Statistical Thinking and Its Role in Org PDF
Statistical Thinking and Its Role in Org PDF
Statistical Thinking and Its Role in Org PDF
Statistical thinking and its role for industrial engineers and managers in the 21st
Miltiadis Makrymichalos Jiju Antony Frenie Antony Maneesh Kumar
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To cite this document:
Miltiadis Makrymichalos Jiju Antony Frenie Antony Maneesh Kumar, (2005),"Statistical thinking and its role
for industrial engineers and managers in the 21st century", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 20 Iss 4 pp.
354 - 363
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20,4 Statistical thinking and its role for
industrial engineers and
managers in the 21st century
Miltiadis Makrymichalos
Pefki, Athens, Greece, and
Jiju Antony, Frenie Antony and Maneesh Kumar
Division of Management, Caledonian Business School,
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the vital linkage between six sigma and
statistical thinking. The paper also explains the key characteristics required for statistical thinking
and some of the common barriers in the implementation of the key principles of statistical thinking.
Design/methodology/approach – The objectives of the paper have been achieved in several ways.
The paper provides the key principles of statistical thinking and then discusses the possible reasons
for lack of statistical thinking in modern organizations. The paper then illustrates the linkage between
the statistical principles and six sigma. The tools and techniques of six sigma used within statistical
thinking are also highlighted in the paper.
Findings – The key findings of this work include the relationship between the two key powerful
methodologies: six sigma and statistical thinking, reasons for lack of applications of statistical
thinking in organizations, the future role of managers and engineers in companies with regard to
statistical thinking era and the commonalities in the application of tools and techniques between these
two methodologies.
Research limitations/implications – The paper needs more justification through surveys and
case examples and this will be the future step of this study. In fact, one of the co-authors is currently
conducting a survey in the UK organizations to investigate the relationship between statistical
thinking and six sigma.
Practical implications – The paper is very practical in nature and it does yield a great value to
those people who are currently embarking on six sigma program, especially at senior manager and
executive levels.
Originality/value – Very little is published in the field of statistical thinking in the UK academic
world. In fact, there is a cognitive gap in this field and this paper certainly forms a good platform for
further research that will enable to bridge the gap.
Keywords Statistical analysis, Corporate strategy, Quality improvement
Paper type General review
Figure 1.
Statistical thinking in
quality improvement
MAJ Six sigma
20,4 Six sigma is a business improvement approach that seeks to find and eliminate causes
of mistakes or defects in business processes (Breyfogle, 1999; Harry and Schroeder,
2000). It is a disciplined method of using extremely rigorous data gathering and
statistical analysis to pinpoint sources of errors and ways of eliminating them
(Minitab, 2002). Another definition of six sigma is (Linderman et al., 2003): “Six Sigma
356 is an organised and systematic method for strategic process improvement and new
product and service development that relies on statistical methods and the scientific
method to make dramatic reductions in customer defined defect rates”.
Six sigma is a statistical term that roughly translates to only 3.4 defects or failures
or mistakes/errors per million opportunities. The six sigma approach emphasizes in
understanding and documenting the business process, developing metrics and hard
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data, and reducing process variation (Hoerl and Snee, 2002). Six sigma has been quite
successful in integrating the simple and powerful statistical tools into the
problem-solving methodology DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and
control). This careful integration of tools with the methods is unique to six sigma
(Breyfogle, 1999; Ishikawa, 1985; Kume, 1987, 1985; Hoerl, 1998). Six sigma is viewed
as a process performance improvement approach and a measure of process capability.
The focus is on creating financial gains to the bottom-line of the organization. This is
one of the facets of six sigma that is not accentuated in TQM. The bottom-line impact
is central to the strong and charismatic leadership and the support that has been given
to six sigma initiative in an organization. Another key aspect of six sigma is the
integration of human and process elements of improvement. Human elements may
include teamwork, communication of results, recognition and awards, training,
customer focus, etc. and process elements may include process stability, capability,
and process characterization and optimization.
people who operate the process” (cited in Hoerl and Snee, 2002). Dr Deming, another
quality guru stated that the true figure is more like 96/4, i.e. 96 percent of the problems
are in the process or system and the remaining 4 percent are due to the people
(Joiner, 1994). Although there is a difference between the figures provided by the two
“quality gurus”, obviously the vast majority of the problems are in the process/system.
Understanding, analyzing, quantifying and reducing variation are keys to business success
The third principle of statistical thinking is that understanding, analyzing,
quantifying, and reducing variation are keys to success of the business. First,
variation should be identified, characterized, and quantified in order to understand
both the variation and the process that produced it. With this knowledge, we can work
to change the process and reduce its variation. The performance of a process is
influenced by its average or centering and the amount of variation around the average
performance. For process improvement problems, we need to understand the factors
which influence the average performance and also those factors which influence
variability in process performance. Many managers of today are still concerned about
the average process performance and not yet paid much attention to the performance
variability. This fundamental problem can be readily rectified by teaching the
principles of statistical thinking. Customers of today are more concerned with the
consistency of performance and not about how often we can hit the target value of
product/service performance. Dr Taguchi’s quality loss function can be used as a
MAJ powerful tool to quantify the loss associated with a product/service when its
20,4 performance deviates from a desired or target value (Antony and Kaye, 1999).
The larger the deviation from target performance, the greater the loss will be.
education institutions
Many engineers have not been taught or have been taught poorly the value of
statistical ideas and applications. Research has shown that application of statistical
tools and techniques by the engineering fraternity in both manufacturing and service
industries is limited and when applied they are often performed incorrectly (Antony
and Kaye, 1995). In other words there is a cognitive gap in the knowledge of applied
statistical methods required by industrial engineers and managers in many modern
organizations. The most common remark made by many engineers is “I can do the text
book and class room examples but I am not comfortable while applying the concepts
and principles of this statistical tool/technique in my work area”. The main reason
identified for that is the lack of statistical education at university level (Antony and
Capon, 1999). The courses currently available in engineering and business statistics
often tend to concentrate on the theory of probability, probability distributions, and the
more mathematical aspects of the subject rather than the techniques which are most
practically useful to the engineering and business fraternity (Antony et al., 1997).
New roles for industrial engineers and managers in statistical thinking era
Managers should understand that statistical thinking is not just a set of statistical tools
Statistical thinking should not be observed as just the use of powerful statistical tools
and techniques with little focus at the concept level. Managers should start considering
MAJ statistical thinking from a “systems” perspective, that is, specifically developing
systems that bring together several statistical tools and other methodologies to
20,4 perform certain activity (Pfeifer et al., 1998).
Managers should start using the available data effectively for making decisions
Statistical thinking has its roots in the work of Shewhart. One of the important
360 principles of statistical thinking contributed by Shewhart is rational sub-grouping.
The idea is to minimize within subgroup variability and maximize the opportunity to
detect variability between subgroups. To truly minimize variability, the sources of
variation must be identified and eliminated (or at least reduced). This requires process
knowledge which is usually derived from theory and data. Data must be collected in a
manner that will enable the measurement of variability in the process.
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Managers should be able to distinguish common and special cause variation in their core
business processes
Understanding the difference between common and special cause variation is as
important as understanding rational sub-grouping. An illustration often used to show
the difference is that common cause variation is the variation that a process would
exhibit all the time. It is also referred to as the natural process variation. Common
cause variation in many cases may be tackled by fundamentally changing the process
or system. This requires action from top management. Some of the fundamental
differences between common and special causes of variation are shown in Table I.
Special cause variation can be readily identified and can be eliminated by adjusting the
process. Special cause variation can often be addressed without spending a great deal
of time, effort, or money. Eliminating special causes is really fixing problems, or
bringing the process back to where it should have been in the first place.
tools include Pareto analysis, control chart, cause and effect analysis, etc. A technique,
on the other hand, has a wider application than a tool and is often thought of as a
collection of tools. Examples include QFD, Robust design, DOE, SPC, etc. The
successful implementation of statistical thinking principles requires stringent
application of these tools/techniques. This section is looking at what tools or
techniques of six sigma could be employed during the successful implementation of
statistical thinking (refer to Table II).
All work occurs in a system of Process maps, SIPOC, value QFD, FMEA
interconnected processes stream mapping, affinity
diagram, cause and effect
Variation exists in all processes Histograms, box plots, control Process capability analysis,
charts, run charts, multivari measurement system analysis
Understanding and reducing Hypothesis testing, correlation DOE, Taguchi methods, SPC, Table II.
variation are the keys to analysis, Pareto analysis, Shainin’s variables search Six sigma
success ANOVA, control chart, method tools/techniques used
regression analysis within statistical thinking
MAJ Conclusions
20,4 Businesses have begun to respond to the new economic era in which we live.
This response takes many forms. Much of it is aimed at improving the quality of
everything we do. The industrial engineers and managers in the 21st century have two
jobs: to do their ordinary work but at the same time continuously improving how they
do their work. The attention on improving everything we do has brought with it
362 a renewed emphasis on statistics and in particular on statistical thinking. The
improvement activities which derive from statistical thinking are process
improvement and problem solving. Problem-solving strategy has been applied in the
past but without delivering the expected results. The main reasons identified for that
are: statistics was never used before for managerial issues and when they were used
they were focused on “fire-fighting” actions. Additionally, there is inadequate
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Further reading
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Honing Their Performance, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Snee, R. and Hoerl, R.W. (2003), Leading Six Sigma, FT Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
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