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Math 130: The Classical Geometries

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Math 130: The Classical Geometries

Fall 2015

Instructor: Kathryn Mann

Office: 793 Evans.
Office hours: Tuesday 9:30-10:30, Thursday 2-3.
I have also an “open office hour” (not 130 specific) Thursday 3-4.
E-mail: kpmann@math.berkeley.edu
Course website: math.berkeley.edu/~kpmann/130geometry2015.html

Lectures: This section meets Tu/Th 8:00 - 9:30 am in 205 Dwinelle. You need to attend and participate
in lectures. If you cannot wake up for a 8am class, you should drop this course and take something else!!

Text: The Four Pillars of Geometry by J. Stillwell. + additional readings supplied by the instructor.

Other resources: You are encouraged to work together with other students in the class, and make use
of my office hours.

Homework and exams:

We will have one in-class midterm and a final exam. Homework (including problem sets, reading and
occasional short writing assignments) is assigned weekly. These will be posted on the course webpage by
midnight on Tuesday and due at the beginning of class on the following Tuesday. There will be a larger
end-of-semester major project, including writing and a short presentation.
Late homework will not be accepted under any circumstances. If you are late to class on Tuesday, your
homework is late and and will not be graded. In case of extended illness, you must contact me as soon as
possible. Info on what happens if you miss a quiz due to illness is on the course website.
You are encouraged to discuss homework together, but you must write up your own solutions. Plagiarism,
copying (from classmates, notes, the internet etc.) are not tolerated.

Grading scheme:
Homework: 10%
Participation/attendance/in-class activities: 10%
Midterm exam: 25%
End-of-semester project 15%
Final Exam: 40%

Important dates:
• Deadline to drop this class: September 25
• Midterm exam: Tuesday, October 6, in class.
• End of semester presentations: Nov. 24, Dec 1, Dec 3.
• Final exam: Wednesday, December 16, 3-6pm.

General policies: If you are a DSP student requiring special accommodations, or if you have extracur-
ricular activities that may conflict with this course, read the guidelines on the course webpage and contact
me ASAP (now or early next week).

How to get an A in my class:

See the attached sheet for instructions and advice

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