Certiorari: Case Facts Issue Ruling Provrem Doctrine Mentioned
Certiorari: Case Facts Issue Ruling Provrem Doctrine Mentioned
Certiorari: Case Facts Issue Ruling Provrem Doctrine Mentioned
Quasi-judicial function,
G.R. No. 191215, February 03, 2014 This case stemmed from a complaint for death There is merit in the petition.
THENAMARIS PHILIPPINES, INC. benefits, unpaid salaries, sickness allowance, 1. THE PUBLIC RESPONDENT CA
(FORMERLY INTERMARE MARITIME refund of medical expenses, damages and COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF
In Republic v. St. Vincent de Paul Colleges,
AGENCIES, INC.)/ OCEANIC NAVIGATION attorney's fees filed by Amanda C. Mendigorin DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO
Inc.22 we had the occasion to settle the
LTD. AND NICANOR B. ALTARES, (private respondent) against petitioner LACK OR EXCESS OF
seeming conflict on various jurisprudence
touching upon the issue of whether the
AND AMANDA C. MENDIGORIN (IN Intermare Maritime Agencies, Inc./Oceanic THE PETITION FOR
period for filing a petition for certiorari may be
BEHALF OF HER DECEASED HUSBAND Navigation Ltd., (Thenamaris), represented by CERTIORARI FILED BY THE
GUILLERMO MENDIGORIN), its general manager, Capt. Nicanor B. Altares PRIVATE RESPONDENT
RESPONDENTS. (petitioner), filed with the Labor Arbiter (LA). INSTEAD OF DISMISSING IT
Private respondent is the widow of seafarer FILED BEYOND THE
Guillermo M. Mendigorin (Guillermo) who was MANDATORY AND
In said case we stated that the general rule,
employed by Thenamaris for 27 years as an JURISDICTIONAL 60-DAY
as laid down in Laguna Metts Corporation v.
oiler and eventually, as second engineer in the PERIOD REQUIRED BY
Court of Appeals,23 is that a petition for
latter's vessels. Guillermo was diagnosed with SECTION 4, RULE 65 OF THE
certiorari must be filed strictly within 60 days
and died of colon cancer during the term of the RULES OF COURT, AS
from notice of judgment or from the order
employment contract between him and AMENDED BY A.M. NO. 07-7-12-
denying a motion for reconsideration. This is
Thenamaris. SC.
in accordance with the amendment
introduced by A.M. No. 07-7-12-SC24 where
Ruling of the Labor Arbiter
2. THE PUBLIC RESPONDENT CA no provision for the filing of a motion for
COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF extension to file a petition for certiorari exists,
Ultimately, the LA promulgated his
DISCRETION WHEN, IN NOTING unlike in the original Section 4 of Rule
Decision[5] dated January 29, 2008 in favor of
THE VERY LATE PETITION 6525 which allowed the filing of such a motion
private respondent.
FILED BY THE PRIVATE but only for compelling reason and in no case
RESPONDENT, IT GROSSLY exceeding 15 days.26
Ruling of the National Labor Relations
On appeal, the NLRC reversed [7] the LA's RULING IN LAGUNA METTS
APPEALS, ARIES C. CAALAM Under exceptional cases, however, and as
Private respondent moved for reconsideration. AND GERALDINE ESGUERRA held in Domdom v. Third and Fifth Divisions
[8] In a Resolution[9] dated June 29, 2009, (G.R. NO. 185220, JULY 27, of the Sandiganbayan,27
however, her motion was denied for lack of 2009), WHICH DISALLOWED the 60-day period may be extended subject
merit. ANY MOTIONS FOR EXTENSION to the court’s sound discretion. In Domdom,
OF TIME TO FILE A PETITION we stated that the deletion of the provisions
Private respondent, through counsel, received FOR CERTIORARI UNDER RULE in Rule 65 pertaining to extension of time did
the June 29, 2009 Resolution of the NLRC on 65.[21 not make the filing of such pleading
July 8, 2009. Sixty-two days thereafter, or on absolutely prohibited. "If such were the
September 8, 2009, she filed a Motion for intention, the deleted portion could just have
Extension of Time to File Petition for simply been reworded to state that ‘no
Certiorari[10] before the CA. extension of time to file the petition shall be
granted.’ Absent such a prohibition, motions
Private respondent alleged that she had until for extension are allowed, subject to the
September 7, 2009 (as September 6, 2009, court’s sound discretion."2
the actual last day for filing, fell on a Sunday)
within which to file a petition for certiorari. Then in Labao v. Flores,29 we laid down
some of the exceptions to the strict
However, as her counsel was then saddled application of the 60-day period rule, thus:
and occupied with equally important cases, it [T]here are recognized exceptions to their
would be impossible for him to file the petition strict observance, such as:
on time, especially since the case involves
voluminous documents necessary in the (1) most persuasive and weighty reasons;
preparation thereof. Accordingly, private
respondent asked for an extension of 15 days (2) to relieve a litigant from an injustice not
from September 7, 2009, or until September commensurate with his failure to comply with
22, 2009, within which to file the petition. the prescribed procedure;
On September 22, 2009, private respondent (3) good faith of the defaulting party by
filed her Petition for Certiorari[11] before the immediately paying within a reasonable time
CA. from the time of the default;
On June 10, 2002, SFRB, executed an Indeed, when the RTC denied on November
Affidavit of Consolidation over the property. 10, 2003 the motion of respondents to quash
the writ the court had earlier issued,
It was alleged therein that PODC or any other respondents appealed to the CA under Rule
person/entity with the right of redemption did 41 of the Rules of Court. The appeal was
not exercise their right to repurchase docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 81607.
within one year from June 7, 2001. The Respondents did not file a supplemental
affidavit was filed with the Office of the petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 75787.
Register of Deeds on the same day.
The reliance of the CA in City of Manila v.
On June 14, 2002, Aquino sent a letter to ROD
Serrano63 is misplaced. In that case, the trial
informing them that he has redeem the subject
court issued the writ of possession in
property and requested not to register the
connection with a complaint for expropriation
Affidavit of Consolidation requested by SFRB.
under Rule 67 of the Rules of Court. Such a
writ is interlocutory in nature. 64
On June 18, 2002, ROD requested the
Administrator of the Land Registration
Authority (LRA), by way of consulta, to issue On the other hand, an order granting a writ of
an opinion on whether a new title should be possession under Act No. 3135, as
issued to SFRB, or the Certificate of amended, is of a different species. The latter
Redemption in favor of respondent Aquino. order is final, hence, appealable. 65 Even if the
trial court erred in granting a petition for a writ
On October 15, 2002, SFRB filed a Petition for of possession, such an error is merely an
a Writ of Possession over the property to be error of judgment correctible by ordinary
issued in its favor upon the filing of the appeal and not by a petition for a writ
requisite bond in an amount equivalent to the of certiorari .66 Such writ cannot be legally
market value of the property or in an amount used for any other purpose.
as the court may direct.
By way of rejoinder, respondent PODC Certiorari is a remedy narrow in its scope and
averred that the Certificate of Redemption inflexible in character. lιbrαrÿ
executed by the Ex-Officio Sheriff is presumed
valid and legal; the RTC, acting as a Land It is not a general utility tool in the legal
Registration Court, had no jurisdiction to workshop.67
pass upon the validity of the Certificate of
Certiorari will issue only to correct errors of
On December 12, 2002, the LRA resolved the jurisdiction and not to correct errors of
consulta of the Register of Deeds judgment.
……“Considering that the document first
presented and entered in the Primary Entry An error of judgment is one which the court
G.R. No. 168612 December 10, Philippine Electric Corporation (PHILEC) is a Whether or not a petition for certiorari under We note that PHILEC filed before the Court
2014 domestic corporation “engaged in the Rule 65 of the Rules of Court against of Appeals a petition for certiorari under Rule
manufacture and repairs of high voltage Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez’s decision 65 of the Rules of Court against Voluntary
transformers.” Among its rank-and-file proper? Arbitrator Jimenez’s
employees were Lipio and Ignacio, Sr., former decision.69chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
(PHILEC), Petitioner,
members of the PHILEC Workers’ Union No.
(PWU). While, PWU is a legitimate labor This was not the proper remedy.
organization and the exclusive bargaining
representative of PHILEC’s rank-and-file Instead, the proper remedy to reverse or
(NCMB), Department of Labor and
employees. modify a Voluntary Arbitrator’s or a panel of
Employment, RAMON T. JIMENEZ, in his
Prior to the creation of the new collective Voluntary Arbitrators’ decision or award is to
capacity as Voluntary Arbitrator, PHILEC
bargaining agreement PHILEC selected Lipio appeal the award or decision before the
for promotion from Machinist under Pay Grade Court of Appeals. Rule 43, Sections 1 and 3
VIII to Foreman I under Pay Grade B and of the Rules of Court
IGNACIO, Respondents.
Ignacio, Sr., then DT-Assembler with Pay provide:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Grade VII, was likewise selected for training
for the position of Foreman I.
On September 17, 1997, PHILEC and
Section 1. Scope.
PWU entered into a new collective bargaining
agreement (CBA), effective retroactively on This Rule shall apply to appeals from
June 1, 1997 and expiring on May 31, 1999. judgments or final orders of the Court of Tax
Under Article X, Section 4 of the June 1, 1997 Appeals and from awards, judgments, final
collective bargaining agreement, a rank-and- orders or resolutions of or authorized by any
file employee promoted shall be entitled to the quasi-judicial agency in the exercise of its
following step increases in his or her basic quasi-judicial functions. Among these
salary. However, PWU members claimed that agencies are the Civil Service Commission,
the schedule of training allowance did not Central Board of Assessment Appeals,
conform with their CBA.Hence, PWU Securities and Exchange Commission, Office
submitted the grievance to the grievance of the President, Land Registration Authority,
machinery. Social Security Commission, Civil
PWU and PHILEC failed to amicably Aeronautics Board, Bureau of Patents,
settle their grievance. Thus, the parties filed a Trademarks and Technology Transfer,
submission agreement with the National National Electrification Administration,
Conciliation and Mediation Board. PHILEC Energy Regulatory Board, National
disputed PWU’s claim of unfair labor practice. Telecommunications Commission,
According to PHILEC, it did not violate its Department of Agrarian Reform under
collective bargaining agreement with PWU Republic Act No. 6657, Government Service
when it implemented the “Modified SGV” Insurance System, Employees
scale. Even assuming that it violated the Compensation Commission, Agricultural
collective bargaining agreement, PHILEC Inventions Board, Insurance Commission,
argued that its violation was not “gross” or a Philippine Atomic Energy Commission, Board
“flagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply of Investments, Construction Industry
with the economic provisions of the collective Arbitration Commission, and voluntary
bargaining agreement. PHILEC, therefore, arbitrators authorized by law.
was not guilty of unfair labor practice.
Voluntary Arbitrator held that PHILEC ....
violated its CBA with PWU, therefore ordering
them to pay the PWU members allowance Sec. 3. Where to appeal.
based on their CBA. PHILEC then filed a
petition for certiorari before the CA, alleging An appeal under this Rule may be taken to
that the Voluntary Arbitrator gravely abused its the Court of Appeals within the period and in
discretion in rendering its decision. However, the manner herein provided, whether the
CA affirmed the decision of the Voluntary appeal involves questions of fact, of law, or
Arbitrator. Hence the petition. mixed questions of fact and law. (Emphasis
petitioners received a copy of the assailed motion for reconsideration or new trial
April 25, 2011 Decision of the court a quo is timely filed, whether such motion is
when a motion for reconsideration was filed, required or not, the sixty (60) days
contrary to Section 3, Rule 46 of the 1997 period shall be counted from the notice
Rules. of the denial of the motion.
Third, the petition does not state the date of If the petition relates to an act or an
issue of petitioners' counsel's Mandatory
omission of a municipal trial court or of
Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Certificate
a corporation, a board, an officer or a
of Compliance, as required under Bar Matter
No. 1922, dated June 3, 2008. person, it shall be filed with the
Regional Trial Court exercising
jurisdiction over the territorial area as
defined by the Supreme Court. It may
also be filed with the Court of Appeals
or with the Sandiganbayan, whether or
not the same is in aid of the courts
appellate jurisdiction. If the petition
involves an act or an omission of a
quasi-judicial agency, unless otherwise
provided by law or these rules, the
petition shall be filed with and be
cognizable only by the Court of
Demonteverde the amount of P16,836.60 Having said this, there is a preliminary need
representing her retirement premiums, or her to address the GSIS-BOT's argument that
total personal share with interest, under R.A. Demonteverde should have filed an appeal
No. 660. under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court instead
of filing the certiorari suit before the CA.
Demonteverde filed with the Supreme Court
her retirement application under R.A. No. 910 A special civil action under Rule 65 of the
Demonteverde likewise filed an application Rules of Court will not be a cure for failure to
with the GSIS for retirement benefits under timely file an appeal under Rule 43 of the
R.A. No. 8291[7] covering her government Rules of Court.[26]
service outside of the Judiciary from July 1,
1963 until June 29, 1995. Rule 65 is an independent action that cannot
be availed of as a substitute for the lost
, the manager of the GSIS Bacolod informed remedy of an ordinary appeal, especially if
Demonteverde that the retirement laws such loss or lapse was occasioned by one's
covering her service in the government from own neglect or error in the choice of
July 1, 1963 to June 29, 1995 were P.D. No. remedies.[27]
1146,[8] R.A. No. 660, and R.A. No. 1616. The As this Court held in Butuan Development
GSIS thus returned the application of Corporation v. CA:[28]
Demonteverde so that she may choose from
the modes of retirement enumerated.
A party cannot substitute the special civil
Demonteverde... requesting a re-evaluation of
action of certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules
her application for retirement under R.A. No.
of Court for the remedy of appeal. The
existence and availability of the right of
appeal are antithetical to the availability of
on May 18, 2012, GSIS Bacolod informed her
the special civil action of certiorari.
of the COC's issuance of Resolution No. 021-
2012 denying her request to retire under R.A.
Remedies of appeal (including petitions for
No. 8291. Demonteverde then appealed the
review) and certiorari are mutually exclusive,
COC's Resolution to the GSIS Board of
not alternative or successive.
Trustees (GSIS BOT).
Hence, certiorari is not and cannot be a
GSIS BOT granted Demonteverde's petition
substitute for an appeal, especially if one's
Demonteverde filed a Motion for Execution[14]
own negligence or error in one's choice of
of the Decision of the GSIS BOT
remedy occasioned such loss or lapse. One
Said Motion for Execution was granted by the
of the requisites of certiorari is that there be
GSIS BOT on even date.
no available appeal or any plain, speedy and
adequate remedy.
However, on January 6, 2014, Demonteverde
filed a Motion for Reconsideration (Partial MR)
Where an appeal is available, certiorari will
and Withdrawal of Motion for Execution
not prosper, even if the ground therefor is
grave abuse of discretion.
. She questioned the accrual date of her
retirement benefits under R.A. No. 8291,
General rule:
arguing that the date of her retirement should
be the date when she reached sixty (60) years
Nonetheless, the general rule that an appeal
of age, even when she was still in active
and a certiorari are not interchangeable
government service at that time, and not on
admits of exceptions.
February 22, 2011, or the date of her actual
retirement from government service.
This Court has, before, treated a petition