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Generalsyllabusm 121 S 2017

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M 121Q --- COLLEGE ALGEBRA -- Spring 2017

Traditional and Technology Enhanced ACTIVE Learning (TEAL) Sections

Student Success Coordinator: Dr. Heidi Staebler-Wiseman
Email: h.staeblerwiseman@montana.edu (BEST), Office: WIL 2-252, Ph: 994-5365 (WORST)
Course Supervisor: Dr. Jack Dockery
Email: jack.dockery@montana.edu


Hard copy of: College Algebra eText by Trigsted, 3rd Ed shrink-wrapped with MML Access Card (which includes an
electronic copy of the text) ISBN: 978-3235762-5-0
MML Access Card with electronic version of College Algebra eText by Trigsted, 3rd Ed: ISBN: 978-0-321-9237
Also required: M121 College Algebra Student Video Notes packet - only available at MSU bookstore.

TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculators are recommended, but any scientific calculator works.
NO cell phone calculators are allowed during quizzes or exams.


This course is primarily a preparation for precalculus and calculus. It is the prerequisite for M151 (Precalculus),
M161 (Survey of Calculus), and CHMY141; and can be used as a prerequisite for STAT216 (Elementary Statistics).
M121 is one of the core math courses (satisfies Q requirement), but if you merely need to fulfill core, you should take
M105 (Contemporary Mathematics) instead. Questions? See an instructor outside of class or see your advisor.


8% - Class Attendance & Participation (Traditional) / Group RAT Scores (TEAL)
8% - Online Homework in MyMathLab
8% - Quizzes (includes video note scores in TEAL sections)
52% - 3 Mid-terms and 1 pair of Mini-exams (13% each)
24% - Comprehensive Final Exam
100% Total

Earning at least a 90% course average guarantees a grade of A. 80 – 89% guarantees B or better. 70 – 79%
guarantees C or better and 60 – 69% guarantees D or better.

REQUIRED CLASS ATTENDANCE / BEHAVIOR: Whether your section is TEAL or traditional, it is imperative
to your success that you both attend class and actively participate in all class activities. An unexcused absence will
result in a daily participation / RAT score of “0.” Two low participation / RAT grades will be dropped at the end of the
You are expected to avoid any behaviors that would be disruptive in class. Your instructor(s) reserve the right to ask
you to leave or put away any devices that are not helpful if they are preventing you or anyone else from focusing on
classroom activities.

REQUIRED ONLINE HOMEWORK: Done in My Math Lab – you MUST purchase access and register into
 You will complete your own personal algorithmically-generated problem sets. Thus, you MUST have regular
access to the Internet outside of class. The online HW problem sets will generate individual HW grades, but you
are encouraged to work with others to solve them.
 Only use Firefox or Chrome as a browser! Others will eventually cause problems, even if they work initially.

1 This syllabus is subject to changes. All changes will be announced in class.

QUIZZES: Quizzes are tentatively scheduled in the course schedule. Any changes will be announced. Quizzes may
be individual, group, or take-home. They cannot be made-up unless: 1) the absence is excused - e.g. school related
or doctor documented, 2) you notify your teacher of the need for a make-up the day of the quiz (before class) at the
latest, and 3) a reasonably-timely arrangement can be made. You must provide written documentation to support an
excused absence. Two low quiz grades will be dropped at the end of the semester.


R-Chapter Mini-Exam: During regular class session on 1/23/2017 for MWF sections & 1/24/2017 for TR sections
Common Hour Exam 1: 6 – 7:15 pm on Tuesday 2/14/2017
Common Hour Exam 2: 6 – 7:15 pm on Wednesday 3/8/2017
Common Hour Exam 3: 6 – 7:15 pm on Tuesday 4/11/2017
Chapter 5 Mini-Exam: During regular class session on 4/26/2017 for MWF sections & 4/27/2017 for TR sections
Comprehensive Final Exam: 10 – 11:50 am on Wednesday 5/3/2017
You are EXPECTED to arrange your personal schedule! If you have a work conflict, you must make
arrangements with your employer so that you can take the exam as scheduled. Alternate exam days / times
will NOT be provided for reasons of personal travel / vacation.
If you have an MSU academic or athletic or a military-duty conflict with a common-hour exam or the final exam as
scheduled, you must contact the Student Success Coordinator at least three school days before the exam. If an
unexpected emergency arises, contact the Student Success Coordinator immediately. If an unexpected situation
prevents you from arriving on time, then arrive late. Do NOT under any circumstances wait until a later date to deal
with such situations.
Any missed exam that is not excused will be a zero – which leads to failing the course. If an excused missed exam
cannot be made-up within two days of the scheduled time, then the final exam percent score will replace the missing
exam score.
Acceptable reasons to arrange an alternate final exam day / time through the Student Success Coordinator include a
conflict with another final exam or 3 or more final exams in one day based upon MSU’s published common-hour and
regular final exam schedules. Otherwise, you MUST to take the final exam as scheduled!!


 I strongly encourage students to take advantage of my office hours.
 You are also encouraged to work in groups as much as possible in understanding the concepts and
homework problems. However, please do your homework on your own.
 You can email an instructor through MyMathLab with a homework question.
 The Math Learning Center is located in Wilson Hall 1-112. They are open Mon-Thurs 9am-8pm and Fri 9am
- 3pm. Bring your Cat Card to gain entrance for this free service.
 After the first mini-exam, there will be weekly problem-solving / help sessions for M121 with the Student
Success Coordinator. These usually will focus on old exam problems. If you find yourself struggling with the
material, this is a great resource! Watch for announcements in class and emails that announce days & times.
 Smarty Cats also offers support for this class and is a place to access inexpensive one-on-one tutoring.

Montana State University Bozeman is built upon a strong foundation of integrity, respect and trust. All members of
the university have a responsibility to be honest and the right to expect honesty from others. Any form of academic
dishonesty is unacceptable to our community and will not be tolerated. As college students you should be very
familiar with the requirements for academic integrity. Any student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty of
any form will meet with disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, a failing grade in the course. For further
information, consult the Montana State University at:


If you have a physical, learning, or psychological disability and require accommodations, please let the Student
Success Coordinator, Heidi Staebler-Wiseman (h.staeblerwiseman@montana.edu) know as soon as possible. (Do
NOT delay.) You have the responsibility to identify yourself, request appropriate accommodations and reasonable
modifications. You are encourage to contact Disability Services located at 180 Strand Union Building.

2 This syllabus is subject to changes. All changes will be announced in class.

M121Q: College Algebra Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Simplify, factor, and perform any of the basic arithmetic operations on polynomials and rational expressions.
2. Perform arithmetic operations and simplify algebraic expressions with rational exponents including rationalize a
3. Solve linear, quadratic, and rational, exponential and logarithmic equations and be able to use each of these to
model and solve applied problems.
4. Solve absolute value equations and inequalities and express solutions of inequalities in interval notation.
5. Identify relations vs. functions; use function notation; identify domain, range, intervals of
increasing/decreasing/constant values; algebraically and graphically identify even and odd functions.
6. Find zeros, asymptotes, and domain of rational functions.
7. Evaluate and sketch graphs of piecewise functions and find their domain and range.
8. Use algebra to combine functions and form composite functions, evaluate both combined and composite
functions and their graphs, and determine their domains.
9. Identify one-to-one functions, find and verify inverse functions, and sketch their graph.
10. Write logarithms as exponentials and vice versa
11. Solve exponentials and logarithms using the one to one property or inverse properties.
12. Expand and condense logarithmic expressions.

Students completing a Core 2.0 Quantitative Reasoning (Q) course should demonstrate an ability to:
 Interpret and draw inferences from mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, diagrams or tables.
 Represent mathematical information numerically, symbolically and visually.
 Employ quantitative methods in symbolic systems such as, arithmetic, algebra, or geometry to solve

Dear Employer,

___________________________________________ (print your name) is a student in M121: College Algebra during

Spring 2017. M121 has common-hour exams during the following days and times:
Exam 1 – Tuesday, February 14, 6:00 – 7:15 pm
Exam 2 – Wednesday, March 8, 6:00 – 7:15 pm
Exam 3 – Tuesday, April 11, 6:00 – 7:15 pm
Final Exam – Wednesday, May 3, 10:00 – 11:50 am
Due to limited alternate testing space and funds to pay proctors, we are unable to offer students alternate testing
times due to conflicts with their employment schedules. In accordance with Montana State University policy, this
student MUST arrange his/her schedule so that (s)he can attend the above-listed exam sessions. We greatly
appreciate your support of MSU students and wish to thank you in advance for helping this student to schedule
employment work hours accordingly.
Thank you!
Dr. Heidi Staebler-Wiseman
M121 Student Success Coordinator
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Montana State University
Email: h.staeblerwiseman@montana.edu
Office: 2-252 Wilson Hall
Office Phone: (406) 994-5365

3 This syllabus is subject to changes. All changes will be announced in class.

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