Stability of Beams With Tapered I-Sections: Journal of Engineering Mechanics September 1987
Stability of Beams With Tapered I-Sections: Journal of Engineering Mechanics September 1987
Stability of Beams With Tapered I-Sections: Journal of Engineering Mechanics September 1987
53 580
2 authors, including:
Y.B. Yang
Chongqing University
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ABSTRACT: The purposes of the paper are: (1) To derive differential equations
of equilibrium for a tapered I-beam; and (2) to formulate a finite element for
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the beam that takes into account the effect of nonuniform torsion. In the virtual
work formulation, the updated Lagrangian approach is adopted, in which the
effect of geometric nonlinearity is considered. The present formulation requires
obtaining a rigorous expression for the strains based on the membrane theory
of shells, through which the effect of tapering is considered. The displacements
of each cross section are determined with Vlasov's thin-walled beam assump-
tions. The derived finite element model, in terms of the linear and geometric
stiffness matrices, is useful in a buckling or an incremental large displacement
analysis. Using the present theory, one is able to investigate various torsional-
flexural instability problems. Examples are prepared and comparisons are made
with existing solutions.
t. ( ,
(a) (b)
'.y = J • • (2b)
t,z = k (2c)
where a prime denotes differentiation with respect to x, and a comma
denotes partial differentiation with respect to the variable following.
Likewise, the displacement vector of point N m a y be described as
u = uxi + uy j + w2k , (3)
in which ux = the longitudinal displacement; and uy and uz = the trans-
verse displacements. Conventionally, the transverse displacements are
obtained from the geometrical hypothesis of in-plane rigid cross sec-
uy = uyC - z%x (4a)
e„ = ~ (ux,z + y'UyiZ + uZrX) (6c)
eyy = eyz = ezz = 0 (6rf)
where it should be noted that wyy = uZiZ = 0. From the condition of neg-
ligible shearing strain on the middle surface, one may write
dy dz
exs = exy — + exz — = 0 (7)
ds ds
By substituting the expressions for e^ a n d exz into the preceding equa-
tion, one may solve for the longitudinal displacement ux as
ux = uxC - yu'yc - zuzC - we; (8)
1\xy = - (Ux,xUx,y + UZiXUZiy) (12C)
•nxz = - {ux,xUx,z + uyiXuyiZ) (12d)
In practice, the term with u%x in the expression of r\xx is small and may
be neglected (Washizu 1975; Argyris, et al. 1979). By substituting the
expressions for ux, uy, and uz (Eqs. Aa-b and 8) in Eqs. Ylb-d and ne-
glecting the higher-order terms, one obtains
•n» = - [«£ + "zc - 2zuyC 9X + 2yuzCQx + (f + z2)^2] (13a)
%y = ~ [-{u'xc - zulc)uyC + MzcOx] (13b)
f\xz = - [-(U'xC - yUyc)u'zC ~ WyC%x] (13c)
Fx = ixdA (14a)
Fz = I <j
Vx.xzdA (14c)
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My•y == \I <r
v*rzdA (14c)
Mz = - | cr
&xxydA (14/)
B = - I <rxwdA (14*)
rp "ic
0 A sz
My • = E • U'yC (16)
Mz 9"
iB. 1— J
w hvz '•wy r i-w^i _
in which the beam section properties are defined as
A = <M (17«)
yrfA (17b)
zrfA (17c)
yzdA (17d)
Iy =• z2dA (17ft)
h = y2dA (17f)
Cw = w2dA (17;)
S* = ifdA (17k)
I* = t\adA (17/)
4+ = vtyclA (17«)
With the adoption of the y- and z-axes as the principal centroidal co-
ordinates of the I-section and the definition of the sectorial area u in Eq.
9, it can be shown that the following conditions of orthogonality for the
principal generalized coordinates are satisfied:
^y ~ ^z lyz ~ ^w ~ >-xm) ~ iwz ~ 0 (1")
2 i
+ [vMxx
K 8 T ) „ + 2 ( ^^ 88 ^^ + 2axxMxz¥V
Mx,¥V = <R - RlR
R~ (21)
in which V = volume of the member in the current state; G = shear
modulus; 1RI 2R, = virtual work done by the external loads at the current
and the next deformed state; other quantities in Eq. 21 were defined
previously. In the Eq. 21, the stresses ax, cr w , axz denote the Cauchy
stresses in the current deformed state, and exx, e^, exz and T\XX , T)^, r\xz
denote the linear and nonlinear components of the Green-Lagrange strains
(Yang and McGuire 1986a).
For the present purposes, one may assume that there are only con-
centrated loads acting at the ends of a member and that the shear forces
FyA and FyB act at distances aA and aB above the centroids of the cross
sections, respectively. Using the notation ( ) for a row vector and { } for
a column vector, the external virtual work may be expressed as
R - >R = <8H> ({2/} - {"/}) .' (22)
for loadings of a conservative type. In Eq. 22, (8M) is a vector that con-
tains the variation of displacements at the nodes, where
(U) = (UxAUyAUzA ^xA^yA^zAUxBUyBUzBQxB%B^zB^'xA^xB) (23)
(Y) is the vector of nodal forces at the beginning of the step, as follows:
(V) = eFxA %A %A lMxA lMyA xMzA %B %B %B
'MxB 'My, 1MtB 'BA %) (24«)
and { f) is the vector of nodal forces at the end of the incremental step,
as follows:
<2/> = (2FxA %A 2FzA(2MxA + %AaAQxA) 2MyA 2MzA 2FxB %B
FzB(2MxB + %BaBQxB) 2MyB 2MzB 2BA 2BB) (24b)
Both Cf) and ( /) are stated in the coordinates of the current deformed
The following steps may be performed on Eq. 21: (1) Substitute the
expressions for the strains shown in Eqs. 10 and 13; (2) neglect the higher-
order terms; (3) adopt the condition of Eqs. 18 and 19; and (4) make use
of the expressions for stress resultants (Eqs. 14a-g). One can then obtain
the following equation:
Fyb(u'xu'y)dx + Fyb(uzQx)dx -
Jo Jo Jo
Fzb(uyQx)dx - (1 - a) Mxb(u'^uy)dx
o Jo
K = Fxr2; r2 = ^ ^ (30)
using Eqs. 15 and 20. It should be noted that the stress resultants ap-
pearing within the integral signs of Eq. 25 are the forces acting at the
beginning of the incremental step, i.e., Fx = 1FX, Fy = 1Fy, etc.
Differential Equations of Equilibrium.—Integrating Eq. 25 by parts
to obtain the virtual displacements (hux, 8wy, 8M2, 89*) and admitting
k = ~ b% (32c)
Iz = - btfh2 (32d)
A ^ J ^
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z •*-
© ' •••<$)
(a) (b)
FIG. 2.—Diagrams for co and i|>
, 4 +4
r 2 <= -1 (32e)
+ = 2 - yz (34)
where it is noted that for flanges y - ±h/2. The diagrams for w and \\i
are given in Figs. 2(a-b). Utilizing the diagrams for w and v|/, one obtains
for Cm, Gj,, and /„,,,, from Eqs. 17 ;' and n and 27 the following formulas:
Cw = -Iy....: (35fl)
/2«'\ 2
Q = I — J Cw (35b)
U = I — )CW (35c)
bL - b0
with p;, = — (38a)
hL- h0
P* = — r — (38b)
Assuming that both the flange thickness, tf, and web thickness, tw, are
constant, one may rewrite Eqs. 32a-e and 35a-c as follows:
A = A0qA (39a)
7 = 7oO; , . (39b)
ly = lyoqiy (39c)
Iz = hQqiz • (39d)
r = r\qr (39e)
Cw = Cw0qCw (39/)
Q, = C^qc • (39g)
Iu»li ~ Iwtyollu"!! (39«)
where A0, J0, 1^, 7z0, r\, Ca0, Q, 0 , and Iw¥) denote the beam section
properties that are evaluated at x = 0, i.e., those obtained by setting b
= b0 and h = h0 in Eqs. 32a-e and 35a-c. The qs functions in Eqs. 39a-
h are defined as
qA = 1 + cai (40a)
q] = 1 + Cji (40b)
qiy = 1 + cyli + cy2i2 + cy3i3 (40c)
2 3
<7b = 1 + cAi + cz2i + cai (40rf)
qr = 1 + crli + cr2i (40e)
2 3 5
lew = 1 + cwli + cw2i + cw3i + Caii* + ca5i (40/)
1c = % (40$)
2 3
ato = 1 + cni + cai + ci3i + c^i* (40/z)
where all coefficients are given as
C = — (Tbatffo + V«,P„) (41a)
cy3 = P? (41e)
c2l = ft, + 2p„ (41/)
cz2 = p2 + 2p»fc (41g)
(^ = P„ + 2p„ (41*)
c«,2 = P + 3 p i + 6p,p A (41/)
2 2
cw3 = 3p b p + 6p p„ + $ (41m)
2 2
cai = 3p p + 2p£p„ (41M)
cw5 = p p? ..., (41o)
cn = p„ + 3p(, (41p)
ca = 3P(,ph + 3p (410
d = 3p„p£ + p? (41r)
Cn = P/,06 (41s)
where Ipo = fyo + 4o • In the calculation of crl and c r2 , it has been assumed
that pft = Pi,, which is only approximate.
Finite Element Formulation.—In general, the procedure of Yang and
McGuire (1986a) will be followed in the present formulation. The finite
element studied is shown in Fig. 3. A linear displacement field is chosen
for the axial displacement, ux, and a cubic field for other displacements,
«* = (ni){ux) (42a)
"y = (n3){uy} (42b)
«z = <"3>{«z} (42c)
0, = («3>{ej (42d)
where, using /' = x/L
(ttj) = ((1 - 0 0 (43a)
2 3 2 3 2 ,3 3 2
(n3) = ((1 - 3/ + 2I )(I - 2z + i )(3i - 2i )(i - i )) (43b)
/* — /
Fy=-(M^+M2B) , (45&)
fz=(A^AV) (45c)
Mx = MxB (45d)
M y = -MyA-(l-i) + MyB-(i) (45e)
Mz = - M M • (1 - 0 + M2B-'(J) (45/)
As mentioned previously, the forces in Eqs. 45a-/ are acting at the be-
ginning of the incremental step, i.e., FxB = 1FxB, MyA = 1MyA, etc.
Now the following procedure may be performed: (1) Substitute the
expressions for the beam section properties (Eqs. 39a-h), those for the
incremental displacements (Eqs. 42a-d), and those for stress resultants
(Eqs. 45a-/) in Eq. 25; and (2) recognize the arbitrary nature of virtual
displacements. One can then obtain the incremental equations of equi-
librium for a tapered I-beam in a matrix form as
IKM + [kgm = m - m (46)
where [ke] and [kg] = the linear and geometric stiffness matrices, re-
spectively; {«} = the element nodal forces at the beginning and the end
Present -1.52 m-
Kitipornchai Present
— Wekezer
ksi). The following dimensions were adopted for the cross section at the
midspan: b = 31.55 mm (1.242 in.), tf = 3.11 mm (0.1225 in.), h = 72.76
mm (2.865 in.), and tw = 2.13 mm (0.084 in.). Using 10 elements for the
beam, critical loads were calculated for different values of the taper con-
stant and are shown in Fig. 4. Also shown in the figure are the results
predicted by Kitipornchai and Trahair (1972) with the finite integral method
and those of Wekezer (1985) with the finite element method. It can be
seen that good agreement has been made, which confirms the validity
and adequacy of the present formulation.
Tapered Beams with Top Flange Loading.—Numerical solutions have
also been obtained for the critical loads of the same simply supported
I-beam with a central load acting just above the top flange. Linear vari-
ation is assumed either for the flange width or for the web depth from
the center to the ends. The results for both cases are drawn in Fig. 5,
in which the entire beam was divided into 10 elements. As can be seen,
the present solutions agree very well with those of Kitipornchai and Tra-
hair (1972). Again, the validity of the present formulation was verified.
Tapered Columns with Axial Compression.—The performance of the
element model will be investigated for a tapered column subject to an
axial compression. The flange width of the column is assumed to de-
crease from the support to the free end with a taper constant of 0.5. The
dimensions of the cross section at the fixed end are the same as those
at the midspan of the previous examples. The length of the beam is L
= 152 cm (60 in.). Both the present tapered element and the uniform
element of Yang and McGuire (1986a) were used to obtain the critical
loads. The results shown in Fig. 6 indicate that a tapered element con-
verges faster and monotonically, when compared with a uniform ele-
Beams with Various Loading Positions.—The effect of loading posi-
tions will be studied for a simply supported beam of length L = 6.10 m
(20 ft). Free warping conditions are assumed at both ends. The beam
T3 n -O t -
o Centroid Load___---v^-
O Ci o
-• o
'Z o
— 00
depth is allowed to vary linearly from the midspan to the ends. The
maximum cross section occurs at the midspan, of which the dimensions
are: b = 152 mm (6 in.); tf = 13 mm (0.5 in.); h = 610 mm (24 in.); and
ta = 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) The material properties are: E = 200 GPa (29,000
ksi) and G = 77.2 GPa (11,200 ksi). A central concentrated load is applied
either at the centroid, at the top flange, or at the bottom flange. The
critical loads for the three cases were plotted in Fig. 7. As expected, the
top flange load results in significantly reduced critical loads as compared
with the other load positions.
As can be seen from Fig. 7, substantial discrepancies exist between
the present solutions and those of Brown (1981), which were obtained
by the method of finite differences. Such discrepancies result primarily
from the use of an approximate expression for the axial strain in Brown's
energy approach. For this reason, the present solutions are considered
to be superior. This example demonstrated not only the effect of load
positions but also the effect of taper, through an accurate consideration
of the axial strains in the buckling analysis of tapered I-beams.
Since the linear stiffness matrix is symmetric, only the nonzero ele-
ments in its upper triangle will be given here.
EA0 ( 1 \
fce(l,l) = -£• \1 + - ca) (49)
£7 / 24 21
M3,3) = - ^ (12 + 6cyl + y cy2 + - cy3 j (62)
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M 9 , l l ) = -ke{3,l\) (69)
EU I 38 11 \
ke(ll,U) = ~f I 4 + 3cyl + — cy2 + — cy31 (71)
, /A AK ECw0 ( 24 21 132 24
*e(4,4) = -JJ- I 12 + 6cwl + — cw2 + — cm3 + — cw4 +• — cw5 j
GJ0 /6 3 \ EQ 0 /6 3 12 3
+ +
T(5 5 ' j — {5 + 5C*
C + + C 2 +
T5 » C 3
U »
EIa¥3 /6 6 36 6 \
-ir{5C* +
5Ci2 +
3l>C« +
7Ci*) • (72)
, /A ^ EQo / , 7 6 38
fce(4,13) = - j j - 16 + 2 ^ + - c„,2 + - cw3 + — cwi + cw5,
EI^o/1 1 3 1 \
c 1+ c 2 + c 3 + Ci4 (73)
""Tll5 - 5 ' Ii ' i j •
, .„ nox ECaa ( 8 2 12 13
ke{13,13) = —— 4 + cwl + — cw2 + - cw3 + — cai + — cw5i
L \ lo o 35 42
/2 1 \ / 2 1 2 11
^ /1 1 1 \ EIWM ( 1 3 1 \
+ _ + (75)
Ml5 K*-ii*J — h ^ + i ^ + H
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ECw0 ( 13 4 26 29
fce(13,14) = —— I 2 + c,! + — cw2 + - cw3 + — cwi + — cwS
(I 1 \ (I 1 1 11
v y y
\30 60 7 \30 60 70 840
„T /l 1 3 11 \
+ KH.* C,l + C,2 H C.-3 + C,4 V(76);
* \30 30 70 210 /
,. ^ EC,*, / „ 38 11 68 73
fce(14,14) = —— 14 + 3cwl + —ca2 + — cw3 + — cai + — cw5
^r r / 2 ! \ „„ / 2 1 3 13
+ GJ0L — H c, + ECML\ 1 c„i +— ; c„2 H cv3
\15 10 7 \15 10 y 35 y 168 y
„ / 13 4 26 29 \
+ EIa^l + - cfl + - c,-2 + - ca + — CiiJ (77)
Only the elements of the geometric stiffness matrix that are related to
the Wagner effect will be given here; the other elements are identical to
those of Yang and McGuire (1986a). Notice that the matrix is symmetric
and the notation K0 = FxBIpoMo is used.
K0 (6 +
3c 12 \
fcg(4,4) = 7 (5 5 * + ^ c"J ~ Fy^A (82)
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r = warping constant;
Cj, = section property defined by Eq. 27 or 35b;
E = modulus of elasticity;
&xx f "xy i &xz = linear strains;
F = force;
{/} = element nodel force vector;
G = shear modulus of elasticity;
*Wt|l section property defined by Eq. 35c;
W* == moments of inertia about y- and z-axes;
St. Venant torsion constant;
K = Wagner coefficient;
[ke],[kg] = linear and geometric stiffness matrices;
L = length of bar;
MX,MV,MZ = torque and bending moments;
r = polar radius of gyration;
T = position vector;
S = midsurface coordinate;
u = displacement vector;
{«} = element displacement vector;
UX,Uy,UZ = displacement components;
V = volume of element;
x,y,z = coordinates of bar;
a = ratio of torque resisted by a„ to total torque;
fr = (h - b0)/b0;
P* = (h ~ h)/K)
^lxx / f\xy / ^Ixz = nonlinear strains;
6* , 0 y , 0 Z = rotations;
X = buckling load factor;
0"* / O'xy / &xz = normal and shear stresses;
* = parameter defined by Eq. 11; and
(O = normalized sectorial area.