Smart Parking System Using Iot
Smart Parking System Using Iot
Smart Parking System Using Iot
Abstract: In today’s ever developing era where that it books the slot for you for a particular time
the enumeration of vehicles goes over 210 million, and generates a QR code /OTP with slot no.
parking has become a tedious task not only for which the user can show at the entrance and get
the people but also for the one’s managing it. the slot and if you exceed the time limit the
How frustrating it could be to get stuck for hours booking is automatically cancelled. A smooth and
and hours; so as to reduce it somehow, we came a hassle free relation with our customers and they
up with solution with blend of today’s ever get the best at the lowest cost and with greater
emerging technologies like App development ease.
(MIT App inventor), IoT, Cloud Storage -
Firebase, in an easy to use interface via ESP8266. Keywords: - IoT; ESP 8266; IR Sensors; E-
This allows maximum customers to get the most parking applications; User Authentication.
out of the application and person new in the city
can also get the information about the parking
areas and prevent himself from landing into a I. INTRODUCTION
troublesome situation. So how it works? Let’s dig The concept of Internet of Things(IoT) began with
in, we have created an application that will allow identical communication devices. These devices
you to locate available parking spaces in the city could be controlled or monitored using remote
along with the vacant slots in it with a feature of computers connected through internet. It is a
pre-booking for a particular time window and network of physically connected devices such as
with payment features also along with vehicles, home appliances and other items
notification regarding the time limit of parking embedded with electronic software’s, sensors,
and other information so that you can release the actuators, and connectivity which enables these
burden with only few clicks. Sensors like IR are things to connect and exchange data. It provides a
placed in the slots whose data is measured, stored vision where things (wearable, watch, alarm clock,
onto the cloud and pushed to your app screen home devices etc.) become smart and behave alive
which give you the live status of the available through sensing, computing and communicating by
parking slots so that u can easily get space to embedded small devices which interacts with remote
park. If the user wants to extend or reduce the objects or persons through connectivity.
parking time the solution lies on the finger tips.
The pre-booking features works in a way such
The idea of creating a smart city is now becoming
possible with the emergence of IoT. The rapid Database
growth of automobile industry has created many
problems related to parking. These problems have
created chaos amongst the people in our society. The
increasing number of vehicles on the road along with
the mismanagement of available parking space leads
to the parking related problems as well as increased
traffic congestion in urban areas thus it is highly
required to develop an automated smart parking Application Control Unit
management system that would help the driver to
find out some suitable parking space for his/her
vehicle very quickly.
SIGN Email
Fig. 3 Pin diagram of NodeMCU based on
ESP8266 IN
4.Database: The database that is used here is
Firebase. Firebase is a mobile and web
application development platform that was then
acquired be Google. It provides facilities such as ERROR
analytics, cloud messaging, authentication, real-time
database, storage, hosting, remote config, test lab, SLOTS
crash reporting, notifications, app indexing. The
real-time database is where our data is being
uploaded to and then is accessed.
5.Application: The user interacts with the data via
the application, the app here provides the
information about the parking. It proves the
information about where the parking’s is, how many
empty parking slots are available and how many of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
them are already used by someone else. It also lets
the user to pre-book a parking slot for himself so as
to have a hazel free experience while parking.
STEP 8: Once the user has finalized the slot and the
timing, an acknowledgement will be generated
which the user has to show it during check-in.
Thus, by using the application, the hectic task of Fig 6. Login Page
searching parking places has been reduced
User Login: The user is provided with two options,
dramatically and the ease of overall process makes
Login and Sign Up. If it’s a new user, they are
it an easy to use application.
provided with an option to sign up as a new user by
The working of the E-parking application with the following the procedure. If it’s an existing user, the
help of screenshot is explained below in detail. user is asked to log in with his credentials.