CHEM 1008-40244 General Chemistry II Fall 2012 Instructor:: Office: Telephone: E-Mail
CHEM 1008-40244 General Chemistry II Fall 2012 Instructor:: Office: Telephone: E-Mail
CHEM 1008-40244 General Chemistry II Fall 2012 Instructor:: Office: Telephone: E-Mail
CHEM 1008-40244
General Chemistry II
Fall 2012
Instructor: Buddy G. Barnett
Office: Sugar 353
Telephone: (318) 243-1181 or 342-1839
Class Time: M, W, F 10:00 -10:50 a.m.
Classroom: Sugar 101
Textbook: Chemistry: The Central Science, 11
Edition, Brown, LeMay, Bursten,
and Murphy.
We will cover chapters 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 25.
Details will be given in class. The first test will include chapter 13 and 25 .
This gives only two day to cover a lot of material come ready to work.
Quizzes (homework) are located in Moodle.
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CHEM 1007
Teaching Philosophy: This course is designed, along with General Chemistry I, to
help the student gain understanding of the basic concepts, fundamentals, theories, and
mathematical concepts of chemistry. My goal is to help you gain a basis of chemistry
knowledge that will help you with other chemistry courses and help you in your chosen
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory and is necessary to your success in this class
(Please read the NEW University policy regarding attendance and sign the document
located at the end of this syllabus and turn in tomorrow with 5 blank pink scantrons).
So, it is expected that you will attend all classes. During each class period, except the first
meeting, a class roster will be passed around to sign.
It is your responsibility to make sure you sign the class roster every period, otherwise,
you will be considered absent. You are responsible for any missed notes during your
Homework: The homework will be provided electronically by me in Moodle
This homework is going to be graded electronically as soon as
you complete it and the instructor will be able to access the
grades. This will enable the student to determine weaknesses. So,
you should view the homework as a learning tool to prepare you
for exams. Any problems concerning homework and/or lectures
are always welcome to be discussed with the instructor.
If you have any problem opening an account, please inform me
Exams: Three exams, plus a final, will be given
throughout the semester. The exams will be announced.
Each student is required to provide ten green half sheet scantrons
to the instructor during the first three days of the course.
Final Exam: A final exam will be given at the time assigned for this class. The
final exam is comprehensive.
You will need a non-graphical I like theTI-36X calculator and a couple of #2 pencils.
Please Notice: The materials provided by the instructor (PowerPoint, test bank questions,
solved problems and quizzes, etc) are NOT meant to be and should NOT be the only
source of preparation for the exams for the class.
Missing an Exam: No make-up exams will be given for any reason.
Missed homework assignments cannot be made up.
No excuses will be accepted PERIOD.
Grading Scale: Your grade will be calculated as follows:
Below is the final grade scale:
85-100% A
75-84.9% B
60-74.9% C
50-59.9% D
49 F
Calculators: - A calculator with scientific notation and logarithms is
necessary for this course.
- You should bring one with you to class each day and to
the exams.
- Graphing calculators are NOT allowed on any exam.
- Calculators can NOT be shared on exams.
Academic Misconduct: Cheating is a serious offense. Any occurrence of academic
misconduct (including cheating, plagiarism, swapping a
quiz or an exam for a different version, etc) will be dealt
with in accordance with guidelines and procedures outlined
in the Academic Dishonesty Policy, which may be accessed
on the university web at:
The penalty for academic misconduct in this course is an F.
Class Etiquette: It is expected that you will behave in a manner that allows for you
as well as your classmates to learn effectively. Disruption will
result in dismiss from the class and being counted absent for the
day. Repeated instances of disruptive behavior will result in
permanent dismissal. Also, all cell phones MUST be turned off
prior to entering the classroom and hidden from view at all times
(Please read the NEW university policy regarding Cell phones by
the end of this syllabus).
Student Services: Information about ULM student services, such as Student Success
Center (, Counseling Center
(, Special Needs
(, and Student
Health Services, is available at the following Student Services web
ULM Policies Regarding Class Attendance and Cell Phones
This policy replaces the one published in the 2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog.
1. Class attendance is regarded as an obligation and a privilege, and all students are
expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are enrolled.
Failure to do so may jeopardize a students scholastic standing and may lead to
suspension from the University.
2. Any student who is not present for at least 75% of the scheduled class sessions in
any course may receive a grade of W if this condition occurs prior to the last day
to drop a course or a grade of F after that date.
3. Any University-related activity requiring an absence from class will count as an
absence when determining if a student has attended 75% of class meetings.
4. Students are responsible for the effect absences have on all forms of evaluating
course performance. Thus, the student is responsible for arranging the allowed
make up of any missed work.
Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibrate only when in academic buildings
(including the University Library) and may be used only in restrooms, group study
rooms, and offices. Text messaging may be used throughout the Library (with the
exception of the classrooms) provided that no audible sound is used to notify the
All people carrying cell phones into a classroom, laboratory, or clinic must turn off
and store (e.g., in a backpack, purse, phone holster, or other similar item) their phones
prior to entering the room. Cell phones are not allowed on desk or table tops. If there is
an extenuating circumstance that requires the cell phone to be on during a class, the
student must obtain permission from the instructor prior to the beginning of class and
must operate the phone in a silent (vibrate only) mode. Each instructor may further
restrict the use of cell phones in class and may determine the consequences for violations
of this policy.
People who violate this cell phone use policy may be asked to leave the building.
CHEM 108
General Chemistry II
University of Louisiana at Monroe
I acknowledge that I have been given a Syllabus for Chemistry 108 Sec 01. I have read
the Syllabus and I voluntarily agree to follow the requirements and procedures for the
course as set forth in the syllabus and the policies set forth in the Students Handbook
used by the University. I am responsible for my actions and any repercussions that I
might receive due to not following the course and university policies.
STUDENTS NAME (please print):
DATE: ___________________________
BEST PHONE NUMBER TO CONTACT YOU: (the phone you actually answer)