Julien at Al. 2022
Julien at Al. 2022
Julien at Al. 2022
Keywords: Groundwater discharge is an essential process in the functioning of coastal aquatic ecosystems due to its sig
Intertidal nificant role in nutrient cycling, geochemical mass balances and primary productivity. However, the occurrence
Coastal ecosystem patterns, importance, and effects of this discharge on rocky shores communities remain largely unknown. We
assessed the importance of groundwater discharge into the highly ecologically important intertidal ecosystems.
Local scale
We compared the benthic macroinvertebrate composition and abundance between discharge and no-discharge
Disturbance sites, replicated for five shores in South and Southwest Portugal. This robust replicated feature across shores
Climate change and regions is a particularly novel contribution to the field. Groundwater discharge significantly affected the
Aquifer biological communities’ abundance across all shores, but not biodiversity patterns. The algae Enteromorpha sp.,
snail Melaraphe neritoides and lichen Verrucaria maura can potentially be used as bioindication tools for shifts in
groundwater discharge quantity and qualitative patterns. Our study validates the importance of this commonly
overlooked local disturbance factor in regulating intertidal communities.
1. Introduction which will reduce the recharge and cause a groundwater-level decline
(Kløve et al., 2013; Stigter et al., 2014). The potential importance of
The groundwater discharge into coastal ecosystems such as estuaries, groundwater discharge into coastal ecosystems is greatly intensified in
lagoons and sandy shores is a key factor influencing their biological coastal Mediterranean regions, where groundwater availability for
communities (Félix et al., 2015; Shapouri et al., 2016; Rodellas et al., discharge is hampered by decreasing recharge rates, overexploitation of
2018). This freshwater input is important for setting ecotones by influ the resource and climate change effects (Stigter et al., 2014; da Costa
encing parameters like salinity, nutrient loading, sediment type or et al., 2020; Rachid et al., 2021). Groundwater availability can then
organic matter and even as a pollutant source (Capone and Bautista, become a critical factor threatening the sustainability of coastal eco
1985; Nevill et al., 2010; Lewandowski et al., 2020; Connolly et al., systems and their associated ecosystem services (Erostate et al., 2020).
2020), making aquatic coastal ecosystems potentially groundwater Although aquatic systems are viewed as resilient and able to main
conditional. tain a healthy and self-sustaining condition despite large year-to-year
In the last decades, the worldwide increased use of groundwater for variations in hydrologic and temperature (Poff et al., 2002), alter
human consumption and irrigation has negatively influenced ground ations to the timing, quality, quantity, and distribution of groundwater
water availability by reducing its aquifer levels (Konikow and Kendy, by natural or anthropogenic means can alter both the form and function
2005). The effects of over-abstraction of groundwater are escalating of associated ecosystems (Foster and Chilton, 2003; Murray et al., 2003
from local problems to become an increasingly regional issue (Bartolino in Lagomasino et al., 2015). Hence, the ecological consequences of
and Cunningham, 2003), especially in arid and semi-arid areas where global change in coastal ecosystems will largely depend on the rate and
groundwater is the main source of freshwater such as in our case studies magnitude of change in critical environmental drivers such as temper
(Stigter et al., 2014; Erostate et al., 2020). In addition, the predicted ature, sea-level rise, precipitation, runoff, and groundwater discharge.
climate change patterns will exacerbate these problems in many parts of However, and although recognised as essential, features of the hydrau
the world due to decreasing rainfall and increasing evapotranspiration, lic, chemical and ecological connections between coastal surface and
* Corresponding author. CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001, Lisboa, Portugal.
E-mail addresses: julian.londono4@udea.edu.co (L.-L. Julián E), teresa.melo@tecnico.ulisboa.pt (C. de Melo), ana.c.f.silva@tecnico.ulisboa.pt (S. A.C.F.).
Received 6 January 2022; Received in revised form 22 April 2022; Accepted 31 May 2022
Available online 10 June 2022
0141-1136/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
L.-L. Julián E et al. Marine Environmental Research 179 (2022) 105672
groundwater bodies in Mediterranean regions remain largely unknown local factor and open the path to consider classifying rocky shores as
(Erostate et al., 2020). groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
Benthic communities are subject to various physical and chemical
gradients that can affect their growth and physiology, and groundwater 2. Methods
discharge is one factor that contributes to these environmental gradients
in coastal waters (Lecher and Mackey, 2018). Freshwater discharge 2.1. Study locations characterization
strongly influences invertebrate communities of transitional waters
(freshwater-saltwater ecotone), showing a marked seasonal variation Two study regions were selected, the Southwest Portuguese coast
mainly related to salinity fluctuations (Chainho et al., 2006; Silva et al., and the western part of the Algarve region on the South coast of Portugal
2012). Several studies have also shown a freshwater effect on estuarine (Fig. 1). Therein, five rocky shores were selected, Azenhas do Mar and
(Canada) and coastal lagoon communities (Yucatan and Mexico) Porto das Barcas in the Southwest, and Olhos de Água, Ferragudo, and
(Lagomasino et al., 2015; Ardisson and Bourget, 1997; Pech et al., 2007; Praia da Luz in the South. These locations were chosen because
Medina-Gómez and Herrera-Silveira, 2006). The identification of such groundwater discharges via adjacent cliff springs were consistently
sensitive communities with associated environmental conditions makes observed throughout the years through surveys supported by parallel
it possible and effective to predict and detect impacts from variations in research initiatives and are documented in official maps (Fig. 1). We also
groundwater discharge. validated the discharge occurrence within our sampling year.
Rocky shores are amongst the most biodiversity-rich coastal eco These locations are currently under several statutes and diplomas for
systems (Satyam and Thiruchitrambalam, 2018), yet are under protection and management of their natural assets. In 1988, the
increasing threat due to anthropogenic activities such as increasing Southwest Coast was classified as Protected Landscape Area and in 1997
population, tourism, trampling and seafood gathering activities, and promoted to National Park – Southwest Alentejo and Vicentine Coast
climate change and sea-level rise effects (Mieszkowska, 2016). Natural Park (SAVCNP).
Furthermore, due to their physical adjacency to groundwater discharge
points in cliffs - springs, and runoffs, are highly exposed to groundwater
2.2. Hydrological context
discharge from coastal aquifers. Most available research has focused on
submarine coastal communities (e.g. Bussmann et al., 1999; Johannes,
The Mediterranean Climate, which is associated with a trend of high
1980; Encarnação et al., 2013) and loose sediment sandy shore and mud
average temperature, long, hot summers without rain, and mild winters,
tidal flats (Dale and Miller, 2007; Migné et al., 2011; Ouisse et al., 2011;
with low values of atmospheric precipitation, correspond to the real
Cave and Henry, 2011). Albeit limited in spatial replication, one pre
conditions found in the study regions. The analysis of the climatic
vious study has shown that submarine groundwater can influence the
component classified this region as dry and semi-arid according to the
rocky shore epibenthic community structure and ecophysiological con
Aridity Index. The high temperatures recorded during the long summers
dition of midlevel intertidal molluscs (Piló et al., 2018).
have been a significant aspect of the climate, as well as precipitation
Our work contributes to filling the considerable lack of information
rates among the lowest in Europe, mainly distributed over the winter
on the importance and effects of this discharge on the shores’ biological
period, and being practically null throughout the summer. Most rivers
communities by focusing on the influence of groundwater discharge on
and streams have runoff only during the rainy season, being dry during
intertidal macroinvertebrate communities. We specifically tested the
the summer, except for some deeper areas, with springs supplied by
hypothesis that biological communities differ in abundance and/or di
groundwater, which maintains water throughout the year (Guerra et al.,
versity between sites with and without direct groundwater discharge
from adjacent cliffs. Our study is the first to test this hypothesis at both
local and regional scales, with a robust spatial replication design. Hence,
our work represents a pioneer assessment of the potential response of 2.3. Hydrogeological context
intertidal rocky shore communities to the influence of groundwater in
southwest Europe. It will fill an important gap in the current state of the The southwest coast of Portugal corresponds to the Maciço Antigo
art by validating the biological importance of this commonly overlooked hydrogeological unit, which is the geological unit that occupies the
greatest extent in Portugal, consisting essentially of igneous and
Fig. 1. Location of the study shores in the South (Olhos d’Água, Ferragudo, and Praia da Luz), and Southwest (Porto das Barcas and Azenhas do Mar) coast
of Portugal.
L.-L. Julián E et al. Marine Environmental Research 179 (2022) 105672
metasedimentary rocks (Fig. 1). These lithologies host hard-rock aqui uppershore level (supralittoral), where direct runoff was visible. Sam
fers. In general terms, they can be considered formations with limited pling was made in February–March 2018, after the potential maximum
hydrogeological aptitude, and poor in groundwater resources. However, peak of discharge of the 2017 wet season (October–February 2017
despite the scarcity of groundwater resources, they play an important which corresponds to the period of highest precipitation) and hence,
role, both in supplying the population and in agriculture. In fact, in when discharge cumulative effects were maximized. All organisms were
addition to thousands of small private catchments, most municipalities possible to identify in situ and care was taken to return to original spots
have many groundwater facilities for the supply (Almeida et al., 2000). when dislodgment was necessary for identification.
On the other hand, the south region studied (Algarve), corresponds
to the hydrogeological unit named Orla Meridional, a highly productive 2.5. Data analysis
region with a well-studied set of aquifers (e.g. Monteiro and Costa, 2004;
Stigter et al., 2006; Stigter et al., 2010; Da Costa, 2011; Stigter et al., All biological data statistical tests were made with the software
2014; Hugman et al., 2017; Neves et al., 2020). Groundwater abstrac PRIMER-E (Clarke and Gorley, 2015) and using the Bray-Curtis simi
tion for public supply from these aquifer systems saw a steady increase larity matrix. The null hypothesis of groundwater discharge having no
from the 1950s until the 1990s when dams were built to fulfil the supply effect on the biological communities was tested by comparing the taxa
(Monteiro and Costa, 2004). abundance of sites with discharge with that of no-discharge, using the
The main groundwater flow direction is towards the coast (Almeida multivariate PERMANOVA technique (Anderson et al., 2008). This hy
et al., 2000). The shift toward surface water use in the early 2000s led to pothesis was tested for both study regions, including shores as replicates
a sharp rise in the water table (Monteiro et al., 2007; Stigter et al., within regions. The experimental design had three factors: “Region”,
2006a,b) and higher groundwater hydraulic gradients. The increased two levels (south and southwest); “Shore”, two levels, random and
discharge led to the reactivation of several springs, forming local nested in region and; “Discharge”, with two levels, “discharge” and
discharge points of the aquifers even during the summer when natural “no-discharge”, nested in shore. A p-value of 0.05 was used for result
recharge is almost null and demand for agriculture and human con interpretation. Data were pre-treated with a fourth root to secure the
sumption rises. homogeneity of variances.
Due to the lack of logistic conditions, this study was unable to The ordination technique Principal Component Ordination (PCO)
characterise both the temporal patterns of discharge rates and the was used to visually explore and spatially represent differences in the
chemical composition of the discharge water. There is no available data macroinvertebrate presence across sites. The replicated quadrates are
on intertidal spring flow rates. However, few studies have estimated the individually positioned in the graph, whereby the closest each replicate
contribution of coastal aquifers, especially in the south region of is to each other, the more similar they are in terms of macroinvertebrate
Portugal. Hugman et al. (2014), estimated the spatial and temporal community abundance and composition. The similarity percentages –
distribution of coastal groundwater discharge for two coastal aquifers in species composition (SIMPER) technique identifies the contribution of
the South of Portugal (Albufeira-Ribeira de Quarteira and Quarteira each taxon (%) to the dissimilarity between each two groups, discharge
aquifers) finding, in a scenario of natural state, discharge rates ranging versus no-discharge locations in our study. This technique was used here
from 5 to 10 m3/day per meter of coastline. Steady-state simulations to identify the taxa most contributing to differences between discharge
indicate that the system contributes a range of average annual fresh and no-discharge locations. Histograms were used to visually represent
water to coastal discharge between 6.5*106 and 15*106 m3/year from the average abundance of the taxa identified using the SIMPER tech
the Albufeira-Ribeira de Quarteira aquifer, and 4.5*106 and 11.3*106 nique. Radial graphs were used to show the contribution of each taxon to
m3/year from the Quarteira aquifer (Hugman et al., 2014). For the study the dissimilarity of the samples, the radial axis represents the percentage
cases on the southwest coast of Portugal, which are placed on the Maciço of contribution to the dissimilarity, therefore, the further from the center
Antigo hydrogeological unit, there is no available data regarding the the higher the contribution of each taxon to the dissimilarity of the
discharge rates in coastal springs. However, it is known that this unit is samples.
less productive than the Orla Meridional in the Algarve. Almeida et al.
(2000), estimates that the average availability of hydrogeological re 3. Results
sources for the area ranges between 1 L/s*km2 and 3 L/s*km2
approximately. The PERMANOVA analysis rejected the null hypothesis consistently
for all Southwest and South shores, proving that the macroinvertebrate
2.4. Biological sampling community significantly responded to groundwater discharge (Table 1),
differing between discharge and non-discharge sites. The specific bio
For all shores and based on previous information from parallel logical response patterns on Southwest and South shores are examined
research initiatives and direct visualisation discharge locations were in the next two subsections.
easily identified in the shore rocky section as all sampled shores have
adjacent vertical cliffs and direct spring-like discharge points are visible 3.1. Groundwater effect on biological communities of the Southwest Coast
on the surface cliffs, with running groundwater directly entering adja shores
cent horizontal intertidal rocky slabs. These discharges display a
consistent and permanent presence and flow rate (Almeida et al., 2000). The PCO analysis for the samples on the shores of Azenhas do Mar
Other studies have also used visual site identification as a suitable tool to
pinpoint intertidal discharge points (Piló et al., 2018). Then, within each Table 1
shore, the rocky section was divided into two sites, one immediately PERMANOVA analysis of the macroinvertebrate communities for factors Region,
adjacent to the groundwater discharge site and another >50 m distant Shore and Discharge. Significance is considered at a p-value<0.05. Significant
(but within the same shore) where no discharge was apparent or values and italicized.
possible. All other environmental features such as rock slope, type and Source df SS MS Pseudo-F P(perm) Unique perms
exposure to wave action were similar across sites per location.
Region 1 6102.3 6235.1 32.945 0.09 112
On each site, the macroinvertebrate community was visually Shore 3 555.69 185.23 35.816 0.99 6164
assessed and counted (either as abundance or percentage cover for algae Discharge 5 50993 185.23 39.91 0.0001 9930
and similar frond-like organisms) in ten replicated 50 × 50 cm quadrat,
a standard technique in biological studies on these habitat types (Boa Res 90 22999 255.54
Total 99 80650
ventura et al., 2002). Quadrates were randomly deployed at each site at
L.-L. Julián E et al. Marine Environmental Research 179 (2022) 105672
(AZM) and Porto das Barcas (PB) showed that the community structure
varied strongly with the discharge factor (Fig. 2). Two clearly differ
entiated groups are recognised as a response of the discharge (D) and
non-discharge (ND) sites, with approximately 84.5% of the variation
being explained by this factor. The macroinvertebrate community was
very similar between shores for each discharge zone type.
Fig. 2. PCO (Principal Coordinates analysis) plot based on Bray-Curtis resemblance matrix of the macroinvertebrate communities comparing Discharge and Non-
Discharge zones on the Southwest Coast shores.
L.-L. Julián E et al. Marine Environmental Research 179 (2022) 105672
L.-L. Julián E et al. Marine Environmental Research 179 (2022) 105672
Fig. 5. Percentage of the contribution of each taxon (and others) to the dissimilarity of samples for all factors. The vector lines represent the percentage of
contribution to the dissimilarity, therefore, the longer the vector the higher the contribution of each taxon to the dissimilarity of the samples.
L.-L. Julián E et al. Marine Environmental Research 179 (2022) 105672
Fig. 8. Average abundance (±S.E.) of taxa in Discharge and No-Discharge Fig. 9. Average abundance (±S.E.) of taxon in Discharge and No-Discharge
zones in Ferragudo shore on the South coast of Portugal. zones in Praia da Luz shore on the South coast of Portugal.
L.-L. Julián E et al. Marine Environmental Research 179 (2022) 105672
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