Signalling Converter Signalling Converter Signalling Converter Signalling Converter Idtmf / E&M Idtmf / E&M Idtmf / E&M Idtmf / E&M
Signalling Converter Signalling Converter Signalling Converter Signalling Converter Idtmf / E&M Idtmf / E&M Idtmf / E&M Idtmf / E&M
Signalling Converter Signalling Converter Signalling Converter Signalling Converter Idtmf / E&M Idtmf / E&M Idtmf / E&M Idtmf / E&M
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
A3 1
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
Basic parameters:
2 - fold signalling converter IDTMF / E&M
input / output - IDTMF signalling
- 2-wire
- 4-wire
input / output - E&M signalling – continuous or pulse
- 2 - wire
- 4 - wire
PbX power supply - 42 to 65 V DC, current Imax = 1A
Note: When turning the device on, starting current is higher.
Connecting the wires with connector
Optional placement - wall or desk
Optional placement to 19" rack 6U
Impact of alternate signalling - in line with the resistance max. 3000 Ohm
(Or attenuation of 22 db)
A3 2
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
Signalling converter IDTMF / E&M is used to connect the device with IDTMF signaling
device to device with E&M signaling (vice versa).
ITX 482 37 (ITX 422 37) is connected also to PbX trunks with E&M signalling, line
connection 2-wire or 4-wire.
There are protective components against overvoltage on tip and ring wires placed on the
board. Voice cicuits are formed by active cradle which does not bring the attenuation into
voice path. The device contains a DC / DC converter which generates the input voltage
-48V into ± 12V, +5 V.
A3 3
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
This device can be used as a converter from the DTMF signalling to E&M signalling. It can
only cooperate with another ITX 482 37 or with any other Inoteska device supporting
IDTMF signaling. The converter function is chosen by connecting and switching the
particular switched on main card. Detailed meaning of switches is described below. E&M
signalling can be continuous or pulse, dial can be DTMF or pulse E&M. Release can be
done without acknowledgment, with acknowledgment or with self-acknowledgment for
cooperation e.g. with UPN trunk.
Used DTMF signals:
After seizure from the line side (meaning the receipt of DTMF mark "C"), seizing pulse with
length 100 ms is sent on M-wire or it is signified as permanent change of status (meaning
the connection of 0V on M-wire in continuous E&M signaling). Received and evaluated dial
is transmitted on M-wire by pulse in the rate of 60/40 or if DTMF dial was received and
particular switches are switched, then this is by-passed further without being repated by
pulse. The release is the same as for outgoing connection. Connecting pulse (after called
party answers) is transmitted as DTMF mark "B". Pulse length (for pulse signalling) as well
as exceptions from regular E&M signalling can be adjusted upon request.
A3 4
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
When connecting two converters ITX 482 37 diagnostic functions can be used for the
supervision of line or cooperating device. It is necessary to set one ITX 482 37 as
(MASTER) and the second as (SLAVE).
Used DTMF marks:
* - Diagnostic mark direction M - S
* - Diagnostic mark answer S - M
# - Diagnostic mark block announcement M into S
When diagnostic is activated (appropriate switches are switched on the main board),
converters are testing reciprocally each other during inactivity. (note: the proper function of
diagnostics is only guaranteed for proper switch settings on both sides of cooperating
devices.) Approximately every 30 seconds DTMF symbol * is transmitted from the control
side (MASTER ) and waits for answer from cooperating device.
After receiving DTMF signal *, controlled side (SLAVE) responds by sending DTMF signal
*. In case the control side does not receive a response to its signal within one 30s
diagnostic interval, then it repeats its signal *. Error detected by diagnostic is displayed by
flashing of particular LED diode on the board in 1s intervals. If there is no response until
next diagnostic interval, converter is blocked and error is signalized by LED diodes
flashing. Converter block means a permanent 0V connection to M-wire. After blocking the
control side, this transmitts DTMF mark "#" - I am blocked. Controlled side responds only
to marks *. Upon receiving #" it is automatically blocked, but transmitts the response *.
This case is significant only for 4-wire lines when the direction to control side is interrupted
and hence both sides are blocked. If controlled side dose not receive any mark in idle
state, it does not send the response and it´s being blocked. After three diagnostic intervals
it sends a release signal (if opposite side is not released because of any reason) in order
to get into idle state. Controlled side can also be blocked by permanent 0V connection to
M-wire. This status is displayed by flashing of particular LED diode. After blocking the
controlled side, this transmitts a tone with a frequency around 770 Hz to the line.
timing: 4s transmits
1s does not transmit
level: 8 db-
This way it is possible to locate the line faults easily or measure the signal level on line.
After the line or opposite device repair, both sides are automatically unblocked. Another
blocking option is permanent grounding of E-wire from the cooperating exchange (only for
pulse E&M signaling). In this state, the corresponding side does not send a response to
the diagnostic marks and the opposite side is blocked after three diagnostic intervals.
After the abolition of E-wire grounding, both sides are automatically unblocked.
A3 5
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
Signalling elements:
LED diodes:
L1 – 1. channel status
L2 – 2. channel status
PWR – Power supply
a) Diode permanently lights – channel is occupied
b) Diode flashes – error status (channel is not
set, channel error,... )
It is possible to insert several cards ITX 422 37 to the rack and and thereby create a
multiple converter.
* Max. 17 optional cards with 4 HP (TE) width can be placed to the rack ITP 222 01.
Multiplicity Width HP
ITX 422 37 Converter E&M / IDTMF 2 - násobná 4
A3 6
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
Connector J4 - description:
1- 26 -
2- 27 -
3- 28 -
4- 29 -
5- 30 -
6- 31 -
7- 32 -
8 – E2 r 33 – M2 s(r)
9 – AVI2 r 34 – BVI2 h(r)
10 – AV2 r 35 – BV2 m(r)
11 – AX2 r 36 – BX2 o(r)
12 – AI2 r 37 – BI2 z(r)
13 – 38 –
14 – AI1 b 39 – BI1 z(b)
15 – 40 –
16 – E1 b 41 – M1 s(b)
17 – AVI1 b 42 – BVI1 h(b)
18 – AV1 b 43 – BV1 m(b)
19 – AX1 b 44 – BX1 o(b)
20 - 45 – FOH
22 - 47 -
23 - 48 -
24 - 49 -
25 - 50 -
A3 7
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
A3 8
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
Switch 6 ON:
Switch 6 OFF:
If pulse dial is set by switch and pulse dial is received from PbX, then this is converted to
frequency dial and two signals are transmitted to the line – first signal means block of
voice path, second signal is a particular digit. If DTMF dial is received from PbX, then it is
direclty passed to the line.
If DTMF dial is set by switch and pulse dial is received from PbX, then this is converted to
frquency dial and is transmitted to the line as one signal.
It is necessary to set the switches and PbX parameters in a way to avoid the dial duplicity.
For seizure and release, the converter firmware uses a combination of two signals which
increases the resistance against the influence of crosstalk on the lines (for this reason it is
necessary to connect 1.trunk on the board against 1.trunk on the second board, the same
is valid for 2.trunks) and there are also modifications to suppress dial duplicity when
converting from DTMF to pulse.
SW 1 switches:
Jumpers on board:
A3 9
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
2-wire 4-wire
PR108 1-2 discon.
PR109 1-2 discon.
PR110 2-3 1-2
PR111 2-3 1-2
PR208 1-2 discon.
PR209 1-2 discon.
PR210 2-3 1-2
PR211 2-3 1-2
PR105 +3dB in direction E&M to line 1.Pn
PR107 +3dB in direction from line to E&M 1.Pn
-48V -12V
PR120 2-3 1-2
PR220 2-3 1-2
A3 10
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
Change of E&
&M signalling parameters:
It is possible to change E&M signalling times by programming. At the end of the program,
there are descriptions and two tables. After second table, there is one byte FF and then
time table:
Hexadecimal Decimal
14 20 x 5 ms = 100 ms – length of busy pulse
14 20 x 5 ms = 100 ms – length of answer. pulse
78 120 x 5 ms = 600 ms – length of release
C8 200 x 5 ms = 1000 ms – length of release acknowledgment
0C 12 x 5 ms = 60 ms – dial pulse
08 8 x 5 ms = 40 ms – dial gap
A3 11
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
A3 12
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
Transmission parameters
Insertion attenuation
Insertion attenuation value measured at a frequency of 800 Hz and the input signal level is
0 db 0.5 db + - 0.7 db.
Asymmetry attenuation
Asymmetry attenuation is better than the following values:
50 - 300 Hz 26 dB
300 - 600 Hz 40 dB
600 - 3400 Hz 46 dB
Reflection attenuation
Reflection attenuation is higher than 12 db in the range of 300 to 600 Hz and 18 db in the
range from 600 to 3400 Hz, at the input level of 0 db.
Psofometric noise
Average value of psofometric noise measured at the point of zero relative level of voice
signal does not exceed -67 dB.
A3 13
ITX 422 37, ITX 482 37
A3 14