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isoHV425 D00082 D XXEN

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ISOMETER® isoHV425xx with coupling device AGH422

Insulation monitoring device for unearthed AC, AC/DC and

DC systems (IT system) up to 3(N)AC, AC 1000 V, DC 1000 V

Preliminary data sheet

ISOMETER® isoHV425xx Insulation monitoring device for
unearthed AC, AC/DC and DC systems (IT system)
with coupling device AGH422 up to 3(N)AC, AC 1000 V, DC 1000 V

Product description
The ISOMETER® monitors the insulation resistance of unearthed AC, AC/DC and DC systems
(IT systems) with nominal system voltages of 3(N)AC, AC/DC 0…1000 V or DC 0…1000 V.
The maximum permissible system leakage capacitance Ce is 150 μF. DC components existing
in AC systems do not influence the operating characteristics, when a minimum load current
of DC 100 mA flows. A separate supply voltage allows de-energised systems to be moni-
tored too.
In order to meet the requirements of applicable standards, customised parameter settings
must be made on the equipment in order to adapt it to local equipment and operating
conditions. Please heed the limits of the area of application indicated in the technical
specifications. Any use other than that described in this manual is regarded as improper.
ISOMETER® isoHV425xx
with coupling device AGH422
• AC main circuits up to 1000 V
Device features • DC main circuits up to 1000 V
• Monitoring the insulation resistance for • Systems including switched-mode power supplies
unearthed AC/DC systems
• Measurement of the system voltage
(true r.m.s.) with undervoltage and • isoHV425-D4-4 with a serial interface
overvoltage detection • isoHV425-D4M-4 with an analogue output
• Measurement of DC system voltages to Function
earth (L1+/PE and L2-/PE)
The ISOMETER® measures the insulation resistance RF and the system leakage capacitance
• Automatic adaptation to the system Ce between the system to be monitored (L1/+, L2/-) and earth (PE). The RMS value of the
leakage capacitance up to 150 μF nominal system voltage Un between L1/+ and L2/-, as well as the residual voltages UL1e
• Selectable start-up delay, response delay (between L1/+ and earth) and UL2e (between L2/- and earth) are also measured.
and delay on release From a minimum nominal system voltage, the ISOMETER® determines the faulty conductor
• Two separately adjustable response value L1/+ or L2/-, i.e. the distribution of the insulation resistance between the conductors L1/+
ranges of 10…500 kΩ (Alarm 1, Alarm 2) and L2/-, and indicates this by means of a positive or negative sign preceding the insulation
• Alarm signalling via LEDs (AL1, AL2), resistance measurement. The value range of the faulty conductor is ±100 %:
a display and alarm relays (K1, K2)
Display Meaning
• Automatic device self test with connection
monitoring -100 % One-sided fault at conductor L2/-
0% Symmetrical fault
• Selectable N/C or N/O relay operation
+100 % One-sided fault at conductor L1/+
• Measured value indication via a multi-
functional LC display The partial resistances can be calculated from the total insulation resistance RF and the
• Fault memory can be activated faulty conductor (R %) using the following formula:
• Password protection to prevent unau- Fault at conductor L1/+ ->RL1F = (200 % * RF)/(100 % + R %)
thorised parameter changes Fault at conductor L2/- -> RL2F = (200 % * RF)/(100 % – R %)
isoHV425-D4-4 It is possible to assign the detected fault or the faulty conductor to an alarm relay via the
• RS-485 (galvanically separated) including menu. If the values RF or Un violate the response values activated in the “AL” menu, this will
the following protocols: be indicated by the LEDs and relays K1 and K2 according to the signalling assignment set
– BMS interface (Bender measuring device in the “out” menu. In addition, the operation of the relay (n.c./n.o.) can be set and the fault
interface) for data exchange with other memory “M” can be activated.
Bender components If the values RF or Un do not violate their release value (response value plus hysteresis) for
– Modbus RTU the period toff without interruption, the alarm relays will switch back to their initial position
and the alarm LEDs AL1/AL2 go out. If the fault memory is activated, the alarm relays
– IsoData (for continuous data output) remain in the alarm condition and the LEDs light until the reset button “R” is pressed or
isoHV425-D4M-4 the supply voltage Us is interrupted.
• 0(4)…20 mA, 0…400 µA, 0…10 V The device function can be tested using the test button “T”. Parameters are assigned to
analogue output (galvanically separated) the device via the LCD and the control buttons on the front panel; this function can be pass-
word-protected. Parameterisation of the isoHV425-D4-4 is also possible via the BMS bus, for
Certifications example by using a BMS Ethernet gateway (COM460IP) or Modbus RTU.

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ISOMETER® isoHV425xx with AGH422

Connection monitoring Measurement method

The connections to the electrical system (L1/+ / L2/-) and earth The ISOMETER® isoHV425 uses the AMP and PCP measurement
(E/KE) as well as the connecting wires from the ISOMETER® to the method.
coupling device are periodically monitored every 24 hours after
pressing the test button and connecting the supply voltage. In Standards
case of line interruption, the alarm relay K2 switches, the LEDs The ISOMETER® isoHV425 series meets the following device
ON/AL1/AL2 flash and a message appears on the LC display: standards:
“E.0x” for a fault in the connecting wires between both devices or • DIN EN 61557-8 (VDE 0413-8):2015-12/Ber1:2016-12
a system error • DIN EN 50155: 2018-05
“E.02” for a fault in the connecting wires to the system • DIN EN 45545-2:2016
“E.01” for a fault in the connecting wires to PE • IEC 61557-8:2014/COR1:2016
After eliminating the fault, the alarm relays switch back automatically • EN 61373 cat I class B
or by pressing the reset button.

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ISOMETER® isoHV425xx with AGH422

Ordering information

Supply voltage Us Nominal voltage Un Art. No.

Version Type Screw-type Push-wire
AC DC AC-, 3(N)AC, DC terminal terminal
isoHV425-D4-4 with AGH422 B91036501S B71036501
Serial interface
100…240 V, isoHV425W-D4-4 with AGH422W B91036501W B71036501W
24…240 V 0…1000 V
47…63 Hz isoHV425-D4M-4 with AGH422 – B71036503
Analogue output
isoHV425W-D4M-4 with AGH422W B91036503W B71036503W

Accessories Dimension diagram XM420

Dimensions in mm
Description Art. No. 36

Mounting clip for screw mounting

(1 piece per device)

93 90 45 70,5


Operating elements

1 2 3 1 - O
 peration LED “ON” flashes in case of interruption of the
connecting wires E/KE or L1(+)/L2(-) or system error.
2 - A
 larm LED “AL1” lights when the values fall below the set response
value of alarm 1 and flashes in case of interruption of the connecting
wires E/KE or L1(+)/L2(-), in case of system errors as well as in
case of overvoltage (can be activated).
3 - A
 larm LED “AL2” lights when the values fall below the set res­ponse
value of alarm 2 and flashes in case of interruption of the connecting
wires E/KE or L1(+)/L2(-), in case of system errors as well as in
case of undervoltage (can be activated).
4 4 - LC display
5 - Test button “T”: Call up self test
Arrow-up button: Change parameters, move upwards in the menu
6 - R
 eset button “R”: Delete stored alarms
Arrow-down button: Change parameters, move down in the menu
7 - Menu button “MENU”: Call up the menu system
Enter button: Confirm parameter changes

5 6 7

4 isoHV425_D00082_04_D_XXEN/02.2022
ISOMETER® isoHV425xx with AGH422

Wiring diagram isoHV425-D4-4

1 - A1, A2 Connection to the supply
L3 voltage via fuse (line pro-
PE tection). If being supplied
from an IT system, both
lines have to be protected
6A 6A
by a fuse.
2 2 1
2 - E, KE Connect each terminal sepa-
E E Up 4 Up KE A1 A2
rately to PE:
Test / Reset
The same wire cross section
as for A1, A2 is to be used
3 - L1/+, L2/– Connection to the IT system
to be monitored


4 - Up, AK1, Connect the terminals of






GND, AK2 the AGH422 to the corres­

ponding terminals of the
5 - T/R Connection for the external
combined test/reset button
6 - 11, 14 Connection to alarm relay K1
7 - 11, 24 Connection to alarm relay K2



8 - A, B RS-485 communication


interface with connectable

K1 K2 R
COM465IP terminating resistor.
L1/+ L2/- T/R 14 24 11 A B
3 5 6 7 8 RS-485

Wiring diagram isoHV425-D4M-4

1 - A1, A2 Connection to the supply
L3 voltage via fuse (line pro-
PE tection). If being supplied
from an IT system, both
lines have to be protected
6A 6A
by a fuse.
2 2 1
2 - E, KE Connect each terminal sepa-
E E Up 4 Up KE A1 A2
rately to PE:
Test / Reset
The same wire cross section
as for A1, A2 is to be used
3 - L1/+, L2/– Connection to the IT system
to be monitored


4 - Up, AK1, Connect the terminals of






GND, AK2 the AGH422 to the corres­
ponding terminals of the

5 - T/R Connection for the external
combined test/reset button

6 - 11, 14 Connection to alarm relay K1

7 - 11, 24 Connection to alarm relay K2




8 - M+, M- Analogue output


K1 K2

L1/+ L2/- T/R 14 24 11 M- M+

3 5 6 7 8

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ISOMETER® isoHV425xx with AGH422

Technical data ISOMETER® isoHV425

Insulation coordination acc. to IEC 60664-1/IEC 60664-3 Interface (valid for isoHV425-D4-4 only)
Definitions: Interface/protocol RS-485/BMS, Modbus RTU, isoData (BMS)*
Supply circuit (IC2) A1, A2 Baud rate  BMS (9.6 kbit/s), Modbus RTU (selectable), isoData (115.2 kbits/s)
Output circuit (IC3) 11, 14, 24 Cable length (9.6 kbits/s)  ≤ 1200 m
Control circuit (IC4)  Up, KE, T/R, A, B, AK1, GND, AK2, M+, M- Cable: twisted pairs, shield connected to PE on one side  min. J-Y(St)Y 2x0.6
Rated voltage  240 V Terminating resistor 120 Ω (0.25 W), internal, can be connected
Overvoltage category III Device address, BMS bus, Modbus RTU  3…90 (3)*
Rated impulse voltage:
Analogue output (valid for isoHV425-D4M-4 only)
IC2/(IC3-4) 4 kV
IC 3/IC4 4 kV Operating mode mid-scale R or full-scale U (R = 120 kΩ)*
Rated insulation voltage: Functions insulation value RF or mains voltage Un (RF)*
IC2/(IC3-4) 250 V Max. no load voltage (open terminals) DC 12 V
IC 3/IC4  250 V Max. short-circuit current 25 mA short-circuit proof
Pollution degree 3 Voltage output DC 0…10 V, load ≥ 20 kΩ *
Protective separation (reinforced insulation) between: Current output  DC 0/4…20 mA, load ≤ 130 Ω
IC2/(IC3-4) overvoltage category III, 300 V Current output  DC 0…400 μA, load ≤ 3 kΩ
IC 3/IC4  overvoltage category III, 300 V Switching elements
Voltage tests (routine test) acc. to IEC 61010-1:
IC2/(IC3-4) AC 2.2 kV Switching elements  2 x 1 N/O contact, common terminal 11
IC 3/IC4  AC 2.2 kV Operating principle  N/C operation/N/O operation (N/C operation)*
Electrical endurance under rated operating conditions, number of cycles  10,000
Supply voltage Contact data acc. to IEC 60947-5-1:
Supply voltage Us  AC 100…240 V/DC 24…240 V Utilisation category AC-12 AC-14 DC-12 DC-12 DC-12
Tolerance of Us  -30…+15 % Rated operational voltage 230 V 230 V 24 V 110 V 220 V
Frequency range Us  47…63 Hz Rated operational current 5 A 2 A 1 A 0.2 A 0.1 A
Power consumption  ≤ 3 W, ≤ 9 VA Minimum contact rating  1 mA at AC/DC ≥ 10 V
IT system being monitored Environment/EMC
Nominal system voltage Un with AGH422 AC 0…1000 V/DC 0…1000 V EMC IEC 61326-2-4, EN 50121-3-2
Tolerance of Un  AC +10 %, DC +10 % Ambient temperatures:
Nominal system voltage range Un (UL508) AC/DC 0…600 V Operation  -40…+70 °C
Frequency range of Un  DC, 15…460 Hz Transport  -40…+85 °C
Measuring circuit Storage  -40…+70 °C
Permissible system leakage capacitance Ce  ≤ 150 μF Classification of climatic conditions acc. to IEC 60721:
Permissible extraneous DC voltage Ufg ≤ 1600 V Stationary use (IEC 60721-3-3) 3K23 (except condensation and formation of ice)
for W variant 3K24
Response values Transport (IEC 60721-3-2) 2K11 (except condensation and formation of ice)
Response value Ran1  11…500 kΩ (50 kΩ)* Long-term storage (IEC 60721-3-1) 1K22 (except condensation and formation of ice)
Response value Ran2  10…490 kΩ (25 kΩ)* Classification of mechanical conditions acc. to IEC 60721:
Relative uncertainty Ran  ±15 %, at least ±3 kΩ Stationary use (IEC 60721-3-3) 3M11
Hysteresis Ran  25 %, at least 1 kΩ for W variant 3M12
Undervoltage detection  30…1.09 kV (off)* Transport (IEC 60721-3-2) 2M4
Overvoltage detection  31…1.10 kV (off)* Long-term storage (IEC 60721-3-1)  1M12
Relative uncertainty U ±5 %, at least ±5 V
Relative uncertainty depending on the frequency ≥ 200 Hz -0.075 %/Hz Connection
Hysteresis U 5 %, at least 5 V Connection type  screw-type terminal or push-wire terminal
Time response Screw-type terminals:
Nominal current  ≤10 A
Response time tan at RF = 0.5 x Ran and Ce=1 μF acc. to IEC 61557-8  ≤ 20 s
Tightening torque  0.5…0.6 Nm (5…7 lb-in)
Start-up delay t  0…10 s (0 s)*
Conductor sizes  AWG 24-12
Response delay ton  0…99 s (0 s)*
Stripping length  8 mm
Delay on release toff  0…99 s (0 s)*
Rigid/flexible 0.2…2.5 mm2
Displays, memory Flexible with ferrules with/without plastic sleeve 0.25…2.5 mm2
Display LC display, multi-functional, not illuminated Multi-conductor
Display range measured value insulation resistance (RF) 1 kΩ…4 MΩ rigid / flexible 0.2…1.5 mm2
Operating uncertainty ±15 %, at least ±3 kΩ flexible with ferrules without plastic sleeve 0.25…1.5 mm2
Display range measured value nominal system voltage (Un)  30…1.15 kVRMS flexible with TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve 0.5…1.5 mm2
Operating uncertainty ±5 %, at least ±5 V
Display range measured value system leakage capacitance for RF > 20 kΩ  0…200 μF
Operating uncertainty ±15 %, at least ±2 μF
Password  off/0…999 (0, off)*
Fault memory alarm messages  on/(off)*

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ISOMETER® isoHV425xx with AGH422

Push-wire terminals: Other

Nominal current  ≤10 A Operating mode  continuous operation
Conductor sizes  AWG 24-14 Mounting  cooling slots must be ventilated vertically
Stripping length  10 mm Minimum horizontal distance between the devices (DIN EN 45545) see note **
Rigid 0.2…2.5 mm2 Degree of protection, built-in components (DIN EN 60529)  IP30
Flexible without ferrules  0.75…2.5 mm2 Degree of protection, terminals (DIN EN 60529)  IP20
Flexible with ferrules with/without plastic sleeve 0.25…2.5 mm2 Enclosure material polycarbonate
Multi-conductor flexible with TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve 0.5…1.5 mm2 DIN rail mounting acc. to  IEC 60715
Opening force  50 N Screw mounting  2 x M4 with mounting clip
Test opening, diameter  2.1 mm Documentation number D00082
Weight ≤ 150 g
( )* = Factory setting

Technical data coupling device AGH422

Insulation coordination acc. to IEC 60664-1/IEC 60664-3 Connection
Definitions: Connection type  screw-type terminal or push-wire terminal
Measuring circuit (IC1) L1/+, L2/- Screw-type terminals:
Control circuit (IC2)  AK1, GND, AK2, Up, E Nominal current  ≤10 A
Rated voltage  1000 V Tightening torque  0.5…0.6 Nm (5…7 lb-in)
Overvoltage category III Conductor sizes  AWG 24-12
Rated impulse voltage: Stripping length  8 mm
IC1/IC2 8 kV Rigid/flexible 0.2…2.5 mm2
Rated insulation voltage: Flexible with ferrules with/without plastic sleeve 0.25…2.5 mm2
IC1/IC2 1000 V Multi-conductor
Pollution degree 3 rigid  0.2…1.5 mm2
Protective separation (reinforced insulation) between: flexible 0.2…1.5 mm2
IC1/IC2 Overvoltage category III, 1000 V flexible with ferrules without plastic sleeve 0.25…1.5 mm2
flexible with TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve 0.5…1.5 mm2
IT system being monitored
Push-wire terminals:
Nominal system voltage range Un  AC 0…1000 V/DC 0…1000 V Nominal current  ≤10 A
Tolerance of Un  AC +10 %/DC +10 % Conductor sizes  AWG 24-14
Measuring circuit Stripping length  10 mm
Rigid 0.2…2.5 mm2
Measuring voltage Um  ±45 V
Flexible without ferrules  0.75…2.5 mm2
Measuring current Im for RF ≤ 120 μA
Flexible with ferrules with/without plastic sleeve 0.25…2.5 mm2
Internal resistance Ri ≥ 390 kΩ
Multi-conductor flexible with TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve 0.5…1.5 mm2
Environment/EMC Opening force  50 N
EMC IEC 61326-2-4, EN 50121-3-2 Test opening, diameter  2.1 mm
Ambient temperatures: Single cables for terminals Up, AK1, GND, AK2 –
Operation Requirement for connecting cables between isoHV425xx and AGH422
Un < 700 -40…+70 °C Cable length  ≤ 0.5 m
Un > 700 -40…+55 °C Wire cross-section  ≥ 0.75 mm²
Transport -40…+85 °C Other
Storage  -40…+70 °C
Operating mode  continuous operation
Classification of climatic conditions acc. to IEC 60721: Mounting  cooling slots must be ventilated vertically
Stationary use (IEC 60721-3-3) 3K23 (except condensation and formation of ice) Distance to adjacent devices from Un > 800 V  ≥ 30 mm
for W variant 3K24 Minimum horizontal distance between the devices (DIN EN 45545) see note *
Transport (IEC 60721-3-2) 2K11 (except condensation and formation of ice) Degree of protection, built-in components (DIN EN 60529)  IP30
Long-term storage (IEC 60721-3-1) 1K22 (except condensation and formation of ice) Degree of protection, terminals (DIN EN 60529)  IP20
Classification of mechanical conditions acc. to IEC 60721: Enclosure material polycarbonate
Stationary use (IEC 60721-3-3) 3M11 DIN rail mounting acc. to  IEC 60715
for W variant 3M12 Screw mounting  2 x M4 with mounting clip
Transport (IEC 60721-3-2) 2M4 Weight 150 g
Long-term storage (IEC 60721-3-1)  1M12
** Application in rail vehicles / DIN EN 45545-2:2016!
If the distance to neighbouring components that do not meet the requirements of the
DIN EN 45545-2 Table 2 standard is < 20 mm horizontally or < 200 mm vertically,
these are to be regarded as grouped. See DIN EN 45545-2 Chapter 4.3 Grouping rules.

isoHV425_D00082_04_D_XXEN/02.2022 7
Bender GmbH & Co. KG
Londorfer Straße 65 • 35305 Grünberg • Germany
Tel.: +49 6401 807-0 • info@bender.de • www.bender.de

isoHV425_D00082_04_D_XXEN / 02.2022 / © Bender GmbH & Co. KG, Germany – Subject to change! The specified standards take into account the edition valid until 02.2022 unless otherwise indicated.

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