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Science of the Total Environment 630 (2018) 1608–1618

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Science of the Total Environment

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Multiple stressor effects on biological quality elements in the Ebro River:

Present diagnosis and predicted responses
Albert Herrero a,b,⁎, Cayetano Gutiérrez-Cánovas c, Olga Vigiak d,e, Stefanie Lutz f, Rohini Kumar g,
David Gampe h, Verena Huber-García h, Ralf Ludwig h, Ramon Batalla a,b,i, Sergi Sabater a,j
Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), H2O Building, C/Emili Grahit, 101, 17003 Girona, Spain
Fluvial Dynamics Research Group (RIUS), University of Lleida, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain
Freshwater Ecology and Management group, Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals, Facultat de Biologia, Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio), Universitat de
Barcelona, Diagonal, 643, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Directorate D – Sustainable Resources, Ispra, Italy
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Department of Geography, Munich, Germany
UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Department Catchment Hydrology, Theodor-Lieser-Str. 4, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany
UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Department of Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile
GRECO, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Girona, Girona, Spain


• Biological responses to multiple

stressors were modeled in the Ebro
River catchment.
• Stressors were modeled for different fu-
ture socioeconomic and climatic scenar-
• Increased agriculture, urbanization and
nutrients were linked to poor ecological
• The scenarios predicted a future deteri-
oration in the ecological status of water
bodies in the catchment.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Multiple abiotic stressors affect the ecological status of water bodies. The status of waterbodies in the Ebro catch-
Received 29 August 2017 ment (NE Spain) is evaluated using the biological quality elements (BQEs) of diatoms, invertebrates and macro-
Received in revised form 2 February 2018 phytes. The multi-stressor influence on the three BQEs was evaluated using the monitoring dataset available from
Accepted 2 February 2018
the catchment water authority. Nutrient concentrations, especially total phosphorus (TP), affected most of the
Available online xxxx
analyzed BQEs, while changes in mean discharge, water temperature, or river morphology did not show signifi-
cant influences. Linear statistical models were used to evaluate the change of water bodies' ecological status
Diatoms under different combinations of future socioeconomic and climate scenarios. Changes in land use, rainfall,
Macrophytes water temperature, mean discharge, TP and nitrate concentrations were modeled according to the future scenar-
Invertebrates ios. These revealed an evolution of the abiotic stressors that could lead to a general decrease in the ecosystem
quality of water bodies within the Ebro catchment. This deterioration was especially evidenced on the diatoms

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: aherrero@icra.cat (A. Herrero).

0048-9697/© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
A. Herrero et al. / Science of the Total Environment 630 (2018) 1608–1618 1609

Climate change and invertebrate biological indices, mainly because of the foreseen increase in TP concentrations. Water bodies
Land use change located in the headwaters were seen as the most sensitive to future changes.
© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction 2. Study area

Global change affects ecosystems at planetary scale (Briner et al., The Ebro catchment is located in northeast Spain and covers an area
2013), and may be particularly important in some world regions. The of 85,550 km2. The Ebro is the longest Mediterranean river in the Iberian
Mediterranean basin is one of the regions where climate and land use Peninsula (total length of 928 km), and it flows from the Cantabrian
alterations, together with intense economic and social changes, will Range down into the Mediterranean Sea (Fig. 1). The catchment is
produce large effects on the ecological quality of water bodies (Cooper mainly delimited by the Pyrenees in the north and the Iberian Range
et al., 2013; Skoulikidis et al., 2017). Climate patterns and future projec- in the south. The Ebro shows a high inter-annual and intra-annual
tions in the Mediterranean region indicate that both mean temperature water flow variability associated with its intrinsic Mediterranean char-
and monthly distribution of precipitation will change, leading to more acter. The mean discharge at its mouth (Tortosa) for the period 1912–
severe extreme events consisting on either high rainfall or droughts 2012 was 436 m3 s−1, but it ranged from b50 m3 s−1 during the very
(Ceballos-Barbancho et al., 2008; González-Hidalgo et al., 2010; dry periods to N12,000 m3 s−1 for the highest flood ever recorded (Oc-
López-Moreno et al., 2010). These climate changes, together with snow- tober 1907; Novoa, 1984).
pack reduction, land use change and effects of dam regulation, have al- Runoff in the Ebro is regulated by a total of 187 reservoirs,
ready caused a general decrease in river discharges and a displacement impounding 2/3 of the mean annual runoff. The largest reservoirs are
in seasonality (López-Moreno et al., 2011). In particular, the abandon- in the lower part of the Ebro and constitute the system Mequinenza-
ment of agricultural lands is associated with the increase of forested Ribarroja-Flix, with a total storage capacity of around 1.7 km3. Flow reg-
area, with the subsequent increase in evapotranspiration and decrease ulation has decreased the magnitude of frequent natural floods down-
in runoff (Gallart et al., 2011; Buendia et al., 2016). Riverine water re- stream of the dams (Batalla et al., 2004), and sediment transfer has
gimes may be further altered because of irrigation schemes that may re- reduced up to 90% (Vericat and Batalla, 2006; Tena and Batalla, 2013)
vert the seasonal hydrological patterns (Piqué et al., 2016). Changes in due to the trapping efficiency of the reservoirs complex. These
discharge patterns may be associated with changes in concentrations alterations affect the Ebro delta evolution and have caused ecological
of nutrients and contaminants (Han et al., 2009; Jeppesen et al., 2011), consequences to the lowest river segment (Prats et al., 2011; Sabater
particularly in urban areas acting as point pollution sources (Brown et et al., 2008).
al., 2005). Altogether, present and foreseen changes may lead to a de- The Ebro basin has a Mediterranean climate with continental charac-
crease in water discharge, alteration of hydrological patterns and pro- teristics, with semi-arid areas in the center and Atlantic areas in the west-
gressive deterioration of water quality (Lehner et al., 2006; Meybeck, ern part. Average annual precipitation is 622 mm (period 1920–2000),
2004). These changes are reflected in the structure of biological commu- with high monthly and annual variability and highest rainfalls in spring
nities inhabiting the river system (Sabater et al., 2016; Tonkin et al., and autumn. The rainfall is irregularly distributed within the catchment,
2017; Cooper et al., 2013). ranging from 900 mm y−1 at the headwaters to 500 mm y−1 in the
The Water Framework Directive (WFD; EC, 2000) establishes that Mediterranean zone, and with extreme values from 100 mm y−1 to
the “good” ecological status of natural water bodies has to be based on 3000 mm y−1. Average water temperatures range from 13 °C in the head-
the chemical, hydromorphological and biological features, compared waters to 17 °C in the lower reach.
with reference conditions (Feio et al., 2014). The biological variables, A broad spectrum of landscapes can be found within the catchment,
or Biological Quality Elements (BQEs), use the composition and abun- including boreal-alpine coniferous forests, mixed deciduous forests, Med-
dance of taxa to establish class boundaries in the different water bodies. iterranean evergreen and mixed forest and shrubs, and semi-arid treeless
For the diatoms, the IPS index (Indice de Polluosensibilité Spécifique, formations. Historically, the predominant land use was agriculture
Cemagref, 1982) characterizes the status of a water body based on dia- (vineyards, orchards and corn), but the progressive abandonment of
tom community characteristics (Almeida et al., 2014) and the sensitivity rural life has allowed the recovery of woodland and forest (Gallart et al.,
value and abundance of the present taxa. The IBMWP’ is a biotic index 2002). Around half of the population lives in cities mostly located in the
which indicates the sensitivity of the aquatic invertebrate community central part of the catchment. The Pyrenees and the Iberian plateau
to organic pollution (Alba Tercedor et al., 2002). Finally, the IVAM (40% of the catchment) have low population densities, with values
index is a quality indicator based on macrophytes composition and lower than 5 inhabitants/km2. Industrial activities are important around
cover (Moreno et al., 2006). the main cities.
The objective of this study is to define the impact of different The Ebro River has been deeply altered, particularly in its middle
stressors associated with global change on the biological communities (Ollero, 2007), and lower section (Batalla et al., 2004; Vericat and
in the Ebro catchment (NE Spain). The biological status was described Batalla, 2006). Riparian vegetation has been largely replaced by ag-
using the three BQEs (diatoms, invertebrates and macrophytes) men- ricultural development in the fertile floodplain areas, producing dif-
tioned above. Stressors are defined anthropogenic disturbances (either fuse inputs of nutrients and pollutants (Romaní et al., 2010). Mean
abiotic or biotic) which cause potential injurious changes to organisms annual flow records have decreased nearly 40% in the last 50 years,
and communities (Segner et al., 2014; Crain et al., 2008), even with both a result from rainfall decrease, irrigation increase and trans-
the potential to drive evolutionary processes over geological times formation from agricultural land to forest (Gallart and Llorens,
when severe conditions persist (Parsons, 2005). The BQEs response 2004; Buendia et al., 2016). Finally, cities scattered in the basin pro-
was analyzed following a conceptual model that relates the ecological duce large local inputs of nutrients and pollutants (Sabater et al.,
status of water bodies with the most relevant stressors occurring in 2009). Overall, hydrological alterations and contaminants challenge
the River Ebro (i.e. hydromorphological alterations, discharge reduc- the ecological status of water bodies in the Ebro and their joint ef-
tion, loss of riparian cover, nutrient enrichment). Finally, the obtained fect could be emphasized according to the loss of dilution capacity
models were used to define potential changes in the ecological status (Han et al., 2009), potentially enhanced in future scenarios of cli-
of the river under future scenarios of land use and climate change. mate and land use change.
1610 A. Herrero et al. / Science of the Total Environment 630 (2018) 1608–1618

Fig. 1. Area of study. The Ebro basin. Dots represent the sites used for the statistical analysis. A selection of eight sites (green triangles) was used for the assessment of future scenarios. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

3. Materials and methods contaminants and modify the physical and ecological status of the river
as a side effect of taking benefit of river waters. Finally, hydroelectric
3.1. Conceptual model and flood protection infrastructures generate physical and hydrological
alterations that affect river discharge and produce hydromorphologic
The conceptual model identifies the main drivers, pressures and changes.
stressors influencing the ecological status of water bodies in the Ebro In our conceptual model, the stressors resulting from these pres-
(Fig. 2). In this conceptual model, drivers are anthropogenic activities sures are total phosphorus (TP), nitrate concentration and changes in
(e.g. agriculture, industry) or climate change phenomena (climate mean water discharge, water temperature and land use. Water temper-
warming, changes in precipitation) that may have an environmental ef- ature and discharge are considered in the performed statistical analysis
fect; pressures are direct effects of the drivers, and produce environ- presented below. The percentage of agricultural surface and the number
mental modifications (Feld et al., 2016); and stressors are measurable of inhabitants were also included as descriptors of land use. Moreover,
variables resulting from an antrophogenic pressure that adversely affect altitude and hydro-morphological status were considered as a surrogate
biological or ecological integrity (Segner et al., 2014). The main drivers, of natural variability. The hydro-morphological state was measured
pressures and stressors used in the model were selected based on the based on the IHF index (Index of Fluvial Habitat), which includes infor-
existing information (Sabater et al., 2009; Barceló and Petrovic, 2011). mation concerning sediment characteristics, frequency of riffle areas,
Five drivers were considered, i.e. agriculture, climate change, industry, shade areas, elements of heterogeneity or aquatic vegetation coverage
energy and hydropower, and flood protection. Agriculture is a source (Pardo et al., 2002).
of diffuse nutrient contamination and modifies the spatial and temporal Data on abiotic variables and biotic indicators were obtained from
distribution of river discharge. Climate change alters rainfall patterns the database available at the web site of the Ebro water authority
and leads to biogeochemical alterations related to the water cycle in (Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro, CHE; www.chebro.es). This
the basin. Industrial activities are the origin of point sources of dataset includes observations related to physical, chemical and

Fig. 2. Conceptual model proposed for the Ebro basin relationship between abiotic stressors and ecological indicators. Different colors are used to improve visualization of the lines linking
the elements in the model. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the online version of this chapter.)
A. Herrero et al. / Science of the Total Environment 630 (2018) 1608–1618 1611

ecological parameters in a series of sites within the catchment. The qual- and Anderson, 2002; p. 152). Candidate models were validated by visu-
ity of the data was good to fair, depending on the site and the specific ally checking their residuals for normality and homoscedasticity (Zuur
variable, and based on the principle of maximal data quality the sites et al., 2007). For each LMM model, two measures of goodness-of-fit
and periods were selected when abiotic stressors and biotic indicators were estimated (Nakagawa and Schielzeth, 2013): marginal goodness-
were jointly available (Fig. 1 and Table S1). Each BQE observation in a of-fit (r2m) indicates the variance explained only by the fixed factors,
specific site and given year was paired to the average value of abiotic while conditional goodness-of-fit (r2c) shows the variance accounted
variables in the 3 previous months (1 to 3 measurements). The BQE for by both fixed and random terms. The mean average (based on
data were typically obtained during summer and therefore the values model weights) of each goodness-of-fit measure for each averaged
of the abiotic stressors corresponded to mid and late spring conditions. model is provided. Code and functions run the statistical analysis are
This resulted in three tables (supplementary material, Tables S2–S4), available in the supplementary material (Appendix A).
one for each of the three biotic indicators considered and the corre- The empirical models obtained for IPS, IBMWP and IVAM were used
sponding values of the abiotic variables (Figure 2). to analyze future scenarios (Fig. S1, supplementary material). For this
purpose it was necessary to evaluate future values of the different vari-
3.2. Statistical analysis ables. Some sites were selected for this analysis aiming to cover differ-
ent geographical areas (headwaters, lowlands and main Ebro river)
After data compilation, the response of each BQE was modeled as a and different ecological quality status (good, intermediate, bad). Future
function of the abiotic variables. This analysis was carried out using scenarios refer to horizon 2050. The definition of future scenarios is de-
the protocol developed by Feld et al. (2016), which consisted in an ini- tailed in the following section.
tial exploratory analysis to rank all the stressors, environmental descrip-
tors and their interactions in relation with their capacity to predict the 4. Definition of future scenarios
focal BQE, followed by the estimation of the predictor's standardized ef-
fect sizes (SES) and significance through linear models, where the BQE 4.1. Integrated scenarios
were the response variables. All the analyses were conducted using
the R statistical software (R Development Team, 2017). The Integrated scenarios take into account climate, land use and
Prior to linear model analyses, TP and nitrate concentrations, the water management changes and are based on various Shared Socio-eco-
number of inhabitants, and mean discharge were log-transformed, nomic Pathways (SSPs, IPCC, 2017, van Vuuren et al., 2011). Two inte-
and agricultural surface was logit-transformed to reduce skewness, grated scenarios were considered to account for the different
after assessing visually all variable distributions. Then, stressors and en- evolutions of the social and environmental conditions. Each scenario
vironmental descriptors were standardized to a mean equal to zero and was defined in terms of economic growth, energy consumption, envi-
standard deviation equal to one and checked for collinearity using Pear- ronmental directives, social policies and water management. The two
son correlation coefficients (rP). All the stressors were kept as they were scenarios were denominated as MYOPIC and SUSTAINABLE, and have
not highly correlated (rP b 0.65), except for the IBMWP model where been developed during the GLOBAQUA project (Navarro-Ortega et al.,
the number of inhabitants was removed to avoid collinearity. 2015). The development of these scenarios is explained in detail in the
First, a Random Forest analysis was used (randomForestSRC R pack- supplementary material (Annex S1).
age, Ishwaran et al., 2014) to rank stressors influence and identify po- Land use for the year 2050 was modeled for both scenarios using the
tential interactions on IPS, IBMWP and IVAM. The number of trees was iCLUE model, a new version of the CLUE model family (Conversion of
set to 3000 and the number of variables used in each split was set to Land Use and its Effects) originally developed by Veldkamp and Fresco
three (i.e., one third of the number of predictors). After Random Forest (1996) and recently reprogrammed by Verweij et al., 2012. The CORINE
results and expert knowledge, two candidate interactions were identi- Land Cover data served as input to the model and was reclassified to
fied: TP x nitrates, and altitude × mean discharge. Second, Linear thirteen land use classes. The considered categories were: non-irrigated
Mixed Models were used (LMM, lme4 R package, Pinheiro et al., 2017) arable land, permanently irrigated land, vineyards, fruit trees and olives,
to create global models to model the response of IPS, IBMWP and grasslands and pastures, complex cultivation patterns, agriculture with
IVAM to single and combined stressors. These models included TP, ni- natural vegetation, broad-leaved forest, coniferous and mixed forest,
trates, agricultural surface, number of inhabitants (excluded in the sealed area, transitional vegetation, open spaces with little vegetation
IBMWP model), IHF, water temperature, mean discharge and altitude and water. The land use maps obtained from this process were used
as fixed factors. Each model included different pairwise interactions as as input for the discharge modeling and the nutrient modeling.
fixed factors, which were selected based on the Random Forest results.
The IPS model included the pairwise interactions agricultural surface 4.2. Climate projections
× altitude and number of inhabitants × altitude, the IVAM model only
included the interaction nitrates × agricultural surface, and the Climate projections for precipitation and mean air temperature were
IBMWP model included the interactions nitrate × agricultural surface needed as input for the modeling of nutrients and discharge. These pro-
and nitrate × altitude. Site was considered as a random factor to account jections were obtained from different Regional Climate Models (RCMs)
for repeated measures (Zuur et al., 2007). Single and combined abiotic that dynamically downscale various General Circulation Models (GCMs)
variables' SES and their significance were then quantified through at different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs 4.5 and 8.5)
multi-model averaging (MuMIM R package, Bartoń, 2016). This statisti- provided through the EURO-CORDEX initiative (Kotlarski et al., 2014).
cal technique ranks all the models generated using all the possible com- Due to computational restraints, a subset of GCM-RCM combinations
bination of predictors. Then, a set of top models is selected to produce an had to be selected for further modeling. A cluster approach was applied
average model only if the model ranking first is not unambiguously sup- (Wilcke and Bärring, 2016), resulting in three main clusters of GCM-
ported (model weight b 0.90). Thus, the models containing all potential RCM combinations. The clustering was based on climate change signals,
combinations of single and combined abiotic variables were ranked defined as the difference between the future (2050 horizon, 2036–
using Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC, Akaike, 1973). Those models 2065) and reference (1981–2010) period of various variables and sev-
differing in no more than four AIC units were chosen from the model eral temporal scales (annual and seasonal). The simulations were
ranked first (minimum AIC). A natural average method was adopted ranked, based on the proximity to the center of each cluster. In this
to conduct the model averaging, which consisted in averaging predic- way, a score sheet was established to identify the highest scoring
tors only over models in which the predictor appears and weighting RCMs. The selection led to three combinations of RCM-GCM that kept
predictor's SES by the summed weights of these models (Burnham most of the spread of the original ensemble over the selected river
1612 A. Herrero et al. / Science of the Total Environment 630 (2018) 1608–1618

basins (Gampe et al., 2016); these RCM-GCM combinations were, there- subcatchments of 4.6 km2 size on average. Subbasin reaches were
fore, considered for the subsequent impact modeling. The following linked in a node-link system that builds the reach network through
GCM-RCM combinations have been selected for the impact modeling the basin until its outlet. Nutrient sources comprised fertilization of ag-
activities: HadGEM2-ES-RCA4 (hereafter referred to as RCA4), EC- ricultural land, background deposition, point source loads emitted by
EARTH-RACMO22E (RACMO22E), EC-EARTH-CCLM4-8-17 (CCLM4). urban waste water treatment plants and industries, and emissions
As climate model simulations are prone to biases at the regional from scattered households. The model considers a subbasin retention,
scale (Dosio, 2016), a bias adjustment is needed before using the simu- which is inversely proportional to annual rainfall in the subbasin and
lated series. A distribution-based scaling approach (Yang et al., 2010) is applied to the diffuse sources in the subbasin, and a reach retention,
was applied on the selected simulations. The regional reanalysis dataset which is proportional to the reach length and is applied to all load enter-
MESAN (Hāggmark et al., 2000) was chosen as reference grid for the ad- ing the reach. The two retention factors are controlled by two calibra-
justment of precipitation and mean air temperature. The resulting bias- tion parameters. The dataset used as model input was updated at
adjusted simulations show better agreement with the observations and 2012, and the retention parameters were calibrated against the Euro-
considerable biases were removed to a large degree. pean Environmental Agency water quality database for the year 2012
The resolution of the selected RCMs of 0.11° (~12 km) was not suffi- at European scale. No local calibration was performed.
cient to cover the processes of hydrological models in heterogeneous The model was run for all the combinations of socioeconomic (MY-
terrain. Therefore, the downscaling algorithm SCALMET (Marke, 2008) OPIC and SUSTAINABLE) and climate projections (CCLM4, RACMO22E
was applied to further disaggregate the RCM simulations to a 1 km and RCA4). Baseline conditions were estimated as mean nutrient loads
grid. SCALMET uses the lapse-rate approach, which is mass and energy for 1981–2010 using MYOPIC CCLM4 rainfall data, current irrigation
conserving and respects the climatology and main distribution of the amount map, MYOPIC 1995 land use map and 2012 modeled fertiliza-
original simulations. Topography-dependent patterns obvious in the in- tion levels. Fertilization changes were based on expert opinions elicited
terpolated observation grids are better represented in the downscaled during workshops for the MYOPIC and SUSTAINABLE scenarios: a de-
grids compared to the original bias-adjusted grids. The resulting bias- crease of 10% in organic fertilization was applied in any narrative, an in-
adjusted and downscaled datasets were used for the modeling of future crease of 10% of mineral fertilization in future MYOPIC scenarios and a
projections for the variables involved in the conceptual model (Fig. 2): decrease of 15% of mineral fertilization in SUSTAINABLE scenarios. The
mean discharge, TP and nitrates. Furthermore, projections in air tem- nutrient loads for future scenarios were assessed as the mean annual
perature were used as a proxy of changes in water temperature. load at each reach for the period 2035–2065 (horizon 2050), using rain-
fall projections and assuming land use and irrigation levels for 2050.
4.3. Discharge modeling
5. Results
The discharge modeling for the application of future scenarios was
performed by using the mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM), a grid- Random forest models identified agricultural surface (IVAM and
based distributed hydrological model that simulates canopy intercep- IBMWP), the number of inhabitants (IPS and IVAM) and altitude (IPS
tion, snow accumulation and melting, soil moisture dynamics, infiltra- and IBMWP) as good predictors of the BQE values. For IPS, the potential
tion, deep percolation, surface runoff, evapotranspiration, storage in
the subsurface and groundwater, discharge generation, fast and slow in- Table 1
terflow and baseflow (Samaniego et al., 2010; Kumar et al., 2013a). The Results of the models relating IPS, IVAM and IBMWP to single and combined abiotic vari-
spatial distribution of the model parameters is obtained from catchment ables. Standardized Effect Size (SES) and significance are shown. Significant variables are
highlighted in bold. r2m: variance explained just by the fixed factors; r2c: variance
characteristics such as soil types, geological classes and land cover types accounted for by both fixed and random terms.
using a multi-scale parameter regionalization technique (Samaniego et
al., 2010). Further details on mHM and the source code can be obtained BQE Abiotic variables SES P-value r2m r2c

from www.ufz.de/mhm. The model has been successfully applied in IPS Intercept 15.14 0.000 57.0 75.3
many river basins across the globe (Samaniego et al., 2010; Kumar et TP −0.93 0.001
Nitrates 0.18 0.538
al., 2013a, 2013b; Rakovec et al., 2016a, 2016b; Zink et al., 2017;
Agriculture −1.09 0.004
Huang et al., 2017). Inhabitants −1.34 0.001
The mHM was run at daily time scale with meteorological data from IHF −0.47 0.055
the E-OBS dataset (Haylock et al., 2008) between 1995 and 2014 and Temp 0.18 0.524
calibrated the model against daily discharge at the most downstream Qmean 0.33 0.340
Altitude 0.33 0.474
site of the eight stations for future scenarios (Fig. 1, Table S1) to obtain Agriculture x altitude −0.44 0.211
the model parameters for present conditions. The model was calibrated Inhabitants x altitude −0.24 0.437
with the Dynamically Dimensioned Search (Tolson and Shoemaker, IVAM 50.0 57.3
2007). To capture high, average and low flows, a combination of the Intercept 4.50 0.000
TP −0.13 0.265
Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) between observed and modeled dis-
Nitrates −0.17 0.154
charges and their logarithm was used as objective function. Daily dis- Agriculture −0.46 0.001
charge data were obtained from the CHE (www.chebro.es). The model Inhabitants −0.52 0.002
exhibited reasonable skill in capturing the observed dynamics of daily IHF 0.14 0.168
streamflows with NSEs of between 0.5 and 0.66 for the majority of the Temp 0.00 0.970
Qmean 0.17 0.224
sub-basins in this study. After calibration of the model parameters, Altitude −0.13 0.407
mHM was used to simulate future scenarios of river discharge based Nitrates × agriculture −0.18 0.151
on the climate scenarios described in Subsection 4.4. IBMWP Intercept 126.66 0.000 28.9 50.4
TP −9.66 0.038
Nitrates 2.82 0.560
4.4. Nutrient modeling
Agriculture −0.08 0.991
IHF 5.37 0.234
Nutrients (TP and nitrates) in the Ebro basin were estimated as an- Temp 3.00 0.552
nual loads (t y−1) under the different scenarios in selected reaches Qmean 1.65 0.743
within the basin. The pan-European model Green (Grizzetti et al., Altitude 17.67 0.002
Nitrates × altitude 5.97 0.226
2012) was used for this purpose. The basin was divided in 18,568
A. Herrero et al. / Science of the Total Environment 630 (2018) 1608–1618 1613

interactions identified by random forest were agricultural surface x alti- the IPS variance, 50.0% of the IVAM variance and 28.9% of the
tude and number of inhabitants x altitude. For IVAM, nitrates x agricul- IBMWP variance. Fig. 3 shows the relationship between the BQEs
tural surface was identified as potential interaction, while for IBMWP and the selected abiotic variables to visualize main response patterns
the most important interactions were nitrates x agricultural surface of the BQE.
and nitrates x altitude. The measured values of IPS, IVAM and IBMWP are displayed in Fig. 4
Multi-model averaging results highlighted that increasing TP and plotted against the corresponding values obtained from the models.
concentration, agricultural surface and number of inhabitants were The points that are modeled less satisfactorily are labeled indicating the
generally linked to low BQE values (poor ecological status). Specific site number (Fig. 1, Table S1) and the year (in parentheses). BQEs for
model results were that increased TP reduced IPS and IBMWP values, sites 14, 23, 29, 34 and 38 were overestimated by several of the models,
while high agricultural surface and number of inhabitants were while in the sites 2, 32 and 51 were underestimated by empirical
linked to low IPS and IVAM values (Table 1). Additionally, altitude models. Those overestimated sites are mostly located in the mountain
was positively correlated with IBMWP values. Overall, no interactive tributaries (14, 38) or in middle height areas (23, 29, 34). The
effects were found between abiotic variables, but additive effects underestimated sites were located at the mainstem of River Ebro (2,
were dominant for IPS and IVAM. Fixed factors explained 57.0% of 32) in the middle and upper section.

Fig. 3. Response of IPS (a, b, c), IVAM (d, e, f) and IBMWP (g, h, i) to single and combined abiotic variables. Fitted lines are shown for BQE metrics in response to TP (a, e, g), agricultural
surface for different altitude levels (b), number of inhabitants for different altitude levels (c), agricultural surface for different levels of nitrates (e, h), number of inhabitants (f) and nitrates
for different altitude levels (i). Different colors represent different levels for the variable not shown in the abscise axis (i.e.: b and c: altitude; e, h and i: nitrates): red represents the
minimum value within the data set, green represents the mean value within the data set; purple represents the maximum value within the data set). (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
1614 A. Herrero et al. / Science of the Total Environment 630 (2018) 1608–1618

5.1. BQEs in future scenarios roughly similar to the studied stressors. Both diatoms and macrophytes
are highly sensitive to nutrient variations because their growth is typi-
The model results for the three climate projections (CCLM4; cally limited by nitrogen and phosphorus availability (Hecky and
RACMO22E and RCA4) and the two development scenarios (MYOPIC Kilham, 1988; Elser et al., 2007; Tornés et al., 2007). Thus, their direct
and SUSTAINABLE) that were tested are shown in Table S5 (supplemen-
tary material). RACMO22E climate projection predicts higher discharges
and the RCA4 climate projection predicts higher air temperatures. The
predicted trends for TP and nitrate concentrations in these scenarios
are less consistent. The socioeconomic scenarios predicted slightly
higher air temperatures in the MYOPIC than in the SUSTAINABLE, with
a large spatial variability in discharge.
When the RCA4 climate projection was aggregated into socioeco-
nomic scenarios, the projected values showed a reduced mean dis-
charge and a higher TP concentration for the MYOPIC and
SUSTAINABLE scenarios compared to the baseline (Fig. 5a and b). Ni-
trates were slightly lower for both future scenarios (Fig. 5c), while
water temperature displayed similar values for the scenarios and the
baseline (Fig 5d).
The predicted estimates for the IPS (Fig. 6a), IVAM (Fig. 6b) and
IBMWP (Fig. 6c) metrics were of lower values in both the MYOPIC and
SUSTAINABLE scenarios relative to the baseline. However, the IVAM
predicted values were slightly lower only in the case of the MYOPIC
model. In general, the predicted BQE values for the SUSTAINABLE sce-
nario were only slightly higher than those found for the MYOPIC

6. Discussion

Our analysis indicated that the biological communities in the Ebro

basin, represented by diatom, macrophyte and invertebrate biological
indices (BQEs), were affected by high nutrient concentrations (mostly
phosphorus), agricultural intensification and the increasing number of
inhabitants. These pressures showed detrimental additive effects on
our biological indices, which suggest unlikely multistressor interactive
effects. Our analysis stressed that agriculture and number of inhabitants
accounted for higher fraction of the variance than nutrients (higher size
effects). This fact may be a consequence of agriculture and population
being linked to other impacts (e.g. pesticides and other pollutants, ripar-
ian removal, etc.) which could equally affect the BQEs.
Agricultural and urban intensification are key determinants of the
ecological status across the Ebro river basin (Sabater et al., 2009) and
other geographical areas (Carpenter et al., 1998; Monteagudo et al.,
2012; Gutiérrez-Cánovas et al., 2015). Urban settlements occurring
along the river network result in considerable phosphorous inputs
(Torrecilla et al., 2005), besides other pollutants (e.g. pharmaceuticals,
microplastics, Rosal et al., 2010), not considered here but potentially
reflected by the number of inhabitants. On the other hand, agricultural
intensification is linked to high nitrate (Monteagudo et al., 2012) and
pesticide concentrations in running waters (Stehle and Schulz, 2015),
especially during summer, when the lower discharge and the most in-
tense irrigation period take place. Agricultural nonpoint sources account
for 64% of nitrate loads generated in the central area of the Ebro river
basin, while urban and industrial point sources are responsible for 88%
of phosphate and 71% of dissolved organic carbon loads (Torrecilla et
al., 2005). Rivers exhibiting low flow periods, such as the Ebro or
other arid-climate rivers, are particularly sensitive to nutrient and pol-
lutant inputs given their low capacity to dilute chemical stressors and
the agricultural intensification in those areas (http://drylandsystems.
cgiar.org/content/worlds-dry-areas). Particularly, the co-occurrence of
higher temperatures, lower flow and higher nutrients can result in pri-
mary producer proliferation and eutrophication (Torrecilla et al., 2005).
The analysis allowed to capture a wide range of ecological responses
to these anthropogenic impacts, considering the spectrum of life histo-
Fig. 4. Comparison between the measured values of the ecological indicators and the
ries and stressor sensitivity showed by diatoms, macrophytes and inver- values calculated with the models obtained from the statistical analysis: IPS (a), IVAM
tebrates (Bonada et al., 2006; Moreno et al., 2006; Sabater et al., 2008). (b) and IBMWP (c). The labels indicate the site number (Fig. 1) and the year (in
Despite such variability the BQEs based on these organisms responded parentheses) of those points with the lowest model fit.
A. Herrero et al. / Science of the Total Environment 630 (2018) 1608–1618 1615

Fig. 5. Predicted values for discharge (a, Qmean), Total Phosphorus (b, TP), Nitrates (c) and air temperature (d). BASE: baseline (current conditions). SUST: sustainable scenario MYOP:
myopic scenario. For each of the SUSTAINABLE and MYOPIC scenarios, we included the values predicted for CLM4, RACMO22E and RCA4 climatic models.

relationship with nutrients may explain their strong responses to to nutrient (P) enrichment, but probably this relationship reflects their
higher phosphorous, agricultural and urban intensification, and their response to general impairment of the system (Matthaei et al., 2010).
higher explained variance compared to the invertebrate model. In- Invertebrates could also be sensitive to changes in basal food or habitat
creased nutrient availability favor fast growing diatoms and macro- heterogeneity (Mundie and Simpson, 1991; Wang et al., 2007; Astorga
phytes, where such adapted organisms tend to dominate the et al., 2014); for instance, nutrients can have various indirect effects on
community and reduce diversity (Kelly, 2012; Moreno et al., 2006; invertebrates such as changing palatability of coarse detritus (Graça,
Licursi et al., 2016). A greater primary producer biomass is generally 2001) or the composition and biomass of invertebrate trophic groups
linked to nutrient enrichment, as observed for the Ebro River, where (Wipfli et al., 1998). Remarkably, the invertebrate index increased
benthic chlorophyll in the main channel ranged between 7 and 700 with altitude indicating a gradient of natural variation from lowlands
mg m−2 during the low flow period (Sabater et al., 2008). On the to headwaters, as pollution sensitive organisms tend to be dominant
other hand, primary producers can control nutrient concentration in cold, well oxygenated waters at mid-higher altitudes (Clarke et al.,
when light and temperature are sufficiently high and water regulation 2008; Sánchez-Montoya et al., 2010).
avoids high discharge peaks (Sabater et al., 2008; Artigas et al., 2012). Our predictions using socio-economic and climate scenarios showed
Thus, when such conditions prevail in the middle and lower Ebro river a consistent decrease in water discharge and increasing phosphorus
sections and tributaries (late spring and summer), macrophytes form concentration, which were linked to a mean decrease in the diatom
large masses covering N40% of the bottom and water transparency is and invertebrate based BQEs. These changes appeared in the different
high (Ibáñez et al., 2008). Invertebrates were also negatively correlated scenarios tested, which coincided to show a future increase in

Fig. 6. Predicted values for IPS (a), IVAM (b) and IBMWP (c) at the eight sites considered for the future scenarios. BASE: baseline, current conditions. SUST: sustainable scenario MYOP:
myopic scenario. For each of the sustainable and Myopic scenarios, the values predicted for CLM4, RACMO22E and RCA4 climatic models were included.
1616 A. Herrero et al. / Science of the Total Environment 630 (2018) 1608–1618

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