NAME OF WORK :- 4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
BILL NO.9 NON BOQ ITEMS WORKS - 10,236,914 5,546,734 890,138 4,656,596
A TOTAL (A.1) = Total of items (A.1 to A.2 ) 356,222,306 373,268,374 319,733,004 283,170,785 36,562,219
Interim Payment Certificate No. : 08 PERIOD : 25 June 2020 To 10 Oct. 2020
BOQ Item
No. QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount
Cutting of trees including cutting of trunks
branches and removal of stumps, roots
stacking of serviceable material with all leads
2.01 and lifts and earth filling in the
depression /pit as per Technical
Specification relevant clauses of section-200
(b) Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 Cum 342.00 41.40 14158.80 188.53 64477.26 188.53 64475.69 98.88 33815.59 89.65 30,660.09
Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete
(C ) grade M-20 & above
Cum 886.00 88.95 78809.70 251.86 223147.96 251.81 223103.66 186.38 165132.68 65.43 57,970.98
2.3(iii) D (d) Dry rubble masonry Cum 176.00 490.28 86289.28 650.08 114414.08 650.16 114428.16 331.92 58417.92 318.24 56,010.24
Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Clearing
and grubbing road land including uprooting
rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs,
saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm,
removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and
2.3(ix) disposal of
unserviceable materials and stacking of
serviceable material to be used or auctioned
up to a lead of 1000 metres including
removal and disposal of top organic soil not
exceeding 150 mm in thickness.
BOQ Item
No. QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount
( c ) Above 900 mm
meter 312.00 8.10 2527.20 8.10 2527.20 8.10 2,527.20 - - 8.10 2,527.20
Dismantling of kilometre stone including
cutting of earth, foundation and disposal of
dismantled material with all lifts and lead
upto 1000 m and back filling of pit
(a) 5th Km stone
Each 277.00 2.00 554.00 2.00 554.00 2.00 554.00 2.00 554.00 - -
(b) Ordinary Km stone
Each 167.00 8.00 1336.00 8.00 1336.00 8.00 1336.00 8.00 1,336.00 - -
( c ) Hectometer Km stone
Each 33.00 40.00 1320.00 40.00 1320.00 40.00 1320.00 40.00 1,320.00 - -
( d ) Boundray stone
Each 32.00 100.00 3200.00 100.00 3200.00 100.00 3200.00 100.00 3,200.00 - -
860492 1034480 1044510 812956 231554
(a) In all types of soil Cum 45.00 181592.50 8171662.50 181592.50 8171662.50 168445.76 7580059.20 142891.15 6430101.85 25,554.61 1,149,957.35
Construction fo Embankment with
Material Deposited from Roadway Cutting.
Construction fo embankment/sub grade/
earthen shoulders with approved materials
obtained from borrow pits with all lifts &
3.10 leads including excavation,transporting to
site spreading, grading to required level &
camber and compacting using vIbratory
roller to meet requirement of table no. 300-1,
300-2 and as per relevant clauses of section
300 & 400.
(a) Earth with CBR more than 7% Cum 144.00 70290.22 10121791.68 70290.22 10121791.68 67206.44 9677727.03 57093.06 8221401.29 10113.37 1456325.74
Construction of Shoulders with approved
material /selected soil i/c excavation all lifts
& leads i/c grading to required slope &
4.13 camber of 4% and compacting using Cum 181.00 10806.99 1956065.19 10806.99 1956065.19 6967.96 1261201.00 5567.85 1007781.30 1,400.11 253,419.70
vibratory roller of 80 to 100 kN Static weight
to meet requirement as per relevant clause of
400. B.Hard Shoulders (CBR value>12)
Construction of median and Island above
road level with approved material brought
4.15 Cum 136.00 2293.50 311916.00 2293.50 311916.00 1641.59 223256.31 1641.59 223256.31 0.00 0.00
from borrow pits, spread, sloped and
compacted as per clause 408 of specification.
BOQ Item
No. QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount
Construction of unlined surface drain of
average cross sectinal area 0.4 sqm. In all
type of soil to specified lines, grades , levels &
3.13 dimentions to the requirement of clause 301 Metre 41.00 10438.00 427958.00 10438.00 427958.00 - - - - - -
& 309 .Excavated material to be uesd in
embankment within a lead of 50 metres as
per relevant clauses of section-300
20989393 20989393 18742244 15882541 2859703
(ii)for GradingII(19 mm nominal size) Cum 6640.00 7167.40 47591536.00 7167.40 47591536.00 5882.71 39061199.38 5873.09 38997289.38 9.63 63910.00
Bituminous Cnoncrete Providing and
laying bituminous cnoncrete with hot mix
plant using crushed aggregates of specified
grading, premixed with bituminous binder,
@5.4 to 5.6% of mix and filler, transporting
the hot mix to work site , laying with a
5.6(a) sensor paver finisher to the required grade ,
level and alignment, rolling with smooth
wheelled, vibratory and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired compaction in all
respects and as per relevant clauses of
section-500 (only cement will be used as
(iv) For grading -II (30-35mm thickness) with
Cum 7669.00 6087.45 46684654.05 6087.45 46684654.05 4413.20 33844867.23 4340.90 33290398.53 72.30 554468.70
60/70 bitumen (VG-30)
Mastic Asphalt Providing and laying 25 mm
thick mastic asphalt wearing course with
paving grade bitumen meeting the
requirements given in table 500-39, prepared
by using mastic cooker and laid to required
level and slope after cleaning the surface,
including providing antiskid surface with
bitumen precoated fine-grained hard stone
5.11 chipping of 13.2 mm nominal size at the rate
Sqm 543.00 1529.25 830382.75 - - - - - - - -
of 0.005cum per 10 sqm and at an
approximate spacing of 10 cm center to
center in both directions, pressed into
surface when the temperature of surfaces not
less than 1000C, protruding 1 mm to 4 mm
over mastic surface, all complete as per
clause 516 of specification
PAVEMENT 102020625 101190243 78261016 77614352 646664
(i) In all types of soils Cum 52.00 30473.17 1584604.84 36746.61 1910823.72 36441.62 1894964.01 34906.53 1815139.42 1535.09 79824.59
BOQ Item
No. QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount
Providing and laying in position plain cement
cocrete of grade M-15 in levelling courses
below open foundation , pile caps, approach
slabs, retaining walls , return walls / wing
12.3 wall, cut off wall, CC drain and inspection Cum 4299.00 2841.05 12213673.95 2958.00 12716442.00 2800.45 12039142.61 2527.16 10864246.55 273.30 1174896.06
ladders etc. complete as per drawing and
relevant clauses of section
100,1500,1700,2100 & 2700 (including cost
of all types of formwork).
Providing and laying plain cement concrete
for foundation and substructure of
abutment, piers, retaining wall, wing wall,
head wall of HP CD's, pillar , guard wall and
CC drain etc. excluding cost of skin
12.8 reinforcement, but Including treatment of
joints between existing & new structures
with all leads and lifts as per drawings and
relevant clauses of sections 1500,
1700,2100,2200,and 2900 (including cost of
all types of formworks).
(i) PCC grade M20
B Cum 5025.00 572.00 2874300.00 2657.71 13354992.75 2432.74 12224510.23 2320.57 11660860.00 112.17 563650.23
RCC grade M30
G Cum 5337.00 277.26 1479736.62 565.00 3015405.00 297.02 1585214.42 297.02 1585214.42 0.00 0.00
Supplying fitting and placing un-coated Mild
A Granular material Cum 880.00 3122.94 2748187.20 3122.94 2748187.20 3121.93 2747300.51 1704.09 1499596.74 1,417.85 1,247,703.78
Providing and laying of Filter media with
granular materials/stone crushed aggregates
satisfying the requirements laid down in
clause 2504.2.2 of MoRTH specifications to a
thickness of not less than 600 mm with
13.11 smaller size towards the soil and bigger size Cum 1117.00 399.78 446554.26 399.78 446554.26 364.44 407074.12 149.06 166504.49 215.37 240,569.63
towards the wall and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted to a
firm condition complete as per drawing
and technical specification.
BOQ Item
No. QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount
Providing and fixing in position bituminous
13.16 paper bearing for slabs as per approved Sqm 43.00 70.20 3018.60 70.20 3018.60 52.80 2270.40 52.80 2270.40 - -
drawing and confirming to IS:1398
PCC M-15 in Foundation Plain cement
concrete M-15 mix with crushed stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size mechanically
9.10 mixed, placed in foundation and compacted Cum 3409.00 2.69 9170.21 2.69 9170.21 - - - - - -
by vibration including curing for 14 days. as
MORT&H Specification 409
Furnishing and Placing
Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
14.01 super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification and as per relevant
clauses of sections 1500, 1700 and 2300 in
C Cement Concrete Grade M15 Cum 4572.00 540.81 2472583.32 540.81 2472583.32 15.36 70,225.92 - - 15.36 70,225.92
Flexible Apron :Construction of flexible apron
1 m thick comprising of loose stone boulders
15.11 weighing not less than 40 kg beyond curtain
Cum 2089.00 1324.35 2766567.15 1324.35 2766567.15 119.16 248,925.24 - - 119.16 248,925.24
BOQ Item
No. QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount
DRAINGE 132780219 149481159 137606759 123337605 14269154
Singal Row for one utility service Meter 1456.00 2825.00 4113200.00 2825.00 4113200.00 2825.00 4113200.00 2535.00 3690960.00 290.00 422240.00
Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipe
9.2 (b) granular material (cost of bedding included) Meter 7713.00 25.00 192825.00 - - - - - -
in single row including fixing collar with
cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation,
protection works, backfilling, concrete and
masonry works in head walls and parapets
Providing painting, figuring and
10.11(i) Each 100.00 10.00 1000.00 10.00 1000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
numbering to culvert upto 6m.
Providing painting, figuring and numbering
10.12(ii) Each 132.00 4.00 528.00 4.00 528.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
to minor bridges
Planting of Trees and their Maintenance for
one year Planting of Trees by the road side
(Avenue Trees) in 0.60m of holes, 1 m deep
11.2 dug in the ground , mixing the solid with Each 570.00 1470.00 837900.00 1470.00 837900.00 152.00 86640.00 0.00 0.00 152.00 86,640.00
decayed farm yard/sludge mannure, planting
the saplings , backfilling the trench, watering
and maintaining the plants for one year
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard in 2nd class
Brick, internal diametre 1.25 metres, and
height 1.2 metres, above ground and 0.20
metre below ground Half brick circular tree
guard, in 2nd class brick, internal diametre
11.3 1.25 metres, and height 1.2 metres, above Each 1940.00 1470.00 2851800.00 1470.00 2851800.00 152.00 294880.00 0.00 0.00 152.00 294,880.00
ground and 0.20 metre below ground, bottom
two courses laid dry, and top three courses
in cement mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement 6 sand) and
the intermediate courses being in dry honey
comb masonry, as per design complete
Item Coad MISCLLANEOUS 7997253 7804428 4494720 3690960 803760
12202002 13 Meter Long NO. 20829 314 6540306 314 6540306 311 6477819 227 4728183 84.00 1,749,636.00
12202003 11 Mtr Long NO. 17626 136 2397136 136 2397136 109 1921234 50 881300 59.00 1,039,934.00
12203002 RS Joist 9.3 Mtr Long NO. 7836 228 1786608 228 1786608 228 1786608 228 1786608 - -
12206004 Arial Bunch Cable 3x95 KM. 218046 8 1744368 8 1744368 8 1744368 8 1744368 - -
11302004 Tension Clamp For Dead End NO. 553 198 109494 198 109494 198 109494 198 109494 - -
11302001 Suspension Clamp For LT Cable NO. 287 198 56826 198 56826 198 56826 198 56826 - -
BOQ Item
No. QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount
11303003 Piercing Connector Type II No. 47 324 15228 324 15228 324 15228 324 15228 - -
12144001 33 KV V- Cross Arm NO. 1133 423 479259 423 479259 423 479259 409 463397 14.00 15,862.00
12146002 33 KV Top Clamp NO. 165 147 24255 147 24255 147 24255 147 24255 - -
12144003 11 KV V-Cross Arm NO. 568 46 26128 46 26128 46 26128 46 26128 - -
12146003 11 KV Top Clamp NO. 138 46 6348 46 6348 46 6348 46 6348 - -
12401003 33 KV Polymer Insulator NO. 381 933 355473 933 355473 933 355473 933 355473 - -
12151005 D.C Cross Arm 5’ Channel SET 2998 32 95936 32 95936 32 95936 32 95936 - -
12151001 D.C Cross Arm 4’ Channel SET 2459 12 29508 12 29508 19 46721 19 46721 - -
12151006 D.C Cross Arm 8’ Channel SET 2594 42 108948 42 108948 42 108948 42 108948 - -
12167007 Stay Set Complete 20MM NO. 741 134 99294 134 99294 130 96330 120 88920 10.00 7,410.00
12167001 Stay Set Complete 16MM NO. 394 276 108744 276 108744 205 80770 170 66980 35.00 13,790.00
11102003 AAAC Daag Conductor KM 47944 59.71 2862497 59.71 2862497 59.70 2862257 59.70 2862257 - -
12402004 33 KV Polymer Disc With Hardware NO. 276 212 58512 212 58512 212 58512 212 58512 - -
12402006 11 KV Polymer Disc With Hardware NO. 138 126 17388 126 17388 126 17388 126 17388 - -
12401004 11KV Polymer Insulator NO. 167 282 47094 282 47094 282 47094 282 47094 - -
12502277 Nut Bolt KG. 65 1522.12 98938 1522.12 98938 1522.12 98938 1522.12 98938 - -
12123002 Earthing Coil NO. 104 335 34840 335 34840 335 34840 335 34840 - -
19132009 Concreting CMT. 4145 360.96 1496179 360.96 1496179 360.96 1496179 360.96 1496179 - -
17115001 Red Oxide Paint LTR. 113 327.10 36962 327.10 36962 325 36725 325 36725 - -
17115002 Aluminium Paint LTR. 235 319.90 75177 319.90 75177 319.90 75177 319.90 75177 - -
12167020 H-Beam Clamp NO. 224 415 92960 415 92960 415 92960 415 92960 - -
12147013 RS Joist Clamp SET. 133 118 15694 118 15694 118 15694 118 15694 - -
12147003 Back Clamp SET. 145 1061 153845 1061 153845 940 136300 820 118900 120.00 17,400.00
12109003 Jointing Sleeves NO. 129 239 30831 239 30831 239 30831 239 30831 - -
12113001 Aluminium Binding Wire & Tape NO. 280 128.30 35924 128.30 35924 128.30 35924 128.30 35924 - -
Stone block/Rcc Base Plate Size
450x450x75MM NO. 257 42 10794 42 10794 42 10794 42 10794 - -
11303002 Piercing Connector Type I NO. 79 594 46926 594 46926 594 46926 594 46926 - -
12114001 Stay Wire 33 KV 7/4.00 MM KG. 57.99 1128.80 65459 1128.80 65459 1078 62513 1008 58454 70.00 4,059.30
12114002 Stay Wire 11 KV 7/3.00 MM KG. 58.19 1645.80 95769 1645.80 95769 1520 88449 1240 72156 280.00 16,293.20
Spring loaded Busbar System
12130007 Suitable for 1 Incoming 6 Outgoing NO. 746 144 107424 144 107424 224 167104 224 167104 - -
1- Phase Circuit
Spring loaded Busbar System
12130004 Suitable for 1 Incoming 3 Outgoing NO. 1100 144 158400 144 158400 240 264000 240 264000 - -
3- Phase Circuit
BOQ Item
No. QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount
11102003 AAAC Raccoon Conductor Km. 38809 10.23 397016 10.23 397016 10.23 397016 10.23 397016 - -
12154001 Galvanised DO Mounting Channel NO. 1240.66 36 44664 36 44664 36 44664 36 44664 - -
12126002 DO Fuse Unit Complete NO. 1179 48 56592 48 56592 45 53055 45 53055 - -
12141004 11 Kv LA Polymer Type NO. 1248 54 67392 54 67392 45 56160 45 56160 - -
12153001 Transformer Mounting Channel Set 2424 18 43632 18 43632 15 36360 15 36360 - -
12161001 Transformer Belting Set Set 1755 18 31590 18 31590 15 26325 15 26325 - -
11102004 AAAC Rabbit Conductor Km. 27305 48 1310640 48 1310640 0.45 12287 0.45 12287 - -
12154025 Distribution Box Mounting Channel Set. 892 18 16056 18 16056 15 13380 15 13380 - -
L.T Distribution Box For 100 KVA
12132003 Transformer NO. 17198 16 275168 16 275168 15 257970 15 257970 - -
XLPE LT 1-Core Aluminium
11203007 Unarmoured 70 Sqmm Cable Km. 46391 128 5938048 128 5938048 0.80 37113 0.80 37113 - -
12152001 Transformer Clamping Set Set. 1755 12 21060 12 21060 12 21060 12 21060 - -
12123004 GI Earthing Rod 20 MM Dia NO. 1500 102 153000 102 153000 45 67500 45 67500 - -
12107002 33 KV Strain Hardware NO. 171 212 36252 212 36252 212 36252 212 36252 - -
12107001 11 Kv strain Hardware NO. 83 126 10458 126 10458 126 10458 126 10458 - -
12202001 15 Meter Long NO. 28011 10 280110 10 280110 0 0 0.00 0 - -
3X300 SQMM KM. 1528681 0.60 917209 0.60 917209 0.55 839246 0.46 701665 0.09 137,581.29
3X185 SQMM
KM. 734019 0.60 440411 0.60 440411 0.60 440411 0.60 440411 - -
12117004 GI PIPE 150 MM A GRADE meter 1007 98.00 98686 98.00 98686 72.00 72504 - - 72.00 72,504.00
11301048 XLPE CABLE 400 SQAS set 35084 4.00 140336 4.00 140336 4.00 140336 - - 4.00 140,336.00
12123003 17.03.08 (EARTHING SET 40MM , 3 set 4697 4.00 18788 4.00 18788 2.00 9394 - - 2.00 9,394.00
12117005 GI PIPE 150 MM B GRADE meter 1200 750.00 900000 750.00 900000 640.00 768000 - - 640.00 768,000.00
NO. 28386 8.00 227088 8.00 227088 8.00 227088 - - 8.00 227,088.00
12115002 G.I. WIRES 5.0 MM. (6 SWG) KG. 56 60.00 3341 60.00 3341 48.00 2673 - - 48.00 2,673.12
BOQ Item
No. QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount
12141002 33 KV LA Polimar NO. 2650 18.00 47700 18.00 47700 12.00 31800 - - 12.00 31,800.00
Add For Labour Charges for Erection @ 10 % 3143807 2305131.32 1871543.25 433,588.07
1 STR/PMN/1616 2/Jul/19 Drain Dismentling for PCC Grade M15 Cum 9+650 9+830 L/S 1 180 1.000 0.15 27.04
2 STR/PMN/860 30/Jan/19 Drain Dismentling for PCC Grade M15 Cum 9+500 9+629 L/S 1 129 1.000 0.15 19.35
3 STR/PMN/229 24/Oct/18 Drain Dismentling for PCC Grade M15 Cum 6+434 6+439 L/S 1 5 2.700 0.15 2.03
Drain Dismentling for PCC Grade M15
4 STR/PMN/858 30/Jan/19 HPC 3+840 C/W 2 7 1.245 2.40 41.23
2 STR/PMN/1413 22/Apr/19 Structure Dismentlanig of slab Cum 5+510 C/W 1 8 2.500 0.26 5.20
3 STR/PMN/1819 14/Nov/19 Structure Dismentlanig of slab Cum 5+150 C/W 1 9 8.300 0.50 37.35
4 STR/PMN/2120 15/Jun/20 RCC Road Dismentling Cum 1+690 1+695 R/S 1 5 7.000 0.27 9.45
RCC Road Dismentling Cum 1+680 1+687 R/S 1 7 0.300 0.30 0.63
( c ) Above 900 mm
S.N Chainage
RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Girth Hight Qty. Remark
. From To
HW/PMN/1241 10/Jun/20 Pipal Tree Girth Remove Mtr. 2+733 R/S 1 - 3.300 - 3.30
Neem Tree Girth Remove Mtr. 3+746 R/S 1 - 2.000 - 2.00
Kangi Tree Girth Remove Mtr. 2+893 L/S 1 - 1.800 - 1.80
Babul Tree Girth Remove Mtr. 3+160 L/S 1 - 1.000 - 1.00
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width m2 Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1245 3/Aug/20 Clearing & Grubbing hectare 2+600 3+250 R/S 1 650 9.400 6110.00 0.61 TCS-II
Clearing & Grubbing hectare 3+250 3+600 R/S 1 350 12.820 4487.00 0.45 TCS-III
Deduction of Bridge Slab hectare 3+460 R/S -1 65.8 12.820 -843.56 -0.08 TCS-III
2 HW/PMN/1275 22/Aug/20 Clearing & Grubbing hectare 4+500 5+180 R/S 1 680 9.400 6392.00 0.64 TCS-II
3 HW/PMN/1292 30/Aug/20 Clearing & Grubbing hectare 5+500 5+600 L/S 1 100.0 12.820 1282.00 0.13 TCS-III
Deduction of Box Culvert hectare 5+510 L/S -1 10.84 12.820 -138.97 -0.01 TCS-III
Clearing & Grubbing hectare 5+500 5+530 R/S 1 30 12.820 384.60 0.04 TCS-III
Deduction of Box Culvert hectare 5+510 R/S -1 10.84 12.820 -138.97 -0.01 TCS-III
4 HW/PMN/1321 16/Sep/20 Clearing & Grubbing hectare 5+030 5+180 L/S 1 150 9.400 1410.00 0.14 TCS-II
Clearing & Grubbing hectare 0+000 0+025 L/S 1 25 9.400 235.00 0.02 TCS-II
Clearing & Grubbing hectare 3+600 3+840 R/S 1 240 9.400 2256.00 0.23 TCS-II
Excavation in Soil using Hydaulic Excavator and Tippers with disposal up to 1000 metres.Excavations of existing road, embankment, shoulders. Ground and cement concrete
drains to designated widths and depths for the purpose of drain, pavement construction,trimming of bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades
and cross Sections, rolling of bed/ground including loosening and recompaction if required and disposal of suitable /surplus and unsuitable material through all leads and lifts as
per relevant clauses of section 300.
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1253 11/Aug/20 Exc For Widening Cum 2+600 3+250 R/S 1 650 9.320 1.200 7269.60 TCS-II
Exc For Widening Cum 3+250 3+600 R/S 1 350 12.820 1.200 5384.40 TCS-III
Diduction Bridge Slab Cum 3+460 R/S -1 65.8 12.820 1.200 -1012.27 TCS-III
2 HW/PMN/1285 28/Aug/20 Exc For Widening Cum 4+500 5+180 R/S 1 680 9.320 1.200 7605.12 TCS-II
3 HW/PMN/1296 3/Sep/20 Exc For Widening Cum 5+500 5+600 L/S 1 100 12.820 1.200 1538.40 TCS-III
Diduction of Box Culvert Cum 5+510 L/S -1 10.84 12.820 1.200 -166.76 TCS-III
Exc For Widening Cum 5+500 5+530 R/S 1 30 12.820 1.200 461.52 TCS-III
Diduction of Box Culvert Cum 5+510 R/S -1 10.84 12.820 1.200 -166.76 TCS-III
4 HW/PMN/1328 20/Sep/20 Exc For Widening Cum 5+030 5+180 L/S 1 150 9.320 1.200 1677.60 TCS-II
Exc For Widening Cum 0+000 0+025 L/S 1 25 9.320 1.200 279.60 TCS-II
Exc For Widening Cum 3+600 3+840 R/S 1 240 9.320 1.200 2684.16 TCS-II
Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from borrow pits ( Embankment & Subgrade ) construction of Embankment with approved Material having CBR>7 obtained
from borrow pits with all lifts and leads , transporting to site , spreading grading to required slope & compacting to meet requirment of table 300-1, 300-2 and as per relevent
clause of section -300
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1262 18/Aug/20 Sub Grade 1st Layer Cum 2+600 3+250 R/S 1 650 9.120 0.200 1185.60 TCS-II
Sub Grade 1st Layer Cum 3+250 3+600 R/S 1 350 12.620 0.200 883.40 TCS-III
Bridge Slab Cum 3+460 R/S -1 65.8 12.620 0.200 -166.08 TCS-III
2 HW/PMN/1303 7/Sep/20 Sub Grade 1st Layer Cum 4+500 5+180 R/S 1 680 9.120 0.200 1240.32 TCS-II
3 HW/PMN/1319 13/Sep/20 Sub Grade 1st Layer Cum 5+500 5+600 L/S 1 100 12.620 0.200 252.40 TCS-III
Diduction of Box Culvert Cum 5+510 L/S -1 10.84 12.620 0.200 -27.36 TCS-III
Sub Grade 1st Layer Cum 5+500 5+530 R/S 1 30 12.620 0.200 75.72 TCS-III
Diduction of Box Culvert Cum 5+510 R/S -1 10.84 12.620 0.200 -27.36 TCS-III
4 HW/PMN/1335 21/Sep/20 Sub Grade 1st Layer Cum 5+030 5+180 L/S 1 150 9.120 0.200 273.60 TCS-II
Sub Grade 1st Layer Cum 0+000 0+025 L/S 1 25 9.120 0.200 45.60 TCS-II
Sub Grade 1st Layer Cum 3+600 3+840 R/S 1 240 9.120 0.200 437.76 TCS-II
5 HW/PMN/1272 21/Aug/20 Sub Grade II nd Layer Cum 2+600 3+250 R/S 1 650 8.720 0.200 1133.60 TCS-II
Sub Grade II nd Layer Cum 3+250 3+600 R/S 1 350 12.220 0.200 855.40 TCS-III
Bridge Slab Cum 3+460 R/S -1 65.8 12.220 0.200 -160.82 TCS-III
6 HW/PMN/1313 11/Sep/20 Sub Grade II nd Layer Cum 4+500 5+180 R/S 1 680 8.720 0.200 1185.92 TCS-II
7 HW/PMN/1327 20/Sep/20 Sub Grade II nd Layer Cum 5+500 5+600 L/S 1 100 12.220 0.200 244.40 TCS-III
Diduction of Box Culvert Cum 5+510 L/S -1 10.84 12.220 0.200 -26.49 TCS-III
Sub Grade II nd Layer Cum 5+500 5+530 R/S 1 30 12.220 0.200 73.32 TCS-III
Diduction of Box Culvert Cum 5+510 R/S -1 10.84 12.220 0.200 -26.49 TCS-III
8 HW/PMN/1339 23/Sep/20 Sub Grade II nd Layer Cum 5+030 5+180 L/S 1 150 8.720 0.200 261.60 TCS-II
Sub Grade II nd Layer Cum 0+000 0+025 L/S 1 25 8.720 0.200 43.60 TCS-II
Sub Grade II nd Layer Cum 3+600 3+840 R/S 1 240 8.720 0.200 418.56 TCS-II
9 HW/PMN/1280 23/Aug/20 Sub Grade Top Layer Cum 2+600 3+250 R/S 1 650 8.420 0.100 547.30 TCS-II
Sub Grade Top Layer Cum 3+250 3+600 R/S 1 350 11.920 0.100 417.20 TCS-III
Bridge Slab Cum 3+460 R/S -1 65.8 11.920 0.100 -78.43 TCS-III
10 HW/PMN/1324 18/Sep/20 Sub Grade Top Layer Cum 4+500 5+180 R/S 1 680 8.420 0.100 572.56 TCS-II
11 HW/PMN/1346 25/Sep/20 Sub Grade Top Layer Cum 5+500 5+600 L/S 1 100 11.920 0.100 119.20 TCS-III
Diduction of Box Culvert Cum 5+510 L/S -1 10.84 11.920 0.100 -12.92
Sub Grade Top Layer Cum 5+500 5+530 R/S 1 30 11.920 0.100 35.76 TCS-III
Diduction of Box Culvert Cum 5+510 R/S -1 10.84 11.920 0.100 -12.92 TCS-III
12 HW/PMN/1348 27/Sep/20 Sub Grade Top Layer Cum 5+030 5+180 L/S 1 150 8.420 0.100 126.30 TCS-II
Sub Grade Top Layer Cum 0+000 0+025 L/S 1 25 8.420 0.100 21.05 TCS-II
Sub Grade Top Layer Cum 3+600 3+840 R/S 1 240 8.420 0.100 202.08 TCS-II
4 HW/PMN/1318 13/Sep/20 WMM Top Layer Cum 2+600 3+250 R/S 1 650 5.695 0.125 462.72 TCS-II
WMM Top Layer Cum 3+250 3+600 R/S 1 350 8.695 0.125 380.41 TCS-III
WMM Top Layer Cum 3+460 R/S -1 65.8 8.695 0.125 -71.52 TCS-III
5 HW/PMN/1353 29/Sep/20 WMM Top Layer Cum 4+500 5+180 R/S 1 680 5.695 0.125 484.08 TCS-II
6 HW/PMN/1375 8/Oct/20 WMM Top Layer Cum 5+030 5+180 L/S 1 150 5.695 0.125 106.78 TCS-II
WMM Top Layer Cum 0+000 0+025 L/S 1 25 5.695 0.125 17.80 TCS-II
WMM Top Layer Cum 3+600 3+840 R/S 1 240 5.695 0.125 170.85 TCS-II
1 HW/PMN/1329 20/Sep/20 Hard Shoulder ( GSB TOP ) Cum 2+600 3+600 R/S 1 1000 2.220 0.150 333.00
Diduction of Slab Culvert Cum 3+460 R/S -1 65.8 2.220 0.150 -21.91
2 HW/PMN/1359 1/Oct/20 Hard Shoulder ( GSB TOP ) Cum 4+500 5+180 R/S 1 680 2.220 0.150 226.44
Hard Shoulder ( GSB TOP ) Cum 5+000 5+200 L/S 1 200 2.220 0.150 66.60
3 HW/PMN/1350 27/Sep/20 Hard Shoulder ( WMM 1st ) Cum 2+600 3+600 R/S 1 1000 1.790 0.125 223.75
Diduction of Slab Culvert Cum 3+460 R/S -1 65.8 1.790 0.125 -14.72
4 HW/PMN/1364 3/Oct/20 Hard Shoulder ( WMM 1st ) Cum 4+500 5+180 R/S 1 680 1.790 0.125 152.15
Hard Shoulder ( WMM 1st ) Cum 5+000 5+200 L/S 1 200 1.790 0.125 44.75
5 HW/PMN/1356 29/Sep/20 Hard Shoulder ( WMM IInd ) Cum 2+600 3+600 R/S 1 1000 1.720 0.125 215.00
Diduction of Slab Culvert Cum 3+460 R/S -1 65.8 1.720 0.125 -14.15
6 HW/PMN/1376 8/Oct/20 Hard Shoulder ( WMM IInd ) Cum 4+500 5+180 R/S 1 680 1.720 0.125 146.20
Hard Shoulder ( WMM IInd ) Cum 5+000 5+200 L/S 1 200 1.720 0.125 43.00
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1299 5/Oct/20 Prime Coat Sqm 0+000 0+025 L/S 1 25 5.500 137.50 Approch Road
(ii) @ 0.30 kg per sqm (dry & hungry bituminous surfaces/granular surfaces treated with primer)
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1302 6/Oct/20 Tack Coat I Sqm 0+000 0+025 L/S 1 25 5.500 137.50 Approch Rasd
Using Bach Mix Plant of apprroprite capacity and paver finisher hydraustate with sensor .for grading II (19mm nominal size).
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1302A 6/Oct/20 DBM Laying Cum 0+000 0+025 L/S 1 25 5.500 0.070 9.63 Approch Road
(iv) For grading -II (30-35mm thickness) with 60/70 bitumen (VG-30)
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1344 7/Oct/20 Bituminous Cnoncrete Laying Cum 0+020 0+050 R/S 1 30 6.667 0.040 8.00
Bituminous Cnoncrete Laying Cum 0+020 0+050 R/S 1 30 3.000 0.030 2.70
Bituminous Cnoncrete Laying Cum 2+000 2+280 R/S 1 280 5.500 0.040 61.60
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
1 STR/PMN/2113 13/Jun/20 Box Culvurt Crash Barrier RM 5+150 B/S 2 18.000 36.00
Box Culvurt Crash Barrier RM 5+510 B/S 2 14.000 28.00
2 STR/PMN/2169 20/Jul/20 Box Culvurt Crash Barrier RM 4+360 B/S 2 72.900 145.80
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
2 STR/PMN/2150 30/Jun/20 HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 9+925 +108 C/W 108 10 0.150 3.850 720 1 2772.000 0.617 1711.111 1.711 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 9+925 +108 C/W 108 10 0.150 1.550 720 1 1116.000 0.617 688.889 0.689 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 9+925 +108 C/W 108 8 0.200 108.000 8 1 864.000 0.395 341.280 0.341 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 9+925 +108 C/W 108 8 0.200 108.000 7 3 2268.000 0.395 895.860 0.896
Distrubuction Bar Overlap mt 9+925 +108 C/W 108 8 0.200 0.400 29 8 92.800 0.395 36.656 0.037
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 9+900 9+925 R/S 25 10 0.150 3.850 167 1 641.667 0.617 396.091 0.396 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 9+900 9+925 R/S 25 10 0.150 1.550 167 1 258.333 0.617 159.465 0.159 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 9+900 9+925 R/S 25 8 0.200 25.000 8 1 200.000 0.395 79.000 0.079 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 9+900 9+925 R/S 25 8 0.200 25.000 7 3 525.000 0.395 207.375 0.207
Distrubuction Bar Overlap mt 9+900 9+925 R/S 25 8 0.200 0.400 29 1 12.567 0.395 4.964 0.005
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 8+670 8+700 L/S 30 10 0.150 3.850 200 1 770.000 0.617 475.309 0.475 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 8+670 8+700 L/S 30 10 0.150 1.550 200 1 310.000 0.617 191.358 0.191 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 8+670 8+700 L/S 30 8 0.200 30.000 8 1 240.000 0.395 94.800 0.095 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 8+670 8+700 L/S 30 8 0.200 30.000 7 3 630.000 0.395 248.850 0.249
Distrubuction Bar Overlap mt 8+670 8+700 L/S 30 8 0.200 0.400 29 2 17.400 0.395 6.873 0.007
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 6+700 6+790 R/S 90 10 0.150 3.850 600 1 2310.000 0.617 1425.926 1.426 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 6+700 6+790 R/S 90 10 0.150 1.550 600 1 930.000 0.617 574.074 0.574 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 6+700 6+790 R/S 90 8 0.200 90.000 8 1 720.000 0.395 284.400 0.284 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 6+700 6+790 R/S 90 8 0.200 90.000 7 3 1890.000 0.395 746.550 0.747
Distrubuction Bar Overlap mt 6+700 6+790 R/S 90 8 0.200 0.400 29 7 75.400 0.395 29.783 0.030
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 6+798 6+900 R/S 102 10 0.150 3.850 680 1 2618.000 0.617 1616.049 1.616 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 6+798 6+900 R/S 102 10 0.150 1.550 680 1 1054.000 0.617 650.617 0.651 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 6+798 6+900 R/S 102 8 0.200 102.000 8 1 816.000 0.395 322.320 0.322 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 6+798 6+900 R/S 102 8 0.200 102.000 7 3 2142.000 0.395 846.090 0.846
Distrubuction Bar Overlap mt 6+798 6+900 R/S 102 8 0.200 0.400 29 8 87.000 0.395 34.365 0.034
3 STR/PMN/2170 20/Jul/20 HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+800 1+806 R/S 6 10 0.150 3.850 40 1 154.000 0.617 95.062 0.095 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+800 1+806 R/S 6 10 0.150 1.550 40 1 62.000 0.617 38.272 0.038 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 1+800 1+806 R/S 6 8 0.200 6.000 8 1 48.000 0.395 18.960 0.019 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 1+800 1+806 R/S 6 8 0.200 6.000 7 3 126.000 0.395 49.770 0.050
Distrubuction Bar Overlap mt 1+800 1+806 R/S 6 8 0.200 0.400 29 -1 -5.800 0.395 -2.291 -0.002
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+816 1+891 R/S 75 10 0.150 3.850 500 1 1925.000 0.617 1188.272 1.188 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+816 1+891 R/S 75 10 0.150 1.550 500 1 775.000 0.617 478.395 0.478 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 1+816 1+891 R/S 75 8 0.200 75.000 8 1 600.000 0.395 237.000 0.237 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 1+816 1+891 R/S 75 8 0.200 75.000 7 3 1575.000 0.395 622.125 0.622
Distrubuction Bar Overlap mt 1+816 1+891 R/S 75 8 0.200 0.400 29 5 60.900 0.395 24.056 0.024
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+896 1+901 R/S 5 10 0.150 3.850 33 1 128.333 0.617 79.218 0.079 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+896 1+901 R/S 5 10 0.150 1.550 33 1 51.667 0.617 31.893 0.032 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 1+896 1+901 R/S 5 8 0.200 5.000 8 1 40.000 0.395 15.800 0.016 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 1+896 1+901 R/S 5 8 0.200 5.000 7 3 105.000 0.395 41.475 0.041
Distrubuction Bar Overlap mt 1+896 1+901 R/S 5 8 0.200 0.400 29 -1 -6.767 0.395 -2.673 -0.003
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+910 2+045 R/S 135 10 0.150 3.850 900 1 3465.000 0.617 2138.889 2.139 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+910 2+045 R/S 135 10 0.150 1.550 900 1 1395.000 0.617 861.111 0.861 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 1+910 2+045 R/S 135 8 0.200 135.000 8 1 1080.000 0.395 426.600 0.427 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 1+910 2+045 R/S 135 8 0.200 135.000 7 3 2835.000 0.395 1119.825 1.120
Distrubuction Bar Overlap mt 1+910 2+045 R/S 135 8 0.200 0.400 29 10 118.900 0.395 46.966 0.047
4 STR/PMN/2205 17/Aug/20 HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 8+600 C/W 15 12 0.150 4.500 100 1 450.000 0.617 277.778 0.278 U
HYSD Top Main Bar mt 8+600 C/W 15 12 0.150 2.100 100 1 210.000 0.617 129.630 0.130 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 8+600 C/W 15 12 0.150 1.700 100 2 340.000 0.617 209.877 0.210 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 8+600 C/W 15 10 0.200 15.000 20 1 300.000 0.395 118.500 0.119 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 8+600 C/W 15 10 0.200 15.000 30 1 450.000 0.395 177.750 0.178 Approch
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 6+790 6+798 R/S 8 12 0.150 4.500 53 1 240.000 0.617 148.148 0.148 U
HYSD Top Main Bar mt 6+790 6+798 R/S 8 12 0.150 2.100 53 1 112.000 0.617 69.136 0.069 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 6+790 6+798 R/S 8 12 0.150 1.700 53 2 181.333 0.617 111.934 0.112 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 6+790 6+798 R/S 8 10 0.200 8.000 20 1 160.000 0.395 63.200 0.063 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 6+790 6+798 R/S 8 10 0.200 8.000 30 1 240.000 0.395 94.800 0.095 Approch
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+806 1+816 R/S 10 12 0.150 4.500 67 1 300.000 0.617 185.185 0.185 U
HYSD Top Main Bar mt 1+806 1+816 R/S 10 12 0.150 2.100 67 1 140.000 0.617 86.420 0.086 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+806 1+816 R/S 10 12 0.150 1.700 67 2 226.667 0.617 139.918 0.140 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 1+806 1+816 R/S 10 10 0.200 10.000 20 1 200.000 0.395 79.000 0.079 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 1+806 1+816 R/S 10 10 0.200 10.000 30 1 300.000 0.395 118.500 0.119 Approch
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+901 1+910 R/S 9 12 0.150 4.500 60 1 270.000 0.617 166.667 0.167 U
HYSD Top Main Bar mt 1+901 1+910 R/S 9 12 0.150 2.100 60 1 126.000 0.617 77.778 0.078 U
HYSD Bar For Draim Main Bar mt 1+901 1+910 R/S 9 12 0.150 1.700 60 2 204.000 0.617 125.926 0.126 L
Distrubuction Bar For Raft mt 1+901 1+910 R/S 9 10 0.200 9.000 20 1 180.000 0.395 71.100 0.071 -
Distrubuction Bar For Wall mt 1+901 1+910 R/S 9 10 0.200 9.000 30 1 270.000 0.395 106.650 0.107 Approch
5 STR/PMN/2220 25/Aug/20 HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 7+185 7+600 L/S 4.8 10 0.150 1.400 33 80 3696.000 0.617 2280.432 2.280
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 7+185 7+600 L/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 80 3072.000 0.395 1213.440 1.213
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 7+185 7+600 L/S 0.5 10 0.150 1.400 4 39 236.600 0.617 145.982 0.146
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 7+185 7+600 L/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 39 1497.600 0.395 591.552 0.592
6 STR/PMN/2232 6/Sep/20 HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 9+925 +108 C/W 4.8 10 0.150 1.400 33 20 924.000 0.617 570.108 0.570
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 9+925 +108 C/W 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 20 768.000 0.395 303.360 0.303
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 9+925 +108 C/W 0.5 10 0.150 1.400 4 16 97.067 0.617 59.890 0.060
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 9+925 +108 C/W 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 16 614.400 0.395 242.688 0.243
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 3+840 4+270 R/S 0.3 10 0.150 1.400 3 1 4.200 0.617 2.591 0.003
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 3+840 4+270 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 1 38.400 0.395 15.168 0.015
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 9+900 9+925 R/S 4.8 10 0.150 1.400 33 4 184.800 0.617 114.022 0.114
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 9+900 9+925 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 4 153.600 0.395 60.672 0.061
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 9+900 9+925 R/S 0.5 10 0.150 1.400 4 9 54.600 0.617 33.688 0.034
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 9+900 9+925 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 9 345.600 0.395 136.512 0.137
7 STR/PMN/2240 10/Sep/20 HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 8+670 8+700 L/S 4.8 10 0.150 1.400 33 5 231.000 0.617 142.527 0.143
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 8+670 8+700 L/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 5 192.000 0.395 75.840 0.076
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 8+670 8+700 L/S 0.5 10 0.150 1.400 4 9 54.600 0.617 33.688 0.034
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 8+670 8+700 L/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 9 345.600 0.395 136.512 0.137
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 6+700 6+790 R/S 4.8 10 0.150 1.400 33 15 693.000 0.617 427.581 0.428
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 6+700 6+790 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 15 576.000 0.395 227.520 0.228
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 6+700 6+790 R/S 0.5 10 0.150 1.400 4 16 97.067 0.617 59.890 0.060
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 6+700 6+790 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 16 614.400 0.395 242.688 0.243
8 STR/PMN/2270 21/Sep/20 HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 6+798 6+900 R/S 4.8 10 0.150 1.400 33 19 877.800 0.617 541.603 0.542
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 6+798 6+900 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 19 729.600 0.395 288.192 0.288
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 6+798 6+900 R/S 0.5 10 0.150 1.400 4 15 91.000 0.617 56.147 0.056
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 6+798 6+900 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 15 576.000 0.395 227.520 0.228
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 1+800 1+806 R/S 5.8 10 0.150 1.400 40 1 55.533 0.617 34.264 0.034
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 1+800 1+806 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 5.8 8 1 46.400 0.395 18.328 0.018
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 1+816 1+891 R/S 4.8 10 0.150 1.400 33 14 646.800 0.617 399.076 0.399
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 1+816 1+891 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 14 537.600 0.395 212.352 0.212
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 1+816 1+891 R/S 0.5 10 0.150 1.400 4 10 60.667 0.617 37.431 0.037
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 1+816 1+891 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 10 384.000 0.395 151.680 0.152
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 3+840 4+270 R/S 0.3 10 0.150 1.400 3 1 4.200 0.617 2.591 0.003
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 3+840 4+270 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 1 38.400 0.395 15.168 0.015
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 1+896 1+901 R/S 4.8 10 0.150 1.400 33 1 46.200 0.617 28.505 0.029
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 1+896 1+901 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 1 38.400 0.395 15.168 0.015
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 1+910 2+045 R/S 4.8 10 0.150 1.400 33 25 1155.000 0.617 712.635 0.713
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 1+910 2+045 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 25 960.000 0.395 379.200 0.379
HYSD Bar For Draim Slab TOP mt 1+910 2+045 R/S 0.5 10 0.150 1.400 4 21 127.400 0.617 78.606 0.079
HYSD Bar For Draim Distribution mt 1+910 2+045 R/S 1.4 8 0.200 4.8 8 21 806.400 0.395 318.528 0.319
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1320 15/Sep/20 PQC Laying Cum 5+800 5+809 C/W 1 9.00 5.80 0.300 15.66
PQC Laying Cum Flaring L/S 1 10.00 5.80 0.300 17.40
PQC Laying Cum Flaring R/S 1 20.00 5.80 0.300 34.80
PQC Laying Cum 5+809 5+819 C/W 1 10.00 5.95 0.300 17.85
PQC Laying Cum 5+819 5+829 C/W 1 10.00 5.40 0.300 16.20
PQC Laying Cum 5+829 5+839 C/W 1 10.00 5.85 0.300 17.55
PQC Laying Cum 5+839 5+847 C/W 1 8.00 9.70 0.300 23.28
PQC Laying Cum 5+847 5+857 C/W 1 10.00 9.00 0.300 27.00
PQC Laying Cum 5+857 5+873 C/W 1 16.00 5.60 0.300 26.88
2 HW/PMN/1369 5/Oct/20 PQC Laying Cum 5+513 5+523 C/W 1 10.00 10.60 0.300 31.80
PQC Laying Cum 5+523 5+533 C/W 1 10.00 10.85 0.300 32.55
PQC Laying Cum 5+533 5+543 C/W 1 10.00 10.95 0.300 32.85
PQC Laying Cum 5+543 5+553 C/W 1 10.00 11.10 0.300 33.30
PQC Laying Cum 5+553 5+560 C/W 1 7.00 11.30 0.300 23.73
PQC Laying Cum 5+560 5+570 C/W 1 10.00 11.55 0.300 34.65
PQC Laying Cum 5+570 5+580 C/W 1 10.00 11.65 0.300 34.95
PQC Laying Cum 5+580 5+590 C/W 1 10.00 11.70 0.300 35.10
PQC Laying Cum 5+590 5+600 C/W 1 10.00 11.80 0.300 35.40
PQC Laying Cum 5+600 5+610 C/W 1 10.00 11.80 0.300 35.40
PQC Laying Cum CENTER C/W 1 6.60 5.90 0.300 11.68
3 HW/PMN/1385 10/Oct/20 PQC Laying Cum Junction C/W 1 2.70 4.70 0.300 3.81
PQC Laying Cum Junction C/W 1 5.00 10.20 0.300 15.30
PQC Laying Cum Junction C/W 1 6.00 14.65 0.300 26.37
PQC Laying Cum Junction C/W 1 5.00 10.50 0.300 15.75
PQC Laying Cum Junction C/W 1 10.00 14.10 0.300 42.30
PQC Laying Cum Junction C/W 1 8.00 6.35 0.300 15.24
PQC Laying Cum Junction Ch- 0+00 R/S 1 9.00 6.35 0.300 17.15
PQC Laying Cum Junction Ch- 0+00 R/S 1 12.00 6.35 0.300 22.86
PQC Laying Cum Temple 5+500 C/W 1 11.10 4.90 0.300 16.32
Mild Steel For PQC mt Flaring C/W 10.0 2.2 5.8 32 0.300 0.500 19 21.481 6.320 135.763 0.136
Mild Steel For PQC mt Flaring C/W 20.0 4.4 5.8 32 0.300 0.500 19 42.963 6.320 271.526 0.272
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+809 5+819 C/W 10.0 2.2 6.0 32 0.300 0.500 20 22.037 6.320 139.274 0.139
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+819 5+829 C/W 10.0 2.2 5.4 32 0.300 0.500 18 20.000 6.320 126.400 0.126
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+829 5+839 C/W 10.0 2.2 5.9 32 0.300 0.500 20 21.667 6.320 136.933 0.137
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+839 5+847 C/W 8.0 1.8 9.7 32 0.300 0.500 32 28.741 6.320 181.641 0.182
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+847 5+857 C/W 10.0 2.2 9.0 32 0.300 0.500 30 33.333 6.320 210.667 0.211
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+857 5+873 C/W 16.0 3.6 6 32 0.300 0.500 19 33.185 6.320 209.730 0.210
2 HW/PMN/1369 5/Oct/20 Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+513 5+523 C/W 10.0 2.2 11 32 0.300 0.500 35 39.259 6.320 248.119 0.248
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+523 5+533 C/W 10.0 2.2 11 32 0.300 0.500 36 40.185 6.320 253.970 0.254
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+533 5+543 C/W 10.0 2.2 11 32 0.300 0.500 37 40.556 6.320 256.311 0.256
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+543 5+553 C/W 10.0 2.2 11 32 0.300 0.500 37 41.111 6.320 259.822 0.260
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+553 5+560 C/W 7.0 1.6 11 32 0.300 0.500 38 29.296 6.320 185.153 0.185
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+560 5+570 C/W 10.0 2.2 12 32 0.300 0.500 39 42.778 6.320 270.356 0.270
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+570 5+580 C/W 10.0 2.2 12 32 0.300 0.500 39 43.148 6.320 272.696 0.273
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+580 5+590 C/W 10.0 2.2 12 32 0.300 0.500 39 43.333 6.320 273.867 0.274
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+590 5+600 C/W 10.0 2.2 12 32 0.300 0.500 39 43.704 6.320 276.207 0.276
Mild Steel For PQC mt 5+600 5+610 C/W 10.0 2.2 12 32 0.300 0.500 39 43.704 6.320 276.207 0.276
Mild Steel For PQC mt CENTER C/W 6.60 1.5 6 32 0.300 0.500 20 14.422 6.320 91.148 0.091
3 HW/PMN/1385 10/Oct/20 Mild Steel For PQC mt Junction C/W 2.70 0.6 5 32 0.300 0.500 16 4.700 6.320 29.704 0.030
Mild Steel For PQC mt Junction C/W 5.00 1.1 10 32 0.300 0.500 34 18.889 6.320 119.378 0.119
Mild Steel For PQC mt Junction C/W 6.00 1.3 15 32 0.300 0.500 49 32.556 6.320 205.751 0.206
Mild Steel For PQC mt Junction C/W 5.00 1.1 11 32 0.300 0.500 35 19.444 6.320 122.889 0.123
Mild Steel For PQC mt Junction C/W 10.00 2.2 14 32 0.300 0.500 47 52.222 6.320 330.044 0.330
Mild Steel For PQC mt Junction C/W 8.00 1.8 6 32 0.300 0.500 21 18.815 6.320 118.910 0.119
Mild Steel For PQC mt Junction C/W 9.00 2.0 6 32 0.300 0.500 21 21.167 6.320 133.773 0.134
Mild Steel For PQC mt Junction C/W 12.00 2.7 6 32 0.300 0.500 21 28.222 6.320 178.364 0.178
Mild Steel For PQC mt Temple 5+500 C/W 11.10 2.5 5 32 0.300 0.500 16 20.144 6.320 127.313 0.127
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
Name of Contractor : M/s Shiv Shakti Construction Co., Satna
Interim Payment Certificate No. :08 PERIOD : 25 June 2020 To 10 Oct. 2020
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 STR/PMN/2269 21/Sep/20 Pitching on slopes Cum 5+025 5+040 L/S 1 15.00 9.15 0.300 41.18 Minor Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 5+040 5+055 L/S 1 15.00 9.10 0.300 40.95 Minor Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 5+055 5+070 L/S 1 15.00 9.10 0.300 40.95 Minor Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 5+070 5+085 L/S 1 15.00 9.20 0.300 41.40 Minor Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 5+085 5+100 L/S 1 15.00 9.50 0.300 42.75 Minor Bridge
2 STR/PMN/2283 26/Sep/20 Pitching on slopes Cum 5+100 5+115 L/S 1 15.00 10.15 0.300 45.68 Minor Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 5+115 5+130 L/S 1 15.00 10.35 0.300 46.58 Minor Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 5+130 5+135 L/S 1 5.00 9.25 0.300 13.88 Minor Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 5+135 5+145 L/S 1 10.00 10.05 0.300 30.15 Minor Bridge
3 STR/PMN/2253 16/Sep/20 Pitching on slopes Cum 3+460 3+466 L/S 1 5.80 7.45 0.300 12.96 Major Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 3+466 3+471 L/S 1 5.00 7.65 0.300 11.48 Major Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 3+471 3+476 L/S 1 5.00 8.10 0.300 12.15 Major Bridge
Pitching on slopes Cum 3+476 3+481 L/S 1 5.00 7.98 0.300 11.97 Major Bridge
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan Road( total length-9.925 Km)
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan road( total length-9.925 Km)
Name of Work :-4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan road( total length-9.925 Km)
Filter media
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 STR/PMN/2114 13/Jun/20 Filter media For Return Wall Cum 7+180 B/S 4 5.00 0.6 1.42 17.04
2 STR/PMN/2121 15/Jun/20 Filter media For Return Wall Cum 9+340 B/S 4 5.00 0.6 1.42 17.04
3 STR/PMN/2144 24/Jun/20 Filter media For Return Wall Cum 5+150 B/S 4 7.80 0.6 3.52 65.89
4 STR/PMN/2217 22/Aug/20 Filter media Cum 5+150 B/S 2 13.2 0.6 3.52 55.76
5 STR/PMN/2295 30/Sep/20 Filter media For Return Wall Cum 5+510 B/S 4 5.00 0.6 1.42 17.04
6 STR/PMN/2288 29/Sep/20 Filter media Cum 5+510 B/S 2 25.0 0.6 1.42 42.60
Name of Work : 4 Lanning of Prsona-Majan-Nigahi turn section from km.17.400 to 27.380 on Bargawan-Waidhan road( total length-9.925 Km)
This items is use in IPC-01 Becouse Payment are Not Paid For mprdc Bhopal Mesurmrnt Record For MB. No. …. Page No……..
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1330 20/Sep/20 Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 7+179 7+517 B/S 2 338 0.350 236.60
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 7+522 7+871 B/S 2 349 0.350 244.30
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 7+882 7+919 B/S 2 37 0.350 25.90
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 7+931 8+010 B/S 2 79 0.350 55.30
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
2 HW/PMN/1341 24/Sep/20 Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 8+010 8+640 B/S 2 630 0.550 693.00 TCS-IV
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 8+701 8+747 B/S 2 46 0.350 32.20
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 8+751 8+839 B/S 2 88 0.350 61.60
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 8+848 8+935 B/S 2 87 0.350 60.90
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 8+947 9+151 B/S 2 204 0.350 142.80
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
3 HW/PMN/1351 28/Sep/20 Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 9+158 9+321 B/S 2 163 0.350 114.10
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 9+359 9+449 B/S 2 90 0.350 63.00
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 9+455 9+502 B/S 2 47 0.350 32.90
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 9+521 9+747 B/S 2 226 0.350 158.20
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Painting Two Coats Kerb Sqm 9+757 9+859 B/S 2 102 0.350 71.40
Diduction For Crossing Sqm B/S -2 2 0.350 -1.40
Painting Two Coats Crossing Sqm B/S 2 3 0.450 2.70
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard in 2nd class Brick, internal diametre 1.25 metres, and height 1.2 metres, above ground and 0.20 metre below ground
Half brick circular tree guard, in 2nd class brick, internal diametre 1.25 metres, and height 1.2 metres, above ground and 0.20 metre below ground,
bottom two courses laid dry, and top three courses in cement mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement 6 sand) and the intermediate courses being in dry honey comb
masonry, as per design complete
S.N. RFI No. Date DESCRIPTION Unit Side No. Length Width Height Qty. Remark
From To
1 HW/PMN/1248 A 4/Aug/20 Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+490 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+495 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+502 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+510 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+517 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+525 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+532 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+545 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+552 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+559 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+564 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+575 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+634 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+642 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+649 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+679 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+687 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+692 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+702 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+707 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+714 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+721 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+728 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+734 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+742 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+753 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+760 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+776 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+796 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+810 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+819 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+830 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+844 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+860 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+872 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+884 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+896 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+908 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+920 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+940 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+948 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+956 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+964 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+973 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+990 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+000 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+015 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+027 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+037 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+047 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+057 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+065 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+085 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+102 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+142 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+157 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+164 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+177 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+194 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+294 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+234 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+264 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+314 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+326 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+340 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+386 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+400 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+419 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+440 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+460 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+484 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+510 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
2 HW/PMN/1259 A 17/Aug/20 Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+485 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+490 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+495 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+500 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+525 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+530 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+547 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+552 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+559 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+634 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+642 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+657 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+667 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+672 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+677 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+682 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+687 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+692 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+697 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+702 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+707 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+712 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+717 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+722 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+727 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+734 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+840 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+846 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+852 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+860 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+866 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+871 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+876 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+881 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+876 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+881 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+886 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+891 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+896 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+901 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+907 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+913 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+920 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+930 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+940 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+950 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+958 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+965 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 0+973 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+037 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+047 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+052 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+066 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+076 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+092 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+102 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+115 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+125 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+135 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+147 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+177 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+184 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 1+195 R/S 1 - - - 1.00
3 HW/PMN/1286 28/Aug/20 Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+565 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+572 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+579 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+587 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+597 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+619 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+634 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+643 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+660 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+680 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+686 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+692 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+706 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+718 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+728 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+735 L/S 1 - - - 1.00
Half Brick Circular Tree Guard Each 5+740 L/S 1 - - - 1.00