Science of The Total Environment
Science of The Total Environment
Science of The Total Environment
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The Plio-Quaternary aquifer of Chtouka is located in Southwestern of Morocco. The intensive agricultural activity
Received 15 June 2016 in Chtouka basin requires the mobilization of 94% of fresh water resources for irrigation. This overexploitation,
Received in revised form 17 September 2016 along with the succession of drought years, sea water intrusion and various sources of pollution, affected the
Accepted 17 September 2016
quality and availability of groundwater resources. Several sampling campaigns were carried out in different
Available online 14 October 2016
sites of the study area in order to investigate the spatial variation of groundwater quality. The temporal evolution
of groundwater level shows that the water table was subjected to a gradual decline during the last decade, indi-
Groundwater cating an intensive exploitation mainly in irrigated areas. In the Southern part around Belfaa and the irrigated
Overexploitation area along Massa River, nitrate concentrations exceed 50 mg/L, which is the threshold set by the World Health
Water quality Organization, while in the northern part around Biougra and Ait Amira, the nitrate concentration is mostly
Nitrate below 50 mg/L indicating a relative good groundwater quality. This finding can be explained by the improvement
Irrigation mode of agricultural practices, particularly the conversion of flood and sprinkler irrigation to drip irrigation (80% of the
total irrigated area) in most of the developed farms in this part of the study area. Moreover, the exploitation of
groundwater from the deep aquifer, due to the increasing water demand in the region, can also explain the
low chemical concentrations since the deep aquifer is not affected by anthropogenic pollutants or marine intru-
sion. Stable isotopes (18O and 2H) highlight the different origins of groundwater, indicating the complexity of the
aquifer system path flows, which is attributable to the intensive exploitation and irrigation water return.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Malki).
0048-9697/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Malki et al. / Science of the Total Environment 574 (2017) 760–770 761
1. Introduction from the recent Quaternary and (iv) lacustrine limestones with a very
large extension (Ahkouk, 2004; Krimissa, 2005; Tagma, 2011;
Anthropogenic contamination from agricultural sources, particularly ABHSMD, 2015; Malki et al., 2016) (Fig. 1a).
nitrate pollution, is one of the main concerns in groundwater manage- The flow direction is globally East-West where the coastline is the
ment, especially in arid areas where agriculture constitutes one of the major natural outlet of the system (Bernet and El Hebil, 1977; Ahkouk,
most important economic activities (ABHSMD, 2012; HCP, 2015). In 2004; Bouchaou et al., 2008; ABHSMD, 2008, 2012, 2015). The schemat-
fact, protecting and restoring aquatic ecosystems is a priority in Moroc- ic functioning of the Chtouka system based on ABHSMD Data is summa-
co that has been formalized by the water law No 10-95 with the aim of rized in the Fig. 1b. The calculated recharge of nearly 33 m3/year, comes
maintaining and improving the aquatic environment by ensuring a mainly from: (i) rainfall, (ii) groundwater from the Anti-Alas Mountains
good water quality status (Salman and Bradlow, 2006). formations (mainly the karstic ones of Cambrian) as well as from the la-
The impact of nitrate pollution on groundwater has been the focus of custrine limestone which drained water from the Mountains (Krimissa,
several studies on many sites all over the world with the aim to high- 2005), (iii) supplies from irrigation and (iv) inputs from the Dam of
light the changes within groundwater resources. In fact, nitrate Youssef Ibn Tachfine. The outputs are estimated to be 90.2 m3/year, in-
pollution may occur through different processes. Nitrate is often seen cluding the irrigation pumping, industrial and urban uses, underflows to
as an agricultural pollutant of groundwater (Bouchaou et al., 2008; the Massa River and the underground flow toward the Atlantic Ocean.
Tagma et al., 2009; Cruz-Fuentes et al., 2014; Mehdi et al., 2015; Consequently, with an average water deficit of about 58 million m3/
Menció et al., 2016). Several studies reported that nitrate pollution can year and the high risk of seawater intrusion, the over-exploitation of
be assigned to other sources as wastewater solid waste contamination groundwater for agriculture makes the water resources situation highly
(Spalding and Exner, 1993; Tang et al., 2004; Wakida and Lerner, alarming in the area (ABHSMD, 2008).
2005; Ma et al., 2005) and geological processes (Herczeg et al., 2001; Economically, Chtouka-Massa plain is one of the most important ag-
Werner et al., 2013). An increase of nitrate concentration and deteriora- ricultural poles in Morocco (ABHSMD, 2012). According to recent sur-
tion of groundwater quality may also result from other origins e.g. type veys carried out in 2015, the number of farms were evaluated at 2724
of aquifer, dissolution of carbonates and proximity to the ocean (Han et covering a total area of ~24,800 ha compared to18,650 ha in 2003 and
al., 2015). directly employ more than 40,000 persons (ABHSMD, 2012, 2015).
In Southern Morocco, particularly in Souss-Massa basin, several Most of these farms are mainly located in Ait Amira, Belfaa, Biougra,
studies were carried out to assess the quality of groundwater and deter- Sidi Bibi and Massa (Fig. 1).
mine the inputs responsible for its degradation (Bichara and Louvat, Furthermore, the area has a range of varied species of crops includ-
1991; Hsissou et al., 1999; Boutaleb et al., 2000; Hsissou et al., 2002; ing cereals, fodders, vegetables and fruits, ornamental crops and decid-
Ahkouk et al., 2003; Dindane et al., 2003; Krimissa et al., 2004; uous trees. Agricultural products are produced for both local
Bouchaou et al., 2008; Tagma et al., 2009). These studies revealed that consumption and export. Fruits and vegetables cultivated under green-
water resources in the region are subjected to many stresses (climate houses and open field are the dominant crops (ORMVASM, 2015). They
change, geology, marine intrusion, agricultural activities, urban pollu- are cultivated over an area of 8440 ha and cover 51% of the irrigated area
tion and overexploitation) that affect the quality and availability of in 2008, followed by fodders and cereals (35%), with very variable annu-
water resources. According to Ahkouk (2004) and Tagma (2011), al production. Other crops represent less than 3% of the irrigated area
there is a direct impact of agriculture as a source of anthropogenic in- (Fig. 2a). Furthermore, the production of fruits and vegetables is contin-
puts in Souss-Massa groundwater. Correlations between agricultural uously increasing, from 3,200,000 in 2009 to more than 3,800,000 tons
land use and high nitrate concentrations in groundwater have been in 2013 (Fig. 2b) (HCP, 2015; ORMVASM, 2015).
well documented (Bauder et al., 1993; Levallois et al., 1998; Böhlke,
2002; Lake et al., 2003; El Bouqdaoui et al., 2009). However, the impact 3. Methodology
of different nitrate sources on groundwater remains difficult to predict
due to the complexity of the processes. Thus, understanding the impact With the aim of assessing the quality of Chtouka-Massa groundwa-
of intensive agricultural activity on groundwater quality, particularly ter, a sampling campaign has been carried out in March 2015. Forty-
nitrate contamination, is essential for ensuring the sustainability of fu- seven groundwater samples were selected with respect to the main
ture water resources as well as human well-being (Chaux and Foury, purpose of groundwater (irrigation/drinking) and the spatial represen-
1994). tation of different parts of the study area (the coastal area, the border
Given the critical situation of groundwater in Chtouka-Massa, this with the Anti-Atlas Mountains, the Southern part along Massa River
study provides an overview of the potential impacts of agricultural prac- and the plain dominated by farms; Fig. 3). The samples were taken di-
tices on groundwater quality and availability. Groundwater in Chtouka- rectly from wells in double capped polyethylene bottles and sent to
Massa aquifer is investigated using chemical and isotopic tracers for a the Laboratory of Applied Geology and Geo-Environment at Ibn Zohr
better understanding of the influence of agricultural practices in time University, where chemical and stable isotope analyses were per-
and place. The aim of this paper is to highlight the impact of fertilizers formed. Physico-chemical parameters (electrical conductivity (EC),
uses and the mode of irrigation on groundwater quality and how it re- pH, temperature, oxygen, RedOx Potential and alkalinity were mea-
lates to nitrate leaching. sured in-situ. The concentrations of major ions were determined in
the laboratory using volumetric titration method for Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl−
2. Study area and HCO− 3 , absorption UV–Visible spectrophotometer for NO3 and
4 , and flame spectrometer for Na+
and K+
Chtouka-Massa Basin is located in an arid region with mean annual Stable isotope measurements of δ18O and δ2H were performed by
rainfall of 200 mm and average annual temperature of 24 °C Cavity Ringdown Spectrometry using a Picarro L2120. Analytical preci-
(ABHSMD, 2008). The Chtouka–Massa aquifer extends over an area of sions for δ18O and δ2H were estimated as ±0.1 and ±1.5%, respectively.
1250 km2. It's limited to the West by the Atlantic Ocean; to the East The values are expressed as relative differences (δ values) from stan-
by the Anti-Atlas Mountains and by the Massa River to the South. It con- dard mean ocean water (V-SMOW) in per mill ‰ (Table 1).
sists of an unconfined system flowing in Plio-Quaternary geological for- In addition to this specific sampling in 2015, we also use the data-
mations formed mainly by: (i) marls and limestones based directly on base of the hydraulic agency of Souss-Massa basin (ABHSMD). An annu-
Acadian age schist especially in the East and South parts of the plain al sampling campaign is carried out by the agency to track the evolution
(Choubert, 1963), (ii) conglomeratic deposits mainly encountered in of water resources quality and quantity (ABHSMD, 2008, 2015). Sam-
the bed of Massa River, (iii) alluvial deposits, mainly sands and silts ples taken during these campaigns are subject to several analyses (EC,
762 M. Malki et al. / Science of the Total Environment 574 (2017) 760–770
Fig. 1. (a) Geological map of Chtouka-Massa area (based geological map of the Anti-Atlas edited in1972with 1:500,000 scale) modified; (b) geological section of Chtouka plain from Anti-
Atlas Mountains to Atlantic Ocean (Ahkouk et al., 2003).
pH, temperature, alkalinity and Major anions and cations). Additionally, show a large spatial variation. Values are ranging between 6.85 and
results from previous studies (Ahkouk et al., 2003; Dindane et al., 2003; 8.32 for pH and between 16.6 and 27.7 °C for water temperature. How-
Krimissa et al., 2004; Bouchaou et al., 2008; Tagma et al., 2009; Malki et ever, the mineralization of groundwater is highly variable. The plain,
al., 2016) have also been taken into consideration. mostly dominated by farms, shows a relatively high EC ranging from
Water type classifications were performed by free software which 2000 μS/cm to 3000 μS/cm. Coastal area and Anti-Atlas Mountains dis-
projects chemical analysis data on a Piper diagram using major element play a gradual increase from the North to the South. The highest EC
water chemistry (Smiler, 2005). value of 9660 μS/cm is observed along the Massa River near the Dam
of Youssef Ibn Tachfine (YBT).
4. Results Fig. 4 indicates the chemical element percentage in groundwater
and their classifications to water types of all samples. The result shows
4.1. Chemical characterization of groundwater three main water types: (i) Chloride-calcium sulfate and magnesium
sulfate, (ii) Sodium-potassium-chloride or sodium sulfate, (iii) calcium
Physical and chemical results of Chtouka-Massa groundwater sam- and magnesium bicarbonate. The samples from the plain area (active
ples displayed in Table 1, indicate that pH and temperature do not farms) show relative low salinity than the others zones.
M. Malki et al. / Science of the Total Environment 574 (2017) 760–770 763
Fig. 2. (a) Crops distribution depending on the occupied area in Chtouka Basin according to Data from ORMVASM (b) Evolution of Fruits and vegetables production in Chtouka-Massa area
from 2009 to 2013 according to HCP Data.
4.2. Isotopic characterization northern area (Group A). Samples from Massa area (Group C) show
an enriched isotopic signature compared to the farm area (Group A),
The stable isotope results (δ18O and δ2H) of the forty-seven ground- suggesting a local recharge in the coastal area, and/or from irrigation
water samples from Chtouka-Massa area are presented in Table 1. The water return. Some samples show an evaporation phenomenon involv-
values are ranging from − 8 to − 2‰ for δ18O and from − 52.32 to ing a slight enrichment of both δ2H and δ18O.
−14.64‰ for δ2H. Fig. 5 illustrates the relationship between δ18O and
δ2H values, where the isotopic contents are compared to the Global
World Meteoric Line (GMWL: δ2H = 8 δ18O + 10‰ (V-SMOW); 5. Discussion
Craig, 1961) and the Mean Moroccan Meteoric Line (LMWL: δ2H = 8
δ18O + 13‰ (V-SMOW); Ouda et al., 2004). Deuterium excess values 5.1. Availability of groundwater resources
range from 3 to 15‰ with average of 8.72‰ which are similar to local
values within the plain. It is well known that natural recharge of groundwater in semi-arid
The δ2H-δ18O diagram shows that the majority of samples are close and arid climates such as Chtouka region does not have a linear relation-
to the GMWL which indicates that the origin of air masses generating ship with the annual rainfall. During dry years, recharge might be neg-
these waters is from the Atlantic Ocean (Group B). Most samples with ligible or even negative due to evapotranspiration or evaporation from
relative impoverished δ18O (−8‰ to −5.7‰) are those located in the the water table and due to excessive groundwater abstraction (Fornés
Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of sampling points in Chtouka-Massa interposed with the depth of Souss-Massa aquifer. The 4 different parts considered during the sampling campaign of March
2015 are indicated in the map by colors. ABHSMD Piezometers considered in the study of evolution of Chtouka-Massa groundwater are indicated in the map (Pa, Pb, Pc, Pd).
764 M. Malki et al. / Science of the Total Environment 574 (2017) 760–770
Table 1
Chemical analysis of groundwater samples from Chtouka-Massa area, sampling campaign of March 2015.
et al., 2005). Thus, significant recharge may only occur once every one or groundwater level is observed during the period 1988–2000 and
more decades. followed by a lower level on the period 2000–2015 (Fig. 6c). In the
In Chtouka-Massa area, available piezometric data (ABHSMD, 2008) Southern part, the water level declined by 14 m over the 2007–2009 pe-
show that the groundwater is subjected to a continuous chronic deple- riod and became stable afterwards (Fig. 6d).
tion since 1969, mainly within the agricultural districts groundwater. The observed groundwater continuous depletion since the 1970's is
According to the ABHSMD, the inter-annual piezometric evolution similar to other aquifers and regions around the world where agricul-
varies differently from one area to another (ABHSMD, 2015). In the ture was intensively developed (Pulido-Bosch et al., 1991; Bosch et al.,
Northern part (Biougra and Ait Amira), groundwater level has depleted 1992; Laftouhi et al., 2003; Ripoll et al., 2010; Famiglietti et al., 2011;
by 30 m between 1969 and 2015 highlighting intensive over-exploita- Martos-Rosillo et al., 2013). This overexploitation caused an important
tion (Fig. 6a). In the coastal area, the rate of groundwater level decrease deficit in water resources, as it is the situation in Chtouka-Massa
is much less (3 m in 46 years). As shown in Fig. 6b, more variations in where the water deficit reached 58 mm3 (ABHSMD, 2008). The
the groundwater level are observed in the coastal area with a continu- situation could be aggravated due to climate change and continuous
ous decrease during the last decades. groundwater pumping, if no groundwater safeguarding measures
In the South, around the district of Massa, the groundwater level is and strategies are implemented urgently. A continued groundwater
even more variable. An overall decrease of 5 m over the monitoring pe- depletion at this rate may well be unsustainable with potentially direct
riod 1988–2015 is observed in the Northern district. However, the pie- consequences for the economic and food security of the region and the
zometric level seems to change over some key periods; the average country.
M. Malki et al. / Science of the Total Environment 574 (2017) 760–770 765
the study area as well as data collected from the ABHSMD during the
campaign of March 2014. This map is interposed with the spatial distri-
bution of dominant crops in the region and irrigation mode according to
data collected from the recent investigations by ABHSMD in 2015.
In the Northern part of the study area, around Biougra and Ait Amira,
groundwater nitrate concentration is quiet low. Chemical analysis of
water samples from this part revealed that the concentration of nitrate
is generally less than 30 mg/L. This area is a private irrigated district
mostly dominated by fruits and vegetables (61% of cultivated surface),
using drip irrigation. This district is dominated by structured agri-busi-
ness farms that use developed methods for agriculture such as green-
houses, soilless and drip irrigation that reduce significantly nitrate
leaching to the groundwater. The adoption of developed technologies
and good practices has reduced the quantity of nitrate available in the
soil so reducing leaching to groundwater and thus prevent groundwater
pollution. During the last few decades, there has been a significant con-
version to drip irrigation in the more heavily irrigated areas of Morocco.
The total cultivated area using drip irrigation over the whole Souss-
Massa region increased from 35,085 ha in 2001 to 84,843 ha in 2014
(Fig. 7). Thus, drip irrigation is the dominant irrigation system covering
about 80% of the total irrigated area, 90% of irrigated area cultivated
Fig. 4. Piper diagram illustrates the major ion geochemistry of all water samples. Samples
were sorted according to different sampled areas. Numbers indicates the chemical with fruits and vegetables. This conversion has proven preserve water
dominance: (1) Chloride-calcium sulfate and magnesium sulfate, (2) sodium- resources at regional level (Mimouni and Aît-Lhaj, 2006) especially
potassium-chloride or sodium sulfate, (3) sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate under the current situation where we notice an important intensifica-
and (4) calcium and magnesium bicarbonate. tion of agricultural activities using groundwater as a main source for ir-
rigation in the Chtouka-Massa area.
5.2. Nitrate pollution Chtouka-Massa groundwater We noticed also in the Northern part, a probable flow path of fresh
groundwater coming from the Souss aquifer, which is mainly recharged
The relation between groundwater nitrate contamination and nitro- from the High Atlas Mountains with high rainfall and snowmelt water.
gen sources at the land surface are usually complicated (Wassenaar, The isotopic tracers confirm this process indicating very depleted signa-
1995; Babiker et al., 2004; Tagma et al., 2009; Paul et al., 2015; tures reflecting high altitudes of the High Atlas Mountains (Bouchaou et
Mueller et al., 2016), as it is the case of Chtouka-Massa area where ni- al., 2008; Ait Brahim et al., 2015; N'da et al., 2016). According to Stichler
trate pollution cannot be related only to nitrate leaching from irrigation and Schotterer (2000), the recharge of meteoric waters that originated
practices, but also other sources could contribute including wastewater from high altitude would be associated with relatively low values of
mismanagement and the interactions between groundwater and the both δ2H and δ18O. To better estimate the recharge area elevation of
host rocks within the aquifers (Peng et al., 2012; Malki et al., 2016). Ag- groundwater in the area, we use a local altitude gradient of isotopes de-
ricultural activity is the major source of nitrate in Chtouka region along fined by Bouchaou et al. (1995) in the High Atlas Mountains (e.g. δ18O
with few release points of wastewater especially in small villages which ‰ = − 0.0027*Altitude-3). Fig. 8 shows the estimated elevation (in
do not have an appropriate sanitation system. m·a.s.l.) of recharge area of groundwater in Chtouka-Massa compared
to the regional gradient. The result indicate that the recharge altitude
is very variable (100 to 1400 m·a.s.l.), and since the altitude of the
5.2.1. Spatial distribution and relation with agricultural practices plain is less than 200 m·a.s.l, this means that the groundwater in the
Nitrate concentration in Chtouka-Massa groundwater varies across area is not recharged from the local rainfall but from the more elevated
the region. Fig. 6 illustrates the spatial distribution of nitrate contents area (Group A and B) (i.e. High and/or Anti-Atlas Mountains) (Fig. 9).
according to the sampling campaign carried out in March 2015 over Overall, the variability in stable isotopes contents highlights the
complexity of mixing different sources of groundwater which can be ex-
plained by many processes (recharge, evaporation…). The overexploi-
tation of groundwater and intensive irrigation in the area can bring
different types of deep groundwater (e.g. underflow from High Atlas
in the North, marine intrusion in the coastal areas and irrigation water
return). All these different flow patterns have an impact on groundwa-
ter quality in the study area.
The correlation between δ18O and NO− 3 highlights the occurrence of
irrigation water return in the study area. Results show that high nitrate
contents in groundwater samples taken from farms, particularly in
Belfaa and Massa areas, where the irrigation system is flood and sprin-
kler irrigation, are associated with enriched values of δ18O (Fig. 10a).
This indicates the significant infiltration of irrigation water return
which could be evaporated. The percolation of water with high NO− 3
contents increased δ18O from − 7.5‰ to − 3.5‰ in Chtouka-Massa
area. This evaporation process is confirmed by the relationship between
δ18O vs. Cl− contents (Fig. 10b). The tendency indicates an enrichment
in δ18O with an increase in chloride contents (salinity). Chloride concen-
tration increases in all areas and concentrations are generally higher in
Fig. 5. Variation of δ2H vs. δ18O values of groundwater compared to the global meteoric Massa, costal area and toward the Anti-Atlas Mountains. Significant ver-
water line Craig, 1961) and the local meteoric water line (Ouda et al., 2004). sion exists in this shallow aquifer between the Northern part (farms
766 M. Malki et al. / Science of the Total Environment 574 (2017) 760–770
Fig. 6. Evolution of piezometric level: (a) around Biougra and Ait Amira (north of Chtouka area), (b) in the coastal area, (c) north of the district of Massa and (d) south of the district of
Massa (ABHSMD, 2015).
zone with values ranging from 50 to up 400 mg/L) and South-western concentration in the groundwater. In fact, less than 50% of the farms
parts (Massa and coast areas with higher values from 400 to 4000 mg/ in that area are registered with extension services (ORMVASM). There-
L). This suggests probably high rates of evapotranspiration from the fore, those farmers are not getting any technical support from the local
shallowest part of the aquifer (root zone with irrigation water) and/or extension services to guide them for rational uses of water and fertil-
where the unsaturated zone is relatively thinner. The high concentra- izers (ORMVASM, 2010).
tions of Cl− measured in Massa and coastal areas can be explained addi- Furthermore, as the groundwater level is relatively shallow (e.g. 8 m
tional salinity from marine water intrusion with enriched values of δ18O. in some places) in Southern part compared to the North where it can
In these same areas, increase of salinity shows a similar trend to nitrate reach more than 100 m, the irrigation water return can easily reach
concentrations (Fig. 10a & b). the groundwater. Indeed, shallow aquifers are more vulnerable to pollu-
This correlation indicates that recharge is occurring by the infiltra- tion problems as has already been seen in other regions with the same
tion of water used for irrigation within the areas with high and intensive irrigation practices (Juergens, 1989; Power and Schepers, 1989). In sim-
agricultural activities. This water component constitutes a significant ilar areas, we are also witnessing a deterioration of groundwater quality
recharge rate. The results highlight the complexity of mixing different due to direct evaporation from the water table (Tandia et al., 1997). This
types of groundwater which can be explained by many processes occur- observation is supported by the isotopic characterization of Massa
ring in the study area (e.g. irrigation rate, evapotranspiration, groundwater samples which also indicated evaporation taking place.
recycling…). Similar phenomenon has been noticed in Souss and Ziz In addition, the water infiltration rate in saturated conditions is also
aquifers (Tagma et al., 2009; Lgourna et al., 2013). a favorable factor of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate pollution
In Belfaa and Massa areas to the South, nitrate concentrations are (Navulur and Engel, 1998). This process is largely promoted by the
ranging from 40 mg/L to reach more than 130 mg/L especially in the sandy and clayey texture of soil in Chtouka-Massa (Tagma et al., 2009).
area around Massa where the agricultural activity is mostly dominated For similar areas of Chtouka-Massa, several studies have linked the
by small farms based on subsistence farming (fodders, cereals, fruits nitrate pollution of groundwater with the agricultural activity, especial-
and vegetables cropping surfaces). In addition, this area is dominated ly in arid areas characterized by intensive agriculture and the extensive
by surface or flood irrigation. The combination of this irrigation system use of fertilizers and pesticides in order to increase crop production
with the actual cropping system such as fruits trees and vegetables in- (Aghzar et al., 2002; Van Meter et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016). A signif-
crease the vulnerability to nitrate pollution given their high need for icant quantity of nitrogen applied in fertilizer is leached through irriga-
water and nitrogen (Aghzar et al., 2002). tion or rain into groundwater, causing a long term negative effect on soil
Obviously, flood and sprinkler used by small farmers are the irriga- nitrogen accumulation (Van Meter et al., 2016). However, the impact of
tion techniques which save less water (Pixie and Dennis, 1995; Power fertilizers on groundwater quality depends on the interactions of bio-
and Schepers, 1989 in Aghzar 2002). Additionally, farmers in this area geochemical and hydrologic factors (e.g. denitrification, application
over fertilize their crops and fertilizers are applied manually supplying rates and quantities, amount leached and recharge) (Liao et al., 2012).
high quantities during the crop growing cycle leading to high nitrate The estimation of the exact quantity of nitrogen leached in the soil
M. Malki et al. / Science of the Total Environment 574 (2017) 760–770 767
Fig. 7. Spatial distribution of Nitrate contents, crops plantations and irrigation system according to results of the sampling campaign during 2014–2015 (ABHSMD, 2015).
remains difficult because it involves many parameters not easy to calcu- the area is registered for tomatoes with about 4006 T which represents
late (SASMA, 1997; Le Clech, 1998; Ahkouk, 2004; Mimouni and 50% of the total nitrogen inputs.
Aît-Lhaj, 2006; Tagma et al., 2009; Stuart et al., 2011).
In Table 2, the standard crop requirements on nitrogen were used to 5.2.2. Nitrate pollution originating from wastewater
estimate the nitrogen required by crops and that constitute a potential The effects of wastewater and agriculture combination on rising ni-
risk of leached nitrate (Erard, 2002; Elattir et al., 2003; Karrou, 2003; trate concentration had already been highlighted in several areas where
Péron, 2006) and the surface of cultivated area for the main crops of sources of nitrogen are wastewater disposal and agricultural practices
Chtouka-Massa area. The highest quantity of nitrogen fertilizer used in (Gooddy et al., 2002; Tang et al., 2004; Wakida and Lerner, 2005).
Fig. 8. Evolution of total cultivated area using drip irrigation from 2001 to 2014.
(Source: ORMVASM, 2015).
768 M. Malki et al. / Science of the Total Environment 574 (2017) 760–770
Fig. 9. Relationship between δ18O in groundwater samples and their recharge elevation according to the altitude gradient of Bouchaou et al. (1995).
For Chtouka-Massa groundwater, specific spots of nitrate pollution the organic matter of the soil mineralization power is needed. The adop-
highly concentrated are encountered in both coastal area and borders tion of drip irrigation turns out to be mandatory for water resources
with Anti-Atlas Mountains where the agricultural activity is absent or preservation.
negligible (Fig. 7). This anomaly could be related to the local urban pol- Additionally, other accompanying measures may also reduce the
lution, mainly considered in areas with high population density risk of nitrate pollution, such as the choice of crops recognized as
(Biougra, Oued Sfa, Ait Amira and Sidi bibi) and without sanitation net- major consumers of nitrogen, the crop residue management, the prac-
work and treatment; the wastewater is usually released directly in the tice of early seeding without nitrogen application which allows the con-
environment. The pollution load generated by domestic waste was esti- sumption of residual mineral nitrogen by crops.
mated 144 T/year of nitrogen (ABHSMD, 2015). Also, the introduction of intermediate crops (to trap nitrate) in the
Although, uncertainty and debate still exist about the sources and summer without excessive fertilizer use and irrigation could constitute
pathways of nitrate in groundwater recharge, most of published reports an effective way to prevent nitrate leaching and retain nitrogen in the
provide types of evidence indicating that excessive applications of arti- soil after harvest.
ficial fertilizers and manure have contributed substantially to the re-
charge rate of nitrate in many parts of the world (Bosch et al., 1992;
Aghzar et al., 2002; Böhlke, 2002; Wang et al., 2012). 6. Conclusion
Fig. 10. Relationship between δ18O and (a) nitrate concentration and (b) chloride concentration in groundwater samples from the study area. The curve indicates the increasing tendency
of (a) nitrate contents and (b) chloride contents with an enrichment in δ18O. The plots are separated to 4 groups differentiated by colors to indicate the different parts of sampling (farms,
costal area, Massa area and Anti-Atlas border).
M. Malki et al. / Science of the Total Environment 574 (2017) 760–770 769
Table 2 University of Bonn in Germany for their contribution during the sam-
Quantities of nitrogen fertilizer used for the main crops on the area according to the crop pling campaign. We also thank the GLOBAQUA (Grant Agreement no
60362) and WASA projects for the financial support of this research.
Crop Surface Mineral Manure Total Total Special thank for Dr Hssaisoune M. for his help to perform some Maps.
area nitrogen nitrogen nitrogen
Quantity Available
(ha) application inputs inputs
(T/ha) nitrogen
(kg/ha) (kg/ha) (T) References
Wheat 147 220 220 32 ABHSMD, 2008. Chapitre 3. Plan directeur d'aménagement intégré des ressources en eau
Barley 36 150 150 5 (PDAIRE), p. 120 (Unpublished results).
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