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Operator'S Manual

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The document outlines safety procedures for operating a diesel engine including proper ventilation, exhaust system maintenance, and idling. It also contains warnings about diesel exhaust.

The document mentions to always start and operate the engine in a well-ventilated area, vent exhaust to outside if in an enclosed area, do not modify or tamper with exhaust system, and do not idle engine except when necessary.

The document mentions the generator set contains components like the control panel, fuel system, cooling system, and lists their locations on a diagram.


For Models: M944W3F, M944T3F, M30C3F
and M40C3F

Proposition 65 Warning:
Breathing Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents
are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth
defects, and other reproductive harm.
* Always start and operate the engine in a well-ventilated area.
* If in an enclosed area, vent the exhaust to the outside.
* Do not modify or tamper with the exhaust system.
* Do not idle the engine except as necessary.
For more information, go to www.P65warnings.ca.gov/diesel.

Northern Lights
4420 14th Avenue NW
Seattle, WA 98107
Tel: (206) 789-3880
Fax: (206) 782-5455

Copyright ©2018 Northern Lights, Inc.

All rights reserved. Northern Lights™, and
the Northern Lights logo are trademarks of
Northern Lights, Inc.

Printed in U.S.A.
PART NO.: OM944F 10/18
for Models
M944W3F, M944T3F, M30C3F & M40C3F

Read this operator's manual thoroughly before starting to operate your equipment.
This manual contains information you will need to run and service your new unit.

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ...................................................2 SERVICING

Unit Identification ...............................................2 Lubrication - General........................................ 18
Model Numbers...................................................2 Checking Oil Level........................................... 18
Serial Numbers....................................................2 Oil Changes...................................................... 18
Changing Oil Filter........................................... 19
WARRANTY............................................................3 Air Cleaner ....................................................... 19
V-Belts.............................................................. 19
SAFETY RULES...............................................3 - 7 Valve Clearances............................................... 20
Fuels - General.................................................. 21
LOCK OUT / TAG OUT PROCEDURES........... 8 Fuel Filters........................................................ 21
Bleeding the Fuel System................................. 22
COMPONENT LOCATIONS Injector Service................................................. 23
M944W3F Generator Set ..........................10 - 11 Injection Pump.................................................. 24
Turbocharger .................................................... 25
CONTROL PANELS Cooling System ................................................ 26
Series 1-B, Series 3 and Series 4...................... 12 Check Coolant Level ....................................... 26
Coolant System Flushing ................................ 26
EMISSION RELATED INSTALLATION........ 13 Heat Exchanger................................................. 27
Raw Water Pump.............................................. 27
OPERATING PROCEDURES Zinc Electrodes................................................. 27
Break-in Period................................................. 13 Generator End .................................................. 27
Before Starting.................................................. 13 Electrical System - General.............................. 27
Starting.............................................................. 14 Booster Batteries............................................... 28
Operating.......................................................... 14 Battery Care...................................................... 28
Stopping............................................................ 14 Winterizing / Out-of-Service............................ 29
Shutdowns and Alarms..................................... 15
Spare Parts........................................................ 15 TROUBLESHOOTING
DC Electrical System........................................ 30
SERVICING SCHEDULE CHART.................. 16 Engine....................................................... 31 - 33

SERVICE REPORT............................................ 17 WIRING DIAGRAMS

AC Electrical............................................ 34 - 38
DC Electrical............................................ 39 - 46
Panel Diagrams......................................... 47 - 48

Proprietary Information
This publication is the property of Northern Lights, Inc.
It may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of Northern Lights, Inc.
© Northern Lights, Inc. All rights reserved. Litho U.S.A. Publication number OM944F 10/18

OM944F 10/18
The servicing of marine engines and generator sets more strictly. Failures begin with minor problems that
presents unique problems. In many cases, boats cannot are overlooked and become amplified when not corrected
be moved to a repair facility. Marine engines cannot be during routine maintenance.
compared to the servicing of automobiles, trucks, or As operator, it is your obligation to learn about your
even farm equipment. Failures often occur in remote equipment and its proper maintenance. This is not a
areas far from competent assistance. Marine engines are comprehensive technical service manual. Nor will it make
taxed far more severely than auto or truck engines; the reader into an expert mechanic. Its aim is to aid you in
therefore, maintenance schedules must be adhered to maintaining your unit properly.

Unit Identification

This manual covers the operating instructions for:
• M944W3F and M30C3F marine and commercial generator sets, which use the
944 engine block.

• M944T3F and M40C3F marine and commercial generator sets, which use the
944 engine block, turbocharged.

Model Numbers Model Numbers

Model numbers give the unit's application, block model, aspiration, and kW:

M 944 W F

M - Northern Lights + Model number of engine block + W - Auxiliary Winding F - Exhaust

marine generator set Bore Cylinders Filtration
94 mm 4

Northern Lights marine diesel generator set with a 944 engine or

M944W3F = and a PX-300K2 series generator end, 30 kW US EPA Tier III
Northern Lights commercial marine diesel generator set with a
M30C3F = 944 engine and a PX-300K2 series generator end, 30kW US T - Turbocharged
EPA Tier III Final.

M944T3F = Northern Lights marine diesel generator set with a 944 engine
and a LX-E 34E series generator end , 40kW US EPA Tier III
Northern Lights commercial marine diesel generator set with
M40C3F = a 944 engine and a Newage or MeccAlte series generator
end, 40 kW, US EPA Tier III Final.

Serial Numbers

Your set has three serial numbers: 1 an engine number stamped on

Figure 1: a plate attached to the valve cover, 2 a generator end serial number,
and 3 a generator set serial number.
Serial Duty

Generator set Part


serial number Lead

Amb. °C

plate. Phase
NOTE: Always use the generator set serial number when ordering parts
or in correspondence. The generator set serial number plate is found on
Insula. FL Amp

Northern Lights, Inc., Seattle, WA U.S.A.

the service side of the generator and resembles the drawing in Figure 1.
(206) 789-3880 www.northern-lights.com
ISO:9001 Certified 00-60010

OM944F 10/18
Revised 4-12-17

A warranty registration certificate is supplied with your set. It entitles the original purchaser of our equipment
to a warranty covering material or assembly faults. The extent of coverage is described in the Limited Warranty
Statement. We recommend that you study the statement carefully.
NOTE: If the warranty is to apply, the servicing instructions outlined in this manual must be followed. If further
information is needed, please contact an authorized dealer or the factory.

Safety Rules
NOTICE: Northern Lights generator sets and /or any other diesel powered equipment provided by NLI is not provided
with spark arresting or explosion proof components, and therefore is not to be installed in the presence of combustible
gasses having a flash point of 43.3 Degrees C (110 Degrees F) or lower, such as Gasoline, Propane, Natural Gas or other
similar fuel sources.

NOTICE: Accident reports show that careless use of engines causes a high percentage of accidents.
You can avoid accidents by observing these safety rules. Study these rules carefully and enforce them on the job.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. repair parts include the current safety signs. For
Electromagnetic equipment, including generator sets replacement signs, proper placement of safety signs
and their accessories, can cause bodily harm and or clarification on any safety issue, consult your
life threatening injuries when improperly installed, Northern Lights dealer or the factory.
operated or maintained. To prevent accidents be aware There can be additional safety information contained
of potential dangers and act safely. on parts and components from outside suppliers
that is not reproduced in this manual. Consult the
READ AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY suppliers for additional safety information.
PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION Learn how to operate the machine and how to use
OF ANY GENERATOR SET OR the controls properly. Only trained personnel should
ACCESSORY. KEEP THESE operate machines, or work on or around them.
REFERENCE. Keep you machine in proper working condition.
Recognize Safety Symbols and Instructions MACHINERY MAY IMPAIR ITS FUNCTION
In addition to the information found in this section, this AND SAFETY PARAMETERS.
operator’s manual uses three different signal words to
outline potential dangers of a specific nature. Prevent Bypass and Accidental
! DANGER DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Do not start engine by shorting across start terminal.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, Engine will start if normal circuitry is bypassed,
! CAUTION if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
injury. creating a hazard by runaway machinery.

Follow All Safety Instructions Start engine only from operator’s station.
Carefully read and understand
all safety messages in this
manual and on your machine’s
safety signs. Keep signs in
good and clean condition.
Replace missing or damaged
signs. Be sure new equipment components and
OM944F 10/18
Revised 4-12-17

Safety Rules (Continued)

Handle Fuel Safely - Avoid Flames
Wear Protective Clothing
Diesel is highly flammable and should be treated with
care at all times. Do do not refuel while smoking or To prevent catching anything in moving machinery,
when near sparks or open flame. always wear close fitting clothes and safety
equipment appropriate
MACHINE. Always fill Prolonged exposure
portable fuel tank outdoors. to loud noise can
Never fuel a hot engine. cause hearing loss or
Prevent accidental impairment. Wear
discharge of starting fluids suitable authorized
by storing all cans in a hearing protection,
cool, safe place, away such as earmuffs or plugs to protect against loud
from sparks or open flame. Store with cap securely noises.
on container. Never incinerate or puncture a fuel
container. Operating equipment requires the full attention of the
operator. Do not use radio or music headphones
Prevent fires by keeping machine clean of accumulated while operating machinery.
trash, grease and debris. Always clean any spilled fuel Practice Safe Maintenance
as swiftly as possible. Do not store oily rags, which
can ignite and burn spontaneously.
Be prepared if a fire starts. Keep a first aid kit and fire Understand all service
extinguisher handy. Keep emergency contact numbers procedures before starting work.
for fire department, doctors, ambulance and hospital Keep area clean and dry. Never lubricate, service, or
near the telephone. adjust machine while it is in operation.
Service Machines Safely Keep hands, feet and clothing away from power-
driven equipment. When shutting down an engine,
! DANGER disengage all power and operator controls. Allow
the engine to cool completely before beginning any
Do not wear a necktie, scarf, necklace, rings or other service work.
jewelry, or any loose clothing
when working near moving Securely support any machinery elements that must
parts. Tie long hair behind your be raised for service work with support or lifting
head. If any of these items get machinery specifically intended for that purpose.
caught in moving machinery,
severe injury or death could Keep all parts in good conditions and properly
result. installed. Fix damage immediately. Replace any
worn or broken parts. Remove any build up of
Check for any loose electrical connections or faulty grease, oil or debris.
Disconnect battery ground cable (-) before making
Look completely around engine to make sure that any adjustments or service work.
everything is clear before starting.

OM944F 10/18
Revised 4-12-17

Safety Rules (Continued)

Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines Never check battery charge
by contacting the posts with
! DANGER a metal object. Use a volt-
meter or hydrometer.
Entanglement in rotating
drivelines can cause serious Frozen batteries may explode
injury or death. Keep if charged. Never charge
shields in place at all times. Make sure that rotating a battery that has not been
shields turn freely in pace with the drivelines. allowed to warm to at least
16oC (60oF).
Do not wear loose fitting equipment around rotating Always remove grounded (-) battery clamp first and
drivelines. Stop the engine and make sure that replace ground clamp last.
all moving parts have stopped before making any
adjustments, connections, or performing any other type Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous and
of service to the engine or other driven equipment. strong enough to burn skin, eat holes into clothing and
other materials, and cause blindness if splashed into eyes.
Install all Safety Guards
To Avoid Hazards:
! WARNING • Fill batteries only in well-ventilated areas.
• Wear appropriate eye protection and rubber gloves.
Direct contact with rotating • Never use air pressure to clean batteries.
fans, belts, pulley and drives • Wear appropriate ventilation equipment to avoid
can cause serious injury. inhaling fumes when adding electrolyte.
• Do not spill or drip electrolyte.
Keep all guards in place • Use correct jump-start procedure if required.
at all times during engine
operation. If acid is spilled on skin or in eyes:
1. Flush skin with water.
Wear close-fitting clothes. Stop the engine and be 2. Apply baking soda or lime to
sure all fans, belts, pulleys and drives are stopped help neutralize acid.
before making adjustments, connections, or cleaning 3. Flush eyes with water for
near fans and their components. 15-30 minutes.
4. Get medical attention
Do not allow anything on your person to dangle into immediately.
or come in contact with a moving fan, belt, pulley or If acid is swallowed:
drive. Fans can act as vacuums and pull materials 1. DO NOT induce vomiting.
up from below, so avoid that area as well while in 2. Drink large amounts of
service. water or milk, without
exceeding 2 liters
Safe Battery Handling (2 quarts)
3. Get medical attention
! WARNING immediately

Prevent Battery Explosions ! WARNING

Battery gas is highly flammable. Battery explosions
can cause severe injury or death. To help prevent Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories
battery explosions, keep sparks, lighted matches can contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals
and open flame away from the top of battery. When known to the State of California to cause cancer and
checking battery electrolyte level, use a flashlight. reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.

OM944F 10/18
Revised 4-12-17

Safety Rules (Continued)

Handle Chemical Products Safely
Do not use a chlorinated solvent in an area where
! WARNING welding will occur. Work only in areas that are well
ventilated. Dispose of paint and solvent properly.
Direct exposure to hazardous
chemicals can cause serious Service Cooling System Safely
injury. Among the potentially
hazardous chemicals that may be ! WARNING
used with Northern Lights Opening a pressurized cooling
products are lubricants, coolants, system can release explosive fluids
paints and adhesives. and causing serious burns.
Before opening any pressurized
All potentially hazardous chemicals come with a Material cooling system, make sure the
Data Safety Sheet (MSDS). The MSDS provides specific engine has been shut off. Do not remove a filler cap
details on chemical products, including physical hazards, unless it is cool enough to comfortably grip with bare
safety procedures and emergency response techniques hands. Slowly loosen cap to relieve pressure before
opening fully.
Read and understand the MSDS for each chemical before
you start any job that includes it. Follow the procedures Avoid High Pressure Fluids
and use appropriate equipment exactly as recommended.
Contact your Northern Lights dealer or Northern Lights
factory for MSDS’s used on Northern Lights products. Relieve pressure prior to
disconnecting pressurized
Work in Well Ventilated Areas lines. Escaping fluid under
pressure can penetrate the
! CAUTION skin causing serious injury. Always relieve pressure
before disconnecting hydraulic or other pressurized
Exhaust fumes from engines contain carbon monoxide lines. Tighten all connections firmly before re-
and can cause sickness or death. Work in well ventilated applying pressure.
areas to avoid prolonged exposure to engine fumes. If it
is necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area, route If searching for leaks, use a piece of cardboard.
the exhaust fumes out of the area with an approved, leak Always protect your hands and other body parts from
proof exhaust pipe extension. high-pressure fluids.

Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any
high pressure spray injected into the skin must be
! WARNING removed within a few hours to prevent the risk of
gangrene or other infection.
Hazardous fumes can be
generated when paint is heated Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines
by welding, soldering or using a
torch. To avoid potentially toxic ! WARNING
fumes and dust, remove paint
before heating. Flammable spray can be generated
• Remove paint a minimum of 100 mm (4 in.) from the by heating near pressurized fluid
area that will be affected by heat. lines, resulting in severe burns and
• If paint cannot be removed, wear an approved respirator. bodily injury. Pressurized lines
• If you sand or grind paint, use an approved respirator. can rupture when heat goes beyond the immediate
• If you use solvent or paint stripper, remove stripper flame area. Do not weld, solder or use a torch or
with soap and water before welding. Remove open flame near pressurized lines or other flammable
solvent or paint stripper containers from the area. fluids.
• Allow at least 15 minutes for fumes to disperse
before welding or heating.
OM944F 10/18
Revised 4-12-17

Safety Rules (Continued)

Do Not Open High-Pressure Fuel System Avoid creating dust. Never use compressed air for
cleaning. Avoid brushing or grinding materials
! DANGER containing asbestos. When servicing, wear an
approved respirator. A special vacuum cleaner is
Many Northern Lights engines use high- recommended to clean asbestos. If this vacuum is not
pressure fuel injection. High-pressure fluid available, apply a mist of oil or water on the material
remaining in fuel lines can cause serious containing asbestos. Keep all bystanders away from
injury. Do not disconnect or attempt any area where asbestos dust may be generated.
any repair of fuel lines, sensors, or other
components between the high-pressure fuel pump Use Proper Lifting Equipment and Techniques
and nozzles on engines with high pressure fuel
systems. ! WARNING
ONLY AUTHORIZED TECHNICIANS CAN Lifting heavy components incorrectly
PERFORM REPAIRS ON AN HIGH PRESSURE can cause severe injury or damage
FUEL INJECTION SYSTEMS. to machinery. Avoid unbalanced
loads. Do not use lifting eyes. Lift
Avoid Hot Exhaust the generator set using lifting bars inserted through
the lifting holes on the skid. Follow all recommended
! WARNING removal and installation procedures in this and
associated Northern Lights manuals.
Avoid exposure to and physical
contact with hot exhaust gases. Exhaust parts Use Proper Tools
and streams can reach high temperatures during
operation, leading to burns or other serious injury. ! CAUTION
Cleaning exhaust filters can also lead to exposure to Makeshift tools and procedures
hot exhaust gas and the injury risk associated with can create safety hazards.
it. Avoid exposure to and physical contact with hot Always use appropriate tools for the job.
exhaust gases when cleaning exhaust filters.
Use power tools only to loosen threaded parts and
During auto or manual/stationary exhaust filter fasteners. For loosening and tightening hardware,
cleaning operations, the engine will run at always use the correct sized tools.
elevated temperatures for an extended period of
time. Exhaust parts and streams can reach high Do not use US measurement tools on metric
temperatures during operation, leading to burns or fasteners, or vice versa. Use only service parts that
other serious injury. meet Northern Lights specifications.

Avoid Harmful Asbestos Dust Dispose of Waste Properly

Inhaling asbestos fibers may Disposing of waste improperly can threaten the
cause lung cancer. Avoid environment and lead to unsafe working conditions.
breathing any dust that may Potentially harmful waste used in Northern Lights
be generated when handling equipment can include oil, fuel, coolant, filters and
components containing asbestos batteries.
fibers, including some gaskets.
Use leakproof containers to drain fluid. Do not
The asbestos used in these components is usually use food or beverage containers that may mislead
found in a resin or otherwise sealed. Normal someone into drinking from them.
handling of these components is not dangerous,
as long as airborne dust containing asbestos is not Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain or
generated. into any water source.

OM944F 10/18
Lock Out / Tag Out Procedures
During maintenance, repairs or retooling of a Northern Lights generator set, simply turning the machine off or unplugging
it while it is being worked on does not give enough protection to others who are not performing the maintenance or
repair. Many serious accidents happen when someone thought the machine was turned off, or all of its energy was
safely blocked or released.

General Policy If shutting off of air, water or other material cannot be

achieved at the local supply valve, shut off valves further
! CAUTION back in the system and re-check the bleed-off point until
To avoid dangerous or hazardous situations, refrain from complete shut-off is achieved.
any of the following:
• Removing or bypassing a guard or other safety device Affix a DO NOT OPERATE tag to each valve handle that
• Placing any part of your body in a position where you requires shut off. Each DO NOT OPERATE tag must be
could be caught by moving machinery. signed and dated by the authorized technician servicing
• Cleaning or oiling machinery when in operation. the equipment.
• Adjusting circuits, chillers, pumps, air handlers, valves,
circuit breakers or fans while in operation. Lock Out/Tag Out Instructions -
• Working on piping or high pressure systems. Air Hose Connected Pneumatic Equipment
Lock Out/Tag Out Instructions - Equipment connected to the compressed air system
Electrical Equipment through an air hose with a detachable fitting must be
shutdown and unplugged. Excess air must be bled prior
! WARNING to removing the air hose, prior to any maintenance or
Be sure the equipment’s ON/OFF switch is in the OFF repair activities.
position and is unplugged from any electrical source before
attempting to perform any type of work on the equipment. Affix a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the air hose near the
Obtain an electrical plug cap cover with a lockset. Secure detachable fitting. Each DO NOT OPERATE tag must be
the plug terminal end using the electrical plug lockout cap. signed and dated by the authorized technician servicing
Lock the cap and retain the key. the equipment. Check that the equipment cannot be
operated by activating the ON switch.
If the equipment is directly wired into an electrical box with
a shut off switch, obtain a lock pad and/or the appropriate Stored Energy
colored tags and place the lock and tag through the shut
off lever. Retain the key until the repair is completed and ! WARNING
the machine is safe to start. Be certain the shut off lever Immediately after applying Lock Out or Tag Out devices,
is in the OFF position before restarting. NEVER give a ensure that all potentially hazardous stored or residual
lock out key to unauthorized personnel. energy is relieved, disconnected, restrained and otherwise
rendered safe.
If the equipment is directly wired into an electrical box
without a shut off switch and lock out capability, then a Verification of Isolation
circuit breaker lock out will be required. Obtain a circuit
lock and tag set. Install the lock onto the circuit breaker ! CAUTION
box. Ensure the unit ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position Verify the machinery or equipment is actually isolated and
before restarting. de-energized prior to beginning work on a machine or on
equipment that has been locked out.
Lock Out/Tag Out Instructions -
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Equipment Restarting Procedures

For servicing pneumatic and hydraulic equipment, the Follow the procedures below prior to restoring energy:
following additional procedures must be implemented, • Ensure that all machinery or equipment is properly
following completion of lock out/tag out procedures for reassembled. Inspect the machinery or equipment to
the unit to be serviced: verify non-essential items have been removed.
• Ensure that all personnel are safely outside danger
Shut off air, water or supply valves at the equipment to zones. Notify personnel that lock out/tag out devices have
be serviced. been removed and energy will be reapplied.
• Only authorized personnel may remove lock out/tag out
Check the local bleed-off point for completed release of devices or notices.
pressurized air, water or oil.

OM944F 10/18

OM944F 10/18
M944W3F Generator Set Component Locations

6 8
3 5
1 2 7





15 14

Figure 2: M944W3F Service Side - consult factory for details on additional models.

1. Expansion Tank 8. Junction Box 14. Injection Pump

2. Coolant Fill 9. Intake Air Noise 15. Vibration Isolation Mount
3. Rocker Arm Cover Reduction Tube 16. Lube Oil Drain
4. Intake Manifold 10. Lube Oil Dipstick 17. Raw Water Pump
5. Lube Oil Fills 11. Oil Filter 18. Belt Guard
6. Air Filter 12. Fuel Supply & 19. Heat Exchanger Raw Water
7. Fuel Filter Return Connections Drain
13. Fuel Primer Pump 20. Zinc

OM944F 10/18
M944W3F Generator Set Component Locations

22 23





Figure 2: M944W3F Non-Service Side - consult factory for details on additional models.

21. Exhaust Elbow 24. Alternator

22. Exhaust Blanket 25. Starter
23. Exhaust Manifold 26. Base Pan

OM944F 10/18
Control Panels
This switch serves two functions:
1. Preheats air before beginning the starting process.
Press switch for 10-20 seconds before attempting
2. Bypasses the safety shutdown feature during the
starting process. Keep switch engaged while starting
engine, and for 2 to 3 seconds afterwards, allowing oil
pressure to build beyond shutdown setpoint.


To start the engine, hold this switch in the START
position until the engine is running. After the engine
Figure 4: Series 1-B Generator Control Panel starts, release the switch and it will return to RUN
position. To stop the engine, hold the switch in the
STOP position.
NOTE: The rocker switch is used on Series 1 panels
only, and has a light that glows when the set is

Keeps track of engine running time.


Shows the oil pressure in the engine lubricating system.


Registers the temperature of the cooling water.

When the engine is stopped, the voltmeter indicates the
Figure 5: Series 3 Generator Control Panel condition of the battery. When the engine is running,
the voltmeter indicates the voltage output of the

For Series 4 Control Panels only:

Shows the generator output voltage.


The frequency meter indicates alternating current
frequency: 60 Hz (1800 rpm) or 50 Hz (1500 rpm).

Used to check the voltage and current of each phase.
Return to “Amps Off” position when not monitoring.


Shows the generator load on each phase. The phase is
selected with the Ammeter Selector switch (#9).

For units equipped with TSC panels, consult publication

Figure 6: Series 4 Generator Control Panel
OTSC for full details.

OM944F 10/18
Emission-Related Installation Instructions
Failing to follow these instructions when installing If you install the engine in a way that obscures the
a certified engine in a vessel violates federal law (40 engine’s emission control information label during
CFR 1068.105(b)), subject to fines or other penalties as normal engine maintenance, you must place a duplicate
described in the Clean Air Act. label on the vessel, as described in 40 CFR 1068.105.

The installed exhaust system should not create exhaust

back pressure greater than 15” (381 mm) of water,
measured at the engine exhaust elbow or at the exhaust
outlet of the exhaust filter.

Operating Procedures


1. The first 100 hours on a new or reconditioned 1. Check the water level by removing the pressure
engine are critical to its life and performance. cap from the expansion tank. In order to give the
cooling water an opportunity to expand, the level
2. Constantly check the engine temperature and oil should be about 1 in. (2.5 cm) below the filler cap
pressure gauges. sealing surface when the engine is cold.

3. Oil consumption is greater during break-in as CAUTION: Use protective clothing and open
piston rings take time to seat. the filler cap carefully when the engine is warm
to prevent burns.
4. Break-In Oil Changes: Change engine oil and
filter at 50 hours. Change oil and filter again at 2. Check the oil level in the crankcase with the
100 hours (consult Lubricants section for oil dipstick. The oil level must be between high and
recommendation). low marks on the stick. Never allow the level to go
below this area. Always add the same viscosity of
Operating Instructions: oil as is already in the crankcase.
Maintain at least a 75% load on your generator
set for the first 100 hours. If this is not possible, 3. Check the fuel tank level and open any fuel valves
maintain no less than a 50% load to ensure proper on the tank and at the secondary fuel filter.
seating of the piston rings. Vary the load to help
seat the rings. 4. Close the sea-cock, check and clean the sea strainer,
and reopen the sea-cock.

5. Place the battery switch in the ON position.

NOTE: The battery switch must always be kept ON

while the engine is running. If the switch is
turned OFF while the engine is running,
the battery charging alternator could be

OM944F 10/18
Operating Procedures


1. Hold the Shutdown Bypass switch in the ON 1.

Units with Series 3 and Series 4 Control Panels:
position. check gauges often. Oil pressure must be above
15 PSI. The D.C. voltmeter should read between
2. While holding the Shutdown Bypass switch in the 11 and 15 volts at 80° F (25° C) ambient temperature.
ON position, push the Engine Control switch to the The water temperature gauge must be below 200°
START position. F (94° C). Check the A.C. voltage and frequency
meters (Series 4 panel). If the gauges deviate from
3. As soon as the engine starts, release both switches. normal levels, shut down the generator set and
Do not crank the starter for more than 10 seconds investigate.
consecutively. If the engine fails to start with the
first attempt, be sure that it has stopped completely 2. Add electrical load.
before re-engaging the starter.

NOTE: Excessive cranking of the starter on marine STOPPING

sets equipped with a water lift muffler can
cause engine damage. If the engine does not 1. Remove electrical load from the generator set.
start after 3 consecutive 10-second cranks,
remove the impeller from the seawater 2. Run the engine for a two to three minute cool-down
pump. This will prevent the muffler from period.
filling with water and backfilling the exhaust
line and engine. Once the engine starts, shut 3. Move the Engine Control switch to the STOP
if off immediately and reinstall the impeller. position.
Restart and check the exhaust overboard
outlet for gushes of water.

OM944F 10/18
Operating Procedures


1. Your unit is fitted with a system to protect it from 1. ADE recommends that you keep the following
high water temperature or low oil pressure. spare parts on hand for field service. The parts are
a. Generator sets have shutdown systems to stop available from your local Northern Lights dealer.
the engine. They have no warning horns. Some marine models may already have “On-Board
b. Other alarms and shutdowns are available as Kits,” a handy box that contains the most common
optional equipment. parts you will need.

NOTE: If your unit is equipped with optional a. Primary and secondary fuel filter elements
shutdowns and alarms, do not rely on your b. Oil filters
warning or shutdown system to the exclusion c. Air filter elements
of careful gauge monitoring. Watching your d. Alternator belt
gauges can prevent damage to the unit and e. Thermostat and gaskets
dangerous power losses. f. Seawater pump impeller and gaskets
g. Glow plugs
2. Do the following when your warning or shutdown h. Injector and washer
system is activated:
a. Check the temperature gauge. If above 205° F 2. If your set is operating a long distance from a
(96° C), shut off the engine immediately. servicing dealer, add the following:
b. Use the Trouble Shooting Guide on page 25 to
isolate the cause of the overheat. a. Complete set of injectors
b. Copper washers for injector change
CAUTION: Do not remove the water fill c. Complete set of glow plugs
cap of an overheated engine. Escaping high d. Fuel lift pump
temperature steam can cause severe burns. Allow
the engine to cool and then remove the cap slowly
using protective clothing.

c. Make repairs and restart after the temperature

gauge registers below 200° F (94° C).
d. Watch the temperature gauge regularly and
turn off the unit if the temperature rises above
205° F (96° C). Repeat troubleshooting.

3. If shutdown is activated and the temperature gauge

shows temperature within normal temperature range:
a. Check the engine crankcase oil level.
b. If the oil level is low, fill with recommended
lubricating oil and restart. Watch the oil pressure
gauge carefully and shut off the engine if it does
not show a normal reading (20-60 PSI) after a
few seconds of operation.
c. If the oil level is normal, DO NOT restart the
engine. Call your dealer for assistance.

OM944F 10/18
Servicing Schedule Chart

The Servicing Schedule Chart below shows the service schedule required for proper maintenance of your generator set.
More detailed coverage of each Service Point (SP) is listed on the page noted in the ‘page’ column.
SP1 Check oil level in engine SP2/3 Change engine oil and filter
SP8 Check primary fuel filter SP4 Check air cleaner
SP15 Check cooling water level SP14 Check turbocharger
Check sea strainer SP19 Check zinc electrodes


SP2/3 Change engine oil and filter SP6 Check valve clearances
SP5 Check V-belt tension SP9 Change primary fuel filter element
SP20 Check electrolyte level in batteries SP10 Change secondary fuel filter
SP12 Check injectors
EVERY 50 HOURS: SP15 Check cooling system
SP5 Check V-belt tension SP18 Change impeller
SP20 Check electrolyte level in batteries SP21 Check state of charge of batteries

AFTER FIRST 100 HOURS: EVERY 1000 HOURS or as needed:

SP2/3 Change engine oil and filter SP4 Change air cleaner
SP13 Check fuel injection pump
SP17 Check and clean heat exchanger

S 50 100 250 500 2000
POINT PAGE OPERATION DAILY Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours
SP1 18 Check oil level •
SP2 18 Change engine oil1, 5 • • •
SP3 19 Change lube oil filters1, 5 • • •
SP4 19 Check air cleaner1, 3, 4 • •
SP5 19 Check V-belt tension1, 5 •
SP7 20 Check valve clearances1, 8 •
SP8 21 Check primary filter2 •
SP9 21 Change primary filter element1, 2, 3 •
SP10 21 Change secondary fuel filter1, 3 •
SP11 22 Bleed the fuel system3
SP12 23 Check injectors1, 6 •
SP13 24 Check fuel injection pump3 •
SP14 25 Check air, oil, & or leakage1 •

SP15 26 Check cooling water level •
SP16 26 Check and flush cooling system7 •
SP17 27 Check and clean heat exchanger •
SP18 27 Change impeller in raw water pump1, 3 •
SP19 27 Check zinc electrodes1, 3 •
SP20 28 Check electrolyte level in batteries1, 3 •
SP21 28 Check condition of batteries with hydrometer1 •
SP22 29 Winterizing or out-of-service3

1) Perform maintenance once a year even if hour level has not been reached. 5) After first 50 hours.
2) Consult manufacturer's maintenance schedule, note on chart. 6) Fuel inj. valve opening pressure: 11.77 MPa (120 kgf/cm2)
3) Or Whenever necessary. 7) Or every 2 years.
4) Change at 1000 hours. 8) Valve clearance = .25 mm (0.0098”).

OM944F 10/18
Service Record



SP5 Check V-belt tension

SP20 Check electrolyte

in batteries


SP2 Change engine oil

SP3 Change lubricating oil filters

SP4 Check air cleaner

SP14 Check turbocharger

SP19 Check zinc electrodes


SP7 Check valve clearances

SP8 Change primary filter element

SP10 Change secondary fuel filter

SP12 Check injectors

SP18 Change impeller in seawater pump

SP20 Check condition of batteries with hydrometer

1000 HOURS or as required

SP13 Check fuel injection pump

SP17 Check and clean heat exchanger

Service Notes:

OM944F 10/18


1. Use only clean, high quality lubricants stored in clean 1. While the engine is stopped, check the oil level in
containers in a protected area. the crankcase with the dipstick daily. The oil level
must be between the high and low marks on the stick.
Use only low ash lubrication oil. Fill with the recommended oil, and fill only to the
high mark on the dipstick. Follow the lubrication
2. After first 100 hour break in, acceptable lube oils recommendations in Figure 7.
must meet API specification CJ-4 or CK-4 (low ash
for diesel particulate filters): SP-2. OIL CHANGES
1. The set is delivered with special break-in oil.
3. Use the proper weight oil for your average operation Change the engine oil and oil filter after 50 hours
temperature. of operation. Use Service CD, CE or CF-4 30 or
10-30 weight oil during the first 100 hours.

Air Multi- 2. Change the oil and filter again at 100 hours using
Temperature Viscosity the oil recommended in the above paragraph. After
this, change oil and filter every 250 hours.
Above 32° F SAE 15-40W
(0° C) 3. During intermittent cold weather operation, change
-10° to 32° F SAE 10-30W oil every 100 hours or six weeks, whichever comes
(-23° to 0° C) first.

Figure 7: Lube Oils 4. Change oil at any seasonal change in temperature

when a new viscosity of oil is required.

4. Never put additives or flushing oil in crankcase. 5. Change oil when engine is warm but not hot.

6. Dispose of waste oil in an approved manner.

7. Never use a flushing oil.

8. Loosen clamp on oil change tube. Remove cap.

Drain oil. Replace cap and tube.

9. Refill engine with recommended oil.

10. Engine capacity with new oil filter is:

2.64 gallons (10 liters)

OM944F 10/18


1. Change the lube oil filter every 250 hours. 1. Check the tension and wear on the V-belt after every
50 hours.
2. Use a filter wrench to remove old filter. Dispose of
filter in approved manner. 2. Use your thumb to press on the belt at the midpoint
between the crankshaft and alternator pulleys. The
3. Make sure the gasket from the old filter is tension is correct if the belt can be depressed about .
removed and discarded. Clean mount face. 39 to .47 in. (10 - 12 mm) with 22 lbs. (10 kg) force.

4. Spread a thin film of engine oil on the rubber

gasket on the new filter and screw it on nipple
until gasket meets the sealing surface.

5. Using hands only – no wrench – tighten filter

one-half turn farther. Overtightening can do
damage to filter housing.

6. Fill engine with recommended oil. Start engine

and check for leakage. Stop engine, wait 3 minutes,
and check oil level. Add additional oil if necessary.

7. Oil filter part number is:



1. Visually inspect air cleaner every 250 hours.

2. Take off the hose clamp on the bracket and the

hump hose to detach the air cleaner.

3. Make sure the hump hose is clean inside and also

that the new filter element is absolutely clean and
installed properly.

Note: Make absolutely sure no impurities enter

the engine while changing the element, and
do not run the engine with the air cleaner

Do not clean the filter with diesel fuel,

solvent, or gasoline. Serious engine damage
can result.

OM944F 10/18


1. Readjust valve clearance after first 50 hours of

operation. Check valves every 500 hours thereafter.

2. Check the valves when the engine is cold.

3. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction in the

front 1800 to bring each piston to the top dead center
on the compression stroke. Top dead center (TDC) is
when notch on the pulley aligns with the pointer and
the two valves on cylinder No. 1“rock”. Rocking is
when the rocker arms (for the two valves on a given
cylinder) are moving in opposite directions, one up Figure 9: Valve Adjustment
closing the valve and one down opening the other
valve. The moment when the two rocker arms are 6. Adjust the remaining valves.
exactly aligned with each other is when they “rock”.
7. Replace the rocker arm cover.

Figure 8: Timing Mark

4. Measure the valve clearance for each of the valves,

with a feeler gauge, in the firing order (1-3-4-2).
Standard valve clearances for a cold engine are:
Intake (IN)........................0.0098 in. (0.25 mm)
Exhaust (EX)....................0.0098 in. (0.25 mm)

5. To adjust valve clearance, loosen the lock nut on the

adjustment screw. Insert a feeler gauge between the
rocker arm and the valve stem cap. Adjust, while
measuring the clearance, until the feeler gauge slides
with a slight drag. Tighten the lock nut and recheck
the clearance (Figure 9).

OM944F 10/18


1. Use only clean, high quality fuels of the following 1. Your generator set should have a primary fuel filter
specifications, as defined by ASTM designation installed. We recommend the Northern Lights brand
D975 for diesel fuels: of fuel filters.
a. Use grade No. 2 diesel at ambient temperatures
above freezing 32° F (0° C). SP-8. PRIMARY FUEL FILTER
b. Use grade No. 1 at ambient temperatures below a. Check the primary fuel filter daily as
freezing. recommended by the filter manufacturer.
c. International fuel specifications: SP-9. PRIMARY FUEL FILTER ELEMENT
JIS K2204 b. Change the element as often as necessary or
ISO-8217-DMA every 200 hours.
BS 2869 Part 1 Class A1 c. If the bowl fills with water, change the primary
BS 2869 Part 2 Class A2 and secondary element immediately.

2. Use fuel having less that 0.2% sulphur of weight SP-10. SECONDARY FUEL FILTER
(less than 0.05% recommended). d. Change the engine mounted filter as often as
necessary or every 250 hours.
3. The cetane number should be 45 or higher. e. Remove the fuel filter with a filter wrench.
f. Apply a coating of fuel to the o-ring of the new
4. Particulate contaminate should be 5.0 mg/l (0.00018 fuel filter.
oz/U.S. gal) or lower. g. Tighten the new filter by hand, do not use a filter
wrench for tightening.
5. DO NOT use these unsuitable grades of fuel: h. The filter should be dry.
a. Domestic heating oils, all types. i. Do not add fuel to the fuel filter before
b. Class B engine. installation, as this could cause unfiltered fuel to
c. Class D domestic fuels. enter the fuel pump.
d. Class E, F, G or H industrial or marine fuels. j. Bleed the air out of the filter.
e. ASTM-D975-60T No. 4-D and higher number
fuels. The fuel filter part number is:
6. Storing fuel:
a. Keep dirt, scale, water, and other foreign matter
out of fuel.
b. Avoid storing fuel for long periods of time.
c. Fill the fuel tank at the end of each day’s
operation. This will reduce condensation.

OM944F 10/18


CAUTION: Escaping diesel fuel under pres-

sure can penetrate skin causing serious personal
injury. Before disconnecting lines be sure to
relieve all pressure. Before applying pressure, be
sure all connections are tight and lines, pipes and
hoses aren't damaged. Fuel escaping from a very
small hole can be almost invisible. Use a piece of
cardboard or wood, rather than hands, to search
for suspected leaks. If injured by escaping fuel,
see a doctor at once. Serious infection or reaction
can develop if proper medical treatment is not
administered immediately.
Figure 10 Fuel Feed Pump

1. Fuel system air bleeding may be needed when: 3. To bleed air at the fuel injection pump:
a. After fuel has been added to a newly installed a. Turn the air vent plug (#3 on Figure 10) about
engine. 1-1/2 turns to loosen it. (Cover the vent with a
b. A new fuel filter is installed. cloth to prevent fuel from splashing.)
c. The engine has run out of fuel. b. Pump the feed pump cap up and down.
d. The fuel lines, injection pump, or any other fuel c. When there are no air bubbles to be seen in the
system component has been removed and fuel flowing from the air vent plug hole, push
installed. down the priming pump cap and turn it clockwise
to lock it in place.
2. After changing the fuel filter, air only needs to be
bled from the fuel filter. NOTE:
a. Loosen the air vent plug (#1 on Figure 10) on the Do not close the air vent plug before locking the
fuel filter by about 1-1/2 turns. (Be sure to cover priming pump cap in place, because the internal
the vent with a cloth to prevent fuel from pressure in the pump will prevent the priming
splashing.) pump cap from returning to the original
b. Turn the priming pump cap on the fuel feed pump position.
counterclockwise to unlatch it. Move the priming
pump plunger (#2 on Figure 10) up and down. To 4. If the engine does not start after this bleeding
close the pump turn the cap clockwise while process, loosen a fuel line at the injector while
depressing it. cranking the engine with the starter motor until
c. Close the air vent plug when no more air bubbles pure fuel escapes. Then tighten the connections.
can be seen in the fuel flowing from the air vent Do each line one-at-a-time. After the engine has
plug hole. started, use a piece of cardboard to look for fuel

OM944F 10/18


4. Injector installation (for M944W3F and M30C3F):
1. Injectors should be checked every 500 hours. This a. Install new injector seal washer seat and
check should be made by a Northern Lights dealer injector. Evenly tighten the injector retaining
or local injection repair station. nuts to 39.1 to 47.7 ft/lbs (53.0 to 64.7 N•m), or
5.4 to 6.6 kgf•m. Do not overtighten.
CAUTION: Escaping diesel fuel under pressure b. Reinstall the return line using new sealing
can have sufficient force to penetrate the skin washers. Tighten bolts to 13.0 to 15.9 ft/lbs
causing serious personal injury. If injured by (17.7 to 21.6 N•m), or 1.8 to 2.2 kgf•m.
escaping fuel, see a doctor at once.
NOTE: Overtightening can damage injectors.
2. Injector removal:
c. Reinstall injection lines. Tighten
a. Clean loose dirt from around the injectors and flare nuts at injection pump to 19.5 to 23.9
the fuel lines. ft/lbs (26.5 to 32.4 N•m), or 2.7 to 3.3 kgf•m.
b. Relieve high pressure in the fuel lines by Leave the lines loose at injectors for bleeding.
loosening the delivery line flare nuts at each d. Bleed the injection lines. Crank the
injector. engine to fill the lines. Tighten flare nuts at
c. Remove delivery lines by disconnecting them injectors to 15.2 to 18.1 ft/lbs (20.6 to 24.5 N•m),
from the injectors and injection pump. 2.1 to 2.45kgf•m.
Remove all lines as an assembly; do not remove e. Start the engine and check for leaks using a
the spacers. Cover the ends of the lines, the piece of paper or cardboard. Do not use your
injector inlets, and the injector pump outlets to hand to check for leaks.
keep dirt out.
d. Remove the return line retaining bolts, washers, 4. Injector installation (for M944T3F and M40C3F):
and return line. a. Install new injector seal washer seat and
e. Loosen the injector retaining nuts at the same injector. Evenly tighten the injector retaining
time a little at a time. Remove the injector. nuts to 18.1 to 25.3 ft/lbs (24.5 to 34.3 N•m), or
f. Remove the injector seat. Cover the holes to 2.5 to 3.5 kgf•m. Do not overtighten.
prevent debris from entering the cylinders. b. Reinstall the return line using new sealing
washers. Tighten bolts to 13.0 to 15.9 ft/lbs
Note: Do not use pry bars to remove injectors (17.7 to 21.6 N•m), or 1.8 to 2.2 kgf•m.
from the cylinder head.
NOTE: Overtightening can damage injectors.
3. Injector repair and cleaning:
a. Take injectors to your Northern Lights dealer c. Reinstall injection lines. Tighten
or local injection repair station for testing and flare nuts at injection pump to 19.5 to 23.9
service. ft/lbs (26.5 to 32.4 N•m), or 2.7 to 3.3 kgf•m.
Leave the lines loose at injectors for bleeding.
d. Bleed the injection lines. Crank the
engine to fill the lines. Tighten flare nuts at
injectors to 14.5 to 17.4 ft/lbs (21.0 to 23.0 N•m),
2.0 to 2.4 kgf•m.
e. Start the engine and check for leaks using a
piece of paper or cardboard. Do not use your
hand to check for leaks.

OM944F 10/18

SP-13. INJECTION PUMP c. Remove the injection pump drive gear cover
plate and the sea water pump.
1. Since operating conditions may vary considerably, it d. Align timing marks on timing gears.
is difficult to give a definite interval for checking the e. Remove the pump support bracket on rear of
injection pump. But as a rule, pump settings, pump.
maximum speed, and exhaust smoke should be f. Remove the 4 mounting nuts.
checked after every 2000 hours of operation. g. Take the pump to your Northern Lights dealer or
Service of the fuel injection pump should only be an injection repair station for testing and service.
done if checks indicate pump malfunction.

2. Black smoke can be an indication of pump

malfunction. Before servicing the pump, check other
possible causes:
a. Check cleanliness of the air filter.
b. Check valve clearances.
c. Clean and check injectors.

3. Any repair which involves disassembly of the

injection pump must be carried out by specially
trained mechanics with the proper tools and test
Figure 11: Timing Marks
NOTE: All warranties on the engine become null
and void if the injection pump seals are
5. Injection Pump Installation:
broken by unauthorized persons.
a. Install the fuel injection pump after having
aligned its gear alignment mark with that of
4. Injection Pump Removal: the idler gear alignment mark as shown in
Figure 11 above. When the alignment marks
CAUTION: Escaping diesel fuel under pressure of the timing gears align as in the diagram to
can have sufficient force to penetrate the skin, the right, the No. 1 piston is top dead center in
causing serious personal injury. If injured by the compression stroke.
escaping diesel fuel, see a doctor at once. b. Install the injection pump to the side of the
engine first then put in the end bolts, and
a. Clean the injection pump, hoses, and area then the tube with its bolts, and then the side
around the pump with a cleaning solvent or steam bracket.
cleaner. c. Torque mounting bolts to 13.0 - 18.1 ft/lbs
(17.7 to 24.5 N•m), 1.8 to 2.5 kgf•m.
NOTE: Never steam clean or pour cold water on an
injection pump while the engine is running
or the pump is warm.

b. Remove the injection lines from the

pump and injectors. Remove all lines as an
assembly. Do not remove the spacers. Cover the
ends of the lines, the injector inlets, and the
injection pump outlets to keep dirt out of the
injectors, lines, and pump.

OM944F 10/18


1. Check for air leaks every 250 hours. Air leakage will
lower engine output and may cause black exhaust
smoke and soot.
2. Listen along air line while the engine is running. A
whistling or hissing sound indicates leakage.
3. Leakage on the pressure side, between turbo and
engine, can be found by applying soapy water to the
air line.
4. Tighten the hose clamps and replace hoses or gaskets
as required.
5. Check to see that the lubrication and cooling lines
are tight and without leaks.

OM944F 10/18

NOTE: Be sure to close the sea-cock before working 1. Check the coolant level each day before starting the
on the engine cooling system. engine.
a. Check the water level by removing the pressure
CAUTION: The cooling water in the engine cap from the expansion tank. In order to give the
reaches extremely high temperatures. You must use cooling water an opportunity to expand, the level
extreme caution when working on hot engines to should be about 1 in. (2.5 cm) below the filler cap
avoid burns. Allow the engine to cool before sealing surface when the engine is cold.
working on the cooling system. Open the filler b. Soft water with about a pH about 6.5 to 8.5
cap carefully, using protective clothing when the combined with an antifreeze in a 30% to 50%
engine is warm. (maximum) solution should be used.
c. The antifreeze should not contain amine, silicate,
WATER QUALITY or borate.
1. Distilled, deionized, soft water is preferred for use in
cooling systems. Bottled distilled water from a food SP-16. COOLING SYSTEM FLUSHING
store or water supplier is recommended. Tap water
often has a high mineral content. Tap water should 1. Flush the cooling system every 2000 hours or every
NEVER be put in a cooling system unless first tested 12 months, whichever comes first.
by a water quality laboratory. Do not use water
made by the reverse osmosis method unless it has 2. Remove fill cap and open drains on engine block.
been PH neutralized. The engine block drain is on the service side of the
engine above the dipstick, next to the flywheel
2. Here are acceptable water quality specifications: housing.

Parts Grains 3. Pour clean water into the engine until water coming
Contaminates per Million per Gallon
from engine is clear of discoloration. Close drains and
Maximum Chlorides 40 2.5 refill the engine with recommended coolant mixture.

Maximum Sulfates 100 5.9

4. Use 50% water / 50% (maximum) ethylene glycol
Maximum Dissolved Solids 340 20.0 antifreeze mix. Antifreeze mixture is recommended
Maximum Total Hardness 170 10.0 as a good year-round coolant.

PH Level 5.5 to 9.0

5. Coolant capacity is approximately 3 gal. (11.4 liters).

3. If chlorides, sulfates or total dissolved solids are 6. Check hoses and connections and repair any
higher than the above given specification, the water leakage.
must be distilled, demineralized, or
deionized before it is used in a cooling system. 7. Start the engine and check for leaks. Run the engine
for five minutes, then shut it down. Let engine cool,
4. If total hardness is higher than 170 ppm and all other and then check the coolant level in the engine. Add
parameters are within the given specifications, the coolant as needed.
water must be softened before it is used to make
coolant solution. NOTE: Be sure to open the sea-cock after working
on the engine cooling system and starting the

OM944F 10/18



1. Clean the heat exchanger core once a year or after

1. A zinc electrode is installed in the heat exchanger
2000 hours of operation.
cooling system to protect the engine from
electrolysis. Check it faithfully every 250 hours. If
2. Drain the expansion tank and heat exchanger.
you are in warm saltwater, or where electrolysis is a
known problem, check it more often.
3. Remove the heat exchanger end covers.
2. Remove the zinc holder from the bottom of the
4. Clean the inside of the exchanger core tubes using
exchanger. This will drain raw water from the
a metal rod. Flush, inspect, and clean again if
3. Scrape or steel brush the zinc electrode clean. If
5. Reassemble the heat exchanger. Fill the cooling
more than 50% of the electrode is corroded away,
system. Start the engine and check for leaks.
replace it with a new zinc. The electrode screws out
of the holder.


4. Reinstall the zinc holders. Be sure the threads are
clean for good metal-to-metal contact. Do not use
1. Change the raw water pump impeller every 500
thread sealant.
hours, or as needed.
5. Refill the cooling system. Start the engine and check
2. Remove the pump cover. Pry out the impeller using
for leaks.
needle-nose pliers or two screwdrivers. Be sure to
remove all pieces of the failed impeller.

NOTE: Place some kind of protection under the GENERATOR END

screwdrivers in order to not damage the
pump housing. The maintenance and operation recommendations for
the generator end are in a separate Owner's Manual.
3. Clean the inside of the housing. If you do not have one of these manuals, contact your
local dealer.
4. Press in the new impeller and place the sealing plug
in the outer end of the impeller center if this has not
already been done. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - GENERAL

NOTE: Make sure that there is always an extra 1. Never switch the battery switch off or break the
impeller and cover gasket in reserve on circuit between the alternator and the batteries while
board. the engine is running. Alternator damage can result.

2. Do not reverse the polarity of the battery cables

when installing the battery.

OM944F 10/18


CAUTION: Battery gas can explode. Keep all SP-20. CHECK ELECTROLYTE LEVELS
flames and sparks away from batteries. 1. Check the electrolyte level every 50 hours, or once
a month. Add distilled water to the manufacturer’s
1. Before changing or using booster batteries, check recommended level.
the battery electrolyte level. Add distilled water if
2. Batteries, cables, and cable terminals should be
2. Booster and main batteries must have the same checked and cleaned every 100 hours. Clean
voltage rating. corrosion with a water and baking soda solution.
Flush with clean water. Tighten terminals and grease
3. First, connect the positive (+) terminal of the booster them to inhibit future corrosion.
battery to the positive (+) terminal of the main
battery. Then, connect the negative (–) terminal of 3. Check the battery condition with a hydrometer every
the booster battery to ground on the engine block 500 hours.
(Figure 10).

4. Remove the booster battery after starting the engine.

5. Sealed Batteries:
See the manufacturer's charging and booster

Figure 12: Booster Battery Connections

OM944F 10/18
Updated 10-23-18



If the generator set will not be used for more than 3

months the following preparations should be taken for
long term storage.
• Change engine oil and filter, using API CJ or CK-4,
15W-40 oil.
• Run the engine up to at least 140o F from a small,
clean source of fuel dosed with either “Stab-il”
brand fuel system stabilizer (diesel engine formula),
or Stanadyne Performance fuel system conditioner.
If neither of these fuel treatments is available, you
may also use John Deere fuel system conditioner.
• Completely drain, flush, and fill the cooling system
with pre-mixed, 50/50, conventional ethylene-glycol
heavy-duty diesel engine coolant (with SCAs).
• Loosen alternator drive belt.
• Completely seal off intake and exhaust openings
with heavy plastic bags and duct tape.
• Cover entire engine in large plastic bag and tape
closed at bottom of bag-place several moisture
absorbing desiccant packs inside plastic bag Store
engine in original shipping crate, if possible, or other
suitable storage crate.
• Store engine inside a building (preferably climate
controlled) to prevent corrosion.

To Remove Generator Set from Long-Term Storage:

1. Take off all protective coverings and unseal all the
openings that were covered up.
2. Install batteries that are fully charged and connect
the terminals.
3. Install the fan and alternator belts if they had been
4. Fill the fuel tank.
5. Perform all pre-start checks.
6. Crank the engine for 20 seconds with the starter,
without letting the engine start. Wait 2 minutes and
crank the engine an additional 20 seconds to make
sure all bearing surfaces are well coated.
7. Start the engine and run at no load in a low idle for
several minutes. Make sure the engine is warmed
up and check gauges before going under load.
8. Check all gauges and check for leaks.

OM944F 10/18

Battery Will Not Charge Loose or corroded connections • Clean and tighten battery connections.
Sulfated or worn out batteries • Check specific gravity of each battery.
• Check electrolyte level of each battery.
Loose or defective alternator belt • Adjust belt tension.
• Replace belt.

Starter Inoperative Check DC circuit breaker • If the breaker is tripped, reset it.
Loose or corroded connections • Clean and tighten loose battery and
harness plug connection.
Low battery condition • Check specific gravity of each battery.
• Check electrolyte level of each battery.
Defective electrical system • Repair or replace.
ground wire:

Starter Cranks Slowly Low battery condition • Battery is too small.

• Battery cables are too small.
Check specific gravity • Replace battery if necessary.
of each battery
Check electrolyte level • If low, fill cells with distilled water.
of each battery
Crankcase oil too heavy • Fill with oil of appropriate viscosity.
Loose or corroded connections • Clean and tighten loose connections.

Entire Electrical System Check DC circuit breaker • If breaker is tripped, reset it.
Does Not Function
Faulty connection • Clean and tighten battery and harness
plug connections.
Sulfated or worn out batteries • Check specific gravity and electrolyte
level of each battery.

If you cannot correct problems with these procedures, see your Northern Lights dealer.

OM944F 10/18


Engine Hard to Start Improper starting procedure • See starting section of this manual. Take
or Will Not Start special note of Bypass Switch operation.
No fuel • Check level of fuel in fuel tank.
Low battery condition • Check electrolyte level and condition.
Excessive resistance • Clean and tighten all battery connections.
in starting circuit
Crankcase oil too heavy • Use oil of proper viscosity.
Improper type of fuel • Consult fuel supplier and use proper type
of fuel for operating condition.
Water, dirt or air in fuel system • Drain, flush, fill and bleed system.
Clogged primary • Clean or replace filter element.
fuel filter element
Clogged secondary • Replace filter element.
fuel filter element
Dirty or faulty injection nozzles • Have your dealer check injection nozzles.

Engine Runs Irregularly Below normal engine temperature • Remove and check thermostat.
or Stalls Frequently
Clogged primary • Clean or replace filter element.
fuel filter element
Clogged secondary • Replace secondary filter element.
fuel filter element
Water or dirt in the fuel system • Drain, flush, fill and bleed system.
Dirty or faulty injection nozzles • Have your dealer check injection nozzles.
Air in fuel system • Inspect clamps and hoses on suction side
of fuel pump for air leak.
Improper type of fuel • Consult fuel supplier and use proper type
of fuel for operating condition.

Lack of Engine Power Engine overloaded • Reduce the load.

Intake air restriction • Service air cleaner.
Clogged primary • Clean or replace filter element.
fuel filter element
Clogged secondary • Replace filter element.
fuel filter element
Improper type of fuel • Consult fuel supplier and use proper type of
fuel for operating conditions.
Overheated engine • See “Engine Overheats” in next category.
Below normal engine temperature • Remove and check thermostat.
Improper valve clearance • Reset valves. Best done by dealer.
Dirty or faulty injection nozzles • Replace injectors. Best done by dealer.

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Lack of Engine Power Low compression pressure • Consult dealer.

(continued) (worn piston rings, etc...)

Engine Overheats Engine overloaded • Reduce the electrical load.

Low coolant level • Fill tank or radiator to proper level.
• Check hoses for loose connections
and leaks.
Keel cooling tubes (marine sets) • Remove paint from tubes.
have been painted
Cooling system needs flushing • Flush cooling system.
Defective thermostat • Remove and check thermostat.
Defective temperature gauge • Check water temperature with thermometer
and replace gauge if necessary.
Water pump impeller worn • Check the impeller and replace if necessary.
or broken

Engine Knocks Insufficient oil • Call your dealer.

Injection pump out of time • Call your dealer.
Below normal engine temperature • Check your thermostats.
• Check water temperature to see if
temperature gauge is working properly.
Faulty fuel injector • Call your dealer.
Engine overheating • See “Engine Overheating” section.

High Fuel Consumption Improper type of fuel • Use correct fuel for temperature.
Clogged or dirty air cleaner • Service air cleaner.
Engine overloaded • Reduce the electrical load.
Improper valve clearance • See your dealer.
Injection nozzles dirty • See your dealer.
Injection pump out of time • See your dealer.
Engine not at proper temperature • Check your thermostats.
• Check water temperature with thermometer
and replace gauge if necessary.

Below Normal Thermostats not working properly • Check thermostats.

Engine Temperature
Temperature gauge • Check water temperature with thermometer.
not working properly

Low Oil Pressure Low oil level • Fill crankcase to proper level.
Improper type of oil • Drain and fill crankcase with correct oil.
Partially plugged oil filter • Replace filter.

If you cannot correct problems with these procedures, see your Northern Lights dealer.

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High Oil Consumption Break-in period • Oil consumption decreases after break in.
Crankcase oil too light • Use proper viscosity oil.
Oil leaks • Check for leaks in lines around gaskets
and drain plug.
Crankcase over full • Remove excess oil.

Engine Emits Black Clogged or dirty air cleaner • Service air cleaner.
or Gray Exhaust Smoke
Defective muffler • Have dealer check back pressure.
(back pressure too high)
Improper fuel • Use correct fuel for temperature.
Fuel pump faulty • See your dealer.
Injection nozzles dirty • See your dealer.
Engine overloaded • Reduce the electrical load.
Injection nozzles dirty • See your dealer.
Injection pump faulty • Consult your dealer.
Engine out of time • See your dealer.
Incorrect valve clearance • Consult your dealer.

Engine Emits Improper fuel • Use correct fuel for temperature.

White Smoke
Cold engine • Warm up engine to normal operating
Defective thermostat • Remove and check thermostat.
Engine out of time • See your dealer.
Low Compression Pressure • See your dealer.
Low engine oil viscosity • Use proper viscosity of oil to ambient
Excessive amount of engine oil • Maintain correct oil level.

Fuel injection nozzles faulty • See your dealer.

(uneven injection)

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OM944F 10/18
AC Wiring Diagram


Northern Lights AC Wiring Diagram –

Taiyo PX300K2 4 lead generator
w/ DST-100-2FAK AVR
Drawing B-9724

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
AC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights AC Wiring Diagram –
Taiyo PX300K2 12 lead generator
w/ DST-100-2FAK AVR
Drawing B-9723

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
AC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights AC Wiring Diagram –
Taiyo LX-E 34E 12 lead generator
w/ DST-100-2FAK AVR
Drawing B-9582

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
AC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights AC Wiring Diagram –

M40C3 three phase DSR regulator
Drawing B-10539

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
AC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights AC Wiring Diagram –

M40C3 single phase DSR regulator
Drawing B-10606

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
DC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights DC Wiring Diagram –

M944W3F and M30C3F
12 VDC Standard LIGHTS
Ground B+ Control
Drawing C-7213

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
DC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights DC Wiring Diagram –

M944T3F and M40C3F
Standard Ground B+ Control
Drawing C-7214

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
DC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights DC Wiring Diagram –

M944W3F and M30C3F
24 VDC Standard Ground B+ Control
Drawing C-7263

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
DC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights DC Wiring Diagram –

M944T3F and M40C3F
12 VDC Standard Ground B+ Control
Drawing C-7265

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
DC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights DC Wiring Diagram –

M944W3F and M30C3F
Isolated LIGHTS
Ground B+ Control
Drawing C-7264

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
DC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights DC Wiring Diagram –

M944T3F and M40C3F
12 VDC Isolated Ground B+ Control
Drawing C-7266
Drawings subject to change without notice.
OM944F 10/18
DC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights DC Wiring Diagram –

M944W3F and M30C3F
24 VDC Isolated Ground B+ Control
Drawing C-7262

Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
DC Wiring Diagram

Northern Lights DC Wiring Diagram –

M944T3F and M40C3F
24 VDC Isolated Ground B+ Control
Drawing C-7234
Drawings subject to change without notice.
OM944F 10/18
S-1B Wiring Diagram

S-1B Panel B+ control


Drawings subject to change without notice.

OM944F 10/18
S-3 Wiring Diagram

S-3C Panel Viewline B+

Drawings subject to change without notice.
4420 14th Ave. NW., Seattle WA 98107
Tel: (206) 789-3880 • 1-800-762-0165 • www.northern-lights.com
Northern Lights and Lugger are registered trademarks of Northern Lights, Inc.
© 2018 All rights reserved. Litho USA.

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