Learning Experience Plan
Learning Experience Plan
Learning Experience Plan
1. Students will understand the importance of maintaining full range of
motion in different joints and how to improve their flexibility.
2. Students will learn the proper technique for flexibility stretches that are
essential to improve mobility.
1. Students will value the knowledge and benefits of flexibility and full range
of motion to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
2. Students will learn how to contribute to a safe learning environment at
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
National Standards:
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
Transition 1:
The main purpose of the
They will stay at
lesson is for students to their designated
learn how to achieve and safe learning
maintain good joint environment for PE
flexibility and range of at home.
motion (ROM).
11:40- WARM-UP (includes -Make sure you Walk on toes:
purpose) have plenty of room Don’t let your heels
around you. touch the floor
For today’s warm- up you will do Arm circles forward &
Possible Student
8 exercises for 30 sec. each backwards:
- Walk on toes. Students might not Use small controlled
stand up and lift up your be familiar with the motions
heels so you are sumo squat. I will go High Knee March:
balancing on your toes. over the position of Swing your arms up
Walk forward and the feet, knees, back and down
backwards without letting and chest with the Overhead arm clap:
your heels touch the students. Don’t bend your
floor or losing your elbows
balance. Sumo quat
- Arm circles forward keep your back straight
extend arms to the sides and chest up.
and draw small circles to Arm push backs
the front Keep your chest up
- Arm circles backwards and shoulders open.
extend arms to the sides Shoulder roll
and draw small circles to lift the shoulders up
the back toward the ears.
- High Knee March.
March in place
bringing your knee up to
waist height
- Overhead arm clap
Keep your arms straight
palms up as you clap
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
- Students will value the
importance of having good
joint flexibility, and full range
of motion.
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
2. Teaching
12:00- SKILL APPLICATION Transition 3: CUES:
12:16 ACTIVITY They will stay at Toe curls: Do both
their designated
Students are going to perform feet at the same time
safe learning
a range of motion exercise environment for PE
routine that involves dynamic at home. Ankle circles:
and static exercises. imagine there’s a
Students are going to perform each pencil between your
exercise for 30 sec. toes and you’re trying
Students are going to work their way SAFETY: to write the letter “O.”
up through the kinetic chain: ankle You can damage a Plantar Flexion:
joints, knee joints, hip joints, spine joint if you move it in
and neck joint exercises to increase pretend you’re
a way in which it
their joint flexibility and ROM. was not designed to stepping on a gas
move pedal
1. Toe curls Dorsiflexion:
- curl all your toes in toward Try to get your toes
the sole of your foot & extend as high as possible
them out toward the ceiling Knee/leg stretch
- bring your knee
2. Ankle circles:
towards your chest
-Move your ankle slowly in
clockwise circles Then go the Leg raises: Keep
opposite way and make your legs straight
Possible Student
counterclockwise circles. Clarification and together.
3. Plantar Flexion stretch Students may be Side leg raises
- push your toes down confused during the Don’t rotate of your
4. Dorsiflexion stretch screening test. I will pelvis
- Point your toes up toward your go over the
Shoulder flexion
shins movements that
make up the stretch: Don’t bend
5. Knee/leg stretch your elbows
Beighton test and
- Lie down on the floor how the score T raises: Don’t raise
bend one knee while your other system works. arms over shoulder
leg is flat on the floor. Students are not
Switch sides. height.
supposed to feel
6. Leg rises pain during the Neck stretch: Do
- Lie on your back, legs straight Beighton score but if the neck stretches
and together, lift them all the way for any reason they very slowly.
up to the ceiling and lower your do, they can skip
legs back down any of the joint
actions on the test. Refinement:
7. Side leg raises: None of this exercises/
-Lie on your side with your, knees stretches should cause
straight and feet together. any pain.
Lift your top leg off your bottom
leg as high as possible
I can demonstrate and explain
the movements again and
provide corrective feedback for
the students that are unsure of
their form.
Students are expected to safely
perform different ROM and
flexibility exercises.
UTEP PETE Learning Experience Template
1. Students are going to
analyze their own joint ROM
and learned that flexibility is
1. Students will be able to
enjoy and perform new
stretches that will improve
their flexibility and range of
Transition 4:
12:16- Debrief/Closing/Cool Down Where are students
12:20 moving to or
(what, so what, now what): towards?
Psychomotor (at least 2) They will stay at
1. What type of their designated
exercises/stretches did you safe learning
worked out today? environment for PE
2. What does abduction and at home.
adduction of the shoulder
look like?