GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log JUNE 3-7, 2019 (WEEK 1)
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log JUNE 3-7, 2019 (WEEK 1)
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log JUNE 3-7, 2019 (WEEK 1)
Write the LC code for each EN6LC-Ia-2.3.1 – EN6V-Ia-12.3.1 ENGRC –IA 2.3.1 ENGG-1A-2.3.1 EN6LC-Ia-2.3.7
EN6LC-Ia-2.3.8 En6v-Ia-2.3.1 ENGRC –IA 2.3.1
II. CONTENT Analyzing sound devices Inferring meaning of idiomatic Analyzing sound devices Composing clear and Sound Devices
(Subject Matter) (onomatopoeia, alliteration, expression using context clues. (onomatopoeia, alliteration, coherent sentences using
assonance, personification, assonance, consonance) appropriate grammatical
irony and hyperbole) in a structures: Pluralization of
text heard regular nouns
III. Learning Resources
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages Curriculum Guide PELC III 3.3 Curriculum Guide
EN6LC-Ia-2.3.1 – EN6LC-Ia-2.3.7 –
EN6LC-Ia-2.3.8 EN6LC-Ia-2.3.8
2.Learner’s Materials Pages English for All Times 6 Growing in English 6 (Reading), pages English for all times English For You and Me English for All Times 6
(Reading) pp.144-147 228-229 (Reading), pages 144-146 (Reading) pp. 46-48 (Reading) pp.144-147
3.Textbook Pages English For You and Me English For You and Me
(Reading) pp. 51- 52 (Reading) pp. 51- 52
4. Additional Materials from Learning Using Figurative Speech, Using Figurative Speech, lrmds
Resources (LR) Portal) lrmds
B.Other Learning Resources Copy of poem, pictures, charts/paragraph, pictures Pictures, charts
A.Review Previous Lessons Tell the figure of speech used in each What do you see in the Read the following Review:
1. Spelling drill # 1
expression as simile, personification, picture? sentences written on a Some words have multiple
2. Say: Do you love to read
hyperbole, or onomatopoeia. Can you imitate the sounds piece of paper to be given meanings but how can we
1. The moon rose from its of it? by your group. The identify the meaning of
sleep. teacher will ask the class words?
2. The princess is as lovely as a to read the underlined
rose. words.Say: class these are
3. The wings flapped and regular nouns.
4. I could kill you for tickling
5. You’re an angel sent from
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson What makes a poem The purpose of the lesson is for the Explaining the pupils what Say;Class our lesson for Ask: Have read a poem?
different from other literary pupils to relate an expression to the to do today is composing clean Did you understand the
piece? occasion and infer meaning of and coherent sentences meaning of the poem? Why?
idiomatic expressions using context using appropriate
clues. grammatical structures;
pluralization of regular
C. Presenting examples /instances of the new Let the students listen to Children, listen how I speak to you! Class our lesson for today is The woman was crying. Present the poem
lessons the poem Clouds (The teacher speaks with a very loud about the sound devices “Spider Webs”
voice saying: Children, listen to me! using onomatopoeia,
Then, in a gentle manner, say again alliteration and assonance The spiders were busy last
the same words) Which way do you night,
like me to speak? Why? From every fence and tree
Let us say it in two ways. Which way They hung their lacy webs
do you like it to say? Why? For all the world to see.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Answer the questions after Unlocking Difficulties What is alliteration? 1. What is the regular Comprehension Check
new skills #1. the poem. “Hidden Words” nouns used in the first Ask questions based from the
Find the word described by the Alliteration happens when example?2.In the second poem listened to
phrases from the row of letters at words that start with the example,what is the
the left. Encircle the word you find same sound are used close regular noun used?
within. together in a phrase or
sentence. The sound is
a. raharshlmo- irritating; usually consonant and the
offensive words don’t have to be
b. daccentson- a modulation always right next to one
of the voice another.
c. caremaingep- to remember;
to stay
d. msgrievetlos- fail; cause of
pain; sadness
e. thecare- wornte- harassed
with troubles or worries
f. meatdepartment- to leave;
to go away
g. reneternityork- endless or
limitless time
h. armarke- to inflict serious
bodily harm on; destroy
E. Discussing new concepts & practicing and Identify the sound devices Presentation What is an Onomatopoeia? Say.Example in #1 is Group Activities
concern to new skills #2 used in the poem Read the poem altogether. pluralization of regular Group 1: Complete Me
Onomatopoeia is when a nouns.
SPEAK GENTLY word’s pronunciation Group 2: Dear Diary
-David Bates imitates it’s sound.
Group 3: If you were
Speak gently; it is better far
To rule by love than fear,
Speak gently; let no harsh word mar
The good we may do here.
F.Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative The teacher will give more Analysis and Discussion The teacher will give more Have a draw lots on who Group Presentation
Assesment 3 examples of texts using the sample of sound devices are going to present their
different sound devices a. What is the poem all about? (onomatopoeia, alliteration, answer first. Group
b. What do the following assonance.) 1.Complete each
phrases mean? sentences using the
- ‘Tis a little thing dropped in Which example / sentence regular nouns. (etc.)
the heart’s deep well. imitates it’s sound?
- Rule by love; rule by fear
- It’s love be sure to gain Which sentence start with
- Teach in accents soft and the same sound are used
mild closed close together in a
- Care- worn heart phrase or sentence?
- Sands of life are nearly run
- Let such in peace depart
- Heart’s deep well
- Eternity shall tell
c. How do we learn the
meaning of each phrase?
What help us understand it?
d. We learn the meaning of
phrases through the context
of the poem. These are
called idioms.
e. What are the importance of
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts The teacher will present Read and analyze the sentences. The teacher will present Pandora’s Box Pick one How do you appreciate
and skills in daily living sentences using different Underline the idioms used in each. new sentences to analyze strip of paper and choose sound devices and other
sound devices and the a. The foreigner can easily get the sounds devices. the correct noun to be literacy composition?
students will identify the along with the native. used. (Use different
figure of speech used b. The sampaguita in your car colored papers)
gives off a sweet smell.
c. Eden has a very attractive
d. My mother looks forward to
the coming of my sister
from Hawaii.
e. We have to look up to our
H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions What an onomatopoeia? What are idioms? Idioms are words/ What is onomatopoeia? How do we form the plural We learned the different
about the lessons Alliteration? Assonance? phrases used in a way that is Alliteration? Assonance? forms of regular nouns? sound devices, then why do
Personification? Irony? different from the usual dictionary we need to use it?
Hyperbole? meaning of each word that make it
up. Idioms can liven up your writing.
To figure out the meaning of idioms,
use context clues and individual
word meanings.
I.Evaluating Learning Tell what figure of speech is Choose the right idiom below to Read and analyze the sound Write 5 sentences using Identify the sound devices
used in each of the complete the sentences. devices used in the plural form of regular used. Choose the letter of
following sentences. sentences (onomatopoeia, nouns. the correct answer.
1. Lina is very happy. She must have alliteration, assonance)
_________. 1. The guest of honor’s
2. Ading is a very bright boy. In fact, 1. The early bird catches the message was a mile long.
he belongs to the ______ in his worm. a. personification
school. 2. The squeaky wheel gets b. hyperbole
3. Mother Theresa was ine lady the grease. c. irony
_________. 3. Go and mow the lawn. 2. The moonbeams smiled
4. Even if it is raining, the class will 4. The cows in the pasture sweetly.
______ with their exposure trip. mooed loudly. a. onomatopoeia
5. Mother will go to the market, so 5. The doors in the old b. alliteration
I’ll stay to ______ my baby sister. house creaked as the wind c. personification
6. It takes one with an _____ to blew through the broken 3. All I could hear was the
accept other’s opinions calmly. windows. drip, drip, drip of the faulty
7. Litowill ______ his right to play in faucet.
the basketball team. a. assonance
8. A famous basketball player was b. alliteration
invited to _____ on the opening day c. onomatopoeia
of the sportsfest. 4. She sells sea-shells down
9. When the victim ______, the by the sea-shore.
police was able to identify the a. alliteration
suspects. b. assonance
10. If you want to _______ in the c. personification
class, you have to study hard. 5. My dear, you are ugly...but
tomorrow I shall be sober.
look after stand up for a. personification
awakened on the right side of the b. assonance
bed c. irony
start the ball rolling
opened up be a star
with a golden heart
push through open mind
cream of the crop
J. Additional activities for application or For those pupils who got Give the meaning of the idioms in List down sentences with Give examples of Identify the sound devices
remediation 74% and below, the teacher each sentence and use it in a sound devices sentences using used. Choose the letter of
has prepared activity that sentence. (onomatopoeia, alliteration, pluralization of regular the correct answer.
will make the pupils 1. The fatal blow of Kid Kidlat assonance) nouns.
understand the concept of killed his opponent. 1. The guest of honor’s
the lesson 2. The cold war between the message was a mile long.
girls was reported by the a. personification
boys to their teacher. b. hyperbole
3. Our teacher put an end to c. irony
the negative relationship of 2. The moonbeams smiled
the girls. sweetly.
4. Her beauty made her stand a. onomatopoeia
out in the crowd. b. alliteration
5. My allowance was cut down c. personification
by my mother because I 3. All I could hear was the
overspent my pocket drip, drip, drip of the faulty
money. faucet.
a. assonance
b. alliteration
c. onomatopoeia
4. She sells sea-shells down
by the sea-shore.
a. alliteration
b. assonance
c. personification
5. My dear, you are ugly...but
tomorrow I shall be sober.
a. personification
b. assonance
c. irony
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Master Teacher I – Majayjay ES
Teacher III – Majayjay ES
Teacher III – Majayjay ES
Teacher II – Majayjay ES