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Medeanicetal 2009

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Holocene Marine Transgression in the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil:
Palynomorph and Diatom Evidence

Article  in  Journal of Coastal Research · January 2009

DOI: 10.2112/07-0935.1


25 263

4 authors, including:

Lezilda Carvalho Torgan Cristiane B. Santos Fischer

Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Infraestrutura Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


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Journal of Coastal Research 25 1 224–233 West Palm Beach, Florida January 2009

Holocene Marine Transgression in the Coastal Plain of

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Palynomorph and Diatom Evidence
Svetlana Medeanic†, Lezilda Carvalho Torgan‡, Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Clerot†, and Cristiane Bahi dos Santos‡

Instituto de Geocièncias Museu de Cièncias Naturais

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do

Sul Sul
Avenida Bento Gonçalves 9500, CEP Rua Dr. Salvador França 1427, CEP
91509-900 90690–000
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

MEDEANIC, S.; TORGAN, L.C.; CLEROT, L.C.P., and SANTOS, C.B., 2009. Holocene marine transgression in the
coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: palynomorph and diatom evidence. Journal of Coastal Research, 25(1), 224–
233. West Palm Beach (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Based on sedimentology, geochronology, palynology, and diatom analyses from core silt sediments in Cassino Beach
(32⬚11⬘06⬙ S and 52⬚09⬘45⬙ W), southern Brazil, the Holocene marine transgressive stage was established. The absolute
age of one sample is about 4940 ⫾ 80 years BP. The palynomorphs (pollen and spores of vascular plants, zygospores
and colonies of Chlorophyceae, cysts of dinoflagellates and acritarchs, fungal spores, and microforaminifera), silicof-
lagellates, and diatoms indicate the presence of an inlet bay in the southern part of the coastal plain during the
marine transgression. The changes in the taxonomic composition, abundance, and frequency of palynomorphs and
diatoms from the samples corresponding to transgression show an oscillatory character of the sea level. The posterior
marine regression resulted in sand deposition and dune formation. The results demonstrate the importance of paly-
nomorph and diatom application for the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in coastal plains.

ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, southern Brazil.

INTRODUCTION for reconstructing aquatic environment parameters, such as

temperature, depth, salinity, pH, and nutrients. The algal
The present coastal environments in the state of Rio palynomorphs of coccoidal green algae are important for rec-
Grande do Sul include dunes, wetlands, and brackish and salt ognizing past freshwater environments (JANKOVSKÁ and
marshes and lagoons. Their development has a long history KOMÂREK, 2000; KOMÂREK and JANKOVSKÁ, 2001; VAN
connected with sea level oscillations and drastic climatic GEEL, 1976; VAN GEEL, BONCKE, and DEE, 1980/81; VAN
changes during the Quaternary. The Quaternary sea level GEEL and VAN DER HAMMEN, 1978) and coastal aquatic en-
oscillations resulted in transgressions and regressions and vironments with high salinity (MEDEANIC, JANKOVSKÁ, and
were the principal factors forming the present ‘‘face’’ of the DILLENBURG, 2003). Dinoflagellate and acritarch cysts are
Brazilian coastal plain (TOMAZELLI and VILLWOCK, 2000; useful for reconstructing environments influenced by sea wa-
VILLWOCK et al., 1986). Considerable sea level advances and ters (DALE, 1976, 1978; DOMINGUEZ, 1987; GRILL and QUA-
retreats occurred on the Brazilian coast, too. Three stages of TROCCIO, 1996; SARJEANT, 1970; TRAVERSE and GINSBURG,
sea level rise during the Holocene were established. The most 1967). All mentioned palynomorphs are resistant to destruc-
considerable sea level rise of 4–5 m amplitude occurred at tion due to their sporopollenin-like layer in their cell walls.
about 5100 years BP (ANGULO and LESSA, 1997; ANGULO et Fungal spores and microforaminifera composed by a pseu-
al., 1999; LESSA et al., 2000; MARTIN, DOMINGUEZ, and BIT- dochitina, resistant to destruction, may also contribute to pa-
TENCOURT, 2003).
laeoenvironmental reconstructions (ELSIK, 1971; THUNELL
The multidisciplinary study of Quaternary sediments and WILLIAMS, 1983; TRAVERSE, 1988).
based on sedimentology, paleontology, palynology, diatom In the southern coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, the
analysis, and absolute age dating methods makes it possible palynomorphs from the Holocene sediments were registered
to reconstruct past environments, climatic changes, and sea by palynologists (CORDEIRO and LORSHEITTER, 1994; LOR-
level oscillations that occurred in the Holocene. The pollen SCHEITTER, 1983; MEDEANIC, DILLENBURG, and TOLDO,
and spores of terrestrial and aquatic plants are usually used 2001). Data based on diatoms that is about palaeoenviron-
for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions ments subjected to sea level influence during Holocene ma-
(TRAVERSE, 1988). However, they appear to be insufficient rine transgression are rare (ABREU et al., 1987; CALLEGARO
and LOBO, 1990).
DOI: 10.2112/07-0935.1 received 21 August 2007; accepted in revision This study represents the first study based on palyno-
10 January 2008. morphs and diatoms that gives data on palaeoenvironments
Holocene Marine Transgression 225

Figure 1. The study area and location of the core FS-20.

in the continental part of the extreme south of the coastal in January and 13.1⬚C in July. The average annual atmo-
plain of Rio Grande do Sul during Holocene marine trans- spheric precipitation is 1200 mm.
gression; the study demonstrates the importance of these mi- At present, the geomorphology of the area is characterized
crofossils for coastal aquatic environmental reconstructions. by wide lowland with several connected lagoons, formed dur-
There are a few papers in the world dedicated to the study ing the Holocene transgression and posterior regression, that
of palynomorphs and diatoms from Quaternary samples from covers an area of 33,000 km2, bordered at the east with high-
coastal plains. In the coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, the lands. The vegetation of the dunes and marshes, adjacent to
first records of palynomorphs and diatoms from Holocene the lagoons, are represented predominantly by halophilous
sediments were reported by MEDEANIC, TOIGO-MARQUES, and xerophilous herbs (CORDAZZO and SEELIGER, 1995; COS-
and ASHRAF (2000), MEDEANIC and DILLENBURG (2001), and TA et al., 1997; SEELIGER, 1992). In the coastal lagoons, the
MEDEANIC, JANKOVSKA, and DILLENBURG (2003). Use of pa- Chlorophyceae are diverse and widely spread in the fresh-
lynomorphs and diatoms together for interpretations helps to water environments, and the diatoms are abundant both in
easily distinguish transgressive and regressive stages in fresh and brackish waters (TORGAN, BARREDA, and FORTES,
coastal plains, characterizing both aquatic and terrestrial ad- 2001; TORGAN, BECKER, and PRATES, 1999; TORGAN, PIL-
jacent environments. Implications of using palynomorphs LAR, and NIENCHESKI, 2004; TORGAN, TUNDISI, and NIEN-
and diatoms for reconstructions of climatic changes during CHESKI, 2002).
the last two millennia in Patagonia show their importance
(HABEZETTE et al., 2005). A multiproxy study of radiocarbon- MATERIALS AND METHODS
dated lake sediments, including diatoms and palynomorphs, Sampling and Dating
formed during the last millennia in Patagonia helps in the
recognition of nature development influenced by human set- A core FS-20 of 26 m was taken in the beach near the small
tlements (MAYR et al., 2005). Using diatoms and palyno- city of Cassino (32⬚11⬘06⬙ S and 52⬚09⬘45⬙ W; see Figure 1)
morphs, sedimentology, and 14C-dated samples, GARCIA-ROD- with the aid of SPT (Standard Penetration Test) using piston
RIGUEZ et al. (2004) established the Holocene trophic state corer (Raymond/Terzachi, Geotek Corporations) with an in-
changes in Lake Blanca, Uruguay, in relation to sea level ner diameter of 13⁄8 in (35 mm) and an outer diameter of 2 in
variations during the Holocene. As seen from the above cited (50.8 mm). The core material includes four lithological layers,
works, use of diatoms and palynomorphs together for palaeo- represented by silt, silty clay, silty sand, and sand (Figure 2).
reconstructions has not yet been well elaborated. The granulometric compositions of the samples from the core
are given for five samples, according to S HEPARD and YOUNG
STUDY AREA (1961), and are shown in Figure 3. The granulometric data
corresponded to five horizons which were deposited in differ-
The study area is situated in the continent, around 20 km ent conditions, connected with sea level oscillations and cli-
from the Atlantic Ocean, near Cassino Beach (32⬚11⬘06⬙ S matic changes between others. Ten samples were collected
and 52⬚09⬘45⬙ W), Rio Grande do Sul State (Figure 1). The from the lowest layer, represented by silty clay and silt rang-
climate in this region is warm-temperate, due to the influ- ing from the depth of 16.10 to 25.4 m. Only this layer was
ence of the warm Brazilian and cold Falkland currents (VI- represented by sediments favorable for palynomorph and di-
EIRA and RANGEL, 1988). The mean annual temperature is atom study. In addition, good preserved mollusk shell of Oli-
around 18⬚C, and average monthly temperatures are 24.6⬚C vancillaria in living position (in situ) was found at the depth

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009

226 Medeanic et al.

Figure 2. Lithology of the core FS-20.

of 23.0 m. This shell was dated by Beta Analytic, Inc. (Miami,

Florida, United States) using the 14C method.

Chemical Treatment for Palynomorphs and Diatoms

The samples were first desiccated in a furnace at a tem-
perature of 60⬚C; then 50 g was treated with HCl (10%) and Figure 3. Granulometry of studied samples of the core FS-20. CGS ⫽
KOH (5%) and boiled for 10 minutes according to FAEGRI and coarse-grained sand, MCS ⫽ mid–coarse sand, FS ⫽ fine sand, VFS ⫽
IVERSEN (1989). The chemical treatment of HF was avoided, very fine sand, S ⫹C ⫽ silt ⫹ clay, S ⫽ silt, C ⫽ clay. Roman numerals
preserving the siliceous diatom valves and silicoflagellate show the depth of the samples: (I) 0.10 m, (II) 3.0 m, (III) 7.0 m, (IV) 15.0
m, (V) 23.0 m. Adopted from Clerot (2004).
skeletons. Inorganic substances were separated from the or-
ganic matter by ‘‘dense liquid,’’ an aquatic solution of ZnCl2

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009

Holocene Marine Transgression 227

at 2.2 g/cm3 density. The residual material was mounted on

glycerol jelly to make a permanent slide.
In order to extract the diatoms, the same residues were
processed again by a new portion of ZnCl2 solution (2.3–2.4
g/cm3 density). Next, an aliquot of 10 ml for every sample
was mounted on permanent slides in Naphrax for identifi-
cation and counting.

Palynomorph and Diatom Study

The taxonomic definitions of pollen and spores were based
on a palynoteca of actual native plants, spread in the coastal
plain of Rio Grande do Sul. In order to avoid the invalid def-
initions, pollen and spores were identified sensu lato (to the
family or genus level). The freshwater coccoidal palynomorph
identifications were based on VAN GEEL (1976), VAN GEEL
and VAN DER HAMMEN (1978), and VAN GEEL, BONCKE, and
DEE (1980–81). Cysts of dinoflagellates and acritarchs were
recognized according to TOMAS (1997). The palynomorph
Figure 4. Palynomorph percentage diagram of the samples from the core slides are preserved in the Centro de Estudos de Geologia
FS-20. AP ⫽ arboreal pollen, NAP ⫽ nonarboreal pollen, S ⫽ spores of Costeira e Oceânica, at the Instituto de Geocièncias, Univ-
Bryophyta and Pteridophyta. ersidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
For diatom analyses, the efficiency was up to 83% using
the quantitative method for determining a representative al-
gal sample count according to PAPAS and STOERMER (1996).
Species were identified according to H USTED (1927–30), HEN-
DEY (1964), ROSA (1982), BUSELATO-TONIOLI (1986), and
MORENO, LICEA, and SANTOYO (1996). The diatom slides are

Figure 5. Diatom percentage diagram of samples from the core FS-20.

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009

228 Medeanic et al.

Figure 6. Palynomorphs: (5) Cymatiosphaera; (6, 7) Micrhystridium; (8, Figure 7. Palynomorphs: (25) Phaeoceros; (26) Anthoceros; (27) Blech-
9) Dinoflagellate cysts indeterminate (indet.); (10–12) Dictyocha; (13) Op- num; (28) Microgramma; (29) Azolla filiculoides; (30) Palmae; (31, 32)
erculodinium; (14) Spiniferites; (15–17) Fungal spores; (18) Debarya; (19, Alchornea; (33) Asteraceae; (34, 35) Chenopodiaceae; (36) Cyperaceae;
20) Spirogyra; (21, 22) Botryococcus colonies; (23) Microforaminifera. (37) Juncaginaceae (Triglochin type); (38) Fabaceae; (39) Fabaceae (Co-
Scale bar ⫽ 40 ␮m. tula type); (40) Lamiaceae; (41) Myrtaceae; (42) Poaceae; (43) Polygona-
ceae (Rumex type); (43) Verbenaceae. Scale bar ⫽ 30 ␮m.

deposited at the Herbarium ‘‘Prof. Dr. Alarich Shultz’’ (HAS)

in the Museu de Cièncias Naturais. Palynomorphs
The obtained data were plotted on diagrams (Figures 4 and
The palynomorph frequencies in the samples are relatively
5) using Tilia software designed by GRIMM (1987). The ob-
low. In the diagram (Figure 4) and in Table 1, only the results
servations and photomicrographs (Figures 6–9) were made
of four samples where the total sum of palynomorphs consti-
using a Zeiss Axioplan microscope with 400⫻–1250⫻ mag-
tutes more than 200 examples (specimens) are included. The
other six samples, containing a few palynomorph grains, are
not represented in the palynodiagram and in Table 1.
In the lower part of the layer (23.30–25.0 m), the dinofla-
The obtained absolute age by 14C dating of this layer at the gellate and acritarch cysts make up 32.3–33.6%, represented
depth of 23.0 m was 4940 ⫾ 80 years BP. The studied sam- by Operculodinium, Spiniferites, Micrhystridium, and Cy-
ples are characterized by differences in the frequency of pa- matiosphaera. Microforaminifera compounds constitute 1.5–
lynomorphs and diatoms. In some samples, palynomorphs are 2.3%. The Chlorophyceae palynomorphs (3.7–4.4%) are rep-
predominant and diatoms are rare; in others, palynomorphs resented by Botryococcus, Spirogyra, and Pseudoschizaea. Ar-
are absent or rare and diatoms are predominant; and in some boreal pollen (3.9–7.4%) is relatively frequent and diverse.
samples, both are common. This pattern difference between Nonarboreal pollen (31.4–49.8%) is characterized by a variety
palynomorph and diatom frequency may be caused by differ- of taxa and abundances (Table 1). Poaceae and Chenopodi-
ent sedimentological and taphonomic conditions that may be aceae species are the most frequent. Pteridophyta and Bry-
favorable or adverse for the preservation of organic matter in ophyta spores (12.3–18.7%) are common. Fungal palyno-
palynomorphs and siliceous diatoms. More frequent palyno- morphs of Tetraploa are registered in one sample. Other un-
morphs, especially pollen and spores of terrestrial plants, identified algal palynomorphs make up 2.3–2.6%.
may be connected with proximity of lands, and abundance of At 19.0–19.45 m, the dinoflagellate cysts increase. Micro-
aquatic palynomorphs and diatoms may be evidence of favor- foraminifera compounds constitute 2.3%. The Chlorophyceae
able ecological conditions of aquatic basins. palynomorphs represented by Botryococcus and Spirogyra in-

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009

Holocene Marine Transgression 229

Figure 9. Diatoms: (50) Thalassiosira sp.; (51) Paralia sulcata; (52) Cy-
clotella striata; (53) Triceratium favus; (54) Odontella rhombus; (55) Coc-
coneis disculus; (56) Cymatosira belgica; (57) Diploneis bombus; (58) Del-
Figure 8. Diatoms: (44) Actinoptychus vulgaris; (45) A. senarius; (46) A. phineis surirella. Scale bar ⫽ 10 ␮m.
splendens; (47) Coscinodiscus obscurus; (48) Thalassiosira eccentrica; (49)
C. radiatus. Scale bar ⫽ 10 ␮m.

At the bottom, at 25.00–25.40 m, marine planktonic species

crease. Botryococcus predominates at 22.4%. Arboreal and (Actinoptychus senarius, Thalassiosira eccentrica, and Thal-
nonarboreal pollen notably decrease. Bryophyta spores of assiosira spp.) and marine benthic species (Cocconeis discu-
Phaeoceros increase and Pteridophyta spores decrease. Fun- loides, Diploneis bombus, and Grammatophora marina) are
gal palynomorphs are extremely rare. Dictyocha skeletons are present, and the tichoplanktonic, brackish-marine diatom P.
encountered. sulcata is the most abundant (80.15%).
At 17.30–17.45 m, the dinoflagellate and acritarch cysts At 19.00–19.25 m, an increase in the species diversity and
and microforaminifera notably decrease. The Chlorophyceae a significant decrease in Paralia sulcata are observed. The
palynomorphs of Botryococcus and Spirogyra decrease, too. species Cymatosira belgica, Delphineis surirella, Nitzschia
Pollen Chenopodiaceae increase to 28.1%, and pollen Poaceae punctata, and Odontella rhombus are common, besides the
increase to 8.5%. Bryophyta spores, represented by Phaeocer- other diatom species mentioned above. The highest diversity
os, significantly increase (Table 1). The most frequent paly-
of diatoms is registered at 17.30–17.35 m deep, where 20 taxa
nomorphs are shown in Figures 5 and 6.
are identified. Some diatom species, like Actinocyclus octon-
arius, Actinoptychus splendens, Coscinodiscus curvatus, C. ob-
Diatoms scurus, C. radiatus, and Raphoneis surirella, are encountered
The diatoms are encountered in five core samples. The as- only in this depth, and P. sulcata is the most abundant
semblage is composed of 26 taxa (17 centric and 9 pinnate (28.85%).
forms) presently distributed in marine and estuarine envi- At 17.20–17.30 m, a decrease in diatom diversity is ob-
ronments. The taxonomic variety and abundance is shown in served: only 11 species are identified. At the upper part of
Table 2 and in Figures 8 and 9. the layer (16.10–16.20 m deep), a significant decrease in di-

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009

230 Medeanic et al.

Table 1. Palynomorph taxa and relative frequency (%) in the samples of Table 1. Continued.
the core FS-20.
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
25.00– 23.20– 19.00– 17.30–
25.00– 23.20– 19.00– 17.30– Palynomorph Taxa 24.40 23.30 19.45 17.45
Palynomorph Taxa 24.40 23.30 19.45 17.45
Arboreal pollen (AP) Dictyocha — — 1.7 3.5
Ephedra — — — 1.5 FUNGI
Podocarpus 0.4 — — 1.2 Tetraploa — 0.5 — —
MAGNOLIOPHYTA Other indet. 2.3 2.6 1.7 0.8
Alchornea — 0.3 — — Total sum of palynomorphs 229 391 344 260
Anacardiaceae 5.2 1.8 0.3 —
Boraginaceae — 0.3 — —
Euphorbiaceae — 0.3 — —
Mimosaceae 0.9 — — — atom taxa diversity is registered. P. sulcata is the most abun-
Palmae — 0.3 0.9 — dant (89.2%).
Rapanea 0.9 0.3 0.3 —
Trema — 0.3 — —
Ulmaceae — 0.3 — — DISCUSSION
Nonarboreal pollen (NAP) Marine palynomorphs (dinoflagellate and acritarch cysts),
Amaryllidaceae — — 0.3 — silicoflagellates, and predominant marine and estuarine di-
Apiaceae 0.9 0.3 0.3 2.3 atoms were identified from a silty clay layer of the core FS-
Asteraceae 4.8 4.1 3.2 1.2
20 taken from a site 20 km from the modern coastal line. This
Brassicaceae — 0.3 0.3 —
Chenopodiaceae 9.2 16.4 6.4 28.1 silty clay layer was formed during Holocene marine trans-
Cyperaceae 5.2 3.1 4.4 3.8 gression. The correspondence of the silty clay layer to marine
Gunneraceae 1.7 0.3 — — transgression was confirmed by one marine mollusk shell of
Fabaceae — 0.5 — 1.2 Olivancilaria whose 14C age dating (4940 ⫾ 80 years BP) cor-
Juncaceae 0.4 — — —
Juncaginaceae — 1.0 — —
responded to marine transgression.
Myriophyllum — — — 2 The palynomorphs, especially marine algae cysts, microfor-
Poaceae 8.7 14.6 6.7 8.5 aminifera, and diatoms identified from samples in this layer,
Polygonum hydropiperoides — — 0.3 — indicate aquatic basin spread with elevated salinity in the
Primulaceae — 0.3 0.3 0.4
Cassino region in the coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul dur-
Scrophulariaceae — 0.5 0.3 —
Verbenaceae — 3.1 0.3 1.5 ing Holocene marine transgression. We submit the spreading
Vernonia 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.8 of an extensive bay whose outline, dimensions, and salinity
Spores were influenced by sea level rise, which, influenced by cli-
BRYOPHYTA matic oscillations, was changed from time to time during this
Phaeoceros 10.0 2.6 19.5 22.3 marine transgression. The presence of zygospores of fresh-
Sphagnum 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.8 water algae such as Spirogyra and Mougeotia may be the
PTERIDOPHYTA result of their transport by freshwater influxes into the bay
Alsophyla — 0.8 — — inlet during pluvial periods from adjacent regions. Colonies
Anemia — 0.5 0.3 —
Azolla filiculoides 4.4 0.3 2.7 0.4
of Botryococcus were common in this environment and also
Blechnum 0.9 0.3 — 0.4 indicate a freshwater influence. Rare fungal palynomorphs
Dicranoglossum 1.3 2.0 — 0.4 (zoospores) whose transport capacity is very restricted may
Dicranopteris — — 0.3 — indicate distant lands away from the bay inlet.
Equisetum — 0.5 0.3 —
The variations in diatom diversity and P. sulcata abun-
Lycopodiella — 1.3 0.3 1.0
Microgramma 0.4 1.3 0.6 — dance reveal changes in salinity and depth of the environ-
Ophioglossum — 0.3 0.3 — ment, occurring during transgression. The broad bays are a
Polypodiaceae 1.3 2.3 0.3 — habitat available to tycoplanktonic diatoms, like P. sulcata
Botryococcus 3.1 2.6 22.4 8.0 During the beginning of the marine transgression, when
Debarya — 0.3 — —
Mougeotia — 0.3 — —
the sea water advanced into the coastal plain, highly saline
Spirogyra 0.9 0.5 0.6 2.3 aquatic environments appeared where marine phytoplankton
Pseudoschizaea 0.4 — — — (acritarchs, dinoflagellates, and diatoms) were common. Mi-
ACRITARCHA crhystridium and Cymatiosphaera acritarchs were relatively
Cymatiosphaera 0.4 0.5 2.3 — abundant. In the coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, they are
Micrhystridium 31.9 29.7 12.2 4.6
registered in modern surface sediments of intertidal marshes
and in the Patos Lagoon estuary (MEDEANIC, 2006). The
Operculodinium 0.4 0.3 2.9 0.8
Spiniferites 0.9 0.3 1.5 0.8 brackish-marine diatom P. sulcata was abundant. Presence of
Dinoflagellate cysts indet. — 0.5 2.6 1.5 this species is greatly increased in bays, a favorable habitat
for P. sulcata development (living on the bottom, they may be

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009

Holocene Marine Transgression 231

Table 2. Diatom taxa and abundance (%) in the samples of the core FS-20. oceros, Anthoceros, the aquatic fern Azolla filiculoides, Lyco-
podiella, and Equisetum were frequent. The rare arboreal pol-
Depth (m)
len, such as Alchornea, Anacardiaceae, Boraginaceae, and
25.40– 19.25– 17.35– 17.30– 16.20– others, may indicate their allochtonous origin and that they
Diatom Taxa 25.00 19.00 17.30 17.20 16.10 were transported from a distance.
Achnanthes curvirostrum — — 0.66 — — When the sea level fell, the deposition of the silty clay layer
Achnanthes octonarius — — 5.96 — — stopped. Latter marine regression resulted in sand dune de-
Actinoptychus senarius 0.74 3.85 6.62 5.47 —
Actinoptychus splendens — — 1.32 — —
Actinoptychus vulgaris — — 0.66 0.78 —
Cocconeis disculoides 1.47 7.69 4.64 0.78 — CONCLUSIONS
Cocconeis sp. — 0.96 — — —
Coscinodiscus curvatus — — 0.66 — — The marine palynomorphs, diatoms, and silicoflagellates
Coscinodiscus obscurus — — 0.66 — — identified in this study indicated the Holocene transgressive
Coscinodiscus radiatus — — 2.65 — — stage, when the majority of the southern coastal plain was
Cyclotella striata 3.68 3.85 7.95 1.56 1.54
vastly covered by sea waters. During this transgression, di-
Cyclostephanos sp. — 2.88 — — —
Cymatosira belgica — 7.69 1.99 — — versity, abundance, and frequency of palynomorphs and di-
Delphineis surirella — 1.92 3.31 — — atoms were changed, showing the oscillating character of the
Diploneis bombus 0.74 1.92 — 0.78 — sea level in the bay inlet. The end of the transgressive stage
Grammatophora marina 0.74 — — — — was registered when the abundance of marine palynomorphs
Nitzschia punctata — 1.92 — — —
Odontella rhombus — 0.96 3.31 — —
and diatoms decreased, indicating the beginning of a regres-
Paralia sulcata 80.15 28.85 34.44 73.44 89.23 sive stage.
Rhaphoneis surirella — — 1.9 — —
Thalassiosira excentrica 6.62 10.58 1.99 2.34 — ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Thalassiosira oestrus — — — — 1.54
Thalassiosira sp. 1 0.74 18.27 10.60 3.91 — We thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cien-
Thalassiosira sp. 2 3.68 5.77 8.61 3.13 4.62 tı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for grants 300005/2007-5 and
Thalassiosira sp. 1.47 1.92 — 7.03 —
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Number of species 10 15 20 11 5 provided the 14C dating, and to Haywood Dail Laughinghouse
IV for reviewing the English in the manuscript. We are in-
debted to two anonymous reviewers for their criticism, sug-
gestions, and corrections which improved this manuscript.
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Baseada nos dados de sedimentologia, geocronologia, palinologia e análise de diatomáceas nas amostras de um testemunho executado na praia do Cassino (32⬚11⬘06⬙
S e 52⬚09⬘45⬙ O), sul do Brasil, uma transgressão marinha foi descoberta. A idade absoluta de uma amostra é a cerca de 4.940 ⫾ 80 anos AP. Os palinomorfos
(polens e esporos de plantas vasculares, os zigósporos e colônias de clorofilas, cistos de dinoflagelados e acritarcas, esporos de fungos e microforaminı´feros), silicof-
lagelados, e diatomáceas indicam sobre existència no passado de uma baı́a na parte sul da Planı́cie Costeira durante transgressão marinha. As mudanças da
composição taxonômica, abundância e freqüència de palinomorfos e diatomáceas descobertos nas amostras correspondentes à transgressão marinha mostram osci-
lações do nı́vel do mar. A regressão marinha posterior resultou na deposição dos sedimentos de areia e formação de dunas. Os resultados mostram a importância de
aplicação de palinomorfos e de diatomáceas para reconstruções paleoambientais nas planı́cias costeiras.

Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009

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