Feenstra & Cherry 1988
Feenstra & Cherry 1988
Feenstra & Cherry 1988
Stan Feenstra
John A. Cherry
Presented at
Stan Feenstra
Applied Groundwater Research Ltd. and
Institute for Groundwater Research. University of Waterloo
John A. Cherry
Institute for Groundwater Research. University of Waterloo
Substances such as many halogenated solvents and PCBs comprise a group of organic chemicals which.
in their pure form. can be categorized as dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) chemicals. DNAPL
chemicals are analogous to petroleum hydrocarbons in that they are immiscible in water. but DNAPL
chemicals have densities which are greater than that of water. Approximately one quarter of the organic
chemicals on the US EPA List of Priority Pollutants are DNAPL chemicals at typical subsurface
temperatures. DNAPL in the subsurface can comprise a very Significant source of groundwater
The potential for subsurface contamination by DNAPL chemicals is significant because large quantities
of such chemicals (especially chlorinated solvents) are used in many parts of our modem society. The
occurrence of spills during production. transportation and utilization is virtually inevitable. Although
DNAPL chemicals are immiscible in water. their solubilities (typically 100 to 5000 mg/L) can often be
many orders of magnitude higher than their respective drinking water standards. The combination of
immiscibility and high density enables DNAPL released to the subsurface to penetrate downward as a
separate non-aqueous phase through both the vadose (unsaturated) zone and the groundwater
(saturated) zone. The tendency for DNAPL chemicals to sink through the groundwater zone differs from
that of petroleum hydrocarbons which will float on the groundwater zone due to their lower density. In the
subsurface. small but significant quantities of chemicals can be dissolved by the groundwater in contact
with the DNAPL and can result in groundwater contamination. For many chemicals. the dissolved
contaminants derived from the DNAPL can be highly mobile in groundwater because they are not strongly
sorbed on geological materials or attenuated by chemical or biological degradation.
The presence of DNAPL chemicals in the subsurface in the form of residual concentrations retained on
the soil or rock. or as pools of pure product will have enormous implications with regard to the
investigation and control of groundwater contamination at chemical spill sites and waste disposal
facilities. The migration of dissolved chemical plumes from DNAPL sources may be contained or
controlled by other remedial measures. but groundwater contamination cannot be eliminated in the
long-term without removal of the DNAPL source. Where shallow DNAPL sources can be located
adequately and are accessible. it may be possible to remove the DNAPL sources by excavation. In most
situations. excavation of the DNAPL source Will not be not possible. At the present time. there are no
methods available which have been demonstrated to be effective in field situations for the removal of
DNAPL sources from the subsurface. Further research is needed to develop such methods in order to
provide long-term solutions to groundwater contamination problems from DNAPL chemicals. Regulatory
agencies and industry must recognize the unique and exceptionally difficult nature of the problem posed
by DNAPL chemicals in the subsurface in order to avoid futile or ill-conceived attempts to achieve aquifer
Substances such as many halogenated solvents. halogenated benzenes. phthalate esters and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) comprise a group of organic chemicals which in their pure
form can be categOrized as dense non-aqueous phase liqUid (DNAPL) chemicals. DNAPL
chemicals are analogous to petroleum hydrocarbons in that they are immiscible in water. but
unlike petroleum hydrocarbons. DNAPL chemicals have densities which are greater than that
of water. Approximately one quarter of the organic chemicals on the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) List of Priority Pollutants are DNAPL chemicals
at typical subsurface temperatures.
In addition to the chemicals which in their pure form comprise DNAPLs, mLxtures of
chemicals can also comprise DNAPLs. For example, coal tar or creosote is a complex mLxture
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) such as naphthalene, anthracene and
phenanthrene, and various phenols and methylated phenols. The individual PAH compounds
are solids at typical subsurface temperatures and the phenols are less dense than water, but the
creosote mixture has the characteristics of a DNAPL.
The potential for groundwater contamination by DNAPL chemicals is significant because very
large quantities of the chemicals are produced, transported and used in many parts of our
modern society. Table 1 shows the 1986 U.S. production of selected organics chemicals which
can be categorized as DNAPL chemicals. Production quantities range up to several billion
kilograms per year.
Although DNAPL chemicals are immiscible in water and have relatively low solubilities in
water (typically 100 to 5,000 mg/Ll. their solubilities can often be many orders of magnitude
higher than their respective drinking water standards (See Table 2).
It was only recognized in the late 1970's that dissolved concentrations of organic chemicals in
groundwater used for drinking water could result in taste and odor problems and potential
health riSks. Carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethylene and trichloroethylene
are known or suspected carcinogens, and exposure to compounds such as carbon tetrachloride,
1,2-dichlorobenzene and tetrachloroethylene can result in kidney and liver damage.
Because drinking water standards for many DNAPL chemicals are so low, small quantities can
result in large-scale groundwater contamination problems. For example, 7 L or 10 kg of
trichloroethylene (TCE) could potentially contaminate 10 8 L of groundwater to a
concentration of 0.1 mg/L or 20 times the drinking water standard of 0.005 mg/L currently
proposed by the US EPA. In a sand aquifer, this volume of contaminated ground water would
represent a plume 50 m in width, 10 m in depth, and 670 m in length.
The potential for groundwater contamination by DNAPL chemicals is also significant because
of their distinctive physical and chemical properties. As previously noted, DNAPL chemicals
are immiscible in water and have densities greater than water and, in addition, many have
viSCOSities less than water (See Table 2).
The combination of low solubility, high density and frequently low viSCOSity enables DNAPL
released into the subsurface to penetrate downward into the subsurface through the vadose
(unsaturated) zone and/or groundwater (saturated) wne as a separate non-aqueous phase. The
tendency for DNAPL chemicals to sink through the saturated zone differs from that of
petroleum hydrocarbons which will float on the groundwater in the saturated zone due to their
lower densities. In the subsurface, small but significant quantities of chemicals can be
dissolved by groundwater in contact with the DNAPL and can result in groundwater
TABLE 1. 1986 U.S. production of selected organic chemicals which can be categorized as DNAPL
(10 6 lb.) (10 6 kg)
1,2-Dichloroethane 13,700 6,215
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 600 272
Tetrachloroethylene 425 193
Methylene chloride 420 190
Carbon tetrachloride 415 188
Chloroform 330 150
- No standard designated.
HWC- Health and Welfare Canada US EPA- United States Environmental Protection Agency WHO- World Health Organization
NYSDEC- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Prior to the 1980's, there was little appreciation of the behavior of DNAPL chemicals in the
subsurface. One of the earliest cases in which DNAPL chemicals were recognized to have
penetrated into the groundwater zone was at an electrical transformer manufacturing facility
in Regina. Saskatchewan (National Research Council of Canada. 1980; Schwartz et al.. 1982).
Askarel. a mLxture of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and trtchlorobenzenes (TCB) with a
density of 1.4 to 1.5 g/cm3 , was found to have penetrated downward through water-saturated
granular fill and fissured clay and silt strata. Comparable behavior was reported at a PCB
storage site in Ontario (Golder Associates. 1987), where the PCB liquids migrated through 4 to 5
m of fissured clay and penetrated into fissured dolostone bedrock.
Groundwater contamination from DNAPL chemicals has been reported at several chemical
waste disposal facilities in the Niagara Falls area of New York State. At the Hyde Park and S-
Area disposal sites. mixtures of organic chemicals consisting primarily of halogenated
benzenes and chlOrinated solvents (estimated density l.5 g/cm3 ) have penetrated into the
subsurface through fissured dolostone bedrock (Guswa and Faust, 1984; Clarke and Kay. 1984).
The occurrence of DNAPL chemicals at the sites in the Niagara Falls area was first recognized
in the early 1980's. and it was at these sites that the term NAPL or DNAPL was first applied.
However, much of the information regarding these sites and the behavior of DNAPL was the
subject of litigation and did not start to appear in the open scientific literature until the mid-
During the early 1980's, it became evident that nature of groundwater contamination at large
number of coal gasification plants and wood-preserving plants by coal tar and creosote
(denSity 1.02 to l.1 g/cm 3 ) was largely influenced by the behavior of these chemicals as
DNAPLs (Villaume. 1985).
The DNAPL chemicals which are probably the most significant with respect to groundwater
contamination problems are the chlOrinated solvents. In a survey of groundwater monitoring
data from 183 hazardous waste sites in the United States, it was found that 4 of the top 5 and 10
of the top 20 most frequently identified organiC chemical contaminants were chlOrinated
solvents (Plumb and Pitchford. 1985). Trichloroethylene, methylene chloride.
tetrachloroethylene and 1.I-dichloroethane are included in the top 5 most frequently
identified contaminants. Despite their prevalence as groundwater contaminants. there have
been few reports in the open scientific literature on DNAPL solvents at sites of groundwater
contamination. Dakin and Holmes (1987) recognized the behavior of l,2-dichloroethane
(ethylene dichloride) as a DNAPL following a spill from a train derailment in British
Columbia. Although there have been few cases documented at the present time the authors
have. in recent years. become aware of a large number of industrial sites and waste disposal
Sites across North America (particularly those investigated under Superfund in the United
States) at which DNAPL solvents are the key contributors to groundwater contamination.
Most of this information is buried in the files of regulatory agencies.
It is evident from the preceding examples that DNAPL chemicals result in very significant
subsurface contamination problems at many sites and may be important. but yet
unrecognized. sources of contamination at great many other sites. However, there have been
few studies which have considered in detail the movement of such chemicals in the subsurface
and the development of groundwater contamination from such sources. Consequently these
processes are not adequately understood.
Pioneering research on the behavior of DNAPL chemicals in the subsurface was conducted
starting in the mid-1970's by Dr. Friedrich Schwille at the Federal Institute of Hydrology in
Koblenz. Federal Republic of Germany. Schwille's work has primarily involved small-scale
and large-scale laboratory observations of DNAPL penetration into unsaturated and saturated
granular geologiC materials. Unfortunately. until recently. little of this research was published
in English and was largely unknown in North America. Two English summary papers
describing the conceptualization and laboratory simulation of DNAPL movement in the
subsurface are Schwille (1981) and Schwille (1984). Schwille (1981) was the first English
language paper in the open SCientifiC literature to present the concept of heavier-than-water
solvents Sinking through the groundwater zone. A comprehensive report on Schwille's
research entitled 'Volatile Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Porous and Fractured Media- Model
Experiments" prepared (in German) in 1984. was translated by Dr. James Pankow of the
Oregon Graduate Center and is to be published in 1988 by Lewis Publishers. Inc. of Chelsea.
Michigan. Some of the concepts of DNAPL behavior in the subsurface are also described by
Villaume (1985).
Based on the work of Schwille and our observations at many chemical spill and waste disposal
faCilities in North America. four general conceptualizations for the development of
groundwater contamination from DNAPL can be deSCribed (Figures 1. 2. 3. and 4). In these
conceptualizations. a quantity of DNAPL chemical is introduced into the aquifer such as might
occur due to a chemical spill or disposal of liqUid waste at a waste disposal site. In such
situations where the volume of the release is suffiCient to overcome capillary resistance in the
formations. DNAPL could penetrate downward through the vadose zone (unsaturated zone) and
the groundwater zone (saturated zone) due to its hi.Q;h denSity.
In Figure 1. all of the DNAPL forms a residual in the vadose zone because the input volume does
not exceed the retention capacity of the vadose zone. Within this residual zone the DNAPL is
present as immobile unconnected and partially connected blobs and filaments. The few data
available on residual contents of DNAPL chemicals in unsaturated soils indicate DNAPL
contents of 3 to 30 L/m 3 or 1 to 10% of the pore space in sandy soils (Schwille. 1984: F.
Schwille. personal communication). Residual contents are higher in the finer grained soils.
Such residual contents are comparable to the residual contents typically observed for
petroleum hydrocarbons (Wilson and Conrad. 1984).
In situations where DNAPL exists in the vadose zone, groundwater contamination develops
when water that infiltrates through the residual zone carries dissolved DNAPL-derived
contaminants to the water table. As infiltration of precipitation occurs from time to time, a
plume of dissolved contaminants develops in the groundwater zone. Because of the high vapor
pressure and high molecular weight of many DNAPL chemicals (primarily chlOrinated
solvents), the soil air in contact with DNAPL may acquire vapor concentrations sufficiently
high to result in density-induced sinking of chemical vapors downward to the saturated zone.
In addition. diffusion will result in lateral migration of vapors through the vadose zone.
Although at this time the degree of vapor sinking and lateral spreading is not known. it is
likely that these mechanisms could result in significant groundwater contamination. Because
of vapor transport mechanisms, DNAPL in the vadose zone beneath bUildings. parking lots
and other surface covers can result in groundwater contamination even though there is no
infiltration of water through the DNAPL zone.
In Figure 2, the input volume of DNAPL is suffiCiently large for e..xcess DNAPL to move into the
groundwater zone but not large enough for an excess to reach the bottom of the aquifer.
Groundwater flow patterns will have no significant effect on the movement of DNAPL through
the groundwater zone. In laboratory experiments by Schwille (1988) the downward penetration
of DNAPL chemicals such as trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in coarse
and medium sand was not noticably affected by horizontal groundwater flow velocities of as
high as 14 m/day. The few data available on residual contents of DNAPL chemicals in
FIGURE 1. Groundwater contamination from a residual DNAPL source in the vadose zone.
FIGURE 2. Groundwater contamination from residual DNAPL source in the zadose zone
and the groundwater zone.
saturated soils indicate DNAPL contents of 5 to 50 L/m3 or 2 to 15% of the pore space in sandy
soils (Schwille, 1984; F. Schwille, personal communication). Residual contents are higher in
the finer grained soils. The presence of DNAPL in the pore space in the residual zones does not
significantly affect the permeability of these zones to groundwater flow.
Dissolved contaminants derived from the residual DNAPL in the vadose zone and residual
DNAPL in the groundwater zone cause a contaminant plume to develop. In small-scale
laboratory cxpcriITlcnts, groundW'atcr in contact W'ith DNAPL quickly (ITlinutc3 to hour3)
acquires dissolved concentrations approaching the solubility of the DNAPL (Pfannkuch, 1984;
Anderson et al., 1987; Schwille, 1988). However, this condition is seldom observed in field
situations. even when monitoring wells are located close to suspected DNAPL source areas.
Maximum dissolved concentrations in monitoring wells are typically less than ten percent of
the solubility concentrations of the DNAPL. This phenomenon is likely a result of
heterogeneous distribution of DNAPL in the subsurface. non-uniform flow of groundwater
through and around the residual DNAPL zones and pools, and the tendency for blending or
mixing of groundwater from various depths during sample collection from monitoring wells.
If the volume of spilled DNAPL is larger than the retention capacity of the vadose and
groundwater zones. a portion of the DNAPL will settle out as a pool of free liqUid on the bottom
of the aquifer as shown in Figure 3, or it will settle out on the first low permeability bed in the
aquifer. ReSistance as a result of capillary forces should inhibit or prevent the movement of
DNAPL through finer grained strata. Unless these strata contain discontinuities such as
fissures or root holes, or heterogeneities in grain size which allow the downward movement of
DNAPL. fine grained strata should form a barrier to DNAPL migration. DNAPL may form
puddles or pools in depressions on such confining strata. In situations where the confining
stratum is sloped. DNAPL can continue to move downslope and its movement need not be
controlled by the direction of groundwater flow. Depending on the volume of the spill and the
configuration of confining strata. DNAPL may move substantial distances laterally away from
the area in which it was released.
The rate of DNAPL infiltration into the subsurface may be extremely rapid. For example, in
laboratory experiments conducted by Schwille (1988) in coarse-grained sand,
tetrachloroethylene (peE) penetrated through a 60 cm thick unsaturated zone in 10 minutes
and a 90 cm thick saturated zone in 60 minutes.
DNAPL chemicals can also penetrate into fractured rock as shown in Figure 4. The pattern of
DNAPL movement will be controlled primarily by the orientation and interconnection of
fractures. Based on laboratory experiments by Schwille (1988), there will be little DNAPL
retained on the fracture surfaces as reSidual either above or below the water table. For planar
fractures of 0.2 mm aperture. Schwille estimated the residual retention to be less than
0.05 L/m 2 . For a weakly fractured rock of moderate hydraulic conductivity with a fracture
frequency of 5 fractures per metre. this retention capacity would represent a residual content of
apprOximately 0.25 L/m 3 , substantially less than the residual contents for soils. Therefore, for
a given volume of DNAPL introduced into the subsurface. contamination in fractured media
can can spread to a much greater extent areally and to a greater depth than in porous media.
Many of the dissolved contaminants from DNAPL sources are not strongly influenced by
sorption on aquifers solids and are not rapidly removed from the groundwater by chemical or
biological degradation. Therefore. in each of these conceptualizations, large plumes of
groundwater contamination can develop as groundwater flow carries the dissolved
contaminants away from the site. The dissolution of DNAPL from the residual zones and
DNAPL pools \';i11 continue and a plume of contaminated groundwater will be generated so long
as DNAPL remains in the subsurface.
FIGURE 3. Groundwater contamination from residual DNAPL and DNAPL pools.
------------------~~~~~~~~~~7Th:··~··~.'----------~~~ WATERTA8LE
" ,
The presence of DNAPL chemicals in the subsurface has significant implications regarding the
interpretation of groundwater contamination patterns at chemical spill sites and waste
disposal facilities. The penetration of DNAPL into the subsurface extends the source of
groundwater contamination from at or close to the ground surface to a potentially far greater
depth. This means that groundwater contamination patterns resulting from a DNAPL source
may be significantly different than that which might develop from a near-surface source.
The presence of a DNAPL source may result in the highest concentrations of dissolved
chemicals occurring at the base of an aquifer rather than near the top as would be typical of a
near-surface contamination source. Similarly. because the movement of DNAPL may be
deflected laterally by low permeability strata. the ultimate location of the DNAPL source may
be substantially removed from the area of the original release. Lateral vapor transport
through the vadose zone may also result in the development of groundwater contamination
remote from the area of the original chemical release. Because DNAPL movement and vapor
migration will not be controlled by the groundwater flow pattern. groundwater contamination
can develop up-gradient and cross-gradient from the area of the chemical release in addition to
in the expected down-gradient direction. Therefore. the possible presence of a DNAPL source
must be considered in the planning of borehole / monitoring well locations and depths for
hydrogeologic investigations at sites where such chemicals have been released to the
Significant quantities of DNAPL chemicals can be contained in residual zones or pools which
are a very small size (ie. distance of several metres). For example. a spill of approximately
800 L of DNAPL could potentially be contained in a pool in sandy soil measuring only 3.0 m by
3.0 m by 0.3 m. Such a quantity of DNAPL could comprise an extremely significant source of
groundwater contamination but if such zones are to be identified by borings and monitoring
wells. the spacing between borings must be sufficiently small. In general. such spacings would
be much smaller than those typically used in hydrogeological investigations of dissolved
contaminant plumes. Even in the situation when DNAPL pools are intersected by borings or
monitoring wells. special precautions must be taken to ensure that DNAPL will be recovered in
the monitor and its presence positively identified. In the majOrity of Situations. the quantity
of DNAPL which can move or be induced to move into a boring or monitoring well is relatively
small. Because DNAPL will penetrate downward. DNAPL which enters the filter pack of a
monitoring well will sink to the bottom of the filter pack. If the monitoring well is set above
the bottom of the filter pack. it may not be possible for DNAPL to enter that well and be
positively identified. When DNAPL does enter a boring or monitoring well. it will stay at the
bottom of the well. The bottom of the well must be carefully sampled in order to recover and
identify the DNAPL. In most monitoring installations. silt and fine-grained particulate
material collects at the bottom of the well despite well development. The presence of
particulate material at the bottom of borings or monitoring wells may make identification of
DNAPL more difficult.
A very important conSideration in the investigation of sites where DNAPL is present is the
possible contamination of the groundwater in deeper strata as a result of drilling through
zones of free DNAPL. If a deep boring intersects a pool of DNAPL in a granular media or a zone
of free DNAPL in. a fractured media. DNAPL can entf'r thf' horing during drilling or prior to the
installation of monitoring wells. This DNAPL would sink to the bottom of the bOring. Only
small quantities of DNAPL at the bottom of such borings could result in the detection of
Significant. but erroneous. concentrations of dissolved contaminants in the groundwater
sampled from these deeper levels. When borings are extended downward through DNAPL
zones. special precautions must be taken to prevent DNAPL from moving down the boring as
drilling proceeds.
The presence of DNAPL chemicals in the subsurface will also have enormous implications
with regard to remedial measures to control groundwater contamination at chemical spill
sites and waste disposal faCilities. DNAPL chemicals can potentially penetrate downward into
the subsurface to beyond the depth of feasible removal by excavation. Similarly. DNAPL
chemicals can also migrate into areas which are otherwise inaccessible such as beneath
buildings or process areas. Even where DNAPL is present in the vadose zone beneath bUildings.
parking lots or other surface covers. groundwater contamination can still result due to sinking
vapors and lateral migration of vapors.
Zones of residual DNAPL and DNAPL pools can comprise very significant sources of long-term
groundwater contamination unless they are removed. but removal is generally very difficult or
not feaSible with existing remedial technologies. Simply purging and treating contaminated
groundwater from dissolved plumes will not generally be effective in remediating the
contaminant source because the residual zones and pools can represent such a large mass of
chemical. Consider. for example. a purge well system which recovers groundwater
contaminated by TCE with an average concentration of 1000 Ilg/L and at a rate of 450 L/min.
Dissolved TCE concentrations as high as this are encountered at some sites but concentrations
are typically only several hundred Ilg/L in most dissolved solvent plumes. Although seemingly
low. such concentrations are many times higher than drinking water standards. Pumping
rates of the order of 450 L/min. would be common in many purge well systems. For the system
described above. the total amount of TCE recovered would be only 160 L per year or three
quarters of a barrel of TCE. If concentrations in the purged groundwater were lower. the
amount of TCE recovered would also be lower. For the cost and effort of purging and treating
such large volumes of contaminated groundwater. the benefit may be small with respect to
depletion of the contamination source.
Studies by Schwille (1988) suggest that the rate of dissolution of DNAPL pools is related almost
directly to the rate of groundwater flow over the pool. That is. the higher the groundwater flow
rate. the more rapid the mass depletion of the DNAPL source. However. because of their
relatively low solubility. most DNAPL chemicals will not be rapidly dissolved by flowing
groundwater. Consider. for e..xample. a volume of sandy soil measuring 3 m by 3 m in area by
3 m in depth which contains a bulk reSidual TCE content of 30 L/m 3 . This quantity of TCE
would be approximately 800 L or 4 barrels of chemical. Groundwater flows through this zone at
a rate of 3 cm/ day reflecting rates typical for a sandy aquifer (hydraulic conductivity of
10- 3 cm/s. a hydraulic gradient of 0.01 and a porosity of 0.3). If TCE dissolves into the
groundwater to 10 % of its solubility (110.000 Ilg/L) approximately 300 years would be required
to remove all of the residual DNAPL TCE from the aquifer. Even though the rate of dissolution
may be increased by increasing the rate of groundwater flow through the DNAPL zones. in most
groundwater environments. groundwater flow rates can only be increased by a factor of 5 or 10
except very close to a pumping well. This means that it is not likely possible to accelerate the
dissolution of DNAPL significantly in most field situations. The preceding calculation suggests
that DNAPL chemicals can remain in the subsurface and contribute to groundwater
contamination for decades to hundreds of years. This conceptual calculation is consistent with
the observation that groundwater contamination perSists at many sites where chemicals were
leaked or spilled many decades ago. Long-term solution of the groundwater contamination
from DNAPL sources in the subsurface must be directed at removal of the source.
At the present time. excavation and removal of the contaminated soil is the only method
which has been demonstrated to be an effective means of fully remediating DNAPL sources in
the subsurface. Excavation is a well recognized remedial measure because it is conceptually
simple and potentially capable of complete removal of subsurface DNAPL sources. Successful
remediation of DNAPL sources can only be achieved when the DNAPL source can be located and
when the DNAPL is accessible using available excavation techniques and equipment. This
generally would require that the DNAPL be confined to the vadose zone at a depth of 5 to 10 m
or less. At most sites. DNAPL has penetrated to a significant depth or has penetrated into
otherwise inaccessible areas such as beneath buildings and into bedrock formations and
excavation of DNAPL sources is not effective.
Excavation has been a preferred method of remediation by regulatory agencies because the
behavior of DNAPL chemicals and their penetration to greater depths has not been
appreciated. When the behavior of DNAPL chemicals is understood. it is apparent that as a
method for eliminating groundwater contamination. excavation of DNAPL sources will rarely
be worth the high cost of removal and disposal. This may be even more true now that fewer
waste disposal facilities are available for materials from the cleanup of groundwater
contamination sites. In addition. at sites where the DNAPL chemicals are volatile or the
method of excavation could release contaminated particulate material, the emission of
contaminants into the air may be of sufficient environmental concern to prohibit e..'(cavation.
In areas where removal of the DNAPL by excavation is not effective. the remediation of the
residual zones and pools may only be possible by innovative in situ removal techniques.
Potential options for in Situ removal methods can include:
• Induced Volatilization
• In SituBiodegradation
• Chemically-enhanced Displacement
• Steam Displacement
• Chemically-enhanced Dissolution
The Objective of these in situ removal methods is the complete elimination of the DNAPL to
the degree that no further significant groundwater contamination will develop from the source
area. Because the drinking water standards for most DNAPL chemicals are low and because the
mass of chemical represented by a DNAPL source is so high. removal of virtually all of the in-
place DNAPL (possibly> 99 %) may be required to meet this objective.
Induced volatilization is a potential method for the removal of volatile DNAPL chemicals
from residual zones and pools in the vadose zone. Induced volatilization has also been
referred to as vapor extraction. in situ soil stripping and soil vacuuming. Induced
volatilization would involve increasing the rate of advective gas flow through the soil. This is
accomplished by means of a system of vacuum wells to remove the air and volatile chemicals
released to the soil gas from the DNAPL. Such systems may also have injection wells to force
air into the soil and enhance flow to the vacuum wells. Purge wells may also be used to lower
the water table to remove chemicals formerly present in the groundwater zone. Induced
volatilization methods have been demonstrated by laboratory and small field-scale
experiments and implemented at several field sites for remediation of volatile organiC
chemicals (many of them DNAPL) and petroleum hydrocarbons (Thornton and Wootan. 1982;
Marley and Hoag. 1984; Agrelot et al.. 1985; Zimmermann and Brizgys. 1986; Kolturuak. 1986;
Crow et al. 1987). Removal of a large portion of the chemicals present in the vadose zone is
possible using this method. but at the present time it has not been shown that the method can
achieve complete removal of DNAPL sources in actual field situations.
In situ biodegradation methods have been successfully applied to the treatment of petroleum
hydrocarbon contaminants in groundwater but they have not been demonstrated to be effective
for remediation of subsurface DNAPL sources. Such methods involve the injection of oxygen
and other nutrients into the groundwater to stimulate the growth and activity of naturally
occurring aerobic bacteria which can degrade the petroleum compounds. However. most
DNAPL chemicals are halogenated compounds which are degradable under anaerobic
conditions or are resistant to degradation. The degradation of many DNAPL chemicals. when
is does occur. is not generally complete to innocuous compounds but rather involves
transformations to other equally undesirable chemical compounds. In addition. within the
zone of DNAPL reSidual or pools. the chemical concentrations will be very high and will likely
have a poisoning or inhibitory effect on the bacteria performing the biodegradation.
Chemically-enhanced displacement methods are used in the petroleum industry for secondary
and enhanced recovery of oil from oil fields. Chemically-enhanced displacement involves the
injection of surfactants or other chemical agents into the formation to reduce the interfacial
tensions between the non-aqueous phase and the groundwater and allow the non-aqueous
phase to be more readily displaced by the flowing groundwater. The addition of surfactants can
reduce interfaCial tensions by a factor of 1000 times or more (Latil. 1980) and increase
potential mobility of the non-aqueous phase by the same order. Although the principles of
such methods are well understood and the methods are frequently effective for oil recovery. the
methods cannot be directly applied to the cleanup of DNAPL chemicals in the subsurface.
Secondary and enhanced oil recovery operations are employed in confined formations which
are hundreds to thousands of metres in depth and where very high pressures can be applied by
pumping or injection. Similar pressures cannot be exerted in near surface «50 m) groundwater
environments. In addition, many of the surfactant chemicals which could be considered for
use in such a recovery scheme. could pose a significant environmental concern in their own
right when injected into a near-surface groundwater environment.
Steam displacement is another method used in enhanced oil recovery operations which may be
applicable to the remediation of DNAPL sources. Steam displacement would involve the
injection of steam through the DNAPL zones and would result in vaporization of the DNAPL to
allow recovery of the DNAPL from recovery wells. Hunt et aI. (1987a and 1987b) have evaluated
the theory of steam displacement and performed laboratory experiments demonstrating the
potential for the use of steam displacement for remediation of DNAPL sources in the
In assessing the potential for the use of enhanced oil recovery methods for the remediation of
DNAPL sources. two key factors must be remembered. Firstly. laboratory demonstrations of
oil recovery methods invariably show a much higher removal efficiency than can be achieved
in a field situation. This is likely due to the heterogeneities in the distribution of the non-
aqueous phase and non-uniform groundwater flow patterns which exist in field Situations but
cannot be simulated in laboratory demonstrations. Secondly. the standard by which enhanced
oil recovery is judged to be effective is far different from the standard by which DNAPL
recovery methods must be judged. For example, if conventional oil recovery removes 30 % of
the oil resident in the formation. enhanced oil recovery operations would be deemed highly
successful if they resulted in recovery of an additional 20 to 30 %, still leaving 40 % of the oil
in-place. In contrast, in order to significantly reduce or eliminate groundwater contamination
emanating from a DNAPL source. it is likely that recovery of virtually all of the in-place
DNAPL would be required.
The injection of surfactants or other chemical agents may also act to increase the solubility of
the DNAPL in the groundwater. If the solubility of the DNAPL can be increased suffiCiently. it
may be possible to remove the DNAPL from the subsurface by focusing groundwater flow
through the DNAPL zones. Chemically-enhanced dissolution of PCB and TCB has been
evaluated on a laboratory scale. Ellis et al. (1985) evaluated the extraction of PCB from soils
using several non-ionic surfactants and found removal efficiencies of 92 % using a l.5 %
aqueous solution of the surfactants. Extraction of PCB from the same soils using water alone
resulted in removal efficiencies several orders of magnitude lower. General Electric (GE)
Company has also evaluated the extraction of PCB Aroclor 1260 from soils using anionic and
non-ionic surfactants. GE found that 0.1 % to l.0 % surfactant solutions were capable of
increasing the PCB solubility by a factor of 10 5 to 106 times. Zenon Environmental Inc. (1986)
evaluated TCB solubility in methanol. ethanol and iso-propanol solutions and found that
alcohol concentrations of 30 % to 50 % were required to increase TCB solubility by a factor of
ten times.
Of the in situ remedial methods described above. only induced volatilization has been
developed to the stage where it is being applied at field sites and even this method may not be
capable of cleanup to the concentrations levels deSired. The other methods are far from being
ready to rely on at field sites. Where remedial action is undertaken. at present, conventional
engineering approaches are generally being used such as aquifer pumpinl4 wells to control off-
site migration of dissolved contaminants, and combinations of cut-off walls and source area
groundwater pumping. For most DNAPL sites, these measures represent control measures
rather than cleanup measures.
The presence of DNAPL chemicals in the subsurface has enormous implications with regard to
the investigation and remediation of groundwater contamination. The penetration of DNAPL
into the subsurface extends the source of groundwater contamination from at or close to the
ground surface to a far greater depth. The presence of a DNAPL residual mass or pool at depth
may result in the highest concentrations of dissolved chemicals occurring at the base of an
aquifer rather than at the top as would be typical of a near-surface source of contamination.
The pOSSible occurrence of DNAPL sources must be conSidered in planning borehole /
monitoring well locations and depths at sites where these chemicals have been used in
industrial processes, stored. transferred or disposed.
Because of their low solubility and the low drinking water standards for most such chemicals.
DNAPL chemicals can persist in the subsurface and cause groundwater contamination
problems for many decades or hundreds of years. The migration of dissolved chemical plumes
from DNAPL sources may be contained or controlled by other remedial measures, but
groundwater contamination cannot be eliminated in the long-term without removal of the
DNAPL source. Where shallow DNAPL sources can be located adequately and are accessible. it
may be possible to remove the DNAPL sources by excavation. In most Situations, excavation of
the DNAPL source will not be not possible. At the present time. there are no methods available
which have been demonstrated to be effective in field situations for the removal of DNAPL
sources from the subsurface. Further research is needed to develop such methods in order to
provide long-term solutions to groundwater contamination problems from DNAPL chemicals.
Regulatory agencies and industry must recognize the unique and exceptionally difficult nature
of the problem posed by DNAPL chemicals in the subsurface in order to avoid futile or ill-
conceived attempts to achieve aquifer cleanup.
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Stan Feenstra is a Hydrogeochemist and President of Applied Groundwater Research Ltd. in Mississauga.
Ontario. He received a B.Sc. in Earth Sciences and an M.Sc. in Hydrogeology from the University of
Waterloo in 1978 and 1980 respectively. Prior to establishing Applied Groundwater Research Ltd. in 1987.
he was employed by Golder Associates in Mississauga. Ontario and Zenon Environmental Inc. in
Burlington. Ontario. He has been involved in the hydrogeologic and geochemical assessment of
groundwater contamination at uranium tailings areas. landfill. chemical spills and hazardous waste
disposal sites in Canada and the United States. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Hydrogeology at the
University of Waterloo and is involved in research related to the behavior of dense organic solvents in
John A Cherry is a Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences. and Associate Director of the Institute
for Groundwater Research at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo. Ontario. He received his B.S. in
Geological Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan in 1962. He received his M.S. from the
University of California at Berkeley in 1964. and his Ph.D. from the Department of Geology at the
University of Illinois in 1966. His research interests include the field study and modeling of contaminants
in groundwater systems. as well as the development of monitoring techniques for the study of
groundwater contaminants.