Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Overseas Regulatory Announcement
take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its
accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss
howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this
This announcement is made pursuant to Rules 13.09 and 13.10B of the Rules Governing the
Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
“The Announcement of Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. in relation to the
Disclosure of 2020 First Quarterly Report of Ping An Bank”, which is published by Ping An
Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, is
reproduced herein for your reference.
As at the date of this announcement, the Executive Directors of the Company are Ma Mingzhe,
Xie Yonglin, Tan Sin Yin, Yao Jason Bo and Cai Fangfang; the Non-executive Directors are
Soopakij Chearavanont, Yang Xiaoping, Liu Chong and Wang Yongjian; the Independent
Non-executive Directors are Ge Ming, Ouyang Hui, Ng Sing Yip, Chu Yiyun and Liu Hong.
Stock Code: 601318 Stock Short Name: Ping An of China Serial No.: Lin 2020-034
The board of directors and all directors of Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as the "Company") confirm that there are no false representations and
misleading statements contained in, or material omissions from this announcement, and
severally and jointly accept the responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness
of the contents of this announcement.
Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ping An Bank"), a subsidiary of the
Company, has published the "2020 First Quarterly Report of Ping An Bank" on the website of
the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (www.szse.cn).
Please also refer to the "2020 First Quarterly Report of Ping An Bank" disclosed by the
Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) for the operating
performance of Ping An Bank for the first quarter of 2020.
21 April 2020
Section I Important Notes
1. The board of directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”), the supervisory committee, the directors, the
supervisors and senior management of the Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”)
guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of the 2020 First Quarterly Report, in
which there are no false representations, misleading statements or material omissions, and are severally and
jointly liable for its contents.
2. The 7th meeting of the 11th session of the Board of the Bank deliberated the 2020 First Quarterly Report.
The meeting required 15 directors to attend, and 15 directors attended the meeting. This 2020 First
Quarterly Report was approved unanimously at the meeting.
3. Xie Yonglin (the Bank’s Chairman), Hu Yuefei (the President), Xiang Youzhi (the CFO) and Zhu Peiqing
(the head of the Finance Department) guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial
report contained in the 2020 First Quarterly Report.
4. Reminder on non-standard audit opinions
□Applicable √ Not applicable
These quarterly financial statements are unaudited.
Section II General Information
2.1 Key accounting data and financial indicators
Whether the Bank needs to adjust or restate retrospectively the accounting data for previous years
□Yes √No
from the same period
Item January to March 2020 January to March 2019 last year
Operating income 37,926 32,476 16.8%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Bank 8,548 7,446 14.8%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Bank
after non-recurring gains/losses 8,506 7,422 14.6%
Net cash flows from operating activities 17,989 53,184 (66.2%)
Net cash flow from operating activities per share
(RMB/share) 0.93 3.10 (70.0%)
Basic earnings per share (EPS) (RMB/share) 0.40 0.38 5.3%
Diluted earnings per share (EPS) (RMB/share) 0.40 0.36 11.1%
Basic EPS after non-recurring gains/losses
(RMB/share) 0.39 0.38 2.6%
Average return on total assets (un-annualised) 0.21% 0.21% -
-0.01 percentage
Average return on total assets (annualised) 0.85% 0.86% point
Weighted average return on net assets -0.14 percentage
(un-annualised) 2.77% 2.91% point
-0.65 percentage
Weighted average return on net assets (annualised) 11.50% 12.15% point
Weighted average return on net assets (net of -0.14 percentage
non-recurring gains/losses) (un-annualised) 2.76% 2.90% point
Weighted average return on net assets (net of -0.67 percentage
non-recurring gains/losses) (annualised) 11.44% 12.11% point
Note: (1) The relevant indicators of return on net assets and EPS are calculated according to regulations of the Rule 9 on
Information Disclosure and Report for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Calculation and Disclosure
of Net Assets Margin and Earnings Per Share (2010 revised) and Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 34
- Earnings per Share. On 7 March 2016, the Bank issued non-cumulative preference shares of RMB20 billion in a
non-public way. In calculating the “EPS” and “weighted average return on net assets”, numerators were net of the
dividends on preference shares paid amounting to RMB874 million.
(2) In January 2019, the Bank issued A-share convertible corporate bonds of RMB26 billion which were converted in
September 2019. The impact of dilution caused by conversion of convertible corporate bonds to ordinary shares was
considered when calculating “diluted earnings per share” for the period from January to March 2019.
(In RMB million)
31 March 31 December 31 December from the end of
Item 2020 2019 2018 last year
Deposit principals due to
customers 2,566,857 2,436,935 2,128,557 5.3%
Including: Corporate deposits 1,925,743 1,853,262 1,666,966 3.9%
Personal deposits 641,114 583,673 461,591 9.8%
Total principals of loans and
advances to customers 2,444,176 2,323,205 1,997,529 5.2%
Including: Corporate loans 1,075,978 965,984 843,516 11.4%
General corporate loans 950,540 871,081 801,814 9.1%
Discounted bills 125,438 94,903 41,702 32.2%
Personal loans 1,368,198 1,357,221 1,154,013 0.8%
Note: Pursuant to the Notice on the Statistical Standards for Adjusting the Deposits and Loans of the Financial Institutions by
the People’s Bank of China (Yin Fa [2015] No. 14), starting from 2015, the deposits placed by non-deposit financial
institutions at deposit financial institutions are accounted for as “Total Deposits”, whereas the loans extended by
deposit financial institutions to non-deposit financial institutions are accounted for as “Total Loans”. Based on the
aforementioned statistical standards, as at 31 March 2020, the total deposits and the total loans amounted to
RMB2,852.8 billion and RMB2,471.2 billion, respectively.
(2) Pursuant to the Circular on Revising and Issuing 2018 Versions of Financial Statement Templates for Financial
Enterprises (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 36), interests accrued by the effective interest method was included in the carrying
amount of financial instruments, and interests not been received or paid at the balance sheet date should be presented
in “Other assets” or “Other liabilities”. Unless otherwise stated, “Loans and advances to customers”, “Deposits due to
customers” and the specific items mentioned in the Report are amounts excluding interest.
Total share capital of the Bank as at the trading day prior to disclosure
Total share capital of the Bank as at the trading day prior
to disclosure (in shares) 19,405,918,198
Payment of dividends on preference shares (RMB Yuan) 874,000,000
Fully diluted EPS calculated based on the latest share
capital (RMB/share, accumulated from January to
March) 0.40
Has the share capital ever changed and influenced the amount of the owners’ equity because of newly
issued shares, additional issue, allotment, exercising of stock option, or repurchasing, etc. from the end of
the reporting period to the disclosure date of the Quarterly Report?
□Yes √No
Non-recurring items and amounts
During the reporting period, the Bank had no recurring gains/losses items that are defined or listed as
non-recurring gains/losses as per the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure by Companies
Offering Securities to the Public No. 1 – Non-recurring Gains/Losses.
2.3 Total Number of Shareholders and the Shareholdings of the Top 10 Shareholders as at the End of the
Reporting Period
2.3.1 The total number of ordinary shareholders and preference shareholders with restored voting rights,
and the shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders
(Unit: Share)
Total number of
preference shareholders
with restored voting
rights as at the end of
Total number of ordinary shareholders as at the end of the the reporting period (if
reporting period 397,399 any) -
Shareholdings of the top ten ordinary shareholders
Number of Pledged or frozen
Nature of Shareholding Total number restricted Status of Number of
Name of shareholder shareholder (%) of shares held shares held shares shares
Ping An Insurance (Group)
Company of China, Ltd.-the Domestic
Group -proprietary fund legal entity 49.56 9,618,540,236 - - -
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Overseas
Company Limited legal entity 8.60 1,669,875,196 - - -
Ping An Life Insurance Company
of China, Ltd. - proprietary Domestic
fund legal entity 6.11 1,186,100,488 - - -
Ping An Life Insurance Company
of China, Ltd. - traditional - Domestic
ordinary insurance products legal entity 2.27 440,478,714 - - -
China Securities Finance Domestic
Corporation Limited legal entity 2.21 429,232,688 - - -
Central Huijin Asset Management Domestic
Ltd. legal entity 1.11 216,213,000 - - -
China Electronics Investment Domestic
Shenzhen Company legal entity 0.84 162,523,292 - - -
Henan Hongbao Corporate Domestic
Management Co., Ltd. legal entity 0.53 102,735,814 - - -
National Social Security Fund 117 Domestic
Portfolio legal entity 0.49 95,029,523 - - -
Bank of Communications - E Fund
50-Index Security Investment Domestic
Fund legal entity 0.31 60,643,555 - - -
Shareholdings of the top ten selling-unrestricted shareholders
Number of Type of shares
selling-unrestrict Type of
Name of shareholder ed shares shares Number of shares
Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd.-the Group ordinary
-proprietary fund 9,618,540,236 shares 9,618,540,236
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited 1,669,875,196 shares 1,669,875,196
Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Ltd. - proprietary ordinary
fund 1,186,100,488 shares 1,186,100,488
Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Ltd. - traditional - ordinary
ordinary insurance products 440,478,714 shares 440,478,714
China Securities Finance Corporation Limited 429,232,688 shares 429,232,688
Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd. 216,213,000 shares 216,213,000
China Electronics Investment Shenzhen Company 162,523,292 shares 162,523,292
Henan Hongbao Corporate Management Co., Ltd. 102,735,814 shares 102,735,814
National Social Security Fund 117 Portfolio 95,029,523 ordinary 95,029,523
Bank of Communications - E Fund 50-Index Security ordinary
Investment Fund 60,643,555 shares 60,643,555
1. Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Ltd. is a controlled subsidiary of and acting in
concert with Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. “Ping An Insurance (Group)
Explanation of the connected Company of China, Ltd. – the Group – proprietary fund”, “Ping An Life Insurance Company
relationship or of China, Ltd. – proprietary fund” and “Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Ltd. -
acting-in-concert traditional – ordinary insurance product” are related parties.
relationship among the 2. The Bank is not aware of any related-party relationship or parties acting in concert among
above shareholders other shareholders.
Description of the top ten
ordinary shareholders who Henan Hongbao Corporate Management Co., Ltd. holds 102,735,814 shares of the Bank, all
engage in securities margin of which are held through the customer credit-backed securities trading account with Huatai
trading business (if any) Securities Company Limited.
Whether any of the top ten ordinary shareholders and the top ten selling-unrestricted ordinary shareholders has
executed any agreed repurchase during the reporting period
□Yes √No
2.3. Total number of preference shareholders, and the shareholdings of the top ten preference
1. Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Ltd. and Ping An Property & Casualty
Insurance Company of China, Ltd. are controlled subsidiaries of and acting in concert
with the Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. “Ping An Life Insurance
Company of China, Ltd. – dividend – individual dividend”, “Ping An Life Insurance
Company of China, Ltd. – universal – individual universal” and “Ping An Property &
Explanation of the connected Casualty Insurance Company of China, Ltd. – traditional – ordinary insurance products”
relationship or acting-in-concert are related parties.
relationship among the above 2. The Bank is not aware of any related-party relationship or parties acting in concert
shareholders among other shareholders.
Note: (1) The preference shares issued by the Bank are all unrestricted with no restricted period imposed.
(2) The Bank had no preference shareholders with restored voting rights.
Section III Significant Events
3.1 Description of and reasons for changes in excess of 30% in the financial results and indicators
3.2 Description of significant events and their progress, impact and solutions
1. The Proposal on Establishing Subsidiaries for Asset Management was approved on 6 June 2018 at the
18th meeting by the 10th Board of Directors of the Bank. On 31 December 2019, the Bank received the
Approval of the CBIRC on Establishment of Ping An Wealth Management Co., Ltd. (Yin Bao Jian Fu [2019]
No. 1197), and was approved to incorporate Ping An Wealth Management Co., Ltd. Once the preparatory
work is completed, the Bank will apply to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission
(“CBIRC”) for the opening of business in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures.
2. On 25 February 2020, with approvals from the CBIRC and the People’s Bank of China, the Bank
completed the issuance of capital bonds without fixed terms (the second tranche) (hereinafter referred to as
“20 Ping An Bank Perpetual Bonds 01”) on the National Interbank Bond Market. The Bonds amounted to
RMB30 billion at a coupon rate of 3.85% for the first 5 years, which shall be adjusted every 5 years. The
Bank has the option to redeem these bonds in the 5th year and every interest payment date thereafter on
certain conditions. The funds raised by such bonds will be added to other tier 1 capital of the Bank
according to applicable laws and the approval of the regulators.
3.3 Commitments that have not yet been fulfilled as at the end of the reporting period by parties including
actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, purchasers and the Bank
There were no commitments that have not yet been fulfilled as at the end of the reporting period by parties
including actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, purchasers and the Bank.
Warnings on any potential loss in accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next
reporting period or any material change as compared with that in the same period of last year and the reasons
At the end of the reporting period, the carrying amount of financial bonds (policy bank bonds, various general
financial bonds, subordinated financial bonds, excluding corporate bonds) held by the Bank was RMB258.284
billion, among which ten financial bonds with the highest book value are detailed as follows:
(In RMB million)
Annual coupon Impairment
Name of Bonds Par value rate (%) Maturity date provision
2019 Policy Bank Bonds 10,396 3.30 1 February 2024 -
2019 Policy Bank Bonds 10,300 3.28 11 February 2024 -
2016 Policy Bank Bonds 7,850 3.18 5 April 2026 -
2018 Policy Bank Bonds 6,720 4.88 9 February 2028 -
2019 Policy Bank Bonds 6,710 3.42 2 July 2024 -
2015 Policy Bank Bonds 5,290 3.74 10 September 2025 -
2018 Policy Bank Bonds 5,150 4.15 26 October 2025 -
2017 Policy Bank Bonds 4,860 4.24 24 August 2027 -
2018 Policy Bank Bonds 4,676 3.76 14 August 2023 -
2019 Policy Bank Bonds 4,470 3.24 14 August 2024 -
During the reporting period, the Bank had no entrusted funding and entrusted investments items out of the
Bank’s ordinary course of businesses.
3.8 Particulars about reception of researches, communications and interviews during the reporting period
During the reporting period, the Bank had no non-compliant external guarantees.
3.10 Occupation of funds of the listed company for non-operating purposes by controlling shareholders
and their related parties
During the reporting period, the Bank was not under any circumstance where the controlling shareholders and
other related parties appropriate the funds of the Bank for non-operating purposes.
In the first quarter of 2020, the unexpected novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic posed a huge threat
to the lives and health of the people, presenting a great challenge to global public health. Various countries have
taken measures to actively step up the control and prevention of the epidemic, increase the use of macro policies
to soften the blows, and make every effort to reduce the impact on the economy.
Under the resolute leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, all people in the nation have
been united in the fight against the epidemic. Through arduous efforts, the routines of production and life are
returning fast, as the disease control and prevention across the country have been improving, and timely
measures have been adopted to prevent and control the increased threat of imported cases. At the same time, the
government has also made timely adjustments to the monetary and fiscal policies to ensure market liquidity, and
increased support to the resumption of work, robust development of the industrial chains as well as employment,
as part of the effort to facilitate the economy to return to normal.
In addition to actively implementing the strategic decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and
the State Council, the Bank focuses on combining the “fight against the epidemic” and “maintaining
productivity”. While comprehensively strengthening the control and prevention of the epidemic, the Bank pushes
forward overall work resumption to ensure uninterrupted financial services, and fully meet the financial service
demands of our customers. Furthermore, the Bank also vigorously supports small and medium-sized enterprises
to overcome difficulties so that they can effectively perform their significant duties of serving the real economy.
The year 2020 marks the start of the Bank’s new three-year strategy. Always adhering to the strategic goal of
building a “domestic best performer and global leader in intelligent retail banking”, the Bank continues to uphold
the strategic principle of “being technology-driven, pursuing breakthroughs in retail banking, and reinventing its
corporate banking”, and on this basis, the Bank comprehensively upgrades its new three-year strategy to promote
development to a new level. Firstly, the Bank will persist to the direction of retail transformation, the two core
advantages of “comprehensive finance” and “technology empowerment”, and the idea of balanced and
coordinated development; then, it will strive to turn itself into a “digital bank, ecological bank and
platform-based bank”: to be a digital bank, it is to be earlier in capturing information, decision-making and
taking actions at the decision-making level; to improve effectiveness, efficiency and productivity at the operation
level, and to reduce cost, risk and human resources at the management level; to be an ecological bank, it is to
build a “moat”, give full play to its advantages, and get feedback; and to be a platform-based bank, it is to
implement platform link, bulk customer acquisition and scenario-based operation; finally, it will build “3+2+1”
business strategy respectively for the retail business, the corporate business and interbank capital business in an
all-round way. In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank made active efforts to effectively meet the various financial
service demands of the customers, accurately support the rapid work resumption, and fully support the
sustainable development of the real economy through actively pushing on the implementation of various
strategic measures, comprehensively promoting digital and online operations, continuing to strengthen financial
risk control and prevention, and proactively fulfilling its social responsibilities.
In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank actively pushed forward the implementation of various strategic measures,
focused on “fighting against the epidemic” along with “maintaining productivity”, and fully launched its digital
and online operations to achieve fast business recovery. As a result, the Bank’s profitability remained stable as
compared with the same period of last year, with operating income of RMB37,926 million, up by 16.8%; an
operating profit before impairment losses of RMB26,926 million, up by 19.4%; and a net profit of RMB8,548
million, up by 14.8%.
In the first quarter of 2020, on one hand, with the capital replenishment in the second half of 2019, the Bank
continued to grant more loans to the real economy, and the average daily balance of loans and advances to
customers (excluding discounted bills) amounted to RMB2,261,743 million, representing an increase of 15.0%
as compared with the same period of last year; on the other hand, NIM increased by 7 basis points to 2.60% as
compared with the same period of last year. Therefore, the Bank recorded net interest income of RMB24,770
million, representing an increase of 19.2% compared with the same period of last year. However, due to the
decline of the Loan Prime Rate (LPR) at the beginning of the year, the easing of monetary market funds and
other factors, the Bank’s yield of interest-earning assets decreased at a slight higher rate than the cost rate of
interest-bearing liabilities, and NIM in the first quarter of 2020 decreased by 2 basis points as compare to that in
the fourth quarter of 2019.
In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank recorded the net non-interest income of RMB13,156 million, with an
increase by RMB1,454 million or 12.4% as compared with the same period of last year. The monetary policy
remained easing in the first quarter of 2020, and the Bank seized market trading opportunities and appropriately
increased bond positions, resulting in an increase in investment income of RMB1,231 million or 47.9% as
compared with the same period of last year.
In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank’s cost/income ratio was 27.94%, down by 1.68 percentage points as
compared with the same period of last year, which was mainly due to production efficiency improvement and
slow-down in delivery of expenses during the COVID-19 outbreak.
At the end of March 2020, the Bank’s total assets amounted to RMB4,132,298 million, up by 4.9% over the end
of last year; the balance of deposits due to customers was RMB2,566,857 million, up by 5.3% over the end of
last year. The total loans and advances to customers (including discounted bills) amounted to RMB2,444,176
million, representing an increase of 5.2% as compared with the end of last year.
In first quarter of 2020, the Bank thoroughly implemented the retail “3 + 2 + 1” operation strategy,
comprehensively developed the three operation sectors of “basic retail, private banking wealth management and
consumer finance”, improved the two core capabilities of “risk control and cost control”, and built the “one
ecosystem” to drive integration; meanwhile, with the new positioning of “digital bank, ecological bank and
platform bank”, it launched the four new strategies of “digital operation, online operation, comprehensive
services and ecological development” to drive the transformation and upgrading of retail business. In addition,
the Bank continued to optimise the asset and liability structure of the retail business. In terms of the liability
business, the Bank actively put efforts in expanding lower cost settlement funds; and in terms of asset business,
it increased the grant of personal residential mortgage loans, title deed-secured loans and unsecured loans for
high-quality customers of lower risk in response to financing needs of private banking wealth customers to
optimise the customer structure.
China’s economic development has been affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Due to the outbreak, the Bank
had experienced short-term fluctuations in the growth of its retail business. However, thanks to the strong
capability of its online operations developed through continued investments in and applications of AI and other
technologies in recent years, the Bank has delivered a strong performance in effectively meeting the financial
demand of the customers during the COVID-19 outbreak, with key retail business indicators improving against
the trend and the overall operational risks adequately managed.
At the end of March 2020, the balance of assets under management (AUM) of retail customers of the Bank
amounted to RMB2,136,931 million, representing an increase of 7.8% over the end of the previous year; the
balance of personal deposits amounted to RMB641,114 million, an increase of 9.8% over the end of the previous
year; the number of retail customers increased by 1.6% from the previous year to 98,640,500; the number of
registered customers of Ping An Pocket Bank APP increased by 7.5% from the previous year to 96,219,000; and
the number of monthly active users (MAU) of Ping An Pocket Bank APP was 31,151,500, a decrease of 5.4%
over the end of the previous year. In January and February, the decline in the MAU count was caused by the
decrease in the customer demands in scenarios relating to travels and local life services during the Spring
Festival and the COVID-19 outbreak, and as the Bank has actively added its “Banking at Home” solutions to its
online service repertoire and increased offerings relating to people’s daily needs, the MAU count bounced back
in March.
With respect to the expansion of functions of the Ping An Pocket Bank APP, the Bank continued to focus on the
development of the “Finance + Life” online platform. By integrating its own business scenarios and those of the
Group’s, the Bank has launched the new “Financial Channel” and applied big data technologies to provide
customers with products and services tailored to their unique and diversified needs; and launched the “Life
Channel” to incorporate frequently used life scenarios in a one-stop center to cater to the daily needs of the
customers. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bank designed its “Banking at Home” zone in its Pocket Bank
APP to provide online financial products and easily accessible services to customers. At the end of March 2020,
the “Banking at Home” zone recorded a daily average of more than 2 million page views, a daily average of 600
thousand unique visitors, and a customer acquisition recovery ratio1 of 143.2% for the Internet.
With respect to deposit operation, the Bank placed more AUM in natural derivatives, and drove the growth of
low cost liabilities through scenario-based businesses such as the bank card acceptance, agency, as well as
facilitating the binding to credit card or repayment accounts of other loan products, so as to optimise the
structure of retail deposit growth. In the first quarter of 2020, the average cost rate of personal deposits decreased
by 4 basis points to 2.58% compared with the average level of last year. The Bank concentrated on promoting the
“Ping An Salary” service platform, which is an exclusive service platform for the agency customers that integrate
the resources of the Group’s subsidiaries and provides diversified services in HR management, online training,
mall benefits, and good doctor health, further enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness of agency products.
With respect to the sales of key products, the Bank attached great importance to the construction of the sales
capability of fund products, focusing on building the “Ping An Preference” brand of mutual funds, strengthening
online operations and technology empowerment. The fund sales volume increased significantly, and the sales
volume of agency funds2 in the first quarter of 2020 was RMB115,271 million, an increase of 53.3% year on
With respect to the customer service, the Bank strived to create a “1 + N” (1 comprehensive customer service
team plus N expert teams) online and offline business service model. The intelligent product platform and expert
platform enabled the Bank to empower online and offline service personnel, for the purpose of providing
customers with one-stop and comprehensive consulting services. At the same time, during the COVID-19
outbreak, in order to ensure the continuity and stability of customer service, the Bank carried out remote, online
and mobile deployments via AI customer service, online counters, and intelligent consulting and complaints. At
the end of March 2020, the unmanned AI customer service ratio was 89.0%, representing an increase of 2.9%
from the end of the previous year.
1 The Internet customer acquisition recovery ratio represents the ratio of the average daily new customers acquired in March
2020 divided by the average daily customers acquired from 1 January to 23 January 2020 (a period before the Spring Festival
when productivity remained stable).
2 The sales volume of agency funds does not include the sales volume of monetary funds.
(2) Private banking wealth management
At the end of March 2020, the Bank’s wealth customers reached 819,800, representing an increase of 5.2% over
the end of the previous year; the Bank’s qualified customers of private banking3 reached 47,100, representing an
increase of 7.7% over the end of the previous year, among which, the AUM of qualified customers of private
banks amounted to RMB805,850 million, representing an increase of 9.8% over the end of the previous year.
In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank comprehensively enhanced the three major capabilities of comprehensive
finance, professionalisation and technology platform in the sectors of private bank and wealth management, so as
to strengthen the brand building of private bank.
With respect to comprehensive finance enhancement, the Bank strived to strengthen the construction of an
open-ended product platform for all products and constantly improved its product system. The Bank also
actively implemented the first batch of anti-epidemic special charitable trusts, and signed the first contract for
customised premium trusts in the first quarter to achieve business innovation. Moreover, aiming at high
net-worth customers, as well as directors and supervisors of listing companies, the Bank conducted pilot
operations based on the customer demands to provide one-stop comprehensive services under the family office
With respect to professionalisation enhancement, the Bank kept on promoting the construction of professional
teams for investment research, investment advisory and family office, set up an asset allocation navigation
committee, focused on the operation of asset allocation tools, so as to realise the expansion of the services for
private banking customers and improvement of the service experience; with innovatively introducing the
consultative working method, and upgrading the wealth management system in an all-round way, the Bank also
realised the automatic generation of customer account reports in 3 seconds and investment planning proposals in
60 seconds, providing customers with a comprehensive and personalised asset allocation plan; being
customer-centred, the Bank further upgraded the customer rights and interests system, launched “Listening to the
Wealth”, “Ping An Think Tank” and other columns of private bank in Pocket Bank APP, so as to provide
customers with professional, convenient and high-quality investment information services, and strengthen the
brand of private bank and value proposition by gathering the opinions of internal and external experts.
With respect to technology platform enhancement, the Bank’s businesses, such as privately offered investments,
premium trusts, family trusts, etc., have all been able to be handled online. Besides, the Bank was the first in the
industry to launch an AI privately offered direct platform to provide high net-worth customers with a new
experience of intelligent and efficient wealth management services. The first AI intelligent video in the industry,
which replaced manual video with intelligent one, reduced the waiting time of customers from 10 minutes to nil.
In the first quarter, the average replacement rate of AI video4 approached about 80%.
At the end of March 2020, the balance of individual loans was RMB1,368,198 million, up by 0.8% over the end
of the previous year. To cope with the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, the Bank stepped up efforts to promote the
online launch of credit cards and loan products, and continued to strengthen the linkage between consumer
finance business and private banking wealth business under the premise of meeting the financing demand of
middle-end and high-end customers; meanwhile, it also increased the grant of personal residential mortgage
loans and title deed-secured loans with lower risk. At the end of March 2020, the proportion of personal
residential mortgage loans and title deed-secured loans to personal loans increased from 30.3% at the beginning
of the year to 31.5%, with continuous optimisation of business structure and customer group structure.
Credit card: At the end of March 2020, the number of credit cards in circulation was 60,481,000, up by 0.3%
from the end of last year; the balance of credit card loans was RMB515,863 million, down by 4.5% from the end
of last year. In the first quarter of 2020, the total volume of transactions using credit cards was RMB777,164
million, down by 3.0% as compared with the same period of last year. Due to COVID-19, representing a fall in
the credit card transactions. The Bank responded quickly to expand online scenarios and provide users with
full-cycle and comprehensive online services to cover the daily needs of the people, including the applications
3 The standard for customers of private banking is that the daily average balance of any month in the recent three months
exceeds RMB6 million.
4 The replacement rate of AI video represents the proportion of transaction orders in which AI video is applied to all private
and use of credit cards, online shopping, and utility fee payments, among others. Since March 2020, the average
daily spending of credit card transactions has returned to the level before the COVID-19 outbreak. In the first
quarter, the transaction volume of the Credit Card Mall increased by 13.4% over the same time last year.
In the first quarter of 2020, relying on the advantages of financial technology, the Bank continued to create the
ultimate customer experience of “fast, easy and good” to highlight its brand advantages.
First, the Bank continued to deepen ecological development and promote cross-border cooperation. Focusing on
the car owners, the Bank launched the “Ping An Good Car Owner” credit card, jointly with Ping An Property &
Casualty, to create a one-stop, full life cycle car ecological financial service circle for car owners. In addition, the
Bank issued the “Ping An Enjoy” platinum credit card for the young customers to bring them a personalised
experience in card demand. And at the same time, based on its in-depth cooperation with many market leading
brands, the Bank also enriched products and service scenarios, and expanded customer acquisition channels of
traffic and scenario categories.
Second, the Bank improved its online capabilities to fully meet customers’ card demand. The Bank continued to
improve and promote the online special living area in Pocket Mall to fully safeguard customers’ high-frequency
online consumption demand during the COVID-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, the Bank took the lead in the industry
to innovate the score system, implement mobile payment distribution in an all-round way, and launched 5 times
score overweight rights for nearly 30 online leading merchants, to make online users more active with deeply
suitable customer mobile payment scenarios.
Third, the Bank increased the investment in and applications of technologies to facilitate the upgrades of its
products and service system. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the continued efforts in upgrading its AI voice
service capability enabled the Bank to quickly recover its credit card business. At the same time, the Bank
continued to optimise and upgrade its AI-enabled pre-approval platform, develop its 360-degree,
multi-dimensional profiles of credit card users, and efficiently convert the Group’s high-quality customers into
banking customers.
“Xinyidai”: In the first quarter of 2020, “Xinyidai” newly issued by the Bank totalled RMB22,660 million and
the balance at the end of March 2020 reached RMB153,750 million, decreasing by 2.3% over the end of the
previous year. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bank vigorously promoted the online transformation of
business processes, resulting in the fast recovery of the production capacity. In March 2020, the average daily
grant amount of “Xinyidai” almost reached the average daily grant level of last year. Always being
customer-centred, the Bank further enriched costumer finance service scenarios and improved “Xinyidai”
product categories by seizing the opportunity of national consumption upgrade; it also continued to attract
high-quality customers and improved its ability of serving inclusive finance.
Personal residential mortgage loans and title deed-secured loans: In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank
provided a cumulative total of RMB43,732 million personal residential mortgage loans and title deed-secured
loans, a year-on-year increase of 17.7%; at the end of March 2020, the balance of personal residential mortgage
loans and title deed-secured loans amounted to RMB430,859 million, up by 4.8% from the end of last year, of
which the balance of personal property mortgage loans was RMB207,459 million, increasing by 4.1% from the
end of last year. As part of its efforts to actively implement the regulatory requirements of stepping up financial
support for epidemic control and prevention, the Bank further reduced the offline operations and improved the
banking efficiency and experience by optimising its business procedures and improving its technology-enabled
online service capabilities. Meanwhile, the Bank increased product innovations and resource reallocation for
housing loans, continuously improved its comprehensive customer service capabilities, and stepped up efforts to
meet the financing needs of residential mortgage loan customers during the COVID-19 outbreak, and provided
solid financial support for small and micro enterprise customers to help them quickly resume production and
business development.
Auto finance loans: In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank’s new auto finance loans amounted to RMB37,979
million, with a year-on-year increase of 16.2%; at the end of March 2020, the balance of auto finance loans was
RMB183,521 million, an increase of 2.4% from the end of the previous year. During the COVID-19 outbreak,
the auto consumption market was negative impacted, and in response, the Bank increased efforts to promote
online auto lending, accelerate product innovation and upgrade, and create interactions and synergies among
different platforms. First, it accelerated iterative product innovations and upgrades, improved the Online Merge
Offline (OMO) capabilities of the integrated resources and channels of the Group’s customers, furthered
business process reengineering, and enhanced online customer acquisition and the Bank’s role as a major driving
force in the online auto purchase scenarios; second, it upgraded the “Che-E-Tong” platform, improved the online
service system for car dealers, and reshaped the closed loop of collection, resales and financing of second-hand
vehicles; third, as part of its efforts to be a “smart” service provider for car owners, it promoted AI-enabled
online channelling of car owners and employed big data analytic models to help improve customer conversions.
Due to the adverse impact of COVID-19 outbreak, including the fluctuations in the external economic
environment, shrinking of consumer demands and decrease in household income, there was a short-term decline
in the ability and willingness of retail customers to repay loans. As at the end of March 2020, the NPL ratio of
the Bank’s personal loans was 1.52%, up by 0.33 percentage point from the end of last year.
From the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bank remained steadfast in maintaining client-centered
operations, giving top priority to supporting the epidemic control and prevention, and safeguarding the stability
of the financial market, adopted appropriate preferential credit policies to customers who had their income
sources temporarily cut off due to COVID-19 outbreak, and offered flexible arrangements for repayment of
personal loans, including residential mortgage loans and credit card bills. At the same time, it actively developed
fast-track financial service channels. For medical staff, police, military personnel and government personnel
participating in disaster relief and customers who were became infected and unable to make regular repayments,
the Bank offered, as appropriate in their specific circumstances, deferred repayment options and exemption or
reduction of interests without affecting their credit records, as part of the Bank’s overall efforts to reduce the
impact of the epidemic on its retail customers.
Although the Bank experienced a slight increase in new overdue personal loans in the first quarter of 2020, the
collection department quickly resumed their work since March, and at the end of March, were working at the
same level as before the outbreak or even at a higher intensity then before. In March, there were less loans that
became overdue than in February, but it was still slightly higher than the pre-epidemic level. Drawing on its
previous experience in dealing with a crisis, the Bank's internationally-minded retail risk management team
developed an emergency response plan in late January, and pushed forward the work in an orderly manner to
gradually eliminate the temporary risk accumulation caused by the epidemic; at the same time, strong measures
were taken to further strengthen the monitoring of external trends and the review of internal risk strategies.
Although the COVID-19 outbreak has had a short-term impact on the quality of the Bank’s retail assets, the risk
of retail assets is expected to step back to normal with the improvement of macroeconomic prosperity, especially
in view of the uncertainties associated with the epidemic development worldwide. In addition, the Bank
gradually increased the proportions of secured loans and unsecured loans to high-quality white-collar customers,
improved the retail credit business structure and moderately tightened access policy as part of the committed
efforts to withstand future risk since 2018.
In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank took an active action to propel retail cost management to advance to be
“driven by digitisation”, and strived to achieve the cost control goals of “great optimisation of mature businesses,
precise delivery of growing businesses, and early deployment of potential businesses”. In terms of mature
businesses, the Bank actively promoted each business segment to focus on increasing productivity and to reduce
costs, made an in-depth analysis on its overall cost structure, and formulated plans for cost optimisation and
productivity improvement; in terms of growing and potential businesses, the Bank continued to strengthen its
resources inclination and supported investments in key projects, such as AI innovation, customers’ rights and
interests, and open banking, through special strategic investment and innovation funds, to cultivate the
momentum for sustainable development. The productivity and efficiency of retail business were significantly
improved. In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank’s AUM operating income of retail per capita was RMB431,900,
increasing by 27% year on year, and the AUM operating income of retail per outlet was RMB3,209,200,
increasing by 30.4% year on year.
3. One ecosystem
In the first quarter of 2020, based on an agile mechanism, the Bank's retail used AI Bank as the internal drive to
continuously build an open retail banking ecosystem, achieving the connection, empowerment and integration of
customers, employees and partners, and promoting the comprehensive innovation of business models.
In terms of the construction of open retail banking, the Bank mainly concentrated on the objective of “open
capacity” at the present stage to build an open banking platform and help ecological development. The Bank's
open retail banking platform 1.0 was put into operation at the end of March. Since the project was launched, 17
API products and 114 API interfaces had been placed on the platform, covering capacities of accounts, wealth
management, payment, guarantees and other products. Meanwhile, the Bank cooperated with many Internet
In terms of AI Bank construction, the Bank continued to boost full-scale AI application in its retail business and
prosper traditional businesses with the power of technology. On the one hand, the Bank continued to strengthen
front-end capacities of AI customer acquisition and AI marketing to assist front-line teams to expand business,
develop customers and improve customer service experience; on the other hand, it strengthened the capacity
construction of central platform and improved the management efficiency while consolidating the digital
operation capability. In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank continued to promote the capacity upgrading of AI
central platform and the agile and large-scale development of AI central platform, energise front-end business
scenarios and support the implementation of AI Bank strategy. At the end of March 2020, projects on the AI
central platform supported the launch of 177 front-end business scenarios. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the
Bank's AI Bank effectively supported the rapid construction and improvement of digital operation and online
operation capabilities. Taking the AI customer manager project for example, the Bank continuously optimised
human-machine cooperative service model based on its intelligent application platforms, and launched scenarios
of “Banking at Home” and obtaining free sickness insurance. In the first quarter of 2020, the monthly average
number of served customers increased by 109.2% over that of 2019 and the monthly transaction amount of AUM
products was up by 95.0% from that of 2019.
In terms of the intelligent OMO service system, in the first quarter of 2020, the Bank comprehensively promoted
the construction of Smart Operation 3.0, and created an operating system with good experience, high efficiency
and excellent product delivery by building a large central operation platform and a digital operation platform and
pushing forward the layout of online outlets. At the same time, it comprehensively upgraded the new outlets and
actively built a community influence centre. Considering service scenarios and characteristics of customer
groups in outlet design, it built different types of sample outlets and promoted them throughout the whole bank.
In the construction of social ecology, it created a salon platform and a “smart and favourable” ecosystem to
provide customers with more abundant socialised services and enhance the influence of stores in the community.
At the end of March 2020, there are 323 new outlets in the country.
The Bank develops comprehensive financial business through the model of MGM (Member Get Member). In the
first quarter of 2020, in response to the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bank vigorously advanced the
innovation and upgrading of the online MGM operation model; the SAT (social + mobile application + remote
service) sharing and forwarding increased by 164.8% over that of the fourth quarter of 2019; at the same time,
the Bank actively carried out customer salons and excavated typical cases of promotion, and it had held a total of
43,000 online customer salons, with 790,000 participants. The overall business productivity achieved a fast
recovery. In the first quarter of 2020, the number of new customers attracted through the MGM model
(excluding credit cards) represented a net increase of 384,700, accounting for 21.4% of the overall new retail
customers, of which, the number of wealth customers represented a net increase of 17,900, accounting for 44.1%
of the overall new wealth customers, and the balance of assets under management of retail customers (AUM)
represented a net increase by RMB68,487 million, accounting for 44.4% of the overall asset balance of the new
retail customers. “Xinyidai” granted through the MGM model amounted to RMB14,461 million, accounting for
63.8% of the overall issuance of “Xinyidai”; auto finance loans amounted to RMB13,854 million, accounting for
36.5% of the overall issuance of auto finance loans. Credit cards issued via MGM model reached 426,500 pieces,
accounting for 28.5% of the newly issued cards.
For corporate business, the Bank practised the “3+2+1” strategy, centring on the three business pillars of
“industry banking, transaction banking and comprehensive finance”, consolidating the two core customer groups
of “strategic customers and small and micro enterprise customers”, and held fast to “the lifeline” of asset quality.
From the perspective of customer needs, the Bank came up with a corporate business management idea of
“AUM + LUM + operation platform”, focusing on key industries, areas and customers, to realise the efficient
linkage of AUM (assets under management of corporate customers) and LUM (corporate assets management
business). The Bank increased customers’ wallet share and built a uniform customer acquisition platform and
operation portal to consolidate customer base, and made the platform an engine of comprehensive financial
services for groups.
In the first quarter of 2020, affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, the offline corporate business could not be fully
launched, which hindered the growth of some industries and businesses. The Bank made full use of the
advantages of "Finance + Technology" to accelerate and promote digital and online operation. The Bank attached
great importance to both the epidemic control and prevention and business development. The corporate loans
were steadily increasing, the deposit structure was continuously optimised, and the income structure was
constantly improved. Asset quality was generally controllable.
At the end of March 2020, the balance of the corporate deposits reached RMB1,925,743 million, rising by 3.9%
compared with the end of the previous year. With continuous efforts contributed in the optimisation of corporate
deposits structure, the average cost rate of corporate deposits decreased by 5 basis points to 2.37%, compared
with the average level of last year.
The Bank fully supported the development of the real economy and continued to increase asset investment in key
industries and strategic customers. At the end of March 2020, the balance of corporate loans was RMB1,075,978
million, increasing by 11.4% as compared to the end of the previous year, among which, the balance of customer
credit to key industries, including infrastructure and transportation, medical health, green and environmental
protection and livelihood service, accounted for 47.4%, an increase of 0.5 percentage point over the end of the
previous year, and the balance of loans to strategic customers increased by 12.5% as compared to the end of the
previous year, and its share in corporate loans of the Bank increased by 1 percentage point from the end of the
previous year.
In the first quarter of 2020, the net non-interest income from corporate business continued to increase,
amounting to RMB3,571 million, a year-on-year increase of 31.1%.
The Bank's industry division and investment banking department are deeply integrated, and are positioned as the
“business leader of industry customers, pioneer team for major customer development and responsible body for
integrated solutions”, striving to create an industrial banking system with distinctive characteristics of
investment banking. In order to better serve customers, the Bank got in-depth understanding about customer
needs, deeply integrated the underwriting, issuance and product innovation ability of investment banking with
the industrial research and customer segmentation service ability of the industry division, integrated internal and
external resources, and customised comprehensive financial solutions with unique advantages for customers; to
improve efficiency, the Bank set up an agile action team to flatten the operation process and realise the efficient
linkage of “commercial bank + investment bank + investment”, and gained trust and recognition from customers
by professional, unique and efficient service capabilities. In the future, the Bank will deeply bind with the
industrial leading customers, and continuously enhance customer value through service.
In the field of government finance, relying on the advantages of “Finance + Technology”, the Bank was
transformed from a traditional financial service provider to a partner of reform promoter, and continued to propel
the innovation of the “Smart City” platform by enhancing the comprehensive service capabilities and focusing
on the major ecosystems of finance, housing and justice. In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank had 31 new
governmental financial platforms, with a total of 601.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bank took advantage of the government’s efforts in promoting IT-enabled
services, adopted technologies to create and upgrade its business scenarios to meet the demands of government
agencies to serve the people, and assisted the National Healthcare Security Administration to promote the
electronic certificates for medical insurance and mobile payment; it provided online support for the fiscal, justice
and customs agencies and safeguarded 59,100 transfers, all within a few seconds, of the disease control and
prevention funds from the state treasury; it assisted the mobile working of court administrators and others, and
supported nearly 60 online creditor meetings; it facilitated the online contact-free customs clearance of disease
control and protection supplies for enterprises, and completed online payments of over RMB751 million in fees
on a 7x24 basis.
Under the new banking model, the investment banking business continued to grow. Although there has been a
lowering in the activities of all market participants, a decline in the customers’ financing needs and willingness
to make drawdowns as well as a significant fall in the demands for debt financing due to COVID-19 outbreaks,
the Bank, in light of the development of the epidemic, communicated with customers in a timely manner
regarding their needs, and provided solid financial services to the customers in bond underwriting, wealth
management direct financing and debt financing to help them minimize the impact of the disease.
In the first quarter of 2020, the bonds underwriting of the investment banking amounted to RMB104,455 million
with a year-on-year increase of 45.0%, including financial bonds of RMB25,670 million and non-financial bonds
of RMB78,785 million; the scale of syndicated loans led or jointly led by the Bank reached RMB14.9 billion,
increasing by 463.0% year on year.
The Bank focused on three themes of “opening-up, integration, and intelligence” to build “Pocket Finance”, a
one-stop comprehensive service platform for medium, small and micro enterprise customers. It was committed
to building the platform into a uniform customer acquisition platform and operation portal. Meanwhile, the Bank
strengthened the in-depth operational capabilities of enterprise customers on the platform, focused on customers
on the industrial Internet and consumer Internet platforms, integrated its superior product capabilities, and built a
special version for customer groups to enable Pocket Finance provide platform customers and their B-end and
C-end customers with integrated Internet payment and settlement service solutions that better meet their needs,
which formed a differentiated service advantage.
At the end of March 2020, registered enterprise customers of Pocket Finance accumulated to 379,300, while the
number of transactions in the first quarter reached 1,643,900, representing a year-on-year increase of 92.8%, and
the transaction amount was RMB1.45 trillion, representing a year-on-year increase of 126.4%. In the first quarter
of 2020, affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, the transactions relating to Internet payment and settlement
business slightly decreased; the business was growing steadily as customers return to work and resume
production and the Bank launched 0.83 billion transactions relating to Internet payment and settlement business
to serve the enterprises on the platforms, an increase of 217.7% year on year; the amount of transactions reached
RMB1.26 trillion, a year-on-year increase of 50.5%.
By relying on the advantage of the Group’s comprehensive finance, empowering finance with technology,
building industrial ecology of financial service, adhering to be customer-centric principle and deeply researching
industry scenarios services, the Bank upgraded the supply chain receivables cloud service platform and built the
brand of “Ping An Good Chain”; it optimised the complete business process of registration, approval and
charge-off through technological means such as cloud computing, block chain and artificial intelligence, and
greatly improved the user experience; meanwhile, focusing on key industries such as infrastructure, electronics
and medicine, the Bank offered packages of comprehensive finance and management services to upstream and
downstream small and micro enterprises in the supply chain, so as to achieve mass customer acquisition.
In the first quarter of 2020, the transaction volume of the Bank's supply chain receivables cloud service platform
accumulated to RMB6,352 million. At the end of March 2020, the Bank had provided financial services for 506
core enterprises and their upstream suppliers in total, supporting the development of the real economy.
Cross-border finance
In keeping with the customer’s demands for cross-border financial services, the Bank combined and fully
leveraged its advantages in five cross-border financial service sectors, including onshore, offshore, free trade
zone, NRAs (non-resident accounts), and overseas branches, and further developed its five major product series,
namely, “Cross-border Investment and Financing”, “Cross-border Fund Management”, “Cross-border Trade
Finance”, “Cross-border Inter-bank Finance”, and “Cross-border e-Finance”, to provide safeguards to customers
in their international operations.
In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank actively responded to the state’s supportive polices, quickly built a
fast-track channel to facilitate foreign exchange businesses in relation to the outbreak of COVID-19, gave full
play to the online service advantages of “Cross-border e-Finance”, vigorously supported the cross-border
financing needs of domestic enterprises with offshore funds, so as to reduce financing costs for the real economy,
and meet the financing needs of enterprises during the fight against epidemic.
At the end of March 2020, the asset size of its offshore businesses amounted to USD24,896 million, up by 8.7%
over the end of last year; the offshore deposit balance was USD23,828 million, up by 17.8% over the end of last
year; and the offshore loan balance was USD15,831 million, up by 21.0% over the end of last year.
Open banking
The Bank applied the open API technology to promote cooperation through a shared platform, and launched an
open banking platform designed with the customer needs as the guide, scenario-based services as the vehicle,
ecological integration and platform building as the goals, and API / SDK as tools, to make banking services more
focused, more agile, more intelligent and more open by taking. Moreover, it gradually combined traditional
access methods, such as bank-enterprise direct connection and Business to Business Integration (B2Bi), to
provide customers with the best open banking experience.
The Bank’s open banking has received wide recognition in the market, as it connected with 1,231 customers
through API, SDK, H5 and other methods, collecting average daily customer deposits of RMB23,481 million,
and connected with 6,857 enterprises through bank-enterprise direct connection, with average daily deposits of
RMB314,176 million, at the end of March 2020.
As a “1+N” engine for the Group’s comprehensive financial services, the Bank operated collaboratively with
various professional companies within the Group under the model of “1 customer and N products and services”,
to continuously strengthen its comprehensive financial service capabilities through the two-way cooperation of
AUM and LUM, committing to being the “Founder” of comprehensive financial solutions for customers.
The Bank gave full play to its advantages in banking channels and the Group’s comprehensive financial service
capabilities, focused on the core needs of its strategic customers and small and micro enterprise customers, and
endeavoured to build three comprehensive financial business models. First, in light of the characteristics of
investment and financing of strategic customers, the Bank joins force mainly with the investment and financing
arms of Ping An Group to deliver “Commercial banking + Investment banking + Investments” comprehensive
service solutions to meet the diversified financing needs of these strategic customers, while using insurance and
technology products and services to continuously improve customer experience. Second, focusing on platform
customers and small and micro enterprises, the Bank provides differentiated and personalised insurance products
to meet their mandatory needs, and offers insurance coverage for work resumption and online free diagnostics
services during the epidemic to help enterprises pull through the difficulty time. Third, leveraging competitive
banking products and operation-related services to comprehensively upgrade its engagement with the group
customers, the Bank has become the central settlement bank for the Group’s major investment and financing
customers as well as insurance customers, and draws on comprehensive financing to drive AUM growth and
structural optimisation.
In February 2020, the agency sales of Ping An’s group insurance products, new investment and financing
projects jointly implemented by the Bank and specialized companies within the Group, and the increase in group
customer deposits through deepened cooperation in comprehensive financial services had all been greatly
affected due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The Bank actively focused on business opportunities and formulated
strategies during the COVID-19 outbreak. In the first quarter of 2020, the premiums from agency sales of Ping
An’s group insurance products amounted RMB1,087 million, a year-on-year increase of 438.0%; the new
investment and cooperation projects jointed implemented by the Bank and specialized companies within the
Group amounted to RMB82,982 million, a year-on-year increase of 95.7%.
In the first quarter of 2020, the average daily deposit balance of new group customers from deepening
comprehensive financial services cooperation reached RMB102,121 million, up by 71.2% compared with the
average daily balance of last year, among which the daily average demand deposits accounted for 55.5%; at the
end of March 2020, the balance of deposits of new group customers from deepening comprehensive financial
services cooperation reached RMB111,806 million, up by 22.2% over the end of last year, among which the
balance of demand deposits accounted for 62.2%.
2. Two core customer groups
Focusing on strategic customer group and taking “trading banking, industry banking and comprehensive finance”
as the core driving factors, the Bank strived to be the main bank of strategic customers, providing comprehensive
financial service of “Commercial bank + Investment bank + Investment” for customers.
With regard to trading banking, the Bank embedded the business into strategic customer management ecosystem
through “supply chain/treasury management platform” to serve strategic customers and the small and micro
enterprise customers in the upstream and downstream of the industry chain; in terms of industry banking, the
Bank gave full play to the advantages of industry banking and created a distinctive strategic customer operation
model, focusing on meeting the needs of mixed ownership reform of central enterprises and state-owned
enterprises as well as leverage reduction; in terms of comprehensive finance, the Bank invested the group
platform resources into the strategic customers and their ecosystem to comprehensively improve customer
Some strategic customers had experienced a decrease in operation demand due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The
Bank increased its support for epidemic prevention enterprises timely and appropriately, provided appropriate
preferential policies on business pricing, service timeliness, loan resources. Meanwhile, the Bank seized the
business opportunities during the COVID-19 outbreak, developed competitive solutions for customers to help
them out.
At the end of March 2020, the balance of loans to strategic customers increased by 12.5% as compared to the
end of the previous year, and its share in corporate loans of the Bank increased by 1 percentage point from the
end of the previous year.
Upholding the concept of “Finance + Technology”, the Bank deepened digital operation, enhanced the leading
role of data and attached importance to technology empowerment, providing scenario-based and online services
in batches for upstream and downstream small and micro enterprise customers in the supply chain; it enhanced
the overall operation capabilities of private enterprises and small and micro enterprise customers through
business models such as Pocket Finance and small enterprise digital finance, and continued to intensify support
for private enterprises and small and micro enterprise customers.
The Bank’s small enterprise digital finance revealed the real operation status of enterprises via “data+models”;
realised online, automated and real-time batch loan granting with standardised products, by applying
technologies such as IoT and big data; further reached scenarios and industrial chain customers with customised
products, cooperated with data service providers for taxation, customs, government service platform and other
scenarios, built risk control model and provided small and micro enterprises with financing services in batches,
so as to efficiently solve the problems of difficulty and high cost in financing for SMEs. Meanwhile, the Bank
further strengthened cooperation with government guarantee platforms, promoted “Shubaodai” and other credit
enhancement products, understood customer operations by means of providing non-credit services and operation
management tool services, cultivated high-quality customers and provided them with superior financing services.
In February 2020, the amount of small enterprise digital finance decreased compared with that in January due to
the outbreak of COVID-19. The Bank increased the applications of technologies, and quickly launched the
“Small Business Digital Finance Work Resumption Loan Product Package”, accelerated the promotion of remote
contract signing, and realised 7 × 24 hours online management with the help of powerful big data credit
reporting capability and risk control model. At the same time, the Bank responded to regulatory calls by
deferring repayment, provided “deferred repayment” services for small and micro customers affected by the
epidemic. Also, the Bank exempted or reduced the late charges, made adjustment to ensure credit records were
not affected due to the deferred payments, enhanced support to work resumption, and made solid contributions to
safeguarding the stable operation of the real economy.
In March 2020, businesses began to recover gradually. The average daily loan amount of small enterprise digital
finance increased by 1.7 times in March compared with that in February. In the first quarter of 2020, the loan of
small enterprise digital finance issued by the Bank was RMB5,815 million in total, representing a year-on-year
increase of 37.9%; at the end of March 2020, the Bank’s small enterprise digital financial service customers
numbered 38,737, up 13.4% over the end of the previous year.
3. One lifeline
Asset quality is always the first lifeline to the corporate business. With respect to the concept of risk management,
the Bank continuously strengthened connection between risks and businesses, employed “big data+artificial
intelligence” technology to establish an intelligent risk control platform for comprehensive risk management
before, during and after loans granting, so as to strengthen early risk warning ability. The Bank adhered to the
prudent risk preference, constructed risk map, focused on key industries, key regions and key customers, and
optimised business structure, so as to effectively provide guidance on business direction and reasonable
allocation of corporate resources.
At the same time, the Bank also continued to improve the structure of stock assets, clarified the management and
control objectives, and strengthened the liquidation capacity. The asset quality was steadily improving, and the
impact of the epidemic situation could be controlled overall. At the end of March 2020, corporate NPL ratio was
1.81%, a decrease of 0.48 percentage point from the end of prior year.
(IV) Promoting new growth and creating a new brand by developing interbank capital business
The Bank’s interbank capital business took “promoting new growth and creating a new brand” as its
development vision for the next three years, comprehensively promoted the “3+2+1” business strategy for the
interbank capital business which centred on the “three major business directions” of new transactions, new
interbank and new asset management, strengthened the “two core capabilities” of transaction and sales, built
“one intelligent platform for capital system that empowered all businesses. In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank
proactively responded to the challenge of the outbreak of COVID-19, strived to stabilise and ensure the
development of economy. On the one hand, relying on technology platform and via remote and online mode, the
Bank implemented a number of operational upgrading measures to stimulate transactions and boost sales growth;
on the other hand, the Bank leveraged the trading capabilities of the international expert team and seized market
opportunities to maintain rapid growth in income through flexible resource allocation.
In terms of financial market business, the Bank aimed at “becoming the industry’s top financial trading expert”,
continued to consolidate and expand the advantages of electronic transaction mode for reforming and upgrading
the transactions. First, the Bank empowered transactions with technology, developed market-leading intelligent
transaction system group to conduct multi-variety, cross-market digitalised transactions including bonds, interest
rate derivatives, foreign exchange and gold. Quantitative analysis tools independently developed by the Bank
were fully applied in transactions. With more precise pricing technology, more agile trade executing capabilities
and more efficient real-time risk control capabilities, these tools won a leading position in terms of transaction
frequency, execution time and scale; the trading technologies and trading methods of the financial market team
had also been applied to other management departments and business units of the Bank to help improve the bank
account liquidity, revitalise the balance sheet and increase the profit contribution to the Bank. Second, the Bank
strengthened product innovation, provided customers with diversified hedging solutions, actively developed
structured products in line with customer risk preference and income requirements, and fully supported the
issuance of structured deposits. In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank’s profitability of financial market business
had been greatly improved. The Bank’s net income was RMB3,077 million, a year-on-year increase of 209.5%;
the volume of bond transaction of the Bank was RMB1.46 trillion, representing a year-on-year increase of
161.0%. The volume of interest rate swap was RMB1.16 trillion, representing a year-on-year increase of 97.6%.
The volume of self-run precious metal transaction was RMB834.2 billion, representing a year-on-year increase
of 76.9%. The volume of commissioned precious metal transaction was RMB527 billion, representing a
year-on-year increase of 41.4%.
In terms of interbank business, the Bank aimed at “becoming the industry’s leading financial sales service
provider”, continuously deepened the construction of Hang-E-Tong to attract customers and build a mutually
beneficial ecosystem with all stakeholders. Offline customer marketing was blocked due to the COVID-19
outbreak. Adhering to the customer-centric principle, the Bank realised the transformation from simple product
sales to provision of comprehensive online services. First, “Hang-E-Tong” was vigorously promoted and
“Together with You” series online roadshow services were also accelerated at the right time to attract customers
to make the offline to online migration. Second, the Bank aggregated the investment and research resources of
the Group’s subsidiaries to improve the “Hang-E-Tong” information advisory system, providing customers with
professional investment advices, and maximising the investment needs of institutional customers during the
outbreak of COVID-19. Third, in response to the call of the state and under the guidance of China Foreign
Exchange Trade System and the market interest rate pricing self-discipline mechanism, special interbank
certificates of deposits for epidemic control and prevention were successfully issued on 20 February 2020 in the
national interbank market. The face value of the deposit certificates totalled RMB1.8 billion, with a term of 3
months and a coupon rate of 2.2%. The funds raised shall be used specifically to meet the demands of loan
issuance and working capital in relation to the epidemic control and prevention of the Bank, to provide strong
supports for the operations of enterprises critical in the control and prevention of the epidemic, to help them
expand production capacity, and assist enterprises to overcome the epidemic. Fourth, the Bank coordinated and
arranged the custody business reasonably. By means of around-the-clock remote support, fee reductions and
profit concessions, the Bank achieved zero error and zero complaint in its customer services during the epidemic,
and received wide recognition from its customers. At the end of March 2020, the Bank’s “Hang-E-Tong” had
provided services for 2,220 customers. In the first quarter of 2020, the sales volume of banks numbered
RMB212,446 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 63.4%.
The Bank received the approval from CBIRC on the establishment of Ping An Wealth Management Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter “Ping An Wealth Management”) on 31 December 2019. The Bank is advancing the preparatory work
of Ping An Wealth Management and has made substantial progress in its corporate governance, personnel
structure, office operations, finance and tax management, institutional processes, risk management, and
technology operations and construction. Ping An Wealth Management will officially open to business once upon
receiving the regulatory approval. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bank guaranteed normal operation of all
wealth management services in an orderly manner and achieved a series of solid results: first, the Bank
strengthened the use of funds, actively provided green channels for the financing of epidemic prevention
enterprises, positively participated in the special bond investment for epidemic control and prevention, managed
wealth management funds to flow to epidemic prevention enterprises and supported epidemic control and
prevention with investment. Second, the Bank steadily advanced the transformation of wealth management
products (WMPs) and continuously optimised the product structure, enhanced the issuance of net-value-based
products (hereinafter referred to as “new products”) in compliance with requirements in new asset management
regulations, steadily and orderly promoted the pressure reduction of existing principal-guaranteed WMPs and old
products. During the reporting period, the scale of new products exceeded the scale of old products for the first
time. Third, the Bank continued to improve its risk management capabilities and made continuously efforts to
improve and perfect its risk management system of wealth management services. Fourth, the Bank further
reinforced the science and technology construction and empowered the transformation of wealth management
services. At the end of March 2020, the Bank’s balance of principal-guaranteed WMPs amounted to RMB61,333
million, a decrease of 8.8% over the end of last year, the balance of structured deposits was RMB615,561 million,
up by 21.2% compared with the end of last year, and the balance of non-principal-guaranteed WMPs was
RMB617,356 million, increasing by 4.5% compared with the end of last year, among which, net-value-based
products in compliance with requirements in new asset management regulations amounted to RMB325,077
million, an increase of 26.4% over the end of previous year and its proportion in non-principal-guaranteed
WMPs increased from 43.6% to 52.7%.
The Bank improved capabilities of transaction and sales in regards to three business directions, i.e. new
transactions, new interbank and new asset management, taking integrated measures to build up the core
competence of its interbank capital business. First, relying on industry-leading transaction capabilities, the Bank
actively explored the development of a “ecological bank” to expand and enrich the application scenarios of such
capabilities for their integration with interbank, asset management and retail businesses, and conversion into
offerings; this was further intensifying outbound empowerment of transaction capabilities, comprehensively
serving other banks, companies and retail customers in the industry and gradually extending the service to
customers within the Group’s ecosystem. Second, with “Hang-E-Tong” as the platform support, the Bank
adhered to the development concept of “platform-based bank”; by integrating product design, asset
recommendation and sales services, it constructed a customer service loop; and leveraging the Group’s
advantages of comprehensive financial businesses, it was seeking for deeper and wider sales penetration among
institutional customers.
The Bank continuously optimised “smart capital system clusters” to form core system clusters with front, middle
and back-end of the financial market integrated and vigorously promote the “digitised bank” transformation.
First is to establish the unified platform for strategy R&D and trading to include trading principles of traders into
a strategy library with Ping An intellectual property rights through quantitative methods; second is, through
smart trading system, channel up front, middle and back-end to achieve full-process online operation and
automation for precise pricing, secure and effective implementation and timely risk control of transactions, and
predefining trading strategies and automatically capturing trading opportunities that are difficult to seize
manually through programmed algorithm; third is to connect smart trading system with “Trading One” customer
service system and linking it with retail “Pocket Bank’, corporate “Pocket Finance” and interbank “Hang-E-Tong”
systems to lay a solid foundation for constructing a one-stop “transaction management and service platform”.
In the first quarter of 2020, faced with the epidemic, the Bank relied on the Group’s strong technological
advantages and cutting-edge technological platforms built in recent years to open up online channels, expand
smart services and provide customers with “contactless and online” financial services. Meanwhile, the Bank
continuously adopted technologies to enhance its digital operations and online operations, and to promote the
transformation to become a “digitised bank, ecological bank and platform-based bank”.
For external services, the Bank launched online smart financial services to prevent disruption of its customer
services. Pocket Bank APP provides fast-track online services through “Banking at Home” service platform and
contactless services by innovative means like smart customer service, smart-adviser, online clinic, etc. Pocket
Finance APP launched “Ping An Salary” integrated service platform to provide all financial and employee
management services for SMEs.
For internal operation, the Bank effectively guaranteed normal operation of all businesses with various mobile
APPs, telecommuting systems and teleworking system. Customer managers delivered services and carried out
marketing activities by mobile APPs like “Pocket Banker” and “Win+”. Over 30,000 employees worked from
home through cloud desktop and mobile office APP (Happy Ping An). Technology lines remotely conducted
development processes, collaboration, management and monitoring on operation and maintenance with the
assistance of various remote tools, managing to release 420 versions during the peak of COVID-19 outbreak.
With respect to business-oriented delivery, in the first quarter of 2020, accumulated requests addressed by
technology lines increased by over 20% and the accumulated number of versions put in operation increased by
over 32%. The Bank continued to promote the implementation of several major projects, including new core
system for credit cards, “Hang-E-Tong” ecosystem, smart finance, “Ping An Good Chain” and wealth
management sub-system, among which, “Ping An Good Chain” (a new supply chain financial platform based on
micro services structure) went live successfully where it provides comprehensive financial services for supply
chain receivables by deploying financial technologies like AI, blockchain, and cloud computing.
The Bank kept promoting capabilities and application of basic platforms like private cloud platform, distributed
PaaS platform, open banking platform and blockchain, in order to improve basic technology supporting
capabilities. At the end of March 2020, the proportion of applications on the private cloud reached over 40%;
more than 110 projects were based on development framework of distributed PaaS platform; open banking
platform had over 40 products with over 450 API interfaces available; Starlink, an integrated operation and
maintenance program, and AI Cloud, a machine learning platform, had been released, iterated and put on pilot.
The Bank achieved an operation and maintenance automation level of 80% by deploying tools and platforms,
with the automated testing coverage reaching 56%.
4. Digital operation
The Bank continuously advanced three basic projects, i.e. data governance, data middle platform, and AI
platform, as supports for online and smart operation of middle- and back-end businesses, such as smart finance,
smart risk control, smart operation and smart marketing, relying on data instead of experience to
comprehensively improve operational decision-making capabilities. During the first quarter of 2020, the Bank
continuously optimised data quality assessment mechanism, upgrading and promotion of data asset management
platform and data standards like core value, initiated special data governance on major projects like smart risk
control and improved data governance capabilities.
The Bank proactively responded to external risks and optimised business structure. In terms of corporate banking,
it continued to optimise corporate business structure with its focus on key industries, key regions and key
customers, entering industries with weak cycle, stable growth and superior asset quality while terminating
businesses with high-risk ones. As for retail banking, the Bank utilised industry-leading technologies and risk
control models to improve the identification of customer qualification and risks, and it increased the grant of
personal residential mortgage loans, title deed-secured loans and unsecured loans for high-quality customers of
lower risk in response to financing needs of private banking wealth customers to optimise the customer structure
under differentiated risk management strategies.
At the end of March 2020, the proportion of loans overdue for more than 60 days, loans overdue for more than
90 days and special-mentioned loans of the Bank all declined compared with that at the end of last year, the NPL
ratio was at par with that at the end of last year, and the deviation ratio of loans overdue for more than 60 days
and loans overdue for more than 90 days were both below 1. The balance of loans overdue for more than 60 days
amounted to RMB36,923 million, with a year-on-year increase of RMB141 million, accounting for 1.51% of
total loans, decreasing by 0.07 percentage point over the end of last year; the balance of loans overdue for more
than 90 days reached RMB31,355 million, with a year-on-year decrease of RMB56 million, accounting for 1.28%
of total loans, decreasing by 0.07 percentage point over the end of last year. The balance of special-mentioned
loans was RMB47,167 million, a year-on-year increase of RMB502 million over the end of last year; accounting
for 1.93% of total loans, decreasing by 0.08 percentage point over the end of last year. The NPL ratio was 1.65%,
at par with that at the end of last year. The deviation ratio of loans overdue for more than 60 days was 92%,
decreasing by 4 percentage points over the end of last year. The deviation ratio of loans overdue for more than 90
days was 78%, down by 4 percentage points from the end of last year.
In the first quarter of 2020, the provision for impairment losses on credit and assets amounted to RMB15,928
million, with a year-on-year increase of 23.6%, including RMB14,698 million of provision for credit impairment
losses on loans and advances to customers; at the end of March 2020, the balance of loan impairment provision
reached RMB80,823 million, with an increase of 15.4% over the end of last year; the provision to loan ratio was
3.31%, up 0.30 percentage point over the end of last year; the provision coverage ratio was 200.35%, up by
17.23 percentage points over the end of last year; the provision coverage ratio of loans overdue for more than 60
days was 218.90%, up by 28.56 percentage points over the end of last year; the provision coverage ratio of loans
overdue for more than 90 days was 257.77%, up by 34.88 percentage points over the end of last year. The risk
compensation capability of the Bank was further enhanced.
In the first quarter of 2020, the Bank recovered a total of RMB9,315 million of non-performing assets, including
credit assets of RMB8,843 million (loan principal); recovered principals of loans included written-off loans of
RMB5,324 million and unwritten-off NPL of RMB3,519 million; 96.2% of recovered amount for
non-performing assets was recovered in cash and the rest was recovered in kind.
(VII) Shouldering social responsibilities and devotedly fighting against the coronavirus
In the face of the unexpected COVID-19 outbreak during the first quarter of 2020, the Bank, acting upon the
strategic decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, has discharged its
social responsibilities by conducting a series of public welfare activities through multiple channels. For instance,
the Bank provided urgently needed support to front-line medical staff, continuously enhanced targeted poverty
alleviation, and explored new modes of “fighting the epidemic + poverty alleviation”, to fight the coronavirus.
Meanwhile, with the help of the Group’s comprehensive finance advantages, the Bank remained steadfast to the
concept of technological innovation and considered the comprehensiveness, effectiveness and sustainability of
serving the real economy to further support private, small and micro enterprises, and help severely afflicted
customers and enterprises critical in fighting the disease to overcome the difficulty time, resume operations and
production, and achieve sustainable development.
RMB30 million donated to help fight the epidemic. In the first quarter of 2020, in support of the local
anti-epidemic effort, the Bank made a donation of RMB30 million to Hubei Charity Federation. In addition,
policies were specially made to give relief to affected customers such as medical staff engaged in the
anti-epidemic action, customers infected with the COVID-19 and specific customers who were unable to make
repayments as a result of the control and prevention measures. Those customers were allowed to make
repayments later or pay less interest without leaving any bad credit records.
Exploring the new modes of “fighting the epidemic + poverty alleviation”. Employees of the Bank actively
donated over RMB10 million, and the Bank opened up a “special channel for anti-epidemic supplies”, covering
the whole process of fund raising, procurement, logistics and coordination with hospitals. Firstly connected to
the channel were 17 hospitals or medical institutions at the frontlines in Hubei, which received donations of
urgently needed medical protection supplies like protective suits and isolation gowns. Meanwhile, the Bank
adopted innovative donation methods. For instance it purchased over RMB1 million's worth of produces from
targeted poverty alleviation areas and donated them to front-line medical staff, which not only provided caring
support to frontline medical staff, but also accelerated work and operation resumption in poverty-stricken areas.
Preventing disruption of corporate and personal financial services. First, the Bank launched "Banking at
Home" for uninterrupted personal and corporate financial services by making use of “AI customer service”,
“Pocket APP” and “online financing services platform”, allowing customers to settle investment and financing
transactions online at home; second, the Bank lowered financing costs in epidemic-stricken areas and for
anti-epidemic industries to tide financially afflicted companies over; it also opened up priority channels to satisfy
financing needs of anti-epidemic enterprises; third, the Bank developed differentiated emergency solutions for
financial services and offered reasonable grace periods for repayment for affected customers who were unable to
make repayments on principals or interests, so as to overcome the difficulties together with customers; fourth,
the Bank resolutely fulfilled its role as core dealer and market maker to fully secure the liquidity of financial
Focusing on key industries, key regions and key customers and continuously optimising the credit
structure. By formulating regional policies and service solutions based on the characteristics of regional
development, the Bank underpinned the development of economic belts such as “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao
Greater Bay Area”, “Belt and Road”, “Yangtze River Delta Integration Area”, accelerated regional industry
transformation and upgrading, and promoted high-quality development of regional economy. Driven by industry
researches, the Bank built a specialised and three-dimensional system for industry researches, strictly controlled
the credit granting for “high pollution, high energy consumption and overcapacity” industries, and supported the
development and upgrading of major industries. At the end of March 2020, the proportion of customers’ credit
balance in key industries increased by 0.5 percentage point over the end of last year; the Bank’s total on-balance
sheet and off-balance sheet credit facilities amounted to RMB3,247.2 billion.
Actively fulfilling requirements of the state, enhanced financial services for private enterprises, and
upholding the high-quality development of small and micro enterprises. Firstly, in terms of technology
application, the Bank relied on cutting-edge technologies such as AI, biological recognition, big data, blockchain
and cloud computing in premium services, including “supply chain receivables cloud service platform”, “small
business digital finance” and “Xinyidai”, so as to effectively help with the difficulty and high cost in financing
for private enterprises and SMEs to support their development. Second, in terms of policy implementation, the
Bank adopted the strategy of “Differentiated bailout + Targeted services” to provide tailored financial services
for enterprises and support private enterprises in normal operation but with temporary liquidity difficulties
through Ping An Group’s bailout fund and the group fund collaboration model; the Bank also holistically
energised the development of SMEs via differentiated credit pricing policy and risk tolerance, with the assistance
of innovation in technology, products and channels. Thirdly, in terms of implementation and policy effects, in the
first quarter of 2020, private enterprise customers of newly issued loans accounted for above 70% of total
customers of newly issued corporate loans; at the end of March 2020, regarding the Bank’s loans to small and
micro enterprises, the credit of RMB10 million or less granted to single customers was up by 3.31% over the end
of last year, and weighted average interest rate of new loans in the first quarter for these small and micro
enterprises declined by 0.47 percentage point over the last year with the NPL ratio within reasonable range.
Acting upon the call for poverty alleviation by CPC Central Committee, the Bank steadily promoted the “Village
Official” programme and formed a closed loop of poverty alleviation consisting of “wisdom supporting training,
improvement of industrial productivity, one product for one village and empowerment by production and sales”
through a “Finance + Industry” poverty alleviation strategy, so as to win the fight against poverty. Since 2018,
the “Village Official” programme of the Bank totally issued industrial poverty alleviation fund of RMB19,304
million in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Shannxi, Hainan, Chongqing, Hunan and Ningxia, helping more
than 20,200 registered impoverished people directly and benefiting 730,000 registered impoverished people. In
the first quarter of 2020, the “Village Official” programme of the Bank newly issued industrial poverty
alleviation fund of RMB6,750 million, helping additional 2,280 registered impoverished people directly and
benefiting additional 210,000 registered impoverished people. At the end of March 2020, 128 kinds of produce
from 29 poverty-stricken counties in 18 provinces were put on sale in the online agricultural mall for poverty
alleviation, helping impoverished people to earn a total sales revenue of about RMB2,619,200 in the first quarter
of 2020.
On the basis of raising capital through retained earnings, the Bank actively expanded exogenous capital
replenishment channels and continued to promote the issuance of capital instruments. In 2019, the Bank gained
approval for issuance of capital bonds without fixed terms (“perpetual bonds”) of RMB50 billion and issued
RMB20 billion of such bonds for the first phase. In February 2020, it issued the remaining RMB30 billion of
such bonds in the inter-bank market and the raised funds after deducting issuance expenses were all included in
other tier 1 capital. The aforementioned issuances further enriched and optimised the Bank's capital structure and
enhance its competitiveness and anti-risk capacity, and therefore provide better support for the real economy and
secure sustained growth.
The issuance of the above capital instruments would deeply improve the Bank's capital replenishment
mechanism, which is “dominated by internal capital accumulation and supported by external financing”, and
shift the Bank's focus to the balance between capital adequacy and capital returns, on the condition that its
capital adequacy ratio allowed for certain safety margin and buffer range. Guided by the “light capital and light
assets” strategy, the Bank will continuously advocate refined capital management and establish a centralised and
customer-focused capital allocation mechanism with economic value added (EVA) and risk adjusted return on
capital (RAROC) as the core, while eliminating boundaries between on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet
products as the goal. Such mechanism would effectively improve capital efficiency of all business lines and
branches, further elevating capital returns of the Bank.
At the end of March 2020, the Bank's core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio, tier 1 capital adequacy ratio and capital
adequacy ratio were 9.20%, 11.65% and 14.27% respectively, all satisfying the regulatory requirements, and up
by 0.09 percentage point, 1.11 percentage points and 1.05 percentage point respectively over the end of last year.
The Bank continued to build intelligent outlets and rationally arranged the layout. At the end of March 2020, the
Bank had 92 branches (including Hong Kong branch) and a total of 1,066 outlets. Meanwhile, the Bank
continuously promoted new off-line retail outlets under “light, community-based, intelligent, diversified”
concept. At the end of March 2020, 323 new retail outlets were opened nationwide.
3.11.2 Asset quality Five-tier classification of loans and advances to customers
(In RMB million)
31 March 2020 31 December 2019 Change at the end
of the reporting
period from the
Balance % Balance % end of last year
Normal loans 2,356,668 96.42% 2,238,307 96.34% 5.3%
Special mentioned loans 47,167 1.93% 46,665 2.01% 1.1%
Non-performing loans 40,341 1.65% 38,233 1.65% 5.5%
Including: Substandard 22,214 0.91% 18,891 0.81% 17.6%
Doubtful 7,262 0.30% 6,272 0.27% 15.8%
Loss 10,865 0.44% 13,070 0.57% (16.9%)
Total principal of loans and
advances to customers 2,444,176 100.00% 2,323,205 100.00% 5.2%
Impairment provision of loans
and advances to customers (80,823) (70,013) 15.4%
Including: Impairment provision
of loans and
advances to
customers measured
at amortised cost (79,933) (69,560) 14.9%
Impairment provision
for loans and
advances to
designated at fair
value and changes
included into other
income (890) (453) 96.5%
NPL ratio 1.65% 1.65% -
Deviation ratio of loans overdue -4 percentage
for more than 90 days (Note 1) 78% 82% points
Deviation ratio of loans overdue -4 percentage
for more than 60 days (Note 2) 92% 96% points
+17.23 percentage
Provision coverage ratio 200.35% 183.12% points
Provision coverage ratio for loans +34.88 percentage
overdue for more than 90 days 257.77% 222.89% points
Provision coverage ratio for loans +28.56 percentage
overdue for more than 60 days 218.90% 190.34% points
+0.30 percentage
Provision to loan ratio 3.31% 3.01% point
Note: (1) Deviation ratio of loans overdue for more than 90 days = Balance of loans overdue for more than 90
days/Balance of non-performing loans
(2) Deviation ratio of loans overdue for more than 60 days = Balance of loans overdue for more than 60
days/Balance of non-performing loans
28 Structural distribution and quality of loans and advances to customers as per products
(In RMB million)
31 March 2020 31 December 2019 Increase/decrease
in non-performing
Item Balance NPL ratio Balance NPL ratio ratio
-0.48 percentage
Corporate loans 1,075,978 1.81% 965,984 2.29% point
-0.49 percentage
Including: General corporate loans 950,540 2.05% 871,081 2.54% point
Discounted bills 125,438 - 94,903 - -
+0.33 percentage
Personal loans 1,368,198 1.52% 1,357,221 1.19% point
Including: Mortgage loans and title +0.10 percentage
deed-secured loans 430,859 0.40% 411,066 0.30% point
+0.29 percentage
Xinyidai 153,750 1.63% 157,364 1.34% point
+0.33 percentage
Auto financial loans 183,521 1.07% 179,224 0.74% point
+0.66 percentage
Credit card receivables 515,863 2.32% 540,434 1.66% point
-0.38 percentage
Others (Note) 84,205 3.17% 69,133 3.55% point
Total principal of loans and
advances to customers 2,444,176 1.65% 2,323,205 1.65% -
Note: “Others” included personal operating loans, small consumer loans and other guaranteed or pledged loans.
1. Corporate NPL ratio decreased by 0.48 percentage point as compared to the end of the last year and was on
the decline. The Bank keeps refining the corporate business, further optimises the credit structure, enhances the
asset quality management and control mechanism and intensifies the efforts to recover and dispose of stock
non-performing assets in order to further strengthen asset quality.
(1) The Bank continuously improved the entry standard for industries, regions, products and customers and
strictly controlled the threshold for entry in terms of areas, industries and customers with higher risk to control
asset quality from its source.
(2) The Bank further reinforced the establishment of quality management system for assets and implemented the
post-loan management actions, screening out risks and mapping out corresponding risk control measures to
achieve early study, anticipation and implementation.
(3) The Bank also accelerated risk mitigation on problematic loans, fully exploited its special asset management
department’s centralised and professional advantage for asset liquidation and recovery, and customised suitable
plans for each problematic loan and assigned specific person to manage the loans, to ensure the mitigation is
performed in an effective manner.
2. Affected by negative factors, such as the variable external economic environment caused by COVID-19,
dwindling consumption demand and falling resident income, repayment ability and intention of retail customers
showed a short-term decline. At the end of March 2020, the NPL ratio of the Bank’s personal loans was 1.52%,
increasing 0.33 percentage point from the end of last year. The details are as follows:
(1) The Bank further adjusted the customer group structure of residential mortgages and granted more to
high-quality customers. For mortgage loans, the Bank actively promoted the grant of mortgage loans for
residents to purchase first homes and buy a second home if their first homes are inadequate. For collateral loans,
the Bank executed diversified risk management and control measures based on customers’ risk level and the city
level of the area where the collateral belongs, to effectively improve quality of the newly issued mortgage loans
and title deed-secured loans and maintain the NPL ratio at a low level. Though, due to the temporary effects of
the epidemic, the NPL ratio of residential mortgages slightly increased during the first quarter, the risk of such
business would remain at a low level in the long run.
(2) Regarding the “Xinyidai”, the Bank strictly followed the requirements of the examination before, during and
after granting loans. It checked at all levels under cross-validation rule in terms of pre-loan sales, on-site
negotiation and contract conclusion, loan approval, and post-loan management, and dynamically adjusted risk
policies with the advanced scorecard technique and multi-dimensional risk monitoring system. For customers of
high risk, the Bank adjusted policies based on changes in macro-economic environment in a timely manner and
comprehensively upgraded the means of investigation, control and prevention. After the COVID-19 outbreak,
the Bank promptly formulated “Xinyidai” extended repayment solutions, providing appropriate preferential
credit policies to customers who temporarily lost their income due to COVID-19, and made flexible adjustments
on their repayment arrangements. As the work resumption rate of the collection department continued to increase,
new overdue loans of “Xinyidai” decreased in March and future NPL ratio would remain at a controllable level.
(3) For auto finance loans affected by COVID-19, repayment ability of certain customers showed a decline, with
NPL ratio slightly increasing while remaining at a low level in the banking industry. By providing diversified
bailout solutions, such as loans extension and interest reduction, the Bank actively alleviated the repayment
burden of customers affected by the epidemic, effectively mitigating the impact of the outbreak on asset quality.
Besides, guided by the digital operation principle, the Bank enhanced multi-dimensional screening process for
new customers to optimise customer acquisition, thus keeping overall asset quality under control. With respect to
collection, the Bank, based on the changing trend of asset quality, adjusted the collection process in a timely
manner, optimised operation mode and accelerated the improvement of online operation level with technologies,
in order to minimise the adverse effects brought by the COVID-19.
(4) Under the influence of massive work stoppage due to the epidemic, resident income decreased and
consumption demand dwindled, resulting in an increase of NPL ratio of credit cards in the first quarter, the NPL
ratio increased to 2.32%, keeping at a low level in the industry. The Bank would keep implementing
whole-process risk management concept for credit card business, making full use of quantitative tools to
effectively manage and control risks. On the one hand, it actively introduced external data and applied big date
technology to further improve identification capacity of risk models, make more precise judgement of customer
qualification, so as to secure customer quality and optimise quality of credit card portfolio. On the other hand, it
adopted differentiated collection strategies during the epidemic in response to national calls to extend repayment
for affected customers. Meanwhile, the Bank actively initiated online operation on retail collection platform and
outsourced superior resources to control non-performing assets through greater investment in resources and
multiple collection methods.
(5) The Bank's NPL ratio of other personal loans, which were mainly business loans for small enterprise
customers and personal small consumer loans, slightly decreased over the beginning of the current year. To
support the development of inclusive finance, the Bank actively developed digital financial products for small
enterprises, and built and continued to iterate the credit models of small enterprises by applying big data,
effectively improving the capabilities of risk control admission and post-loan risk warning. The new business
kept good asset quality while maintaining a rapid growth. At the same time, for the existing businesses for small
enterprises, the Bank continued to exploit its special asset management department’s professional advantage of
recovery, intensify efforts in collection and recovery and actively mitigate risk of existing assets by taking
multiple measures.
3.11.3 Interest income and expense Average daily balance and average yield/cost rate of the major asset and liability items
(In RMB million)
January to March 2020 January to March 2019
Average Interest Average Average Interest Average
daily income/ yield/ daily income/ yield/
balance expense cost rate balance expense cost rate
Loans and advances to
customers (excluding
discounted bills) 2,261,743 36,543 6.50% 1,967,432 32,045 6.61%
Bond investment 750,511 5,814 3.12% 596,632 4,816 3.27%
Balances with the Central
bank 222,563 848 1.53% 220,552 824 1.52%
Bills discounting and
interbank business 594,775 4,672 3.16% 548,320 4,976 3.68%
Total interest-earning
assets 3,829,592 47,877 5.03% 3,332,936 42,661 5.19%
Deposits due to customers 2,507,346 15,076 2.42% 2,190,470 13,600 2.52%
Debt securities issued 506,883 4,055 3.22% 400,271 3,803 3.85%
Including: Interbank
of deposits 413,260 3,063 2.98% 307,556 2,735 3.61%
Interbank business and
others 650,534 3,976 2.46% 642,101 4,484 2.83%
Total interest-bearing
liabilities 3,664,763 23,107 2.54% 3,232,842 21,887 2.75%
Net interest income 24,770 20,774
Deposit-loan spread 4.08% 4.09%
NIS 2.49% 2.44%
NIM 2.60% 2.53%
(In RMB million)
January to March 2020 October to December 2019
Average Interest Average Average Interest Average
daily income/ yield/ daily income/ yield/
balance expense cost rate balance expense cost rate
Loans and advances to
customers (excluding
discounted bills) 2,261,743 36,543 6.50% 2,115,504 34,359 6.44%
Bond investment 750,511 5,814 3.12% 695,037 5,784 3.30%
Balances with the Central
bank 222,563 848 1.53% 220,420 833 1.50%
Bills discounting and
interbank business 594,775 4,672 3.16% 557,616 4,760 3.39%
Total interest-earning
assets 3,829,592 47,877 5.03% 3,588,577 45,736 5.06%
Deposits due to customers 2,507,346 15,076 2.42% 2,340,869 14,174 2.40%
Debt securities issued 506,883 4,055 3.22% 419,173 3,516 3.33%
Including: Interbank
of deposits 413,260 3,063 2.98% 325,550 2,509 3.06%
Interbank business and
others 650,534 3,976 2.46% 668,738 4,354 2.58%
Total interest-bearing
liabilities 3,664,763 23,107 2.54% 3,428,780 22,044 2.55%
Net interest income 24,770 23,692
Deposit-loan spread 4.08% 4.04%
NIS 2.49% 2.51%
NIM 2.60% 2.62%
In the first quarter of 2020, due to the decline of the Loan Prime Rate (LPR) and the easing of monetary market
funds, the Bank’s yield of interest-earning assets decreased at a higher rate than the cost rate of interest-bearing
liabilities with NIM decreased by 2 basis points on a quarter-on-quarter basis. Average daily balance and yield of loans and advances to customers
(In RMB million)
January to March 2020 January to March 2019
Average Average
daily Interest Average daily Interest Average
balance income yield balance income yield
Corporate loans (excluding
discounted bills) 910,126 10,273 4.54% 796,781 10,245 5.21%
Personal loans (including
credit cards) 1,351,617 26,270 7.82% 1,170,651 21,800 7.55%
Loans and advances to
customers (excluding
discounted bills) 2,261,743 36,543 6.50% 1,967,432 32,045 6.61%
32 Average daily balance and cost rate of deposits due to customers
(In RMB million)
January to March 2020 January to March 2019
Average Average
daily Interest Average cost daily Interest Average cost
balance expense rate balance expense rate
Corporate deposits 1,914,774 11,279 2.37% 1,708,521 10,430 2.48%
Including: Demand deposits 544,266 860 0.64% 534,258 817 0.62%
Time deposits 1,027,186 8,290 3.25% 938,611 8,168 3.53%
Including: Treasury
deposits and
deposits 88,841 831 3.76% 105,906 1,204 4.61%
Margin deposits 343,322 2,129 2.49% 235,652 1,445 2.49%
Personal deposits 592,572 3,797 2.58% 481,949 3,170 2.67%
Including: Demand deposits 190,181 140 0.30% 162,549 120 0.30%
Time deposits 383,307 3,488 3.66% 295,283 2,769 3.80%
Margin deposits 19,084 169 3.56% 24,117 281 4.73%
Deposits due to customers 2,507,346 15,076 2.42% 2,190,470 13,600 2.52%
3.12 Capital adequacy ratio, leverage ratio and liquidity coverage ratio
3.12.1 Capital adequacy ratio
(In RMB million)
Item 31 March 2020 31 December 2019
Net core tier 1 capital 262,456 253,646
Other tier 1 capital 69,944 39,948
Net tier 1 capital 332,400 293,594
Tier 2 capital 74,632 74,599
Net capital 407,032 368,193
Total risk-weighted assets 2,852,847 2,784,405
Credit risk-weighted assets 2,545,401 2,508,004
On-balance-sheet risk-weighted assets 2,256,200 2,223,516
Off-balance-sheet risk-weighted assets 276,249 275,106
Risk-weighted assets of counterparty credit
risk exposure 9,382
Market risk-weighted assets 82,365 51,320
Operational risk-weighted assets 225,081 225,081
Core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio 9.20% 9.11%
Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio 11.65% 10.54%
Capital adequacy ratio 14.27% 13.22%
Section IV Financial Statements
AS AT 31 MARCH 2020
(In RMB million)
ASSETS 31 March 2020 31 December 2019
Cash and balances with the Central bank 283,706 252,230
Deposits with banks and other financial institutions 79,303 85,684
Precious metals 47,719 51,191
Placements with and loans to banks and other
financial institutions 48,701 79,369
Derivative financial assets 40,439 18,500
Financial assets held under resale agreements 54,472 62,216
Loans and advances to customers 2,370,567 2,259,349
Financial investments:
Financial assets held for trading 263,007 206,682
Investment on debts 626,944 656,290
Other investment on debts 228,499 182,264
Other equity investment 2,181 1,844
Investment properties 417 247
Property and equipment 10,608 11,092
Right-of-use assets 7,235 7,517
Intangible assets 4,132 4,361
Goodwill 7,568 7,568
Deferred income tax assets 34,879 34,725
Other assets 21,921 17,941
TOTAL ASSETS 4,132,298 3,939,070
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 19,406 19,406
Other equity instrument 69,944 39,948
Including: Preference shares 19,953 19,953
Perpetual bonds 49,991 19,995
Capital reserve 80,816 80,816
Other comprehensive income 4,016 2,314
Surplus reserve 10,781 10,781
General reserve 46,348 46,348
Retained earnings 121,044 113,370
Total shareholders’ equity 352,355 312,983
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 4,132,298 3,939,070
Head of
Legal finance
representative President CFO department:
Xie Yonglin Hu Yuefei Xiang Youzhi Zhu Peiqing
(In RMB million)
Item January to March 2020 January to March 2019
Head of
Legal finance
representative President CFO department:
Xie Yonglin Hu Yuefei Xiang Youzhi Zhu Peiqing
(In RMB million)
Item January to March 2020 January to March 2019
I. Cash flows from operating activities
Net decrease in amounts due from the Central bank and
deposits with banks and other financial institutions 6,221 50,811
Net increase in borrowings from the Central bank 9,131 -
Net increase in customer deposits and deposits from
banks and other financial institutions 138,870 69,010
Net decrease in placements with and loans to banks and
other financial institutions 10,585 2,613
Net increase in financial assets sold under repurchase
agreements - 13,515
Net decrease in financial assets held under resale
agreements 56 48
Cash received from interest and fee and commission
income 50,778 50,004
Cash received relating to other operating activities 49,302 1,790
Sub-total of cash inflows 264,943 187,791
Net decrease in borrowings from the Central bank - 7,715
Net increase in loans and advances to customers 129,873 65,841
Net decrease in placements from banks and other
financial institutions 2,899 2,959
Net increase in financial assets held for trading 61,996 22,611
Net decrease in financial assets sold under repurchase
agreements 14,821 -
Cash payments for interest and fee and commission
expenses 19,922 17,111
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 7,415 7,595
Cash payments for taxes and surcharges 2,214 5,347
Cash paid relating to other operating activities 7,814 5,428
Sub-total of cash outflows 246,954 134,607
Net cash flows from operating activities 17,989 53,184
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 177,840 200,963
Head of
Legal finance
representative President CFO department:
Xie Yonglin Hu Yuefei Xiang Youzhi Zhu Peiqing
4.2 Auditor’s Report