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Contoh/Example Tipe / Type Yamaha N Max Nomor Identifikasi Kendaraan / T 5035 RV No. Mesin / Engine No. - Nomor Plat / License No. T 5035 RV 11033 KM

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Tipe / Type YAMAHA N MAX
Nomor Identifikasi Kendaraan / T 5035 RV
Vehicle Identification No.(VIN)
No. Mesin / Engine No. -
Nomor Plat / License No. T 5035 RV
Odometer 11033 KM

Pengecekan Kelengkapan Keamanan/Safety Inspection

Description Available** Not Availble**
Grip/steering Cover* √
Seat Cover* √
Work Uniform (Wearpack)* √
Safety Shoes* √
Safety Glass* √
Safety Glooves* √
Masker* √

* Gunakan APD selama melaksanakn praktek di bengkel (bukti foto)/All Personal Protective Equipment/PPE
must be worn during practice in the workshop (photo)
** Berikan tanda ceklis pada kolom yang sesuai kondisi sesungguhnya/Give a Check Mark (Tick “√”) in the
column where relevant, specify your real condition.

Persiapan / Preparation
Deskripsi/Description Good** Bad**
Visual Check, Engine cleanliness* √
Visual Check Wiring Harness Condition & Repaired* √
Check Engine Oil Level & Condition* √
Check Engine Coolant* (if any) √
Check Battery Condition* √
Spark plug wrench √
Feeler Gauge √
Spark Plug Cleaner & Tester (if Available) √
Tools Set √
Workshop Manual √
* Lakukan pemeliharaan dan atasi kondisi mesin yang belum sesuai sebelum melanjutkan kegiatan/ Make sure
the item must be corrected until all item in good condition.
** Berikan tanda ceklis pada kolom yang sesuai kondisi sesungguhnya/Give a Check Mark (Tick “√”) in the
column where relevant, specify your real condition.

I. Pengamatan/Observation

Deskripsi/Description Keterangan/Remarks
Type of Ignition System Electronic Ignition System
Battery Voltage .........12.12.......................... Volt
II. Pemeriksaan Busi /Inspection of Spark Plug

Item Obeservation Keterangan/Remarks

A. Condition
- Spark plug cover - Good/Bad - Periksa Kebersihan/Check
- Heat Range of Spark Plug - Type: NGK CPR8EA - Gunakan Chart rentang nilai
- Hot/Cold Heat range panas busi/Using heat range
cross reference chart to identify
of the spark plug heat range
- Type of Electrode Single/Multi Electrodes

- Condition of spark plug - Normal - Ceck conditon of spark plug

condition - Corona Stain by LMS reference
- Insulator worn
- Carbon Fouling
- Oil Fouling
- Lead Fouling
- Overheating
- Preignition
- Mechanical Demage
- Torched Seat

B. Measurement/Adjusment
- Spark Plug Gap ........0.8................... mm - Specification: ....0.7-1.0...... mm
- Result : Good/Bad
- Spark plug Cord Resistance .......3.99............ K Ω - Specification:....3 - 4 ........ KΩ
- Result : Good/Bad

III. Memahami Sistem Pengapian Electronik/Understanding Electronic Ignition System

- Contruction of Spark - Identifikasi konstruksi

Plug busi /Identification of
Spark Plug Construction

- How do a spark plug - Jelaskan kan cara kerja Pada saat kunci kontak On, maka arus
work busi sehingga mengalir ke CDI untuk mengatur saat
memrcikkan bunga api/ pengapian yang di triger dari pick up
How Does it Work coil, kemudian tegangan ignition coil
menjadi naik kemudian dialirkan ke
busi hingga busi meletikan bunga api
sesuai waktunya

Note: Each activity must be completed by picture/photo

Ada di chanel Yutube juga

1. Alat alat yang dibutuhkan

2. - Pengukuran Celah dengan feeler gauege std 0.70- 0.90 mm

-Pembersihan kepala busi dengan sikat kawat
3. Pengukuran spark plug cord resistance (tahanan cangklong)

4. Kondisi Busi N Max

Karawang, 22 Oktober 2020

Agus Rahmat Hidayat

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