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5ESwordmage by Miburo99

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The Swordmage class combines martial weapon combat with spellcasting abilities. Swordmages seek arcane lore and can bond with a weapon to gain additional powers.

The Swordmage class was inspired by several previous D&D classes that combined melee combat with spellcasting, including the Swordmage, Bladesinger, Duskblade, and Spellsword from prior editions.

Core Swordmage class features include bonding with a weapon, gaining extra attack at level 5, and choosing an Arcane Path at level 3 that enhances their abilities, such as the Path of Warding or Path of Shadows.

The Swordmage (D&D 5E)

Author: miburo99
Across the multiverse, there are unique individuals who
strive to combine the arts of blade and spell. Some are
diligent soldiers who train as part of an ancient and
hallowed tradition; others are self-taught wanderers who
use their abilities to survive the perils of the wilderness.
Regardless of their origin, swordmages are intelligent
warriors who blend spells focused on battle and exploration
with a precise and tactical form of melee combat. The term
swordmage is a bit of a misnomer; while the minstrels may
sing tales of the elven bladesinger with sword in hand, one
may encounter a dwarven runic warrior wielding a
battleaxe, or a human duskblade swinging a warhammer.
Along with being dangerous combatants, swordmages are
often eternal students who seek out arcane lore and relics
from long-forgotten civilizations.
(Note: This class is an intelligence-based melee arcane warrior inspired by several classes from previous D&D
editions, including the Swordmage, Bladesinger, Duskblade, and Spellsword)



1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th



Swordmage Bond I, Lore Seeker, Arcane Attunement








Fighting Style, Spellcasting







Swordmage Bond II, Eldritch Ward, Arcane Path







Ability Score Improvement







Extra Attack






Spellsword Strike






Arcane Path Features






Ability Score Improvement










Spellsword Tactics, Roads Scholar





Elemental Scourge





Ability Score Improvement









Arcane Path Features




Strength of Mind




Ability Score Improvement







Arcane Path Features



Ability Score Improvement



Spellsword Mastery

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per swordmage level


Hit Points at 1st level: 10 + Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per swordmage level after 1st
Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial melee weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, History, Investigation, Perception, and
Multiclassing: Gain light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, martial melee weapons
Your choice of:
(a) A longsword, (b) a rapier, or (c) any martial melee weapon
(a) A dagger or (b) any simple weapon
(a) A scholars pack or (b) an explorers pack
(a) Leather armor, a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) chain mail
Class Abilities
Swordmage Bond
A swordmages weapon is no mere piece of steel; it is a partner-in-arms and an extension of the
warriors own body. Starting at 1st level, you may select a single melee weapon with which you
can perform a bonding ritual (At DMs discretion you can select a pair of weapons as a single
bonded weapon). You perform this ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a
short rest. You may bond with another melee weapon using the ritual, but this will cause you to
lose the bond with your previous weapon. As a bonus action, you can cause your bonded
weapon to glow with a color of your choice. This sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim
light for an additional 20 feet.
Starting at 3rd level, your bond with your weapon increases. You cannot be disarmed of your
bonded weapon unless incapacitated. If the weapon is on the same plane of existence, you can
summon it as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand.
Lore Seeker
Swordmages are more than just students of war; they actively seek lore from forgotten
civilizations and arcane organizations, and develop their abilities to better continue this search.
At 1st level, pick one of your proficient skills that use Intelligence as their ability modifier. Your
proficiency bonus is now doubled with this skill.
Arcane Attunement

All swordmages begin their journeys with a minor magical trick. At 1st level, you gain a single
cantrip from the following list: Mending, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation. Your
spellcasting ability for this cantrip is Intelligence.
As wandering warriors, swordmages learn a subset of wizard spells focused on battle and
exploration. In keeping with the wizardly tradition, swordmages also carry a spellbook and must
prepare their spells every day. Thus, swordmages prize careful preparation and intelligent
tactics in order to win their battles.
Spell Slots: The Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of
1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spells level or
higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
Spellbook: At 2nd level, you acquire a spellbook containing three 1st-level swordmage spells of
your choice. How you acquired this spellbook is up to you; you may have picked up knowledge
during your journeys, or perhaps it was given to you by a mentor. The writing in your spellbook
can take many formsmaybe the elegant verse of bladesong, or inscrutable etched runes only
you can decipher. See the Your Spellbook sidebar in the Players Handbook for more details.
Preparing and Casting Spells: The swordmage table shows how many spell slots you have to
cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of
the spells level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. You
prepare the list of swordmage spells that are available for you to cast. To do so, choose a
number of swordmage spells from your spellbook equal to your swordmage level (rounded
down) + your Intelligence modifier. The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Casting the spell doesnt remove it from your list of prepared spells. You can change your list of
prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of spells requires time spent
studying your spellbook and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast
the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.
Learning Spells: Each time you gain a swordmage level, you can add one swordmage spell of
your choice to your spellbook. The spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as
shown on the swordmage table. On your adventures, you might find other spells that you can
add to your spellbook (as described in the Players Handbook).
Spellcasting Ability: You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting
ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
swordmage spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one:
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spellcasting Focus: You can use your bonded weapon as a focus for swordmage spells.
Ritual Casting: You can use Ritual Casting on swordmage spells in your spellbook with the
Ritual tag. You do not need to prepare these spells beforehand.

Fighting Style

At 2nd level, choose from the Defense, Dueling, Great Weapon, or Two-Weapon fighting styles
as described in the Players Handbook.
Eldritch Ward
Starting at 3rd level, you are able to generate a magical force field that protects you from harm.
When wielding your bonded weapon in one hand and nothing in the other, you gain a +2 AC
bonus. Your ward activates as part of drawing your weapon. Using your empty hand to interact
with another object (except for spellcasting) disrupts the ward. Regenerating the ward also
counts as interacting with an object.
Arcane Path
At 3rd level, select an Arcane Path (see below). You gain additional abilities from your path at 7th,
14th and 18th levels.
Ability Score Improvement
At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels, you can improve an ability score by 2, improve two separate
ability scores by 1, or take a feat.
Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action
on your turn.
Spellsword Strike
Swordmages learn to slip in an extra strike while weaving their spells. Starting at 6th level, when
you use an action to cast a swordmage spell, you can make a single weapon attack as a bonus
action. You can make the attack before or after casting the spell.
Spellsword Tactics
A swordmage studies an opponents innate magical weaknesses with every strike of the blade.
Starting at 10th level, when you successfully hit an opponent with your bonded weapon, you gain
a +1 to the saving throw DC and a +1 to your attack roll for any swordmage spell you cast, and
you do not suffer disadvantage on ranged attack rolls for casting swordmage spells within 5 feet
of that creature. This bonus lasts until the end of your next turn, but is renewed if you hit the
creature again. Each additional successful hit adds +1 to this bonus, up to a maximum of half
your Intelligence modifier, rounded up.
Roads Scholar
Swordmages pick up stray pieces of knowledge as they wander the myriad roads of the world,
and use their intellect to file away the information until it is needed at a later time. Using this
knowledge they are able to break down almost any problem more efficiently. Starting at 10th
level, you gain half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, for any Intelligence ability check that
does not already include your proficiency bonus.
Elemental Scourge

Starting at 11th level, you infuse your bonded weapon with elemental energy. It now deals an
additional +1d8 of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. You may change this damage
type when you finish a short or long rest.
Strength of Mind
Swordmages use their intellect to momentarily fortify their willpower or devise creative strategies
for avoiding harm. Starting at 15th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier to a single saving
throw roll. You can add the bonus after you see the number rolled, but before the DM reveals
the result. You can use this ability a number of times equal to 1 + intelligence modifier per long
Spellsword Mastery
You have reached the pinnacle of your blade and spell synthesis. At 20th level, when you use the
Attack action (including any extra attacks), you can cast a swordmage spell with a normal
casting time of 1 action as a bonus action. You can cast the spell before or after using the Attack
Arcane Paths
Swordmages are eternal wanderers, and as they progress on their journey they find themselves
traveling down one of a few specialized arcane paths. Channeling Swordmages are more
offensive-minded and focus on infusing their bonded weapon with arcane energy. Shielding
Swordmages are more defensive-oriented and develop a powerful aegis to protect their allies.
Shadow Swordmages draw upon the dark energies of the Shadowfell to become masters of
stealth and subterfuge.
Path of Channeling
Arcane Strike
You draw upon your powers to imbue your weapon with arcane
energy. Starting at 3rd level, as a bonus action, expend a spell slot to
cause your bonded weapon to deal more damage (of the same type
as the weapon) until the end of your turn. The extra damage is +1d8
per spell level (to a max of +5d8). You must activate Arcane Strike
before making any attack rolls.
Starting at 11th level, when you activate Arcane Strike, you can choose
to have the extra damage be of the same type as your Elemental
Scourge ability.

Fancy Footwork

In their quest to master the blade, Channeling Swordmages hone their physical skills to better
position themselves for the perfect strike. At 7th level, choose one of two skills: Acrobatics or
Athletics. Once per short or long rest, you may choose to reroll a single use of this skill. You
may declare this after knowing the result of the initial roll, but you must use the new roll.
Flash Step
Starting at 14th level, when Arcane Strike is active, you can choose to teleport before or after
one of your attacks up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You can use Flash Step
once per short or long rest.
Arcane Fury
Starting at 18th level, you assault your foes with a blazing storm of blade strikes and flash steps.
When you use this ability, you can make a number of melee attacks equal to 1 + your
intelligence modifier. You can apply no more than two attacks to any single target. You can
teleport to an unoccupied space you can see before each attack, though the total distance of all
your teleports cannot exceed 30 feet. You can use this ability once per long rest.
Path of Shielding
Aegis of Shielding
You use your arcane abilities to create a temporary barrier
that shields your allies at a distance. Starting at 3rd level,
when you or a target within 10 feet of you is attacked, you
can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the
attack roll. The distance you can use this ability to protect
others extends to 20 feet at 7th level and 30 feet at 14th
Eternal Sentry
In order to better protect their allies, Shielding
Swordmages train themselves to become more aware
both in and out of battle. Starting at 7th level, you gain
advantage on passive Perception checks (+5 bonus).
Assaulting Aegis
Starting at 14th level, when using your Aegis of Shielding, you can use choose to teleport up to
30 feet to an unoccupied spot adjacent either to the target you have protected or to whatever
made the attack roll. After teleporting, you can make an immediate melee attack. You can use
Assaulting Aegis once per short or long rest.

Total Aegis

Starting at 18th level, you draw upon your arcane abilities to create powerful barriers that protect
you and your allies. As a reaction or a bonus action, you plus a number of allies you can see
equal to your Intelligence modifier gain resistance to all types of damage and advantage on
saving throws. This ability lasts until the beginning of your next turn. You can use this ability
once per long rest.
Path of Shadows
Blade of the Umbra
Shadow Swordmages infuse their blades with the raw energy of
the Shadowfell, which drains away the vitality of targets who are
harried or caught unawares. Starting at 3rd level, once per turn your
bonded weapon can deal an extra +1d6 necrotic damage to one
creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack
roll. You dont need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy
of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isnt incapacitated,
and you dont have disadvantage on the attack roll. This bonus
increases to +2d6 at 7th level, +3d6 at 14th level and +4d6 at 18th
Starting at 11th level, you can choose to have your Elemental
Scourge ability deal Necrotic damage.
Into Thin Air
Shadow Swordmages train themselves in the arts of subterfuge, able to veil themselves in
darkness at a moments notice. Starting at 7th level, you can use the Hide action as a bonus
action on your turn.
Shadow Jump
The swordmage leaps from the shadow of one opponent to that of another, catching the new
target off-guard. Starting at 14th level, immediately after attacking a target with your bonded
weapon, you can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied spot adjacent to another target. You
gain advantage on your next attack against the second target. You can use this ability once per
short or long rest.
Cloak of Darkness
The most powerful Shadow Swordmages can temporarily bend light around themselves and
their allies in order to disappear from the eyes of their opponents. Starting at 18th level, you can
use a bonus action to make yourself plus a number of allies you can see equal to your
Intelligence modifier invisible. Making attacks does not end this effect; however, this effect
requires you to maintain concentration. Each ally retains this effect until the end of their next
turn; the effect remains for you as long as you maintain concentration up to 1 minute. You may
use this ability once per long rest.

Swordmage Spell List

1st Level:

4th Level:

Absorb Elements*
Burning Hands
Chromatic Orb
Detect Magic
Expeditious Retreat
Feather Fall
Find Familiar
Magic Missile

Arcane Eye
Dimension Door
Elemental Bane*
Fire Shield
Greater Invisibility
Ice Storm
Wall of Fire

2nd Level:

5th Level:

Hold Person
Magic Weapon
Melfs Acid Arrow
Mirror Image
Misty Step
Scorching Ray
Snillocs Snowball Swarm*

Bigbys Hand
Cone of Cold
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Wall of Force

3rd Level:
Dispel Magic
Erupting Earth*
Leomunds Tiny Hut
Lightning Bolt
Protection from Energy
Vampiric Touch

*From Elemental Evil Players Companion

Homebrew Equipment
Saber (25 gp, 1d8 slashing, 3 lbs, finesse)

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