Syllabus Sec1
Syllabus Sec1
Syllabus Sec1
If you should miss an exam, it will count as the lowest score and will be the one dropped. All
approved make up exams given will be short answer/essay style.
Final Exam 30%
The final exam will be on Monday, Dec 14, from 7:45AM9:45AM. Half of the final exam
will cover cumulatively the material through the first three midterms. The other half will cover the
material since the last midterm. The final exam may not be dropped. You will not be able to
take the final exam early to satisfy travel plans: tell your family now.
Homework 20%
There are two types of homework. Short reading review questions must be submitted before class when assigned. Longer, more challenging homework questions will be assigned for each
chapter. Both are completed using Mastering Astronomy. The homework will be posted online well
in advance of the due date. Late reading assignments will receive zero credit. Late homework will
be accepted, but with a 10% per day penalty, up to 50% off. Late homework can be completed up
to the final exam.
Participation 10%
Your participation grade is based on two factors: your answers to in-class clicker questions, and
your work on hand-in group activities. Your lowest 7 clicker grades will be dropped. This accounts
for any days that you are ill, your clicker is broken/missing batteries, or other issues. Students with
a large number of excused missed class (for example, due to sports) will only get extra dropped
grades if they are excused for more than 7 classes. Please do not ask for clicker credit for
days that you forget your clickerthis is what the free days are for.
Extra Credit: Each student may complete one extra credit assignment, worth up to 3% of their
grade in the class. There is a separate document describing the possible extra credit assignments
on D2L. If you are reading a book or participating in a citizen science project, all extra credit
work must be received by the start of class on Dec 8. If you attend a talk, your work is due
sooner. See the separate document.
Grade Scale: I guarantee the following minimum scale for converting percentages into final grades:
90-100% 4.0
58-66% 2.0
50-58% 1.5
42-50% 1.0
< 42%
No grades will be curved, but these boundaries may move downward (I will only make this decision
after the final; do not ask me before then). Note that rounding does not change your grade level.
For example, 89.6% is a 3.5, not a 4.0. I will periodically post a list of the current grades on D2L.
If you find an error in these grades, you must tell me within a week after the grades are posted.
After that they are final.
Lecture Notes: The presentations will be posted on D2L ( after each lecture.
Email Policy: You may contact Seth or myself with questions. If you cannot make any of the
listed office hours, contact me to set up an appointment. Please put ISP205, Section 1 in the
subject line of every email so that it goes to the proper location. Also include your name! (Youd
be surprised how many people apparently think that I can read minds). If you dont do this, your
email may be lost.
Extra Help: Do not hesitate to come to office hours, make an appointment, or send an email if
you have questions.
Academic Honesty: This course is governed by MSU rules on proper academic conduct. All work
must be your own. What this means specifically for this course:
You may discuss the reading with other students, but you must complete the reading and
homework assignments yourself.
All exams are closed-book, with no calculators or aids allowed and no communication with
anyone besides the proctor during the exam. You are not allowed to use any electronic
devices on exam days.
You may not share a clicker with another student under any circumstances, nor have two
clickers in your possession. Anyone found doing so may receive a zero for the participation
portion of the final grade.
Any violation of these rules can result in an undroppable zero on the exam or assignment in
question and referral to your dean.
Class Conduct: I expect all students to conduct themselves with civility in the classroom and to
not disturb the learning environment for other students. Students who repeatedly disrupt the class
will receive a zero for participation.
Accommodations: Any student with accommodations approved through RCPD should bring
their VISA forms to me as early as possible in the semester. In addition, when possible, students
who need extra time on exams should request proctoring at RCPD at the start of the semester to
avoid issues later (which is no problem, as the exam dates are all already set).
Commercialized Course Materials: Commercialization of lecture notes or any other course
materials is not permitted.