2020.16.using multivariate statistical techniques
2020.16.using multivariate statistical techniques
2020.16.using multivariate statistical techniques
To cite this article: Esra Deniz Güner , Hatice Oncel Cekim & Galip Seçkin (2020): Determination
of water quality assessment in wells of the Göksu Plains using multivariate statistical techniques,
Environmental Forensics, DOI: 10.1080/15275922.2020.1834025
Article views: 5
Groundwater is one of the most important sources of freshwater globally and has a key role Seawater intrusion; coastal
in sustaining the ecological value of many areas. These valuable and vulnerable ground- aquifer; multivariate
water resources are under the pressure of many external pollution threats, such as industrial, analysis; hierarchical cluster
analysis; factor analysis
domestic, and agricultural chemicals. To prevent undesirable consequences to future
groundwater resources, comprehensive and proper knowledge of groundwater quality and
contamination levels is vital at the local/regional scale. In this study, multivariate statistical
techniques, such as a correlation matrix, hierarchical cluster analysis, and factor analysis,
were applied to water quality data sets obtained from 24 wells located in the Go €ksu Plain.
These techniques were applied primarily to nineteen hydrochemical parameters collected
between May 2011 and April 2012. The results obtained from the correlation matrix showed
that the seawater descriptors such as EC, TDS, Cl, Naþ, and Kþ were strongly correlated.
Principal component analysis indicated that most of the variations in groundwater were
caused by four factors that were responsible for the water quality, which represented more
than 80.22% of the total data variance. The hierarchical average linkage cluster analysis pro-
duced two major clusters that reflected seawater salinity.
2020). Additionally, statistical techniques can be suc- HCO3-Cl (slightly impacted), and (3) Naþ-Cl
cessfully applied to identify anthropogenic and geo- (highly impacted). Machiwal and Jha (2015) identified
genic phenomena influencing groundwater spatio-temporal variations in fifteen groundwater
hydrochemistry (Moyo, 2013; Seanego and Moyo, quality parameters in Udaipur district (India) by using
2013; Palma et al., 2014; Dragon and Gorski, 2015; PCA scores, box-and-whisker plots, and GIS-based
Souid et al., 2018). geostatistical modeling. Box-and-whisker plots indicate
Rakib et al. (2020) used instrumental and statistical that the hardness in groundwater exceeds its permis-
tools to determine the basic pollution parameters in sible limit at most sites in the aquifer system. The
26 groundwater samples from Shyamnagar Sub- results of HCA successfully classified 53 sites into two
District (Bangladesh). The results showed that the pol- clusters, in which cluster II is affected by natural geo-
lution could be divided into two main groups of fac- logic processes, and the groundwater of cluster I is
tors. One group contained salinization factors such as contaminated by anthropogenic sources. Telahigue
EC, TDS, Cl, SO42, NO2, Br, F, Pb, Fe, As, et al. (2018) explained salination and saltwater intru-
Ca2þ, and temperature, while the other group sion using hydrogeochemical and multivariate statis-
included Zn, Mn, PO43, and Li related to ground- tical analysis in the coastal aquifer. These authors
water quality. Busico et al. (2020) used multivariate identified two groups of water types as Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4
statistical and regression analyses to delineate the spe- in the middle of the island and Na-K-Cl on the
cific vulnerability to anthropogenic pollution (SVAP) nearby coast. Statistical analysis verified that the high
and weighting anthropogenic factors in the Florina groundwater mineralization was the result of seawater
Basin (Greece) and the Garigliano River Basin (Italy). intrusion and gypsum and carbonate dissolution.
Using these techniques, they successfully separated Magyar et al. (2013) applied multivariate statistical
groundwater resources into those related to seawater methods to determine water quality in Neusiedler See,
intrusion, interaction with igneous sediments, and in Austria. They stated that most of the variance in
anthropogenic impact by grouping the water samples the dataset could be explained by the main compo-
according to their characteristics. Selle et al. (2013) nents (ions) and eight different areas that were distin-
examined spatial and temporal patterns of principal guished. Using Wilk’s lambda statistics, it was verified
component (PC) scores to improve the understanding that the ions were mainly responsible for the forma-
of processes governing groundwater quality in the tion of the previously discussed cluster groups.
Ammer catchment located in southwest Germany. Previous studies in this area have focused mainly
The results delineated the influence of land use and on evaluating the groundwater chemical status in a
geology on groundwater quality. Kim et al. (2014) water framework directive (Demirel, 2007; Seckin
used model-based cluster analysis to understand the et al., 2010; Yilmaz et al., 2010). These authors con-
contributions of natural and anthropogenic factors to cluded that the deterioration in water quality in some
groundwater quality in South Korea. The results areas close to the sea was due to seawater intrusion
showed that the bivariate normal mixture model was and the intense use of groundwater for irrigation.
more valid than multivariate analysis, and provided However, these data have not been assessed using stat-
better identification between anthropogenic and nat- istical methods, and water quality parameters have not
ural groundwater groups. Souid et al. (2018) stated been classified according to importance levels.
that there is a strong relationship between seawater As a specially protected environmental area, the
intrusion in coastal aquifers and lithium by geochem- G€oksu Plain is an important natural reserve and one
ical modeling and multivariate statistical analysis. of the most important natural wetlands in the
According to the study results, seawater intrusion, Mediterranean region considering Turkey’s historical,
evaporation, carbonate dissolution, and cation cultural, and social values. The G€ oksu Plain was
exchange interactions between groundwater and inter- included in the 1994 statute of the Convention on
calated clay layers are the dominant factors in the Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) as a
aquifer materials. Sae-Ju et al. (2020) applied HFE- water habitat in order to aim to ensure the sustainable
Diagram and PCA to successfully explain intrusion use of these areas. Considering the bird species hosted
and freshening mechanisms in coastal aquifers in the in the past, this area is classified as a class “A” wet-
Cha-Am District in Phetchaburi Province (Thailand). land (according to the Ramsar Convention, waterfowl
According to the level of impact of seawater intrusion, wetlands hosting more than 25,000 species are class
the geochemical evolution of groundwater is governed “A” wetlands). Similar to the G€ oksu Plain, Silifke is
by three factors: (1) Ca2þ-Naþ-HCO3 and (2) Ca2þ- located on the Turkish Mediterranean coast and
supports the production of more than twenty types of The G€ oksu Plain was formed by the deposition of
agricultural crops due to its high fertility characteris- alluvial material carried by the G€ oksu River. Alluvial
tics. With its productive alluvial soils and favorable soils show that the rocks were primarily transported.
climatic conditions, the G€ oksu Plain can produce a River plains such as the G€ oksu Plain usually consist of
wide range of products twice or thrice yearly. The high levels of calcareous structures. Therefore, the
general trends that provide insight into the structure majority of alluvial soil is limestone.
of the variables must be measured continuously and The Mediterranean climate is dominant in this
monitored systemically (Sargaonkar and Deshpande, region. Summer is hot and arid, and winter is rainy
2003; Simeonov et al., 2003; Giardino et al., 2007). and mild. The total annual precipitation is 606.8 mm,
In this study, the data set in the study by G€ uner the average temperature is 21 C, and the average
et al. (2018) was used. In this data set, the water qual- evaporation is 1745 mm. The average climatic data for
ity was analyzed using samples collected from 24 wells the study area are presented in Table 2.
in G€ oksu Plain. Over the period of a year (May 2011
- April 2012) a total of nineteen physical and chemical
Physical and chemical analyses
water quality parameters were analyzed. However,
when the seasonal and agricultural impacts of the Samples were collected monthly between May 2011
region are taken into consideration, the average and April 2012 from 24 wells located in the G€ oksu
annual monthly data collected in this study were used Plain. At each sampling station, the temperature (T;
to reflect the veracity of the results.
C), pH, and electrical conductivity (EC; lS cm1) of
Determining the status of water resources and devel- the water samples were measured in the field using
oping solutions to problems that arise will be easier WTW pH340 and 2510-A Orion instruments. The
using multivariate statistics. The intended purposes of amount of total dissolved solids (TDS) was determined
the study were as follows: (1) to collect monthly water by filtering the samples through Whatman (0.45 lm)
samples from the wells and classify the wells by water filter paper, followed by evaporation for 24 h at 150 C
quality according to their change throughout one year in pre-conditioned and pre-weighed crucibles.
and also classify hydrochemical parameters for changes The change in weight was used to determine the dis-
in the wells using cluster analysis. (2) To determine the solved salts. The alkalinity was analyzed by titration
basic parameters affecting the water quality in the wells (CO32, HCO3) using the alkalinity (2320)/titration
using FA and to identify these parameters in the saline S.2-35 standard method. For ion analysis, nitric acid
fields in the study area where they are more dominant was added to each water sample to ensure a pH <2.
using cluster analysis. (3) To identify field properties The bottles were tightly capped to prevent the intrusion
with the aid of diagrams through an evaluation of basic of atmospheric CO2. All samples were transported to
parameter fractions to determine whether there is any the Environmental Chemistry Laboratory of Cukurova
seawater intrusion. University and stored in a refrigerator at 4 C until ana-
lysis. All major cations, including Ca2þ, Mg2þ, Naþ,
Materials and methods Kþ, Si, and Ba were analyzed using a Perkin Elmer
highly sensitive inductively coupled plasma spectrom-
Study area eter (ICP), and anion concentrations for SO42, NO3,
The G€ oksu Plain is an important ecological and aes- and Cl, were measured using ion chromatography
thetic resource along the Mediterranean coast. This plain (IC), following the Water Environment Federation and
provides fish and wildlife nurseries and habitat, forms American Public Health Association (2005). While per-
storm buffers, filters many waterborne contaminants, forming the analysis, each sample was analyzed in tripli-
and is important to coastal food chains. The G€ oksu cate and two sets of internal standards were run at the
Plain, which has a drainage area of 10,000 km2, is beginning and during the analysis, to check the accur-
located south of Silifke (Southern Anatolia). The loca- acy and precision of the results. For most of the ele-
tions of samples shown in Figure 1 and the geographical ments, the detection limits were approximately 1 ppb
positions of the wells are also given in Table 1. and the estimated analytical errors were within 5%.
The geological formations in this area, which have The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) was used in the
different lithological properties, are aged from the first classification of water, and the residual sodium car-
to the third phase of its geological history, and most bonate (RSC) and %Na were calculated according to
of the area is covered by sedimentary rocks (medium the formulas below. All ionic values used in these for-
hard-soft) that were deposited during the Miocene. mulas are in meq/L.
Table 2. The annual average values of meteorological param- analysis (HCA) was used in this study, the Euclidean
eters in the G€oksu Plain between May 2011 and April 2012. distance and Ward’s clustering algorithm were
G€uner et al. (2018). selected, and the drainage channels of the data were
Temperature ( C) Relative humidity (%) Precipitation (mm) converted into standardized Z scores. All of
Maximum 25.4 77.1 6.8 the mathematical and statistical computations were
Minimum 17.0 30.1 0.3
Average 21.0 55.5 1.8 performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 23 version
(License server: spss.hacettepe.edu.tr).
Table 3. Analytical results of the water quality parameters from the G€oksu Plain.
Sample point T PH EC TDS Ca2þ Mg2þ Kþ Naþ Cr SO42 NO
3 HCO3 CO32 Ba Si B
G-01 20.69 7.68 1014 605.15 88.61 51.91 5.05 31.6 94.8 228.78 12.39 347.9 5.93 0.72 2.39 0.78
G-02 20.18 7.66 1324.58 796.88 100.43 48.04 5.69 77.5 127.74 251.29 12.2 381.62 2.58 0.5 2.56 0.89
G-03 20.28 8 667.42 574.69 85.52 45.52 4.89 88.2 212.77 169.26 12.13 191.13 17.6 0.19 2.12 0.65
G-04 20.38 7.96 883.67 392.82 78.23 20.56 4.88 108.7 94.02 226.57 12.14 211.25 17.12 0.26 2.37 0.64
G-05 21.2 7.6 1632 817.65 15.83 14.77 7.43 282.03 308.89 171.98 12.36 311.03 5.58 0.23 3.87 0.88
G-06 22.75 7.63 1208.5 728.74 63.66 48.29 14.66 89.34 98.5 253.67 12.21 453.72 2.05 0.46 2.92 0.88
G-07 21.23 8.02 1106.17 555.87 43.61 63.39 11.69 191.67 171.61 321.53 12.12 285.65 11.43 0.23 2.85 0.83
G-08 20.81 8.19 1014 523.32 21.39 20.46 13.59 134.25 136.69 138.67 12.42 240.43 22.42 0.22 3.15 0.88
G-09 20.35 8.02 1171.43 548.93 19.36 21.55 13.85 149.1 154.93 150.99 12.06 251.86 11.78 0.06 3.38 0.8
G-10 20.39 7.99 832.08 405.14 21.55 19.28 6.19 110.4 111.92 124.11 12.1 229.03 14.43 0.25 2.63 0.68
G-11 20.92 8.12 1104.92 551.18 28.07 18.22 11.3 155.93 123.13 245.67 12.51 264.87 21.38 0.2 3.33 0.87
G-12 22.3 7.68 5677.5 3941.3 124.8 125.64 34.46 880.11 1597.57 299.78 12.41 211.58 2.33 0.49 2.26 1.31
G-13 22.33 7.75 4629.17 2695.07 100.82 96.22 31.76 741.76 1279.42 207.76 12.94 233.98 4.98 0.47 2.14 1.72
S-01 20.74 7.75 753.33 322.7 56.28 31.54 3.27 25.72 112.64 105.61 12.56 233.55 9.55 0.4 3.47 0.64
S-02 20.71 7.71 949.75 488.31 136.43 64.44 4.2 42.05 185.13 249.97 12.73 289.22 5.08 0.94 2.24 0.69
S-03 20.53 7.83 1429.33 610.05 44.36 44.39 3.02 169.25 332.06 123.28 13.02 205.2 7.63 0.69 2.61 0.64
S-04 22.68 7.94 1277.58 568.92 37.35 27.65 5.99 149.6 254.34 130.78 13.31 196.45 13.8 0.38 2.58 0.72
S-05 22.04 8.18 3352.5 1517.11 36.68 29.98 20.44 451.96 543.51 223.46 13.34 267.6 23.1 0.37 3.89 1.44
S-06 21.6 7.84 265.57 156.61 31.57 13.4 4.66 411.14 100.51 302.31 12.33 77.75 9.88 0.14 0.8 0.41
S-07 20.91 7.91 601.25 256.4 45.06 25.96 2.41 31.8 72.02 114.17 12.47 203.53 9.97 0.21 2.36 0.55
S-08 20.68 7.57 633.42 308.15 36.86 16.64 2.71 53.44 77.32 115.7 12.54 221.73 2.6 0.7 1.67 0.64
S-09 23.13 7.56 924.75 528.17 96.81 30.69 6.32 19.51 123.47 160.68 12.68 260.67 2.57 0.43 2.03 0.55
S-10 21.34 7.67 2041.58 994.67 74.45 34.29 5.11 255.51 362.65 205.84 12.5 273.57 2.58 0.29 1.99 0.78
S-11 22.37 7.5 827.33 501.29 110.75 35.84 2.51 23.54 145.61 181.38 12.32 305.5 2.48 0.29 1.66 0.58
The water temperature (T) is in C, electrical conductivity (EC) is in mS cm1 and the other parameters are in mg/L.
higher in the limestone bedrocks and the Mg2þ Naþ, Cl, and NO3 in the study area were classified as
content was higher in the dolomite area (Jiang et al., class 3 (polluted status) (Table 4). The TDS and SO42
2009; Sae-Ju et al., 2020). As shown in Table 3, there values included low pollution (class 2), while the other
was more limestone than dolomite in the study area parameters showed clean water quality (class 1). The
because Ca2þ and Mg2þ exhibited the same trends in presence of Naþ, Cl, NO3, and SO42 can be
concentration. The Naþ and Kþ values ranged from explained as the result of agricultural, domestic waste-
19.51 to 880.1 mg/L and 2.41 to 34.46 mg/L, with water, and possibly seawater intrusion.
mean ± SD of 194.75 ± 222.5 and 9.42 ± 8.65 mg/L, Box-and-whisker plots (Figure 2) were used to
respectively. Naþ was relatively abundant compared to display statistical summaries of the major elements in
Ca2þ. This may indicate very high TDS, hardness, and the groundwater samples. The central box represents
alkalinity of the water samples. the values from the lower to upper quartile (25th to
From a careful observation of these data, it is clear 75th percentile). The middle line represents the
that the Naþ, Mg2þ, Cl, and SO42 ions showed median. The vertical line extends from the minimum
a wide range of distributions and higher standard to the maximum values.
deviations (SO42 and Cl have mean ± SD of The relationships between the measured
195 ± 64.83 mg/L and 284.2 ± 375.4 mg/L, respectively). hydrochemical parameters were obtained using correl-
This suggests a possible incursion of nearby saline ation analysis (Table 5). Pearson correlation coefficients
water, which has comparatively higher concentrations of 0.9–1, 0.7–0.89, 0.5–0.69, 0.26–0.49, and 0–0.25
of Naþ, Mg2þ, Cl, and SO42 (Table 3). Higher EC between the two variables indicate very good, good,
and TDS values were recorded in wells located near moderate, weak, and very weak correlations, respectively.
the sea. However, another reason for the high concen- In general, high temperatures tend to increase
trations of Mg2þ is that limestone, which is dominant the dissolution quantities of certain ions, such as Kþ,
in this region, contains high amounts of Mg2þ. Naþ, Cl, and SiO2 (Zhu and Yu, 1995; Edmunds
Water quality was classified into four classes accord- et al., 2006; Sung et al., 2012). However, in this study,
ing to the Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation there was a weak and wery weakly correlation between
(Anonymous, 1988). The water quality of class 1 is con- the water temperature and the other parameters (EC,
sidered to be clean; the water quality of class 2 corre- Kþ, Mg2þ, Naþ, and Cl); the absolute value of the
sponds to a low pollution status; the water quality of correlation coefficient was usually less than 0.4. These
class 3 corresponds to a polluted status, and the water results are consistent with those of previous studies.
quality of class 4 is considered to be highly polluted. Rakib et al. (2020), Altın et al. (2009), Yusuf et al.
According to the water quality based on the class guide- (2013) found that the water temperature was very
lines and the annual average concentrations (Table 4), weakly correlated with other water quality parameters
Table 4. Statistical summary of the hydrochemical parameters of groundwater from the G€oksu Plain (N ¼ 24).
Water quality guideline
Parameter Mean Max. Min. SD I II III IV
T (˚C) 21.27 23.13 20.18 0.9 25 25 30 >30
pH 7.82 8.19 7.50 0.2 6.5–8.5 6.5–8.5 6.0–9.0 <6.0–9.0<
EC (mS/cm) 1471.74 5677.50 265.57 1289.9
TDS (mg/L) 807.88 3941.30 156.61 839.66 500 1500 5000 >5000
Ca2þ (mg/L) 62.44 136.43 15.83 36.05 — — — —
Mg2þ (mg/L) 39.53 125.64 13.40 26.79 — — — —
Kþ (mg/L) 9.42 34.46 2.41 8.65 — — — —
Naþ (mg/L) 194.75 880.11 19.51 222.53 125 125 250 >250
Cl (mg/L) 284.22 1597.57 72.02 375.40 25 200 400 >400
SO42 (mg/L) 195.97 321.53 105.61 64.83 200 200 400 >400
NO3 (mg/L) 12.49 13.34 12.06 0.36 5 10 20 >20
HCO3 (mg/L) 256.20 453.72 77.75 73.22 — — — —
CO32 (mg/L) 9.54 23.10 2.05 6.88 — — — —
Ba (mg/L) 0.38 0.94 0.06 0.21 1 2 2 >2
Si (mg/L) 2.55 3.89 0.80 0.73 — — — —
As (mg/L) 0.02 0.03 <LD 0.01
B (mg/L) 0.81 1.72 0.41 0.3 — — — —
SAR 5.13 17.41 0.45 4.97 — — — —
RSC 1.93 3.26 13.16 3.73 — — — —
%Na 47.59 86.27 10.71 24.60 — — — —
Figure 2. Box-and-whisker plots of variability in trace element concentrations in the water samples (EC, TDS, Cl, CO32, alkalinity,
Ca2þ, Mg2þ, Hardness, Kþ, Naþ, SO42, SAR, Ba, Si, and B, respectively).
such as alkalinity, EC, TOC, turbidity, total Kjeldahl The strong positive correlations between TDS,
nitrogen (TKN), DOC, salinity, and BOD5, which is hardness, Ca2þ, and Mg2þ indicate that the bedrock
similar to our findings. was derived from the dissolution of carbonate and
NO3 RSC dolomite (Aiuppa et al., 2003; Jiang et al., 2009; Qin
paleo-seawater intrusion, and an important factor in
the assessment of groundwater chemistry is the stor-
0.938 1
ties (Rakib et al., 2020; Sae-Ju et al., 2020).
The correlation matrix analysis showed that there
was very good correlation between Naþ and Kþ (0.702).
0.548 1
This positive correlation may indicate that these ions in
the groundwater originated from the same sources. The
0.066 0.104
0.362 0.383
0.148 0.472
0.254 0.093
0.366 0.371
0.004 0.410 0.358 0.295
0.147 0.314
0.156 0.292
0.701 0.097 0.348
0.101 0.009 0.053
0.302 0.386 0.152
0.187 0.699 0.594 0.658
SAR, hardness, and TDS (see Table 5). The high cor-
0.165 0.053
0.127 0.212 0.027
0.026 0.091 0.251 0.012
0.327 0.018
0.742 0.227
0.031 0.721
0.406 0.099
0.969 1
SO42 0.251
NO3 0.387
concentration was lower than that of Naþ in the quality. While determining the number of PCs to be
groundwater where the seawater intruded. rotated, one of the methods other than eigenvalue sta-
According to the correlation coefficient matrix, tistics is the scree plot (Figure 3). In this graph, the
there was a weak correlation between Si and pH, number of PCs determined by the point at which the
which may indicate that silicate mineral weathering slope begins to disappear is determined. Accordingly,
processes are related to increases in pH. This conclu- four PCs were identified.
sion is supported by the statistical and graphical The high correlation between NO3 and T may be
methods and hydrochemical analyses performed in 23 associated with pollution that occurred as a result of
wells in the Shagari area by Owoseni et al. (2013). intense agricultural activities in the surrounding
The variance explanation rates of the hydrochemi- region. The groundwater quality in the areas sur-
cal components are listed in Table 6. For example, it rounding Kayseri agricultural activities demonstrated
indicates that 95% of the variable TDS is explained by high concentrations of NO3 and NaCl that caused
the PCs. Here, variables with low common variance contamination due to untreated sewage and agricul-
(below 0.50) were excluded from the analysis and FA tural waste during spring (Elhatip et al., 2003; Baba
was re-performed. In this case, both the KMO value and Ayyildiz, 2006).
and the value of the variance explanation statistic Although Re et al. (2013) and El Yaouti et al.
reached higher values. Accordingly, T and Mn compo- (2009) detected relatively low Cl concentrations in
nents were excluded from the analysis and when the their underground water studies; they noted that there
analysis was repeated, the variance explanation rate was extremely high enrichment of NO3 ions. The
for all variables in the analysis was greater than 0.5. samples from our study could be affected by the input
In this study, FA was applied to detect the parame- of manure-derived NO3 or septic effluents.
ters that primarily contributed to the changes in water Alternatively, high Cl and low NO3 contents were
measured in a specific area of the aquifer and were
attributed to seawater intrusion. It was observed that
Table 6. Variance explanation rates using PCA for hydrochem-
ical data from the G€oksu Plain. there was statistically moderate correlation (r ¼ 0.443)
Initial Extraction Initial Extraction Initial Extraction between the changes in the Cl and NO3 contents
EC 1 .94 As 1 .50 CO32 1 .68 measured in the wells throughout the year in the
TDS 1 .95 Mn 1 .48 Ca2þ 1 .81 study conducted in the G€ oksu Plain.
Mg2þ 1 .79 Zn 1 .52 Hardness 1 .83
Cl 1 .90 SAR 1 .83 SO42 1 .56 For the scree plot and eigenvalues greater than or
B 1 .94 T 1 .26 Ba 1 .81 equal to 1, four PCs were selected that explained
Kþ 1 .89 pH 1 .67 Si 1 .91
Naþ 1 .87 Alk 1 .92 NO3 1 .83
80.22% of the total variance of the data set. The par-
RSC 1 .77 ameter loadings for the four PCs from the FA are pre-
Extraction method: principal component analysis. The bold values indicate sented in Table 7, and those marked in bold are
variables with low common variance (below 0.50).
considered strong values. The terms strong, moderate,
Figure 3. Scree plot of eigenvalues using the principal components for the hydrochemical data from the G€oksu Plain.
Table 7. Varimax rotated factor matrix for hydrochemical data Table 8. Component score covariance matrix.
from the G€oksu Plain. Component 1 2 3 4
PC 1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
1 2 3 4 3 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000
Kþ 0.899 0.097 0.211 0.172 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
Naþ 0.874 0.254 0.254 0.042
Extraction method: principal component analysis. Rotation method:
Cl 0.860 0.252 0.017 0.324
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Component Scores.
TDS 0.847 0.363 0.311 0.103
B 0.844 0.088 0.454 0.104
EC 0.825 0.268 0.382 0.229
SAR 0.756 0.475 0.263 0.040 Table 9. Component score coefficient matrix.
As 0.708 0.009 0.023 0.001 Component
SO42 0.474 0.269 0.197 0.473
Ca2þ 0.034 0.918 0.073 0.020 1 2 3 4
Hard 0.269 0.892 0.030 0.016 EC 0.102 0.024 0.122 0.084
CO32 0.042 20.777 0.027 0.244 TDS 0.113 0.042 0.088 0.018
Mg2þ 0.487 0.749 0.140 0.011 Mg2þ 0.054 0.134 0.014 0.001
pH 0.242 20.743 0.026 0.152 Cl 0.119 0.037 0.052 0.135
Ba 0.082 0.728 0.230 0.374 B 0.114 0.019 0.160 0.011
RSC 0.601 20.613 0.245 0.031 Kþ 0.153 0.057 0.061 0.144
Alk 0.003 0.314 0.885 0.233 Naþ 0.160 0.065 0.135 0.030
Si 0.205 0.314 0.862 0.129 As 0.119 0.020 0.037 0.038
NO3 0.173 0.101 0.080 0.857 Zn 0.003 0.019 0.116 0.356
Zn 0.104 0.221 0.270 20.682 SAR 0.147 0.107 0.126 0.030
Eigenvalues 6.539 5.164 2.410 1.931 pH 0.052 0.155 0.029 0.048
Total % of Vaiance 32.694 25.821 12.050 9.657 Alk 0.031 0.025 0.374 0.121
Cumulative % 32.694 58.515 70.565 80.222 CO32 0.016 0.151 0.014 0.108
The bold values indicate PCs to which hydrochemical parameters in terms Ca2þ 0.016 0.188 0.067 0.013
of loading scores. Hard 0.020 0.172 0.031 0.001
SO42 0.104 0.036 0.112 0.271
Ba 0.063 0.152 0.074 0.224
and weak, which were applied to the factor loadings, Si 0.002 0.098 0.377 0.045
refer to the absolute loading values of >0.75, 0.75–0.5, NO3 0.023 0.036 0.020 0.454
RSC 0.091 0.118 0.153 0.002
and 0.5–0.3, respectively. From Table 7, it can be seen
that the first PC (PC1) shows a strong and positive
correlation with K (0.899), Naþ (0.874), Cl (0.860),
TDS (0.847), B (0.844), EC (0.825), and SAR (0.756), presence of rocks, such as carbonate and dolostone
a moderate positive correlation with As (0.708), and a around the sampling areas, can be attributed to the
weak positive correlation with SO42 (0.474); these dissolution of soil and minerals. pH and CO32 are
variables explain 32.694% of the total variance. The two important variables controlled by nat-
second PC explained 25.821% of the total variance, ural processes.
while having a strong positive relationship with Ca2þ, Several different studies have shown that the source
hardness, and Mg2þ, and a moderate positive relation- of nitrate pollution may be the result of different agri-
ship with Ba. It has a strong negative relationship cultural practices and hydrogeological structures of a
with CO32, and a moderate negative relationship region (Kim et al., 2005; Grassi et al., 2007; Stigter
with pH and RSC. Three PCs explained 70.565% of et al., 2008; Zhao et al., 2010; Landon et al., 2011;
the variance, and PC3 is correlated with Alk and Si G€uler et al., 2012; Qin et al., 2013). Rekha et al.
with a high positive degree. The variance explanation (2011) characterized the leaching of NO3–N into shal-
rate of the last PC (PC4), which was positive for low groundwater from agricultural fields under differ-
NO3 and negative for Zn, was 9.657%. ent cultivation practices. Taking into consideration
According to the results in Table 8, the fact that the intensive agricultural activities in this area and the
the covariance values are zero provides the assump- commercial composites that have been applied for a
tion that the factors are unrelated. The factor scores long period of time, the high score of PC4 may be
in the component column in Table 9 have a normal due to agricultural fertilizers. In an area similar to our
distribution and do not have multicollinearity prob- study area (Figure 4) (a landscape with intensive agri-
lems. The obtained factor scores can be used as varia- culture, close to the sea and river), Kim et al. (2005)
bles in other analyses. reported that under toxic conditions, the main com-
It is well known that hardness is correlated with ponent of fertilizers, NH4þ, is easily oxidized into
Ca2þ and Mg2þ contents (Reghunath et al., 2002; NO3 by nitrification. These authors stated that the
Papatheodorou et al., 2006). This factor accounted for part that constituted 6.3% of the total variance was
the temporary water hardness. Additionally, the primarily associated with a high positive loading for
Figure 4. A map of land use in the G€oksu Plain. Source: G€uner, 2016.
NO3 and negative moderate loadings for pH concentrations if the water contains a low concentra-
and HCO3. tion of sulfate.
Ba is present as a trace element in both igneous It has been stated that the primary reason for
and sedimentary rocks. This element is not found in a nitrate intrusion into shallow water is the fertilizer
free form in nature and occurs in a number of com- used to increase crop productivity (Krapac et al.,
pounds, most commonly in the form of barite 2002; Psychoyou et al., 2007; Jalali, 2011). The wetland
(BaSO4) and, to a lesser extent, witherite (BaCO3). of the G€oksu Plain has a particularly high amount of
The acetate, nitrate, and salts of barium are soluble in green vegetable production.
water, but the carbonate, chromate, fluoride, oxalate, Two separate dendrograms were created for the
phosphate, and sulfate salts are quite insoluble. The water quality parameters considered and the hydro-
aqueous solubility of barium compounds increases as chemical sampling sites (Figure 5). The clusters are
the pH decreases. The concentration of barium ions obtained using Ward’s method with Euclid’s metric of
in natural aquatic systems will be limited by naturally the square. From Figure 5, according to the CA, two
occurring anions, such as sulfates and carbonates, and major clusters are identified for the measured water
by the possible adsorption of barium ions onto metal quality parameters. In Figure 5, it is clear that the first
oxides and hydroxides. Barium can only reach toxic cluster contained pH, NO3, RSC, T, Kþ, CO32,
Figure 5. A dendrogram showing the water quality parameters of the G€oksu Plain (y-axis).
Table 11. Classification of water according to the %Na value in Table 4, based on the RSC, only G-05 Class II is
(Sahinci, 1991). suitable for irrigation, and the other samples are first-
%Na Irrigation water classification class irrigation water. The %Na value is an important
<20 Very well
20–40 Well
parameter for groundwater, which indicates whether
40–60 Good the water is suitable for use as irrigation water in agri-
60–80 Questionable use cultural areas.
According to the classification provided in Table 11,
were higher than the SAR ratio of 12, which can cause the maximum %Na value was identified at the G-05
serious physical problems and difficulties for plants to sampling point in the study area of G€ oksu, which was
absorb water. classified as “not suitable.” The other sampling points
It has been concluded from studies that water con- were classified as “questionable use” (G-04, G-07, G-08,
sistently containing more than 2.5 meq/L sodium car- G-09, G-10, G-11, G-12, G-13, S-03, S-04, S-05, S-08,
bonate is unsuitable for irrigation. Water with RSC and S-10), “good” (G-02, G-03, G-06, and S-07), and
values ranging from 1.25 to 2.5 meq/L or less than “well” (G-01, S-01, S-02, S-09, and S-11).
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system. Water with values higher than 2.5 meq/L is
not suitable for irrigation. Because wells with a nega-
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