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MATH 125: Calculus I: Fall 2020

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MATH 125: Calculus I

Fall 2020

Lecture time and location: MWF 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm, online via Zoom.

Instructor: Yuan Gao

Office: KAP 262B

Office Hours: USC campus is not open on Fall 2020. You are encouraged
to write emails to me to ask questions regarding the course.

Email: gao403@usc.edu

Teaching Assistant: TBA

Email: TBA

Discussions: session 39490R, Tue, Thu 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm, online; session
39491R, Tue, Thu 7:30 pm - 8:20 pm, online.

Course Description: This is an introductory course on Calculus, cov-

ering topics about limits, continuity, derivatives and applications, antideriva-
tives, integral of a function, the fundamental theorem of calculus, exponential
and logarithmic functions.

Textbook: James Stewart, Essential Calculus, Second Edition, ISBN:


Prerequisite: Math 108 - Contemporary Precalculus.

Grading policy:

• Homework 15%

• Quizzes 20%

• Two Midterm Exams, 15% each (total 30%)

• Final Exam 35%

• Individual homework assignment, quiz, midterm or the final exam will

not be curved. Only the total scores will be curved for better letter
grade distribution. Curving usually improves your final grade (if appli-


• Assignments will be given weekly, posted on Blackboard.

• Homework is usually due on the next Thursday at 11 pm PST, unless

otherwise notified.

• Late homework is acceptable, but subject to score reduction: if you

submit the homework 1 day late, you may only get 80% of the total
points for questions which you answer correctly; and 2 more days late
means only 50%.


• Except the first week and the last three weeks, there is a quiz once
a week, given during Thursday discussion sections. There will be 12
quizzes in total.

• Each quiz will consist of 2 problems related to the material covered in

that week and the previous week, and should last about 15 minutes

• No notes, no books, no calculators will be allowed during the quizzes.

(The problems should be designed so that the numbers are easy enough
to manipulate without calculators.)

• Unless due to emergency or illness reasons, there is no make-up quiz,
but the lowest two quiz grades will be dropped (thus 10 highest quiz
grades will be counted). For a makeup quiz due to emergency or illness,
an official document with designate signature is required as a proof.

Exam Policy:

• There will be three exams: 2 midterms and 1 final exam. Since USC
is only holding online lectures in Fall 2020, the exams will go online as
well. We expect to proctor the exams via Zoom.

• The midterm exams are short exams, held in lecture times. The exact
dates of these exams are TBA.

• Unless due to emergency or illness, there is no make-up for any of the

two midterm exams. If that unfortunately happens, you will have two
choices to make up for the grade.
Option 1: you may take a make-up exam, which however will consists
of different questions. To do this, you must present to me an official
document with designate signature as a proof.
Option 2: you may choose to distribute the grade equally to the other
midterm exam and the final exam.

• The final exam is cumulative, and is a common exam written by the

Mathematics Department. It is the University’s policy that no common
final exams may be taken early or skipped.

• There is ABSOLUTELY NO makeup for the final exam. If due to emer-

gency or illness reasons you miss it, the only solution to this problem is
that you will be given an IN(incomplete) for the course grade and will
have to resolve the IN by taking the common final exam for this course
in a subsequent semester.

• A simplified or standard scientific calculator can be used, but not a

graphing calculator.

• No cheat sheets or other types of notes are allowed.

• No cell/smart phone, smart watch, or other electronic device will be

allowed during an exam.

Academic Integrity:


• No cellphones, laptops, or any other electronic devices with or without

internet access which help you get an answer are permitted during a
quiz or an exam.

• No one is allowed to communicate with others (including those outside

the room) or steal others’ solutions during a quiz or an exam.

• You are encouraged to collaborate on homework, but should not directly

copy others’ answers.

• If you need to know more about integrity (vs dishonesty), refer to Trojan
Integrity Guide.

Disability Services: Any student requesting accommodations based on

a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs
(DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations
can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as
early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in 301 STU and is open
8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Phone: 213-740-0776
TDD only: 213-740-6948
Fax: 213-740-8216
Email: ability@usc.edu

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