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and Food processing Sector :
Growth prospects
While the Indian economy’s growth in the recent years, has been
propelled by the growth of the service and manufacturing sectors,
agriculture still plays a significant role by contributing 17% of the GDP
and providing employment to 60% of the population. With the
increasing focus and investments from the large national and
international food and retail companies, the sector is bound to grow
much faster in the coming years. As this sector has a strong social
implication, it has also been accorded a high priority status by the
Government, which is facilitating its growth by charting favourable
initiatives at different policy levels. The changing consumption
dynamics coupled with the growth of modern retail, the processed food
industryoffers tremendous opportunities for all stakeholders in the areas
of production, processing, marketing,supply chain, infrastructure
development, technology up gradation and education.


The size of the Indian food industry is estimated at about US$ 236 bn. It
is growing at about 5% year on year (YoY) and will reach US$ 314 bn
by 2015. The processed food segment’s contribution is currently at about
43% i.e. US$ 120 bn, this is expected to grow much faster, and
contribute about 50% to the total food market by 2015. The proportion
andvalue of each sector in the Indian food processing industry is shown
in Exhibit 1.
The processed food industry is highly fragmented and is dominated by
the unorganized sector. The organized food processing segment
contributes about 30% of the market; however with the entry of large
players both domestic and international, the market is expected to
growing at 25% per annum and will account for 40% of the market by
the next 5 years. At the moment the Indian food market is still
dominated by the staples like wheat, rice and pulses followed by fruits &
vegetables and dairy products with minimal value addition before being
consumed by the masses. The production of each sector amount and it’s
standing in the world is summarised in Exhibit-2.

Though India has a strong agricultural production base, the wastage in

the sector is very high. The lack of storage & processing facilities leads
to significant wastage, especially in categories like fruit and vegetables
with an estimated wastage of about 35% (estimated value of US$ 8 bn
annually). The level of food processing varies considerably across sub-
sectors in the country. In the case of perishables like fruit and
vegetables, only 2% of production is processed, it is more than 90% of
non perishable products such as cereals and pulses. However, the
processing in staples involves very little value addition, and is mostly
confined to grading, cleaning, milling, and packing; with negligible use
of additives, preservatives, and flavours etc.

Sector Wise Production Level

The diverse agro-climatic conditions in India, offer huge potential for a wide
variety of crops including cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables all round the year.
Also, India is a leading producer of crops like Basmati rice, Alphonso mango,
cumin, cardamom, tea, coriander, cashew and a range of vegetables and fruits,
which have a global demand. In addition, India has the advantage of the low cost
of production, which provides an unbeatable competitive edge in the global market

Food Processing Industry

Domestic industry
 One of the strong holds of the Indian Economy
 Accounts for 14.6 % of India’s GDP in 2009-10, and 10.23 % of the total
 Provides employment to 55% of the work force.
 Total Geographical area of India is 328.7 Mn hectares of which 140.3 Mn
hectares is net sown area, while 193.7 Mn hectares is the gross cropped area.
 An amount of US$ 19 billion has been allocated for the Ministry of
Agriculture – 11th plan allocation.
 Displayed a growth rate of 3.8% during first half of 2010-2011
 Capital investment in agriculture has been increased to 3.26 Bn $
Domestic Scenario of Food Processing Industry

 Projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 7.5

per cent during 2009-13 and would touch US$ 330 billion by 2013
 Exports of agricultural products are expected to cross around US$ 22 billion
mark by 2014 (APEDA).
 Vision 2015 of MOFPI includes
 Trebling the size of the food processing industry
 Raising the level of processing of perishables from 6 per cent to 20
per cent
 Increasing value addition from 20 per cent to 35 per cent
 Enhancing India’s share in global food trade from 1.5 per cent to 3 per

Major Initiatives
Government Initiatives
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) is the nodal agency
established by the Government to ensure development of the food processing
sector in India. The key objectives of the MoFPI includes improving utilization &
value addition of farm produce, minimizing wastage, technology introduction &
upgrades, promoting R&D, initiatives for policy development and development of
critical infrastructure for supply chain.

With an intention to grow the food processing sector, the Government has made a
sharp increase in the plan outlay and expenditure in the last couple of years and has
approved outlays of over US$ 1 bn in the 11th plan. Exhibit 3 give the details of
approved outlay for the 11th Plan.

Policy Initiatives
To help promote the food processing industry, the Government has over the years
taken various policy initiatives. Key policy initiatives include:

• Exemption of most processed food items (except items reserved for SSI &
Alcoholic Beverages) from purview of licensing under the Industries
(Development & Regulation) Act, 1951

• Food processing industry covered under priority sector bank lending

• Foreign investments of up-to 100% allowed under the automatic route

• Excise & Customs Duty reduction in processed items & plant and machinery

• Income Tax holiday for certain categories of processing industries

• Delegation of licensing powers to regional authorities

Infrastructure Initiatives
One of the major factors hindering the growth of the food processing industry
relates to inadequate infrastructure. To meet this challenge of inadequate
infrastructure, the MoFPI in its 10th Plan has focused on developing various food
related infrastructure that include:

Food Parks

This initiative of the Government is targeted to provide common infrastructure for

the industry. As per the 10th Plan schedule a total of 56 Food Parks were planned.
The 11th Plan has a target of establishing 30 mega food parks across the country.
The key objectives of this initiative includes providing infrastructure, support value
addition of agricultural commodities, establish raw material supply chain,
induction of latest technology, integration of complementary resources and
improved quality assurance.
Integrated Cold Chain Facility

This scheme is targeted to improve viability of cold storages and add capacity.

Packaging Centre

The Government intends to develop packing centers facilities so as to help enhance

the shelf life of food products and bring international acceptability.

Value Added Centre

The value addition centre’s are intended to bring about value addition leading to
higher realization along with enhancing shelf life.

Irradiation Facilities

The meet the challenges brought about by infestation, the Government has plans to
setup irradiation facilities.

Modernization of Abattoir

For the 11th Plan, the Government is planning a comprehensive scheme for
modern abattoirs across the country.

Growth Drivers
The changes in the consumer preferences and inclinations have had a definite
impact on the level and directions of food processing. The reasons for the change
in the Indian consumer are:

Rising Income Levels

In India, the per capita income has almost doubled in the last 7 years and is now
about US$ 1000 per annum. The consistent rise in the middle class income has
resulted in a consuming class with higher disposable income.

Changing Food Habits

With growing affluence, the eating out incidences has increased in the urban India.
The ‘Young India’ is also experimenting with new tastes and preferences and
tastes are getting diffused across geographies. Pan-Indian cuisines as well as
cuisines from other countries have also found their way into people’s kitchen
across the country. There is a growing trend towards balanced and health
consciousness diet in the new generation of consumers.

Growing Need for Convenience Food

Increased income levels, urbanization and a greater proportion of urban working

women in India is leading to increased convenience-seeking behaviour of Indian
consumers. There has been an increasing demand for processed & convenience
foods such as in ready-to-eat, ready-to-cook, ready-to-serve and ready-to heat

Challenges Faced
The Indian food processing industry currently faces a lot of challenges addressing
current gaps in the value chain as well as leveraging on various advantages the
country provides. Investors in the sector need to be aware of these factors and build
required capabilities in their business to ensure success.

Fragmented Supply Base

Indian agriculture is predominantly a production driven market supply instead of

market driven production, leading to inconsistency in quality of produce and
supply. With more than 70% of the landholding smaller than 1.5 hectares, the
average land holding in India is very small leading to poor economy of scale for
the farmers to apply modern techniques in their farms.

Poor Quality Control

Though Indian growers and exporters have now been able to match up to global
standards, meeting these standards with up-scaled production will be big challenge.
The challenge becomes much bigger where there are differences in standards and
consumer preferences across potential markets. The issues of traceability in fresh
produce and poor hygiene generated infections in packaged foods need to be

Inadequate Infrastructure and Supply Chain

While India is the leading producer of many of the crops in the world, nearly 25%
to 35% of this production is spoiled due to the lack of inadequate supply chain and
poor infrastructure. Non-availability of core infrastructure like high-tech controlled
production facilities, grading, packaging, cold chains, logistics,warehousing,
integrated processing units, inefficient supply chain, poor transportation and erratic
power supply are the major concerns in the country. Also, there are very few
specialized distribution companies, providing refrigerated transport and
warehousing for perishable produce/ processed food products.

Food Regulations and Taxation Issues

Both the Indian food industry and the processing industry are governed by multiple
legislations. Though many initiatives have already been taken by the Government,
there is still need and scope for harmonization of taxation norms and systems
across the country. Exhibit 4 enlists certain acts passed by the Government that
have been passed.

Limited Market Linkages

The food value chain in India is highly fragmented leading to poor quality, lower
price realization and increased wastage of produce at the farm level. Improvement
in the marketing infrastructure and also identification of new export markets for
their produce, are the two major issues facing the industry.

Emerging Opportunities
The Indian food industry, however, is in a unique position with both challenges
and opportunities existing at the same time. Till the late 70s, India was a food
deficit nation. Post-70s, the country moved to become a food surplus nation, thanks
to efforts from eminent personalities like Dr. Swaminathan who led the “Green
Revolution” drive. Today, India is the second largest producer of food, next only to
China. Around 26% of GDP in India comes from food and agriculture. Food
processing sector ranks fifth in terms of its contribution to GDP. There is
tremendous untapped potential which is presently languishing in darkness. India
has incredible opportunities in the field of food processing because of various

India has the second largest arable land in the world. It has diverse agro-climatic
zones: hot and humid in its long coastal line area, dry and cold in mountain ranges,
hot and dry in plateau regions.This makes India unique for producing many kinds
of horticultural and agro-products. Apart from this, India with a population of 1.08
billion, growing at 1.6% per annum, has a favorable demographic profile making it
one of the largest consumption hubs.

Food Processing

The production potential and significant variations in food habits and culinary
traditions across the country translate into immense processing opportunities for
the companies. Also, there is an opportunity for key suppliers for machinery,
technology and infrastructure for the industry.


Export Opportunities : Indian agribusiness industries provide opportunities not

only to cater to the growing Indian middle-class but also for export market. India
with its strong agricultural production base, easy availability of raw materials and
the growing food processing industry, is strategically poised to capitalize on the
global food processing market.

Building forward linkages : Leading product brands and retailers are integrating
their agri supply chain with processing plant or retailing business. With a well
established agriculture practice, India presents vast opportunities in the domain of
contract farming. Already contract farming is successfully practiced for the
production of the crops such as potato, tomato, maize and gherkins, among others.

Back End Services

Temperature controlled infrastructure: Even though India is the second largest

producer of food in the world, the facilities required for food storage and
infrastructure for refrigerated transportation are grossly inadequate. Tremendous
potential for investment exists in the areas of procurement and delivery systems,
pre-cooling facilities, refrigerated vehicles, cold stores/ controlled ambience stores,
warehouses and traceability issues, among others.

Creation of Infrastructure

Production infrastructure : India needs modern facilities in germplasm and seed

multiplication facilities, agricultural inputs (seeds, plant nutrients and plant
protection chemicals), irrigation, controlled production facilities, farm
mechanization etc to improve its agri produce infrastructure.

Processing infrastructure : Investment in farm level post-harvest facilities – cool

chambers, grading and sorting facilities, pack houses for the back-end support;
integrated industrial processing units for processing and value addition.

Distribution infrastructure : There is a need to establish an integrated supply chain

like warehousing, cold chain and transport from farm gate to the food plate for
strong backward and forward integration. Supply chains are to be created in such a
way that they can be utilized round the year for multiple commodities to increase
the efficiency of utilization.

Opportunity to Launch New Products/Brands

Mass market basic foods: High volume opportunities like flour, fresh poultry,
edible oils, sugar etc. the key will be to integrate the supply chain with the retail

Mass market value added products: Key categories include bakery, dairy products,
tea, coffee etc. which have a large volume and branding plays a key role. The key
challenges include adaptation to the local tastes and local distribution.

Niche market products: Key categories include ready-to-eat, ready-to-cook,

chocolates, fruit juices, branded staples, spices, pickles, snacks etc. Product
development and brand building will be the key for the success of the brand.

Food exports: Key categories include, ‘Basmati’ rice, spice, pickles, snacks, ready
to eat, dry fruits etc. the key is to set-up high grade production facilities with
complete quality control.
Export Opportunities

India has the potential to grow its export of processed food which are driven by
key factors like ample availability of raw material & low production cost driven by
availability of cheap labour.


cultivable land Largest
compared to livestock
11% world population
All 15 major
climates in the
producer of
world exist in
India Significant
46 out of 60 Largest Opportunity
soil types exist producer
in India cereals
India as a global
20 agri- sourcing hub
fruit and
Sunshine vegetable
hours and day Among the top producer
length are producers worldwide of rice,
ideally suited wheat, groundnuts, tea,
for round the coffee, tobacco, spices, sugar
year and oilseeds.

High domestic demand and supportive policy provides significant opportunities

across the Food Processing value chain…
Po licy Suppo rt

Re tail/
Marketing/ Lo g istics
Farm Inputs Farming Processing Foo d Co nsum er
Agg regato r (Foo d)
Se rvices

Product De sign


Financial & Bus ine s s Trans port Service s / Marke ting

Quality Control Marke t Intellige nce
Se rvice s Infrastructure
Food Safety
Quality Control
Mega Food Parks Management
Key Systems
Integrated Cold Training Joint Research
Chain Facilities Facilities
ies Backward and
Forward B2B Sales
Farm Equipment
Key Success Factors
Growth of Domestic Market

The overall penetration of processed foods in the domestic market is low. This
leads to a large untapped market with propensity to consume processed food.

Appropriate Product Concept

For any successful business, it is important to have the right product concept that
meets consumer expectations and the food industry is no exception. Innovative
products,leading edge technology, fast changing consumer needs and preferences,
are all aspects that need to be focused.

Competitive Pricing of Products

Processed food companies need to understand the price sensitivityof the Indian
consumer. The market demand is for competitively priced products with multiple
pack sizes & price points.

High Quality Raw Material with Sustainable Supply Chain

This is the first and foremost prerequisite to determining the final quality of a
product. In the food industry, the supply chain has to be sustainable so that the
right quality product reaches the consumer.

World Class R&D and Manufacturing Resources

In a global business environment to keep pace with fast changing technology/

innovations, it is essential have a world class R&D and manufacturing facility.
This is the key to building capacity.
A Qualified Manpower Resource

Adequate resource of qualified manpower is another aspect of capacity building

and is a very important asset for success in business.

Safe and Healthy Products

Consumption of food products pertain directly to the health of people. Hence, it is

of utmost importance to have quality systems like Hazard Analysis & Cuticle
Control Points (HACCP) to deliver safe and healthy products to consumers.

Continuous Investment in Training and Technology Up-Gradation

This is a vital step to capacity building and is applicable to the food industry as

Innovative Packaging

In a highly competitive business environment, innovative packaging is another

important facet of capacity building that can provide a leading edge.

Conducive Regulatory Framework

In addition to the above, proactive support from lawmakers to amend and modify
laws that accommodate new innovations Genetically Modified Organism
(GMO),concepts (Nutraceuticals) etc is critical for capacity building in the food

Creating Appropriate Market Environment

To be a market leader, it is essential for the industry to create an appropriate

market environment for selling products. These are exciting times for the food
processing industry in India, and the opportunity to enter the market is huge. The
domestic market consumption is changing and the level of processing will increase
significantly, and at the same time, India remains disproportionately a small player
in the export market compared to its production capability in various raw products.
The opportunity is also huge for back-end infrastructural companies, as product
and brand companies looking at increasing investments in this sector.

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