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Wang Akansu SymbolAlphabetModifierforPAPRReduction IEEE CISS March2016

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Symbol Alphabet Modifier for PAPR Reduction in

OFDM Communications
Yuewen Wang and Ali N. Akansu
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ 07102, USA
Email: {YW46,Akansu}@NJIT.edu

Abstract—High Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) is a Extensions of SLM and PTS were also proposed in order
major drawback of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing to lower computational cost or to eliminate SI by modifying
(OFDM) based communications systems. Many methods for the phase and/or amplitude of symbols in the original symbol
PAPR reduction has been reported in the literature. They include
Selective Mapping (SLM) and Partial Transmit Sequences (PTS) alphabet (SA). An SLM extension that eliminates SI by alter-
techniques. Although these two methods reduce PAPR quite ing amplitude of data symbols, called A-SLM, is reported in
well their implementation cost is relatively high. In this paper, [14] and included in PAPR and BER performance comparisons
Symbol Alphabet Modifier Matrix (SAM) is proposed to jointly presented in Section IV.
alter the phase and amplitude values of the original symbols
A low-complexity PAPR reduction framework to jointly
in the alphabet. This framework utilizes only one FFT/IFFT
operation pair for transmultiplexing of symbols without any modify phase and amplitude of the original symbols in the
side information. The merit of the proposed method to reduce alphabet of a digital modulation scheme such as M-PSK and
PAPR for four cases without BER degradation along with its M-QAM is proposed in this paper. An overview of OFDM
implementation simplicity is shown in the paper. system and its PAPR is given in Section II. In Section III,
Index Terms—PAPR; OFDM; Symbol Alphabet Modifier Ma- the design procedure for the proposed technique is explained
trix (SAM); SLM; Generalized DFT; FFT
in detail for four cases. This framework utilizes only one
IFFT/FFT operator pair for transmultiplexing of symbols with-
out any SI bandwidth requirement. The merit of the method is
OFDM signal (frame) is a sum of orthogonal frequency shown through performance comparisons presented in section
modulated subcarriers (basis functions) weighted by corre- IV. Then, the concluding remarks are given.
sponding symbol values picked from the alphabet of the cho-
sen modulation technique. The resulting high peak-to-average II. OFDM S YSTEM AND PAPR
power ratio of OFDM frame becomes a major deficiency of the
system due to reduced power efficiency. Moreover, it causes An OFDM frame is generated by the multiplexing of
signal distortion in non-linear modules of the system such as independent symbol alphabets modulated with orthogonal fre-
power amplifier (PA) and digital-to-analog converter (DAC). quency subcarriers. The incoming data bit stream is modulated
Many PAPR reduction techniques have been reported in into a sequence of symbols from the predefined symbol
the literature [4]. These different methods include Clipping alphabet constellations such as M -ary Phase-Shift Keying
and Filtering [5], Coding Technique [6], Selected Mapping (M -PSK) or M -ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (M -
Technique (SLM) [7], [8], Partial Transmit Sequences (PTS) QAM). This populated symbol vector is denoted as X =
[9], [10], Tone Reservation (TR) [11], Tone Injection (TI) [12] [X(0), X(1), ..., X (N − 1)] , where [·] indicates the vec-
and Active Constellation Extension (ACE) [13]. Among them, tor/matrix transpose operation. The baseband multicarrier sig-
selected mapping (SLM) and partial transmit sequences (PTS) nal is the summation of N subcarriers weighted by symbols
are similar in principle. They statistically aim to reduce the and expressed as
high PAPR by generating several candidate OFDM frames N −1
and pick the best one prior to transmission. Their main 1 X
x(t) = √ X(k)ej2πfk t , 0 ≤ t ≤ N ts . (1)
shortcoming is the implementation cost since multiple inverse N k=0
fast-Fourier transform (IFFT) operations are required for each
transmitted OFDM frame. Moreover, side information (SI) Subcarriers are orthogonal where fk = k∆f
√ and ∆f =
bearing the phase modification of OFDM frame needs to be 1/N ts , ts is the symbol period and j = −1. Then, the
transmitted to the receiver error-free. The entire data block discrete-time OFDM frame is the sampled version of (1) at
will be lost if SI is received with errors. As a consequence, the Nyquist rate t = nts and written as
it causes the degradation in BER performance. The SLM and N −1
PTS techniques provide a good PAPR performance and have 1 X 2πkn
x(n) = √ X(k)ej N , n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1. (2)
been successfully used in OFDM communications. N k=0
Herein, the vector x = [x(0), x(1), ..., x (N − 1)] denotes an intuitive design of the nth and mth rows of matrix C −1 is
the OFDM signal in discrete time domain. The PAPR of an given as follows
OFDM frame due to signal amplitudes fluctuation is defined
as 2 cn (k) = cm (k) · ej∆φm,n , n6=m, n,m,k=0,1,...,N −1
max |x (n)|
jϕn (k)
n=0,1,...,N −1
, (3) ⇒ αk,n · e = αk,m · ejϕm (k) · ej∆φm,n
i (7)
E |x (n)| ⇒ αk,n = αk,m = αk ,
where E [·] denotes the expectation operator. ϕn (k) = ϕm (k) + ∆φm,n = ϕ (k) + ∆φn ,
The complementary cumulative distribution function
(CCDF) is a commonly used measure to evaluate PAPR where ∆φn = ∆φ0,n , ϕ (k) = ϕ0 (k) is the phase of the k th
performance. The CCDF of the PAPR indicates the probability element in the first row (m = 0) of the matrix C −1 .
that the PAPR of a signal exceeds a given threshold, i.e. Then, rewrite the matrix C −1 as
Pr{PAPR > PAPR0 }.
h i
III. S YMBOL A LPHABET M ODIFIER M ATRIX C −1 = [cn (k)] = αk · ej(ϕ(k)+∆φn ) , k,n=0,1,...,N −1 (8)
The design objective is to reduce the PAPR by minimizing
the difference between the peak power and average power
where αk ∈ R+ , ϕ(k) and ∆φn ∈ [0, 2π), ∆φ0 = ∆φ0,0 = 0.
of the OFDM signal. Conceptually, in the ideal case, all
components in the OFDM frame vector x having the same However, this matrix is not invertible because the rank of
amplitude can make the PAPR to be 1 (0 dB) and thus the such a matrix is 1 and the data symbol vector cannot be
power difference is zero. Therefore, finding a proper symbol recovered at the receiver. In order to make the matrix C −1
alphabet modifier along with the IFFT operation that generates invertible, the diagonal elements of the matrix C −1 is adjusted
optimal OFDM signal is addressed for such a design. to be constant but non-unit amplitude α, and the remaining
elements to have another amplitude β such that it has the
A. Design Procedure full rank N . Moreover, if all rows or columns of the adjusted
First, define an N × N matrix C −1 assuming that can matrix are permutated, it still maintains the full rank property
map a data symbol vector into an OFDM frame with constant [16], and the PAPR of the OFDM frame vector also remains
amplitude. Here superscript -1 is used to indicate the inverse the same result. Accordingly, the modified matrix C −1 can be
matrix such that all matrices designed at the transmitter are designed in different permutation forms of the initial adjusted
identical to the denotation of the inverse DFT matrix A−1 DF T
matrix that provides many possible transformation sets.
and also implied to be invertible. Hence, it is necessary to 2) : Define a given permutation Ñ with N elements that
define the constraints for the design such that the matrix C −1 Ñ : {0, 1, ..., N − 1} → {0, 1, ..., N − 1}. For example, when
must be invertible at the receiver and factorable to the A−1
DF T N = 4 and the permutated order can be Ñ : {2, 0, 3, 1}.
matrix which serves as the frequency selective orthogonal The modified matrix that is invertible and can be employed as
multiplexer for the OFDM systems. follows
1) : Define the N × N transform matrix C −1 consists of
complex value elements as
α · ej(ϕ(k)+∆φn ) k = Ñ (n)
h i c̃n (k) =
C −1 = [cn (k)] = αk,n · ejϕn (k) k, n = 0, 1, ..., N −1, (4) β·e j(ϕ(k)+∆φn )
k 6= Ñ (n) (9)
IÑ (n) (k) 1−IÑ (n) (k) j(ϕ(k)+∆φn )
where amplitudes of matrix elements are αk,n ∈ R+ , k and =α ·β ·e , k,n=0,1,...,N −1

n denote column and row indices of a matrix, respectively.

Then, the OFDM frame in time domain is expressed as where α ∈ (0, ∞), β ∈ [0, ∞), α > β, ϕ(k) and ∆φn ∈
N −1 [0, 2π), ∆φ0 = 0, ϕ(k) = ϕ(0) + Ak π for simplicity and
Ak ∈ Z.
|x(n)| = cn (k)X(k) . (5)
k=0 In (k) is called Indicator Function [17], having the value 1
By inspection, we force the equality of two arbitrary com- for element k equals to element n and the value 0 for element
ponents in an OFDM frame as the following relationship k different than set n, which is defined as

|x(m)| = ej∆φm,n · |x(m)| = |x(n)| (

1 if k = n
N −1 In (k) = . (10)
0 if k 6= n
x(n) = cm (k)ej∆φm,n · X(k) (6)
n, m = 0, 1, ..., N − 1, n 6= m, To express the modified matrix C̃ −1 more intuitively, let the
 N −1 T
 j∆φ N −1
where ∆φm,n denotes the phase difference between the n th vector η T = ejϕ(k) k=0 , vector
 ψ = e
, matrix
and mth components of the OFDM frame vector. From (6), Σ1 = diag η , Σ2 = diag ψ and a real matrix can build
up the matrix C̃ −1 as
 
C̃ −1 = Σ1 ΓΣ2 = 
 .. ×

0 ejϕ(N −1)
| {z }
 
β ··· α ··· β  j∆φ 
 β ··· ··· β α  e 0
  
α ··· ··· β  ..
β × .

 .
 β ··· ··· α β  0 ej∆φN −1
α β ··· ··· β | {z }
| {z } Σ2
Some possible cases are invoked to build various matrices Fig. 1. Block diagram of the OFDM system with the proposed PAPR
C̃ −1 by assigning different amplitude and phase values to the reduction method.
elements of the matrix, that is shown in part B.
3) : Now, C̃ −1 should be factorized into an inverse DFT
matrix A−1 −1 readability, here we still use α instead of α̃, and accordingly
DF T and a matrix B since the OFDM system
needs to be built up with utilization of the IFFT operator. the SAM matrix is derived as
The invertible matrix B −1 is called Symbol Alphabet Modifier N −1
αIÑ (n) (l) · ej (ϕ(l)+∆φn − ).
X 2πkl
matrix (SAM) [15] and it is expressed as b̃k (n) = N (15)
C̃ −1 = A−1
DF T · B
C̃ · C̃ −1 = I
(12) The SAM matrix B −1 in case 1 is an invertible but not
B −1 = ADF T · C̃ −1 B · B −1 = I, orthogonal matrix such that it modifies the average power
where B −1 is derived from (9) and (12) as of the original OFDM signal. But the difference between
h i modified power and original one is trivial when parameter
B −1 = b̃k (n) k, n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1 α is large enough, where the numerical results tabulated in
N −1 Table I have validate it. It is also noted that the performance
b̃k (n) = e−j N · c̃n (l) of PAPR improves as the value of α increases.
(13) Case 2: The parameter β is zero, the matrix C̃ −1 becomes a
N −1 constant modulus diagonal matrix and the value of parameter
αIÑ (n) (l) · β 1−IÑ (n) (l) · ej (ϕ(l)+∆φn − ).
X 2πkl
= N α can be normalized to 1. The SAM matrix becomes
l=0 2πkÑ (n)
b̃k (n) = e−j N · ej (ϕ(Ñ (n))+∆φn ) . (16)
One can normalize the power of the modified symbols close
to the original ones before the IFFT operator by dividing It is noted that case 2 is actually the ultimate form of case 1
with a normalization
.√ factor of Frobenius matrix norm as when α goes to infinite large. The SAM matrix in this case
B −1 F N . The SAM matrix B −1 is rewritten as becomes an orthogonal matrix that modifies the amplitude of
  original data symbols without alternating the average power
of the OFDM signal.
Case 3: With the main focus of improving PAPR per-
 
b̃k (n)
B −1 = 
 
s  . formance, it is sometimes compensated at the expense of
 N −1 N −1 2
increased BER, such as SLM and PTS technique require side
 P P 
b̃k (n) N
k=0 n=0 SAM information to be transmitted, along with the aforementioned
k,n=0,1,...,N −1 amplitude modified SLM (A-SLM) method that increases
signal power. As an extension of case 1, instead of using
The Fig.1 displays the block diagram of the OFDM system the sequence function with amplitude sequence of [α, β..., β]
employed the proposed SAM method over additive white in the previous design, a new sequence S denoted as basis
Gaussian noise (AWGN) and multipath fading channels. sequence along with its cyclic shifted ones build up a new
B. Four Proposed Cases size of N × N matrix C̃ −1 namely, case 3. The matrix C̃ −1
is expressed as
Here, some possible cases are pursued and investigated
based on (9). C̃ −1 = S S (1) · · · S (n) · · · S (N −1) N ×N . (17)

Case 1: In this case, the amplitudes α and β are positive
real numbers and α > β, the matrix C̃ −1 can be normalized Here, the superscript (n), indicates the n times right cyclic
to c̃n (k) = α̃IÑ (n) (k) · ej(ϕ(k)+∆φn ) , here α̃ = α/β. For shift of the basis sequence S.
At the receiver, after passing through DFT and inverse TABLE I
SAM matrix, the received data symbols are estimated as AVERAGE P OWER VARIATIONS OF SAM FOR FOUR CASES , PTS, SLM,
X̂ = (BADF T ) · A−1 −1

DF T B · X + B · W0 = I · X + B · W0 .
C̃ −1 is to be an orthogonal matrix, thereby the noise term Power Varied Power Varied
N = 64
BW0 has the same mean  and variance
 as AWGN  term 2W0 , (QPSK) [dB] (16-QAM) [dB]
which is E W0H B H (BW0 ) = E W0H W0 = σw 0
I, WHT 0 0
where [·] denotes the Hermitian operator. Accordingly, the PTS 0 0
basis sequence S is required to be a complex valued sequence SLM 0 0
having perfect periodic auto-correlation property. Furthermore, A-SLM 2.5 4.2
by looking at the previous design, it can be found that when SAM1 α > 103 < 10−3 < 10−3
strengthening a few data symbol values by parameter α and SAM1 α = 100 0.03 0.1
weakening others by parameter β, the power of OFDM frame SAM2 0 0
is reduced into a smaller dynamic range compared to the power SAM3 0 0
of original OFDM frame. When β = 0, the emphasis brings SAM4 0 0
an optimal effect on PAPR reduction.
Therefore, case 3 is proposed to have the basis sequence
that is defined by zero-tapping evenly as nth row sequence becomes the flipping version of the sequence
 T at the row index of n − N/2 as
S = s0 , 0, ..., s1 , 0, ..., ..., sL−1 , 0, ... , (18)
  
| {z } | {z } | {z }
hn−N/2i hn−N/2i
N /L N /L S hni = 0, ..., 0, s1 , 0, ..., 0, s0 , 0, ..., 0 ,
N /L
 
| {z } | {z }| {z }
where the non-zero tapping sequence Ŝ = [s0 , s1 , ..., sL−1 ] n−N/2 N/2 N −n
is a perfect periodic auto-correlation sequence such as Zadoff- (21)
hni hni hni hni
Chu sequence [18]. The nth row is generated as the n times where s0 = αhni ejθ0 and s1 = ejθ1 , αhni ∈ R+ .
hni hni
right shifted version of the basis sequence in (18). The phase difference between two must be θ0 − θ1 =
Case 4: In case 3, the constant amplitude polynomial {±π/2, ±3π/2}.
sequences having perfect periodic auto-correlation property Herein, four cases are proposed for the SAM framework,
cannot bring an outstanding peak power reduction for OFDM The SAM matrix B −1 in case 2, 3 and 4 is orthogonal
signals since the emphasis brought by the non-zero elements such that it would not increase the power of OFDM frame.
does not introduce enough impact on the data symbols. In The PAPR performance of the OFDM signal generated in
view of this, to achieve a better PAPR performance in the case 1 and case 4 are depending on the value of α. Since
new extensive framework of C̃ −1 , the improved design for the the samples of OFDM signal are populated as the sum of
basis sequence is proposed to have two non-zero components subcarriers weighted by data symbols, when α is larger, the
as  T data symbol emphasized by α will dominate the summation.
Hence, less fluctuated signal amplitudes offer an improved
S = s0 , 0, ..., s1 , 0, ..., 0 , (19) PAPR performance.
| {z } | {z }
N/2−1 N/2−1
where s0 and s1 are non-constant amplitude complex values
used to emphasis the data symbols, that is s0 = αejθ0 and In this section, the performance of the proposed SAM
s1 = βejθ1 . Such sequence having perfect auto-correlation method for four cases is compared with the SLM, PTS and
yields θ0 − θ1 = {±π/2, ±3π/2}, θ0 and θ1 ∈ [0, 2π). Due to A-SLM in terms of the PAPR and BER metrics. The Walsh-
the existing zero tapping inside the basis sequence, the periodic Hadamard Transform (WHT) that provides an orthogonal
auto-correlation is always zero when the correlation shifting matrix prior to the IFFT for PAPR reduction [19] is also
delay m at the moment of (m mod N /2) 6= 0. The nth row included in the comparisons. Table I tabulates the average
used to be n times cyclic shifted version of the basis one can power fluctuation (in dB) of the proposed SAM (superscripts
be relaxed to have two different non-zero elements having such as 1 and 2 denote for case 1 and case 2 respectively),
perfect auto-correlation property. For n = 0, 1, ..., N /2 − 1, WHT, PTS, SLM, A-SLM methods for QPSK and 16-QAM
propose the nth row of the new matrix C̃ −1 to be with N = 64 subcarriers. The system complexities of OFDM
 T employing various PAPR reduction methods considered in the
paper are quantified with respect to the required number of
hni hni
S hni = 0, ..., 0, s0 , 0, ..., 0, s1 , 0, ..., 0 , (20) multiplications and additions as tabulated in Table II. In PTS
 
| {z } | {z }| {z } and SLM techniques, U and V IFFT operations are required.
n N /2 N /2−n
Besides, side information bits are used along with OFDM
where the superscript hni denotes the nth distinct sequence as signal transmission to the receiver. On the other hand, the
the nth row of the matrix C̃ −1 . For n = N /2, ..., N − 1, the proposed SAM and WHT need only one pair of FFT/IFFT
0 0
10 10
Original OFDM
SLM U=64
10 A−SLM U=8 −1
ccdf Pr[PAPR>PAPR0]
A−SLM U=64

ccdf Pr[PAPR>PAPR0]
PTS V=8 W=2
PTS V=32 W=2
SAM Case 1
10 SAM Case 2 −2
10 Original OFDM
SLM U=64
A−SLM U=64
10 −3
PTS V=64 W=2
10 SAM Case 3 L=4
SAM Case 4 α=1
SAM Case 4 α=10
−4 SAM Case 4 α=100
10 −4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 10
PAPR0(dB) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

(a) (a)

Original OFDM 100
Original OFDM
SLM U=64
SLM U=128
−1 A-SLM U=64
10 A−SLM U=8
ccdf Pr[PAPR>PAPR0]

A−SLM U=128 PTS V=64 W=2

ccdf Pr[PAPR>PAPR0 ]
PTS V=8 W=2 SAM Case 3 L=4
PTS V=64 W=2 SAM Case 4 α=1
SAM Case 1 SAM Case 4 α=10
−2 SAM Case 2 SAM Case 4 α=100

10 10-3

10 10-4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
PAPR0(dB) PAPR 0 (dB)

(b) (b)
Fig. 2. PAPR performance of the proposed SAM in case 1 and case 2, Fig. 3. PAPR performance of the proposed SAM in case 3 and case 4, WHT-
WHT-OFDM, PTS, ordinary SLM, and A-SLM methods for (a) QPSK when OFDM, PTS, ordinary SLM, and A-SLM methods for (a) QPSK and (b)
N = 128, (b) 16-QAM when N = 256. 16-QAM when N = 256.


N = 256 QPSK 16-QAM
# of # of SI # of
Original 10.9 11.1
Complex Multip. Complex Add. (Bit) IFFTs
WHT 10.0 10.5
Original 2
log2 (N ) N log2 (N ) No 1 PTS 6.8 7.0
log2 (N ) N log2 (N ) SLM 6.7 6.9
WHT No 1
+N 2 +N (N − 1) A-SLM 6.8 7.0
log2 (N ) SAM1 1.2 3.9
PTS V N log2 (N ) Yes V
+V W V −1 SAM2 0 3.0
log2 (N ) SAM3 5.2 8.8
SLM U N log2 (N ) Yes U
+U N SAM4 0.1 3.0
N log2 (N ) 2N log2 (N )
SAM1 No 1
+N +2N − 1
SAM2 N log2 (N ) 2N log2 (N ) No 1 OFDM, PTS, ordinary SLM and A-SLM methods. For QPSK
N log2 (N ) 2N log2 (N ) and with subcarriers N = 128, the numbers of possible OFDM
SAM3 No 1
+LN +N (L − 1) candidate frames in the SLM and A-SLM are U = 8 and 64,
SAM4 N log2 (N ) + 2N 2N log2 (N ) + N No 1 Smax = 12, D = 2.4 as suggested in [14], while subblocks
V = 8 and 32, phase coefficients W = 2 are used for PTS.
Also U = 8 and 128, Smax = 25, D = 4.4, V = 8 and 64,
operations and no SI bits are required at the receiver. The W = 2 for 16-QAM and signal length N = 256 are used. Fig
computational complexity of the SAM method is calculated 3 (a) and (b) display the PAPR performance when the SAM
through (11) and (12). The proposed method has much lower is applied for case 3 and case 4. In case 3, the Zadoff-Chu
computational complexity than the other methods. sequence is employed with L = 4 in (18), and in case 4,
Fig 2 (a) and (b) illustrate the PAPR performance of the α = [1, 10, 100] is taken for comparison.
proposed SAM in case 1 (α = 100 ) and case 2, WHT- Figure 4 (a) and (b) show the BER performance com-
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PTS V=8 W=2
10 A−SLM U=8
SAM Case 1 α=100
SAM Case 2
SAM Case 3
SAM Case 4 α=100
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Fig. 4. BER performance comparisons of the proposed SAM in 4 cases,
WHTPTS, ordinary SLM, and A-SLM methods for 16-QAM and N = 256
over (a) AWGN channel and (b) multi-path fading channel.

parisons over the AWGN and multipath fading channels,

respectively, where the multipath fading channel is assumed to
be a three-path Rayleigh fading channel with equal power. The
comparisons are given on the SAM for cases 1 and 2 in Fig.
5. Cases 3 and 4 are given in Fig. 6 along with WHT, PTS,
SLM, A-SLM, and original OFDM signal. It is noted that in
the BER performance of SLM and PTS, the SI is assumed to
be transmitted error free such that no data loss caused by SI
will be considered.
Table III compares the performance of the proposed SAM
methods along with the other techniques with respect to the
PAPR gain of CCDF at a given rate of 10−3 , where α =
100 in case 1 and case 4, L = 4 in case 3 with Zadoff-Chu
sequence. It is shown that the proposed method for case 2 and
case 4 reduced the PAPR significantly for various constellation
scenarios. Meanwhile, case 1 and case 3 also improved the
PAPR performance over other methods.


In this paper, an efficient method called SAM that jointly

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