5e Custom Magic Items
5e Custom Magic Items
5e Custom Magic Items
Feel free to keep using the items here if you want, but I will no longer be updating this document… because I
put them on my website! You can find these items plus many more, updated/corrected versions, and hopefully
an easier way to search and look through these items!
Thank you to all those who have submitted corrections and wording suggestions and I hope the site is more
useful than this old slow google document :)
Scroll of Waterbreathing
When unrolled underwater it quickly re-rolls itself
and constricts into a slender bamboo shoot about 5
feet long. It is hollow, and while very narrow the
user will find they can breathe through it as if it isn’t
even there. The scroll will remain in this form for the
next hour during which for all intents and purposes
it is a length of bamboo. At the end of the hour it
will collapse into a soggy sheet of parchment.
Wand of Mending
This wand is made of a sturdy oak and each end is
seamlessly reinforced with bronze. It has 5 charges
and regains 1d4+1 charges each day at dawn.
You may choose to spend a charge to cast Mending
with a range of 10 feet. For every additional charge
spent to cast Mending the size you may mend
increases by 1 foot.
If you double the charges spent you may cast
Mending as a bonus action.
Watch of Timelessness
This simple pocket watch is mesmerizing to a fault.
Any creature that checks the time is momentarily
hypnotized. They feel slightly disoriented and are
unable to read a map or discern cardinal directions
for the next minute, making it very easy for them to
become lost. It’s somehow cheering though, and if a
creature takes a bonus action to pull it out of their
pocket to check on it they gain an extra spring in
their step and +10 movement speed.
If a creature touches the armor they are
Wearables immediately aware of the illusion but otherwise they
Wear ‘em on your head! Your feet! Your hands! Or if are convinced so long as they did not see you begin
you are boring, wear as directed. the illusion.
Watery Shield
Wondrous item, rare
This crystal orb is filled with water and has no visible
opening but is covered in magic runes. If you learn
the proper command word from the runes once per
day as an action you can speak the command word
to allow the water to permeate the orb and create
one of two effects.
● The water coalesces around you like a
coating of mucus. You are able to breathe as
normal but are completely covered with 1
inch barrier of magical water for 1 minute.
Fire is unable to pass through the barrier but
all other effects and objects are. While the
barrier is active you are considered immune
to fire damage.
● The water forms a 20 foot square wall that is
1 inch thick, oriented as you choose. This
wall remains for 1 minute and fire damage is
halved if the fire effect passes through the
wall to reach its target. In addition, beings
from the plane of fire must make a DC 18
Constitution check to pass through the wall.
When the effect ends the water falls to the ground
and loses all magical properties. The orb refills each
day at dawn or if it is on the plane of water it refills
as a hail of massive 20 foot swords, almost identical
Weapons to your own, crash into the ground in a 30 foot
Damaging items that are usually based on some radius around the point you chose. These swords fly
already existing weapon. from the heavens, even piercing through trees and
roofs in their path.
Any creature in the area must make a DC 14
Ancient Sword of the Scribe dexterity saving throw. If you are proficient in
Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement) Religion you add your proficiency to this DC. On a
This sword is splotched over with black and blue failure the creature takes 3d12 Piercing damage and
stains and feels extremely light. It has a scabbard 3d12 Radiant damage. Celestial creatures
covered in old parchments and weathered runes. automatically succeed this saving throw.
As an action you can transform the sword into an ink Angelic Properties
pen or back into a shortsword and when you do so This sword is immune to rusting can not be
specific runes across the scabbard glow softly. shattered. As a bonus action if you have a free hand
Once per day an action you can activate the sword you can summon this sword to you unless it is
by running your hand across the runes on the blocked by an antimagic field or a ward against
scabbard. Inky black tendrils curl out from the magical travel such as Forbiddance.
scabbard creating a copy of a set of runes on the Curse
surface of the blade. For the next 10 minutes when If you knowingly attack an innocent creature the
you hit a creature with this weapon that creature sword will immediately streak with dark gray, lose
has disadvantage on the first attack roll it makes all magic ability, and its diamond will shatter.
before the end of its next turn. Additionally, you take 1 fire damage as a symbol is
Additionally, once per short rest you can create 1d4 branded into your forehead.
sheets of parchment as an action and yet another If you unattune with this sword it will begin floating
section of runes glow softly. Any previous sheets of before, with a clap like thunder, it soars into the sky
parchment you have created in this manner are and returns to the Upper Planes.
destroyed when you create new sheets unless they
have sufficient information on them to be considered Axe of the Swarm
valuable artistically or intellectually. Weapon (Battleaxe or Greataxe), rare
This rough axe has a series of holes, each trapping a
Archangel’s Sword stone bead, behind its cutting edge. These beads
Weapon (Longsword or Greatsword), very rare shake and rattle each time the axe is swung, making
(requires attunement) a deep humming sound.
This silvery sword has a razor thin yet broad blade On a critical hit with this weapon a small swarm of
that glints yellow in the sun. It’s hand-and-a-half hilt beetles fly from the beads and attack all creatures
is coated with gold and has an exorbitantly large within 5 feet of the target creature, not including
diamond as the pommel. you, dealing 2d4 piercing damage to each creature.
Undead Bane While holding this weapon as an action you can
This sword deals Radiant damage instead of Slashing make a DC 10 Animal Handling check, on a success
damage to any undead creature. Additionally, when a small swarm of beetles emerges that can
you take the Dodge action until the beginning of accomplish any task that Mage Hand could and lasts
your next turn any undead that makes a melee 1 minute. You can summon up to three swarms in
attack against you automatically fails as the sword this manner, these swarms are under your control
flashes with a golden light. but will not attack.
Heaven’s Fury If you put down or for any reason stop holding this
While wielding this sword you can command a weapon any swarms you currently have summoned
portion of the armories of the Upper Planes. Once attack you for the remainder of the minute, or until
per day as an action you can swing the sword down, you pick up the weapon again, dealing 2d4 piercing
pointing at a point you can see within 300 feet. damage a round per swarm.
When you do so a crack like thunder can be heard
Bandolier of the Blade Wraith creature for the entire duration the target creature
incurs one level of exhaustion as they shrivel up.
Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires
attunement) The tentacles have a mind of their own and attempt
to restrain up to 3 creatures within 5 feet of the
You find 1d6 (or a number up to 6 determined by
target. The targets of the attempted grapples must
your DM) small shortswords with dark hilts on a
beat a DC equal to 14 + the target creature’s
thick bandolier that can be adjusted to fit around the
Strength modifier or be grappled.
chest or waist. You must spend a short rest with
each sword to attune with it, but if you attune with Other types of magical ammunition of this kind
at least one sword any additional swords do not exist, such as arrows meant for a bow, though bolts
require an attunement slot. are the most common.
In addition to being able to use these swords as a Black Scorpion
typical shortsword, as an attack action you can Weapon (scimitar and dagger), rare
throw a sword into the air or at a creature you can
This black scimitar and dagger have edges honed to
see within 30 feet. If you throw the sword into the
a mirror finish and are connected to each other by a
air it orbits you at arm's length for 1 hour or until
silver chain. You can attack while holding both
you dismiss it, waiting for you to command it.
weapons or, while holding only the scimitar, and
If you throw the sword at a creature, or as an attack swinging the dagger by the chain. While swinging
action command a sword to attack a creature that the dagger in this way it is considered to have the
you can see and is within 30 feet, it flies at the property reach and you attack with it as if dual
target avoiding cover and obstacles. When you do so wielding it with your off hand. If you attack while not
you make an attack roll with proficiency and your holding the dagger and roll a 1 on the attack roll you
Strength or Intelligence modifier. On a hit it deals are automatically hit by the dagger.
1d6 + your Strength or Intelligence modifier magical
If you attack and hit with the scimitar and then on
slashing damage. At the end of the hour, when you
the same turn hit the same creature with the dagger
dismiss it, or after it attacks a target, the sword will
the target creature takes an additional 2d8 necrotic
return to the bandolier if you are wearing it, flying
around obstacles to do so. If you are not wearing
This effect does not apply if the creature is not hit by
the bandolier it will instead fly to your hand if you
both weapons or the dagger hits before the scimitar.
have a free hand, or stab itself into the ground at
your feet if you do not. Blue Arcing Blade
Note: The player can later find more swords if you Weapon (any metal weapon that deals slashing or
want to make it increase in power slowly, or even piercing damage), rare (requires attunement)
find more than 6. Nothing says they can’t have say a When you find this weapon it has lightning coming
dozen of these wraith swords. off it in tendrils, arcing to almost any object or
surface within 5 feet of it. When you get closer you
Binding Bolts of the Kraken notice that it's made of a bright blue metal with
Weapon (bolt), very rare
white streaks running through it. It has a gold
These bolts have mottled heads emblazoned with
handle with a sapphire embed in the hilt.
the tentacled symbol of Panzuriel. If one of these
Until it is attuned with a creature every time you
arrows draws blood the symbol on its head glows a
attempt to pick it up you must succeed on a DC 12
deep amber before exploding in a cloud of yellow
Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 lightning
and black energy. The creature damaged by this
arrow must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
Water Affinity. As an attack action you can stab
throw. On a successful save the creature takes an
this sword into a body of water and target a creature
additional 2d8 necrotic damage. On a failed save
you can see within 10 feet of the body of water.
tentacles of a size proportional to the target creature
That creature must make a Dexterity saving throw
erupt from the wound and they take an additional
or take 2d10 lightning damage. If you are not a
4d8 necrotic damage.
spellcaster this uses your Constitution modifier as
These tentacles remain on the creature for 1 minute
your spellcasting ability.
unless they are removed with Remove Curse, or
If this sword has not touched water in over a week it
Greater Restoration. If the tentacles remain on the
must be fully submerged in water for at least a long with this bow as an action you can call on the spirits
rest to regain this property. While it is doing so it of the Caelondia Breakers as you pull back the
sparks slightly and the water tingles with electricity. string. Strands of light manifest at the tip of the
Hidden Curse. The player is not made fully aware arrow and swirl down the shaft towards your hand
of this curse even after attunement. Every time you and the bow resounds with a crack when you
stab this sword into a body of water you must make release. The arrow fires forward in flash of light 1
a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 foot wide and 50 feet long before disintegrating.
lightning damage. Additionally, you have Make a separate attack roll for each target in the
disadvantage to saving throws against other effects line. The arrow deals 1d8 + your Strength modifier
that deal lightning damage. radiant damage to the first target hit and half that
If this weapon is fully submerged for a day or more much damage to each additional target hit.
the water surrounding it is literally arcing with
electricity and any creature that attempts to take it
Cael Hammer
Weapon (warhammer), rare (requires attunement)
out of the water must make a DC 12 Constitution
This hammer has a massive square head made from
saving throw or take 1d10 lightning damage for each
a gold alloy and is well worn on its spiked front face.
day it has been submerged.
On each side of the head near the front there is a
Hidden Purge. There is a way to purge this item of
small hole that seems to be made to hold a prism or
curses that the player is not made aware of even by
gemstone. The handle is forged from a blue steel
attunement or identification.
and tightly wrapped in cloth. The hammer as a
If a creature is attuned to this weapon and takes
whole weighs 8 pounds and has the property heavy,
more than 20 damage in one hit while taking it out
although almost all of the weight is from its large
of the water or the weapon has been fully
submerged for over a week without being disturbed
Checkered Face. Attacks made with this hammer
the electricity constantly arcing off of it is now
ignore resistance to bludgeoning damage and grant
contained to the sword, and the arcs of electricity
you advantage on attack rolls against stone objects.
run up and down the length of the blade instead.
Stunning Wallop. If you have not moved yet this
The curse is now completely gone and additionally
turn as an action you can bring the hammer down
the weapon gains a new ability that the player
over your head with inhuman force, the hammer
learns about.
seeming to pull itself towards the ground. Make an
Once per day as an action you can activate the
attack roll against a target within 5 feet. Hit or miss,
sword and a dark roiling fog coalesces around your
each creature other than you within 5 feet of the
feet out to a radius of 30 feet. For the next minute
target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
this fog follows you and sparks crackle through it.
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6
Once per turn you can choose a point within the fog
thunder damage. When you use the hammer in this
as an attack action. A surge of lightning erupts from
way your movement speed is reduced to 0 until the
that point and all creatures within 5 feet of that
beginning of your next turn.
point except yourself must make a Dexterity saving
throw. If you are not a spellcaster this uses your Returned Shards.
Constitution modifier as your spellcasting ability. The If you can manage to find the missing pieces of the
affected creatures take 3d10 lightning damage on a Cael Hammer its power will increase with each shard
failed save or half as much damage on a successful returned. These shards appear to be small cubes of
one. gold and are placed point first into the holes of the
Cael Hammer. They settle into place with a click,
Breaker’s Bow and are almost impossible to remove.
Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement)
1 Shard: Reverse Grip
This longbow is appears to be made from horn
You can swing at least as hard coming back as going
wrapped with sinew, and dyed a deep red. Unlike
forward. If you successfully hit a creature twice in
most bows you must use your Strength modifier
one turn with this hammer they are knocked back
instead of your Dexterity modifier for attack and
up to 10 feet.
damage rolls with this weapon.
2 Shards: Alloy Shaft
Signature Caelondian Weapon. If you are attuned
The hammer feels like it guides itself towards your
targets. On a successful hit you deal an additional except it has half the range (40/160 feet) and
1d8 bludgeoning damage. doesn’t have the loading property. It automatically
3 Shards: Bell Face rotates to the next barrel until it runs out of
Your blows resound as they strike their target, ammunition. You can reload up to two bolts as an
dazing them. Once per long rest you can activate action.
the hammer as an action. For the next minute any
creature hit by the hammer must make a DC 14
Cloud Giant’s Hammer
Weapon (warhammer), rare
Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the
This warhammer is quite obviously made for a giant,
beginning of your next turn.
although you have a suspicion they would call this a
4 Shards: Ura Engravings
light hammer. The head of it is over 2 feet long and
As the last shard snaps into place the hammer glows
of substantial thickness. When stood on its head the
slightly as delicate lines trace over the hammer
iron knob at the end of its blue handle comes up to
etching tribal symbols into its surface. This hammer
the shoulders of an average human. Judging by the
now scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20. Additionally,
crude markings and runes that could represent wind
on a critical hit you deal an extra 2d8 damage (for a
and sky chiseled into its face you can assume it’s the
total of 5d8 bludgeoning damage).
hammer of either a storm or cloud giant.
Notes: For increased power the hammer can be
For its massive size it swings through the air with
found with some shards already in it. Of course
surprising ease, likely some form of magic to make
added shards increase the rarity of the item. At your
it a more effective throwing hammer for someone of
discretion you can easily discard the Returned
the intended size. It feels as if it weighs about 24
Shards feature.
pounds although without the magic it probably
Corrupted Hammer of Life weighs far more.
Weapon (warhammer), rare (requires attunement) This hammer has the properties Heavy, Reach, and
This warhammer has an unusually large head made Two-handed. All creatures of size Large or Medium
of blue tinted steel, and weighs 5 pounds. have disadvantage on their attack rolls with this
On a critical hit with this weapon you deal an hammer, and Small or smaller creatures cannot
additional 2d10 radiant damage. If you score a attack with it at all. On a hit this hammer does 3d8
critical hit against an undead creature you gain half bludgeoning damage, and on a critical hit the second
of the radiant damage in temporary hit points as the damage roll is lightning damage.
hammer dimly glows. Hidden Property. If the magic on the hammer is
Curse. On a critical failure with this weapon all dispelled or it enters the area of an anti-magic field
creatures within 5 feet of the hammer, including the hammer instantly becomes 160 pounds and
yourself, must make a DC 15 Constitution saving completely un-wieldable by a creature smaller than
throw or take 2d10 necrotic damage as the hammer Huge until the magic is restored or it is removed
hums loudly and crackles with dark energy. from the anti-magic field.
Additionally, while attuned to this hammer you take Dagger of Shadowy Displacement
half healing from spells of 2nd level or lower. Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
Crossbow Cannon This dagger has a hilt of wrought iron, with a black
Weapon (crossbow, special), uncommon opal set in its guard. The blade is chipped from
obsidian, but obviously magically hardened.
You find what appears to be a 3 foot tall modified
barrel. It has 8 knobs around its base each with a If you are standing in dim light or darkness as an
slot going up the length. On one side it has two action you can make a thrown attack with this
metal handles, the bottom of which has a lever, and dagger against any creature you can see that is also
a large leather strap. Inside the barrel you can see a in dim light or darkness as if they are within 20 feet
canister filling the whole barrel with 8 holes just of you.
bigger than your thumb carved into it. If you have a free hand you can summon this
This barrel weighs 30 pounds, and has the property dagger as a bonus action while standing in darkness.
heavy. It can hold and fire up to 8 bolts before you Once per day as an action you can create a cloud of
need to reload. It is similar to a light crossbow magical darkness, as if you cast Darkness, with a
radius of 20 feet centered on yourself. This darkness piercing damage.
lasts 1 minute and does not require concentration If you have already moved this turn you have
but while you are holding this dagger you can see disadvantage on all attacks with this weapon.
through the darkness as if it was a light mist. Hollowed Chamber. This crossbow does not have
the loading property, but instead has the reload(9)
Dragon’s Breath property, meaning that you can fire 9 bolts before
Weapon (quarterstaff), rare (requires attunement)
having to reload as an action.
This quarterstaff still has its bark on it except for
where a long oriental dragon twists around it, Bone Fragments.
carefully carved, sanded, and oiled to a sheen. There are ribs missing from the spine of the
As an attack action you can attempt to shove a repeater. If you find the missing ribs and re-fasten
creature within 15 feet of you with a swipe of this them the power of the repeater will increase. You
weapon as a strong warm wind suddenly buffets will know when you found the right bones because
them. If you attempt to push them with the shove the eye sockets of the skull on the crossbow gently
and succeed they are pushed 10 feet directly away glow red when you grow near a piece.
from you. Alternatively, you can make the shove 1 Rib: Speed Clip
check with disadvantage to push them 5 feet in any You can now reload 6 bolts as a bonus action,
direction of your choice. instead of reloading all 9 as an action.
Additionally, once per long rest as an action you can 2 Ribs: Reinforced Piston
cast the spell Burning Hands originating from the The bolts fly from the mouth of the skull faster than
maw of the carved dragon. before. On a successful hit you now deal an
Other polearm variations of this type exist, such as a additional 1d4 piercing damage.
glaive or halberd, though all variations have the 3 Ribs: Double Clip
same dragon carved into their shaft. The ribs bend outward as the central bone cluster
expands. The repeater can hold 6 more bolts than
Elytriss’ Rod of Numbing before and now has the reload(15) property instead
Weapon (club), rare of the reload(9) property.
This short metal rod is about the length of a human 4 Ribs: Tracking Critters
forearm. Its top half ends in a small ball and its The eye sockets of the repeater now constantly glow
lower half is sheathed in dappled green granite. As red. Once per short rest as an action you can empty
long as you hold it by the stone handle, you don’t the remainder of the bolts in the repeater. The bolts
have to worry about the nastier effects of the wind through the air as they seek their targets. For
protruding metal nub. every 3 bolts remaining you may target an
On a successful attack with this club you deal 1d4 additional creature within a 60 foot cone and make a
Lightning damage to the target. Each turn the first single attack roll with advantage against each
target you hit must make a DC 13 Constitution creature.
saving throw or be Stunned until the end of their Notes: For increased power the revolver can be
next turn. found with extra ribs already in it. Of course this
Fang Repeater increases the rarity of the item. At your discretion
you can easily discard the Bone Fragments feature.
Weapon (hand crossbow), rare
As best can be described this appears to you to be a Frozen Fang
hand crossbow, constructed of bone. The skull of a
Weapon (dagger), uncommon
small creature adorns the business end, and the
This dagger has a blade of pure un-breaking ice on a
bolts fire from its mouth. The creature’s ribs are
hilt of cold steel. Its jagged edge is only further
splayed down the length of the stock and around a
accentuated by the shards protruding from it. There
revolving cluster of bone with several bolts within its
are 6 large shards and on each successful attack one
lodges itself within the target. For each shard stuck
This crossbow has a range of 30/60, and when you
in the target it takes 1d4 cold damage at the start of
fire it rapidly spits out 3 bolts in rapid succession as
its turn. The shards can be removed as action but
a single attack. On a successful hit you deal 2d4
they melt within 10 minutes once detached from the
dagger and cannot be re-attached. All expended serve as a destination sigil for a spell such as
shards regenerate at dawn. Teleport or other similar teleport spells. In order to
use it as a destination the caster must know the sigil
Granite Orbiting Hammer sequence for the sword which the currently attuned
Weapon (warhammer), rare creature can teach to anyone they choose. If a
This rotund hammer is made from a gray granite creature attempts to teleport to the sword while it is
flecked with gold and black. It weighs 6 pounds, has not driven into the ground the spell fails and is
the heavy property, and a short chain attached to its wasted.
metal handle. Additionally, any creature that has touched the
While wielding this hammer you can begin swinging sword within the past 24 hours can take a knee and
it by the chain to build up momentum as an action. mentally reach out to the sword as an action. If they
While this hammer is swinging it does an additional are on the same plane as the sword, within 1 mile,
1d8 bludgeoning damage. On a critical failure the and if the sword is still driven into the ground from
hammer loses its momentum and you must begin since they last touched it they are teleported to a
swinging again. random unoccupied space within 10 feet of the
Blood of The Mountain. If you are a dwarf or sword. Any creature teleported in this manner is
attuned to the Belt of Dwarvenkind you can unlock Incapacitated for 1 minute as they recover from
this hammer’s true potential. Once per day as an being forcefully shunted through the Ethereal Plane.
action you can touch the hammer to the ground and Curse. After using any feature of this sword you are
utter the phrase carved into the hammer to activate Deafened for 1 minute almost as if your sense of
it. When you do so the granite head doubles in size, hearing hasn’t returned along with your body after
and now weighs 24 pounds. For the next 10 minutes traveling through the Ethereal Plane.
it does an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage (for a You are permanently Deafened while on the Ethereal
total of 2d8 when using it normally and 3d8 while plane and all you can hear is the voice of the sword
you are swinging it), and has the property reach. loud and clear almost as if it is resounding all around
Greatsword of Ethereal Displacement you.
Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires Big Annihilating Divination Crossbow
attunement) Weapon (Crossbow, Heavy), very rare (requires
This greatsword has a blade of folded steel that attunement by a creature proficient in martial
shimmers in the light and a hilt adorned with pearl ranged weapons)
inlays. When you attune to it you feel a faint This massive crossbow has a modified firing
presence touch your mind and you hear a whisper mechanism which makes it challenging to use but
through your thoughts. The sword can telepathically capable of firing extremely long distances. If you
communicate with anyone touching it, but it seems take an action to set it up the range of this crossbow
far away and is barely audible. It asks you for souls, becomes 250/1000 but it must be set up again if
it does not care of what or whom, to be sent to the you move. This crossbow has 3 charges and it
ethereal plane. Or in simpler terms, for you to kill. regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
Bloody Displacement If you currently know the location of a creature due
Every time you draw blood with this sword you can to the effect of divination magic making an attack at
feel it’s satisfaction. When you successfully hit a long range against that creature no longer imposes
creature with this sword you may teleport up to 10 disadvantage. Additionally, attacks against that
feet, and when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points creature ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
with this sword you may teleport up to 30 feet. You Charged Bolt
must teleport to an unoccupied space when you
As an action you can activate the crossbow,
teleport in this manner.
expending a charge. When you do so you can target
Otherworldly Movement any location you can see, or divine, within range. A
Once per short rest as an action while holding the streak of brilliant purple light screams from the
sword you can cast Blink. mouth of the crossbow towards the target. Roll 1d4-
Planar Beacon 1 and move the actual point where the bolt strikes
When this sword is driven into the ground it can that many squares in a random direction from its
intended location. Any creatures within 20 feet of and the handle is still intact.
that point must make a DC 16 Constitution saving As an action you can drive the blade into the ground
throw as the bolt lands with an immense boom. On a if it is earth or sand. As you do so grasping vines
failure they take 5d6 thunder damage and are and weeds sprout from the ground and a few leaves
deafened for 1 minute. On a success they take half grow from the hilt of the sword. The sword casts
as much damage and are not deafened. Entangle on the ground around it in a 10 foot radius
with a spell save DC of 15. This effect lasts until it is
Incandescent Pike removed from the ground. Any creatures touching
Weapon (pike), rare
the hilt of this sword when it is driven into the
The head of this pike is so chalky white that you ground are immune to this effect.
question if it is really made of metal. Its pearly face
glows with a dim light out to 5 feet. Moonscraper
When you make an attack with this weapon a flash Weapon (greatsword), rare (requires attunement)
of light flickers from its tip, creating a 5 foot line This magical greatsword is unusually broad and has
from the end of the pike. The first creature the line a gap through the width of the blade starting
hits takes 1d4 radiant damage as it is struck by halfway up from the handle. The metal is pocked
searing heat. and dull as if it was never polished, and has no hilt.
In place of the hilt it has an unsharpened spike
Lead Hex Crossbow forged from the blade running parallel with the
Weapon (crossbow), rare handle.
This crossbow is made almost entirely of metal and As an action you can speak the command word and
has a rune scorched into the stock. It is twice as pull the spike away from the handle, splitting the
heavy as it normally would be, and can not have the sword down the gap with a crack. When the sword
property light. You can choose to attack normally separates both pieces expand in width as they fold
with it, or instead, when you make an attack you against each of your arms. The portion attached to
can choose to imbue the bolt with the aspect of lead. the blade forms a large shield the shape of a thick
When imbued with the aspect of lead the bolts do crescent moon, while the portion attached to the
not do any damage, but on a successful hit they spike forms a smaller shield that fits into the larger
explode into a hexagonal prism of metal that shield to complete a circle.
appears to pierce through the target. These prisms While you are wielding Moonscraper in shield form
do not create any holes or surface damage, despite you gain a total of +3 to your AC. Additionally, as a
appearing to pass through objects. This prism bonus action you can attempt to shove a creature
weighs 15 pounds if it’s from a hand crossbow, 20 within 15 feet of you by throwing the smaller shield.
pounds from a light crossbow, and 40 pounds from a You can easily throw or drop the smaller shield, but
heavy crossbow. Each prism decreases the target the larger piece can not be removed from your arm
creature’s movement by 5 feet if it is large or unless Moonscraper returns to greatsword form.
smaller, and if the total weight of the prisms is equal
The smaller shield will always return to your hand at
to or greater than the weight of the target creature
the end of your turn. If you have no free hand for
it is considered Restrained.
the smaller shield to return to it will instead return
You can create up to 10 of these prisms, if you to its place in the larger shield.
attempt to create more than 10 the oldest prism
As a bonus action if you are holding both pieces of
dissolves. The prisms can not be removed from their
Moonscraper you can put the smaller shield in its
target, but dissolve after 10 minutes.
place. When the smaller shield returns to its place
Living Wooden Blade Moonscraper once again becomes a greatsword, no
Weapon (any sword), uncommon matter how it was returned.
This sword is made from a well weathered wood, but Moonscraper (Simplified)
its hilt and handle are yet covered with bark, and Weapon (greatsword), uncommon (requires
carefully molded. It bends, yet doesn’t splinter, and attunement)
it’s edge is as sharp as steel. Any damage that has
This magical greatsword is unusually broad and has
been done to the sword is repaired at dawn as long
a gap through the width of the blade starting
as the blade has been dipped in water in the last day
halfway up from the handle. The metal is pocked you have unbound.
and dull as if it was never polished, and has no hilt. Toll the Bells
In place of the hilt it has an unsharpened spike As an action you can bang this quarterstaff into the
forged from the blade and running parallel with the ground or against a nearby object, expending a
handle. charge as the bells clatter. Any creature that can
As a bonus action you can speak the command word hear the bells within 10 feet of you has disadvantage
to transform Moonscraper from a greatsword into a on their first melee attack against you on their next
shield the shape of a thick crescent moon or back turn. Additionally, on your next turn you have
into a greatsword. While holding Moonscraper in advantage on your first melee attack against any
shield form with both hands you gain a +3 shield affected creature.
bonus to your AC, but otherwise you do not benefit. On a successful melee attack with this quarterstaff
Additionally, while Moonscraper is in shield form you against an affected creature you gain temporary hit
can attempt to shove a creature within 15 feet of points equal to the damage you deal.
you by throwing the shield as an attack action. Curse
When thrown in this way the shield returns to you at The first time since your attunement that you unbind
the end of your turn. a bell you lose 1d6 max hit points as you hear its
discordant chime. These hit points do not return
when you unattune from this item, and greater
restoration can not restore these hit points while you
Weapon (quarterstaff), rare (requires attunement)
are still attuned.
This quarterstaff is made from an ancient wood that
You can not unattune to this weapon until all bells
is graying from age but is still stout and stable. At
have been silenced with a strip of cloth.
the bottom it has a forged iron cap and near the top
8 roughly hewn iron bells of several sizes, sprouting Pamsprei’s Blinding Chalkbow
out wildly at all angles. Each bell is secured at its Weapon (hand crossbow), uncommon
base to the staff in such a way that when the staff is This small crossbow has several modifications to the
held upright the bells are left jutting upside-down channel and string that make it almost impossible to
into the air. Coming from every bell is a ratty cloth fire a regular crossbow bolt. You will find however,
wrapped around the clapper to keep it from that it is deadly accurate while firing chalk. When
sounding. you fire a piece of chalk at a target with this weapon
Because of the bells and wrought iron this on a successful hit it does 1 + your dexterity
quarterstaff weighs 6 pounds and does 1d8 modifier bludgeoning damage, and on contact
bludgeoning damage, Versatile 1d10. pulverizes into a fine 5 foot cloud. Any creatures
When you attune to this quarterstaff you realize that within the cloud must make a DC 14 constitution
the bells are more than a noisy addition that must saving throw or be Blinded until the end of your next
be silenced, but that each holds a portion of magic turn as chalk gets in their eyes.
power that is unleashed as they are unbound.
Pamsprei’s Piercing Sling
Weapon (sling), rare
When you unbind the first bell you feel a small
This sling is made from a dark pliable leather and
surge. You aren’t sure what of, but it courses
each strap is tied through a small piece of jade with
through your body. Each bell rings out with a clang
a hole bored through it. Its most unique feature
as it is released from its wrappings, even if it does
however, is that this particular sling seems to have
not strike the bell, as if the sound was trapped
been modified to use darts as ammunition.
within the binding. This quarterstaff has 1 charge for
You must use darts as ammunition for this sling and
every bell it currently has unbound and it takes 1
because of this it instead has a range of 60/240 and
action to unbind a bell. It regains 1d8 expended
deals 1d6 piercing damage.
charges each day at dawn.
Once a day if you bang the two pieces of jade
When you have any number of bells unbound you
together they will make a faint ping. The next attack
have disadvantage to stealth checks while holding
you make with this sling the dart will burst from the
the quarterstaff and your DM may change how easily
sling in a 60 foot line, leaving a needle-thin green
an enemy hears you based on the number of bells
trail behind it, before disintegrating. All creatures in
the line must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving saving
throw. On a failure they take 4d6 piercing damage Roaring Hammer of Resonance
and on a success they take half as much. Weapon (warhammer), very rare
This hammer is made of a single piece of metal,
Pamsprei’s Psychic Stamp including the handle, and is hollow even though it
Weapon (Light Hammer), rare (requires attunement) weighs the same as any other hammer. It has a hole
This light hammer has a solid yet almost rubbery on each end of the head and when swung makes a
brown head that makes very little noise on impact sound akin to a muffled warcry.
with solid surfaces. The head of this hammer is On a successful hit with this weapon the target
slathered with a blue-black liquid that occasionally creature and all creatures within 5 feet except
drips off its surface. Luckily this hammer comes with yourself take thunder damage equal to your
its own custom holster to keep it from staining your proficiency modifier, as it creates a loud gong-like
clothes. smash.
When a successful attack is made against a creature On a critical failure with this weapon the concussion
with this hammer it leaves a large wet blotch of ink vibrates through your arms and you take 1d10
on the target creature. This ink dries after 10 thunder damage.
minutes and is so oily it's almost impossible to rub Other weapons of this type exist, such as Roaring
off even when wet. Maul of Resonance, and Roaring Flail of Resonance,
As an action you can activate this hammer and but warhammers are the most common.
choose up to 5 creatures you can see with a wet ink
blotch. These creatures must make a DC 14 Wisdom Scrap Musket
saving throw. On a failure they feel as if they were Weapon, rare
struck exactly where the ink blotch is, take 1d4 This piece is an artful combination of steel and wood
Psychic damage, and are pushed 5 feet away from that looks like it has had better days. A long dented
where the ink blotch is on their body. If they have metal barrel flairs from the gouged wooden stock.
more than 1 ink blotch on their body they fall Prone Each time you pull the trigger a muffled boom and
instead of being pushed and take 1d4 additional an orange glow erupts from the barrel. The musket
Psychic for each additional blotch. Huge or larger has the following properties: ammunition (range
creatures are not pushed and do not fall prone. 30/60), loading, two-handed and it weighs 8
When the ink dries it becomes mundane ink but pounds. To load the musket you can jam a handful
leaves a stain for 10 days or until it is scrubbed with of ammo or rocks down the muzzle. This consumes
soap and water. 50 ball bearings, 10 sling ammo, or (if your DM
allows it) a handful of rocks or debris.
Rebounding Flail While the musket is loaded you can make a ranged
Weapon (flail), uncommon attack with it as an attack action. On a hit does
You might second guess calling this weapon a flail 1d12 + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage
when comparing its bulk to any other. Its spherical to the target. You do not have disadvantage in close
head is attached to a reinforced ash pole about 4 combat while making ranged attacks with this
feet long. The head is made out of a material you weapon.
have never felt before, it is pitch black and gives Smoothbore Barrel
slightly to the touch. When you hit things with it it On a successful hit you deal 1 bludgeoning damage
rebounds slightly as if bouncing despite its solid to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. This
impact. It weighs 8 pounds, has the properties damage is unaffected by critical hits.
Heavy, and Two-handed, and deals 1d12 Expanded Chamber
bludgeoning damage.
On a critical hit with this weapon the target creature
As an action you can make an attack with reach. If is pushed back 5 feet and must make a DC 15
this attack is successful you may use the rebound of Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
the strike to make another attack with reach against
Final Warning
a different target within 5 feet of the original target
As an action if the musket is loaded you can fire it
as a bonus action.
into the air, rapidly pulling the trigger multiple times
to overload it. When you do so designate a 30-foot green glow around you.
cube originating from you. On the start of your next
turn each creature in the designated cube must Storm Whip
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw as the Weapon (whip), rare
ammunition fragments rain down. On a failure the This leather whip has a long metal handle that
creature takes 4d8 piercing damage, or half on a crackles with electricity when you aren’t holding it. It
successful one. can be used like any other whip, or if you are
You must take a long rest before using this feature proficient with whips can cause one of the following
again. effects as an action.
● The tip of the whip begins to pulse with a
Spear of the Snow bright light. You flick it at a point in the air
Weapon (spear), rare with a loud pop and all creatures within 5
This spear has an uncommonly large head with a feet of a point you choose within 10 feet
bluish hue and an intricate etching of a winter must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
landscape across it. When thrown it creates a throw. On a failure they are blinded for 1
billowing cloud of snowflakes in a 10 foot radius minute. They can repeat this save at the end
around where it struck whether it hit its target or of their turn.
not, blinding any creatures within the radius. The ● The metal handle crackles and the air
cloud dissipates at the end of your next turn. around you tingles. You target one Large or
Once per short rest if you successfully hit a creature smaller creature within 30 feet as the now
with the spear you can force that creature to make a electrified whip lashes out with surprising
Constitution saving throw equal to 10 + your range. The targeted creature must succeed a
proficiency (if you are proficient in spears). On a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to 10
failure they are restrained for 1 minute as ice + your proficiency or be pulled up to 15 feet
freezes them in their tracks. They may repeat this in a straight line towards you. The targeted
saving throw at the end of each turn. creature takes 1d4 Lightning damage for
Additionally, if driven into the ground as an action it every 5 feet it is pulled.
freezes the ground and everything not held or worn
within a 15-foot radius, which is treated as rough War Machete
terrain until the spear is picked up again, and all Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)
non-magical fires within the radius are extinguished. This straight blade is crafted from a black alloy that
gleams red in the light. It is clearly segmented and a
Spider’s Sting spike juts from the back of each segment.
Weapon (shortsword, rapier, or dagger), rare Unnatural Speed. The blade seems to cut through
(requires attunement) the air and it swings with an uncanny speed. At the
This weapon has no hilt at all, with only a simple start of your turn you can prepare yourself to make
flair to keep your hand from slipping onto the blade. a flurry of attacks. Until the end of your turn you
The blade is a fine steel that glints green in the light take a -5 penalty to all your attack rolls, but in
and gently curves towards the user. return you can make an additional Attack Action as a
When you make a successful melee attack with this bonus action.
weapon a pale green glow surrounds the target
creature for your eyes only. For the next day or until
Blade Segments.
There are sections yet missing from this blade. If
the creature dies you can see them even through
you find the missing segments you can place them
walls or when blinded as long as they are within 250
near the end of the machete and they fly toward it
feet of you. The target creature can not benefit from
and snap into place. Each segment returned
being invisible or surrounding darkness against you
increases the power of this weapon as it increases in
when outlined in this way.
length just slightly.
Curse. While attuned to this weapon you have
1 Segment: Graver Bolster
disadvantage on any saving throws against Poison
damage or being Poisoned. Additionally, any spider You can unsheath this weapon almost faster than
can always see you as if you have the same pale the eye can follow. If this weapon is within your
reach once per turn you can unsheath it without
expending your object interaction. Additionally, build rune to activate it. When you do so the rune
when you activate Unnatural Speed you can flashes a bright purple as a 5 foot wide 10 foot tall
automatically deal 1 slashing damage to a number wall of force erupts from the surface you struck. This
of creatures up to your dexterity modifier within 5 wall can provide full cover to a single Medium or
feet of you. smaller creature and lasts 1 minute or until you
2 Segments: Spectral Spine create another wall.
As an action you can swing this weapon forward Break
flinging several spectral images of itself through the When you make an attack with the break rune
air as they split off from the sword. Make a ranged against a wall of force created by this hammer the
attack roll against up to 3 targets within a 30 foot rune will flash a bright purple and then an electric
cone, dealing 1d6 piercing damage on a hit. They crackle can be heard. All creatures in a 15 foot cone
may appear spectral but their effects are not. originating from the wall must succeed a DC 14
3 Segments: Scumbag Tip Dexterity saving throw or take 3d4 magical Piercing
As the length of the blade grows it cuts even deeper, damage as the wall of force shatters into countless
but something seems different now. This weapon shards and flies outwards.
now scores a critical hit with a roll of 19 or 20 on an Bend
attack roll. Additionally, on a critical hit it deals an When you make an attack against a creation of
additional 1d6 poison damage. magical force with this hammer the caster must
4 Segments: Ghost of the Blade make a DC 10 concentration saving throw. If the
As the final segment snaps into place ethereal wisps object is not being concentrated on you
begin gently curling from the blade. Once per long automatically destroy a 1 foot cube. Magic items are
rest as an action you can summon the ghost of the unaffected by this effect.
blade and an angular shadowy figure dashes forward
in a 5 foot wide 30 foot line. It makes a melee
Greater Warhammer of Force
attack using your modifiers against every creature it Manipulation
passes within 5 feet of. On a successful hit it deals Weapon (warhammer), Very Rare
damage as if it was striking with this weapon. This warhammer has a thick head adorned with
Additionally, if it passes through a creature they intertwining geometric channels. These channels are
must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, stained a majestic purple and are carved deep into
taking 2d6 force damage on a failure. the sides. There are two runes large runes inset into
You will know when you can use this feature again the hammer, one on each face, and a third rune
as the ethereal wisps begin anew. repeated along the inside of it’s channels. With a DC
Notes: For increased power the machete can be 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check you determine that
found with extra segments already on it. Of course the two large runes mean “build” and “break”
this increases the rarity of the item. At your respectively and the repeating rune is “bend”.
discretion you can easily discard the Blade Build
Segments feature. As an action you can strike a solid surface with the
build rune to activate it. When you do so the rune
Lesser Warhammer of Force flashes a bright purple as a 15 foot wide 15 foot tall
Manipulation wall of force erupts from the surface you struck. This
Weapon (warhammer), rare wall can provide full cover for any creatures behind
This warhammer has a thick head adorned with it and lasts 10 minutes or until you create another
intertwining geometric channels. These channels are wall.
stained a majestic purple and are carved deep into Break
the sides. There are two runes large runes inset into When you make an attack with the break rune
the hammer, one on each face. With a DC 16 against a wall of force created by this hammer the
Intelligence (Arcana) check you determine that rune will flash a bright purple and then an electric
these runes mean “build” and “break” respectively. crackle can be heard. All creatures in a 15 cube
Build adjacent to the wall must succeed a DC 16 Dexterity
As an action you can strike a solid surface with the saving throw or take 4d4 magical Piercing damage
as the wall of force shatters into countless shards
and flies forwards. to bear the burden are not worthy to wield me”, and
Bend you will not be able to attune again to the hammer.
When you make an attack against a creation of
magical force with this hammer the caster must
Weapon of the Forgotten Pact
Weapon (any melee weapon), rare (requires
make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw as the
entire hammer hums and its channels pulse. If they
This weapon is tarnished and dingy, as if it has been
fail you can move a 5 foot cube of the creation up to
exposed to the elements for far too long, but is not
30 feet away from you. When this happens you can
rusted. You can not find its sheath anywhere and its
hear a sudden burst of wind but feel no breeze.
handle is bare metal with no wrapping.
If the object is not being concentrated on this effect
is automatic. Once per short rest you can activate the weapon as
a bonus action. As you activate it you hear a
Warhammer of Retribution cacophony of jumbled whispers and the weapon
Weapon (warhammer), very rare (requires seems to almost guide itself towards its target,
attunement by a creature with at least 12 Charisma) leaving a sickly blue trail behind it. While it is
This warhammer is more sturdily built than most activated you have a +1 bonus to attack rolls made
you have seen and the sides of its blocky head are with this weapon.
adorned in silver inlays. As you grasp it by the After it has been activated for one minute you must
handle you feel a weight come upon you as if you make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure
gained a great responsibility. you take 1d12 psychic damage as the voices crowd
Once per short rest as an action you can activate the your mind and your vision flashes white. On a
hammer, swinging it down into the ground with a success you take half as much damage.
crack and for everyone except you the hammer For every minute the weapon is activated you gain
becomes all but unmovable, and begins emanating a an additional +1 to hit with this weapon. However,
heavy aura. For the next minute or until you pick up for every minute the weapon is active you must
the hammer, whichever comes first, all creatures make another DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, and the
within 60 feet of the hammer must make a Strength damage increases by 1d12.
saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency + your To deactivate this weapon when you make a Wisdom
Charisma modifier at the beginning of their turn. On saving throw against it you may choose to try to
a failure their movement speed is halved by the break free from it. On a success you take no
crushing aura until the beginning of their next turn. damage and the weapon is deactivated. On a failure
If the creature is an Aberration, Fiend, or Undead you are unable to clear the voices from your head
they additionally fall Prone on a failure. When you and you take damage as normal.
activate the hammer you may choose a number of Curse. When you attune to this weapon you make a
creatures up to 2 times your Charisma modifier that binding pact with an ancient one. If you die while
automatically succeed their saving throws against attuned to this weapon or go unconscious while the
this effect. weapon is activated your soul will be trapped within
Any creature who is Prone and fails their Strength the weapon as one of the many voices, and just as
saving throw against the aura gains 1 level of all the other souls, you can not be released until a
exhaustion and can not stand back up until either favor for the ancient one has been completed by
the aura is gone or they leave its radius. Exhaustion another person. If you un-attune with this weapon
gained in this way can not kill the creature, and is before completing a favor for the ancient one you
removed after 1 hour. are certain you will suffer great misfortune.
Curse. While attuned to this item you constantly
feel a heavy burden on your shoulders and your
movement speed is reduced by 5 feet, but you are
immune to the aura of the hammer. This hammer is
equivalent to 20 pounds for you, even though to
others it is a normal weight. If you remove this
curse the attunement will break and you will hear
whispered in your mind “Those who are not willing
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement.)
When wearing this cowl a barbarian’s rage is
conveyed to those around them. All allies within 5
feet add the barbarian’s rage bonus to any melee
attack damage they make, so long as the barbarian
is currently raging. The bonus to allies ends when
the barbarian’s rage does.
Broom -maybe it swims, definitely doesnt fly
Crystal ball - doesnt see the future
Looking glass/mirror
instant picnic scroll
Keys, and or keyrings
Frontline belt: Heal for an additional amount equal
to proficiency (AccPsycho)
Healing surge
Ring that changes your properties underwater
(Robert Towell)
Pogostick, random jump height.
Animate the skeleton…. While its still inside you
Satyr horn, shoelaces, hair pin/stick, ring of
summon haystack, chicken foot, whistle, magical
Sword of Goujian
Scroll of flight