Math 130: The Classical Geometries
Math 130: The Classical Geometries
Math 130: The Classical Geometries
Fall 2015
Lectures: This section meets Tu/Th 8:00 - 9:30 am in 205 Dwinelle. You need to attend and participate
in lectures. If you cannot wake up for a 8am class, you should drop this course and take something else!!
Text: The Four Pillars of Geometry by J. Stillwell. + additional readings supplied by the instructor.
Other resources: You are encouraged to work together with other students in the class, and make use
of my office hours.
Grading scheme:
Homework: 10%
Participation/attendance/in-class activities: 10%
Midterm exam: 25%
End-of-semester project 15%
Final Exam: 40%
Important dates:
• Deadline to drop this class: September 25
• Midterm exam: Tuesday, October 6, in class.
• End of semester presentations: Nov. 24, Dec 1, Dec 3.
• Final exam: Wednesday, December 16, 3-6pm.
General policies: If you are a DSP student requiring special accommodations, or if you have extracur-
ricular activities that may conflict with this course, read the guidelines on the course webpage and contact
me ASAP (now or early next week).