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02 - Technical Specifications - Cast-In-Place Concrete

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100 Man Compound Zamboanga City

SECTION 03 30 00




The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by
the basic designation only.


ASTM A1064/A1064M (2014) Standard Specification for

Carbon-Steel Wire and Welded Wire
Reinforcement, Plain and Deformed, for

ASTM A615/A615M (2014) Standard Specification for Deformed

and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete

ASTM C150/C150M (2012) Standard Specification for Portland


ASTM C172/C172M (2014a) Standard Practice for Sampling

Freshly Mixed Concrete

ASTM C31/C31M (2012) Standard Practice for Making and

Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field

ASTM C39/C39M (2014a) Standard Test Method for

Compressive Strength of Cylindrical
Concrete Specimens

ASTM C42/C42M (2013) Standard Test Method for Obtaining

and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams
of Concrete

ASTM C94/C94M (2014b) Standard Specification for

Ready-Mixed Concrete


PNS 07 (2018) Portland Cement

PNS 49 (2019) Steel Bars for Concrete


PNS 113 (2005) Low Carbon Steel Wires (Plain,

annealed & galvanized)




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a. "Cementitious material" as used herein must include all portland

cement, pozzolan, fly ash, ground granulated blast-furnace slag, and
silica fume.

b. "Exposed to public view" means situated so that it can be seen from

eye level from a public location after completion of the building. A
public location is accessible to persons not responsible for operation
or maintenance of the building.

c. "Chemical admixtures" are materials in the form of powder or fluids

that are added to the concrete to give it certain characteristics not
obtainable with plain concrete mixes.

d. "Supplementary cementing materials" (SCM) include coal fly ash, silica

fume, granulated blast-furnace slag, natural or calcined pozzolans,
and ultra-fine coal ash when used in such proportions to replace the
portland cement that result in improvement to sustainability and
durability and reduced cost.

e. "Design strength" (f'c) is the specified compressive strength of

concrete at time(s) specified in this section to meet structural
design criteria.

f. "Mass Concrete" is any concrete system that approaches a maximum

temperature of 70 degrees C within the first 72 hours of placement. In
addition, it includes all concrete elements with a section thickness of
1 meter or more regardless of temperature.

g. "Mixture proportioning" is the process of designing concrete mixture

proportions to enable it to meet the strength, service life and
constructability requirements of the project while minimizing the
initial and life-cycle cost.

h. "Mixture proportions" are the masses or volumes of individual

ingredients used to make a unit measure (cubic meter or cubic yard) of

i. "Pozzolan" is a siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material, which

in itself possesses little or no cementitious value but will, in
finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemically react
with calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperatures to form compounds
possessing cementitious properties.

j. "Workability (or consistence)" is the ability of a fresh (plastic)

concrete mix to fill the form/mould properly with the desired work
(vibration) and without reducing the concrete's quality. Workability
depends on water content, chemical admixtures, aggregate (shape and
size distribution), cementitious content and age (level of hydration).


Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL


SD-05 Design Data

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Concrete mix design;

SD-06 Test Reports

Concrete mix design;

Compressive strength tests;

SD-07 Certificates

Reinforcing Bars


Accomplish work in accordance with ACI publications except as modified

herein. Consider the advisory or recommended provisions to be mandatory.
Interpret reference to the "Building Official," the "Structural Engineer,"
and the "Architect/Engineer" to mean the Contracting Officer.


Follow NSCP 2015 requirements and recommendations. Do not deliver

concrete until vapor retarder, vapor barrier, forms, reinforcement,
embedded items, and chamfer strips are in place and ready for concrete
placement. Do not store concrete curing compounds or sealers in
occupied spaces.

1.5.1 Reinforcement

Store reinforcement of different sizes and shapes in separate piles or

racks raised above the ground to avoid excessive rusting. Protect from
contaminants such as grease, oil, and dirt. Ensure bar sizes can be
accurately identified after bundles are broken and tags removed.


1.6.1 Design Data Concrete Mix Design

Sixty days minimum prior to concrete placement, submit a mix design for
each strength and type of concrete. Submit a complete list of materials
including type; brand; source and amount of cement, complementary
cementitious materials, and admixtures; and applicable reference
specifications. Submit mill test and all other test for cement,
complementary cementitious materials, aggregates, and admixtures.
Provide documentation of maximum nominal aggregate size, gradation
analysis, percentage retained and passing sieve, and a graph of percentage
retained verses sieve size. Provide mix proportion data using at least
three different water-cementitious material ratios for each type of
mixture, which produce a range of strength encompassing those required for
each type of concrete required. If source material changes, resubmit mix
proportion data using revised source material. Provide only materials
that have been proven by trial mix studies to meet the requirements of
this specification, unless otherwise approved in writing by the
Contracting Officer. Indicate clearly in the submittal where each mix
design is used when more than one mix design is submitted. Resubmit data

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on concrete components if the qualities or source of components changes.

For previously approved concrete mix designs used within the past twelve
months, the previous mix design may be re-submitted without further trial
batch testing if accompanied by material test data conducted within the
last six months. Obtain mix design approval from the contracting officer
prior to concrete placement.



Provide wood, plywood, plastic, carton, or steel. Use plywood or steel

forms where a smooth form finish is required.

2.1.1 Wood Forms

Provide lumber that is square edged or tongue-and-groove boards, free of

raised grain, knotholes, or other surface defects.


Provide a form tie system that does not leave mild steel after break-off
or removal any closer than 50 mm from the exposed surface. Do not use wire
alone. Form ties and accessories must not reduce the effective cover of
the reinforcement.


2.3.1 Contractor-Furnished Mix Design

NSCP 2015 except as otherwise specified. Indicate the compressive

strength (f'c) of the concrete for each portion of the structure(s) as
specified below. Where faster set time is required, use Type III cement
before using calcium chloride with approval from the contracting officer. Footings

Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follows:

a. Minimum Compressive Strength: 3000 psi at 28 days.

b. Maximum Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio: 0.40.

c. Slump Limit: 100 mm for concrete with verified slump of 50 to 100 mm

before adding high-range water-reducing admixture or plasticizing
admixture, plus or minus 25 mm.

e. Air Content: 6 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of

delivery for 25 mm or 19 mm nominal maximum aggregate size. Slab-on-Grade

Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follows:

a. Minimum Compressive Strength: 20.7 MPa

at 28 days.

b. Maximum Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio: 0.40 .

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c. Slump Limit: 100 mm for concrete with verified slump of 50 to 100 mm

before adding high-range water-reducing admixture or plasticizing
admixture plus or minus 25 mm.

e. Air Content: 6 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of

delivery for 25 mm or 19 mm nominal maximum aggregate size.

f. Air Content: Do not allow air content of trowel-finished floors to

exceed 3 percent. Required Average Strength of Mix Design

The selected mixture must produce an average compressive strength

exceeding the specified strength by the amount indicated in NSCP 2015, but
may not exceed the specified strength at the same age by more than 20
percent. When a concrete production facility has a record of at least 15
consecutive tests, the standard deviation must be calculated and the
required average compressive strength must be determined in accordance
with NSCP 2015.

2.3.2 Ready-Mix Concrete

Provide concrete that meets the requirements of ASTM C94/C94M or PNS 07.

Ready-mixed concrete manufacturer must provide duplicate delivery tickets

with each load of concrete delivered. Provide delivery tickets with the
following information in addition to that required by ASTM C94/C94M or
PNS 07:

Type and brand cement

Cement and complementary cementitious materials content in 43 kilogram

bags per cubic meter of concrete

Maximum size of aggregate

Amount and brand name of admixtures

Total water content expressed by water cementitious material ratio


2.4.1 Cementitious Materials

For exposed concrete, use one manufacturer and one source for each type of
cement, ground slag, fly ash, and pozzolan. Portland Cement

Provide cement that conforms to ASTM C150/C150M or PNS 07, Type II, with
tri-calcium aluminates (C3A) content less than 10 percent and a maximum
cement-alkali content of 0.80 percent Na2Oe (sodium oxide) equivalent.
Use one brand and type of cement for formed concrete having
exposed-to-view finished surfaces.

2.4.2 Water

Minimize the amount of water in the mix. Improve workability by

adjusting the grading rather than by adding water. Water must be potable;

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free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic

materials, or other substances deleterious to concrete.

2.4.3 Aggregates

Furnish aggregates for exposed concrete surfaces from one source.

Provide aggregates that do not contain any substance which may be
deleteriously reactive with the alkalies in the cement.

Aggregates must not possess properties or constituents that are known to

have specific unfavorable effects in concrete when tested.

2.4.4 Expansion/Contraction Joint Filler

Material must be 13 mm thick, unless otherwise indicated.


2.5.1 Reinforcing Bars

Use deformed steel. ASTM A615/A615M or PNS 49 with the bars marked A,
Grade 60; or marked A, Grade 40. Submit mill certificates for
reinforcing bars.

2.5.2 Wire Steel Wire

Wire must conform to ASTM A1064/A1064M or PNS 113.

2.5.3 Reinforcing Bar Supports

Supports include bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices necessary

for proper spacing, supporting, and fastening reinforcing bars and welded
wire reinforcement in place.



Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly constructed;

verify that substrates are level.

If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer,

notify Contracting Officer of unsatisfactory preparation before processing.

Check field dimensions before beginning installation. If dimensions vary

too much from design dimensions for proper installation, notify
Contracting Officer and wait for instructions before beginning


Determine quantity of concrete needed and minimize the production of

excess concrete. Designate locations or uses for potential excess
concrete before the concrete is poured.

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3.2.1 General

Surfaces against which concrete is to be placed must be free of debris,

loose material, standing water, snow, ice, and other deleterious
substances before start of concrete placing.

Remove standing water without washing over freshly deposited concrete.

Divert flow of water through side drains provided for such purpose.

3.2.2 Subgrade Under Foundations and Footings

When subgrade material is semiporous and dry, sprinkle subgrade surface

with water as required to eliminate suction at the time concrete is
deposited, or seal subgrade surface by covering surface with specified
vapor retarder. When subgrade material is porous, seal subgrade surface
by covering surface with specified vapor retarder.

3.2.3 Subgrade Under Slabs on Ground

Before construction of slabs on ground, have underground work on pipes and

conduits completed and approved.

Previously constructed subgrade or fill must be cleaned of foreign


3.2.4 Reinforcement and Other Embedded Items

Secure reinforcement, joint materials, and other embedded materials in

position, inspected, and approved before start of concrete placing.


Provide forms, shoring, and scaffolding for concrete placement. Set forms
mortar-tight and true to line and grade. Chamfer above grade exposed
joints, edges, and external corners of concrete 20 mm unless otherwise
indicated. Provide formwork with clean-out openings to permit inspection
and removal of debris.

3.3.1 Reuse

Reuse forms providing the structural integrity of concrete and the

aesthetics of exposed concrete are not compromised. Wood forms must not
be clogged with paste and must be capable of absorbing high
water-cementitious material ratio paste.

3.3.2 Tolerances for Form Construction

Construct formwork to ensure that after removal of forms and prior to

patching and finishing of formed surfaces, provide concrete surfaces in
accordance with tolerances specified in NSCP 2015.

3.3.3 Removal of Forms and Supports

After placing concrete, removal of forms must be in accordance with

NSCP 2015 Section 2 except as modified by approved form removal schedule.


Provide waterstops in construction joints as indicated.

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Install waterstops to form a continuous diaphragm in each joint. Make

adequate provisions to support and protect waterstops during progress of
work. Protect waterstops protruding from joints from damage.

3.4.1 Rubber Waterstop

Rubber waterstops must be spliced using cold bond adhesive as recommended

by the manufacturer.


Provide bars, welded wire reinforcement, wire ties, supports, and other
devices necessary to install and secure reinforcement. Reinforcement must
not have rust, scale, oil, grease, clay, or foreign substances that would
reduce the bond. Rusting of reinforcement is a basis of rejection if the
effective cross-sectional area or the nominal weight per unit length has
been reduced. Remove loose rust prior to placing steel. Tack welding is

3.5.1 General

Provide details of reinforcement as specified.

3.5.2 Splicing

As indicated. Do not splice at points of maximum stress. Overlap welded

wire reinforcement the spacing of the cross wires, plus 50 mm.

3.5.3 Fabrication

Shop fabricate reinforcing bars to conform to shapes and dimensions

indicated for reinforcement, and as follows:

Provide fabrication tolerances that are in accordance with NSCP 2015 .

Provide hooks and bends that are in accordance with NSCP 2015 .

Reinforcement must be bent cold to shapes as indicated. Bending must be

done in the shop. Rebending of a reinforcing bar that has been bent
incorrectly is not be permitted. Bending must be in accordance with
standard approved practice and by approved machine methods.

Tolerance on nominally square-cut, reinforcing bar ends must be in

accordance with NSCP 2015.

Deliver reinforcing bars bundled, tagged, and marked. Tags must be metal
with bar size, length, mark, and other information pressed in by machine.
Marks must correspond with those used on the placing drawings.

Do not use reinforcement that has any of the following defects:

a. Bar lengths, depths, and bends beyond specified fabrication tolerances

b. Bends or kinks not indicated on drawings or approved shop drawings

c. Bars with reduced cross-section due to rusting or other cause

Replace defective reinforcement with new reinforcement having required

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shape, form, and cross-section area.

3.5.4 Placing Reinforcement

Place reinforcement in accordance with NSCP 2015 .

For slabs on grade (over earth or over capillary water barrier) and for
footing reinforcement, support bars or welded wire reinforcement on
precast concrete blocks, spaced at intervals required by size of
reinforcement, to keep reinforcement the minimum height specified above
the underside of slab or footing.

Provide reinforcement that is supported and secured together to prevent

displacement by construction loads or by placing of wet concrete.

3.5.5 Spacing of Reinforcing Bars

Spacing must be as indicated. If not indicated, spacing must be in

accordance with the NSCP 2015.

Reinforcing bars may be relocated to avoid interference with other

reinforcement, or with conduit, pipe, or other embedded items. If any
reinforcing bar is moved a distance exceeding one bar diameter or
specified placing tolerance, resulting rearrangement of reinforcement is
subject to preapproval by the Contracting Officer.

3.5.6 Concrete Protection for Reinforcement

Concrete protection must be in accordance with the NSCP 2015.


Batching equipment must be such that the concrete ingredients are

consistently measured within the following tolerances: 1 percent for
cement and water, 2 percent for aggregate, and 3 percent for admixtures.
Furnish mandatory batch ticket information for each load of ready mix

3.6.1 Measuring

Make measurements at intervals as specified in paragraphs SAMPLING and


3.6.2 Mixing

Machine mix concrete. Begin mixing within 30 minutes after the cement
has been added to the aggregates. Additional water may be added,
provided that both the specified maximum slump and water-cementitious
material ratio are not exceeded and the required concrete strength is
still met. When additional water is added, an additional 30 revolutions
of the mixer at mixing speed is required. Dissolve admixtures in the
mixing water and mix in the drum to uniformly distribute the admixture
throughout the batch. Do not reconstitute concrete that has begun to

3.6.3 Transporting

Transport concrete from the mixer to the forms as rapidly as practicable.

Prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. Clean transporting equipment

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thoroughly before each batch. Do not use aluminum pipe or chutes. Remove
concrete which has segregated in transporting and dispose of as directed.


Place concrete in accordance with NSCP 2015.

3.7.1 Footing Placement

Concrete for footings may be placed in excavations without forms upon

inspection and approval by the Contracting Officer. Excavation width must
be a minimum of 100 mm greater than indicated.

3.7.2 Bonding

Surfaces of set concrete at joints, must be roughened and cleaned of

laitance, coatings, loose particles, and foreign matter. Roughen surfaces
in a manner that exposes the aggregate uniformly and does not leave
laitance, loosened particles of aggregate, nor damaged concrete at the

Obtain bonding of fresh concrete that has set as follows:

At joints between footings and walls or columns, between walls or columns

and the beams or slabs they support, and elsewhere unless otherwise
specified; roughened and cleaned surface of set concrete must be
dampened, but not saturated, immediately prior to placing of fresh

At joints in exposed-to-view work; at vertical joints in walls; at joints

near midpoint of span in girders, beams, supported slabs, other
structural members; in work designed to contain liquids; the roughened
and cleaned surface of set concrete must be dampened but not saturated
and covered with a cement grout coating.

Provide cement grout that consists of equal parts of portland cement and
fine aggregate by weight with not more than 22.5 liters of water per
sack of cement. Apply cement grout with a stiff broom or brush to a
minimum thickness of 1.6 mm. Deposit fresh concrete before cement
grout has attained its initial set.


3.8.1 Mixing Equipment

Before concrete pours, designate for cleaning out concrete mixing trucks.
Minimize water used to wash equipment.

3.8.2 Reinforcing Steel

Collect reinforcing steel and place in designated area for recycling.

3.8.3 Other Waste

Identify concrete manufacturer's or supplier's policy for collection or

return of construction waste, unused material, deconstruction waste,
and/or packaging material.

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NSCP 2015, unless otherwise specified. Slope floors uniformly to drains

where drains are provided. Depress the concrete base slab where quarry
tile, ceramic tile, or are indicated.

3.9.1 Finish

Place, consolidate, and immediately strike off concrete to obtain proper

contour, grade, and elevation before bleedwater appears. Permit concrete
to attain a set sufficient for floating and supporting the weight of the
finisher and equipment. If bleedwater is present prior to floating the
surface, drag the excess water off or remove by absorption with porous
materials. Do not use dry cement to absorb bleedwater. Scratched

Use for surfaces intended to receive bonded applied cementitious

applications. Finish concrete in accordance with NSCP 2015 for a
scratched finish. Broomed

Use on surfaces of exterior walks, platforms, patios, and ramps, unless

otherwise indicated. Finish concrete in accordance with NSCP 2015for a
broomed finish. Pavement

Screed the concrete with a template advanced with a combined longitudinal

and crosswise motion. Maintain a slight surplus of concrete ahead of the
template. After screeding, float the concrete longitudinally.


3.10.1 Construction Joints

Make and locate joints not indicated so as not to impair strength and
appearance of the structure, as approved. Joints must be perpendicular to
main reinforcement. Reinforcement must be continued and developed across
construction joints. Locate construction joints as follows: Maximum Allowable Construction Joint Spacing

a. In walls at not more than 18.3 meter in any horizontal direction.

b. In slabs on ground, so as to divide slab into areas not in excess of

111.5 square meter.


NSCP 2015, unless otherwise specified. Begin curing immediately following

form removal. Avoid damage to concrete from vibration created by
blasting, pile driving, movement of equipment in the vicinity, disturbance
of formwork or protruding reinforcement, and any other activity resulting
in ground vibrations. Protect concrete from injurious action by sun,
rain, flowing water, frost, mechanical injury, tire marks, and oil
stains. Do not allow concrete to dry out from time of placement until the
expiration of the specified curing period. Do not use membrane-forming

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compound on surfaces where appearance would be objectionable, on any

surface to be painted, where coverings are to be bonded to the concrete,
or on concrete to which other concrete is to be bonded. If forms are
removed prior to the expiration of the curing period, provide another
curing procedure specified herein for the remaining portion of the curing
period. Provide moist curing for those areas receiving liquid chemical
sealer-hardener or epoxy coating. Allow curing compound/sealer
installations to cure prior to the installation of materials that adsorb

3.11.1 Curing Periods

NSCP 2015, except 10 days for pavement . Begin curing immediately after
placement. Protect concrete from premature drying, excessively hot
temperatures, and mechanical injury; and maintain minimal moisture loss at
a relatively constant temperature for the period necessary for hydration
of the cement and hardening of the concrete. The materials and methods of
curing are subject to approval by the Contracting Officer.

3.11.2 Curing Formed Surfaces

Accomplish curing of formed surfaces, including undersurfaces of girders,

beams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces by moist curing with
forms in place for full curing period or until forms are removed. If
forms are removed before end of curing period, accomplish final curing of
formed surfaces by any of the curing methods specified above, as

3.11.3 Curing Unformed Surfaces

Accomplish initial curing of unformed surfaces, such as monolithic slabs,

floor topping, and other flat surfaces, by membrane curing.

Unless otherwise specified, accomplish final curing of unformed surfaces

by any of curing methods specified, as applicable.

Accomplish final curing of concrete surfaces to receive liquid floor

hardener of finish flooring by moisture-retaining cover curing.

3.11.4 Temperature of Concrete During Curing

When the temperature of atmosphere is 27 degrees C and above or during

other climatic conditions which cause too rapid drying of concrete, make
arrangements before start of concrete placing for installation of wind
breaks, of shading, and for fog spraying, wet sprinkling, or
moisture-retaining covering of light color as required to protect concrete
during curing period.

3.11.5 Protection After Curing

Protect finished concrete surfaces from damage by construction operations.


3.12.1 Sampling

Collect samples of fresh concrete to perform tests specified.

ASTM C31/C31M for making test specimens.

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3.12.2 Testing Slump Tests

Take concrete samples during concrete placement/discharge. The maximum

slump may be increased as specified with the addition of an approved
admixture provided that the water-cementitious material ratio is not
exceeded. Perform tests at commencement of concrete placement, when test
cylinders are made, and for each batch (minimum) or every 16 cubic meters
(maximum) of concrete. Compressive Strength Tests

ASTM C39/C39M. Make six test cylinders for each set of tests in
accordance with ASTM C31/C31M, ASTM C172/C172M and applicable requirements .
Take precautions to prevent evaporation and loss of water from the
specimen. Test two cylinders at 7 days, two cylinders at 28 days, two
cylinders at 56 days and hold two cylinder in reserve. Take samples for
strength tests of each mix design of concrete placed each day not less
than once a day, nor less than once for each 75 cubic meters of concrete
for the first 380 cubic meters, then every 380 cubic meters thereafter,
nor less than once for each 500 square meters of surface area for slabs or
walls. For the entire project, take no less than five sets of samples and
perform strength tests for each mix design of concrete placed. Each
strength test result must be the average of two cylinders from the same
concrete sample tested at 28 days. Concrete compressive tests must meet
the requirements of NSCP 2015. Retest locations represented by erratic
core strengths. Where retest does not meet concrete compressive strength
requirements submit a mitigation or remediation plan for review and
approval by the contracting officer. Repair core holes with nonshrink
grout. Match color and finish of adjacent concrete. Strength of Concrete Structure

The strength of the concrete structure will be considered to be deficient

if any of the following conditions are identified:

Failure to meet compressive strength tests as evaluated

Reinforcement not conforming to requirements specified

Concrete which differs from required dimensions or location in such a

manner as to reduce strength

Concrete curing and protection of concrete against extremes of temperature

during curing, not conforming to requirements specified

Concrete subjected to damaging mechanical disturbances, particularly load

stresses, heavy shock, and excessive vibration

Poor workmanship likely to result in deficient strength

Where the strength of the concrete structure is considered deficient

submit a mitigation or remediation plan for review and approval by the
contracting officer. Non-Conforming Materials

Factors that indicate that there are non-conforming materials include (but

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not limited to) excessive compressive strength, inadequate compressive

strength, excessive slump, excessive voids and honeycombing, concrete
delivery records that indicate excessive time between mixing and
placement, or excessive water was added to the mixture during delivery and
placement. Any of these indicators alone are sufficient reason for the
Contracting Officer to request additional sampling and testing.

Investigations into non-conforming materials must be conducted at the

Contractor's expense. The Contractor must be responsible for the
investigation and must make written recommendations to adequately mitigate
or remediate the non-conforming material. The Contracting Officer may
accept, accept with reduced payment, require mitigation, or require
removal and replacement of non-conforming material at no additional cost
to the Government. Testing Concrete Structure for Strength

When there is evidence that strength of concrete structure in place does

not meet specification requirements or there are non-conforming materials,
make cores drilled from hardened concrete for compressive strength
determination in accordance with ASTM C42/C42M, and as follows:

Take at least three representative cores from each member or area of

concrete-in-place that is considered potentially deficient. Location
of cores will be determined by the Contracting Officer.

Test cores after moisture conditioning in accordance with ASTM C42/C42M if

concrete they represent is more than superficially wet under service.

Air dry cores, (16 to 27 degrees C with relative humidity less than 60
percent) for 7 days before test and test dry if concrete they
represent is dry under service conditions.

Strength of cores from each member or area are considered satisfactory if

their average is equal to or greater than 85 percent of the 28-day
design compressive strength of the class of concrete.

Core specimens will be taken and tested. If the results of core-boring

tests indicate that the concrete as placed does not conform to the
drawings and specification, the cost of such tests and restoration
required must be borne by the Contractor.

Fill core holes solid with patching mortar and finished to match adjacent
concrete surfaces.

Correct concrete work that is found inadequate by core tests in a manner

approved by the Contracting Officer.


Before the Contracting Officer accepts the structure the Contractor must
inspect the structure for cracks, damage and substandard concrete
placements that may adversely affect the service life of the structure. A
report documenting these defects must be prepared which includes
recommendations for repair, removal or remediation must be submitted to
the Contracting Officer for approval before any corrective work is

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3.13.1 Crack Repair

Prior to final acceptance, all cracks in excess of 0.50 mm wide must be

documented and repaired. The proposed method and materials to repair the
cracks must be submitted to the Contracting Officer for approval. The
proposal must address the amount of movement expected in the crack due to
temperature changes and loading.

3.13.2 Repair of Weak Surfaces

Weak surfaces are defined as mortar-rich, rain-damaged, uncured, or

containing exposed voids or deleterious materials. Concrete surfaces with
weak surfaces less than 6 mm thick must be diamond ground to remove the
weak surface. Surfaces containing weak surfaces greater than 6 mm thick
must be removed and replaced or mitigated in a manner acceptable to the
Contracting Officer.

3.13.3 Failure of Quality Assurance Test Results

Proposed mitigation efforts by the Contractor must be approved by the

Contracting Officer prior to proceeding.

-- End of Section --

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