thel ogmeant emper at uredi ffer ence.
A.38. 05B.30. 83C.27. 31D.52. 5
23.Thef i
lamentofa100- wat tbul bmay beconsi der edabl ackbodyr adiat i
ngi nt oabl ackencl osur eat80oC.
Consi der ingonl yr adi ation, cal cul atet hef i
lamentt emper atur einoCi ft hef i
lamentdi amet eri s0. 10mm and
thel engt hi s6cm.



1.Apumpdel iver s1000gal l

onspermi nuteofwat erataheadof100f t.Fi ndt hewat erpowerneeded.
A.12. 34hp B.34. 12hp C.23. 23hp D.25. 28hp
2.Findt hepowerofmot orneededt opumpedt hewat erataheadof100m att her ateof400l psifpump
ci encyi s70%.
A.301. 34kw B.627. 56kw C.560. 57kw D.426. 24kw
3.Apumphasasuct i
oncondi tionof50mm Hgv acuum pr essur e, 100mm di amet erpipeanddi schar ge
condi tionof250kpaat ,
90mm di amet er.Thedi schar get anki s50m el ev ationandt hesuct i
oni s5m bel ow
thepumpcent erl i
ne.Ifdischar geis0.20m3/ s,f
indt hepumpef fi
ciencyf or260kwbr akepower .
A.74. 32% B.77. 12% C.79. 23% D.82. 45%
4.Thesuct iondi amet erof60mm r eads2psi vaccum and50mm di amet erdi schar gewi th250kpag.The
suct i
onwat erl ev elis5m abov ewat erpumpcent erli
neanddi schar gewat erl ev elis25m abov epump
cent erline.Thet otalheadl ossatsuct ionanddi schar gei s2m.I fdi schar gei s0. 01m3/ s,findt he
horsepowerneededt opumpt hewat erf or80%pumpef f i
ciency .
A.6. 23hp B.8. 15hp C.16. 23hp D.12. 45hp
5.Thesuct ionwat erlevelofar eser voirAi s5m abov epumpcent erlineaanddi schar gewat erlevel i
abov epumpcent erli
ne.Thedi schargeis0. 2m3/ swi thsuct ionpi peof100mm di amet erand90mm
diamet erdi schar gepipe.Thet otalheadl ossis50%oft hev elocityheadatsuct ionpipe.I fpumpr unsat360
rpm, fi
ndt het or quedev elopedbyt heshaf tofmot orifpumpef ficiencyi s76%.
A.3. 7KN- m B.8. 9KN- m C.5.4KN- m D.6. 7KN- m
6.Awat erjethasadi amet erof75mm andhasav elocityof15m/ s.Whati st hehor sepowerexer tedbyt he
et .
A.12hpB.10hpC.9hp D.8hp
7.Apumphasaheadof20m at450r pm.Whati st heincr easei nheaddev elopedbyt hepumpi sspeed
ncr easedt o1000r pm?
A.43. 23m B.83. 56m C.65. 23m D.78. 76m
8.Thepowerdev elopedbyt hepumpi s30kw.Whati stheper centdecr easei npoweri fspeed
willdecr easeby40%.
A.78. 4% B.90. 1% C.65. 3% D.82. 4%
9.Ar eci procat ingpumphas350mm x400mm cy linderr unni ngat360r pm.I fper centslipi s10%, fi
ndt he
volumet ricef ficiencyoft hepump.
A.70% B.80% C.90% D.98%
10.Apumpdev el opsapowerof50kwat300r pm wi t
hf l
ui dspeci ficgr av i
tyof1. 02wheni mpel lerdiamet eri
150mm.I fincr easest o650r pm, i
mpel lerdi
amet erof120mm andspeci ficgr avit
yof0. 8.Fi ndt henew
power .
A.190. 34kw B.204. 19kw C.207. 23kw D.302. 23kw
11.Apumphasaspeci f
icspeedof42and600r pm wheni tdel iver s0. 01m3/ s.Fi ndt heheaddev elopedbyt he
A.582. 45f t B.813. 45ft C.658. 69ft D.1015. 29f t
12.Aboi l
erf eedpumphasasuct i
onent halpyof2500KJ/ kgandexi tof2505KJ/ kg.Findt hev elocityofwat er
inthef lowi ngi nt hepump.
A.300m/ s B.50m/ s C.200m/ s D.100m/ s
13.Aswi mmi ngpool measur i
ng10m by25m x2m i stobef il
ledwi thwat erf r om anar tesianwel lbyamot or
pumpoper atingwi that otaldy nami cheadof50m.Assumi nganov erallmot oref fi
ciencyof55%, energy

Preparedby;Engr .RodelT.Nav al
costofP0. 45/kw-hr
ndt hetotalcostofenergytof il
luptheswimmi ngpool .
A.P23. 23 B.P82.34 C.P55. 74 D.P132. 34
14.A20m3t ankcanbef i
edwi t
hwat erinonehourbyamot ordri
venpump.Pumpef fici
mot oreffi
ciencyis80%i fthetotalheadis20m, f
indt hecostofonef i
ingforenergycostofP0. 40/
A.P0. 606 B.P1.321 C.P0. 812 D.P4. 234
15.Apumpdel iv
ers4m3/ minofwat erf
rom 100kPat o300kPa.Thei nl
etandout l
etpipediamet er
and12cm r especti
vely.Bothpipesareont hesamel evel
etandout l
ett emperaturesareboth25oC
andmassdensi t
yofwat eris997kg/ m3.Calculat
et hepumpwor kinKW.
A.20 B.14 C.16 D.12
16.Acent ri
fugal pumpdel i
vers1.8m3/ sofwat eragainstaheadof30m whenr otati
ngat1200r pm.The
diameterofi tsimpel
leris45cm.I fapumpwi ththesamespeci fi
cspeedi stodischarge6. 0m3/secat1100
rpm, whati sit
A.45cmB.60. 5cm C.69.2cm D.74.3cm
17.Adoubl esuct i
oncent ri
fugal pumpsdel iv
er s25f t /secofwat erataheadof12m andr unningat650r pm.
Whatisthespeci ficspeedoft hepump?
A.5014. 12rpm B.6453. 12r pm C.3097.77r pm D.9968. 73r pm
18.Determinet henumberofst agesneededf oracent rifugalpumpifi tisusedt odeliver420gal /minofwat er
andpumppowerof15Hp.Eachi mpel l
erdev elopsaheadof30f t .
A.6 B.4 C.5 D.7
19.Thesuct i
onpr essur eofapumpr eads3. 5i n.ofmer curyvacuum anddi schar gepr essur ereads140psi is
uset odeli
ver120gpm ofwat erwi thspeci fi
cv olumeof0. 0163ft /l
b.Det ermi nethepumpwor k.
A.4.6KW B.5. 7KW C.7. 4KW D.8.4KW
20.Asubmer sibl
epumpdel ivers370gpm ofwat ertoahei ghtof7ftf rom t hegr ound.Thepumpwer einst al
150ftbelowt hegr oundl evel andadr awdownof8f tduri
ngtheoper ati
on.I fwat erlevel i
s25f tabovet he
pump, determinet hepumppower .
A.7.13KW B.4. 86KW C.7. 24KW D.9.77KW
21.Av acuum pumpi susedt odr ainaf loodedmi neshaf tof20Cwat er.Thepumppr essur eofwat eratt his
temperatureis2. 84Kpa.Thepumpi sincapabl eofl ifti
ngthewaterhi ghert han18m.Whati sthe
atmospher i
cpr essure?
A.159. 30 B.132. 33 C.198. 22 D.179.4
22.Asubmer sibl
e,mul ti
-stage, cent ri
fugal deepwel l pump260gpm capaci t
yisi nstal
ledi nawel l32feetbel ow
cwat erlev elandr unni ngat3000r pm.Dr awdownwhenpumpi ngatr atedcapaci tyi
s10f eet.The
pumpdel iversthewat erintoa25, 000gal lonscapaci t
yoverheadst oraget ank.Tot al dischargehead
developedbypump, i
ncl udingf ricti
oni npi pingi s243f eet
.Calculatet hedi amet eroft hei mpell
pumpi ninchesi feachi mpel l
erdi amet erdev elopedaheadof36f t.
A.3.68 B.5. 33 C.3. 71 D.6.34
23.Pumpati tsbestef fi
ciencypoi nt(BEP)hasacapaci tyof12, 500gpm whi ledevelopingaheadof60f tata
rotat i
v espeedof1450r pm.Whati st hespeci f
icspeedoft hepump?
A.2760 B.1450 C.7520 D.6892
24.Ar adial-fl
owpumpoper atingatmaxi mum ef fici
encyataspeci fi
cspeedof2300i stodel iver260gpm
agai nstaheadof129f tatar otati
vespeedof2100r pm.Fi ndt herequi r
ednumberofst ages
mpel lers).
A.2st ages B.3st ages C.4st ages D.5st ages
25.A30- hppumpdel ivers475gpm ofgasol ine(γ=42. 5lb/ ft)at20oCwi th78%ef f
iciency.Whatpr essur erise
resul tacr osst hepump?
A.30. 2psi B.84. 5psi C.120. 3psi D.73. 2psi
26.Thedi amet eroft hedi schar gepi peis7i n.andt hatoft hei ntakepi peis9i n.Thepr essur egageat
dischar ger eads32psi ,andv acuum gageatt hei ntaker eads12i nHg.I fthedischar geflowr ate=4. 0ft /s
ofwat erandt hebr akehor sepoweri s49. 0,findt heef f
iciency .Thei ntakeandt hedi schar geareatt he
sameel evation.
A.82. 1% B.80. 9% C.96. 0% D.58. 46%
27.Api stonposi ti
ve-displacementpump( PDP)has8- i
ndi amet eranda2. 5-i
oke.I tscrankshaf trot atesat
300r pm.Cal culateitsout putat94per centv olumet ricef f
A.12. 27cf m B.20. 51cf m C.10cf m D.11. 53cfm
28.Acent rif
ugal pump( efficiency86%)l iftswat erthr oughat ot alheightof42m f rom reserv oirtodischar ge.
Pumpi ngi sthrough300m of75mm di amet erpi peatt her ateof20l it
er/sec.Ifpipef ri
ctionfactor ,f=0. 025,
whatKW i sr equired?
A.28. 4kW B.33. 4kW C.25kW D.9kW
29.Thespeedofacent r
ifugal pumpi st r
iple.Bywhatf actordoest hepumpheadchange?
A.0. 125 B.0. 25 C.4 D.9
30.Apumpdel ivers5000gal l
onspermi nuteoff l
uidwi thspeci ficgravityof0.9ataheadof100f t
.Fi ndt he
hor sepowerneededf ort hemot orifov erall
ef fi
ciencyi s60%andmot oref f

A.142.18hp B.178.
45hp C.162.
34hp D.189.



1.Anai rcompr essort akesai rat99kpaandcompr essi ti

sent r
opi call
yat700kpa.I fvolumef l
owatdi schar
is2m3/ sec,det ermi net hecapaci tyofai rincf m.
A.14, 153. 34 B.13, 103. 45 C.15, 244. 24 D.17, 135. 77
2.Thedi schar gepr essur eofanai rcompr essori s5t i
mest hesuct ionpr essur e.I fvolumef lowatsuct i
0.5m3/ s, whati st hecompr essorpowerusi ngPV1.38=Candsuct i
onpr essur ei s100kpa.
A.123. 34kw B.136. 23kw C.101. 25kw D.213. 23kw
3.A12hpmot ori susedt odr iveanai rcompr essor.Thecompr essoref ficiencyi s70%.Fi ndt hemassofai r
neededpermi nutei fairisav ailabl eat30oC.Thepr essur ecompr essest o6t i
mest hei niti
alpr essure.
A.2. 12kg/ min B.1. 85kg/ min C.3. 12kg/ min D.1. 43kg/ mi n
4.Thei ni t
ialcondi t
ionofai rinanai rcompr essori s98kpaand27oCanddi schar gesat500kpa.Thebor e
andst r
okear e360mm and380mm, respect i
v elywi thpercentcl ear anceof7%r unningat300r pm.Fi nd
themassf lowofai ratsuct ion?
A.0. 186kg/ s B.0. 11kg/ s C.0. 33kg/ s D.0. 44kg/ s
5.Anai rcompr essorhasasuct ionv ol
umeof0. 3m3/ sat28oCat1at m anddi schar gesto650kpa.How
muchpowersav edbyt hecompr essori ftwost aging?
A.9. 84kw B 8. 23kw C.6. 23kw D.7. 34kw
6.Thesuct i
oncondi ti
onofai rcompr essori s99kpa, 27oCand0. 21m3/ s.I fsur roundi ngai ris100kpaand
22oC, deter mi net hef reeai rcapaci t
yinm3/ s.
A.0. 345B.0. 423C.0. 123D.0. 204
7.Thecompr essorwor kofanai rcompr essori n120kw.I fpistondi splacementi s18m3/ min,det erminethe
meanef f
ect ivepr essur e.
A.400kpa B.300kpa C.500kpa D.600kpa
8.Adoubl eact ingai rcompr essorhasacy li
nderdi mensi onsof50cm x60cm, 650r pm wi l
l haveav ol
displacementof :
A.4. 12m3/ s B.3. 12m3/ s C.2. 55m3/ s D.1. 34m3/ s
9.A2- st ageai rcompr essorhasani ntercoolerpr essur eof4kg/ cm .Whati st hedi schar gepr essur eifsucti
pressur eis1kg/ cm2.
A.14 B.15 C.16 D.17
10.Thepi stonspeedofanai rcompr essoris150m/ mi nandhasav olumedi splacementof0. 2m3/ s.
Det ermi net hedi amet erofcompr essorcy l
inder .
A.512. 34mm B.319. 15mm C.354. 23mm D.451. 35mm
11.At wost agescompr essort akesai rat100kpaand25oCwi t
hv olumef l
owof0. 123m3/ sanddi schar gesto
700kpa.Whati st heheatr eject edbyt hei nt ercool er?
A.12. 45kw B.13. 73 C.45. 34kw D.32. 34kw
12.Anai rcompr essort akesai rat97kpaatt her ateof0. 4m3/ secanddi schar gest o600kpa.I fpoweri nputto
thecompr essori s110kw, det ermi net heheatl ossi nthecompr essor .
A.16. 34kw B.25. 80kw C.18. 34kw D.17. 23kw
13.At wost ageai rcompr essorhasasuct i
onv olumeof700m3/ hrat100kpaand22oCdi schar gest o690kpa,
determi net heheatr ejectedi nint ercooler.
A.21. 53kw B.23. 45kw C.45. 23kw D.6. 34kw
14.Asi ngle-act i
ngcompr essorwi t ha15cm bor eand18cm st rokeoper atesat350r pm.Thecl ear anceis5%
andi treceiv esai rat100kPaanddi schar gesi tat650kPa.Thecompr essioni spol yt
ropi cwi thn=1. 35.
Det ermi net hepowerr equiredi nKW.

Preparedby ;
A.4.6 B.5.2 C.3. 1 D.3.8
15.At wost agecompressorwi t
hani deal
ercool errecei
ves0.2kg/sofHelum at150kPaand3000Kand
500kPa.Cal culatet
A.2050 B.3820 C.1061 D.1503
16.Cal cul
atethecompressorwor kinkJrequir
edt ocompr ess1kgofanidealgasfr
om anini
pressureof0.65m3and101. 3kPat oafi
nal pressureof517kPa.Compr essioni
A.133.6B.105.8C.148. 3D.142.7
rfrom 100kpat
t age.
A.365.88kpa B.375. 88kpaC.385.88kpa D.395. 88kpa
18.Findt heai rhor sepowerofani ndust rial fant hatdel iv
ers30m3/ sofairthrougha700mm x1000mm ducti f
cpr essur ei s150mm ofwat ergageandai rdensi tyis1.18kg/ m3.
A.89. 70hp B.105. 56hp C.102. 75hp D.90. 85hp
19.Aboi lerr equi res100, 000m3/ hrofst andar dai r.Themechani cal effi
ciencyoff ant obei nstalledi s70%.
Determi net hesi zeofdr ivingmot orneededassumi ngfancandel iverapr essureheadof160mm ofwat er
andout letv elocityof20m/ s.
A.60kw B.81. 80kw C.75. 80kw D.71. 81kw
20.At1. 180kg/ m3ai rdensi t
yaf ancandev elopedabr akepowerof100kw.I fitwilloperateat100kpaand
35oC,findt henewbr akepowerneeded.
A.95. 87kw B.96. 78kw C.100kw D.85. 37kw
21.Af anhassuct ionst ati
cpr essur eof40mm ofwat ervacuum wi thairvelocit
yof5m/ s.Thedi schargehas
160mm ofwat ergageanddi schar gev eloci t
yof8m/ s.Whati sthet otalheadoft hef anifai rdensi tyis1.2
kg/m3, mm ofwat ergauge.
A.168. 66 B.170. 55 C.218. 23 D.202. 38
22.A50kwmot ori susedt odr iveaf ant hathasat ot alheadof120m.I ffanef fi
ciencyis75%,whati sthe
maxi mum capaci tyoft hemot orneededi fairisav ai l
A.27. 34m3/ sB.48. 59m3/ s C.50. 60m3/ s D.49. 58m3/ s
23.Af ant hatoper atesat30Cand101kpahasast at i
cpressur eof300mm wat ergage.I fthef anwi lloperate
at95oCand14psi , fi
ndt henewst ati
cpr essur er equi red.
A.136mm B.236mm C.250mm D.300mm
24.Thet ot alheadoff ani s200m andhasast aticpr essureof210mm ofwat ergage.Whati st hev el
owi ngi fdensi tyis1. 16m3/ s.
A.20m/ s B.18. 89m/ s C.16. 25m/ s D.19. 29m/ s
25.Af anhasast at i
cheadof100m at1kg/ cm2and70oF.I fairv el
ocityis15m/ s,findthet otal equi v
headi nmm ofwat ergage.
A.120. 44mm B.129. 53mm C.135. 53mm D.140. 56mm
26.Thef ani sr atedt odel i
ver600m3/ mi nwhenr unni ngat350r pm andr equired7kwmot ort odr i
v eit
.I fthe
fanspeedi schangedt o600r pm andt heai rhandl edat55oCi nsteadof28oC, findthepoweri nkw.
A.32. 36kw B.40. 25kw C.36. 50kw D.45kw
27.Whati sthehor sepowerr equi redf oraf ant odel i
v er200f t/secofai rthrougha2f tx4f tductunderat otal
pressur eof4i nwat ergage?
A.175. 83hp B.194. 24hp C.146. 17hp D.204. 25hp
28.Acer tainf andel iv ers6m3/ secofai rat250Cand101. 3kPai soper atingat500r pm andr equi res3kwof
power .I ft heai rt emper aturei si ncreasest o940Candt hespeedoft hef anremai nsthesame, calculatethe
newpoweri nkw.
A.2. 63 B.3. 00 C.2. 44 D.3. 7
18.Whati sthest at i
cai rpower ingwat t
sofaf andesi gnedt odel i
v er800m3/ hrofai rwithast ati
cpr essureof5
cm ofwat ercol umnonf ull del i
v ery.
A.155. 3B.95. 7 C.105. 8D.122. 6




1.Ar efri
ger ationsy stem i susedt ocool edwat erint heev aporatora8kg/ sofwat erfrom 30oCt o2oC.Fi nd
thet onsofr efri
ger ationi sr equired. A.266. 75TR B.137. 45TR C.120. 34TR D.130. 84TR
2.Ar eversedCar notcy clehasanev apor atortemper at ureof- 5oCandcondensert emper atureof45oC.Fi nd
theper for mancef actori fitwi lloper at
ei naheatpump.
A.4. 45 B.3. 45 C.6. 36 D.5. 23
3.Asi mpl esat uratedr ef ri
ger ationcy cleforR- 12sy stem oper atesatanev apor atingtemper atureof-5oCand
acondensi ngt emper atureof40 C.Forr efrigeratingcapaci tyof10kw, determi nethewor koft he
compr essor . At40oC, hf=238. 5KJ/ kg;at- 5oC, hg=349. 3KJ/ kg.Enthalpyent rancet othecondenser
ish=375KJ/ kg. A.1. 205kw B.2. 32kw C.3. 502kw D.4. 906kw
4.Ar efri
ger ationsy stem usi ngr efri
ger ant22i st ohav ear efr
ngcapaci t
yof60TR.Theev apor at
temper at urei s-10oCandt hecondensi ngt emper atur eis42oC.Det er
minet heheatr ejectedbyt he
condenser .Ent halpyofcondenserent rance=440KJ/ kg,exit=254KJ/ kg.Ev aporatorexi t=406
KJ/ kg,ev apor atorent rance=254KJ/ kg.A.512. 34kw B.417. 35kw C.315. 44kw D.258. 15kw
5.Ar efri
ger atorhasacoef ficientofper f
or manceof1. 6.Howmuchwor kinKJmustbesuppl iedtot hi
ger atorf ori ttor eject1000KJofheat ? A.385 B.627 C.836 D.1000
6.ACar notheatpumpusest her mal reservoirsat- 27oCand57oC.Howmuchpowerdoest hi
consumet opr oducea100KW heat i
ngef fect? A.9. 1KW B.12. 7KW C.15. 3KW D.20. 7KW
7.Amanuf act urercl aimst hati tshasaCOPof1. 4whencool ingf oodat7oCusi ngambi entairat23oCasa
heatsi nk.I shi sclaimv al i
d? A.Yes B.No. C.Pr obabl y D.Noneoft heabov e
8.Ar eversedCar notcy clei susedf orcool i
ng.Thei nputwor kis12kw, whiletheCOPi s3. 8.Cal culatethe
ger atingef f
ecti nt onsofr ef
rigeration. A.12. 97B.10. 6 C.15. 4 D.9.65
9.Consideraref ri
onwhose40wat tsl
ightbulbr emainsoncont inuouslyasar esul
tofamal functionof
theswitch.Ift herefri
geratorhasaCOPof1. 5andthecostofel ectri
yis10cent sperkw-hr,determine
easei nt heener gyconsumpt ionoft herefri
atorandi t
scostpery eariftheswitchisnotf ixed.
A.P58. 40 B.P47. 59 C.P65. 40 D.P83. 59
10.Ahousehol dr efri
geratorthathasapoweri nputof450wat tsandaCOPof2. 5istocoolsixlarge
watermelons, 12kgeach, to8oC.I ft hewater melonsareinit
i yat20oC,
l determinehowl ongwi ll
takef or
at ortocool them.Thewat er
mel onscanbet r
eatedaswat erwhosespeci fi
cheati s4.2KJ/ kg-K.
A.1220seconds B.2230seconds C.3226seconds D.4250seconds
11.Whenamanr eturnstohi swal l-
sealedhouseonasummerday ,
hef i
ndsthatt hehouseisat32oC.He
urnsont heai rconditionerwhi chcoolst heent i
rehouset o20Ci n20mi nut es.IfCOPis2. 7,determine
thepowerdr awnbyt heai rconditoner.Assumet heentiremasswi t hi
nthehousei s800kgofai rforwhi ch
cv=0.72KJ/ kg-K,cp=1. 0KJ/ kg-K A.1. 072KW B.2.130KW C.3.072KW D.4. 072KW
12.ACar notrefri
esi nar oom i
nwhi chthet emperatur
eis25oCandconsumes3KW ofpower
whenoperating.Ift hefoodcompar tmentoft herefr
stobemai nt
emov al f
rom thef oodcompar tment.
A.1504. 8kJ/ mi n B.12.86kJ/ min C.1625kJ/min D.2258. 18KJ/ min
13.Ahousehol dref r
orwithEER of10r emov esheatfrom theref
atedspaceatar at
eof100kJ/ min.
mi nether ateofheattransfertothekitchenair.
A.101. 25kJ/ mi n B.134.12kJ/ min C.128.46kJ/min D.80kJ/min
14.Ahouset hatwasheat edbyel ectr
stanceheatersconsumed1300kWhofel ect

Preparedby;Engr.RodelT.Nav al
mont h.Ifthi
shousewer eheatedinst
eadbyaheatpumpt hathasanav erageperformancefactor,PFof
2.5,determinehowmuchmoneyt hehomeownerwouldbesav edthatmont h.Assumeapr iceof
0.090$/kWhf orel
ty. A.$42.5 B.$70.
20 C.$102 D.$97.75
15.AFr eon22ai rcondi
ionsof35oCcondensi ngand5oC ev aporat
Thev ol
umef lowrateent er
s25L/ sDetermi
net herefr
164kJ/kg.Fr om t
het ableforR22thespecif
olumeatthecompr essorentranceis42L/kg.A.339. 3TR B.
79.3TR C.96.4TR D.27.76TR
ationsystem consumed30,
ngsystem ofcompressorandmotoreff
em i
ionofthesystem. A.63.15TR B.46. 15TR C.52. 56TR D.41.
17.Ar ef ri
ger at i
onsy st em i st obeusedt ocool 45, 000kgofwat erf rom 29oCt o8oCi n8hour s.Ther ef r
sammoni aandt heoper at ingcondi t i
onsar e616Kpaev apor at i
ngpr essur eand1737kpal i
quef action
pressur e.Det er mi net hequant it
yofcool ingwat eri nt hecondenserf orani ncr easei nt emper at ureof10oC.
Ent hal pyatcondenserent rance=1650andexi t=410. 4KJ/ kg.Ev apor at orent rance=410. 4,exi t=1471. 6
KJ/ kg. A.4. 59kg/ s B.3. 83kg/ s C.5. 94kg/ s D.8. 54kg/ s
18.A60t onsr ef riger at ionsy stem hasCOPof4. 5.Fi ndt hegal lonspermi nut eofcool i
ngwat err equi redi nt he
condenserf orat emper atur er iseof12oC. A.81. 35gpm B.90. 34gpm C.74. 56gpm D.64. 67gpm
19.Av aporcompr essi oncy cl eisdesi gnedt ohav eacapaci t
yof90t onsofr ef riger ati
on.I tproduceschi ll
wat erf rom 25oCt o2oC.I tscoef ficientofper for mancei s5and30%oft hepowersuppl iedisl ost .
Det ermi net hesi zeofel ect r
icmot orr equi r
edt odr ivet hecompr essori nkw.
A.60. 5kw B.92. 5kw C.100.5kw D.90. 41kw
20.Ar ev ersedCar notcy clet hatoper atesbet ween- 2oCand50oCneeds45Kwcompr essorpower .Fi ndt he
tonsofr efriger at ionsy st em needed.A.56. 34 B.73. 45C.60. 34D.68. 51
21.Anammoni acompr essoroper at esatanev apor at orpr essur eof316kpaandacondenserpr essur eof
1514. 2kpa.Ther efr i
ger anti ssubcool edby5oCandi ssuper heat edby8oC.Foranev apor atorl oadof
85kw, det ermi net hequant i
tyofcool i
ngwat eri nt hecondenseri fthei ncr easei nt emper at
ur eofwat eris
6oC.Condenserent rance=1715KJ/ kg, exit=361. 2KJ/ kg.Ev apor atorent rance=361. 2,exi t=1472
KJ/ kg. A.11, 350kg/ hr B.12, 845kg/ hr C.13, 100kg/ hr D.14, 845kg/ hr
22.Ar ef ri
ger at i
oncompr essorhasav olumef l
owof0. 15m3/ s.Theper centcl ear ancei s8%andhasa
compr essi onr at i
oof6.Thebor eandst rokear eequal runni ngat360r pm.Fi ndt hebor eoft he
compr essor .A.375. 75mm B.275. 78mm C.303. 37mm D.343. 45mm
23.Anammoni ar ef ri
ger ationsy stem oper at esat316Kpapr essur eev apor atorand1514. 2kpacondenser
pressur e.Fi ndt hef ract i
onofwat erev apor i
zed.Condenserexi t=362KJ/ kg, Ev apor at orat310Kpa
hf=163;hg=1127KJ/ kg. A.10. 23% B.13. 35% C.15. 34% D.20. 64%
24.Fi ndt heper f ormancef act orofaheatpumpt hatoper at esbet ween- 4oCand30oC.
A.8. 91 B.9. 58 C.7. 30 D.6. 20
25.Aheatpumphasacompr essorpowerof10kwandheatr ej ect edof50kwt ot hel owt emper at ur er egion.
Findt het emper atur eoft hel owt emper aturer egi oni fhi ght emper at urer egi oni s40oC.
A.- .8.45oC B.15. 04oC C.- 22. 60oC D.- 34. 23oC
o o
26.Aheatpumpoper at esbet ween36 Fand120 F.I fheataddedf rom t hel owt emper at urer egioni s500
Bt u/ mi n, f
indt hehor sepowerneededoft hecompr essor .
A.2. 0 B.3. 0 C.4. 0 D.5. 0
27.Aheatpumpoper at esbet ween- 4oCand28oC.I ft hecompr essorpowerneededi s6kw, findt heKJ/ mi n
addedf rom t hel owt emper aturesour ce.A.2395B.2522C.2798D.2984
28.Ar ef ri
ger at i
onsy st em hasanev apor at ortemper atureof- 4oCandcompr essorsuct iont emper at urei s8oC.
Findt hedegr eesuper heat , F. A.12 B.14 C.16 D.18
29.Acascader ef riger ationsy stem oper at esbet ween100kpaand800kpa.Fi ndt hecascadecondenser
pressur e. A.269. 34kpa B.276. 45kpa C.282. 84kpa D.298. 45kpa
30.Fi ndt hemassofwat ert hatcanbecool edf rom 26oCt o- 10oCf rom a15t onsr efri
ger at ionsy st em f or14
hrs.A.5447kg B.6383kg C.5719kg D.4923kg
31.Ther efr i
ger antv ol umef lowr ateatt heent ranceofcompr essorwer eobt ainedf rom at estonat wincy l
singl eact ing15cm x20cm,350r pm compr essorammoni ar efriger at i
ngpl antt obe35L/ s.Det er minet he
vol umet ricef ficiencyoft hecompr essor .A.77. 65% B.84. 88% C.97. 6% D.65. 65%
32.At wi ncy l
inderammoni acompr essorwi thv olumedi spl acementof15, 726cm3oper at esat320r pm.
Condenserandev apor at orpr essur ear e1200kPaand227kPar espect ively .Speci fi
cv olumeofr efrigerant
att heent ranceofcompr essori s528. 26L/ kg.Compr essi onpr ocessi spol y tropi cwi thn=1. 20and
ear ancef act orofcompr essori s2per cent .Det er minehor sepowerr equi red.
A.60hp B.70hp C.80hp D.92hp
33.Ar ev ersedCar notcy clehasar ef ri
ger at i
ngCOPof3. 0.Det er mi net her atoTH/
i TL?
A.1. 4 B.1. 5 C.1. 33 D.1. 2
34.Sat urat edv aporammoni aat–16oC(h7=1442. 60kJ/ kg)l eav est heev apor atorandent erst hecompr essor
at–6C( h1=1465kJ/ kg) .Ther ef riger antl eav est hecondenserassat urat edl iquidat40oC( h4=390. 6
kJ/ kg)andent ert heexpansi onv alveat35oC(h5=366. 1kJ/ kg).Heatr eject edf r
om t hecondenser
amountt o60kW.Thewor kt ocompr essori s208kJ/ kg, whi let heheatl ossf rom compr essori s33kJ/ kg.If
95kJ/ kgofheatar el osti nt hepi pingbet weent hecompr essordi schar geandcondenseri nlet, det ermi ne

A.49.5TR B.15.91TR C.12.
88TR D.13.


1.Ar ef r
iger ationsy st em i st ocool breadl oav eswi thanav eragemassof600gf rom 22oCt o–12oC atar at
of500l oav esperhourbyr efriger atedai r.Taki ngt heav er agespeci ficandl atentheat sofbr eadt obe2. 93
kJ/ kg. C and109. 3kJ/ kg,r espect ively,det er mi net hepr oductl oad.
A.1044. 6kJ/ mi nB.1351. 6kJ/ mi n C.761. 5kJ/ min D.409. 9KJ/ mi n
2.A10, 000kgf ishi st obecool edf rom 25oCt o- 10oCi n10hr s.Thef reezi ngt emper atur eoff ishi s- 2oCand
atentheatoff usi oni s280KJ/ kg.Thespeci ficheatabov ef r
eezi ngis3. 80KJ/ kg- Kandbel owf reezingi s1.8
KJ/ kg- K.Fi ndt het onsofr ef riger ationi sr equi red.
A.31. 36B.34. 56C.36. 34D.43. 23
3.A12t onsbeefi st obecool edf rom 25oCt o- 25oCwi t
hf reezi ngt emper at ureat- 3oCi n15hr s.Thecp
abov ef reezi ngi s2. 8KJ/ kg- Kandbel owf reezi ngi s1. 5KJ/ kg- K.Thel at entheatoff usioni s220KJ/ kg.I f
mi scel l
aneousl ossesi s14%, findt het onsofr ef rigerationneededf ort hesy st em.
A.28. 34B.16. 45C.21. 65D.23. 23
4.Inanact ual refriger at i
oncy cleusi ngR12aswor kingf luid,t her efri
gerantf lowr at eis0. 05kg/ s.Vapor
ent erst heexpansi onv alveat1. 15MPa, 40oC( h=238. 5kJ/ kg)andl eav est heev apor atorat175kPa, –
15oC(h=345kJ/ kg).Theel ect ri
ci nputt omot ordr i
vingt hecompr essori smeasur edandf ound3. 5kW.
Mot oref ficiencyatt hisl oadi s92per centandmechani cal ef f
iciency82%.Det er minet heact ualcoef fi
ofper for mancef ort hiscy cle. A.1. 58 B.2. 02 C.1. 78 D.1. 34
5.Findt heent hal pyofai rwi thwetbul bt emper at ureof25oCanddr ybulbt emper at ureof32oCusi ng
psy chr omet ricchar t.
A.65. 45KJ/ kg B.76. 50KJ/ kg C.74. 29KJ/ kg D.78. 40KJ/ kg
6.Findt heent hal pyofai rwi thwetbul bt emper at ureof25oCand60%RHusi ngpsy chromet ri
cchar t.
A.74. 56KJ/ kg B.60. 34KJ/ kg C.76. 50KJ/ kg D.77. 40KJ/ kg
7.Findt hedewpoi ntt emper atur eofai rwi thdr ybul bt emper atureof303oKandRHof80%usi ng
o o
psy chr omet ricchar t. A.26. 50 C B.24. 50 C C.85. 25oC D.32oC
8.Findt hehumi di
t yr at i
oofai rwi thent halpyof40KJ/ kgandRHof40%.Usi ngpsy chromet r
icchar t
A.0. 0123 B.0. 045C.0. 00600 D.0. 0068
9.At30oC, air-vapormi xturehasar elativehumi di tyof75%.Fi ndt hehumi dityr at ioi fbar omet ricpr essur eis
100kpa.At30oC, Psat=4. 246kpa
A.0. 123B.0. 0205 C.0. 054D.0. 019
10.Thehumi di tyr at i
oofai ris0. 05.I fbar omet ricpr essur ei s99kpa, fi
ndt hepar tialpr essur eofwat erv apor.
A.4. 23kpa B.7. 37kpa C.6. 81kpa D.5. 23kpa
11.Ai rat32oCandpr essur eof101kpahasadensi tyof1. 10kg/ m3.Fi ndt hehumi dityr atioofai r
A.0. 0304 B.0. 6350 C.0. 0635 D.0. 0173
12.Whati st heent hal pyoft heai r-vapormi xt ureat70%RHand33oCwhent hebar omet ricpr essur eis101
kpa? At33 C:Psat=5. 628, hg=2565. 3
A.97. 76KJ/ kg B.74. 23KJ/ kg C.67. 34KJ/ kg D.53. 34KJ/ kg
13.Ai r-
v apormi xtur ehasanent hal pyof73KJ/ kgat31oC.Fi ndt hepar t
ial pr essur eofwat ervapor .At31oC:
hg=2556. 3KJ/ kg A.6. 34kpa B.1. 34kpa C.4. 231kpa D.2. 61kpa
14.Anammoni aicepl antoper at esbet weenacondensert emper at ureof35oCandev apor atorof–15oC.I t
o o
pr oduces12met rict onsofi ceperdayf rom wat erat30Ct oi ceat–5C.Assumi ngsi mpl esat urationcy cl
determi net hehor sepoweroft hemot ori ft headi abat icef ficiencyoft hecompr essorηc=0. 87and
mechani cal ef f
ici encyηm =0. 96.Thespeci ficheatofi cei s2. 094kJ/ kg. Candt hel atentheati s335kJ/ kg.
From t het abl ef orammoni at hef ollowi ngent hal piesar e:condenserent rance=1703kJ/ kg, exit=

Preparedby ;
366.1kJ/kg;compr essorent
rance=1443. 9kJ/kg,exi
t=1703kJ/ kg
A.17.68hp B.18.
61hp C.15.5hp D.25.2hp
15.At wost agecascadevaporcompressionr efr
em usesammoni ainthelow-
andR- 12inthehigh-
ureloop.Theammoni aprovides18tonscooli
temper at
res10.12kW compr essorpowerandl ow- l
minetheCOPoft he
system. A.2.429 B.5.22TR C.3.314TR D.9.


1.Airi nanai rcondi ti

onerent er sat65%RHwi t
hw=0. 025andl eav esat25oCdr ybul band16oCwetbul b.If
massofai ris10kg/ s,findt her ef r
igerat i
oncapaci tyint onsofr ef r
iger ati
At65%RH, w=0. 025:h=85KJ/ kg,v=0. 803m3/ kg At25oCdb, 16oCwb:h=43KJ/ kg;
A.134. 34TR B.119. 45TR C.102. 45TR D.98. 34TR
2.A140kwai rcondi tionerhasahasani nit
ialcondi tonof40oCdband60%RHandl
i eav esat20odband
20%RH.Fi ndt hev olumeofai rent eringthecondi tioner .
At40oCdband60%RH:h=112KJ/ kg, w=0. 93m3/ kg;At20oCdband20%RH:h=26KJ/ kg
A.3. 22m3/ s B.2. 62m3/ s C.1. 51m3/ s D.1. 93m3/ s
3.Out sideai rinanai rcondi tioninguni thasamassof52kgat42oCi smi xedwi thre-circulatedai rat32kgat
28 C, findt het emper atur eaf t
ermi xing.
A.35. 23oC B.32. 23oC C.36. 67oC D.45. 32oC
4.Twent yf iveki logr am ai rent erst hedr y erat24 Cdband35%RH.Fi fteenkgofr e-cir
culat edai rfr
om the
dryerhasapar tial pr essur eofwat erv aporof10kpa.Fi ndt hehumi dityratioaftermi xing.
At24oCdb, 35%RH: w=0. 0059
A.0. 0325 B.0. 1930 C.0. 0653 D.0. 0292
5.Sixt yt woki logr am ofai rwi thent halpyof80KJ/ kgi smi xedwi thanot herxai runt i
lthemi xturei s110kgand
70KJ/ kgent hal py .Fi ndt heent hal pyofxai rbef or emi xing.
A.40. 23KJ/ kg B.57. 10KJ/ kg C.13. 75KJ/ kg D.15. 34KJ/ kg
6.Airi nacondi tionedspacehas26oCdband70%RH, f
indt hewetbul bdepr ession.
A.6. 00oC B.15. 34oC C.7. 20oC D.17. 80oC
7.A6x5x4m r oom hasapr essur eof101kpaandt emper atureof30oC( Psat=5kpa) .I fpercent
relativehumi di tyi s65%, findt hemassofv apor( RV=0. 423KJ/ kgoK) .
A.0. 345kg B.1. 23kg C.3. 04kg D.2. 19kg
8.A75%ef ficientcool ingt owerhasawat erent eringat45oCandwetbul btemper atureofai rent eri
25oC.Fi ndt hewat erexi tt emper atureofwat er.
A.32oCB.30oC C.34. 34oC D.23. 44oC
9.Wat erent erst hecool i
ngt owerat55 Candl eav esat30oCwhi let heheatr ejectedt oairis120KW.Fi nd
thecapaci tyoft hepumpneededt opumpt hewat er .
A.1. 15l i/s B.3. 22l i
/s C.2. 34l i
/ s D.4. 23l i
10.Ai rent erst het oweratt her ateof60kg/ s.Theent r
anceent hal pyi s86KJ/ kgandexi tent halpyof53KJ/ kg.
Findt het emper at urer angeoft het oweri fmassf l
owr at eofwat eris30kg/ s.
A.14. 34oC B.16. 34oC C.10. 23oC D.15. 76oC
11.A100BHPdi esel engi nehasabr aket hermal efficiencyof30%andj acketwat erlossof34%.Theengi ne
ist obecool edbymeansofacool i
ngt owerhav ingar angeof27oC.Fi ndt hemassofwat erleav i
tower . A.5, 238. 45kg/ hr B.2692. 35kg/ hrC.7038. 45kg/ hrD.6108. 62kg/ hr
12.A120t onsr ef riger ationsy stem wi thCOPof5hasacondenserwhi chi stobecool edbymeansofacool ing
tower .Ai rent erst het owerat25oCdband50%RHandl eavesat35oCdband80%RH.Fi ndt hev olumeof
airneededm3/ hr . At25oCand50%RH:h=50KJ/ kg,v=0. 86m3/ kg At350Cdband80%RH:h=108 A.
3 3 3 3
51m / s B.2. 34m / s C.4. 98m / s D.3. 16m / s
13.Theev apor at i
v econdenserofanammoni ar ef r
iger ationpl anthasawat erfl
owr at eof100kg/ sandentersa
nat ural dr aftcool ingt owerat43oC.Thewat eri scool edt o30oCbyai rent erngat27oCdb24oCwetbul
i b.
Theai rl eav est het oweras90%RHand32oCdb.Cal cul atetheper centofmake- upwat erneededt he
tower . At27oCdband24oCwb:h=72. 5KJ/ kg, w=0. 0178

Prepar edby ;Engr .Rodel T.Nav al
At90%RHand32oCdb:h=102KJ/ kg,w=0. 0275
A.2. 34% B.1. 79% C.3. 12% D.2. 84%
14.Acool ingt owercool swat erf rom 39oCt o24oCatt her at eof25kg/ s.Ai rent ersthet owerat18oCatt he
rateof35kg/ s.Fi ndt het emper atureofai rleav i
ngt het ower .
A.50. 71oC B.62. 86oC C.45. 23oC D.34. 45oC
15.Anai rcondi tioni ngsy stem hasasensi bleheatl oadof120kwandl atentheatl oadof25kw.Fi ndthe
sensi bleheatf act or . A.64. 45% B.73. 45% C.56. 34% D.82. 76%
16.Fi ndt hedewpoi ntt emper at ureofai rwhosehumi dit
yr atioi s0.0150kgwat er/kgdr yai r
A.22. 50oC B.23. 50oC C.20. 30oC D.25. 5oC
17.Themoi stur er emov edf rom amat erial i
s200l b/ hrandchangeofhumi dityr atioindr yeris0.015.Det ermine
thef ancapaci tyi fspeci fi
cv olumeofai renteringi s38f t /lb.
3 3 3 3
A.400, 000f t /hrB.450, 000f t /hrC.506, 667f t /hrD.550, 000f t /hr
18.Adr yerhasa17%moi st urewetf eedand3%moi stureofdr i
edpr oduct .Fi ndthemoi stureremov edfor
ev ery5kgofsol i
dsi nthef i
nal product . A.0. 187kg B.0. 395kg C.0. 234kg D.0.84kg
19.Anaudi torium i ssuppl i
edwi th35m3/ sofai rat14oCdb.Thet ot alheatl oadi s320kwandhasasensi ble
heatf act orof0. 82.Fi ndt het emper atur einsidet heaudi tor i
um usi ngai ratst andar dpr essure.
20.Anai rcondi ti
onedt heateri st obemai ntainedat80oFdr ybul bt emper atur eand50%RH( h=31. 35Btu/ l
Thecal culatedt ot al sensi bleheatl oadi nthet heat eris500, 000Bt u/hr,andt hel at
entheatl oadi s150,000
Bt u/hr.Theai rmi xtureat84oFdband72oFwbt emper atur e(h=35. 82Bt u/ l
b)iscool edt o63oFdr ybulb
and59 Fwetbul bt emper at ur e(h=25. 78Bt u/lb)bychi l
ledwat ercool ingcoi l
sanddel iveredassuppl yairto
thet heat er .Cal cul atet het onsofr efrigerationr equi red.
A.83 B.130 C.127 D.122
21.By passf act orofcoi l i
s0. 8f oroner ow.Whati st heby passf actorift herear e8coi lsinar ow?
A.0. 029B.0. 70 C.0. 80 D.0. 49
22.Acoi lhasani nl ett emper at ureof50oFandout letof85oF.I fthemeant emper atureofcoi lis100oF,find
theby passf act oroft hecoi l. A.0. 4 B.2 C.1. 667D.0. 3
23.Fi ndt hesensi bleheatf actorofanai rcondi ti
oninguni thav ingasensi bl eheatl oadof60kwandl at
loadof20kw. A.70% B.80% C.75% D.85%
24.Anai rcondi ti
onedt heateri st obemai ntainedat80oFdr ybul btemper atur eand50%RH( h=31.35Bt u/lb).
Thecal culatedt ot al sensi bleheatl oadi nthet heat eris620, 000Bt u/hr,andt hel at
entheatl oadi s210,000
Bt u/hr.Theai rmi xtureat84oFdband72oFwbt emper atur e(h=35. 82Bt u/ l
b)iscool edt o63oFdr ybulband
59Fwetbul bt emper ature( h=25. 78Bt u/lb)bychi ll
edwat ercool ingcoi l
sanddel iv
er edassuppl yairtot he
theat er.Cal cul at et het onsofr efri
ger at i
onr equir ed. A.125 B.130 C.127 D.122
25.Wetmat erial,containing200%moi sture( dr ybasi s)istobedr iedatt her ateof1. 6kg/ si nacont inuous
dryertogiveapr oductcont ai
ning10%moi sture( drybasis).Fi ndt hemoi stureremov ed, kg/ hr.
A.3543. 75kg/ hr B.3513. 75kg/ hr C.3563.75kg/ hr D.3648. 00kg/ hr
26.Copr aenter sadr yercont aini
ng75%moi st ureandl eavesat6%moi sture.Fi ndt hemoi st urer emov edon
eachpoundofsol i
di nf i
nal pr
oduct .A.6. 258l b B.1.258lb C.4. 258l b D.2. 936l b
27.Anaudi t
um seat i
ng1600peopl ei
st obemai ntainedat80oFdr ybulband65oFwetbul bt emper atur
o o
whenout doorai risat91Fdr ybul band75Fwetbul b.Solarheatl oadis120, 000Bt u/hrandsuppl yairi
at60oF,deter minetheamountofsuppl yair.( Usesensi bl
eheatl oadof225Bt u/hrperper son)
A.100, 000. 00lb/ hr B.83, 229.17l b/hr C.73,229.17l b/hr D.63, 229. 17l b/hr
28.Acl assroom t hatnor mal l
ycont ains40peopl eist obeair-conditi
onedwi thwi ndowai r-condi tioni
nguni t
5KW cool i
ngcapaci ty.Aper sonatr estmaybeassumedt odissipateheatatar ateofabout360KJ/ hr.
Ther eare10l i
ghtbul bsint heroom, eachwi thar ati
ngof100wat ts.Ther ateofheatt ransf ertot he
classroom t hrought hewal lsandt hewi ndowsi sest i
matedt obe15, 000KJ/ hr.Iftheroom ai rist obe
mai ntai
nedataconst antt emper atureof21oC, det erminethenumberofwi ndowai r
-condi t
ioninguni ts
required. A.1uni t B.2uni t s C.3uni t
s D.4uni t
29.Comput et hespeci f i
cv ol
umeofanai r-vapormi xtureincubicmet er
spr eki l
ogr am ofdr yairwhent he
lowingcondi tionspr ev ail:t=45 C,w=0. 015kg/ kg,andPt=100kPa.
A.0. 99m3/ kg B.0. 93m3/ kg C.0. 79m3/ kg D.0. 69m3/ kg
30.Acoi lhasani nlett emper atureof70 Fandout l
etof80 F.I
ft hemeant emper atureoft hecoi l
is120F, f
thebypassf act oroft hecoi l. A.0. 28 B.0. 80 C.0. 82 D.0. 83
31.Comput et hepr essur edr opof35 Cai rflowi ngwi thameanv elocityof7m/ si naci r
cularsheet -
metal duct
450mm i ndi amet erand25m l ong.Useaf r
ictionf actor,
f=0. 04, andair=1. 3799kg/ m3.
A.43. 22Pa B.21. 34Pa C.75. 12Pa D.52. 31Pa
32.Apr essur edi fferenceof500Pai sav ail
abl et oforce20 Cairt hroughaci rcularsheet -metal duct450mm i n
diamet erand30m l ong.At20 C,=1. 204kg/ m3andt akef r
ictionf actor,f=0. 016.Det er
mi nethevelocity
A.27. 34f t/s B.43. 72ft/
s C.91. 54f t/s D.86. 98ft/s
26.Anai r-
condi tioni ngsy stem isusedt omai ntainahouseat65oFwhent het emper at
ureout sideis85oF.The
housei sgai ningheatt hrought hewal lsandwi ndowsatar ateof1250Bt u/mi n,andt heheatgener ati
onr ate
withinthehousef rom peopl e, l
ghts,andappl i
ancesamount st o350Bt u/mi n.Det ermi nethemi nimum

eparedby ;
06hp B.1.
36hp C.1.
44hp D.7.


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