MATH 125: Calculus I: Fall 2020
MATH 125: Calculus I: Fall 2020
MATH 125: Calculus I: Fall 2020
Fall 2020
Lecture time and location: MWF 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm, online via Zoom.
Office Hours: USC campus is not open on Fall 2020. You are encouraged
to write emails to me to ask questions regarding the course.
Email: TBA
Discussions: session 39490R, Tue, Thu 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm, online; session
39491R, Tue, Thu 7:30 pm - 8:20 pm, online.
Grading policy:
• Homework 15%
• Quizzes 20%
• Except the first week and the last three weeks, there is a quiz once
a week, given during Thursday discussion sections. There will be 12
quizzes in total.
• Unless due to emergency or illness reasons, there is no make-up quiz,
but the lowest two quiz grades will be dropped (thus 10 highest quiz
grades will be counted). For a makeup quiz due to emergency or illness,
an official document with designate signature is required as a proof.
Exam Policy:
• There will be three exams: 2 midterms and 1 final exam. Since USC
is only holding online lectures in Fall 2020, the exams will go online as
well. We expect to proctor the exams via Zoom.
• The midterm exams are short exams, held in lecture times. The exact
dates of these exams are TBA.
Academic Integrity:
• If you need to know more about integrity (vs dishonesty), refer to Trojan
Integrity Guide.