Generalsyllabusm 121 S 2017
Generalsyllabusm 121 S 2017
Generalsyllabusm 121 S 2017
TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculators are recommended, but any scientific calculator works.
NO cell phone calculators are allowed during quizzes or exams.
Earning at least a 90% course average guarantees a grade of A. 80 – 89% guarantees B or better. 70 – 79%
guarantees C or better and 60 – 69% guarantees D or better.
REQUIRED CLASS ATTENDANCE / BEHAVIOR: Whether your section is TEAL or traditional, it is imperative
to your success that you both attend class and actively participate in all class activities. An unexcused absence will
result in a daily participation / RAT score of “0.” Two low participation / RAT grades will be dropped at the end of the
You are expected to avoid any behaviors that would be disruptive in class. Your instructor(s) reserve the right to ask
you to leave or put away any devices that are not helpful if they are preventing you or anyone else from focusing on
classroom activities.
REQUIRED ONLINE HOMEWORK: Done in My Math Lab – you MUST purchase access and register into
You will complete your own personal algorithmically-generated problem sets. Thus, you MUST have regular
access to the Internet outside of class. The online HW problem sets will generate individual HW grades, but you
are encouraged to work with others to solve them.
Only use Firefox or Chrome as a browser! Others will eventually cause problems, even if they work initially.
Montana State University Bozeman is built upon a strong foundation of integrity, respect and trust. All members of
the university have a responsibility to be honest and the right to expect honesty from others. Any form of academic
dishonesty is unacceptable to our community and will not be tolerated. As college students you should be very
familiar with the requirements for academic integrity. Any student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty of
any form will meet with disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, a failing grade in the course. For further
information, consult the Montana State University at:
Students completing a Core 2.0 Quantitative Reasoning (Q) course should demonstrate an ability to:
Interpret and draw inferences from mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, diagrams or tables.
Represent mathematical information numerically, symbolically and visually.
Employ quantitative methods in symbolic systems such as, arithmetic, algebra, or geometry to solve
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