Ad Hoc Networks
Ad Hoc Networks
Ad Hoc Networks
Abstract— Secure communication is very important in com- distributed over a number of nodes. While this basic idea
puter networks and authentication is one of the most eminent has been proposed earlier [1], its application on a clustered
preconditions. However, common authentication schemes are not network is a novelty of our work. Our architecture addresses
applicable in ad hoc networks because public key infrastructures
with a centralized certification authority are hard to deploy issues of authorization and access control, and a multi-level
there. We propose and evaluate a security concept based on a security model helps to adapt the complexity to the capabilities
distributed certification facility. A network is divided into clusters of mobile end systems. Moreover, an extensive evaluation is
with one special head node each. These cluster head nodes execute given.
administrative functions and hold shares of a network key used
In the following, we first give a brief overview of security
for certification. New nodes start to participate in the network
as guests; they can only become full members with a network- goals, common techniques for authentication and secret shar-
signed certificate after their authenticity has been warranted by ing, as well as related work for securing ad hoc networks.
some other members. The feasibility of this concept was verified In section III, our security concept is described in detail.
by simulation. Three different models for node mobility were An important contribution of our work is the evaluation of
used in order to include realistic scenarios as well as make the
the security architecture in section IV. We simulated ad hoc
results comparable to other work. The simulation results include
an evaluation of the log-on times, availability, and communication networks that use our architecture in order to demonstrate
overhead. its feasibility and to measure performance and overhead.
Those measurements are based upon different mobility mod-
I. I NTRODUCTION els, which are described in this section as well. We also discuss
Ad hoc networks are subject to various kinds of attacks. the results and provide information on the configuration of
Wireless communication links can be eavesdropped on without variable parameters. Finally, section V concludes the paper
noticeable effort and communication protocols on all layers and gives an outlook to further research.
are vulnerable to specific attacks. In contrast to wire-line net-
works, known attacks like masquerading, man-in-the-middle, II. S ECURITY IN A D HOC N ETWORKS
and replaying of messages can easily be carried out. Moreover,
deploying security mechanisms is difficult due to inherent In a security concept, typically striving for goals like authen-
properties of ad hoc networks, such as the high dynamics of ticity, integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation and availabil-
their topology (due to mobility and joining/leaving devices), ity, authentication of communicating entities is of particular
limited resources of end systems, or bandwidth-restricted and importance as it forms the basis for achieving the other secu-
possibly asymmetrical communication links. rity goals: e.g., encryption is worthless if the communication
A central issue concerning the design of any service in partners have not verified their identities before. Authentica-
ad hoc networks is not to rely on any centralized entities, tion of entities and messages can be realized in different ways
because such entities would obviously be easy to attack, and using either symmetric (3DES, AES) or asymmetric (ElGamal,
their reachability could not be guaranteed at all times for all RSA) cryptographic algorithms (see e.g. [2] for details).
participants of the network. Therefore, it is not possible to While symmetric algorithms depend on the existence of
implement a centralized, trusted entity for managing public a preshared key (which does not exist in the general case),
keys of the participants as performed in local area networks authentication by asymmetric cryptography requires a secure
or the Internet. Instead, a distributed solution must be found. mapping of public keys to the owners’ identities which is often
In this paper, we propose and evaluate an architecture for realized by public key infrastructures (PKI). PKIs use digitally
securing communication in mobile ad hoc networks. Our ap- signed certificates to verify a key owner’s identity. Each user
proach divides the network into clusters and implements a de- has to prove her identity to a certification authority (CA)
centralized certification authority. Decentralization is achieved and in turn receives a digitally signed certificate proving the
using threshold cryptography and a network secret that is ownership of her public key.
Frequency [%]
Frequency [%]
5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95
Log-On Time [s]
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Log-On Time [s]
Fig. 7. Log-on times for different cluster sizes
Frequency [%]
14 10
Frequency [%]
12 8
10 6
2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Log-On Time [s]
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Log-On Time [s] Fig. 8. Log-on (60 nodes, motorway)
0,9 0,9
0,8 0,8
0,7 0,7
0,6 0,6
0,5 0,5
0,4 0,4
0,3 0,3
CH Interval = 10s
0,2 CH Interval = 10s 0,2 CH Interval = 30s
CH Interval = 30s
0,1 0,1
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Time [s] Time [s]
Fig. 9. Availability (15 nodes, random waypoint) Fig. 10. Availability (60 nodes, motorway)
After a successful log-on with the cluster head, secure com- 0,9
200 s and 300 s. The merge of two CH networks plays an 0,7
Overhead [Packets/s]
200 350
100 200
0 50
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Time [s]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Time [s]
Fig. 12. Overhead (random waypoint)
Fig. 14. Overhead depending on the cluster size (random waypoint)
• gateways caused 34.2 % of the traffic.
C. Discussion
CH Interval = 10s
From the evaluation, several interesting performance aspects
CH Interval = 30s of our security architecture can be observed. One important
0 result is that the mobility patterns of mobile nodes have a
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 highly significant impact on performance. All measurements
Time [s]
revealed remarkable differences between the random waypoint
Fig. 13. Overhead (motorway) and the motorway scenario.
Our measurements also show the impact of different pa-
rameters. Whereas the frequency of CH beacons seems to
found that starting at about 120 s, the average overhead further have little impact (motorway scenario) or almost no impact
increases for a CH interval of 30 s, whereas it decreases for at all (random waypoint) on the availability, the overhead
a CH interval of 10 s. Moreover, the peaks in the motorway differs noticeably for different CH beacon intervals in the
scenario are by far less significant compared to the random motorway scenario. The cluster size plays an important role
waypoint model (100 packets/s compared to 250 packets/s). for the overhead caused by our security architecture. One
Notice again the correspondence to Fig. 10: with an increasing drawback is the considerable additional load for cluster heads
availability, the overhead also increases. and gateways: Together, they generate about 80 % of the
We also studied the influence of the cluster size on the additional network load.
overhead. In Fig. 14, we examined the overhead for the random Besides the examined aspects, further parameters are also
waypoint mobility model with cluster sizes of 1, 2, and 3 hops. relevant for the performance of the described security architec-
This simulation shows that the overhead remains small if ture. One parameter is the time period a mobile node waits for
the CH beacons are only broadcasted across one hop. The incoming CH beacons. If this timer expires (without receiving
overhead increases with increasing cluster size. The reason a CH beacon), the mobile node nominates itself as a cluster
for this effect is that the probability of merging two CH head. This timeout parameter is of interest in the bootstrapping
networks increases with an increasing cluster size, because phase. For our simulations, we set the timer to the CH beacon
separated clusters will discover each other earlier. In this case, interval plus a randomly chosen time (up to 10 s). In other
the merging of two cluster head networks requires a new log- measurements, this configuration turned out to be suitable for
on of some nodes, which causes additional overhead. the scenarios deployed.
Finally, we examined the distribution of node types and Another tuning parameter is the minimum number of re-
the overhead caused by each type. We assumed a cluster quired warrants. This value should be chosen carefully, as a
radius of 2 hops and considered the overhead caused by the high value results in low availability, whereas a low value
Fish-eye State Routing. In our measurements of the random might violate the trustworthiness of our security architecture.
waypoint model with 15 nodes, we had an average of 20.4 % We suggest a value of about 40 % of the number of full
cluster heads, whereas 61.8 % of the nodes (on average) were members. This value proved to be a good choice. In this
full members, and 17.8 % of the nodes acted as gateways. context, the validity of the received certificate needs to be
A comparison of the overhead traffic caused by the different configured according to the requirements of the given scenario.
types of nodes showed the following results: As stated previously, we used a validity between 200 s and
• cluster heads caused 47.5 % of the traffic, 300 s for a mobile node’s identity certificate.