Name: Areen Espanioly
Name: Areen Espanioly
Name: Areen Espanioly
Our planet is comprised primarily of water.
Aquatic ecosystems cover more than two-
thirds of the Earth's surface. And all life on
.Earth as we know it relies on water to survive
Yet water pollution is a very real threat to our
survival. It is considered by most scholars and
politicians the world's biggest health risk,
threatening not only humans, but also myriad
other plants and animals that rely on water to
:live. According to the World Wildlife Fund
Pollution from toxic chemicals threatens life "
on this planet. Every ocean and every
continent, from the tropics to the once-
".pristine polar regions, is contaminated
So what is water pollution? What causes it and
what effects is it having on the world's aquatic
ecosystems? And most importantly—What can
?we do to fix it
Water pollution: occurs when a body of water
becomes contaminated. The contamination
could be caused by physical debris such as
plastic water bottles or rubber tires, or it
could be chemical such as the runoff that finds
its way into waterways from factories, farms,
cities, cars, sewage treatment facilities, and
air pollution. Water pollution occurs any time
that contaminants are discharged into aquatic
ecosystems that do not have the capacity to
.absorb or remove the
Water Sources
When we think about the causes of water
pollution, we have to think about where it
comes from. There are two different sources
of water on our planet. First, there is surface
water—that's the water that we see in oceans,
rivers, lakes, and ponds. This water is home to
many plant and animal species that rely not
only on the quantity but also the quality of
.that water to survive
No less important is groundwater—the water
stored below the surface in the Earth's
aquifers. This water source feeds our rivers
and oceans and forms much of the world's
.supply of drinking water