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5e Custom Magic Items

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Feel free to keep using the items here if you want, but I will no longer be updating this document… because I
put them on my website! You can find these items plus many more, updated/corrected versions, and hopefully
an easier way to search and look through these items!
Thank you to all those who have submitted corrections and wording suggestions and I hope the site is more
useful than this old slow google document :)

All future items, updates, and corrections will be here https://items.borntodostuff.com/

causes the scroll to shatter. If it does not become
Mediocre Magic wet, burn, or shatter, it will remain in place for the
These magic items are meant to be alright, niche, or next month before becoming mundane parchment.
occasionally even useless. They are meant to be
relatively simple and some of them don’t have Paper Maid
precise rules because it’s meant to be up to the DM This simple white scroll is tied off with 4 black
to decide exactly how it pans out, and just give ribbons in a bow. To activate the scroll place each
them an idea of what the item might be able to do. ribbon in a corner or door of the room you desire to
Grayed out items are rejected items that I have not be cleaned. When you do so the scroll will roll itself
deleted yet because I am saving their ideas. More into a conical shape and sprout a tuft of feathers
serious items are in the next section. from its base before beginning to vigorously dust
and sweep the space marked out. The paper maid is
guaranteed to dust, sweep, and de-cobweb up to a
Scrolls 50 foot cube in just a few moments without
Not all scrolls are made equal, some contain disturbing any furniture or valuables, although
powerful combat spells, others… don't. results may vary on larger areas. After cleaning it’s
designated area it will gently come to rest on the
nearest flat surface before becoming a mundane
Courtier’s Scroll paper duster.
This scroll can be challenging to create as it is meant
to be concealed within a hand. It’s for those suitors Patchwork Scroll
with a magic flair and a bit of extra pocket change This small rolled up bundle of fabrics is more than it
that are unable to master the magic arts appears. When you unroll it you find it has magic
themselves. symbols stitched into the outer hem and is precisely
When held in a fist and squeezed at arm’s length 1 foot square.
from the body, it erupts into an eloquent bouquet This scroll, when placed over a break or tear in an
complete with sparkling effects. The exact flowers object as an action, immediately begins unraveling
that are created are usually chosen by the scroll at the hems if the break or tear is completely
maker. It also has a, possibly too small, arrow covered by the cloth. At the beginning of your next
pointing in the direction the blossoms will emerge. If turn the now unraveling cloth melds into the
it's not spotted roll a d4, even the flowers are up, surface, casting Mending on the object it was placed
odds the flowers are down. on. The object is now repaired, leaving no trace of
former damage, and the scroll gone.
Desert Wanderer’s Friend Note: Could be made in bigger sizes. It is
When unrolled this scroll slowly lofts into the air just
exponentially more valuable the larger it is.
above head height and expands to create a 30 foot
by 20 foot floating canvas, lengthwise in the Reynier’s Miniature Raincloud
direction the caster was looking, casting a lovely This scroll is sealed with white wax that shimmers in
patch of shade. It will remain in the location it was the light and has the crest of a lightning bolt. When
opened for the next 10 hours before it sinks to the the seal is broken, a tiny cloud the size of a fist
ground and dissolves into sand. appears 5 feet directly above the scroll. This cloud
grows until it is 5 feet wide before beginning to rain.
Immovable Scroll It rains 1d4 gallons of water over the course of 1
This scroll is flecked with what looks like pieces of
minute. This water is perfectly clear and could even
metal and springs open as if it wants to be flat
be described as glittering. After 1 minute a single
instead of rolled up. You can see a clear outline of a
lightning bolt strikes the ground from the tiny cloud
hand within its runes. As an action you can unroll
before it dissipates, and any creature within 5 feet of
this scroll and place your hand in the outline. When
that point must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
you do so it hardens and becomes magically fixed in
throw or take 1d10 Lightning damage.
place. Until the scroll becomes wet or burns it
doesn’t move, even if it is defying gravity. It can Scroll of Armor
hold up to 100 pounds of weight. More weight When unrolled this rough scroll grows in size and
thickness until it is a fingers width thick and big Scroll of Scrolling
enough around to encircle the creature that
This scroll unrolls into a 1 foot square with a magic
activated it. It floats in place where it was unrolled
circle in the center. When a book, a stack of papers
as purple glyphs fly from thin air as if magnetized to
or parchment, or any non-living object with writing
it. As it becomes saturated with glyphs it flies
(that fits on the scroll) is placed into the magic
towards the creature that activated it and attempts
circle, it activates. Light emits from the lines of the
to attach itself around their midsection.
magic circle and the scroll smokes until the object
If they choose to, they can resist with a DC 14
placed on it is enveloped. Once it finishes this
strength check, or dodge it with a DC 18 acrobatics
process the smoke clears to reveal a scroll replacing
the original object, but containing all the written
If they fail or are willing it cinches around their
information that was on it.
abdomen and the glyphs begin circling their body.
The covering of the scroll depends on the material
While wearing the scroll they have advantage on
provided. For instance a hardbound book becomes a
saves against all spells that target only them. They
scroll within a custom fitted scroll case in the color
also suffer -10 to their movement speed. The scroll
of the binding. This is useful for making travel
crumbles to dust after 1 hour, as the glyphs fade
versions of books because scrolls created in this way
away, or if you take lightning damage.
are never more than half the original weight.
Scroll of the Copycat If a scroll created in this way is brought into an anti-
This scroll unrolls into a single large piece of paper, magic field or is dispelled it explodes into the
with one side blank and the other covered in runes. original object(s) it was made out of.
When you put the blank side over an object or paper Scroll of Smiting
with writing on it and rub the runes over the writing,
When held in the air above the head, or unrolled
the runes fade. When the scroll is turned over, the
during a storm this scroll activates, tingling with
blank side will be a perfect copy of all writing that
static. It calls down powerful lightning from above
the scroll was covering, as if it was scribed with
with a clap of thunder, scorching the ground around
black ink.
it. When used in this way the scroll is disintegrated.
Scroll of Loudness Any creature within 5 feet of the scroll or holding the
This scroll has radiating lines originating from the scroll when it is activated must make a Constitution
edges of the parchment and a bold red border. saving throw DC 18. On a failure they take 3d10
When activated and then re-rolled for the next hour Lightning damage, on a success they take half.
when any creature speaks through the scroll their Any creature within 10 to 60 feet of the scroll must
voice is up to four times as loud. The tighter the make a Constitution saving throw DC 15 as the
scroll is rolled the quieter the sound. shockwave hits. On a failure they take 3d6 Thunder
damage, on a success they take half.
Scroll of the Rod Undead and Evil aligned creatures have
When this light gray parchment scroll is rolled tightly disadvantage on these saves.
and bent over the knee it quickly stiffens and its
color shifts to the look of cast iron. Over the next Scroll of Spawn Light
few seconds it elongates to a 4 foot rod that is as This scroll appears to be a summoning spell to
straight as an arrow. The rod is about two fingers anyone who is not familiar with this type of scroll. If
wide, and feels like parchment but has all the this scroll is activated it crumples itself and begins to
properties of metal. inflate until it resembles a paper lantern. It then
It weighs 4 pounds and can support up to 400 floats at head height an arms length behind the
pounds. The scroll will remain in this form for the creature that activated it, casting a soft light out to
next hour. At the end of the hour’s time it will shrink 15 feet.
down its previous size but will remain the dark The scroll remains in this form for the next 8 hours
metallic hue. It cannot be used again in this way but or until it is damaged. When the 8 hours are up or it
it could possibly make a good paper weight as it also is damaged it sets alight and burns until it becomes
retains its weight. ash, if it is put out it continues to dim until it is no
longer usable and falls to the ground.

Scroll of Waterbreathing
When unrolled underwater it quickly re-rolls itself
and constricts into a slender bamboo shoot about 5
feet long. It is hollow, and while very narrow the
user will find they can breathe through it as if it isn’t
even there. The scroll will remain in this form for the
next hour during which for all intents and purposes
it is a length of bamboo. At the end of the hour it
will collapse into a soggy sheet of parchment.

Scroll of Weapon Mimicking

This scroll has runes all along its outside edge and
no way that you can discern to activate it. However,
if this scroll is damaged by any melee weapon it will
begin burning and the sound of crumpling paper can
be heard. At the beginning of your next turn it will
suddenly harden into a copy of the weapon that
damaged it. This copy lasts 1 hour before it once
again bursts into flames and then turns to ash. If
the weapon is magical it will not copy any of its
magical abilities but will perfectly mimic its
appearance and basic properties.
helpers last until they are damaged or become wet
Wondrous Items and are loyal to whoever began folding the paper.
These wondrous items inspire slightly less awe than With a little practice anyone can learn how to create
most other wondrous items one they have had before or even something new.
There are three common shapes:

Dionysus’ Decanter Humanoid

This crystal wine bottle is completely opaque and These little guys can only lift up to 5 pounds but are
holds a strong, deep red alcohol but it cannot be quite dextrous with their hands, and able to follow
poured out, only drunk from. It can be depleted but rather complex orders.
any liquid poured into the flask is instantly Elephant
transformed into an equal amount of alcohol and
Their triangular build makes them much stronger
any poison is nullified. Any creature that has drunk than most other transformations and they are able
from the decanter knows the direction of the nearest
to carry and lift up to 15 pounds. They aren’t smart
alcohol within 10 miles (besides the decanter) for but they can still follow simple two or three word
the next hour.
Dryad's Grapes Bird
This odd gift from a forest dryad appears to be a Unfortunately unable to sing, this little bird is able to
large cluster of off-color grapes. Truly though it is carry messages written on it, or with it, to a specific
alive, and every day it grows 10 new purple spheres location. If shown on a map where to take it and
the size of a small marble. While they may look very told to “fly” it will be able to navigate exactly to
much like a fruit, on closer inspection each sphere is where you pointed, and do its best to fly around
a shiny bulb of wood which is quickly made obvious storms. It can also return to where it was folded by
to anyone who attempts to eat them. being told to “go home”.
They are easily plucked off and it can hold up to 50
of these bulbs before it stops growing more. As a Generous Gulping Gourd
bonus action a creature can grab a handful of the This pale gourd has ornate glyphs painted in black
wooden orbs and scatter them on the ground in a 5 around the cork at its apex and twine braided about
foot square. Any creature moving to or through this it. Nobody has ever been able to open the stopper. A
square must make a DC 10 dexterity check or fall thin metallic clinking can be heard when the gourd is
prone. A creature does not have to make this check shaken.
if they move at half speed. Each time you do this it Once a day as a reaction the creature in possession
costs 20 grapes. of the gourd can hold it out in front of them when
If you do this twice on the same square any creature targeted with a spell and the gourd will cast Dispel
moving to or through this square must make a Magic at 4th level for them, if it needs to roll it rolls
dexterity check at disadvantage. They may roll with a +6 bonus.
without disadvantage if they move at half speed. If it successfully dispels the spell the glyphs around
All grapes that have been plucked off the vine wither the cork will softly pulse until the next time the
and grow mushy by the end of the day, making creature in possession of it uses a 1st level spell
them useless. slot. When this happens they do not expend a spell
slot and the magic energy leeches from the gourd
Folded Friends instead.
These 6 inch squares of paper are beautifully
flowered on one side and some even gilded. On the Greedy Gulping Gourd
other side they are blank except for an intricately This pale gourd has ornate glyphs painted in black
inked magic circle. around the cork at its apex and thick twine wound
When someone begins to fold them they continue around it. Nobody has ever been able to open the
folding until they begin to resemble a creature and stopper. A dull clatter can be heard when the gourd
become animated, although they don’t increase in is shaken.
size and only stand a few inches tall. These little Whenever a spell is cast within 10 feet of the gourd,
no matter who cast it, roll a d20. On a 1 the gourd it has 2d10 silver pieces in it, 1d10 each of gold and
casts Dispel Magic at 4th level, if it needs to roll it copper pieces, and a selection of shiny rocks and
rolls with a +4 bonus. bits lying at the bottom. The beetles will always find
Once a day as a reaction the creature in possession their way back to the jar at dusk as long as their
of the gourd can hold it out in front of them when hoard is worth at least 2 gold and covers the bottom
targeted with a spell and the gourd will attempt to of the jar.
dispel the spell for them. If released the beetles will fly off in search of shiny
Whenever the gourd successfully dispels a spell the objects to add to their pile. When released at dawn
cork loosens and the glyphs glow as the magic within a town the beetles gather 1d10 silver, 1d4-1
energy is sucked into the gourd before it clamps each of gold and copper, and 1d4 shiny rocks and
tightly shut once again. bits throughout the day. At the DM’s discretion the
coins gathered might change in number or quality
Hearthstone depending on the town.
These oblong rocks have been compared to a
dragon’s egg because of their appearance. They are Lantern of Light Manipulation
only the size of a fist but underneath the cracked This hooded lantern has a cloudy bulb beneath it
rocky surface a red hot core is visible. They are rather than a fuel canister but otherwise appears as
usually found near hot springs, and are a any other when it is lit. However when it is turned
commonplace heirloom passed down from off or runs out of energy wisps of deep black begin
generation to generation in the mountainous regions to emanate from it. After it has been turned off for 1
to protect against the bitter winters. minute it begins viciously smoking and creates a 10
It is a very convenient hand warmer but it is foot radius of magical darkness as it devours all the
inconveniently slightly too warm and you will take 1 light around it. This magical darkness can not be
fire damage every turn you are in direct contact with dispelled but a light spell of level 3 or higher causes
a hearthstone, although it will not start fires. it to temporarily dissipate. For every hour this
It is a boon to the injured and cold, as its aura of lantern is turned off it can fuel itself for an equal
warmth has a comfort to it, and every hour you are amount of time, up to 12 hours. Additionally, while
within 5 feet of the Hearthstone you gain 1 hitpoint. holding the lantern you can focus on another object
In addition, while it is on your person you have you are touching and cast Light as a bonus action.
advantage against exhaustion checks due to cold The lantern appears to extinguish but is considered
weather. to be on while this effect is active and continues to
consume energy for the duration of the Light spell.
Jar of Fairy Light
This small jar is made with a thick glass and has Magical Tattoos
several colorful lights that flit about within it, These tattoos create a magical bond between two or
shedding dim light out to 10 feet. You can use this more creatures. Needless to say they are next to
jar of strange lights as an arcane focus. Whenever impossible to remove but even if they are their
you cast a spell of first level or higher using the jar effects are permanent short of a Wish. Because of
as a focus the lights within cast Dancing Lights at a this it is difficult to find someone both willing and
point within range ignoring concentration. You can able to create magical tattoos so they are a rather
choose where these lights appear but can not move rare occurrence.
them or combine them. Channeling Circuits
Note: If the jar is opened the lights within could This tattoo is an interwoven web of right angles,
form into a humanoid shape and attempt to usually stretching from the torso to fingertips. You
communicate with body language as if they are a gain two abilities and you may use one per short
sentient Dancing Lights. This could be a story point. rest.
● You may cast a spell up to 5th level,
Jar of Hoarder Beetles
expending a spell slot as normal, but
This wide glass jar weighs 2 pounds and has holes
ignoring verbal and somatic components.
poked in its lid. It contains about a dozen beetles of
● You may cast any spell up to 1st level that
blue and green hues, each the size of two thumbs,
would normally be an action or bonus action
and their hoard they sleep on. When you find the jar
as a reaction triggered by being attacked, or effects of the bond wear off and they shed all
as an opportunity attack. If a spell slot familial resemblance to the fake parent. Additionally
would be expended it is expended as they may even grow to resent the parent for their
normal. trickery, even if the parent was kind to them.

Bond of Battle Eyes of the Blind

Popular amongst military units, these tribal forearm This tattoo is a circular design, usually in purple or
tattoos allow stupendous synchronization in battle, red, on the neck or back of the head. It’s typically
giving the pair +1 AC when standing within 10 feet shared between blind and visioned siblings, and
of each other. Their movements almost seem as if once per short rest they allow the other to see using
they know exactly what the other is going to do their partner’s vision.
next. When the tattoo is created the left eye of the sighted
However without their bonded partner they appear partner (if they both have fully functional eyes it
to be missing part of their senses and while farther applies to both of them) glazes over and they are
than 30 feet from the bonded creature they each unable to see from it. Whenever the other partner is
have disadvantage to perception checks. seeing using the bond the glazed eye of the sighted
Bond of Bitter Blood partner comes back to life for the duration. While
This tattoo often goes on the hand or leg and this is happening the eye that was taken over is still
resembles a set of fangs. It is most common under control of the sighted partner but it is the
amongst assassins and snake handlers. When one of color of the blind partner's eyes (or the color they
the pair fails a saving throw against being poisoned, used to be).
the other may roll also. On failure both are Lovers Link
poisoned, but on a success neither are affected. If This is one of the most elegant of the magical
the poison has a local effect it starts as if injected at tattoos, it’s the first name of your loved one in a
the tattoo in the creature that was not directly flowing script directly over the heart. This is a tattoo
affected by the poison. that is rare to find, as it’s one thing to be in love,
Band of Brothers and it’s another thing to never love again.
The closest of comrades, and often siblings get If the partners are separated they can know the
these wide banded wrist or ankle tattoos. Creatures other is alive from the faint heartbeat coming from
who share this tattoo know the general direction of the tattoo. If the partner dies however the tattoo will
their bonded partner at all times. shrivel and leave a scar where it once was, leaving
Whenever the bonded “brother” is suffering or in the surviving partner to never love again. They may
danger the other can feel twinges of pain from the find those that they care for but they will never be
tattoo. Additionally they gain advantage to all able to find romance from that moment on.
checks to assist their brother when they are in peril. Original idea for magical tattoos from Kalimojo and
When a soul brother perishes the other feels intense this post
agony throughout their body originating in pulses
from the tattoo and in turn loses 10 years of their
Needle of Mending
This needle has a short length of bright red thread
own life.
attached to it and the smallest of runes around the
Bond of Paternity/Maternity eye. If you take 1 minute you can repair any single
A small tattoo resembling a birthmark is carefully tear or hole in leather or cloth as long as it’s no
inked on a baby or child and an adult. The child larger than 3 feet in any dimension, and all the
takes on a familial resemblance to the adult as it material is still there. If material is missing and you
grows and is generally accepted by observers as the have more available you can use new material to
progeny of the adult. After one year the strength of replace it. After an hour the thread melds into the
the bond deepens and requires significant surface and the seam disappears as if it was never
magic/divine intervention to reveal or remove. there. The thread never seems to run out.
if the child finds out about the mark (verbally, by
themselves, through magic, or otherwise), after the
Sahuagin Stimulant
The primary ingredient for this deep red potion is
period it takes to disappear, over the next year the
supposedly shark blood. Any creature that consumes
it gains 3d8 temporary hit points and an action
surge. These last for one hour, and expire after that
time. Any creature not a Sahaguin suffers from the
Poisoned status the day after they take the
stimulant which lasts until they take another long

Vial of Thundering Orbs

This small vial holds a clear foaming liquid, and has
a wand of sorts attached to it by a string. As an
action a creature can soak the wand in the liquid
and blow on it, when they do so 10 airy crystalline
orbs form at the end of the wand and gently float
wherever the wind fancies. Using the vial in this way
expends a charge.
The orbs burst after traveling 100 feet, touching a
creature, or bumping into a sharp object. When an
orb bursts it deals 1d4 thunder damage to all
creatures within 5 feet as an uncannily large
concussion emanates from them that can be heard
out to 100 feet.
The vial is found with a number of uses equal to
2d10 or a number of the DM’s choosing and when all
uses are expended it is empty and cannot be used

Wand of Mending
This wand is made of a sturdy oak and each end is
seamlessly reinforced with bronze. It has 5 charges
and regains 1d4+1 charges each day at dawn.
You may choose to spend a charge to cast Mending
with a range of 10 feet. For every additional charge
spent to cast Mending the size you may mend
increases by 1 foot.
If you double the charges spent you may cast
Mending as a bonus action.

Watch of Timelessness
This simple pocket watch is mesmerizing to a fault.
Any creature that checks the time is momentarily
hypnotized. They feel slightly disoriented and are
unable to read a map or discern cardinal directions
for the next minute, making it very easy for them to
become lost. It’s somehow cheering though, and if a
creature takes a bonus action to pull it out of their
pocket to check on it they gain an extra spring in
their step and +10 movement speed.
If a creature touches the armor they are
Wearables immediately aware of the illusion but otherwise they
Wear ‘em on your head! Your feet! Your hands! Or if are convinced so long as they did not see you begin
you are boring, wear as directed. the illusion.

Cloak of Hot Air

Babylonian Amulet of Hearing This cloak always seems to be affected by a light
This amulet is a tiny book carved from black opal breeze and flows behind you constantly. While
and the title is written in an incomprehensible wearing this cape you have advantage on Charisma
language. Once per day while wearing the amulet checks to appear heroic, royal, or awe-inspiring.
you can activate it and choose any language that
you have heard spoken before. While the amulet is
Gentleman's Gloves
These white leather gloves are always the perfect fit.
active it repeats the literal meaning of everything
A true gentleman never dirties his hands, and these
said, within hearing range, in the chosen language in
gloves will attune to the wearer as soon as they do
something that would have otherwise dirtied their
Babylonian Amulet of Speech hands with the gloves on.
This amulet is a tiny book carved from bloodstone, They say beware a gentleman that goes to war.
the title is written in an incomprehensible language. While wearing the gloves if you are above half hit
Once per day while wearing the amulet you can points you cannot take a bonus action, but you can
activate it and choose any language that you have accomplish anything that would normally be a bonus
heard spoken before. While the amulet is active it action as an action. However when you drop below
repeats the literal meaning of everything you say in half health you are able to take two bonus actions
the language you chose. per turn.

Boots of Blasting Gloves of Channeling

These heavy metal boots weigh 5 pounds together These leather gloves are wrist length and seem to
and appear to be heavily charred. be burned with a delicate, asymmetrical web of right
As a bonus action once per short rest you can stomp angles.
your foot and either rocket 10 feet into the air and The gloves have 5 charges and while casting a spell
20 feet in any direction you choose, or 25 feet into if you are wearing the gloves and expend a number
the air and 5 feet in any direction you choose, of charges equal to the spell slot used you may
dealing 1d6 force damage to you and all creatures ignore any verbal or somatic components for the
within 5 feet in the explosion. When moving in this spell. When you expend charges in this way the
fashion using the boots you do not incur opportunity gloves network of burns glows with energy that
attacks. varies in color depending on the school of magic.
These boots do not negate fall damage that might The gloves regain all expended charges each day at
be incurred from their use however while wearing dawn.
the boots of blasting you cannot be knocked prone
by falling. Matador’s Mantle
The Matador’s Mantle is a gaudy short red cape with
Cloak of Conspicuous Armor gilded edges and intricate stitching. As a bonus
As an action while wearing this gray pleated cloak action while wearing this cape, you can spend 15
you can wrap it around yourself and choose a type feet of movement to move 5 feet. This movement
of heavy armor. You immediately appear to be doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
wearing the armor you choose. This armor appears
polished as if it is brand new, and with Pamsprei’s Boots
embellishments of your choice. This does not affect These calf-length leather boots are slick to the touch
your AC and you are not considered to be wearing and have a light sheen to them. Strangely they
armor for the sake of any bonuses. This effect lasts never get stuck in the mud or get dirty, everything
until you remove the cloak or dispel it as an action. seems to roll right off of them. While wearing them
you have advantage to escape any effect or object
that would normally trap your feet and additionally Superior Sorting and functions very similarly, it is a
difficult terrain involving mud, or other sticky failed experiment by the same sorcerer that created
substances, does not affect you. Be careful while the Sorting Satchel after all. But each time a pocket
walking on ice though. is created if there are more than 10 pockets total roll
1d20. On a 1 pick a pocket at random and that
Ring of Rapid Regeneration pocket is emptied into another dimension.
While wearing this ring you regenerate quickly as
long as you have food. When you take a short rest Scarf of Summoning
to eat a hot meal you gain two hit dice worth of This light decorative scarf is a pleasant yellow and
temporary hit points and lose one level of just large enough to tie around the neck or use as a
exhaustion. However, whenever you are healed, any bandana. They were made popular after a stellar
temporary hit points you gained in this way are review by a jungle explorer claiming it protected him
destroyed. Additionally, it never takes you longer from a large ape. It is not only a fashionable
than 1 hour to regain consciousness. accessory though, once per short rest if the scarf is
placed flat over a solid surface and the command
Satchel of ‘Splosions word “banana bandana” is spoken a banana appears
Besides the small holes and scorch marks riddling as the scarf is lifted. This banana is always ripe, but
this bag it looks like an average leather satchel. It will go bad by the end of the day if not eaten.
appears to have nothing in it but if you reach in
Many have tried summoning other things, even just
without looking you feel several large stones.
other fruits with the scarves, but none have yet
As a bonus action a creature can reach into the bag succeeded.
and pull out a small fist-sized stone that begins
smoking. At the end of the creature’s next turn it
will shatter with a low crack and a small flash of
light. The crack can be heard from 100 feet away
and the stone explodes into small fragments dealing
1d10 piercing damage to all creatures within 5 feet.
Using the satchel in this way expends 1 charge.
This Satchel has 4 charges, and regains all expended
charges each day at dawn.
A creature can throw one of the exploding stones as
an attack action, it counts as an improvised ranged
weapon and has a range of 30 feet.
If the creature wearing or holding the satchel takes
more than 5 fire damage or the satchel takes fire
damage directly a stone explodes.

Satchel of Superior Sorting

This simple leather messenger bag was made by an
eccentric sorcerer who was irritated that his
component pouch was constantly so disorganized. It
has as many or as few pockets as the wearer needs,
up to 20 pockets. Each time the pouch is opened the
contents are neatly organized even if they were not
when it was closed and it has a free pocket for
anything you are holding that fits into the bag. It
always weighs 5 pounds, empty or full, and can hold
up to 20 pounds of goods as long as they fit into the
mouth of the satchel.

Satchel of Subpar Sorting

This satchel appears in every way to be a Satchel of
Additionally, 1d4-1 illusory duplicates of yourself
Magic Items with Rarity appear, each in an empty space within 5 feet of you,
These items are styled more after the items in the or your own space. These images appear to always
DMG you may or may not be familiar with and are be on the defensive and are unable to attack. Each
generally more mechanically defined and slightly time you move you can move each illusory image up
more powerful than the mediocre items. Grayed out to your move speed to an empty space of your
items are rejected items that I have not deleted yet choosing as long as you can still see the image(s)
because I am saving their ideas. and the destination. A duplicate’s AC equals 10 +
your Dexterity modifier and if a creature investigates
Armor a duplicate as an action it realizes that it is an
illusion. If an attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is
Shields, armor, and the like are kept here.
destroyed. A duplicate can only be destroyed by an
attack that hits it and it ignores all other damage
and effects. These duplicates last 1 minute or until
Armor of Arcane Retaliation you dismiss them as an action. A creature is
Armor (breastplate, half plate, or plate), very rare unaffected by these effects if it has blindsight, or if it
(requires attunement) can perceive illusions as false, such as with
This armor has a cylinder attached to the back, at truesight.
the base of the neck, and several tendrils reaching
from the canister to the armor’s reinforced Armor of Vanishing
pauldrons. Armor (light or medium), rare
Once per short rest as a reaction to taking acid, This armor has a plate of polished silver embedded
cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you may in the middle of it’s chest approximately the
activate the armor. While the armor is activated you diameter of a man’s palm. It is smooth enough you
have resistance to the triggering damage type until can almost see your reflection in it, and you aren’t
the end of your next turn. Each time you are hit, positive how it's affixed to the armor.
including the triggering attack, by the triggering While you are wearing this armor if you are struck
damage type while the armor is active the armor with a critical hit and it does not knock you
gains one charge. As an action you can expend 1 or unconscious you turn invisible as if affected by the
more charges to force all creatures with a 10-foot spell Invisibility until the end of your next turn or
radius, other than you, to make a Dexterity saving until you attack or cast a spell.
throw DC 10 + proficiency, as elemental energy is Additionally, at the end of a long or short rest while
forcefully discharged from the pauldrons. A creature wearing this armor you gain +5 to Dexterity
takes 1d6 damage per charge expended, of the (Stealth) checks and initiative rolls for the next hour
damage type that created the charge(s), on a failed or until you make an attack or cast a spell.
save, or half as much on a successful one. Any
charges still stored in the armor by dawn are Armoring Aegis
harmlessly vented from the canister. Shield, very rare (requires attunement)
This overly large shield weighs 15 pounds and is
Armor of Mirror Image covered in dozens of overlapping sheets of metal
Armor (light or medium), rare across its face.
This armor has a plate of highly polished silver While you have this shield equipped you can activate
embedded in the middle of it’s chest approximately the shield as a bonus action by uttering the
the diameter of a man’s palm. It is smooth enough command word. Until the beginning of your next
you can see your reflection in it, and you aren’t turn you are Restrained as metal plates begin flying
positive how it's affixed to the armor. off the shield and forcefully forming around your
While you are wearing this armor if you are struck body. Starting at the beginning of your next turn
with a critical hit and it does not knock you while the shield is activated your AC is 17 + your
unconscious you turn invisible as if effected by the Dexterity modifier (max 3), including the shield. This
spell Invisibility until the end of your next turn or counts as wearing medium armor. If you are already
until you attack or cast a spell. wearing armor when you activate the shield the
plates begin flying off but are unable to form around food, rather than the usual 3 + your Constitution
your body and return to the shield. modifier.
The shield deactivates in the same way it activates, Additionally, each time you take the shield off
and all the plates return to the face of the shield. without activating it since you last put it on you take
1d4 necrotic damage.
Augmier’s Handaxe Accelerator
Shield, very rare Chain of the Abyss
This round metal shield is rather thick and has an Armor (Chain shirt or Chain mail), rare (requires
orb embedded within its center surrounded by attunement)
reinforcing bands. There is a slot on the back of the This chainmail is dull and rusted, and has red links
shield, with which you can see that the shield is of an unknown metal woven throughout it in no
clearly hollow. If you insert a light thrown weapon discernable pattern. No amount of scrubbing and
into the slot the orb begins to glow and a distinct polishing can clean off the rust that has
whirring noise can be heard from the shield. While accumulated.
the orb is glowing you can speak the command word While wearing this armor when your speed is
inscribed under the slot in gnomish and point your reduced to 0 a large dark sigil appears beneath your
shield arm at a target as an action. When you do so feet and rusty chains fly up from the ground,
the weapon you put into the shield is expelled with encircling you and any creature grappling you if you
deadly accuracy and incredible speeds to a range of are grappled. While these chains are tangled around
80/320 from the front edge of the shield as if it you you have resistance against bludgeoning,
melds directly through the metal. Make a ranged piercing, and slashing damage dealt by weapon
attack against the target, if you have proficiency attacks but any other creatures do not gain this
with shields you have proficiency with this attack. benefit. Additionally, any hostile creature that ends
On a successful hit you deal 2d6 damage of the their turn within 5 feet of you or any creature
weapon’s damage type. besides you that is entangled in the chains takes
After the orb has been glowing for one minute or if 1d10 necrotic damage.
you insert another weapon into the slot during this Any creature entangled by the chains must make a
time the weapon(s) shatter and the orb and whirring DC 16 Strength check to escape. These chains
die down. return to the ground and the sigil disappears once all
creatures trapped within them have escaped or died.
Bloodwraught The chains also release their targets and return to
Shield, rare (requires attunement)
the ground if exposed to Aura of Purity, Aura of Life,
This rectangular shield of dark iron has deep or Holy Aura.
grooves in it stained a dull red.
Curse. When your speed is reduced to 0 you are
As a reaction to being hit by an attack you can considered Restrained because of the chains. This
activate the shield. When you activate the shield you condition persists even after the initial effect that
feel a sharp pang in your hand and forearm. You caused it ends, unless you succeed on a DC 16
take 1d8 necrotic damage, and the grooves in the Strength check against the chains. Each time you
shield glow a sickly red as a dark barrier of magical fail to escape from the chains you take 1d4-1
force surrounds you. Until the start of your next necrotic damage. If you are reduced to 0 hp while
turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against trapped in the chains they persist for 3 rounds
the triggering attack, and are considered in dim continuing to restrain you. If you are not stabilized
light. by the end of this time you are dragged through the
The grooves continue to glow for 1 minute after you ground and transported to The Abyss.
activate the shield in this way.
Curse. If the grooves are still glowing and you Derrahk’s Portable Battlement
activate Bloodwraught again you take an additional Shield, rare (requires attunement)
1d8 damage for a total of 2d8 necrotic damage each This shield is made from a thin sheet of solid stone,
time it is activated. and is etched with radiating lines.
If you have activated the shield today or the day While you are touching solid ground you may
before you are only able to go a single day without activate or deactivate the shield as an action by
speaking the command word. When activated the save, a creature takes 4d8 lightning damage, on a
shield expands, spiking along the radiating lines to a successful save it takes half that much damage.
width of 15 feet, a height of 10 feet, and rooting Additionally, any creature that grapples you or
itself and you into the ground. This provides full makes a melee attack against you while you are
cover to all creatures behind the shield (including channeling takes 1d4 Lightning damage.
yourself) and while the shield is active you are not Channeling the elements like this requires
able to be shoved, or moved magically, but you are concentration, and if you lose concentration while
Restrained until you deactivate the shield. channeling you take 4d8 lightning damage.
However, you can release the energy and stop
Helm of Selective Hearing channeling as an action without incurring this
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This helmet has large semi-spheres that cup over
your ears. These metal earmuffs are lined with wool Hide of the Behir (old)
and quite cozy. Armor (hide), very rare (requires attunement)
Even while not attuned to the helmet, while you are This mottled blue armor is covered in cracked
wearing it you have disadvantage to any checks that carapace. While wearing this armor you have
involve hearing. However, you are immune to being resistance to lightning damage.
deafened and you gain advantage to saving throws Additionally, once per day as an action you can plant
against taking thunder damage. your feet and begin channeling pure elemental
When you are attuned, as an action you can focus energy. Lightning crackles from your head to your
your hearing in another location. When you do this feet and you release a beam of lightning forming a
you create an invisible sensor within 1 mile in a line 1 foot wide and 20 feet long from your mouth.
location familiar to you (a place you have visited or While channeling lightning you can not use any
seen before), or in an obvious location that is actions or reactions and are considered restrained.
unfamiliar to you (such as behind a door, around a You can continue channeling lightning through your
corner, or in a grove of trees). The sensor remains body in this way as long as you concentrate, to a
in place until you dismiss it and can’t be attacked or maximum of 1 minute. You can also stop channeling
otherwise interacted with. as an action. On each turn while channeling you can
When you do this you can hear without the hearing choose to change the direction of the beam.
disadvantage imposed by the helmet, but you can A creature must make a Constitution saving throw
only hear as if you are in the sensor’s space. with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
A creature that can see the sensor (such as a your constitution modifier when it touches you,
creature benefiting from See Invisibility or truesight) makes a melee attack against you, enters the beam,
sees a bulbous fleshy ear about the size of your or starts it’s turn in the beam. It takes 4d8 lightning
palm. damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
successful one.
Hide of the Behir If you take any actions, move, or are forced to
Armor (hide), very rare (requires attunement)
move, while channeling you lose concentration and
This mottled blue armor is covered in cracked take 4d8 lightning damage that you are not resistant
carapace. While wearing this armor you have to.
resistance to lightning damage.
Once per long rest as an action you can plant your Frostwall Guard
feet and begin channeling pure elemental energy. Shield, rare (requires attunement)
For the next minute energy crackles from your head This angular shield is pure white with blue
to your feet and as an action you can fire a 1 foot fractals emblazoned along its edges. It is
wide 20 foot long line of searing lightning from your
said to be forged from the scales of a white
dragon to defend an ancient dwarven city.
Each creature in the line must make a Constitution
saving throw against your spellcasting DC. If you are Once per long rest, as an action, you can
not a spellcaster this DC is equal to 8 + your hold it aloft and speak its command word,
Proficiency + your Constitution modifier. On a failed forming a solid wall of crystalline ice as if the
user cast Wall of Ice. Using the shield in this creature proficient in religion)
way does not require concentration. As you pick it up you realize this simple light gray
robe was obviously made for a brother who was
Melf’s Meteor Helm more than just a clergyman. Underneath it is a chain
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) shirt carefully woven into the fabric.
This helm appears to be made of heavily pocked and When you take the Help action you can expend a
dented bronze but its walls are incredibly thick. After charge to activate the robe. When you do so up to
further inspection you realize that this helm is five creatures of your choice within 60 feet are
actually carved from metallic rock which would bathed in a soft light and gain advantage to their
explain why it’s so heavy. first attack roll or ability check before the end of
As an action while wearing this helm you can create their next turn. At the end of their next turn the light
1d4+1 tiny meteors in your space. They float in the fades away.
air and orbit you tightly for the next minute. This robe has 4 charges and regains 1d4 expended
As a bonus action you can expend a meteor, sending charges each day at dawn.
it streaking toward a point you choose within 120
Shield of Mental Dominance
feet of you. Once a meteor reaches its destination or
Shield, very rare (requires attunement)
impacts against a solid surface, the meteor
This round metal shield is rimmed with clear, un-
explodes. Each creature within 5 feet of the point
shattering glass.
where the meteor explodes must make a DC 14
While attuned to this shield you have proficiency
Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a
with Intelligence saving throws if you did not before.
failed save.
This shield has 3 charges that recharge on a long or
After a meteor has been orbiting you for 1 minute it
short rest. While you are wielding this shield at the
will spontaneously explode. You must make a
end of another creature’s turn you can activate one
collective saving throw against any of the meteors
feature, expending a number of charges depending
that explode, taking 2d6 fire damage per meteor on
on the feature used.
a failed save, or half on a successful one.
Force of Mind. Expend 1 charge to target a
Permafrost Plate creature within 30 feet and make an Intelligence
Armor (half plate, or plate), very rare (requires check contested by the target’s Wisdom or
attunement) Intelligence check (the target chooses the ability to
This pale armor is frigid to the touch, and even in use). If you win the contest, you either knock the
the warmest weather has a thin layer of frost over target prone or push it 5 feet away from you.
it. The wearer must endure wearing the cold plate Mental Grasp. Expend 2 charges to cast Hold
for an entire hour to attune to it. While wearing this Person, ignoring casting time. You use your
armor you gain +1 to AC, you are resistant to cold Intelligence as your casting ability when you cast
damage, and are unaffected by temperatures as low Hold Person in this manner.
as -50. A chilly draft follows you wherever you go.
Vest of Ruby Fire
While you are conscious any creature hostile
Armor (leather or studded leather), very rare
towards you that ends their turn within a 5-foot
(requires attunement)
radius of you takes 1d10 cold damage.
This dark leather jerkin fastens along the right
Plate of the Protector breast with 6 ruby studs that glow faintly. Each ruby
Armor (breastplate, half plate, or plate), rare represents a charge. While wearing it you can
(requires attunement by cleric or paladin) harness the magic contained within the rubies to
While wearing this armor when you cast Protection cast spells that do fire damage without expending a
from Energy, Protection from Evil and Good, or spell slot. You can cast a 1st level fire spell by
Protection from Poison you may target an additional expending 2 charges, or cast Produce Flame, or
creature. Create Bonfire, even if you do not know them, by
expending 1 charge.
Robe of the Brotherhood All spells cast using charges from the vest burn a
Armor (chain shirt), rare (requires attunement by bright red, and cast light twice as far as they
normally would.
The vest regains all expended charges at dawn or
once per day as an action you can regain any
number of expended charges you choose, taking
1d4+1 fire damage for each charge regained as the
vest sets alight until the beginning of your next turn.
Belt of Ruby Fire
If you are attuned to the Vest of Ruby Fire, the Belt
of Ruby Fire does not require attunement. The ruby
on this item does not count as a ruby charge.
While you are wearing the belt you are able to cast
2nd level spells that deal fire damage, in the same
way you can cast 1st level spells, by expending 3
Gloves of Ruby Fire
If you are attuned to the Vest of Ruby Fire, the
Gloves of Ruby Fire do not require attunement. You
can use the ruby charges from any Ruby Fire items
you are wearing interchangeably to create effects,
and cast spells and cantrips.
Additionally, you no longer have to expend a charge
to cast Control Fire. As an action you can create up
to three effects of Control Fire. If you use this action
multiple times, you can have up to 10 of its non-
instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can
dismiss any number of these effects as an action.
Boots of Ruby Fire
If you are attuned to the Vest of Ruby Fire, the
Boots of Ruby Fire do not require attunement. You
can use the ruby charges from any Ruby Fire items
you are wearing interchangeably to create effects,
and cast spells and cantrips.
Additionally, the trail of fire you leave grows more
extreme. It does an additional 1d10 damage for a
total of 2d10 fire damage, and half damage on a
successful save.
have full control over this tentacle, which is immune
Wondrous Items (Attunement to acid and poison, and bends as if your arm and the
Required) rod within it are no longer there. Additionally, you
may make unarmed strikes with reach with the
Items that may or may not be wearable but aren’t
tentacle and on a successful hit it deals 3d6 magical
considered weapons or armor.
bludgeoning damage.
After the minute is up the tentacle shrivels once
again, receding back up the rod, and releasing your
Abacus of Probability
arm, now covered in slime. Until the next day at
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
dawn your arm remains a pale green tint where the
This wooden abacus has fortune telling symbols
tentacle covered it and any cuts in this area refuse
painted across its beads. It sometimes seems to
to close completely.
have a mind of its own, and it will lock up for a brief
Aboleth’s Eye
moment before the beads spin then stop with
While the tentacle is engulfing your arm you may
several symbols facing upwards before moving as
use an action to focus your gaze and force all
normal again. Once per short rest as an action you
creatures in a 30 foot cone to succeed on a DC 14
can ask the abacus what the chance of an action
Wisdom saving throw or take 2d6 psychic damage.
happening is.
You can ask it about a course of action or the chance Amulet of Absolute Vision
of death for one creature you can see. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
When you ask it about an action you are about to This amulet is a single large turquoise set in silver.
take the abacus casts Augury, ignoring components It doesn’t have a chain but it has a hole where it
and casting time, revealing the answer it uncovers would usually hang from one.
with the symbols on the beads. When Augury is cast While you are attuned to this amulet the area within
in this way there is no cumulative chance to get a 5 feet of the stone is always clearly visible to you
random reading. unless you are blinded. When in any effect that is
When you ask it about the chance of death the more than lightly obscuring a pale blue-green light,
beads begin roiling and rapidly moving back and that is visible only to you, radiates out to 5 feet from
forth, revealing a number of skull symbols. Roll a the amulet. This light does not destroy magical
d100 and the creature you asked the abacus about darkness but you are able to clearly see within its
takes psychic damage equal to the roll - 50. If this is radius no matter what.
a negative number they take no damage. Additionally, Whenever any Invisible creature is
Aboleth’s Tentacle within 120 feet the amulet faintly pulsates. If the
Invisible creature is within 5 feet of the amulet they
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
are bathed in the pale blue-green light. When a
This tall brass rod is etched with an abstract circular
creature is in this light they do not gain any of the
design that seems to be devoid of any pattern and
benefits of Invisibility against you.
has a 4 foot section of a curled, shriveled, Aboleth
tentacle affixed to its top. The tentacle is a dark Archangel’s Halo
sickly green, and it’s so tough you aren’t sure you Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a
could pierce it. creature of neutral or good alignment)
While you are attuned to this tentacle you can This large silver hoop is nearly 3 feet in diameter,
breathe underwater and have a +5 on any several inches tall, yet delicately thin. All along its
Intelligence (Religion) checks, and +5 on length is a groove, and at the front it is notched
Intelligence (History) checks to recall things about from the top and bottom down to the groove where
religions or gods. a large diamond is set.
Bloody Awakening When you attune with this item the groove and
Once per short rest as an action if you drip your own diamond begin to glow a soft white, and it floats of
blood onto the tentacle as you hold the rod the its own accord to just a foot over your head,
tentacle suddenly uncurls and expands down the remaining there as closely as possible. While attuned
rod, engulfing your arm. For the next minute you
to this halo you are resistant to Radiant damage and mirror finish. On its face is a pair of feathered wings
have advantage on religion checks. etched into its surface.
Heaven’s Wrath Divine Light
While the halo floats above your head you can call While wearing this pendant once per short rest as an
on a portion of the might in the armories of the action you can kneel and concentrate on the
Upper Planes. As an action you can raise your hand pendant as if concentrating on a spell until the
to the sky, pulling down 1d6 shining yellow beginning of your next turn. Doing so ends your
translucent swords. They fly to your side with a turn, and bathes you in a beam of light, even if you
flourish, and will slowly orbit you, hilt upwards, for are underground. While you are concentrating on
the next minute or until they shatter. this effect if an undead, fiend, or aberration makes a
You can have up to 6 swords orbiting you, and while melee attack against you they automatically miss
you have swords orbiting you you can make a melee and are pushed back 10 feet.
spell attack (using your Intelligence as your At the beginning of your next turn all allies within 30
spellcasting ability if you are not a spellcaster) feet heal for 2d8 hit points and all enemies within 60
against any creature you can see within 60 feet of feet must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw.
you as an Attack action. If you are able to make On a failure they take 2d8 Radiant damage and are
multiple attacks with the Attack action, this attack Blinded until the end of their next turn. On a success
replaces one of them. they take half as much damage and are not Blinded.
On a hit you deal 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier Angelic Properties
Radiant damage as the sword seems to pass right This pendant will not tarnish and can not be dented
through the creature. If you are proficient in religion or scratched. Additionally, while attuned to it you
you can also add your proficiency to this damage. can speak Celestial.
On a miss the sword shatters. Curse
Angelic Properties If you commit a heinous act the pendant will tarnish
The halo will float above your head even in an slightly and the etching of the wings will glow red for
antimagic field, despite its effects being nullified. the next day. While the pendant is glowing red you
Additionally, if you are ever separated from the halo have disadvantage on all ability checks and it feels
you can summon it back to your head as a bonus as if your mind is fogged.
action unless it is blocked by an antimagic field or a
ward against magical travel such as Forbiddance. Battlemaster’s Board
Curse Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
If you are ever more than 15 feet from the halo you This game set is extremely unique, as you travel the
take 1 psychic damage per minute as your eyes wooden board morphs it’s ivory inlays to portray
begin to swim and your head inexplicably aches. If major features in the landscape. It has a small
you are on a different plane from the halo you are drawer underneath it to hold up to 20 figurines,
also blinded until you are once again on the same made from precious stones and bone, and weighs 10
plane as it. pounds. When you find it it has 4 pieces carved from
The only way to unattune from the halo apart from a gemstones, 3 pieces made from goblin bone, 2 from
Wish spell or act of a deity is to commit a horribly human bone, and 1 from ogre bone. These pieces
evil act. When you unattune in this way from the allow you control both friend and foe as you move
halo the previously white light coming from it glows them across the board in the deadly game of war.
a dark red, and the silver dulls. The blackened halo The Bones of my Enemies
falls to the ground, all magic properties lost and its You can create a figurine for any type of enemy that
diamond cracked. If you have proficiency with is size Large or smaller as long as you have bones
Religion you lose your proficiency in it and take 4d10 from that creature to carve the piece from. To create
psychic damage as the knowledge is sloughed from a piece for the board you must spend a short rest
your memory. attempting to do so and make a DC 14 Intelligence
(Arcana) crafting check to properly form it. If you
Archangel’s Pendant fail this check the material used is damaged and can
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) not be used again.
This golden pendant is a smooth ellipse shined to a Pieces made out of gemstone and precious materials
worth at least 50gp in the same manner can be ● Reveal. If you are proficient with
bound to any creature that is willing, no matter the Dragonchess you can reveal the position of
type of creature. another creature you have bound. Until the
The drawer in the board can only hold up to 20 end of your next turn this creature is aware
pieces, but you can create as many as you wish. of the revealed creature’s location even if
During a short or long rest you can organize and they cannot see them or are blinded, and
choose which pieces are stored in the drawer to can ignore up to 3/4 cover against the
enable you to quickly identify pieces while setting revealed creature.
Set the Playing Field
Bones of a Wandering Soul
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
You can take a turn to set up the board and bind
pieces to creatures. If you require pieces that are This simple leather pouch has several charred
not in the board’s drawer you may find, take out, humanoid bones in it and a small dusting of ashes.
and bind 5 additional pieces as an action each There is no smell of smoke though, so you know
following turn. Binding any number of additional these must be quite old.
creatures from the drawer after the board is set up When attuned to this bag of bones no matter how
is a bonus action. To bind a piece to a creature it far you are from them if you are incapacitated a
must be within 300 feet and you must be able to see ghostly figure rises from your body. This is not your
it. Additionally the piece must be carved from the soul, and you do not know whose it is.
bones of the same type of creature you are binding While you are incapacitated once per turn you can
it to, unless it is a willing creature. If it is undead the mentally command the wandering soul to deal 1d8
bones must be from the type of creature it was necrotic damage to the closest creature you do not
before it died. Once a piece has been bound in this recognize as an ally within 30 feet. You do not know
way you cannot bind it to another creature for the what or who that creature is, only if it is a creature
next hour. you already know and if you consider them an ally
If the board is moved after it is set up you must or not.
spend a turn setting it up again. If a creature makes a melee attack against you
Total Control while you are incapacitated they must make a DC 10
While the board is set up you can move up to three Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of you
pieces as an action, choosing one of the following for the next minute or until they are farther than 30
effects for each piece. Each time you move a piece feet from you as their mind is bombarded by the
that is bound to an unwilling creature it may make a wandering soul.
Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting DC. Additionally, while incapacitated you can
On a success they are not affected. If you are not a telepathically reach out to a humanoid corpse that
spellcaster you use your Intelligence modifier as still has its mind and is within 30 feet and determine
your spellcasting modifier. the answer to a single yes or no question if the
creature knew the answer to your question in life.
● Move. The creature must move up to 15
You can do this once per turn and can ask up to
feet in any direction you choose, this
three questions of a single corpse before the
movement does not count towards their
information in its mind dulls.
movement next turn and is made as if
Curse. While the wandering soul remains in the
disengaging. A creature will not move if it
bones you can not un-attune from this item unless
would certainly lead to it’s death.
you are within the area of a Hallow spell. If Remove
● Help. You help the creature with your
Curse is cast on this item or the attuned creature
overview of the battlefield as if using the
the caster must make a DC 16 Intelligence(Arcana)
Help action. This can include aiding them in
check as the wanderer resists. On a failure the spell
attacking another creature.
does nothing.
● Attack. Using the creature’s reaction they
If all of the bones are removed from the bag the
must make a melee attack against another
bones begin to clatter and an Avatar of Death (DMG
creature within reach that you consider an
164) is summoned within 10 feet of the creature
holding the most bones. It screeches at the creature
for disturbing its slumber and begins attacking it. It 10 charges.
is resistant to any damage from all other creatures, At the beginning of your turn you gain a number of
even if the creature holding the most bones temporary hit points that last 1 hour equal to the
changes. charges in the belt.
If the Avatar of Death is defeated a putrid black At the end of the minute all charges in the belt are
smog wafts out from the bones and they become expended and you gain 1 level of exhaustion.
mundane. If the avatar defeats the creature they
were attacking it places the bones back within the Blade Fury Bracers
pouch and vanishes. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
These bracers are made from metal and attach to
Bracers of the Bodyguard your forearms with a clever hinge, fastened with an
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) opal stud. They have a ridge running down the
These leather bracers each have several metal length of the back that is sharp enough it can draw
bands running down the forearm and chains wrap blood. While wearing these bracers you deal 1d4
around their wrists. slashing damage with your unarmed attacks.
When you cast Shield, Shield of Faith, or Sanctuary, Blade Fury. While attuned to these bracers once
you may target an additional creature. Shield can be per day as an action you can activate Blade Fury,
cast to a range of 15 feet and may be triggered by a choosing a stage from 1 to 6. When you do so long,
creature within range being attacked or targeted by white, ethereal blades grow from the ridges. These
the spell Magic Missile. blades are nearly 10 feet long but do not hinder your
Each time the bracers are used in this way the movement, as they pass through most objects as if
chains glow brightly. they weren't there and seem to weigh nothing.
For the next minute when you make an unarmed
Belt of Ruby Fire attack you make a single attack roll against all
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
creatures in a 10 foot cone in front of you, ignoring
This thick leather belt has an unusually large ruby cover, and dealing 1d8 radiant damage per stage on
on its buckle that dimly flickers. While wearing the a successful hit.
belt once per short rest as an action you can create
At the end of the minute the blades shatter from the
a forceful wall of crimson flame. A wave of flame
bracers into a cloud of brilliantly shimmering dust
sweeps out from you, and each creature in a 15-foot
and you gain a number of levels of exhaustion equal
cube originating from you must make a Dexterity
to the stage the bracers were activated at.
saving throw. On a failed save a creature takes 2d8
Ultimate Blade Storm. If you activate Blade Fury
fire damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you.
at stage 6 you can make an additional attack when
On a successful save, the creature takes half as
you take the attack action for the next minute. For
much damage and isn’t pushed.
each creature you kill during this time you gain 10
If you are not a caster your Constitution is your
temporary hit points. When Blade Fury ends if you
spellcasting ability for this effect.
still have temporary hit points gained in this way
Berserker Belt you only take 5 levels of exhaustion rather than 6.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Blossom of Eldath
This black leather belt has a large brass buckle and Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
blood stains deeply ingrained in it.
This delicate pink flower is carefully preserved with
Once per long rest as an action, or at the same time magic and will not wilt or break yet preserves its
you enter a rage if you have the Rage feature, you natural beauty.
can activate the belt. As you do so the buckle begins
While you are visibly wearing this flower you are
bleeding as if it is alive, and your vision tints red.
blessed by Eldath, the goddess of peace and
For the next minute you have disadvantage on all
protection. This flower holds up to 10 charges and
Intelligence checks and ability checks that rely on
regains 1 charge each long rest.
As an action once per long rest you can call on the
Additionally, for the next minute each time you take
blessing of Eldath to cast the spell Sanctuary on all
damage unless the damage was dealt to your
creatures within 30 feet of you, including yourself.
temporary hit points the belt gains 1 charge, up to
This blessing does not affect any creatures in While you are attuned to this bust you are more in
combat or with their weapons drawn, but lasts until tune to the stone around you and can cast the
they make an attack or cast a spell that affects an cantrip Mold Earth if you couldn't already.
enemy creature or until their next long rest. Additionally, while you are holding this bust you can
Additionally you may activate the Blossom by use it as an arcane focus. When you use this item as
making a prayer to Eldath. When activated the an arcane focus you gain benefits to some types of
center of the blossom glows with a faint yellow and spells.
pink. For the next hour you may cast any of the Artist’s Flair. When you cast a spell you can create
following spells as an action and ignoring component one minor visual effect as if with the cantrip
costs, expending a number of charges depending on Prestidigitation or make a visual change to the spell
the spell cast. Additionally, you can cast Speak with such as adding a color, changing its color, or making
Plants as a ritual that has a casting time of 1 it appear to take on a shape.
minute. Advanced Spell Sculpting. You are able to create
1 Charge. Locate Animals or Plants, Entangle, pockets of relative safety for any spell from the
2 Charges. Plant Growth, Greater Restoration (can Conjuration, Evocation, or Necromancy schools.
not end or remove curse) When you cast a spell from any of these schools with
4 Charges. Plant Growth (as if cast for 8 hours), a duration of instantaneous that targets other
Wall of Thorns (if no creatures are within its area creatures you can see you can choose a number of
when cast) them equal to 1 + the spell's level. The chosen
creatures automatically succeed on their saving
Boots of Ruby Fire throws against the spell, and they take no damage if
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) they would normally take half damage on a
These dark leather boots each have a ruby on their successful save.
cuff. These rubies represent charges. While wearing if the duration is longer than instantaneous you can
these boots when you take the movement action choose an area up to half of the spell's area that is
you can expend a number of charges to create a not affected by the spell. As an action on any of your
trail of fire under your feet. Any movement you following turns you can change the area of the spell
make along a surface leaves a 5 foot tall scarlet affected if the spell is still going. However the spell
blaze, up to 30 feet long per charge. can never affect less than half its area or leave the
When a creature enters the fire’s space for the first area it would occupy if cast normally.
time on a turn or ends it’s turn in the flames it must
make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 fire Call of the Void
damage. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This effect lasts until the beginning of your next This black chunk of obsidian is roughly a round
turn. shape and has no sharp edges. As you look into its
If you are not a caster your Constitution is your cloudy depths you can see an almost infinitely
spellcasting ability for this effect. receding sea of gold, white, and blue flecks of color.
When you hold it you can swear you can hear how
The boots regain all expended charges at dawn or
silent it is even through the chaos around you.
once per day as an action you can regain any
number of expended charges you choose, taking This item has 3 charges. While holding it, you can
1d4+1 fire damage for each charge regained as the use an action to expend a number of its charges to
boots set alight until the beginning of your next create a sphere of swirling emptiness at a point
turn. within 60 feet of you. The radius of the sphere is
equal to the number charges expended x 10. Space
Bust of the Arcane Sculptor itself begins to warp within the area and each Large
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by or smaller creature within the sphere must make a
an arcane spellcaster) DC 14 Strength saving throw; a creature can choose
This marble bust weighs 4 pounds and depicts a to fail this saving throw if it wishes. On a failed save
heavily bearded man in a philosophical pose they are pulled up to 10 feet to the closest
rumored to be Mordenkainen. Its base is covered in unoccupied space near the center of the vortex. On
runes and appears to be well worn. a successful save they take 1d8 force damage and
are not moved. pick a mental saving throw, either Wisdom,
This item regains all of its expended charges after a Charisma, or Intelligence, and are proficient in
long or short rest. saving throws using the chosen ability until you un-
Curse. The first time this item is used after a long attune to the circlet.
or short rest the user must make a DC 14
Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 Necrotic
Cloud of Swirling Swords
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
damage for each charge they expended as a tiny
You find a cigar box painted a deep red with intricate
piece of their life force is pulled into Limbo. This
mahogany trimmings. Inside is at least three dozen
damage can not be resisted and if a creature goes
perfectly scaled-down swords. They are only about 5
unconscious from taking this damage a gate appears
inches long and their handles are far too small for
beneath them and they are sucked through it to
anyone to use them properly.
Limbo. This gate is one-way only and can’t be
While attuned to this item once per day as an action
you can open the box and scatter the swords. When
Charm of the Eye you do so the swords will begin to levitate just
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) before hitting the ground and then start to rise as
This small golden amulet is about an inch across and they enlarge to full sized longswords, surrounding
resembles an eye closed over an inlaid ruby. It you in a sparse 10 foot sphere for the next hour.
hangs on three frail chains coming from each corner While the swords are activated in this way you have
of the eye. While wearing this amulet, you may Half Cover against ranged attacks, you can make an
make up to two attacks of opportunity per turn, but opportunity attack against any creature that leaves
not against the same creature. The first attack costs this sphere without expending your Reaction, or as a
a reaction as normal and the second is free. Reaction you can make an opportunity attack
Curse. When a creature puts this necklace over against any creature entering this sphere.
their head it tightens around their temples and the Additionally, when you make a melee attack you can
eye snaps open. It cannot be taken off unless the choose to target any creature adjacent to this
curse is removed and the chains cannot be broken sphere of swords with a magical longsword attack
despite their dainty appearance. instead.
While wearing this charm you have disadvantage on After the hour is up they fall to the ground and begin
saving throws against being blinded, and shrinking. If you open the box they will slowly float
disadvantage on wisdom saving throws against into it, saving you the trouble of picking them all up.
Beholders, Death Tyrants and Spectators. If you are
Death’s Scales
charmed by any of these creatures it is permanent
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
unless the curse is removed or the enchantment is
This scale is no merchant’s scale. It holds the power
broken by Dispel Evil and Good.
of life and death itself in its balance. The base and
Circlet of Mental Fortitude arms are made of black ivory, and inlaid with pearl.
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) The weighing pans are in the shape of hands cast
This wide gold circlet is set with a single cloudy from pure silver and hung from silver chains.
aquamarine and is etched with a pattern resembling This scale is found with three ornate alignment
a brick wall. weights made to look like figurines. The first is
This circlet has 4 charges, and regains 1d4 charges chiseled from stone and covered in black opals, and
each day at dawn. When you must make a Wisdom, represents evil. The second is carved from wood and
Charisma, or Intelligence saving throw you can inlaid with diamonds, and represents neutral. The
choose to expend a charge to gain advantage on last is shaped from gold and has a single sapphire in
that saving throw. its center, and it represents good.
If you expend a charge in this way while Unerring Judge
incapacitated you automatically succeed the saving While holding the scales you can see the souls of
throw, as the effect meets with an impenetrable wall dead humanoid creatures that have neither passed
within your mind. on nor been destroyed. You can telepathically
Additionally, when you attune to this item you may communicate with these souls, and are able to
understand and express emotions and ideas even if they are dismissed their respective card reappears in
you do not share a language. They are under no the deck. These hands move with you, slowly
compulsion to communicate truthfully, and may floating around you waiting for commands, and can
recognize you if they met you in life. Using the move up to 30 feet from you.
scales you can hold and weigh the souls to find their As an action you can command up to three hands
true alignment. The scales will come to balance with currently floating around you to do anything they
the weight that is closest to the creature’s alignment are able to as long as it is within range.
throughout life. If you are not a caster your spellcasting ability for
Merciless Reaper the sake of using this item is your constitution
If you know the name of the creature whose soul is modifier.
on the scales you can choose to either allow them to Strong Hand. This rather large hand can
pass on to the afterlife or banish them into the manipulate objects, open an unlocked door or
weight that comes to balance with their soul as if the container, stow or retrieve an item from an open
spell Imprisonment:Minimus Containment, was cast container, or pour the contents out of a vial. It can’t
on them. Only one soul can be contained within a attack, activate magical items, or carry more than
weight and it becomes all but indestructible while 30 pounds.
containing a soul in this way. If commanded to it can attempt to shove a creature
As an action you can speak the name of the creature of medium size or smaller using your proficiency and
imprisoned in a weight in addition to the command spellcasting ability. On a successful shove it
word, disintegrating the weight instantly and dissipates and it’s card reappears in the deck.
destroying the soul within. When you do so you may Spiked Gauntlet. This armored hand has spikes on
instantly cast one of the spells corresponding to the its knuckles and can manipulate objects, open an
weight destroyed, ignoring all components and unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item
concentration, as long as the conditions needed for from an open container, or pour the contents out of
the spell are met. The spells are as follows: a vial. It can’t activate magical items, or carry more
● Resurrection or Holy Aura (Good), than 10 pounds.
● Circle of Death cast at 9th level or If commanded to it can make a melee attack against
Symbol:Death (Evil), a creature within range using your proficiency and
● Geas cast at 9th level or Time Stop spellcasting ability. On a hit it deals 1d4 magical
(Neutral). piercing damage and dissipates, it’s card returning
Creating Balance to the deck.
You can create any number of alignment weights if The damage dealt by this hand increases by 1d4
you create more figurines using the same materials when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4),
as the original. Each figurine takes at least 250gp and 17th level (4d4). On a hit it crumbles and it’s
worth of materials and a week to create. card reappears in the deck.
Note: This is a moral dilemma and roleplay item. Hand of Death. This ghostly skeletal hand is unable
You can limit the strength of this item in many ways to manipulate any objects, or carry anything.
but it will just be another murderhobo tool if not If commanded to it can make a melee attack against
properly roleplayed. a creature within range using your proficiency and
spellcasting ability. On a hit, the target takes 1d8
Deck of Many Hands necrotic damage, and it can’t regain hit points until
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
the start of your next turn. Additionally the hand
This box contains 14 black ivory cards. The deck
shatters and it’s card reappears in the deck.
contains 3 cards each of Spiked Gauntlet, Hand of
The damage dealt by this hand increases by 1d8
Death, and Stone Fist as well as 5 Strong Hand
when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8),
and 17th level (4d8).
You may randomly draw a card as an action or
Stone Fist. This rough stone hand is unable to
bonus action and throw it into the air, forming a
manipulate any objects, or carry more than 10
floating disembodied hand depending on the card.
Each hand lasts 1 hour, until dismissed as an action,
As a reaction to any ranged or melee attack being
or otherwise specified. When their time runs out or
made against a creature within range you can of these panels cuts through a creature’s space
command one of these hands to block it. The attack when it appears, the creature must make a Strength
is completely blocked, the fist shatters, and it’s card saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from the
reappears in the deck. panel and take 1d6 lightning and 2d6 force damage.
On a successful saving throw they are not pushed
Derrahk’s Stone Bracers and only take 1d6 lightning damage.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
If you are not a caster you use your Constitution
These bracers have a layer of angularly carved stone modifier as your casting ability for these saving
fastened over a pair of leather gloves. While wearing throws.
them and touching stone or earth with the gloves
you gain several effects. If you are not a spellcaster Farseer’s Cane
these effects use your constitution modifier as your Staff, very rare (requires attunement)
spellcasting modifier. This mahogany cane is tipped with corkwood and
● As a ranged spell attack you can form a thin red leather covers its gracefully curved handle.
small disk of stone or compacted earth and If you attune to this cane it can be used as a
send it flying at a creature you can see spellcasting focus. It contains 6 charges, and
within 60 feet. This does bludgeoning recovers 1d6 expended charges at dawn.
damage equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting
As an action you may tap the cane twice on the
ability modifier.
ground and expend a number of charges up to the
If you’re able to make multiple attacks with
maximum remaining charges. You gain Blindsight for
the Attack action, this attack replaces one of
10 minutes for each charge expended in this way.
This blindsight applies as long as you are holding the
● You can cast Mold Earth as an action.
cane, if you are not holding it you do not benefit
● As an action you can cast either Earth
from its effects.
Tremor or Earth Bind. Once you use this
Alternatively, as an action you can expend 3 charges
feature you must finish a long rest before
and draw a 1 foot square in the air. The air
you can use it again.
shimmers and then a tear in space appears and a
Elytriss’ Staff of Static Barriers deep purple fog rolls out from it. This one-way rift
lasts for 1 minute and can not physically be
Staff, rare (requires attunement)
interacted with in any way or moved after it has
This singed oaken staff has a forked tongue of metal
been created. However, you see things as if you
on each end and a hand grip made of padded
have Truesight while viewing them through this
leather. This staff holds 5 charges and regains 1d4
expended charges each dawn.
As an action you can activate the staff, and sparks Gauntlets of the Glacier
can be seen flickering between the forks. As you
Wondrous item, rare (requires
activate the staff a panel of electricity crackles into
existence at a point within 60 feet of your choosing. attunement)
The writhing section of living lightning appears in These bulky leather gloves are decorated with a
any orientation you choose. It can be free floating or white filigree and are chill to the touch. If you
resting on a solid surface. It is 5-foot by 5-foot and grapple a creature with both hands while you are
seems to have almost no thickness. wearing these gloves that creature takes 1d6 cold
When you activate the staff you can choose to damage each turn until they are no longer grappled.
expend a number of charges. The first charge you If they break the grapple they must roll a
expend changes the original panel of lightning to a Constitution saving throw equal to 8 + your
10-foot square panel, and each additional charge proficiency bonus. On a failure they are Restrained
creates an additional 10-foot panel. You can place by ice until the beginning of their next turn.
these panels as you wish but each panel must be
Greater Gauntlets of the Glacier
contiguous with another panel.
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
If any creature attempts to move through or make a
These thick leather gloves go all the way up your
melee attack through any of these panels, or if any
forearms and cinch tightly above the elbow. The
back of the hand is covered in a white filigree that target creature makes their saving throw with
gently spirals all the way up the glove and the palms disadvantage.
are chill to the touch.While wearing these gloves you
have resistance to Cold damage and even when Gloves of Nullification
Restrained, or Grappled by a creature Large or Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
smaller, your movement speed can not drop below These short purple gloves are tipped in silver and
10. are made from a light flexible material that seems
If you grapple a creature with both hands while you extraordinarily difficult to tear. While you are
are wearing these gloves that creature takes 2d6 wearing these gloves if you make a successful
cold damage each turn until they are no longer unarmed attack against a magic caster they do not
grappled. If they break the grapple they must roll a have to make a Concentration check until the end of
Constitution saving throw equal to 10 + your your turn. At the end of your turn they feel a sudden
proficiency bonus. On a failure they are Restrained drain of magic power and must make a Constitution
by ice until the beginning of their next turn. saving throw with a DC equal to the total unarmed
damage you dealt to the caster during your turn. If
As an action once per short rest you can activate the
they fail this saving throw any spell they were
gloves and small particles of snow begin to swirl
concentrating on immediately ends, and they are
around you until suddenly the gloves turn into large
unable to cast any spells until the end of their next
gauntlets of blue ice. For the next minute your
gauntlets are frozen solid but do not inhibit
movement. While your gauntlets are frozen you can Additionally, once per day you can activate the
not be shoved or pushed magically and any enemy gloves as an action and in a violent purple flash an
creature that ends their turn within 5 feet of you Antimagic Field appears around you, as if you cast
takes 2d6 cold damage. Additionally, when you the spell, that lasts until the beginning of your next
make an unarmed attack you can choose to deal turn.
Cold damage instead of Bludgeoning. Gloves of Ruby Fire
Gauntlet of Ghost Sight Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) These long leather gloves each have three ruby
This leather glove has armored knuckle joints and fasteners along the forearm. Each ruby represents a
looks as if it would come up to your elbow. When charge.
you turn it over it clearly has the visage of an eye While wearing it you can harness the magic
tooled into its palm. contained within the rubies to control fire. As an
While wearing the gauntlet, as an action once per action you can cast Fire Bolt or Control Flames, even
short rest you can open your palm in front of you if you don't know them, by expending 1 charge from
and activate the gauntlet. When you do so the eye the gloves.
appears to snap open and survey the space in front All fire effects and fire bolts created with the gloves
of it. The air in front of the eye quivers in a 1 foot burn a bright red and shed light twice as far as they
wide and 15 feet long beam. Any hostile creature usually would.
within 5 feet of this beam takes 1d4+1 force The gloves regain all expended charges at dawn or
damage as an ethereal dart manifests from the once per day as an action you can regain any
beam and passes through cover and armor to strike number of expended charges you choose, taking
them. If the beam intersects with a creature the first 1d4+1 fire damage for each charge regained as the
creature it intersects with must make a DC 15 gloves set alight until the beginning of your next
wisdom saving throw or take 3d6 psychic damage. turn.
Additionally, once per long rest you can mentally
G’nehr’s Arboreal Arsenal
activate the gauntlet. For the next 10 minutes if you
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
are within 120 feet of the gauntlet you have
This appears to be a wooden gauntlet made from
truesight to a range of 5 feet originating from the
gnarled oak and a tough brown fabric. Each of the
gauntlet and you are able to see everything within
solid wooden slabs fastened to the back of the
that radius as if you were there. During this time if
gauntlet has a different rune on it and on its front it
you target a creature with the spell Scrying the
has a circular hole cut from the palm. This gauntlet
holds 5 charges and regains 1 expended charge when you make a high jump can jump 5 feet higher
each morning at dawn. than usual.
If you are within arm’s reach of a tree as an action Hickory Wood Shavings. Your eyes sting in the
you can expend a change and press your hand wispy smoke, however, you are now able to see
against the tree to draw a weapon or ammunition through magical darkness as if it is not even there.
from it. This can be any weapon you are proficient Crushed Cinnamon Bark. A bold scent overtakes
with or 1d4 pieces of ammunition for any weapon your senses. You gain advantage on Fear saving
you are proficient with. The look and feel of the throws and are able to nearly ignore any phobias
weapon differs slightly depending on the type of tree you already have.
you pull it from but it does not affect its function in
any meaningful way. Lesser Gloves of Silence
On a critical failure with any weapon created this Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
way, or after 1 day without being submerged in The Gloves of Silence are a pair of white kid leather
water, it splinters into pieces. gloves, and seem to fit as if they were made for you.
If you spend an action to return a weapon created As an action you can make a performance check as
this way, that has not splintered, to any tree within an attack against the armor class of a target within
arms reach, the gauntlet regains an expended 5 feet, on a hit you deal 1d4 plus your Charisma
charge. modifier Psychic damage and create a 5 foot zone of
silence centered on yourself that lasts until the
G’nehr’s Ceremonial Censer beginning of your next turn. You cannot apply
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) expertise on performance checks made in this
This small censer is made from a deep green fashion. If you can make multiple attacks this
soapstone mottled with white and carved with vines replaces one of them.
of morning glory. Inside the same burlap sack in Additionally while you are wearing these gloves they
which it was found is a large selection of dried have a 1 inch aura of silence over their surface at all
aromatics. When these aromatics are burned in the times.
censor they magically reappear within the burlap
pouch the next morning. Greater Gloves of Silence
If you burn these aromatics during a long or short Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
rest at the end of the rest all creatures who rested The Gloves of Silence are a pair of white kid leather
within 60 feet of the censor receives a magical gloves, and seem to fit as if they were made for you.
effect, depending on what was burned. A creature While wearing these gloves you can spend a short
can receive a number of magical effects equal to rest bonding with a non-magical weapon you are
their Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) per day proficient with. You can be bonded with up to three
in this way. After a creature receives the maximum weapons.
number of magical effects the aroma given off by As an action you can make a performance check as
the censor becomes repulsive and has no beneficial an attack against the armor class of a target within
effect for the remainder of the day. All censor 5 feet, on a hit you deal the weapon damage of one
effects gained in this way expire at dawn. of your bonded weapons plus your Charisma
Pine Needles. The next 2d4 times you take 10 or modifier Psychic damage and create a 5 foot zone of
less Piercing damage you instead take half damage silence centered on yourself that lasts until the
as the attack bounces off your skin. beginning of your next turn.
Orange Blossoms. You lose 1 level of exhaustion You cannot apply expertise on performance checks
as a feeling of energy fills your body. made in this fashion. If you can make multiple
Forget-me-nots. This subtle scent calms your attacks this replaces one of them.
mind. The next Intelligence or Wisdom check or Additionally while you are wearing these gloves they
saving throw you make has advantage. In addition, have a 1 inch aura of silence over their surface at all
until that time anyone who tries to read your mind times.
only sees a grassy field of forget-me-nots.
Dried Mint Leaves. As a sense of mental alertness The Green Devourer (WIP)
surrounds you you gain +5 to all initiative rolls, and Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
You find a 30 foot tall dark gray stone obelisk,
covered in vines. Runes encircle the stone pillar in a energy tingles down your spine. This gem is
jumble that is hard to even distinguish the language surrounded by strong natural magic. You feel drawn
of. to it and wonder how something with an aura this
Extremely dense moss grows out from the foot of strong doesn’t attract creatures of evil.
the obelisk. There is a hole through the stone about Survival or Insight: You feel repulsed by the
10 feet from the ground and within it rests a large obelisk and everything around it but especially the
forest green gem. This faceted teardrop shaped gem. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up on
emerald has small branches entwined around its end as everything tells you that this should not be
base that appear to be living yet have no roots or trifled with. This gem is a powerful force.
trunk. It is as big as two fists, and weighs 4 pounds. Language: The runes on the obelisk are written in a
confusing jumble of both Druidic and Primordial. On
a successful DC 12 Intelligence check if you know
(Links for me to remember later)
one of these languages you understand part of the
text. If you know a dialect of Primordial you
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Silvanus Crawling Chaos within.
History and Knowledge Devour those not.
To gain any substantial information about this gem Heed the gods.
you must succeed on a DC 24 check, spend at least The hand guides.
one month researching an aspect of it, or be able to
read the runes of the obelisk. It is ancient, and its If you know Druidic you can gather:
magic and secrets are hidden deep. Chaos grows.
History: You know this obelisk matches the The vines listen.
description from many ancient undated texts. If you Protect the forest.
remember correctly they made mention of using Silvanus guides it.
obelisks such as these to store precious artifacts.
The creator and purpose of the gem have been lost
The full message if the creature knows both
to time, but this is millenniums old.
languages is:
Religion: you remember that some barbarian tribes
Crawling Chaos grows within.
still worship an entity known as The Emerald in the
The vines devour those who listen not.
Stone to this day, as a god of nature. You do not
Protect the forest, heed the gods.
know if this is indeed the emerald they worship, but
The hand of Silvanus guides it.
this piece of information is foremost in your mind as
you stare into the depths of the gem. Hallowed Ground
Arcana: You think that this may have been directly Every 10 years that this gem is not within the area
created by the gods, nothing you have ever studied of the spell Hallow roll 1d10. On a 1, a visible green
before has had an aura quite like this. You also know pulse of energy radiates from the gem, traveling
that the spell Hallow has been cast on the obelisk, through everything it reaches, to a radius of 100
with the secondary effect Everlasting Rest. The miles. All plants within the pulse visibly surge
obelisk seems to eek a steady stream of magic forward with new energy and grow twice as fast for
essence as if slowly feeding the spell, keeping it the next year. If the area the pulse reaches is not at
from decaying or being easily dispelled. To be able least 50% natural habitat roll another 1d10. On a 1,
to feel this speaks to the power of its effects. the gem awakens.
Investigation or Perception: The runes on the Whenever a Green Devourer awakens roll 1d20 for
obelisk are probably a variant of Druidic or every currently awakened gem. On a 1 another gem
Primordial, and you deduce its a short verse awakens, re-triggering this effect. Gems outside of
describing the gem itself. The obelisk is too old for the effect of Hallow are always triggered before any
you to know the age of but it and its surroundings other gems.
are preserved so remarkably well it must be under a True Origins
spell to keep it that way. The world was in a constant state of creation and
Nature: You feel a force from the gem as a wave of
destruction as the gods repeatedly had to reset the viney mass now surrounding the emerald. The next
mortal planes after civilization destroyed themselves turn starting at a radius of 300 feet from the gem
through war and conflict. It was proposed that to the ground begins to erupt as large vines crack
maintain the balance of the world and limit the through rock and soil and start creeping outward
divine intervention needed that artifacts should be until there is nothing but writhing vines for another
created. Silvanus volunteered to oversee their 300 feet outwards. For each day the gem has been
creation and large emeralds were excavated from awake the vines creep outward like a wave, 1 mile
the depths of the earth to start the process. at a time, receding back into the ground in the wake
The hivemind of emerald artifacts Sylvanus wove to maintain a depth of 300 feet.
was meant to encourage growth of the forests, and Each hour the vines deal 50 bludgeoning damage to
keep civilization busy fighting the elements so they any structure in contact with the ground in the area.
would not have time to grow too powerful or too Additionally, any creatures not born from nature
large. The humanoids of the mortal plane were (such as ents, deer, or other natural fauna) must
unhappy with these new hardships though and make a DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check at the
began resorting to their own means to fight against beginning of each turn they start within 10 feet of
the more harsh wildlands. They began burning the the vines or take 3d12 bludgeoning damage as the
forests and slaughtering herds so that they could vines whip out and try to crush them.If the creature
continue their advances and expansion. Nature itself has proficiency in Nature they have advantage on
cried out at the abuse and Silvanus was first grieved this check.
and then angered that his gift of balance was being If a creature uses Speak with Plants or Druidic to
responded to with even more violence. speak to the mass of vines they feel a massive
It was the last straw in convincing him that truly the presence as if a mind much larger and deeper than
only way to bring balance would be to regularly thin theirs presses up against their consciousness then
out the civilized races, and used the newly created passes on without responding. They remain
artifacts to destroy man, woman, child, and all they untouched by the vines until the next dawn, creating
had made in a wave of crushing vines that covered a 5-foot radius clear of vines around them as they
all. He had compassion for the animals and those move.
that loved nature though, and those that still truly This creeping green wall spreads out to a radius of
cared for nature were spared. 100 miles before it calms. The artifact at this point is
The surviving portion of the mortal realm was surrounded in a 60-foot radius sphere of trees
terrified of the artifacts that had previously been a arching over it. They are twined so tightly it’s nearly
blessing and many had helped to make and hid impossible to pass through except for a single
them from sight, surrounding them with entrance at ground level it seems to have
enchantments, secrets, and hushed tones. Orders of purposefully left open. The artifact casts Hallow with
druids were created to research the event and try to the secondary effect Everlasting Rest on the living
prevent the catastrophe from happening again. The pedestal of branches it has made for itself and falls
people that survived the purge had names for the back into a deep slumber.
artifacts in the stories they wove. Those that were
followers of Silvanus referred to them as the Tears Heart of the Mountain
of Silvanus. However the other lucky, or unlucky, Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by
survivors collectively call them The Green Devourer. spellcaster or dwarf)
The artifacts now lay dormant within their hidden This item is visibly sculpted to look like a humanoid
groves, but if awoken by god or man, destruction heart. It has a large ruby depressed into its left side.
awaits. When you attune to this heart a light within the ruby
begins softly pulsating in time with your own pulse,
Awakened Devourer and a soft thrumming can be heard coming from
When the artifact is awakened it sends out three within the stone.
visible pulses of energy. The branches wrapping While attuned to this item you must fail 5 death
around the gem quiver and with a rapid growth- saving throws to die instead of 3.
spurt plunge into the ground. Vegetation springs Additionally, once per day as an action you can
forth along the ground from the base of the wooden choose to cast either Stoneskin or Investiture of
Stone on yourself, ignoring concentration. If you are tint. The cuts in its shaft are violently spiky, and
not a spellcaster you use your Constitution modifier stick out farther than most keys. This key allows you
as your spellcasting ability for this effect. If you to cast Produce Flame.
choose Investiture of Stone you gain 1 level of 3. The third key is stout and has a bit on both sides
exhaustion as the spell ends. of the shaft. It feels warm when you hold it in your
Curse. While attuned with this item you are hand. This key allows you to cast Create Bonfire.
vulnerable to thunder damage. 4. The fourth key has a crooked shaft that you could
If you un-attune with this item or it is destroyed you swear that the pattern of the curves in the shaft
instantly drop to 0 hit points and begin making changes when you aren’t looking. This key allows
death saving throws. Additionally, you gain 1d4 you to cast Control Flames.
levels of exhaustion that lasts for 10 days and can 5. The fifth key has a rough texture and 10 holes
only be removed by Greater Restoration. drilled through its head and shaft. When you take
fire damage as a reaction you can have the key take
Helm of the Hummingbird up to 10 fire damage in your stead, before
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
resistances are applied, and store the damage
This light iron helm is painted in a quickly fading taken. You can not use this reaction again until the
green and has small ivory wings jutting from each energy stored is expended. When you cast a spell or
side. cantrip from this keyring you can choose to expend
Once per short rest as an action you can activate the the stored damage before the DM announces the
helm and the wings begin beating until they almost result of the attack or save, adding it to the damage
blur and a faint hum can be heard. taken by the first creature hit, if any.
When you activate the helmet you can immediately 6-8. The last three keys all are shaped the same,
move up to 60 feet in a straight line. As the wind but they are larger than the others, and cracked.
buffets your face you realize you are not teleporting, Flickering light can be seen flowing through the
but actually running to the spot you envision in your cracks in the keys. Each key has a single charge of
mind. Hellish Rebuke that is expended when you cast it
While moving in this way you do not provoke attacks and recharges at dawn. The light within the keys
of opportunity and you are able to move across ebbs and flows with the charges.
liquids. Curse. If you target a fiend with any spell from this
The wings keep beating for a while after you activate item you automatically become the new target for
the helmet, slowly winding down over time. For the the spell and must roll against yourself.
next 10 minutes as a reaction on any creature’s turn
you can gain 1 level of exhaustion to repeat the 60 Instrument of Bardic Assistance
foot movement. Exhaustion gained this way lasts Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a
until your next short rest. creature proficient with this instrument)
This instrument has graceful blue markings stained
Infernal Keyring onto it radiating from a single diamond embedded in
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) its surface.
This rough keyring has 8 keys on it, 3 of which Once per short rest as an action you can begin a
appear to be copies of the same key. From a lilting melody that changes with the rhythm of the
distance no one would really attach any significance battle. For the next 10 minutes as long as you
to them, they are just slightly eccentric keys. While maintain concentration you can use the Help action
you are attuned to and carrying this ring of keys you as an action or bonus action to assist any creature
gain an effect for each key. If you are not a within 30 feet of you with an attack or ability check.
spellcaster the keys use your Constitution modifier Additionally, while you are concentrating on this
as your spellcasting modifier. song as an action you can invigorate a creature with
1. The first has a thick, almost spherical head, and 3 the sound of your music, granting them 1d8 + your
spikes protruding downward from it, the longest of Charisma modifier temporary hit points that last
which is the shaft of the key. This key allows you to until the beginning of your next turn.
cast Fire Bolt.
2. The second is flat and glimmers with an orange
Ioun Stone: Repel These bracers have alternating bands of silver and
pearl underneath the plain leather exterior that lay
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
flat against your skin. The bands of silver have fine
While this jet black and spiraled blue stone orbits
barbs that poke through the bracers to make several
your head at the beginning of your turn the closest
rows of spikes.
large or smaller enemy creature within 30 feet of
Once per long or short rest as bonus action you can
you must make a Strength saving throw, DC 12. On
begin concentrating on the bracers as if you are
a failure their movement speed is reduced to 0 until
concentrating on a spell. As you do so bubbles of
the beginning of their next turn and they are pushed
energy grow from the spikes and coalesce into a
back 5 feet.
barrier around you before fading.
Little Red Planar Hood For the next 10 minutes while you maintain
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) concentration any bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
This looks like a simple red cloak but the size damage you take is reduced by your Intelligence
suggested it was made for a child. Inside the hood modifier.
however is a magic circle sewn into the lining in As an action you can focus this barrier to another
vivid blue thread. The circle is divided into 8 creature you can see within 30 feet. If you end your
segments, the last of which looks to be sewn with a turn out of sight or farther than 30 feet away from
different pattern. This cloak holds 8 charges, each the creature the barrier returns to you. While you
represented by a segment within the hood of the are focusing the barrier around another creature you
cloak. do not gain any benefit from it but must maintain
Each short rest the cloak regains up to 1 charge, concentration.
and each long rest the cloak regains up to 7
Greater Mental Barrier Bracers
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a
Over The River
creature with at least 15 intelligence)
As a bonus action you can expend a charge to cast
These bracers have a layer of leather to give them
Misty Step, but instead of a silvery mist you are
their flexibility but the bands of silver underneath
surrounded by a small flurry of autumn leaves and a
the leather are apparent, not to mention the plates
babbling brook can be briefly heard.
of silver with pearl inlays along the back of the
Through The Woods
bracers. Extending backwards from the wrist area of
As an action if you are in wild unsettled territory,
each bracer is a single silver spine.
you can expend all 8 charges and choose a plane of
Once per long or short rest as a bonus action you
existence (you may specify a target in general
can begin concentrating on the bracers as if you are
terms, such as the City of Brass on the Elemental
concentrating on a spell. As you do so large
Place of Fire or the palace of Dispater on the second
translucent bubbles project from the spines and
level of the Nine Hells, and you appear in or near
coalesce into a sphere around you. For the next 10
that destination at the DMs discretion).
minutes while you maintain concentration any
Alternatively, if you know the sigil sequence of a
damage you, or any other creature you consider
teleportation circle on another place of existence,
friendly within 15 feet of you, take is reduced by
you can choose that circle.
your Intelligence modifier. This effect does not apply
As you pick a location a small tree with red leaves
to psychic damage.
and pale smooth bark shoots from the ground,
rapidly encasing you before you disappear from Meteor Hammer
sight within its foliage. The tree remains where you Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a
once were, forever growing in the plane you left. creature with at least 15 Strength)
Curse. This cloak never regains the 8th charge by This so called hammer is a nearly perfect sphere, 1
resting, it is only able to regain the last charge by foot across, made out of red granite. It has a thick
killing a creature to protect an innocent in danger brass band around it that is heavily dented and a
and dripping the cloak with its blood. single heavy brass chain attached to the band at
each end, forming a loop. This small boulder weighs
Lesser Mental Barrier Bracers a full 80 pounds.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Once per short rest as an action you can begin loosens and frays. These charges last until your next
swinging the hammer around you, building up speed short rest as the wrappings slowly repair, weaving
until it is moving fast enough and you are able to let themselves back together.
go. When you let go it begins orbiting you of its own As a bonus action you can expend a number of
accord. charges to teleport up to 10 feet per charge
While the hammer is orbiting you it maintains a expended to an unoccupied space you can see.
distance of 5 feet and moves with you. Any creature When you teleport in this way you disappear in a
that ends their turn within 5 feet of you must make flurry of cloth scraps that dissolve into dust.
a dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + your
proficiency + your strength modifier. On a failure Mummified Hand of Delilah
the creature takes 1d10 + your strength modifier Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
bludgeoning damage. You find an old withered hand, no more than skin
As an action while the hammer is orbiting you you drawn taut across bones, and tarnished rings
can manipulate its speed and trajectory to make an hanging loosely from the fingers. Once per day, as
attack against all creatures that are 5 feet away, or an action, you can rattle the rings on the hand and
all creatures that are 10 feet away. Make a single as you do so the smell of lilies fills the air around
melee attack roll with proficiency against all affected you. Choose any number of creatures within 60 feet
creatures AC. On a successful hit you deal 3d10 + and those creatures must succeed on a DC 16
your strength modifier bludgeoning damage. Wisdom saving throw or be Charmed.
On a critical failure, or after 1 hour, the hammer While a creature is charmed by this item they must
falls from its orbit. move at least 10 feet towards you each turn if they
are able to. They may repeat this saving throw at
Molten Gold of the Alchemist the end of each of their following turns. If they take
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a any damage or succeed the saving throw they are
creature proficient with alchemist’s supplies) no longer charmed and are immune to this effect for
This small glass sphere the size of a fist is the next week.
astoundingly heavy, and appears to be mostly full of Additionally, as an action you can touch up to 3
a thick golden liquid. It weighs 10 pounds and has creatures within 5 feet of you with the hand. If they
no visible opening or markings on it. are currently charmed by this item they take 4d10
As an action or bonus action while touching this item necrotic damage.
you can change the weight of any non-magical
object you can touch. When you make an object
Necklace of Draconic Ancestry
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
lighter the sphere gains an equal amount of weight,
up to a total of 400 pounds. When you make an This necklace has an amulet in the shape of a
object heavier the sphere loses an equal amount of dragon curled around a crystal orb hanging from a
weight, but the object can only gain as much weight thick iron chain. When you attune to it the orb
as the sphere has to lose. changes color depending on your alignment, unless
you already have draconic ancestry. If you have
You can affect up to 5 objects at a time like this, and
draconic ancestry the orb changes to a color
the effects last for up to 1 hour, or until you dismiss
appropriate to your lineage.
While attuned with this necklace as an action you
Mummified Cloth of the Void can exhale destructive energy. Your alignment
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) determines the size, shape, and damage type of this
This bundle of ancient cloths is meant to be wrapped effect. When you use your breath weapon creature
around the hands, legs, and upper arms to serve as in the area must make a saving throw, the type of
basic protection in a fight. You can put on or take off which is determined by your alignment. The DC for
the wrappings during a long or short rest, and while this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution
wearing them in this way each time you successfully modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes
hit a creature with an unarmed attack the wrappings 3d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much on a
unravel slightly and gain one charge. The wrappings successful one.
can store up to 10 charges as more of the cloth After you use your breath weapon you can’t use it
again until you complete a short or long rest. type within 30 feet. Both trees must be living and at
Dragonblood. If you have draconic ancestry and least the same size as you.
already have a breath weapon instead of gaining an You must end your turn outside a tree.
additional use based on alignment your breath
weapon increases to a 60 foot line, or a 30 foot Needle of Bloody Displacement
cone, whichever your ancestry uses, and does an Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
additional 1d6 damage. This amulet has a compass rose etched into its
golden surface. It is stained and tarnished, and at
the southern point of the rose a spike the length of a
Alignment Dragon Dmg Breath finger extends straight down.
Type Weapon As a bonus action you can plunge the spike into your
skin, taking 1d4 piercing damage, and gaining that
Chaotic Evil Red Fire 15 ft. cone
(Dex. save) many charges, as the blood flows upwards into the
compass rose and seeps into the cracks.
Neutral and Black Acid 5 by 30 ft. line The amulet can hold up to 12 charges and loses all
Lawful Evil (Dex. save) stored charges at dawn.
As an action you can expend a number of charges to
Neutral White Cold 15 ft. cone
either teleport yourself or other nearby creatures.
(Con. save)
If you use charges to teleport other creatures you
Neutral and Copper Acid 5 by 30 ft. line can teleport any number of creatures within 30 feet
Chaotic Good (Dex. save) to any unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet,
expending 1 charge for every 10 feet teleported per
Lawful Good Gold Fire 15 ft. cone creature. If the creature is unwilling they must make
(Dex. save)
a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 12 +
the number of charges expended or be teleported
Necklace of Many Hands against their will.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
If you use charges to teleport yourself you may
This rawhide necklace has three hands carved from teleport up to 10 feet per charge expended to any
malachite hung between onyx beads. While attuned unoccupied space you can see.
to this item you are able to cast Mage Hand if you
Curse. If you are magically healed you lose all
were not able to before. When you cast Mage Hand
stored charges in this item.
while wearing this necklace you can choose to create
Additionally, every time you teleport using this item
up to three hands, these mage hands remain until
it creates a sigil on your skin around the most recent
dismissed, or you cast Mage Hand again. You can
wound from the needle, adding a new ring to the
command any number of the summoned hands with
sigil if there is already a sigil at the wound. Each
your action and they can work together to lift up to
ring or sigil has a number of spines radiating from it
30 pounds total.
equal to the number of creatures teleported or no
Necklace of Tree Striding spines if you teleported yourself.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) When you stab yourself with the needle you take 1
This necklace has a pendant of jade with the bronze additional necrotic damage for each sigil and ring on
semblance of a tree entwined around it. It has 3 your body. This damage ignores resistance and
charges and you regain all expended charges each immunity.
day at dawn. These sigils and rings will not disappear until you
As a bonus action you can expend a charge to enter spend at least 1 day without using this item. After 1
a tree within 5 feet of you. When you enter the tree day 1d4-1 random rings disappear, and 1d4 sigils
you instantly know the location of all other trees of without rings disappear each day you haven’t used
the same kind within 30 feet and, as part of the it.
bonus action used to enter the tree, can either pass
into one of those trees or step out of the tree you’re
Pen of Many Messages
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
in. You can then appear in a spot of your choice
This pen does not have a feather and requires no
within 5 feet of the same tree or a tree of the same
refill from an inkwell. In fact it would only be wide black metal base etched with ever expanding
considered a pen in name and function, most would ripples. It hangs from a small chain with a gap in the
not recognize it as a pen at all. It appears to be a back where the clasp would be yet holds together
thin metal rod the length of a man’s hand and despite the missing clasp. When you pull it over your
decorated with gold inlay. To attune to this pen you head the gap expands and then retracts to fit the
must write your true name, not an alias or pendant snugly against your neck. This pendant has
nickname, 100 times on a piece of parchment or 4 charges, and regains 1d4 expended charges each
paper using this pen. dawn.
While attuned to this pen you may summon it into As a bonus action you can expend a charge
your hand at any time as an action, and you know to activate the pendant and create an
the cantrip Vicious Mockery. While holding the pen
invisible barrier of force particles around you.
Vicious Mockery does an additional 1d4 damage.
The first attack that hits you before the end
Additionally, once per short rest you can cast the
spell Skywrite with the pen, ignoring concentration. of your next turn is reduced by 2d10 + your
This pen has yet another special property though. As Constitution modifier, expending the barrier.
an action you can create a symbol on the top right If you reduce the damage of this attack to 0
of a piece of paper or parchment that is unique to it is reflected back and the target of the
you. This symbol is the same each time you create attack becomes the creature or object that
it. You can accompany this symbol with a number
attacked you.
and/or the name of a creature if you so choose.
While this barrier is active you take no damage from
When you write or draw on a piece of paper with
Magic Missile.
your own symbol ink begins to form in an exact copy
on all other pieces of paper that share the same Pendant of Icy Deflection
symbol and number combination, as long as they Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
are on the same plane of existence. This pendant is a pale blue sapphire set into a wide
Paper that has the true name of a creature silver base etched with the fractal patterns of
accompanying the symbol will appear blank, except morning frost. It hangs from a thin silver chain with
for the symbol and name in the top right corner, to no magical properties. This pendant has 4 charges,
all creatures except those that have that name. and regains 1d4 expended charges each dawn.
Pendant of Fiery Deflection As a bonus action you can expend 1 charge, or as a
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) reaction to being hit by a ranged weapon attack you
can expend 2 charges, to activate the Pendant.
This pendant is a garnet set into a wide bronze base
When you activate the pendant it grows bitterly cold
devoid of any marking. It is warm to the touch and
and bolts of ice dart from its center at incoming
hangs from a similarly plain bronze chain. This
missiles. Each time you are hit by a ranged weapon
pendant has 8 charges, and regains 2d4 expended
attack from a creature you can see, including the
charges each dawn.
triggering attack, the damage is reduced by 1d10 +
As a bonus action you can activate the Pendant and
your Dexterity modifier until the end of your next
it will softly flicker. Until the beginning of your next
turn. If you reduce the damage of a missile to 0 it
turn any time a creature you can see within 15 feet
drops from the air at your feet, frozen in a chunk of
of you, including yourself, is hit by a ranged weapon
attack you can choose to expend a charge to reduce
the damage of the attack by 1d8 + your Dexterity Phantom Mask of Manipulation
modifier by blasting the missile with a searing bolt of Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
flame from the pendant. If you reduce the damage This face mask is pure white with pewter trim
of a missile to 0 it burns to ash before it reaches the around its edges. It is sculpted into what could be
target creature. called a bird head with an unusually short beak, also
covered in pewter, but with delicate filigree.
Pendant of Forceful Deflection
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Hand in the Shadows
This pendant is a deep purple amethyst set into a As a bonus action if there is dim light anywhere
within 60 feet of you you can manipulate it into a
shape of your choosing. This shape can not be larger While attuned to this glove you gain the ability to
than 10 feet on any side, and has no substance. You cast Mage Hand if you could not before. Additionally,
can create this shape anywhere within 60 feet of you when you cast Mage Hand it is completely invisible
that you can see, but do not need to maintain sight to all except you, appearing to you as a skeletal
with it. hand. This variant of mage hand is unusually strong
Additionally, as an action you can manipulate a and can carry up to 20 pounds and has no duration,
shape you have created to move as long as it lasting until you dismiss it as an action.
remains within range. This shape remains until you Curse. The moment you finish attuning to this glove
use this effect again, it is exposed to magical light, the arm you are wearing it on is wracked with pain.
or you move out of range. You take 1d12 necrotic damage and everything
Phantom Puppeteer around you momentarily appears as if you are in the
While wearing this mask you can use it as a Ethereal plane even though your body remains in
spellcasting focus to cast spells from the school of the mortal plane. You hear whispers around you
Enchantment. When you do so, you can feel a new growing ever closer until your senses return to your
force.Your face tingles slightly and certain spells are body and you are now aware of how light your arm
stronger than they were before. When you cast the is.
spell Charm Person, Calm Emotions, or Enthrall While the glove is covering your arm it feels as
against a single target the target creature has normal, but when you lift the cuff several inches
disadvantage on their saving throw. Additionally, above where it is covered your arm stops in a
when you cast the spell Sleep you may roll an withered stump. Your arm and hand are gone. You
additional 2d8 to determine how many hit points of can push up the cuff and pass your remaining hand
creatures the spell can affect. straight through where there should be flesh and
bone and the glove will not move from your wrist, as
Right Hand of the Reaper if it is fixed in place to the nothing replacing your
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) hand. You can still use your hand as normal, it
This glove has a cuff that extends down the length simply has no substance beneath the glove.
of your forearm and is stitched from a dark-brown If you have the feature Lay on Hands whenever you
yet supple leather. The tips and pads of its fingers use it you must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving
as well as the palm are reinforced with a thin black throw. On a failure your pools of energy conflict. Roll
leather. It has a very short silver claw extending out a 1d10 and that many points are expended from
from the tip of the thumb that covers the first your arcane energy pool. Additionally, subtract that
knuckle as well as small silver plates covering the number from the points you expended for lay on
back of each finger. To attune to this item you must hands, and the creature heals that much less than
wear it when you are attuning. expected. If this creates a negative number the
While attuned to this glove you gain a pool of arcane creature takes that much necrotic damage.
energy that replenishes when you take a long rest. If you dispel the curse on this item it is destroyed
You have 25 points in this pool. If your wisdom and your arm does not return.
modifier is positive you gain a bonus to this pool
equal to your Wisdom modifier x 5. Ring of Eldritch Energy
As an action, you can make an unarmed attack Ring, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit you can This bone ring has a deep purple inlay, and is set
draw power from the pool to deal additional necrotic with an onyx. While wearing this ring, every short
damage to that creature equal to the number of rest you take you gain 1d4+4 temporary hit points.
points expended, up to the maximum amount As a bonus action you can choose to expend all
remaining in your pool. remaining temporary hit points gained in this way to
Skilled Harvester cast Eldritch Blast even if you do not know it.
When you wield a Sickle it now deals 1d6 slashing Additionally, while attuned to the ring you know the
damage, has the property Finesse, and when you cantrip Chill Touch, and can cast it using the ring as
wield it with two hands it deals an additional 1d6 a focus.
necrotic damage. Curse. Each time you gain temporary hit points
Hand of Repose from this ring it consumes a hit die. If there are no
hit dice to be consumed you take damage equal to Brilliant Presence. As an action you can cast the
the temporary hit points gained, although you can cantrip Light. Additionally, you can maintain up to
not drop below 1 hit point from this effect. three instances of Light, instead of one.
Permanent Curse. The first time the ring consumes Shield of Gold. Once per long rest you can cast
any of your hit points it becomes permanently Shield with a range of 15 feet. This reaction is
attuned to your very soul. triggered by a creature, other than yourself, that is
The ring dissolves into your finger, the finger within range being attacked or targeted by the spell
withers, and purple veins spider through your hand Magic Missile. This shield appears as a golden sphere
from the finger. Now when you cast eldritch blast around the target.
using your temporary hit points it originates from
Glove Stage (very rare):
your chest, ignoring verbal and somatic
The ring stretches out tendrils of ivory, coating your
components, but leaves a dull purple mark where it
hand and wrist. The ivory forms into plates and gold
originated. The veins in your hand and the purple
trim manifests as they harden. Strands arch from
mark spread almost imperceptibly each time you do
the ring onto the gold edged glove and to each
finger. The entire system of white arches and plates
Chill Touch can still be cast, also ignoring verbal and seems to weigh almost nothing as if it is floating
somatic components, from your withered finger. around your hand.
When cursed in this way the curse and attunement Defender’s Blessing. Once per day as an action
can not be removed without destroying the soul of while wearing this gauntlet you can fire a beam of
the creature bound to the ring. brilliant yellow light in a 5 foot wide, 60 foot line
Note: Remember, players can’t see a curse before from the gauntlet. Each creature in this line must
they trigger it (normally with attunement). And make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save a
here, they can not see the permanent curse until it’s creature takes 8d6 radiant damage and is blinded
triggered as well. until your next turn. On a successful save it takes
half as much damage and is not blinded. Undead
Ring of the Golden Defender
and oozes have disadvantage on this saving throw.
Ring, rarity varies (requires attunement by a
This beam counts as a 3rd level light spell for the
creature not of evil alignment)
sake of dispelling magical darkness.
This polished gold ring has a thick ivory inlay. As
Divine Fist. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 damage
soon as you attune to it it reaches out to you,
while wearing the gauntlet. Additionally you can
impressing upon you to put it on the first finger of
choose to deal radiant damage instead of
your dominant hand. It can not speak, but it can
bludgeoning damage.
communicate to you through ideas, images, and
emotions. Gauntlet Stage (very rare):
Stages of Power. The desire of this ring is to The ring sprouts a dense network of ivory and gold
protect other innocent creatures lives. If you earn tendrils, covering even your upper arm, up to your
the trust of the ring by showing your devotion to the shoulder. Each gold trimmed plate is connected with
protection of creatures around you and going a series of ivory strands all gracefully twisting back
beyond the call of duty to do so it will grant you to the ring. You move unhindered by this long
power. When you attune with it you start at the Ring gauntlet, as if it floats effortlessly just above your
Stage, and move forward as the ring decides you skin.
are trustworthy. However if you betray the trust of Golden Circuitry. You now have a pool of 3 charges
the ring, you may move back a stage. stored in the gauntlet. As a reaction you can expend
Each stage of power has access to all the abilities of a number of charges to activate Shield of Gold, even
the stage before it. As an action you can transform if it has already been used, on a number of
the ring into any stage it allows you to have access creatures equal to the charges expended.
to. Additionally, as an action you can expend a charge
to cast Cure Wounds, on a creature other than
Ring Stage (rare):
yourself, with a +5 spellcasting modifier.
While the ring is content, and you wear it on your
first finger, it grants you basic abilities. The gauntlet regains all expended charges at dawn.
Divine Fist. Your Divine Fist increases in power, it
now deals 1d8 + your Strength or Wisdom modifier. bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
Telepathic Bond. The ring is connected to you so from nonmagical weapons.
deeply it can now telepathically speak to you with ● You can use your action to create up to 4
words in addition to images and emotions, although shields, and use any number of them with
its words are few. the feature Selfless Defense. You can not
create more than 4 shields total in this way
Shield Stage (legendary):
or benefit from any of their AC bonuses.
The ring covers your shoulder in a graceful paldron,
heavily decorated with gold. Additionally a plate ● You can use your action to cast Sunbeam
begins growing over your forearm and then ● Your Divine Fist increases to 2d6 + your
detaches, floating 3 inches from your arm. This plate Strength or Wisdom modifier.
slowly forms a shining white kiteshield, with the
golden symbol of an intricate shield in its center.
Ring of the Sudden Strike
Ring, legendary (requires attunement)
While the ring is in this form and its shield is
This ring is set with three black opals in an ornately
protecting you, you have +2 AC if you are not
shaped silver band.
already wielding a shield.
Once per short rest at the end of a hostile creature’s
Selfless Defense. As a bonus action you can
turn you can teleport to an unoccupied space up to
command the ring to shield another creature within
60 feet away in a puff of purple smoke. You can then
30 feet. Until they end their turn farther than 30 feet
make a melee attack with advantage against a
away or you issue a new command the shield will
creature within reach.
hover by them, granting them +2 AC. While you are
Additionally, once per day at the end of a hostile
using this feature you can not benefit from the
creature’s turn you can take the attack action.
Curse. If you use either of this ring’s features the
Golden Circuitry. The pool of charges stored in the
first attack roll against you within the next minute
gauntlet increases to your level/2 rounded down
has advantage. If this attack hits you you take an
(minimum of 3).
additional 2d8 necrotic damage.
Investiture of Gold (Artifact):
If you pledge your very life to destroy a creature you Rings of Vampiric Gesture
can see that is of neutral or evil alignment the ring Ring, very rare (requires attunement by two
will rapidly wrap you in a mass of golden tendrils. creatures)
When the mass calms you are covered head to toe These rings are both identically polished bands of
in golden plate mail that sheds a dim light out to 30 ebony, inset with a red agate. For a brief moment
feet. Until you destroy the creature you have sworn when each is attuned to a separate creature both
to kill you will remain like this, and are unable to attuned creatures taste copper and feel as if their
remove the armor or transform the ring into a ring hand was submerged in a warm liquid.
previous stage. As soon as the creature you have As a bonus action either creature can activate their
sworn to kill is dead the ring reverts to its first stage ring by pointing towards the other with their ring
and becomes unresponsive. After 1 minute the ring finger. If on their turn the other creature is within 30
consumes your soul. Your body, and everything you feet and does the same a bond is formed between
were holding and wearing disintegrates, and the ring them. To maintain this bond both creatures must
alone falls to the ground. You can not be resurrected spend their bonus action each turn and end the
after the ring has consumed your soul, even with a round within 30 feet of each other or it is broken
Wish spell. and must be formed again.
While in this form you gain the following benefits: While this bond is active a twisted ethereal cord
● You are not considered to be wearing armor stretches between the two creatures. This bond can
for the sake of bonuses not be seen by anyone except the attuned creatures,
except on the Ethereal Plane, and can not be
● Your AC becomes 22 unless it is already
interacted with. The first time on a turn an enemy
creature moves through this cord they must make a
● You are now immune to radiant damage,
constitution saving throw equal to 10 + both attuned
and resistant to necrotic damage, as well as
creatures constitution modifiers. On a failure they
take 2d12 Necrotic damage and each attuned it will return to your hand.
creature regains hit points equal to half the damage
dealt. Silver Bells of Guidance
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Curse. Every time the bond is broken each attuned
creature is Poisoned until the end of their next turn These two strings of polished silver bells tinkle
and takes 1d6 Necrotic damage. merrily and can be heard out to 120 feet. These
bells can hold up to 4 charges and if you dash while
Shoon’s Golden Cube wearing them they gain a charge. Any ally creature
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) within 120 feet can choose to expend a charge to
This 1 inch cube appears to be made of solid gold, roll a d4 and add the number rolled to an ability
yet is hard as diamond, and is unusually heavy even check or attack roll of its choice. It can make this
for gold, weighing in at 3 pounds. As an action you choice before or after making the initial roll. After a
can speak the command word to activate it casting creature has used this ability it can not do so again
Circle of Death, with no material cost, centered until its next turn.
yourself and affecting all creatures except you. The Additionally, while wearing these bells your
command word is “Death Spell” and must be said movement speed and jump distance increases by 5
with a lisp. feet.
Curse. When the cube is activated it attempts to
absorb and destroy 500 gp worth of non-living
Spiderwood Seed
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
material within a 60-foot radius of itself, starting
with gold and gems and working down, consuming To attune to this black grape sized seed you must
worn, carried, and magical items last (ignoring swallow it. Over the course of 1 week several solid
things that you are wearing but not carrying). If it wooden growths protrude from your back along your
finds enough material it works as expected. If it spine. Several of these grow into a number of limber
does not find enough value after absorbing wooden appendages, equal to your level/5 rounded
everything it is able to it takes some of your life up, and additional limbs grow as appropriate as your
force to make up the difference. You take 8d6 level increases.
Necrotic damage, and your max hitpoints decrease As an action you can attack with any number of
by 1d8 hit points for the remainder of the time you these appendages on your turn. Each limb can
are attuned to this item. attack using your own proficiency and Strength or
If you un-attune to this item it teleports to a random Dexterity modifier once per turn, and deals 1d8 plus
location. your Strength or Dexterity modifier piercing damage
on a hit.
Silver Bands of the Vine These limbs automatically regrow 1 minute after
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) being seriously damaged or removed and are each
These three silver bands are simple yet elegant, able to hold objects weighing up to 30 pounds,
similar but subtly different, and sized to fit different which count towards your carrying capacity. If you
fingers. Vines and leaves etched into both the inside have at least two of these appendages you gain a
and outside. When they are not being worn by a climbing speed equal to half your walking speed and
creature you can call the name of any number of the are able to move your full speed while prone.
rings you are attuned to to activate them as an Curse. Once swallowed the seed begins to grow,
action. They can be attuned to separately by causing great pain in your upper back, you suffer 1
different creatures or as a single item by one level of exhaustion which does not go away for the
creature. Budo activates the smallest of the rings, entirety of the time that the seed is growing and can
Vignes activates the middle one, and Reben not be removed even with Greater Restoration. This
activates the largest one. seed feeds on your life force in exchange for
When activated each ring expands to a large metal submitting to your control. For each appendage you
chakram, perfectly smooth except for their etchings have 1 hit dice is automatically consumed each day
which enlarge with them, and razor sharp. These at dawn. Additionally a hit dice is consumed if a limb
chakram have the properties thrown (range 30/90), has to regrow or repair major damage to itself. If
finesse, and deal 1d6 slashing damage. Additionally, there are not enough hit dice for the seed to
as an attack action you can call a ring by name and
consume you take 1d8 necrotic damage per stone that you can see to move towards you. Make
appendage. You are not resistant to this damage, an Intelligence(Arcana) check, DC 18. On a success
even if you normally would be. the stone begins moving towards you at a rate of 10
If the curse is removed from this item the feet per turn as long as you are within sight of it.
appendages slowly shrivel, die, and fall off. The
attunement is broken, but the wooden knobs on
Staff of Thundering Orbs
Staff, rare (requires attunement)
your back remain.
This gnarled wooden staff has a bent branch at its
Spined Bucklers top forming a hoop and contains 4 charges. While
Wondrous, rare (requires attunement) holding it you can use an action to expend a number
Each of the bucklers from this set has two of charges to cause a flurry of clear crystalline orbs
protrusions that slope to a razor sharp tip, giving it to fly from the hoop. The orbs increase in number
the shape of an eye. The main body of the bucklers dramatically for each charge expended and create
is studded and sports a hammered finish while the one 30-foot cone radiating from the staff per charge.
spines are both polished perfectly smooth. The first Cones created in this way may not overlap. All
spine is 1 foot long and the second is half as long. creatures in the affected area must make a
As you initially inspect the bucklers you can not find Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 3d6
any way to wear them. There are no straps or thunder damage on a failed save, or half on a
handholds, simply an engraved name on the back of successful one as the orbs burst and create a violent
each buckler. concussion.
While you are attuned to these bucklers and within The staff regains 1d4 expended charges daily at
120 feet of them you can gesture or call to one or dawn. If you expend the staff’s last charge roll a
both of them as an action. When you do so they will 1d20. On a 1, the staff releases a clap of thunder.
fly to you if able, going around obstacles and All creatures within a 30-foot radius must make a
creatures, before snapping into place on your DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 thunder
forearms, long spine towards your fist. They float damage.
several inches off your arm, moving with you as if
they are attached.
Tapestry of the Great Hall
Wondrous item, legendary (required attunement by
They can not be moved from your arm unless you
multiple creatures)
allow it. When you brush one or both of them off as
a bonus action they will fall to the ground. This large forest green tapestry has a symbol
stretching across its length switched in gilded
While wearing these bucklers you can not wield a
thread. Its accented with white and red and all along
shield but you gain +1 to your AC. Additionally, you
its hem is a complicated mantra of magical symbols
can make melee attacks with proficiency using these
and signs.
bucklers as if they were a Light Finesse weapon and
they deal 1d6 Piercing damage. To attune to it a creature must be touching the
tapestry for at least 1 minute of the hour
Staff of Ioun attunement and for the rest of the duration must
Staff, rare (requires attunement) study and memorize the symbol depicted on it. This
This light oaken staff is stripped of its bark and has item can be attuned to by any number of creatures
gentle grooves winding up and around it. While you but the creatures must renew their attunement each
are attuned to this staff you can attune to up to year.
three Ioun stones without using attunement slots. Even when attuned, a creature can not know the
Additionally, while attuned to this staff when you tapestry’s abilities unless they are told by another
toss an Ioun stone into the air the stone orbits the creature, if they successfully decode the mantra
staff at a distance of 3-12 inches, instead of your around its edges, or if they cast Identify on it. If
head. Identify is cast on the tapestry the caster must
If you make a successful attack or grab check make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure
against an Ioun stone using this staff its attunement they forget all the abilities of the tapestry and are
is immediately broken and it falls to the ground. stunned for 1 hour as they become lost in its
As an action you can force another creature’s Ioun intricate threads. On a success they only discern a
single ability and must cast Identify again to find
any more. They learn these abilities in order as they window, carried from a shipment of china by a
are written. violent storm. While you are attuned to the teacup
If there are more than 6 creatures attuned to the you can gain up to 5 charges that can be used to
tapestry the symbols emblazoned around its edge activate the magic of the teacup.
begin to slowly glow and its abilities are activated. Calm Before the Storm
Shared Link During a short rest if you drink tea from this teacup
While attuned to the tapestry a creature can you regain all expended charges and your
communicate with any other attuned creature even exhaustion decreases by 1 level. The tea can be of
if they do not share a common language. any type but must be hot when you drink it. You
Additionally, the cantrip Message can be used also regain 1 charge each long rest that you take.
between attuned creatures regardless of distance as Cyclone
long as they are on the same plane as each other. As an action while raging you can expend a charge
Recall Beacon to attack your enemies with the strength of the
Any creature that is attuned to the tapestry can storm. As the winds swirl around you you make long
teleport to an empty space within 60 feet of it, as sweeping attacks at all enemies within 5 feet. All
long as it is on the same plane of existence, by hostile creatures within range must make a
picturing the symbol on it in their mind and Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your
maintaining concentration as if concentrating on a proficiency + your strength modifier. On a failed
spell for 1 minute. After a creature uses this feature save they take damage equivalent to two of your
they are unable to use it again for 1d4 days. weapon attacks.
Ring of Detection Heart of the Storm
Any creature attuned to the tapestry can on focus on When you activate your rage you can choose to
the symbol on the tapestry as if concentrating on a expend all 5 charges to release the full power of the
spell. While concentrating like this they can find the tempest. A 20-foot radius sphere of whirling air
location of any creature that is attuned to the springs into existence centered on you that follows
tapestry and within 10 miles by speaking their you until your rage ends. Each creature (not
name. Additionally, they can sense if there are any including you) that ends its turn in the sphere must
creatures that are not attuned and within 1000 feet succeed a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to
but do not know their location. 8 + your proficiency + your strength modifier. On a
Emergency Recall failed save they take 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
If a creature who is attuned to the tapestry spends 1 Additionally the sphere’s space is difficult terrain for
hour casting a ritual while focusing on the symbol on all creatures besides you.
the tapestry they are able to forcefully recall all
Urn of the Lava Bearer
attuned creatures. All creatures not within sight of
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
the tapestry and within the same plane are
This urn is chipped from a single chunk of obsidian.
teleported to an empty space within sight of the
It has a tightly fitting lid, weighs 4 pounds, and
tapestry. If there are no more empty spaces the
appears to hold up to 1 gallon. It can contain any
creatures that did not fit are not teleported. This
material or liquid no matter how hot, without
feature can even recall the bodies of creatures (or
cracking or even heating up, as long as it fits within
what is left of them) if the soul is willing to be
the urn.
recalled, attuned to the tapestry within the last year,
While you are attuned with the urn an action you
and was still attuned to the tapestry at the time of
can speak the command word and expend a number
death. Once used this feature cannot be used again
of charges to cause the urn to glow with a red light
for 1d4 months.
in the facets across its surface, burning all creatures
Teacup of the Tempest that come near it for the next minute. Any creature
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a (not including you) that ends its turn within 5 feet of
Barbarian) the urn must make a Dexterity saving throw. If you
This delicate white teacup is fit for a nobleman, but are not a caster this uses your Constitution as your
will not chip or crack. It has been rumored to have casting ability. The creature takes 2d6 fire damage
been originally found when it was flung through a on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. If you thrust the urn at a creature as
an attack action that creature must make the saving
throw against the sphere’s damage
When you activate the urn with 2 or more charges,
the damage increases by 1d6 for every charge
above 1. The urn has 5 charges and regains all
expended charges each dawn.
Note: You could consider increasing the damage of
the urn if there is something hot within it when

Wooden Walker of the Circle

Wondrous Item, very rare
This vehicle appears to be a hollowed out tree
covered in vines and branches, still alive and
growing. It has two seats facing towards the middle
of the vehicle where it has a set of three wooden
levers. While a creature is sitting in the walker it has
half cover, can fasten themselves to the walker as a
bonus action, and can control it as an action or
bonus action to move up to 30 feet per round. The
walker can move up walls and on ceilings, but any
creature not fastened in must make a DC 14
Strength check each turn or fall out of the walker.
The walker can also float, as if using the spell Water
Walk and has a movement speed of 10 feet while
doing so.
The walker can carry up to 400 pounds, its speed is
halved if the weight exceeds this, and reduced to 0 if
it exceeds 600 pounds. It needs to recharge and
return to nature though. When it runs out of energy
it will refuse to carry any weight and search for the
nearest soil it can find to root itself in. It can remain
active for up to 16 hours, after which it needs to
root in soil or sand for the duration of a long rest.
During this time it closes its hollow and looks just
like a stout tree approximately 6 feet tall, covered in
Commune with the Circle. If you know druidic you
can verbally command the walker to move (using
druidic) as long as it is in hearing range.
Additionally, you can command it to root, unroot,
and close its hollow. It will not close its hollow while
a small or larger creature is in it but it can close its
hollow with up to 200 pounds in it. For every hour it
is rooted it can remain active for an additional 2
hours that day.
movement speed. When your turn ends if you are
Wondrous Items still flying you descend at a rate of 60 feet per
(No Attunement) round.
Items that may or may not be wearable but aren’t These boots have 3 charges, and regain one charge
considered weapons or armor. each day at dawn.

Augmier’s Homemade Buckshot

Arctic Beans Cannon
Wondrous item, uncommon
Wondrous item, rare This item consists of a metal tube the length and
This leather pouch contains 2d10 small light blue width of a man’s forearm attached to a glassy gray
beans that are chill to the touch. As an action you orb in front of a large reinforced wooden stock. The
can plant a bean at your feet. The turn after a bean stock has a hole on the back you can open and pour
is planted thick spiked vines emitting a cold mist a bag of ball bearings into as an action. It can store
begin growing in a 20-foot square centered on the up to three bags of ball bearings and weighs 12
bean as long as it is not planted in a hot or desert pounds regardless of how many ball bearings it has
area. This 20-foot square now counts as difficult stored. As an attack action you can strike the glassy
terrain and any creature who enters or starts their orb and it will expel a number of ball bearings of
turn in the vines must make a DC 12 Constitution your choice, up to 1000 ball bearings (1 bag worth),
saving throw or take 4d6 cold damage on a failed with a dull thud. Interestingly the ball bearings have
save, half on a successful one. These vines do not increasing velocity proportional to the number of ball
go away unless convinced to hibernate once again bearings expelled.
by the spell Speak with Plants but either way the If you expel 200 or more ball bearings all creatures
bean can not be used in this way again. within a 30 foot cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity
Augmier’s Blast Shield saving throw. On a failure the creature takes 1d4+1
Wondrous item, rare bludgeoning damage for every 200 ball bearings
expended, or half on a success. Creatures farther
This metallic cylinder is about the length of a man’s
than 15 feet from you take no damage on a success.
hand, it has a spike on one end and a button on the
other. Augmier’s Orb of Armament
As an action you can press the button and throw the Wondrous item, uncommon
blast shield up to 30 feet. Or if you are holding the This cloudy white orb has a scarlet sheen to it and
blast shield you can throw the blast shield at your when you stare into its depths you see shadows
feet as a reaction to any attack or effect that flickering throughout it. It weighs 3 pounds and is
includes you or an adjacent creature. the size of a grapefruit. You can discover the
As soon as the spike makes contact it creates a 15 commands for the orb by studying its depths for a
foot sphere, centered on the blast shield, equivalent short rest. When you study the orb it will reveal it’s
to Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere that lasts until the end command words in gnomish script within the
of your next turn. shadows. As an attack action, you may speak a
Once the blast shield has been used in this way it command word while holding the orb to do one of
cannot be used again until the next dawn. the following:
● You absorb a light or thrown weapon you are
Augmier’s Boots of Travel holding into the orb. If it is already holding
Wondrous item, rare
10 such weapons, nothing happens.
These calf-high metal boots are heavily reinforced
● You pull out a weapon of your choice that is
and each have two crystal orbs in their soles. While
stored in orb. If you do not have a free hand
wearing them as a bonus action you can utter the
to pull it from the orb it falls to the ground.
command word inscribed in gnomish on the sole of
● You expel a weapon of your choice from the
the right boot, expending a charge to activate the
orb and it flies towards a creature. Make a
boots. Until the end of your turn you can fly in any
ranged weapon attack with proficiency. This
direction you choose, up to twice your remaining
attack's range is 20/60 and does the same make a saving throw that creature gains a bonus to
damage as the weapon would normally do. the saving throw equal to half the banner bearer’s
charisma modifier rounded up (with a minimum of
Augmier’s Scorching Orb +1).
Wondrous item, rare
Surge of Hope
This odd contraption is composited of a small crystal
As an action the banner bearer can wave the banner
orb set within a thick metal semi-sphere, covering
and expend any number of remaining charges to
most of the orb, and is about 6 inches across. As a
bolster that many creatures affected by the banner.
bonus action you can press the stiff button recessed
Each bolstered creature gains temporary hit points
on the opposite side of the exposed orb. A few
equal to 3d6 + the banner bearer’s Charisma
seconds after its been activated the orb begins to
modifier that last until the banner is no longer aloft,
levitate until it is 20 feet in the air, or as high as the
and they are immune to the effects Blinded,
above terrain will allow, and begins spinning as the
Deafened, and Poisoned while the temporary
orb glows a soft orange. Each turn, as long as it is
hitpoints remain.
still spinning, it will attempt to make a ranged spell
attack against the nearest creature it can see within Bear of Resting
range, throwing out a fiery ray at any target it can Wondrous item, uncommon
find. It has a range of 30 feet for every 5 feet it is This is a small stuffed animal appears to be a
above the ground and has a +5 spell attack slightly smushed bear with several patches sewn
modifier. On a hit it deals 2d6 fire damage. After 10 onto it. If you spend a long rest holding or sleeping
minutes or firing 10 times it stops glowing and falls with this bear you lose 1d4 levels of exhaustion.
to the ground. After it has been activated the button Additionally, if you hold or sleep with this bear
makes a hollow clicking sound and the orb can not during a short rest you gain 1d4 temporary hit
be activated again until the next dawn. points. You can not gain these effects if you share
the bear during these times.
Banner of Courage
Wondrous item, very rare Chains of the Brothers in Arms
This large blue banner is decorated with a flaring Wondrous item, rare
yellow crest and mounted on the end of a 10 foot You could almost call it a pair of handcuffs except
brass pole. It is meant to be the standard used to the length of chain between each cuff is easily over
keep the morale of the troops high as its valiantly 10 feet long. The metal chain is surprisingly thin for
held aloft. As you hold it you can feel the same its length and each link has two barbs protruding
sense of self confidence that the soldiers must when from either side.
they know their standard is marching right behind When two creatures each put on one of the cuffs the
them. chain between them slowly fades until it is
The banner has no effect unless it is held aloft by a completely incorporeal and no longer visible unless
creature. While holding this banner a creature can you are on the Ethereal plane. While in this state it
not make any attacks or cast any spells requiring has no physical bounds and the creatures can move
somatic components. While the banner is being held freely. However, when one of the cuffed creatures
aloft it has an aura that affects all creatures within enters into combat a 5-foot ghostly length of chain
200 feet that have either touched it in the last 24 appears from both cuffs that is drawn taut towards
hours or are wearing a matching crest. the other creature. Neither creature can take off the
The banner has 20 charges and regains 2d10 cuffs while the ghostly chains are pulling at them.
expended charges each day at dawn. If either creature ends their turn farther than 15 feet
Symbol of Strength from the other while one of them is in combat they
Creatures affected by the banner are immune to both take 1d4 psychic damage.
being Frightened and any charm effect that would If they are within 15 feet of each other either of the
make them endanger another creature affected by two cuffed creatures can whip the ghostly chain
the banner automatically fails. between them as an action. Any creatures hostile
Bastion of Fortitude towards the cuffed creatures that are directly in
Whenever a creature affected by this banner must between them must make a DC 16 Constitution
saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 1d10 make an audible verbal noise, activating the
force damage and is Restrained until the end of their necklace and causing an odd chord to ring through
next turn. On a success, the creature takes half as their cry.
much damage and is not Restrained. Each creature within 5 feet of the beast when it
If either of the cuffed creatures falls unconscious or activates the necklace is strangely compelled to
takes off their cuff the chain suddenly snaps out of attack it. If it uses the attack action on its next turn
the Ethereal plane at the feet of the other creature and does not attack the beast or include it in an
and the other creature takes 2d6 slashing damage. attack it takes 1d4 psychic damage.
If they are farther apart than 15 feet the other
creature takes an additional 2d6 force damage. Craek’s Battle Top
Wondrous item, rare
Cloak of the Porcupine This small metal top seems like an everyday child’s
Wondrous item, uncommon toy except for the skull engraved into a button in the
This long cloak is a humble brown, but is covered in middle.
long stiff spikes that lay flat. This item holds three charges, indicated by three
While wearing it if another creature attempts to tiny holes above the button which dim as charges
grapple you they take 1d4 piercing damage and take are expended. It regains 1 charge each day at dawn.
damage each turn they continue to grapple you if When the button is pressed as an action or bonus
they succeed. action a whirring starts within the top and when
Additionally each time you take the disengage action placed on the ground it will spin for the next minute
you may sweep the cloak at them, making a melee as long as it is not on rough terrain. If it is pressed
attack against a creature within 5 feet of you, and again while it is whirring the hum will increase in
dealing 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. volume and pitch until suddenly the top begins to
grow, expending a charge. It will continue growing
Comb of Vanity in both size and weight until the beginning of your
Wondrous item, uncommon next turn before a metallic clang can be heard and a
This short comb appears to be covered in gold. If dozen hidden blades spring from the seams of the
you comb your hair with it every morning your hair top.
will become lustrously smooth and grow at an inch Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the
per day until it touches the ground. Not only is your top takes 4d4 Slashing damage. When the top
hair beautiful, it is also surprisingly strong, and once strikes a creature it moves 5 feet in the opposite
it reaches your waist it can be used as a weapon. As direction of the creature it hit as determined by the
an attack action you can whip your hair at an enemy DM. If this causes the top to collide with a wall or
within 5 feet dealing 1d4 + your Strength modifier other solid object it will bounce 5 feet in the same
Slashing damage on a hit. This counts as an manner.
unarmed strike, if you can attack multiple times this
It will continue to wildly spin for the next minute,
replaces one attack.
after which it will die down and shrink back to its
If your hair is longer than 5 feet you can attack original size. Pressing the button during this time
enemies within 10 feet and the damage increases to has no effect.
1d6 + your Strength modifier Slashing damage.
If you fail to comb your hair in the morning your hair Craek’s Glass Ruler
begins to fall out, starting at the bottom, at a rate of Wondrous item, common
1 foot for each day you do not comb. This foot long ruler has reddish-purple markings on
its transparent surface, marking common intervals.
Compelling Necklace of the Beast When you hold it at arm’s length in front of an
Wondrous item, rare object the markings begin flashing and changing
This necklace has simply carved wooden beads their frequency in front of your eyes until they come
strung on a thick rawhide strap. Each bead seems to to rest at their new measurements. When you do
have a different depiction of an animal etched into this you know the precise height or width of the
it. object you are trying to measure, even if it is
As an action any beast wearing this necklace and extremely far away.
capable of doing so can howl, shriek, or otherwise
If you try to measure any object that is farther away shapes made of 1 or more of these cubes. Each
than 10 miles, the markings will never settle, and shape of cubes you activate fires a bolt of fire at a
begin flashing arcane markings you are unable to target of your choosing within 60 feet. Make a
interpret. ranged spell attack for each bolt. If you are not a
Note: the horizon is 3 miles away on flat ground. spellcaster you use your Constitution modifier as
your spellcasting modifier. On a hit, the target takes
Craek’s Jumping Stick 1d10 fire damage per cube. The bolt also does an
Wondrous Item, rare additional 2 damage for every 2 cubes in the shape,
This metal rod is about 4 feet long and straight most or an additional 10 damage for every 8 cubes in the
of the way down before telescoping to a small metal shape.
foot. It has two handles welded to the top that look When a cube is used in this way the light within
like they were hacked off of a teapot, and two dims. All expended cubes regain their charge at
folding flaps attached just before the shaft begins dawn.
When you press down on the rod the tapering Deck of Many Flavors
section resists but eventually collapses in on itself as Wondrous item, rare
if it has a complex spring mechanism underneath it. This appears to be a normal deck of red backed
As a bonus action you can unfold the flaps and stand playing cards, but if you inspect it closely there is a
on them, one foot on each side of the rod, and as faint aroma of spices and the pattern on the cards is
you do so you begin ever so slightly bouncing. tiny mixing bowls, spoons, and aprons.
While riding the Jumping Stick in this way you can If a creature has Truesight they can see that each of
make standing jumps as if you moved 10 feet before these cards is in fact a spice or ingredient that has
jumping, you automatically clear a low obstacle (no been manipulated to appear as a playing card.
taller than a quarter of the jump’s distance) when As a bonus action you can draw a card from the
long jumping, and if you succeed a DC 12 Dexterity deck and consume it or give it to another creature.
(Acrobatics) check you can clear a medium obstacle That creature may consume the card as a bonus
(no taller than a half of the jump’s distance). When action on their turn if they so choose.
you purposefully jump you may reduce the height When you first put it into your mouth all you can
fallen by 20 feet when calculating damage. taste is the bitterness of inked paper until suddenly
Additionally, whenever you jump you add 1d6 to flavor explodes over your tongue.
your jump height or length. If this roll is lower than
your dexterity modifier you can instead use your
1: The flavor, it is indistinguishable. It is as if all the
dexterity modifier.
others have mixed together in the worst way. For
When moving while riding the jumping stick if you the rest of your turn you feel sick and can not take a
are not holding it with at least 1 hand you must reaction until your next turn. If you can handle this
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw each turn or though, you can handle anything. For the next 10
fall prone. If you ever enter, or land on, rough minutes you can not taste anything, you are
terrain or fail a dexterity saving throw you also fall immune to the Poison effect, and are resistant to
prone. Poison damage.
Additionally, enemies have disadvantage on attacks 2-4: Chili, cayenne, or pepper. You have never
of opportunity against you. tasted spice this strong before, you take 1d4 fire
Cubes of Crystalline Fire damage and your mouth nearly glows it is so hot.
Wondrous Item, very rare For the next 10 minutes you can not burn your
tongue while eating or drinking, any creature that
This clouded cube is composed of 8 smaller 1 inch
you bite takes an additional 1d6 fire damage, and
cubes, each containing a charge indicated by their
you do not feel full while drinking liquids.
faint orange light within. These cubes stick together
and can be constructed into any shape like building 5-6: Peppermint or spearmint. The fresh taste
blocks. seems to spread, tingling over your whole body. For
the next 10 minutes your movement speed
While holding any of these cubes you can utter the
increases by 15, but everything that you touch is
command word to activate any number of individual
cold, and almost feels electric. You are vulnerable to
Lightning and Cold damage for the duration. punched in it disappear and it becomes a mundane,
7: Garlic. The intensity of garlic emanates not just albeit still purple, playing card.
from your mouth but your entire body. You have
disadvantage to any Charisma checks you make but
Elemental Extracts
Wondrous Item, uncommon
undead will not willingly move within 5 feet of you.
As a bonus action you can make a breath attack Some claim that these are made with the blood of
against a creature within 5 feet and that that dragons, and they are suspiciously distributed
creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving almost exclusively by dragonborn.
throw or take 1d12 Poison damage. This deals 3d12 Each has unique properties, and the one you find is
to vampires and vampire spawn. determined by 1d6 (re-rolling on a 6) or is chosen
by the DM.
Deck of Many Holes
Wondrous item, very rare
1. Extract of Acid
A lime green sludge is contained within this oblong
This deck of playing cards has a charred purple color
vial stoppered by a glass bauble. It froths and
almost as if it was put through a dying process. The
bubbles as if constantly in turmoil even when left
stranger part of them though is that they all have 1
alone. When it is poured out slowly onto a flat
or more holes punched straight through them.
surface it will chew through up to a foot of solid rock
After studying the cards for a long or short rest you
or several inches of metal.
figure out that the holes correspond to how strong
When shattered all creatures within a 5 foot radius
the magic of the card is. Each numbered card has a
take 2d6 acid damage and must roll a Dexterity
number of holes punched in it equal to half its value
saving throw DC 14. On a failure they take an
rounded down. Face cards all have 5 holes, but aces
additional 2d6 acid damage on their next turn.
are different. They only have a single hole, and its
much larger than any of the other cards’ holes. 2. Extract of Cold
Using Cards This angularly carved crystal vial holds a thin light
As an action you may draw a card and choose to blue liquid. The crystal vial feels chilled to the touch
either activate it or return it to the bottom of the and when let sit for long periods of time it forms
deck. If you activate it you may create a number of crystals throughout the liquid that quickly dissipate
10 foot wide 10 foot deep extradimensional holes, when disturbed again.
within 60 feet of you, equal to to the number of When it's poured out of its container or shattered it
holes on the card. If you so choose you can make steams and hisses as it freezes any inanimate object
any pit you have already created 10 feet deeper or liquid it touches. As it pools on the ground it
instead of creating a new pit. forms a 10 foot square patch of smooth ice. Any
Using Aces creature that crosses this patch of ice must make a
The exception to the rules are the aces. When you DC 12 dexterity check or end their turn and fall
activate an ace you may only create a single hole, prone. It begins to melt after 1 minute.
but the hole is 20 feet wide and 2d4 x 10 feet deep. If it is consumed, the creature must make a DC 14
These holes can only be made deeper with another constitution check unless they are immune to cold
ace card. damage. On a failure they take 3d6 cold damage
Properties of the holes and are Paralyzed for 1 minute, they may repeat this
The space within these holes exist on separate saving throw at the end of each turn. On a success
demi-planes so they do not affect structural integrity they take half damage and are not paralyzed.
or create open passages. 3. Extract of Fire
Each minute after a pit is created it gets 10 feet This glass globe has no visible opening on its dark
shorter until it doesn’t exist at all or until you clouded surface, and it is warm to the touch. Its
activate the card again. If you activate the card contents appear to be a faintly glowing roiling cloud
again the extradimensional space collapses and of flame.
everything within the hole is rapidly expelled When the globe is thrown or smashed it expands
through the hole(s) in the card. Creatures that are violently into a cloud, reaching around corners, from
expelled in this way take 2d10 bludgeoning damage. the point where it landed, and all creatures within 15
Once a card is used to create a hole any holes feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity throw. On a
failure they take 3d6 Fire damage. On a success If it is consumed the creature that consumed it gains
they take half as much. the following effects for the next hour:
● Their jump distance is doubled.
4. Extract of Lightning
● All jumps count as running jumps, even
This vial is extraordinarily tall, almost as long as a
when made from a standstill.
man’s forearm. It’s capped with a flat metal stopper
● They take no damage from falling, as if
etched in a fractal pattern. It has no visible liquid in
under the effects of the spell Feather Fall
it yet it feels as though it sloshes, and it produces a
dim light out to 5 feet. If it is shattered all creatures that are large or
smaller within a 10 foot radius must make a DC 14
When opened all creatures in a 20 foot line must
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure the creature is
make a Dexterity saving throw DC 14 as a bolt of
rapidly thrown 20 feet into the air, and takes 2d6
light lashes out creating a small clap of thunder that
bludgeoning damage when it lands, which knocks it
can be heard from 100 feet away. On a failure they
prone. On a success, the creature is thrown several
take 4d6 Lightning damage, on a success they take
feet into the air but does not take damage, nor is
knocked prone.
If it’s shattered all creatures within a 10 foot radius
take 1d6 lightning damage and must make a Gelatinous Sphere
constitution saving throw DC 14. On a failure they Wondrous item, uncommon
are blinded for 1 minute. They may repeat this This cloudy bright green orb is extremely squishy
saving throw at the end of each turn. and when you find it is about 6 inches across and
5. Extract of Poison weighs 6 pounds. If it is not max size it attempts to
A fizzing clear liquid fills this small flask the size of slowly roll around searching for objects to eat, at a
two thumbs. If it is consumed the creature that speed of 5 feet per round, leaving behind a sticky
consumed it suffers from the condition Poisoned trail of tingly acid. As an action you may interact
until their next long rest and must make a with the gelatinous orb in one of the following ways.
Constitution saving throw DC 14 every minute for ● Force an object that fits within the orb
the next hour. through its stiff coating. If it is non-magical
On a failure the creature is paralyzed. On a success it will be absorbed within 10 minutes,
if they are paralyzed they are no longer paralyzed. magical items are ejected again the next
After three successful saves (they do not have to be turn. For each item pound the item weighs
consecutive) or after 1 hour the effect ends and the the sphere increases in diameter by 1 inch,
creature is no longer paralyzed, however they and gains 1 pound, up to 12 inches and a
remain Poisoned. total of 12 pounds.
● Pull an item out of the ooze, taking 1d4 acid
Elemental Essence damage as you do so.
Wondrous Item, uncommon ● If it is at least 3 inches across you can
Not to be confused with Elemental Extracts, these squeeze the orb, forcing an acidic mass out
are certainly manmade, and even more deadly than of it towards a location or creature you can
the extracts. see within 30 feet. A creature that you fire
at must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
throw or take 2d6 acid damage. Doing this
Radiant decreases the diameter of the gelatinous orb
by 1 inch and the weight by 1 pound.
Wind G’nehr’s Woodland Wrath
Wondrous item, rare
You see a bonsai tree within a simple glass
Featherlight Potion enclosure. It has a well shaped clay dish and cork
Wondrous item, uncommon around its lip, sealing off the glass tube over the
This spherical vial is filled with a viscous amber small tree. Despite the tree being completely
liquid that settles very slowly. enclosed you can see an obvious breeze swirling
around the glass. When you pull the glass off there
is a small burst of air and the breeze dissipates. saving throw DC 12 or use their next action
Each day the tree sheds a single leaf. This leaf does to try to “put out the fire”.
not wither no matter how long it dances along in the 4. Nutmeg. The target must make a Wisdom
breeze within the bottle. Any leaf that is plucked saving throw DC 12 or be Charmed for the
from the tree has no special properties. next minute or until they take damage.
If one of these leaves is crushed or ripped Gust is 5. Thyme. Spines of dried thyme pierce the
cast. As a bonus action you can control this effect by target doing 1d10 Piercing damage.
cupping your hands around the leaf. 6. Oregano. A small 5 foot cloud of oregano
If more than three of these leaves are crushed or forms around the target Blinding them until
ripped Gust of Wind is cast. As a bonus action you the end of their next turn or until they move
can control this effect by throwing one of the leaves out of the cloud.
into the wind in the direction you want it to go. 7. Cloves. Whole cloves pummel the target,
If there is ever more than 10 leaves in one place, or dealing 1d10 Bludgeoning damage.
the bonsai container is opened when there is more 8. Ginger. The target creature is overcome by
than 10 leaves, Wind Wall is immediately cast in the zing of ginger and must use their
whatever shape the DM chooses. reaction to move 5 feet in any direction if
Timeless. On a successful DC 14 Nature check you they are able to move.
estimate that this bonsai must be hundreds of years 9. Mint. The creature feels an immense chill
old, and is in excellent condition, yet you see no surround them. They take 1d8 Cold damage.
signs of it needing to be watered. It appears to 10. All Spice. The aroma is almost
subsist on sunlight alone within its glass enclosure. overwhelming. Roll twice on this table, if a
10 is rolled again you must re-roll that
Grinder of Many Spices result. This effect only consumes 1 charge.
Wondrous item, uncommon
This mahogany grinder has a simple oak inlay and is Iron Curtain
smooth from use. When the handle is turned new Wondrous item, uncommon
well ground fresh spices come out as you would This dark gray heathered cloak is unusually stiff,
expect, but it seems like it’s never the same spice even more so than the starched capes of nobles, and
twice. on closer inspection you surmise that it has a tight
This grinder has 3 charges and it regains all charges weave of wires of varying thicknesses throughout it.
on a short rest. It weighs about 6 pounds and will not tear.
You can turn the handle of the grinder either While wearing this cloak as a bonus action you can
clockwise or counterclockwise, expending a charge pull it over you to shield yourself. Until the
each time you do so. When the handle is turned roll beginning of your next turn you have resistance to
1d10 to determine the spice that is ground. piercing and slashing damage but are considered
Clockwise, and the spices nicely fall from the grinder Restrained by the stiff material.
with no special effects. Counter-clockwise and after Ironwood Sapling
a small delay large shards of spices spew from the
Rod, rare
mouth of grinder up to 15 feet away affecting
The rod stands about 5 feet tall and is aptly named.
anything they hit in strange ways. You can make an
It appears to be a young sparse tree that had all its
ranged attack against a creature within range and
leaves shaken off before being cast in metal.
on a hit the spice effect takes place. If you have
While you are holding this rod if you take lightning
multiple attacks this replaces one of them.
damage the damage is reduced by 1d12 once per
1. Salt. The target creature takes 1d4 Piercing
damage and is compelled to attack you with
As an action you can drive this rod into the ground.
its next attack.
Once per round while the rod is in the ground if a
2. Peppercorn. The target takes 1d4 Fire
creature within 120 feet of the Ironwood Sapling
damage and 1d4 Piercing damage from the
takes lightning damage that damage is reduced by
spicy shards.
2d12 as the lightning arcs to the tree sapping some
3. Paprika. The target feels a burning
of it’s power. When this happens all creatures within
sensation and must succeed an Intelligence
10 feet of the rod take 1d8 thunder damage as a
small concussive wave emits from the sapling. time this bag is opened each day a ray of light
streams from the opening in a 15 foot cone. All
Pamsprei’s Peephole creatures in this cone must make a DC 12
Wand, uncommon Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end
This wand has a 2 inch glass ball at the end of it that of their next turn. This beam of light counts as a
can be used much like a magnifying glass. third level light spell for the sake of dispelling
As an action you can tap the ball on a wooden, darkness.
plaster, or stone surface (such as a wall, ceiling, or While the bag is open it emits dim light out to 15
floor) to create a small hole the same diameter as feet.
the ball itself up to 6 feet deep. This lasts up to 1
minute or until you make another such hole and Reynier’s Cold Light
creates no instability in a structure around it. When Wondrous item, uncommon
the hole disappears any objects or creatures that This bullseye lantern’s glass pane is frosted over but
may have managed to fit into it are ejected in a it still emits a strong blue light in a 60-foot cone and
space nearest to the surface the hole was created dim light for an additional 60 feet. This light can’t be
on. turned off nor does it require fuel but instead of the
lantern emitting heat it instead has a chilled aura as
Poison-Root Gauntlets if a cool autumn breeze is constantly blowing about
Wondrous item, uncommon it.
Roots gnarl over your knuckles as you put on these Any Ooze or Shapeshifter that begins or ends its
living gauntlets. Dull green leaves are growing out of turn within the bright light of this lantern takes 1
its gray bark alongside the knots and spines. cold damage.
While you are wearing these gauntlets your
unarmed attacks deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Reynier’s Overwhelming Beam
Additionally, on a critical hit with these gauntlets Rod, rare
you deal an additional 2d4 poison damage. This short, dull metallic rod has a note tied around it
If you know Druidic you can verbally command with string. The note claims that it was crafted to
these gauntlets to change their form as an action. contain the holy light of “the ancient god of some
When you do so you can change the damage type clerics I am pals with. They live on a mountain so
you deal with unarmed strikes while wearing these you know it’s legit” and is signed with Reynier’s
gauntlets to bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing. signature. It is partially hollow on one end and has a
button on the other.
Reynier’s Amulet of Radiance This rod contains 5 charges and regains 1d4+1
Wondrous item, uncommon charges each dawn. When you press the button a 6
This smooth sphere of silver is embedded with a inch beam of light flashes from the hollow of the rod
large number of small amber stones and has a out to 30 feet before quickly flickering out. The first
pinpoint hole at the very bottom. This amulet holds creature hit by this beam regains 2d8 hit points as
4 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges each they are bathed in the warm light. If there are hit
dawn. points left over after the creature has reached
As an action you can hold this amulet above your maximum hit points or the creature is already at
head and shine a light into the hole, activating the maximum hit points they must make a Constitution
amulet and expending a charge. For the next minute saving throw equal to 8 + the remaining hit points.
the amber stones emit piercing threads of light and On a failure they are Stunned for 1 turn and are
while you hold this amulet above your head any Blinded for the next minute as their eyes and mind
undead that end their turn within 15 feet of you take are overwhelmed with a burning sensation and pure
1d8 radiant damage. light. At the end of each of its turns, it can make
another Constitution saving throw. If it succeeds,
Reynier’s Bag of Sunshine the effect ends.
Wondrous item, common
This small black velvet bag is tightly tied off with a Shooting Shot Bag
suede strap. It is equivalent to a pouch and can hold Wondrous item, uncommon
the same amount of weight and volume. The first This light leather bag is attached to an inverted
wooden funnel with a cork stopper where its Are people always teasing you about your big feet?
drawstring would be. The bag can hold 20 sling Do you just really need to be able to fit into those
bullets which just barely fit through the funnel’s cute shoes in the store window? This pair of Slippers
opening. of Concealment can help you. These dainty white
As an action you can uncork the bag and focus on it, slippers are bigger on the inside than the outside.
choosing a target you can see that is within 120 feet No matter how big your feet are, they are
of you. On your next turn if your target is still visible guaranteed to fit in these slippers without stretching
and in range as an action you can guide a sling or discomfort.
bullet out of the funnel, sending it darting around
cover to its target and dealing 1d4+1 magical
Tiny Boulder
Wondrous item, uncommon
bludgeoning damage.
This pebble appears as normal on first inspection.
When you spend an action in this way you can also
On closer inspection it seems as if it has excruciating
choose a new target.
detail, each little crevice and crack smaller than
You can reload the pouch, either placing 1 sling
normal. Typically 3d6+2 Tiny Boulders are found
bullet through the funnel as an action or bonus
together in a small leather pouch.
action, or by spending 1 minute to reload all
As an attack action you can throw it 30 feet or sling
expended bullets.
it 60 feet. When the pebble strikes a surface or is
Soothing Chimes crushed it rapidly expands into a large boulder. Each
Wondrous item, Uncommon creature within a 5 foot radius must make a DC 15
These dainty translucent crystal chimes have a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d10 bludgeoning
joyful tinkle as they sway in the wind. damage, half on a successful save.
Any creature that can hear these chimes while
Vial of the Watery Steed
taking a full rest reduces their exhaustion level by 2
Wondrous, very rare
instead of 1.
Within this fist sized vial is a bright aquamarine
Additionally, if a creature must make a saving throw
water, clear as crystal, that refracts light that passes
against being Frightened while they can hear these
through it. When poured out onto the ground it
chimes they have advantage on the saving throw.
reaches from the ground to form tentacles that whip
After they gain advantage in this way they are
into a Large four legged creature. This creature has
immune to all effects of the chimes until after their
the body of a horse but at the end of its graceful
next long rest.
neck is the head of a sea creature. It is the same
Stage of the Mime color as the water within the vial but is now mostly
Wondrous item, uncommon opaque, and has a dark mane. It is equipped with a
This wooden chest is one foot on each side and has saddle, bit, and bridle, especially made for its
a simple clasped lid. The Stage of the Mime has 3 physique and all out of white leather. Any of this
charges, and weighs 4 pounds. As an action you can equipment dissolves into a puddle of water if carried
open the chest, expending a charge. more than 10 feet from the steed.
When the chest is opened it becomes spectral and The steed will remain for the next 10 hours and
unfolds into a small ghostly stage on the ground, slowly dissolve into a puddle over the course of 1
creating a 20 foot radius zone of silence, centered minute allowing the rider to dismount. However it
on the location the box was opened. This zone of will abruptly convulse into a mist if it takes any fire
silence lasts 1 minute and while within this zone of damage, is reduced to 0 hitpoints, enters into an
silence you have advantage to all performance environment of extreme cold, or extreme heat.
checks that are not considered an attack. At the end The steed uses the statistics for a warhorse, except
of 1 minute the stage disappears leaving the chest it has a speed of 80 feet, and a swimming speed of
in its place. 40 feet. You can ride it as any other well trained
The Stage of the Mime regains 1d4-1 charges each mount.
day at dawn. When the steed is destroyed or reaches the end of
its time it returns to the vial if it is open and will not
Slippers of Concealment form again for 1d4 days. If the vial is not open it will
Wondrous item, common
wait until the next dawn to attempt to return to the after a short rest.
bottle before leaving for the plane of water.

Whistle of the Wind

Wondrous item, uncommon
This wooden whistle hangs from a thick twine and
when blown does not produce the expected high
As a bonus action you can blow through the whistle,
seizing the air and compelling it to create one of the
following effects.
● One Medium or smaller creature within 30
feet must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away from
● You create a small orb of air capable of
moving one object that is neither held nor
carried within 30 feet and that weighs no
more than 15 pounds. The object is pushed
up to 20 feet away from you, but is not
pushed with enough force to cause damage.
● You blow downwards doubling your high
jump and reducing any fall damage taken by
half until the start of your next turn.

Watery Shield
Wondrous item, rare
This crystal orb is filled with water and has no visible
opening but is covered in magic runes. If you learn
the proper command word from the runes once per
day as an action you can speak the command word
to allow the water to permeate the orb and create
one of two effects.
● The water coalesces around you like a
coating of mucus. You are able to breathe as
normal but are completely covered with 1
inch barrier of magical water for 1 minute.
Fire is unable to pass through the barrier but
all other effects and objects are. While the
barrier is active you are considered immune
to fire damage.
● The water forms a 20 foot square wall that is
1 inch thick, oriented as you choose. This
wall remains for 1 minute and fire damage is
halved if the fire effect passes through the
wall to reach its target. In addition, beings
from the plane of fire must make a DC 18
Constitution check to pass through the wall.
When the effect ends the water falls to the ground
and loses all magical properties. The orb refills each
day at dawn or if it is on the plane of water it refills
as a hail of massive 20 foot swords, almost identical
Weapons to your own, crash into the ground in a 30 foot
Damaging items that are usually based on some radius around the point you chose. These swords fly
already existing weapon. from the heavens, even piercing through trees and
roofs in their path.
Any creature in the area must make a DC 14
Ancient Sword of the Scribe dexterity saving throw. If you are proficient in
Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement) Religion you add your proficiency to this DC. On a
This sword is splotched over with black and blue failure the creature takes 3d12 Piercing damage and
stains and feels extremely light. It has a scabbard 3d12 Radiant damage. Celestial creatures
covered in old parchments and weathered runes. automatically succeed this saving throw.
As an action you can transform the sword into an ink Angelic Properties
pen or back into a shortsword and when you do so This sword is immune to rusting can not be
specific runes across the scabbard glow softly. shattered. As a bonus action if you have a free hand
Once per day an action you can activate the sword you can summon this sword to you unless it is
by running your hand across the runes on the blocked by an antimagic field or a ward against
scabbard. Inky black tendrils curl out from the magical travel such as Forbiddance.
scabbard creating a copy of a set of runes on the Curse
surface of the blade. For the next 10 minutes when If you knowingly attack an innocent creature the
you hit a creature with this weapon that creature sword will immediately streak with dark gray, lose
has disadvantage on the first attack roll it makes all magic ability, and its diamond will shatter.
before the end of its next turn. Additionally, you take 1 fire damage as a symbol is
Additionally, once per short rest you can create 1d4 branded into your forehead.
sheets of parchment as an action and yet another If you unattune with this sword it will begin floating
section of runes glow softly. Any previous sheets of before, with a clap like thunder, it soars into the sky
parchment you have created in this manner are and returns to the Upper Planes.
destroyed when you create new sheets unless they
have sufficient information on them to be considered Axe of the Swarm
valuable artistically or intellectually. Weapon (Battleaxe or Greataxe), rare
This rough axe has a series of holes, each trapping a
Archangel’s Sword stone bead, behind its cutting edge. These beads
Weapon (Longsword or Greatsword), very rare shake and rattle each time the axe is swung, making
(requires attunement) a deep humming sound.
This silvery sword has a razor thin yet broad blade On a critical hit with this weapon a small swarm of
that glints yellow in the sun. It’s hand-and-a-half hilt beetles fly from the beads and attack all creatures
is coated with gold and has an exorbitantly large within 5 feet of the target creature, not including
diamond as the pommel. you, dealing 2d4 piercing damage to each creature.
Undead Bane While holding this weapon as an action you can
This sword deals Radiant damage instead of Slashing make a DC 10 Animal Handling check, on a success
damage to any undead creature. Additionally, when a small swarm of beetles emerges that can
you take the Dodge action until the beginning of accomplish any task that Mage Hand could and lasts
your next turn any undead that makes a melee 1 minute. You can summon up to three swarms in
attack against you automatically fails as the sword this manner, these swarms are under your control
flashes with a golden light. but will not attack.
Heaven’s Fury If you put down or for any reason stop holding this
While wielding this sword you can command a weapon any swarms you currently have summoned
portion of the armories of the Upper Planes. Once attack you for the remainder of the minute, or until
per day as an action you can swing the sword down, you pick up the weapon again, dealing 2d4 piercing
pointing at a point you can see within 300 feet. damage a round per swarm.
When you do so a crack like thunder can be heard
Bandolier of the Blade Wraith creature for the entire duration the target creature
incurs one level of exhaustion as they shrivel up.
Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires
attunement) The tentacles have a mind of their own and attempt
to restrain up to 3 creatures within 5 feet of the
You find 1d6 (or a number up to 6 determined by
target. The targets of the attempted grapples must
your DM) small shortswords with dark hilts on a
beat a DC equal to 14 + the target creature’s
thick bandolier that can be adjusted to fit around the
Strength modifier or be grappled.
chest or waist. You must spend a short rest with
each sword to attune with it, but if you attune with Other types of magical ammunition of this kind
at least one sword any additional swords do not exist, such as arrows meant for a bow, though bolts
require an attunement slot. are the most common.
In addition to being able to use these swords as a Black Scorpion
typical shortsword, as an attack action you can Weapon (scimitar and dagger), rare
throw a sword into the air or at a creature you can
This black scimitar and dagger have edges honed to
see within 30 feet. If you throw the sword into the
a mirror finish and are connected to each other by a
air it orbits you at arm's length for 1 hour or until
silver chain. You can attack while holding both
you dismiss it, waiting for you to command it.
weapons or, while holding only the scimitar, and
If you throw the sword at a creature, or as an attack swinging the dagger by the chain. While swinging
action command a sword to attack a creature that the dagger in this way it is considered to have the
you can see and is within 30 feet, it flies at the property reach and you attack with it as if dual
target avoiding cover and obstacles. When you do so wielding it with your off hand. If you attack while not
you make an attack roll with proficiency and your holding the dagger and roll a 1 on the attack roll you
Strength or Intelligence modifier. On a hit it deals are automatically hit by the dagger.
1d6 + your Strength or Intelligence modifier magical
If you attack and hit with the scimitar and then on
slashing damage. At the end of the hour, when you
the same turn hit the same creature with the dagger
dismiss it, or after it attacks a target, the sword will
the target creature takes an additional 2d8 necrotic
return to the bandolier if you are wearing it, flying
around obstacles to do so. If you are not wearing
This effect does not apply if the creature is not hit by
the bandolier it will instead fly to your hand if you
both weapons or the dagger hits before the scimitar.
have a free hand, or stab itself into the ground at
your feet if you do not. Blue Arcing Blade
Note: The player can later find more swords if you Weapon (any metal weapon that deals slashing or
want to make it increase in power slowly, or even piercing damage), rare (requires attunement)
find more than 6. Nothing says they can’t have say a When you find this weapon it has lightning coming
dozen of these wraith swords. off it in tendrils, arcing to almost any object or
surface within 5 feet of it. When you get closer you
Binding Bolts of the Kraken notice that it's made of a bright blue metal with
Weapon (bolt), very rare
white streaks running through it. It has a gold
These bolts have mottled heads emblazoned with
handle with a sapphire embed in the hilt.
the tentacled symbol of Panzuriel. If one of these
Until it is attuned with a creature every time you
arrows draws blood the symbol on its head glows a
attempt to pick it up you must succeed on a DC 12
deep amber before exploding in a cloud of yellow
Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 lightning
and black energy. The creature damaged by this
arrow must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
Water Affinity. As an attack action you can stab
throw. On a successful save the creature takes an
this sword into a body of water and target a creature
additional 2d8 necrotic damage. On a failed save
you can see within 10 feet of the body of water.
tentacles of a size proportional to the target creature
That creature must make a Dexterity saving throw
erupt from the wound and they take an additional
or take 2d10 lightning damage. If you are not a
4d8 necrotic damage.
spellcaster this uses your Constitution modifier as
These tentacles remain on the creature for 1 minute
your spellcasting ability.
unless they are removed with Remove Curse, or
If this sword has not touched water in over a week it
Greater Restoration. If the tentacles remain on the
must be fully submerged in water for at least a long with this bow as an action you can call on the spirits
rest to regain this property. While it is doing so it of the Caelondia Breakers as you pull back the
sparks slightly and the water tingles with electricity. string. Strands of light manifest at the tip of the
Hidden Curse. The player is not made fully aware arrow and swirl down the shaft towards your hand
of this curse even after attunement. Every time you and the bow resounds with a crack when you
stab this sword into a body of water you must make release. The arrow fires forward in flash of light 1
a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 foot wide and 50 feet long before disintegrating.
lightning damage. Additionally, you have Make a separate attack roll for each target in the
disadvantage to saving throws against other effects line. The arrow deals 1d8 + your Strength modifier
that deal lightning damage. radiant damage to the first target hit and half that
If this weapon is fully submerged for a day or more much damage to each additional target hit.
the water surrounding it is literally arcing with
electricity and any creature that attempts to take it
Cael Hammer
Weapon (warhammer), rare (requires attunement)
out of the water must make a DC 12 Constitution
This hammer has a massive square head made from
saving throw or take 1d10 lightning damage for each
a gold alloy and is well worn on its spiked front face.
day it has been submerged.
On each side of the head near the front there is a
Hidden Purge. There is a way to purge this item of
small hole that seems to be made to hold a prism or
curses that the player is not made aware of even by
gemstone. The handle is forged from a blue steel
attunement or identification.
and tightly wrapped in cloth. The hammer as a
If a creature is attuned to this weapon and takes
whole weighs 8 pounds and has the property heavy,
more than 20 damage in one hit while taking it out
although almost all of the weight is from its large
of the water or the weapon has been fully
submerged for over a week without being disturbed
Checkered Face. Attacks made with this hammer
the electricity constantly arcing off of it is now
ignore resistance to bludgeoning damage and grant
contained to the sword, and the arcs of electricity
you advantage on attack rolls against stone objects.
run up and down the length of the blade instead.
Stunning Wallop. If you have not moved yet this
The curse is now completely gone and additionally
turn as an action you can bring the hammer down
the weapon gains a new ability that the player
over your head with inhuman force, the hammer
learns about.
seeming to pull itself towards the ground. Make an
Once per day as an action you can activate the
attack roll against a target within 5 feet. Hit or miss,
sword and a dark roiling fog coalesces around your
each creature other than you within 5 feet of the
feet out to a radius of 30 feet. For the next minute
target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
this fog follows you and sparks crackle through it.
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6
Once per turn you can choose a point within the fog
thunder damage. When you use the hammer in this
as an attack action. A surge of lightning erupts from
way your movement speed is reduced to 0 until the
that point and all creatures within 5 feet of that
beginning of your next turn.
point except yourself must make a Dexterity saving
throw. If you are not a spellcaster this uses your Returned Shards.
Constitution modifier as your spellcasting ability. The If you can manage to find the missing pieces of the
affected creatures take 3d10 lightning damage on a Cael Hammer its power will increase with each shard
failed save or half as much damage on a successful returned. These shards appear to be small cubes of
one. gold and are placed point first into the holes of the
Cael Hammer. They settle into place with a click,
Breaker’s Bow and are almost impossible to remove.
Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement)
1 Shard: Reverse Grip
This longbow is appears to be made from horn
You can swing at least as hard coming back as going
wrapped with sinew, and dyed a deep red. Unlike
forward. If you successfully hit a creature twice in
most bows you must use your Strength modifier
one turn with this hammer they are knocked back
instead of your Dexterity modifier for attack and
up to 10 feet.
damage rolls with this weapon.
2 Shards: Alloy Shaft
Signature Caelondian Weapon. If you are attuned
The hammer feels like it guides itself towards your
targets. On a successful hit you deal an additional except it has half the range (40/160 feet) and
1d8 bludgeoning damage. doesn’t have the loading property. It automatically
3 Shards: Bell Face rotates to the next barrel until it runs out of
Your blows resound as they strike their target, ammunition. You can reload up to two bolts as an
dazing them. Once per long rest you can activate action.
the hammer as an action. For the next minute any
creature hit by the hammer must make a DC 14
Cloud Giant’s Hammer
Weapon (warhammer), rare
Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the
This warhammer is quite obviously made for a giant,
beginning of your next turn.
although you have a suspicion they would call this a
4 Shards: Ura Engravings
light hammer. The head of it is over 2 feet long and
As the last shard snaps into place the hammer glows
of substantial thickness. When stood on its head the
slightly as delicate lines trace over the hammer
iron knob at the end of its blue handle comes up to
etching tribal symbols into its surface. This hammer
the shoulders of an average human. Judging by the
now scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20. Additionally,
crude markings and runes that could represent wind
on a critical hit you deal an extra 2d8 damage (for a
and sky chiseled into its face you can assume it’s the
total of 5d8 bludgeoning damage).
hammer of either a storm or cloud giant.
Notes: For increased power the hammer can be
For its massive size it swings through the air with
found with some shards already in it. Of course
surprising ease, likely some form of magic to make
added shards increase the rarity of the item. At your
it a more effective throwing hammer for someone of
discretion you can easily discard the Returned
the intended size. It feels as if it weighs about 24
Shards feature.
pounds although without the magic it probably
Corrupted Hammer of Life weighs far more.
Weapon (warhammer), rare (requires attunement) This hammer has the properties Heavy, Reach, and
This warhammer has an unusually large head made Two-handed. All creatures of size Large or Medium
of blue tinted steel, and weighs 5 pounds. have disadvantage on their attack rolls with this
On a critical hit with this weapon you deal an hammer, and Small or smaller creatures cannot
additional 2d10 radiant damage. If you score a attack with it at all. On a hit this hammer does 3d8
critical hit against an undead creature you gain half bludgeoning damage, and on a critical hit the second
of the radiant damage in temporary hit points as the damage roll is lightning damage.
hammer dimly glows. Hidden Property. If the magic on the hammer is
Curse. On a critical failure with this weapon all dispelled or it enters the area of an anti-magic field
creatures within 5 feet of the hammer, including the hammer instantly becomes 160 pounds and
yourself, must make a DC 15 Constitution saving completely un-wieldable by a creature smaller than
throw or take 2d10 necrotic damage as the hammer Huge until the magic is restored or it is removed
hums loudly and crackles with dark energy. from the anti-magic field.
Additionally, while attuned to this hammer you take Dagger of Shadowy Displacement
half healing from spells of 2nd level or lower. Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
Crossbow Cannon This dagger has a hilt of wrought iron, with a black
Weapon (crossbow, special), uncommon opal set in its guard. The blade is chipped from
obsidian, but obviously magically hardened.
You find what appears to be a 3 foot tall modified
barrel. It has 8 knobs around its base each with a If you are standing in dim light or darkness as an
slot going up the length. On one side it has two action you can make a thrown attack with this
metal handles, the bottom of which has a lever, and dagger against any creature you can see that is also
a large leather strap. Inside the barrel you can see a in dim light or darkness as if they are within 20 feet
canister filling the whole barrel with 8 holes just of you.
bigger than your thumb carved into it. If you have a free hand you can summon this
This barrel weighs 30 pounds, and has the property dagger as a bonus action while standing in darkness.
heavy. It can hold and fire up to 8 bolts before you Once per day as an action you can create a cloud of
need to reload. It is similar to a light crossbow magical darkness, as if you cast Darkness, with a
radius of 20 feet centered on yourself. This darkness piercing damage.
lasts 1 minute and does not require concentration If you have already moved this turn you have
but while you are holding this dagger you can see disadvantage on all attacks with this weapon.
through the darkness as if it was a light mist. Hollowed Chamber. This crossbow does not have
the loading property, but instead has the reload(9)
Dragon’s Breath property, meaning that you can fire 9 bolts before
Weapon (quarterstaff), rare (requires attunement)
having to reload as an action.
This quarterstaff still has its bark on it except for
where a long oriental dragon twists around it, Bone Fragments.
carefully carved, sanded, and oiled to a sheen. There are ribs missing from the spine of the
As an attack action you can attempt to shove a repeater. If you find the missing ribs and re-fasten
creature within 15 feet of you with a swipe of this them the power of the repeater will increase. You
weapon as a strong warm wind suddenly buffets will know when you found the right bones because
them. If you attempt to push them with the shove the eye sockets of the skull on the crossbow gently
and succeed they are pushed 10 feet directly away glow red when you grow near a piece.
from you. Alternatively, you can make the shove 1 Rib: Speed Clip
check with disadvantage to push them 5 feet in any You can now reload 6 bolts as a bonus action,
direction of your choice. instead of reloading all 9 as an action.
Additionally, once per long rest as an action you can 2 Ribs: Reinforced Piston
cast the spell Burning Hands originating from the The bolts fly from the mouth of the skull faster than
maw of the carved dragon. before. On a successful hit you now deal an
Other polearm variations of this type exist, such as a additional 1d4 piercing damage.
glaive or halberd, though all variations have the 3 Ribs: Double Clip
same dragon carved into their shaft. The ribs bend outward as the central bone cluster
expands. The repeater can hold 6 more bolts than
Elytriss’ Rod of Numbing before and now has the reload(15) property instead
Weapon (club), rare of the reload(9) property.
This short metal rod is about the length of a human 4 Ribs: Tracking Critters
forearm. Its top half ends in a small ball and its The eye sockets of the repeater now constantly glow
lower half is sheathed in dappled green granite. As red. Once per short rest as an action you can empty
long as you hold it by the stone handle, you don’t the remainder of the bolts in the repeater. The bolts
have to worry about the nastier effects of the wind through the air as they seek their targets. For
protruding metal nub. every 3 bolts remaining you may target an
On a successful attack with this club you deal 1d4 additional creature within a 60 foot cone and make a
Lightning damage to the target. Each turn the first single attack roll with advantage against each
target you hit must make a DC 13 Constitution creature.
saving throw or be Stunned until the end of their Notes: For increased power the revolver can be
next turn. found with extra ribs already in it. Of course this
Fang Repeater increases the rarity of the item. At your discretion
you can easily discard the Bone Fragments feature.
Weapon (hand crossbow), rare
As best can be described this appears to you to be a Frozen Fang
hand crossbow, constructed of bone. The skull of a
Weapon (dagger), uncommon
small creature adorns the business end, and the
This dagger has a blade of pure un-breaking ice on a
bolts fire from its mouth. The creature’s ribs are
hilt of cold steel. Its jagged edge is only further
splayed down the length of the stock and around a
accentuated by the shards protruding from it. There
revolving cluster of bone with several bolts within its
are 6 large shards and on each successful attack one
lodges itself within the target. For each shard stuck
This crossbow has a range of 30/60, and when you
in the target it takes 1d4 cold damage at the start of
fire it rapidly spits out 3 bolts in rapid succession as
its turn. The shards can be removed as action but
a single attack. On a successful hit you deal 2d4
they melt within 10 minutes once detached from the
dagger and cannot be re-attached. All expended serve as a destination sigil for a spell such as
shards regenerate at dawn. Teleport or other similar teleport spells. In order to
use it as a destination the caster must know the sigil
Granite Orbiting Hammer sequence for the sword which the currently attuned
Weapon (warhammer), rare creature can teach to anyone they choose. If a
This rotund hammer is made from a gray granite creature attempts to teleport to the sword while it is
flecked with gold and black. It weighs 6 pounds, has not driven into the ground the spell fails and is
the heavy property, and a short chain attached to its wasted.
metal handle. Additionally, any creature that has touched the
While wielding this hammer you can begin swinging sword within the past 24 hours can take a knee and
it by the chain to build up momentum as an action. mentally reach out to the sword as an action. If they
While this hammer is swinging it does an additional are on the same plane as the sword, within 1 mile,
1d8 bludgeoning damage. On a critical failure the and if the sword is still driven into the ground from
hammer loses its momentum and you must begin since they last touched it they are teleported to a
swinging again. random unoccupied space within 10 feet of the
Blood of The Mountain. If you are a dwarf or sword. Any creature teleported in this manner is
attuned to the Belt of Dwarvenkind you can unlock Incapacitated for 1 minute as they recover from
this hammer’s true potential. Once per day as an being forcefully shunted through the Ethereal Plane.
action you can touch the hammer to the ground and Curse. After using any feature of this sword you are
utter the phrase carved into the hammer to activate Deafened for 1 minute almost as if your sense of
it. When you do so the granite head doubles in size, hearing hasn’t returned along with your body after
and now weighs 24 pounds. For the next 10 minutes traveling through the Ethereal Plane.
it does an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage (for a You are permanently Deafened while on the Ethereal
total of 2d8 when using it normally and 3d8 while plane and all you can hear is the voice of the sword
you are swinging it), and has the property reach. loud and clear almost as if it is resounding all around
Greatsword of Ethereal Displacement you.
Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires Big Annihilating Divination Crossbow
attunement) Weapon (Crossbow, Heavy), very rare (requires
This greatsword has a blade of folded steel that attunement by a creature proficient in martial
shimmers in the light and a hilt adorned with pearl ranged weapons)
inlays. When you attune to it you feel a faint This massive crossbow has a modified firing
presence touch your mind and you hear a whisper mechanism which makes it challenging to use but
through your thoughts. The sword can telepathically capable of firing extremely long distances. If you
communicate with anyone touching it, but it seems take an action to set it up the range of this crossbow
far away and is barely audible. It asks you for souls, becomes 250/1000 but it must be set up again if
it does not care of what or whom, to be sent to the you move. This crossbow has 3 charges and it
ethereal plane. Or in simpler terms, for you to kill. regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
Bloody Displacement If you currently know the location of a creature due
Every time you draw blood with this sword you can to the effect of divination magic making an attack at
feel it’s satisfaction. When you successfully hit a long range against that creature no longer imposes
creature with this sword you may teleport up to 10 disadvantage. Additionally, attacks against that
feet, and when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points creature ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
with this sword you may teleport up to 30 feet. You Charged Bolt
must teleport to an unoccupied space when you
As an action you can activate the crossbow,
teleport in this manner.
expending a charge. When you do so you can target
Otherworldly Movement any location you can see, or divine, within range. A
Once per short rest as an action while holding the streak of brilliant purple light screams from the
sword you can cast Blink. mouth of the crossbow towards the target. Roll 1d4-
Planar Beacon 1 and move the actual point where the bolt strikes
When this sword is driven into the ground it can that many squares in a random direction from its
intended location. Any creatures within 20 feet of and the handle is still intact.
that point must make a DC 16 Constitution saving As an action you can drive the blade into the ground
throw as the bolt lands with an immense boom. On a if it is earth or sand. As you do so grasping vines
failure they take 5d6 thunder damage and are and weeds sprout from the ground and a few leaves
deafened for 1 minute. On a success they take half grow from the hilt of the sword. The sword casts
as much damage and are not deafened. Entangle on the ground around it in a 10 foot radius
with a spell save DC of 15. This effect lasts until it is
Incandescent Pike removed from the ground. Any creatures touching
Weapon (pike), rare
the hilt of this sword when it is driven into the
The head of this pike is so chalky white that you ground are immune to this effect.
question if it is really made of metal. Its pearly face
glows with a dim light out to 5 feet. Moonscraper
When you make an attack with this weapon a flash Weapon (greatsword), rare (requires attunement)
of light flickers from its tip, creating a 5 foot line This magical greatsword is unusually broad and has
from the end of the pike. The first creature the line a gap through the width of the blade starting
hits takes 1d4 radiant damage as it is struck by halfway up from the handle. The metal is pocked
searing heat. and dull as if it was never polished, and has no hilt.
In place of the hilt it has an unsharpened spike
Lead Hex Crossbow forged from the blade running parallel with the
Weapon (crossbow), rare handle.
This crossbow is made almost entirely of metal and As an action you can speak the command word and
has a rune scorched into the stock. It is twice as pull the spike away from the handle, splitting the
heavy as it normally would be, and can not have the sword down the gap with a crack. When the sword
property light. You can choose to attack normally separates both pieces expand in width as they fold
with it, or instead, when you make an attack you against each of your arms. The portion attached to
can choose to imbue the bolt with the aspect of lead. the blade forms a large shield the shape of a thick
When imbued with the aspect of lead the bolts do crescent moon, while the portion attached to the
not do any damage, but on a successful hit they spike forms a smaller shield that fits into the larger
explode into a hexagonal prism of metal that shield to complete a circle.
appears to pierce through the target. These prisms While you are wielding Moonscraper in shield form
do not create any holes or surface damage, despite you gain a total of +3 to your AC. Additionally, as a
appearing to pass through objects. This prism bonus action you can attempt to shove a creature
weighs 15 pounds if it’s from a hand crossbow, 20 within 15 feet of you by throwing the smaller shield.
pounds from a light crossbow, and 40 pounds from a You can easily throw or drop the smaller shield, but
heavy crossbow. Each prism decreases the target the larger piece can not be removed from your arm
creature’s movement by 5 feet if it is large or unless Moonscraper returns to greatsword form.
smaller, and if the total weight of the prisms is equal
The smaller shield will always return to your hand at
to or greater than the weight of the target creature
the end of your turn. If you have no free hand for
it is considered Restrained.
the smaller shield to return to it will instead return
You can create up to 10 of these prisms, if you to its place in the larger shield.
attempt to create more than 10 the oldest prism
As a bonus action if you are holding both pieces of
dissolves. The prisms can not be removed from their
Moonscraper you can put the smaller shield in its
target, but dissolve after 10 minutes.
place. When the smaller shield returns to its place
Living Wooden Blade Moonscraper once again becomes a greatsword, no
Weapon (any sword), uncommon matter how it was returned.
This sword is made from a well weathered wood, but Moonscraper (Simplified)
its hilt and handle are yet covered with bark, and Weapon (greatsword), uncommon (requires
carefully molded. It bends, yet doesn’t splinter, and attunement)
it’s edge is as sharp as steel. Any damage that has
This magical greatsword is unusually broad and has
been done to the sword is repaired at dawn as long
a gap through the width of the blade starting
as the blade has been dipped in water in the last day
halfway up from the handle. The metal is pocked you have unbound.
and dull as if it was never polished, and has no hilt. Toll the Bells
In place of the hilt it has an unsharpened spike As an action you can bang this quarterstaff into the
forged from the blade and running parallel with the ground or against a nearby object, expending a
handle. charge as the bells clatter. Any creature that can
As a bonus action you can speak the command word hear the bells within 10 feet of you has disadvantage
to transform Moonscraper from a greatsword into a on their first melee attack against you on their next
shield the shape of a thick crescent moon or back turn. Additionally, on your next turn you have
into a greatsword. While holding Moonscraper in advantage on your first melee attack against any
shield form with both hands you gain a +3 shield affected creature.
bonus to your AC, but otherwise you do not benefit. On a successful melee attack with this quarterstaff
Additionally, while Moonscraper is in shield form you against an affected creature you gain temporary hit
can attempt to shove a creature within 15 feet of points equal to the damage you deal.
you by throwing the shield as an attack action. Curse
When thrown in this way the shield returns to you at The first time since your attunement that you unbind
the end of your turn. a bell you lose 1d6 max hit points as you hear its
discordant chime. These hit points do not return
when you unattune from this item, and greater
restoration can not restore these hit points while you
Weapon (quarterstaff), rare (requires attunement)
are still attuned.
This quarterstaff is made from an ancient wood that
You can not unattune to this weapon until all bells
is graying from age but is still stout and stable. At
have been silenced with a strip of cloth.
the bottom it has a forged iron cap and near the top
8 roughly hewn iron bells of several sizes, sprouting Pamsprei’s Blinding Chalkbow
out wildly at all angles. Each bell is secured at its Weapon (hand crossbow), uncommon
base to the staff in such a way that when the staff is This small crossbow has several modifications to the
held upright the bells are left jutting upside-down channel and string that make it almost impossible to
into the air. Coming from every bell is a ratty cloth fire a regular crossbow bolt. You will find however,
wrapped around the clapper to keep it from that it is deadly accurate while firing chalk. When
sounding. you fire a piece of chalk at a target with this weapon
Because of the bells and wrought iron this on a successful hit it does 1 + your dexterity
quarterstaff weighs 6 pounds and does 1d8 modifier bludgeoning damage, and on contact
bludgeoning damage, Versatile 1d10. pulverizes into a fine 5 foot cloud. Any creatures
When you attune to this quarterstaff you realize that within the cloud must make a DC 14 constitution
the bells are more than a noisy addition that must saving throw or be Blinded until the end of your next
be silenced, but that each holds a portion of magic turn as chalk gets in their eyes.
power that is unleashed as they are unbound.
Pamsprei’s Piercing Sling
Weapon (sling), rare
When you unbind the first bell you feel a small
This sling is made from a dark pliable leather and
surge. You aren’t sure what of, but it courses
each strap is tied through a small piece of jade with
through your body. Each bell rings out with a clang
a hole bored through it. Its most unique feature
as it is released from its wrappings, even if it does
however, is that this particular sling seems to have
not strike the bell, as if the sound was trapped
been modified to use darts as ammunition.
within the binding. This quarterstaff has 1 charge for
You must use darts as ammunition for this sling and
every bell it currently has unbound and it takes 1
because of this it instead has a range of 60/240 and
action to unbind a bell. It regains 1d8 expended
deals 1d6 piercing damage.
charges each day at dawn.
Once a day if you bang the two pieces of jade
When you have any number of bells unbound you
together they will make a faint ping. The next attack
have disadvantage to stealth checks while holding
you make with this sling the dart will burst from the
the quarterstaff and your DM may change how easily
sling in a 60 foot line, leaving a needle-thin green
an enemy hears you based on the number of bells
trail behind it, before disintegrating. All creatures in
the line must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving saving
throw. On a failure they take 4d6 piercing damage Roaring Hammer of Resonance
and on a success they take half as much. Weapon (warhammer), very rare
This hammer is made of a single piece of metal,
Pamsprei’s Psychic Stamp including the handle, and is hollow even though it
Weapon (Light Hammer), rare (requires attunement) weighs the same as any other hammer. It has a hole
This light hammer has a solid yet almost rubbery on each end of the head and when swung makes a
brown head that makes very little noise on impact sound akin to a muffled warcry.
with solid surfaces. The head of this hammer is On a successful hit with this weapon the target
slathered with a blue-black liquid that occasionally creature and all creatures within 5 feet except
drips off its surface. Luckily this hammer comes with yourself take thunder damage equal to your
its own custom holster to keep it from staining your proficiency modifier, as it creates a loud gong-like
clothes. smash.
When a successful attack is made against a creature On a critical failure with this weapon the concussion
with this hammer it leaves a large wet blotch of ink vibrates through your arms and you take 1d10
on the target creature. This ink dries after 10 thunder damage.
minutes and is so oily it's almost impossible to rub Other weapons of this type exist, such as Roaring
off even when wet. Maul of Resonance, and Roaring Flail of Resonance,
As an action you can activate this hammer and but warhammers are the most common.
choose up to 5 creatures you can see with a wet ink
blotch. These creatures must make a DC 14 Wisdom Scrap Musket
saving throw. On a failure they feel as if they were Weapon, rare
struck exactly where the ink blotch is, take 1d4 This piece is an artful combination of steel and wood
Psychic damage, and are pushed 5 feet away from that looks like it has had better days. A long dented
where the ink blotch is on their body. If they have metal barrel flairs from the gouged wooden stock.
more than 1 ink blotch on their body they fall Prone Each time you pull the trigger a muffled boom and
instead of being pushed and take 1d4 additional an orange glow erupts from the barrel. The musket
Psychic for each additional blotch. Huge or larger has the following properties: ammunition (range
creatures are not pushed and do not fall prone. 30/60), loading, two-handed and it weighs 8
When the ink dries it becomes mundane ink but pounds. To load the musket you can jam a handful
leaves a stain for 10 days or until it is scrubbed with of ammo or rocks down the muzzle. This consumes
soap and water. 50 ball bearings, 10 sling ammo, or (if your DM
allows it) a handful of rocks or debris.
Rebounding Flail While the musket is loaded you can make a ranged
Weapon (flail), uncommon attack with it as an attack action. On a hit does
You might second guess calling this weapon a flail 1d12 + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage
when comparing its bulk to any other. Its spherical to the target. You do not have disadvantage in close
head is attached to a reinforced ash pole about 4 combat while making ranged attacks with this
feet long. The head is made out of a material you weapon.
have never felt before, it is pitch black and gives Smoothbore Barrel
slightly to the touch. When you hit things with it it On a successful hit you deal 1 bludgeoning damage
rebounds slightly as if bouncing despite its solid to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. This
impact. It weighs 8 pounds, has the properties damage is unaffected by critical hits.
Heavy, and Two-handed, and deals 1d12 Expanded Chamber
bludgeoning damage.
On a critical hit with this weapon the target creature
As an action you can make an attack with reach. If is pushed back 5 feet and must make a DC 15
this attack is successful you may use the rebound of Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
the strike to make another attack with reach against
Final Warning
a different target within 5 feet of the original target
As an action if the musket is loaded you can fire it
as a bonus action.
into the air, rapidly pulling the trigger multiple times
to overload it. When you do so designate a 30-foot green glow around you.
cube originating from you. On the start of your next
turn each creature in the designated cube must Storm Whip
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw as the Weapon (whip), rare
ammunition fragments rain down. On a failure the This leather whip has a long metal handle that
creature takes 4d8 piercing damage, or half on a crackles with electricity when you aren’t holding it. It
successful one. can be used like any other whip, or if you are
You must take a long rest before using this feature proficient with whips can cause one of the following
again. effects as an action.
● The tip of the whip begins to pulse with a
Spear of the Snow bright light. You flick it at a point in the air
Weapon (spear), rare with a loud pop and all creatures within 5
This spear has an uncommonly large head with a feet of a point you choose within 10 feet
bluish hue and an intricate etching of a winter must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
landscape across it. When thrown it creates a throw. On a failure they are blinded for 1
billowing cloud of snowflakes in a 10 foot radius minute. They can repeat this save at the end
around where it struck whether it hit its target or of their turn.
not, blinding any creatures within the radius. The ● The metal handle crackles and the air
cloud dissipates at the end of your next turn. around you tingles. You target one Large or
Once per short rest if you successfully hit a creature smaller creature within 30 feet as the now
with the spear you can force that creature to make a electrified whip lashes out with surprising
Constitution saving throw equal to 10 + your range. The targeted creature must succeed a
proficiency (if you are proficient in spears). On a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to 10
failure they are restrained for 1 minute as ice + your proficiency or be pulled up to 15 feet
freezes them in their tracks. They may repeat this in a straight line towards you. The targeted
saving throw at the end of each turn. creature takes 1d4 Lightning damage for
Additionally, if driven into the ground as an action it every 5 feet it is pulled.
freezes the ground and everything not held or worn
within a 15-foot radius, which is treated as rough War Machete
terrain until the spear is picked up again, and all Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)
non-magical fires within the radius are extinguished. This straight blade is crafted from a black alloy that
gleams red in the light. It is clearly segmented and a
Spider’s Sting spike juts from the back of each segment.
Weapon (shortsword, rapier, or dagger), rare Unnatural Speed. The blade seems to cut through
(requires attunement) the air and it swings with an uncanny speed. At the
This weapon has no hilt at all, with only a simple start of your turn you can prepare yourself to make
flair to keep your hand from slipping onto the blade. a flurry of attacks. Until the end of your turn you
The blade is a fine steel that glints green in the light take a -5 penalty to all your attack rolls, but in
and gently curves towards the user. return you can make an additional Attack Action as a
When you make a successful melee attack with this bonus action.
weapon a pale green glow surrounds the target
creature for your eyes only. For the next day or until
Blade Segments.
There are sections yet missing from this blade. If
the creature dies you can see them even through
you find the missing segments you can place them
walls or when blinded as long as they are within 250
near the end of the machete and they fly toward it
feet of you. The target creature can not benefit from
and snap into place. Each segment returned
being invisible or surrounding darkness against you
increases the power of this weapon as it increases in
when outlined in this way.
length just slightly.
Curse. While attuned to this weapon you have
1 Segment: Graver Bolster
disadvantage on any saving throws against Poison
damage or being Poisoned. Additionally, any spider You can unsheath this weapon almost faster than
can always see you as if you have the same pale the eye can follow. If this weapon is within your
reach once per turn you can unsheath it without
expending your object interaction. Additionally, build rune to activate it. When you do so the rune
when you activate Unnatural Speed you can flashes a bright purple as a 5 foot wide 10 foot tall
automatically deal 1 slashing damage to a number wall of force erupts from the surface you struck. This
of creatures up to your dexterity modifier within 5 wall can provide full cover to a single Medium or
feet of you. smaller creature and lasts 1 minute or until you
2 Segments: Spectral Spine create another wall.
As an action you can swing this weapon forward Break
flinging several spectral images of itself through the When you make an attack with the break rune
air as they split off from the sword. Make a ranged against a wall of force created by this hammer the
attack roll against up to 3 targets within a 30 foot rune will flash a bright purple and then an electric
cone, dealing 1d6 piercing damage on a hit. They crackle can be heard. All creatures in a 15 foot cone
may appear spectral but their effects are not. originating from the wall must succeed a DC 14
3 Segments: Scumbag Tip Dexterity saving throw or take 3d4 magical Piercing
As the length of the blade grows it cuts even deeper, damage as the wall of force shatters into countless
but something seems different now. This weapon shards and flies outwards.
now scores a critical hit with a roll of 19 or 20 on an Bend
attack roll. Additionally, on a critical hit it deals an When you make an attack against a creation of
additional 1d6 poison damage. magical force with this hammer the caster must
4 Segments: Ghost of the Blade make a DC 10 concentration saving throw. If the
As the final segment snaps into place ethereal wisps object is not being concentrated on you
begin gently curling from the blade. Once per long automatically destroy a 1 foot cube. Magic items are
rest as an action you can summon the ghost of the unaffected by this effect.
blade and an angular shadowy figure dashes forward
in a 5 foot wide 30 foot line. It makes a melee
Greater Warhammer of Force
attack using your modifiers against every creature it Manipulation
passes within 5 feet of. On a successful hit it deals Weapon (warhammer), Very Rare
damage as if it was striking with this weapon. This warhammer has a thick head adorned with
Additionally, if it passes through a creature they intertwining geometric channels. These channels are
must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, stained a majestic purple and are carved deep into
taking 2d6 force damage on a failure. the sides. There are two runes large runes inset into
You will know when you can use this feature again the hammer, one on each face, and a third rune
as the ethereal wisps begin anew. repeated along the inside of it’s channels. With a DC
Notes: For increased power the machete can be 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check you determine that
found with extra segments already on it. Of course the two large runes mean “build” and “break”
this increases the rarity of the item. At your respectively and the repeating rune is “bend”.
discretion you can easily discard the Blade Build
Segments feature. As an action you can strike a solid surface with the
build rune to activate it. When you do so the rune
Lesser Warhammer of Force flashes a bright purple as a 15 foot wide 15 foot tall
Manipulation wall of force erupts from the surface you struck. This
Weapon (warhammer), rare wall can provide full cover for any creatures behind
This warhammer has a thick head adorned with it and lasts 10 minutes or until you create another
intertwining geometric channels. These channels are wall.
stained a majestic purple and are carved deep into Break
the sides. There are two runes large runes inset into When you make an attack with the break rune
the hammer, one on each face. With a DC 16 against a wall of force created by this hammer the
Intelligence (Arcana) check you determine that rune will flash a bright purple and then an electric
these runes mean “build” and “break” respectively. crackle can be heard. All creatures in a 15 cube
Build adjacent to the wall must succeed a DC 16 Dexterity
As an action you can strike a solid surface with the saving throw or take 4d4 magical Piercing damage
as the wall of force shatters into countless shards
and flies forwards. to bear the burden are not worthy to wield me”, and
Bend you will not be able to attune again to the hammer.
When you make an attack against a creation of
magical force with this hammer the caster must
Weapon of the Forgotten Pact
Weapon (any melee weapon), rare (requires
make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw as the
entire hammer hums and its channels pulse. If they
This weapon is tarnished and dingy, as if it has been
fail you can move a 5 foot cube of the creation up to
exposed to the elements for far too long, but is not
30 feet away from you. When this happens you can
rusted. You can not find its sheath anywhere and its
hear a sudden burst of wind but feel no breeze.
handle is bare metal with no wrapping.
If the object is not being concentrated on this effect
is automatic. Once per short rest you can activate the weapon as
a bonus action. As you activate it you hear a
Warhammer of Retribution cacophony of jumbled whispers and the weapon
Weapon (warhammer), very rare (requires seems to almost guide itself towards its target,
attunement by a creature with at least 12 Charisma) leaving a sickly blue trail behind it. While it is
This warhammer is more sturdily built than most activated you have a +1 bonus to attack rolls made
you have seen and the sides of its blocky head are with this weapon.
adorned in silver inlays. As you grasp it by the After it has been activated for one minute you must
handle you feel a weight come upon you as if you make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure
gained a great responsibility. you take 1d12 psychic damage as the voices crowd
Once per short rest as an action you can activate the your mind and your vision flashes white. On a
hammer, swinging it down into the ground with a success you take half as much damage.
crack and for everyone except you the hammer For every minute the weapon is activated you gain
becomes all but unmovable, and begins emanating a an additional +1 to hit with this weapon. However,
heavy aura. For the next minute or until you pick up for every minute the weapon is active you must
the hammer, whichever comes first, all creatures make another DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, and the
within 60 feet of the hammer must make a Strength damage increases by 1d12.
saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency + your To deactivate this weapon when you make a Wisdom
Charisma modifier at the beginning of their turn. On saving throw against it you may choose to try to
a failure their movement speed is halved by the break free from it. On a success you take no
crushing aura until the beginning of their next turn. damage and the weapon is deactivated. On a failure
If the creature is an Aberration, Fiend, or Undead you are unable to clear the voices from your head
they additionally fall Prone on a failure. When you and you take damage as normal.
activate the hammer you may choose a number of Curse. When you attune to this weapon you make a
creatures up to 2 times your Charisma modifier that binding pact with an ancient one. If you die while
automatically succeed their saving throws against attuned to this weapon or go unconscious while the
this effect. weapon is activated your soul will be trapped within
Any creature who is Prone and fails their Strength the weapon as one of the many voices, and just as
saving throw against the aura gains 1 level of all the other souls, you can not be released until a
exhaustion and can not stand back up until either favor for the ancient one has been completed by
the aura is gone or they leave its radius. Exhaustion another person. If you un-attune with this weapon
gained in this way can not kill the creature, and is before completing a favor for the ancient one you
removed after 1 hour. are certain you will suffer great misfortune.
Curse. While attuned to this item you constantly
feel a heavy burden on your shoulders and your
movement speed is reduced by 5 feet, but you are
immune to the aura of the hammer. This hammer is
equivalent to 20 pounds for you, even though to
others it is a normal weight. If you remove this
curse the attunement will break and you will hear
whispered in your mind “Those who are not willing
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement.)
When wearing this cowl a barbarian’s rage is
conveyed to those around them. All allies within 5
feet add the barbarian’s rage bonus to any melee
attack damage they make, so long as the barbarian
is currently raging. The bonus to allies ends when
the barbarian’s rage does.
Broom -maybe it swims, definitely doesnt fly
Crystal ball - doesnt see the future
Looking glass/mirror
instant picnic scroll
Keys, and or keyrings
Frontline belt: Heal for an additional amount equal
to proficiency (AccPsycho)
Healing surge
Ring that changes your properties underwater
(Robert Towell)
Pogostick, random jump height.
Animate the skeleton…. While its still inside you
Satyr horn, shoelaces, hair pin/stick, ring of
summon haystack, chicken foot, whistle, magical
Sword of Goujian
Scroll of flight

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