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Hopping Pilots For Estimation of Frequency-Offset and Multi-Antenna Channels in MIMO OFDM

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Hopping Pilots for Estimation of Frequency-Offset

and Multi-Antenna Channels in MIMO OFDM

Mi-Kyung Oh1 , Xiaoli Ma2 , Georgios B. Giannakis2 and Dong-Jo Park1
Dept. of EECS, KAIST; 373-1 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejon 305-701, Republic of Korea
Dept. of ECE, Univ. of Minnesota; 200 Union Str. SE., Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

Abstract— We design pilot symbol assisted modulation for to accommodate any space-time coded transmission.
carrier frequency offset (CFO) and channel estimation in or- Notation: Upper (lower) bold face letters will indicate matri-
thogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions ces (column vectors). Superscript (·)H will denote Hermitian,
over multi-input multi-output (MIMO) frequency-selective fading
channels. By separating CFO and channel estimation from sym- (·)T transpose, and · will stand for the nearest integer.
bol detection, the novel training patterns lead to low-complexity The real and imaginary parts are denoted as [·] and [·];
CFO and channel estimators. The performance of our algorithms E[·] will stand for expectation and diag[x] for a diagonal
is investigated analytically, and then compared with an existing matrix with x on its main diagonal. Matrix DN (h) with
approach by simulations. a vector argument will denote an N × N diagonal matrix
with DN (h) = diag[h]. For a vector,  ·  denotes the
Euclidean norm. We will use [A]k,m to denote the (k, m)th
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has entry of a matrix A, and [x]m for the mth entry of the column
been adopted by many standards (e.g., IEEE802.11a, vector x; IN will denote the N × N identity matrix; ei the
IEEE802.11g in the US and DAB/DVB, HiperLAN/2 in (i + 1)-st column of IN ; [FN ]m,n = N (1/2) exp(−j2πmn/N )
Europe), because it offers high data-rates and low decoding the N × N fast fourier transform (FFT) matrix. We define
complexity [6]. On the other hand, space-time multiplexing fN (ω) := [1, exp(jω), . . . , exp(j(N − 1)ω)]T .
and multi-antenna transmissions over multi-input multi-output
(MIMO) channels, has been recently proved effective in II. S YSTEM M ODEL
combating fading, and enhancing data rates; see [1], [5] and Let us consider the discrete-time equivalent baseband model
references therein. Therefore, MIMO-OFDM has got much of a block transmission system communicating over MIMO
attention. Implementing MIMO-OFDM however, faces two frequency-selective channels in the presence of CFO, shown in
major challenges: i) with the number of antennas increasing, Figure 1. Every information symbol block, [s(k)]n = s(kNs +
channel estimation becomes more challenging as the number n), is drawn from a finite alphabet. At the transmitter, each
of unknowns to be estimated increases accordingly; and ii) block s(k) is first encoded and/or multiplexed in space and
similar to single-antenna OFDM, MIMO-OFDM exhibits great time, to yield blocks {cµ (k)}N µ=1 of length Nc , which are

sensitivity to CFO. forwarded to each transmit antenna. Training symbols (either

Many existing approaches have dealt with CFO and channel zero or non-zero), which are known to both the transmitter
estimation in a single-input single-output (SISO) OFDM setup and the receiver, are then inserted into cµ (k) to form a vector
(e.g., [2]–[4], [8]). Some rely on training-blocks [4], while ūµ (k) with length N , for the µth antenna.
others just take advantage of the standardized transmission Following the insertion of training symbols, we just perform
format (e.g., [2], [8] exploits presence of null sub-carriers). MIMO-OFDM. In detail, we implement inverse FFT (IFFT)
Recently, optimal training for MIMO channel estimation has (via left multiplication with FH N ) and cyclic prefix insertion
been considered in [9]. However, CFO estimation was not (via left multiplication with the appropriate matrix operator
taken into account. We incorporate it in this paper using Tcp := [ITL×N ITN ]T , where IL×N denotes the last L columns
sparse-training sequences. Unlike [9], which estimates the of IN ). Define the resulting vectors as {uµ }N t
µ=1 . After parallel
channel on a per block basis, we collect several blocks for to serial (P/S) multiplexing, the blocks {uµ }N t
µ=1 of size
estimating CFO and MIMO channels. Thus, we can afford P ×1 are transmitted through the frequency-selective channels,
fewer number of training symbols per block than [9]. which in discrete-time equivalent form have a finite impulse
Specifically, we design training patterns for estimating CFO response h(ν,µ) (l), l ∈ [0, L]. Let fo be the frequency offset
and MIMO frequency-selective channels in block transmission (in Hz), which could be due to Doppler, or, mismatch between
systems. For MIMO-OFDM, we design training symbols that transmit-receive oscillators. If the sampling period is T , then
enable decoupling of CFO and channel estimation from sym- the samples at the ν-th receive-antenna filter output can be
bol decoding, which in turn leads to a low-complexity receiver written as:
compared to blind alternatives [7]. Moreover, our MIMO setup Nt 
enlarges the acquisition range of CFO estimators compared to xν (n) = ejωo n h(ν,µ) (l)uµ (n − l) + ην (n), (1)
existing SISO algorithm, e.g., [4]. Our scheme is also flexible µ=1 l=0

GLOBECOM 2003 - 1084 - 0-7803-7974-8/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

where ν ∈ [1, Nr ], ωo := 2πfo T is the normalized CFO, insert pilot symbols (both zero and non-zero ones) so that CFO
and ην (n) is zero-mean, white, complex Gaussian distributed estimation can be separated from MIMO channel estimation.
noise with variance ση2 . The sequence xν (n) is then serial The insertion of pilot symbols will be performed in two steps.
to parallel (S/P) converted into P × 1 blocks with entries In the first step, we insert the pilot block bµ (k) into the
[xν (k)]p := xν (kP + p). Selection of the block size P greater information bearing block cµ (k), per transmit-antenna, as
than the channel order L implies that each received block follows:
xν (k) depends only on two consecutive transmitted blocks, ũµ (k) = PA cµ (k) + PB bµ (k), (5)
uµ (k) and uµ (k − 1), which is referred to as interblock where the two permutation matrices PA , PB have sizes K ×
interference (IBI). In order to remove IBI at the receiver, we Nc and K × Nb , respectively, and are selected to be mutually
discard the cyclic prefix by left multiplying xν (k) with the orthogonal: PTA PB = 0Nc ×Nb . Note that Nc + Nb = K.
matrix Rcp := [0N ×L IN ]. Denoting the resulting IBI-free One example of such matrices is to form PA with the last
block as yν (k) := Rcp xν (k), we obtain the following vector- Nc column of INb +Nc , and PB with the first Nb columns of
matrix input-output relationship: INb +Nc given as:
 PA = [eNb . . . eK−1 ], and PB = [e0 . . . eNb −1 ]. (6)
yν (k) =ejωo kP Rcp DP (ωo )H(ν,µ) Tcp FH
N ūµ (k)
(2) The structure of ũµ (k) in (5) is shown in Figure 2. When
+ Rcp η ν (k), ũµ (k) is left multiplied by FH
N , the permutation matrices in (6)
assign OFDM subcarriers to information and training symbols
where η ν (k) := [ην (kP ), ην (kP + 1), . . . , ην (kP + P − (pilot tones). We will specify the structure of the training block
1)]T ; H(ν,µ) is a P × P lower triangular Toeplitz ma- bµ (k) later.
trix with first column [h(ν,µ) (0), . . . , h(ν,µ) (L), 0, . . . , 0]T ; In the second step, we insert zeros per block ũµ (k) to obtain
and DP (ωo ) is a diagonal matrix defined as DP (ωo ) := ūµ (k). This insertion can be implemented by left-multiplying
diag[1, ejωo , . . . , ejωo (P −1) ]. ũµ (k) with the null subcarrier insertion matrix defined as
Based on the structure of the matrices involved, it can  
be readily verified that Rcp DP (ωo ) = ejωo L DN (ωo )Rcp , Tsc (k) := eqk (mod N ) , . . . , eqk +K−1(mod N ) , (7)
where DN (ωo ) := diag[1, ejωo , . . . , ejωo (N −1) ]. Following
where qk := kN/(L + 1). We call each subcarrier corre-
this identity, let us define H̃(ν,µ) := Rcp H(ν,µ) Tcp , where
sponding to a zero symbol as null subcarrier. Dependence of
the N × N matrix H̃(ν,µ) is circulant with first column
the null subcarrier insertion matrix Tsc (k) on the block index
[h(ν,µ) (0), . . . , h(ν,µ) (L), 0, . . . , 0]. Letting also vν (k) :=
k, implies that the position of the inserted zero is changing
Rcp η ν (k), we can re-write (2) as:
from block to block. In other words, (7) implements a null
 subcarrier hopping operation from block to block. Plugging
yν (k) = ejωo (kP +L) DN (ωo ) H̃(ν,µ) FH
N ūµ (k) + vν (k). (7) and (5) into (4), we deduce that the resulting signal at the
µ=1 νth receive antenna, takes the following form:

Because H̃(ν,µ) in (3) is circulant, it follows that
yν (k) =ejωo (kP +L) DN (ωo )FH
N DN (h̃(ν,µ) )Tsc (k)
FN H̃(ν,µ) FH N is a diagonal matrix DN (h̃
), where (8)
(ν,µ) (ν,µ) T µ=1
h̃ := [h̃ (0),
L · · · , h̃ (2π(N − 1)/N )] , with
(ν,µ) (ν,µ) · [PA cµ (k) + PB bµ (k)] + vν (k).
h̃ (2πn/N ) := l=0 h (l) exp(−j2πln/N ) denoting
the channel’s frequency response values on the FFT grid. We have described the insertion of two types of training sym-
Next, we insert FH N FN = IN between DN (ων ) and H̃
(ν,µ) bols: zero and non-zero ones. In the following, we will show
in (3), and using Tsc (k), we re-express (3) as that this idea of hopping pilots is instrumental in establishing
identifiability of our CFO estimator.

yν (k) =ejωo (kP +L) DN (ωo ) FH
N DN (h̃
)ūµ (k) A. CFO Estimation
µ=1 If the CFO was absent (ωo ≡ 0 in (8)), then similar to [9],
+ vν (k), ν ∈ [1, Nr ]. we could isolate from the received block the part correspond-
ing to the training symbols, and by collecting several blocks
We deduce from (4) that estimating CFO and the multi-
(enough number of pilots), we could eventually estimate the
ple channels based on {yν (k)}N r
ν=1 is a nonlinear problem.
Nr channels. However, CFO destroys the orthogonality among
Given {yν (k)}ν=1 , our goal is to design training pilots for
subcarriers, and the training information is “mingled” with
estimating the CFO ωo and the Nt Nr channels h(ν,µ) :=
the unknown symbols, and channels. This motivates acquiring
[h(ν,µ) (0), . . . , h(ν,µ) (L)] in MIMO-OFDM systems.
the CFO first, and estimating the channels afterwards.
III. CFO AND C HANNEL E STIMATION FOR MIMO-OFDM Our CFO estimation algorithm will rely on a “de-hopping”
operation, implemented on a per block basis using the de-
Although ūµ (k) contains both information bearing symbols
hopping matrix
and training symbols, their separation is challenging due to
2π 2π
the presence of CFO. In the following, we specify how to DH
N (k) := diag[1, e
−j N qk
, . . . , e−j N qk (N −1) ]. (9)

GLOBECOM 2003 - 1085 - 0-7803-7974-8/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

Because Tsc (k) is a permutation matrix and DN (h̃(ν,µ) ) Thanks to subcarrier hopping, J(ω) has a unique minimum
is a diagonal matrix, it is not difficult to verify that in [−π, π) regardless of the position of channel nulls. This
DN (h̃(ν,µ) )Tsc (k) = Tsc (k)DK (h̃(ν,µ) (k)), where h̃(ν,µ) (k) establishes consistency of ω̂o , and shows that the acquisition
is formed by permuting the entries of h̃(ν,µ) as dictated by range of our CFO estimator in (15) is [−π, π), which is the
Tsc (k). Using the well-designed “de-hopping” matrix in (9), full range.
it is easy to establish the identity
B. Estimating MIMO Channels
N (k)FN Tsc (k) = FN Tzp , (10)
Based on the estimated CFO in (15), we can remove the
where Tzp := [IK 0K×(N −K) ]T is a zero-padding operator. M −1
terms that depend on ωo from {ȳν (k)}k=0 , and proceed with
Multiplying (8) by the de-hopping matrix, and using (10), we channel estimation. To derive our MIMO channel estimator,
obtain we temporarily assume that the CFO estimate is perfect; i.e.,
ȳν (k) = DHN (k)yν (k)
ω̂o = ωo .
jωo (kP +L)
(11) At the receiver, after removing the CFO related terms from
=e DN (ωo )FHN Tzp gν (k) + v̄ ν (k),
(11), we first take the FFT and then remove the null-subcarriers
where gν (k) := µ=1 DK (h̃(ν,µ) (k))ũµ (k), and v̄ ν (k) := by multiplying the blocks with TTzp to obtain
DHN (k)vν (k). Eq. (11) shows that after dehopping, null sub-
carriers in different blocks are at the same location, because zν (k) =e−j ω̂o (kP +L) TTzp FN D−1
N (ω̂o )ȳν (k)

Tzp does not depend on the block index k. The system model
(11) per receive antenna, is similar to the one used in [2], [8] = DK (h̃(ν,µ) (k)) [PA cµ (k) + PB bµ (k)] + ξ ν (k),
for the SISO-OFDM case. This observation suggests that we
can generalize the method of [2], [8] to estimate the CFO for
MIMO-OFDM systems. where ξ ν (k) := e−j ω̂o (kP +L) TTzp FN D−1
N (ω̂o )v̄ ν (k).
To this end, we consider the covariance matrix of ȳν (k) By the definitions of PB and the de-hopping matrix in (10),
Rȳν = DN (ωo )FH (ν) H H 2
N Tzp Rgg Tzp FN DN (ωo ) + σ IN , (12)
we have
where Rgg := E gν (k)gνH (k) , and the noise v̄ ν (k) has DK (h̃(ν,µ) (k))PB = PB diag[F(k)h(ν,µ) ], (17)
covariance matrix σ 2 IN . In practice, the ensemble correlation where the Nb × (L + 1) matrix F(k) contains the first L + 1
matrix Rȳν is replaced by its sample estimate formed by
columns and qk related Nb rows of the FN , and h(ν,µ) :=
averaging across M blocks (M > K):
[h(ν,µ) (0), · · · , h(ν,µ) (L)]T . Since PTB PB = INb , we have
M −1
1  zν,b (k) = PTB zν (k)
R̂ȳν = ȳν (k)ȳνH (k). (13)
M Nt
k=0  (18)
It has been shown in [8] that the column space of Rȳν = Bµ (k)F(k)h(ν,µ) + ξ ν,b (k),
consists of two parts: the signal subspace and the null sub- µ=1
space. In the absence of CFO, if Rgg has full rank, the null where Bµ (k) := diag[bµ (k)] and ξ ν,b (k) := PTB ξ ν (k).
space of Rȳν is spanned by the missing columns (the location Stacking zν,b (k) for M blocks, we can write the input-output
of the null subcarriers) of the FFT matrix. The presence of relationship for training symbols as
CFO introduces a shift in the null space. Similar to [8], a cost
function can be built to measure this CFO-induced shift for z̄ν,b = Bhν + ξ̄ ν,b , (19)
our MIMO-OFDM setup. With ω denoting the candidate CFO,
this cost function can be written as where hν consists of {h(ν,µ) }N t
µ=1 , and
N −1   N
   
B1 (0)F(0) ··· BNt (0)F(0)
H 2πn −1 2πn
J(ω):= fN DN (ω) Rȳν DN (ω)fN ,  . . .. 
N ν=1
N B= .. .. . .
Nr  (14) B1 (M -1)F(M -1) ··· BNt (M -1)F(M -1)
Nr (ν)
where ν=1 Rȳν=DN (ωo)FH T
N zp R
ν=1 gg T H
zp N N o). (ω
Notice that B is the same ∀ν ∈ [1, Nr ]. Collecting z̄ν,b ’s from
Clearly, if ω = ωo , then DN (ωo − ω) = IN . Next, recall
N −1 all receive antennas into z̄b := [z̄T1,b , · · · , z̄TNr ,b ]T , the LMMSE
that the matrix FH N Tzp is orthogonal to {fN (2πn/N )}n=K . channel estimator is now given by
Hence, if ω = ωo , the cost function J(ωo ) is zero in
of noise. However, we have to confirm that if ĥLMMSE := σ 2 R−1 h + INr ⊗ (B B)
(INr ⊗ BH )z̄b ,
ν=1 Rgg has full rank, then ωo is indeed the unique zero (20)
of J(ω). Here we omit the proof for limitation of space. where Rh := E[hhH ] with h := [hT1 , · · · , hTNr ]T is the
Therefore, CFO estimates can be found by minimizing J(ω) channel covariance matrix, and σ 2 denotes the noise variance.
as These two quantities are assumed to be available. If Rh is
ω̂o = arg min J(ω). (15) unknown, the least-squares (LS) estimator can be used instead.

GLOBECOM 2003 - 1086 - 0-7803-7974-8/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

To guarantee that LS estimation can be performed, we need where D(k) := diag[P k + L, . . . , P (k + 1) − 1]. It follows
to ensure that the minimum number of blocks is L + 1. from (24), that as the number of blocks increases, the CRLB
Now our problem has been reduced to the one in [9]. Due for CFO decreases. Similar comments apply for the signal-to-
to page limitations, we will not derive the optimum training noise ratio (SNR) versus CRLB. If N 1, we have that
for our current scheme. Based on results in [9], however, the Tzp ≈ IN . Assuming that Rgg = EIN , and P , M are
training block length Nb for each block can be selected equal sufficiently large, we obtain
to Nt , and the training block can be designed as:
σv̄2 3
CRLBω ≈ . (25)
bµ (k) = [01×(µ−1) , b, 01×(Nt −µ) ]T . (21) E 2(P − L)P 2 M 3 Nr3

C. Phase Estimation As expected, the CRLB of CFO is independent of the channel

and the number of transmit-antennas, inversely proportional to
So far, we have estimated the CFO and the Nt Nr channels. the SNR, and the cube of the number of space-time data.
However, we will show by simulations that the residual CFO
will degrade the bit-error rate (BER) severely as the number of V. S IMULATIONS
blocks increases. Therefore, one additional step is necessary We conduct simulations to verify the performance of our
to deal with the residual CFO. MIMO OFDM designs. In all experiments, we consider chan-
After CFO compensation using the estimate in (15), the nels with exponential power profile, Rayleigh fading indepen-
received block can be written as [c.f. (11)] dent taps, and additive white Gaussian noise, with zero-mean,
ỹν (k) = ej(ωo −ω̂o )(kP +L) DN (ωo − ω̂o )FH and variance ση2 . We define SNR = E 2 /ση2 with E 2 denoting
N Tzp gν (k)+ζ ν (k),
(22) energy per symbol.
where ω̂o − ωo is the residual CFO, and ζ ν (k) := To verify the acquisition range of our CFO estimator, we
e−j ω̂o (kP +L) D−1 compare against the algorithm in [4] with Nt = 1 and Nr = 1.
N (ω̂o )v̄ ν (k). We observe from (22) that when
the CFO estimate is accurate enough, the matrix DN (ω̂o −ωo ) Fig. 3 illustrates true versus estimated CFO. The ideal line is
can be approximated well by an identity matrix. However, the also shown for comparison. Our CFO estimate is identifiable
phase term (ω̂o − ωo )(kP + L) becomes increasingly large as over the entire range, which is larger than [4]. Figure 4 shows
the block index k increases. Without mitigating it, the phase average normalized mean square error (NMSE) of ωo for
distortion degrades not only the performance of the channel (Nt , Nr ) = (2, 2), N = 64, L = 3, and CFO randomly
estimator, but also the BER performance over time. selected in the range [−0.5π, 0.5π]. As a figure of merit, we
To enhance BER performance, we will use the non-zero depict the CFO NMSE defined as: E[ ω̂o − ωo 2 ]/  ωo 2 .
training symbols to estimate the phase per block, which was The CRB we derived in Section IV is also shown as a
originally designed for channel estimation. Suppose that for benchmark.
the kth block, we obtain the estimated channel from (20). Let Next, we test the performance of MIMO channel estimation
us adopt the training sequence in (21) and suppose that the and BER. The simulation parameters are the same as the
channel estimation step is perfect. After removing the channel, ones for CFO NMSE. Figure 5 shows channel estimation
for the νth antenna and the µth entry of zν,b (k), the equivalent performance. As a performance measure of channel estimation
input-output relationship, provided that DN (ω̂o − ωo ) ≈ IN , quality, we compute the average channel MSE E[ ĥ − h 2
becomes ]/  h 2 , where ĥ is obtained using the LS method. We
compare with the case where CFO is absent. As expected,
φν (k) = ej(ω̂o −ωo )(kP +L) b + wν , (23) we can see that increasing the number of OFDM blocks
(ν,µ) does not improve the channel NMSE accordingly. We also
where φν (k) := [zν,b (k)]µ /[h̃b (k)]µ ,
and wν is the equiv- plot BER versus SNR in Figure 6. Zero-forcing equalization
alent noise term after removing the channel. Since b is known, is used to estimate the information symbols. The ideal case
the phase (ω̂o − ωo )(kP + L) can be estimated based on the corresponding to perfect channel estimation is plotted for
observations from Nr receive-antennas on a per block basis. comparison. As discussed in Section III-C, BER performance
To perform this phase estimation step, we do not need to degrades with time due to residual CFO errors. The BER
insert any additional pilot symbol and the extra complexity performance after mitigating for the phase distortion are also
is negligible. shown, which corroborates our claim that the phase estimation
improves BER performance considerably.
To benchmark the performance of our estimators, we derive VI. C ONCLUSIONS
the Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLB) for the CFO. Starting In this paper, we derived algorithms to estimate the carrier
from the system model in (11), the CRLB for ωo is: frequency offset and the channels in multi-antenna OFDM
  transmissions. We have shown that at least one zero pilot
Nr M−1   −1
CRLBω = H (ν) T
tr D(k)FN Tzp Rgg Tzp FN D(k) , per OFDM block for CFO estimation, and orthogonal training
σv̄2 ν=1 blocks of size Nt are sufficient for MIMO channel estimation.
(24) Moreover, we proved that hopping pilots from block to block

GLOBECOM 2003 - 1087 - 0-7803-7974-8/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

c1 Insertion of
u1 u1 3
S/P null & training
IFFT Tcp P/S Proposed
Standard [11]
s Space-Time

cNt Insertion of
uN t
uN t


Estimated CFO
null & training

x1 y1 z1
S/P R cp FFT Space-Time ŝ −1

xNr y Nr zN r
CFO & Channel
S/P R cp FFT Estimator −3
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
True CFO

Fig. 1. Discrete-time equivalent baseband model of MIMO system

Fig. 3. CFO acquisition range comparison ((Nt , Nr ) = (1, 1), L = 3)

Null Training Information 2


0 k=0 0


0 k =1 10

Average NMSE for CFO


0 k=2 10

10 M=2K

Fig. 2. One example of ūµ (k) structure M=3K



enlarges the CFO acquisition range to the full range, while 10


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
inserting training symbols orthogonally per transmission block SNR

leads to low-complexity high performance channel estimation.

Fig. 4. Average CFO NMSE ((Nt , Nr ) = (2, 2), L = 3)
Our training pattern shows flexibility to be adjusted according
to different standards, and is capable of achieving desirable 1
NMSE of Channel
complexity-performance tradeoffs. The performance of our M=L+1
estimators was benchmarked with CRLB, investigated by M=3K
Ideal(w/perfect CFO)

simulations, and compared favorably with existing alternatives.


Channel MMSE

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Ideal (perfect channel and CFO)
[9] X. Ma, L. Yang and G. B. Giannakis, “Optimal training for MIMO
frequency-selective fading channels,” Proc. of 36th Asilomar Conf. on −3
Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 3-6, 2002. 0 2 4 6 8 10
12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 6. Average BER performance ((Nt , Nr ) = (2, 2), L = 3)

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