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The Vast Amount of Information in Today's World Had Caused Problem Nowadays Therefore

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Discuss the value of Information Literacy Skills in higher education?


The vast amount of information in today’s world had caused problem nowadays therefore has
caused modern environment to explore and develop new advanced search skills and habits
while accessing and using information from different sources. The modern environment has
unleashed a new research technique which is Information Literacy skills. Information
Literacy consists of information completeness, user training, development of information
skills, information fluency, user education, bibliographic instruction and library orientation.


The American Library Association defines information literacy “as a set of abilities

requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to
locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information” (ALA 2018).

Zurkowski stated that, "Information is not knowledge; it is concepts or ideas which enter a
person's field of perception, are evaluated and assimilated reinforcing or changing the
individual's concept of reality and/or ability to act. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so
information is in the mind of the user."

The birth and evolution of the concept of Information Literacy (IL)

Zurkowski stated that, “people trained in the application of information resources to their
work can be called information literates. They have learned techniques and skills for utilizing
the wide range of information tools as well as primary sources in modelling information-
solutions to their problem.” According to Hassani and Nfissi, (July 2015).

Information literacy has thus evolved gradually from a problem-solving tool approach
confined within the four walls of the private sector, into a major influence and embracement
by the library sector and academia, and later on morphed into a main concept strongly linked
to information technology, electronic databases, and technical expertise.

The importance of Information Literacy (IL)

Through information literacy, students recognize that not all information is created equal. For
instance, content on the Internet continually grows, but it doesn’t always come from credible
sources. The problem with the Internet is that anyone can publish content for others to access.
This means that there is a lot of bad information to sort through when performing research.
It’s not always easy to determine which are credible, peer-reviewed sources, and which are

Students no longer go to encyclopaedias and other books at the library to look up

information; they instinctively go to the Internet. Information literacy helps students
recognize misleading, out-of-date, or false information. It also helps them sort through the
data and interpret it intelligently. Libraries full of books are still available and a valuable
resource for students, but information literacy includes the Internet and beyond.

From the outset, several concepts were clear in Zurkowski's work. First, information is not
knowledge until it is manipulated, or "moulded" as he expressed it. Second, knowing how to
handle information so that it can be used effectively to solve problems is the essence of
information literacy. Thus, information can never be an end in itself but has to be enlisted as
a tool to accomplish a purpose.

Information literacy skills are used for academic purposes, such as research papers and group
presentations. They are used on the job—the ability to find, evaluate, use and share information
is an essential skill. They are also used in consumer decisions, such as which car or vacuum
cleaner to purchase, are critical. Last but not least, they are used by informed citizens in
participating fully in a democratic society through voting (Kenney, 2007).
Information literacy is conceivably the foundation for learning in contemporary environment of
continuous technological change. As information and communication technologies develop
rapidly, and the information environment becomes increasingly complex, educators are
recognizing the need for information literacy.

Information literacy stands at the core of freedom of expression and information – since it
empowers citizens to understand the functions of media and other information providers, to
critically evaluate their content, and to make informed decisions as users and producer of
information and media content.

Information Literacy is of immense importance to institutions of higher education. One
reason is that some undergraduate students acceding university have limited background of
fundamental research and information competency skills. They may not have acquired the
necessary skills to effectively search for information, or evaluate, synthesize and blend ideas;
or may not have learned how to use information in original work or give proper citation and
reference for information used. While some students may have acquired basic computer skills
to send electronic mail, navigate the web, and share files, they may not have been taught how
to effectively search the Internet or effectively use library E-resources for academic research.
This is where Information Literacy skills are essential and make the difference to the success
of students. If these latter are given the opportunity to follow such programs, they will
certainly face fewer difficulties while writing papers.

Who Needs to Learn Information Literacy?

Everyone has a certain level of information literacy education. For instance, elementary-age
children know that they can turn to their teacher for any information they need. As people get
older, they become more independent and find other sources of information, such as books,
but primarily the Internet. There are varying levels of information literacy because it is a
learned skill that must be practiced.

By the time a child enters high school, he or she should have a good grasp of information
literacy. However, these skills should continue to improve and adapt through college and
beyond. Many schools offer literacy classes that teach students how to research
information for papers and find credible information that is backed by research.

What Skills Are Taught Through Information Literacy?

Information literacy isn’t something you can learn by reading a book; it takes hands-on
practice. Published books are generally accepted as credible sources, but the Internet is one of
the best places to practice information literacy.

The information literacy process includes recognizing problems and creating questions,
making plans for finding information and solutions, formulating hypotheses and making
predictions, finding information and data from books and the Interne, evaluating the
credibility of the sources (i.e. is the material peer-reviewed or held to an ethical standard?),

organizing and synthesizing all gathered information, making conclusions and processing

Information literacy is a skill set that is helpful for a lifetime. It helps people do well in
school, work, and personal matters because they can recognize the difference between good
information and bad information and evaluate situations from several perspectives. Everyone
needs to know how to find answers to their questions, no matter what they may be. People
who understand information literacy can solve almost any problem with precision and

Constraints and challenges

Universities strives to provide high quality instruction services and engage with students on
ethical use of information. Unfortunately, not all people are equally enthusiastic about this
library collaborative information literacy initiative; nor they are discussing it among each
other’s so there is some room for expansion. Lack of adequate resources, lack of an
Information Literacy policy, lack of proactive solutions among librarians coupled with the
need for adequate library staffing and training, and collaboration between librarians and
teaching staff in Information Literacy activities were all identified as challenges facing
Information Literacy effectiveness.

Recommendations and conclusion

Information literacy is critical today because we like in an age of information overload. There
will continue to be an increase in the amounts of information. In addition, there will be
expansion in technologies that is used for accessing, manipulation and creating information.
The ability to find, evaluate, and share is important. Information literacy is a critical component
and contributing element in lifelong learning.

Information literacy is an essential component of general education at both the undergraduate

and graduate levels. However, and in order to succeed, this Library-led Information Literacy
initiative should pave the way for a university-led wider initiative to incorporate and expand
information literacy standards across the curriculum. Likewise, the success of this initiative

depends on the willingness to devise a policy, which recognizes Information Literacy, as a
key skill for the development of excellent research skills at this university.


Hassani. A.E and Nfissi. A. (July 21 2015) “The role of Information Literacy in higher
education”, by staff writer Available at :
higher-education/ Accessed : 9 November 9, 2020

Library Science Degree (2018) Available at https://librarysciencedegree.usc.edu/blog/what-

exactly-is-information-literacy-and-what-role-does-it-play-in-education/ Accessed: 9
November 9, 2020

Landoy A Popa D Repanovic A 23 November 2019 ”Basic information in information

literacy” Available at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-34258-6_3\
Accessed : 9 November 2020

William B “foundation of information literacy “Available at

learning-from Accessed: 9 November 2020

American Library Association (2018) Available at https://literacy.ala.org/information-

literacy/ Accessed: 9 November 2020

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