Use of Blockchain Technology: By-Kunal Khandelwal Vikas Saini Arshdeep Rajnish Kumar
Use of Blockchain Technology: By-Kunal Khandelwal Vikas Saini Arshdeep Rajnish Kumar
Use of Blockchain Technology: By-Kunal Khandelwal Vikas Saini Arshdeep Rajnish Kumar
If you are following banking, cryptocurrency, investment, supply chain, delivery
management, you may be familiar with “blockchain”. Blockchain is the record-
keeping technology behind the Bitcoin network. Though it may sound complex at first
but blockchain is literally just a chain of blocks. Other definition would be: ‘Blockchain
is a distributed, decentralised, public ledger’.
Since the inception of idea behind blockchain in 1991 as secure chains of blocks
with timestamps we have come very far. Blockchain had its better advancement in
2008 after popularity of cryptocurrencies. With advancement in blockchain
technology, we are developing new uses of the technology every day. Various
industries and sectors are moving towards the use of blockchain to make the
process and transactions more peer to peer.
The aim is to reveal all the various fields, sectors and industries where blockchain
can be used. First, some basic description and methodology is discussed. Next a
detailed analysis of use blockchain in decentralised Payment Systems. Finally due to
unique and underlying technology, it has still some technical challenges and
boundaries there is a detailed discussion of future scope of this technology.
Index Terms- Blockchain, Use of Blockchain, Scope of blockchain, Cryptocurrency
The internet brought an evolution in the relationship between people and groups, in
the supply of new products and services. As the relationship between people
changed, they want to transact without any third party in between. Hence came the
concept of centralised and decentralised system of transactions. Bitcoin emerged as
a virtual electronic currency in 2008 addressing the issue of centralisation of all the
transaction. Claiming that this will improve aspects related to sustainability in
communities, bitcoin is addressing many forbidden issues during a transaction.
Whatever the claims, it is clear that blockchain is useful for us and in various sectors.
Before moving further we should understand entities of a blockchain transaction. The
three basic entities of a transaction are- the blockchain, the protocol and the
currency. Blockchain stores all the performed transactions of coins while following all
the protocols.
3. Smart Property
Primitive forms of smart property exist. Your car-key, for instance, may be
outfitted with an immobilizer, where the car can only be activated once you
tap the right protocol on the key. BigChainDB- one such startup develops an
ownership transfer service called CarPass in an effort to centralize all
information about a vehicle to fight fraud. The pass includes title, service
providers, prior damage, maintenance, and inspection history.
4. Smart appliances
A smart appliance is a device that connects to the internet and gives you
more information and control than before. For instance, a code connected
to your appliance can be linked to the internet and alert you when your
cookies are ready or if your laundry has stopped. These alerts keep your
appliances in good condition, they save you money regarding energy
efficiency and help you control your devices when away from home,
among other benefits. Encrypting these appliances on the blockchain
protects your ownership and enables transferability.
NXM one such start-up provides scalable IoT security and data protection
through the use of blockchain systems to help deploy trustworthy devices
and applications that communicate securely and automatically with each
other without manual intervention. They have a working hardware product
for the autonomous driving industry.
5. HealthCare
The blockchain is already conquering the healthcare industry and helping
it overcome its shortcomings by making medical care more customer-
centric, personalized, pleasant to interact with and thus, much more
effective in treating diseases and disabilities.
PokiDok- one such start-up develops APIs for healthcare verticals such as
claims, pharmacy and identity management. Their platform, DokChain, is
a distributed network of transaction processors operating on both financial
and clinical data across the healthcare industry.
6. Digital Identity
The first digital passport launched on Github in 2014 and could help
owners identify themselves online and off. How does it work? You take a
picture of yourself, stamp it with a public and private key, both of which are
encoded to prove it is legitimate. The passport is stored on the ledger,
given a bitcoin address with a public IP, and confirmed by Blockchain
Future scope
1.Blockchain in digital advertising: In today’s world, one of the biggest
problems in digital advertising is challenges such as domain fraud, bot traffic,
lack of transparency and long payment models. Blockchain can provide
solutions to these problems as the technology will only allow the right
companies to succeed. It will decrease the number of bad players in the supply
chain and minimising the case of fraud and others.
Blockchain technology become really updated since its inception and first big use in
2010 as birthstone of crypto currency. We have come a long way from having
centralized systems to a decentralized system, from slow and unsecure transactions
to fast and secure transaction.
Since its inception, blockchain was not considered as useful as it become after
launch of bitcoins. Developers around the world learned and researched about
blockchain to make it more and more useful for world. Today there are many uses of
blockchain in almost every industry we can think of.
Instead of being very useful the problem is, most of the uses are theoretical and still
there are no practical products or projects. We have to go a long way. The main
reason of this problem is lack of knowledge of blockchain, lack of experience smart
contract programmers.
If this problem is set aside, blockchain have a very vast use and scope in near
future. Blockchain is starting to get famous in various sectors and people are
learning to use them for good. Sooner or later blockchain will be at their full potential.