Regulators S100K
Regulators S100K
Regulators S100K
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Available Configurations Lockup Performance During Normal Operation
Type S100K: Service regulator without ORIFICE SIZE, LOCKUP ABOVE SETPOINT,
internal relief INCHES (mm) INCHES W.C. (mbar)
Type S102K: Service regulator with internal relief; 1/8 (3,2) 1 (2,5)
this regulator meets ANSI B109.4 3/16 (4,8) 1 (2,5)
1/4 (6,4) 2 (5,0)
5/16 (7,9) 2 (5,0)
Body Sizes (Inlet x Outlet) and End Connection 3/8 (9,5) 2.5 (6,2)
Styles(1) 1/2 (12,7) 3 (7,5)
3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2) 1 (2,5)
3/4 x 3/4 (20 x 20), 3/4 x 1 (20 x 25), 9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9) 3 (7,5)
1 x 1 (25 x 25), 1 x 1-1/4 (25 x 32),
1 x 1-1/2 (25 x 40), 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 (32 x 32), or
1-1/2 x 1-1/2-inches (DN 40 x 40) NPT screwed Spring Case Vent Connection
Standard: 1-inch NPT with removable screen
Allowable Inlet Pressures(2) Optional: 3/4-inch NPT with removable screen
Emergency: 150 psig (10,3 bar)
Maximum Operating Pressure to Obtain Construction Materials
Good Performance: See table 1 Body: Cast iron
Allowable Outlet Pressures(2) Body Gasket: Neoprene (CR)
Closing Cap: ASA thermoplastic (provides UV-
Emergency (Casing): 25 psig (1,7 bar) ray protection)
Maximum Operating Pressure to Avoid Adjusting Screw: Delrin
Internal Parts Damage: 3 psi (0,21 bar) Diaphragm Case, Spring Case, Diaphragm
differential above outlet pressure setting Plate, Orifice, and Valve Stem: Aluminum
Outlet Pressure Ranges Pusher Post or Relief Valve Seat:
See table 2 Type S100K: Delrin
Type S102K: Aluminum
Orifice Sizes
Diaphragm and Disk: Nitrile rubber (NBR)
See table 1 Stem Guide: Delrin
Typical Regulating Capacities Control Spring and Relief Valve Spring
(if used): Stainless steel
See tables 4 and 5 and Capacity Information section
Vent Screen: Stainless steel
Flow Coefficients Lever Pin: Stainless steel
Wide-Open Cg for Relief Sizing: See table 1 Spring Seat, Lever, and Other Metal Parts:
C1: 35 Plated steel
Internal Relief Performance (Type S102K Only) Body Vent Mounting Positions
Approximate Internal Relief Start-To- See figure 4
Discharge Point (with Standard Relief Valve
Spring): 7 to 11-inches w.c. (17 to 27 mbar) Approximate Weight
above outlet pressure setting
4.5 pounds (2,04 kg)
Relief Performance: See table 3
Additional Options
Material Temperature Capabilities(2)
• Body inlet test connection for all body sizes
-20° to 160°F (-29° to 71°C) • Body outlet test connection (with or without inlet
Pressure Setting Adjustment test connection) for 3/4 x 1-inch body only
Adjusting Screw • Relief valve springs for other than
7 to 11-inches w.c. (17,5 to 27,5 mbar) start-to-
Pressure Registration discharge point above outlet pressure setting.
Internal • Wire seal
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Overpressure Protection
TO APPLIANCE Like most regulators, Types S100K and S102K service
regulators have outlet pressure ratings lower than their
inlet pressure ratings. Type S102K regulators provide
VENT internal relief that limits the total outlet pressure
buildup over setpoint. This internal relief may be
VENT LINE adequate for the application, if not, provide additional
pressure relief or a pressure-limiting device down-
stream. See table 3. External downstream overpres-
sure protection is required on Type S100K. The wide-
open Cg for relief sizing (see table 1) along with the
capacity information should be used in choosing
appropriate overpressure protection devices to ensure
B2497 that none of the limits in the Specifications, table 1, or
table 2 are exceeded.
Overpressuring any portion of a regulator or associ-
Figure 2. Typical Vent Line Installation ated equipment may cause leakage, parts damage, or
personal injury due to bursting of pressure-containing
parts or explosion of accumulated gas. Regulator
Product Description operation within ratings does not prevent the possibility
of damage from external sources or from debris in the
Types S100K and S102K direct-operated, spring- pipeline. A regulator should be inspected for damage
loaded regulators (figures 1 through 3) provide eco- after any overpressure condition.
nomical pressure-reducing control in a variety of
residential, commercial, and industrial applications.
Both regulators can be used with natural, manufac-
tured, or liquified petroleum gases and have the same Type S102K Internal Relief Performance
inlet and outlet pressure capabilities. In addition, the
Type S102K regulator has internal relief across the Backup means of opening the internal relief valve are
diaphragm to help minimize overpressure. Any outlet provided by the closing cap extension (figure 3) in the
pressure above the start-to-discharge point of the Type S102K regulator. Should emergency conditions
nonadjustable relief valve spring moves the diaphragm exist that would prevent normal operation (for instance,
off the relief valve seat, allowing excess pressure to linkage becoming disconnected or disk broken off), the
bleed out through the screened spring case vent. closing cap extension will act as a travel stop for the
3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2) 12.5 60 (4,1) 60 (4,1) 60 (4,1) 100 (6,9)
9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9) 240 5 (0,34) 10 (0,69) 10 (0,69) 10 (0,69)
1. Relief capacity may restrict maximum operating inlet pressure for some vent size, stem guide, and orifice combinations to meet ANSI B109.4.
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Type S100K
Type S102K
relief valve stem. Since the diaphragm continues to the given capacity by 0.775 and divide by the square
rise as pressure builds, it lifts off the relief valve and root of the appropriate specific gravity. If capacity is
thereby opens this valve to provide limited relief desired in normal cubic meters per hour (m³/h(n)),
operation. multiply scfh by 0.0268.
Regulating capacity and relief performance information
are given in tables 4 through 7 and figure 3. For Critical Pressure Drops
Use this equation for critical pressure drops (absolute
outlet pressure equal to one-half or less than one-half
Capacity Information the absolute inlet pressure).
Tables 4 through 7 give Types S100K and S102K Q = P1(abs)Cg
regulator flow capacities at selected inlet pressures
and outlet pressure settings for regulators with stan- where,
dard-boost, low boost, and no boost stem guides. Q = gas flow rate, scfh
Flows are in scfh (60°F and 14.7 psia) and m³/h(n)) Cg = gas sizing coefficient
(0°C and 1,01325) of 0.6 specific gravity natural gas at P 1 = absolute inlet pressure, psia
60°F. To determine equivalent capacities for air, pro-
pane, butane, or nitrogen, multiply the listed capacity For Non-Critical Pressure Drops
by the following appropriate conversion factor: 0.775
for air, 0.628 for propane, 0.548 for butane, or 0.789 for For pressure drops lower than critical (absolute outlet
nitrogen. For gases of other specific gravities, multiply pressure greater than one-half of absolute inlet pressure),
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Table 2. Outlet Pressure Ranges
3.5 to 5.5-inches wc (8,5 to 13,5 mbar) 1E983927212 Red 0.054 (0,137) 3.50 (8,89)
5.5 to 8.5-inches wc (13,8 to 21,3 mbar) 1E984027062 Olive drab 0.067 (0,170) 3.50 (8,89)
8 to 15-inches wc (20 to 38 mbar) 1E985127212 Green 0.080 (0,203) 3.28 (8,33)
14 to 28-inches wc (35 to 70 mbar) 1K645127052 Gray 0.090 (0,229) 3.34 (8,48)
1.5 to 2.5 psig (103 to 172 mbar) T1020027222 Blue 0.109 (0,277) 3.65 (9,27)
use the following formula: Type Y602 vent to avoid the accumulation of debris
and condensate. If gas escaping through the Type
520 3417 ∆P S102K internal relief valve could constitute a hazard,
GT C1 P1 the vent must be piped to a location where escaping
gas will not be hazardous. In this case, obstruction-
where, free tubing or piping of at least the same diameter as
the vent size with a minimum number of bends should
Q = gas flow rate, scfh
be used, and a screened vent should be installed on
G = specific gravity of the gas
T = absolute temperature of gas at inlet, °Rankine the end of the vent pipe. On all installations, the vent
Cg = gas sizing coefficient or the end of the vent pipe must be protected from
P1 = absolute inlet pressure, psia anything that might clog it.
C1 = flow coeficient To obtain the maximum flow capacities or other perfor-
∆P = pressure drop across the regulator, psi mance characteristics, the length of pipe from the reg-
ulator outlet to the meter—or for the first 18-inches
Then, if capacity is desired in normal cubic meters per (457 mm), whichever is closer—should have no bends
hour at 0°C and 1,01325 bar, multiply scfh by 0.0268. and should be the same size as the regulator outlet.
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Table 4. 3/4-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat
- continued -
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Table 4. 3/4-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat (Continued)
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Table 5. 1-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat
- continued -
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Table 5. 1-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat (Continued)
SETTING, SPRING Orifice Size, Inches (mm)
PSIG (bar) 3/16 x 1/8 9/16 x 5/8
AND BOOST 1/8 (3,2) 3/16 (4,8) 1/4 (6,4) 5/16 (7,9) 3/8 (9,5) 1/2 (12,7)
(4,8 x 3,2) (14,3 x 15,9)
2 (0,14) 120 (3,22) 140 (3,75) 170 (4,56) 230 (6,16) 300 (8,04) 350 (9,38) 410 (11,0) 440 (11,8)
3 (0,21) 150 (4,02) 190 (5,09) 220 (5,90) 320 (8,58) 390 (10,5) 480 (12,9) 600 (16,1) 540 (14,5)
28-inches w.c. 5 (0,34) 210 (5,63) 240 (6,43) 310 (8,31) 460 (12,3) 610 (16,3) 640 (17,2) 690 (18,5) 840 (22,5)
(70 mbar) 10 (0,69) 320 (8,58) 360 (9,65) 480 (12,9) 740 (19,8) 780 (20,9) 1150 (30,8)
15 (1,0) 380 (10,2) 430 (11,5) 640 (17,2) 990 (26,5) 1410 (37,8)
14 to 28-inches w.c.
20 (1,4) 470 (12,6) 510 (13,7) 730 (19,6) 1240 (33,2)
(35 to 70 mbar)
30 (2,1) 620 (16,6) 670 (18,0) 930 (24,9)
40 (2,8) 820 (22,0) 800 (21,4) 1110 (29,7)
±1% ABS
±0.16 psig 60 (4,1) 1140 (30,6) 1120 (30,0) 1480 (39,7)
100 (6,9) 1700 (45,6)
125 (8,6) 2060 (55,2)
2 (0,14) 150 (4,02) 160 (4,29) 240 (6,43) 370 (9,92) 490 (13,1) 640 (17,2) 730 (19,6) 790 (21,2)
3 (0,21) 180 (4,82) 190 (5,09) 300 (8,04) 500 (13,4) 660 (17,7) 770 (20,6) 960 (25,7) 965 (25,9)
28-inches w.c. 5 (0,34) 240 (6.43) 260 (6,97) 410 (11,0) 700 (18,8) 890 (23,9) 1040 (27,9) 1170 (31,4) 1210 (32,4)
(70 mbar) 10 (0,69) 360 (9,65) 360 (9,65) 600 (16,1) 1030 (27,6) 1270 (34,0) 1540 (41,3)
15 (1,0) 440 (11,8) 440 (11,8) 730 (19,6) 1340 (35,9) 1753 (47,0)
14 to 28-inches w.c.
20 (1,4) 540 (14,5) 520 (13,9) 860 (23,0) 1560 (41,8)
(35 to 70 mbar)
30 (2,1) 690 (18,5) 660 (17,7) 1120 (30,0)
40 (2,8) 840 (22,5) 810 (21,7) 1370 (36,7)
±2% ABS
±0.31 psig 60 (4,1) 1150 (30,8) 1090 (29,2) 1860 (49,8)
100 (6,9) 1780 (47,7)
125 (8,6) 2120 (56,8)
3 (0,21) 130 (3,48) 120 (3,22) 170 (4,56) 220 (5,90) 230 (6,16) 320 (8,58) 330 (8,84)
2 psig 5 (0,34) 120 (3,22) 190 (5,09) 170 (4,56) 230 (6,16) 330 (8,84) 290 (7,77) 430 (11,5) 560 (15,0)
(0,14 bar) 10 (0,69) 190 (5,09) 310 (8,31) 260 (6,97) 400 (10,7) 530 (14,2) 620 (16,6) 850 (22,8) 660 (17,7)
15 (1,0) 250 (6,70) 400 (10,7) 370 (9,92) 570 (15,3) 860 (23,0) 740 (19,8)
1.5 to 2.5 psig 20 (1,4) 300 (8,04) 480 (12,9) 370 (9,92) 680 (18,2) 1180 (31,6)
(0,10 to 0,17 bar) 30 (2,1) 430 (11,5) 600 (16,1) 580 (15,5) 1060 (28,4)
40 (2,8) 560 (15,0) 780 (20,9) 790 (21,2) 1310 (35,1)
±1% ABS 60 (4,1) 900 (24,1) 1070 (28,7) 970 (26,0)
±0.17 psig 100 (6,9) 1300 (3,84)
125 (8,6) 1600 (42,9)
3 (0,21) 160 (4,29) 180 (4,82) 290 (7,77) 390 (10,5) 380 (10,2) 560 (15,0) 540 (14,5)
2 psig 5 (0,34) 180 (4,82) 230 (6,16) 280 (7,50) 420 (11,3) 580 (15,5) 600 (16,1) 680 (18,2) 910 (24,4)
(0,14 bar) 10 (0,69) 290 (7,77) 360 (9,65) 440 (11,8) 670 (18,0) 910 (24,4) 1070 (28,7) 1420 (38,1) 1310 (35,1)
15 (1,0) 390 (10,5) 450 (12,1) 590 (15,8) 980 (26,3) 1350 (36,2) 1350 (36,2)
1.5 to 2.5 psig. 20 (1,4) 410 (11,0) 520 (13,9) 710 (19,0) 1170 (31,4) 1700 (45,6)
(0,10 to 0,17 bar) 30 (2,1) 650 (17,4) 670 (18,0) 920 (24,7) 1650 (44,2)
40 (2,8) 810 (21,7) 810 (21,7) 1180 (31,6) 2060 (55,2)
±2% ABS 60 (4,1) 1170 (31,4) 1100 (29,5) 1543 (41,4)
±0.33 psig 100 (6,9) 1660 (44,5)
125 (8,6) 1970 (52,8)
- Indicates where droop (given in the left-hand column) is exceeded regardless of capacity.
- Indicates where maximum operating inlet pressure is exceeded for a given orifice.
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Table 6. 1-1/4 and 1-1/2-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat
- continued -
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Table 6. 1-1/4 and 1-1/2-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat (Continued)
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Table 7. Low Boost Throat Capacities
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Table 8. No Boost Throat Capacities
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Figure 4. Types S100K and S102K Regulator Body and Spring Case Vent Locations
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
Ordering Guide Outlet Pressure Range (Select One)
o 3.5 to 5.5-inches w.c. (9 to 14 mbar)***
Type (Select One) o 5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. (13,5 to 21 mbar)***
o Type S100K (without internal relief)*** o 8 to 15-inch w.c. (20 to 37 mbar)***
o Type S102K (with internal relief)*** o 14 to 28-inches w.c. (35 to 70 mbar)***
o 1.5 to 2.5 psig (103 to 172 mbar)***
Body Size and End Connection Style (Select One)
o Cast Iron Vent Size (Select One)
o 3/4-inch NPT Screwed*** o 3/4-inch NPT (20 mm)***
o 3/4 x 1-inch NPT Screwed*** o 1-inch NPT (25 mm)***
o 1-inch NPT Screwed***
o 1 x 1-1/4-inch NPT Screwed** Body Position (Select One)
o 1 x 1-1/2-inch NPT screwed** o Position 1***
o 1-1/4-inch NPT Screwed** o Position 2***
o 1-1/2-inch NPT Screwed** o Position 3 (standard)***
o Cast Iron with Inlet Gauge Connection o Position 4***
o 3/4-inch NPT Screwed**
Vent Position (Select One)
o 3/4 x 1-inch NPT Screwed**
o Position C***
o 1-inch NPT Screwed**
o Position D***
o 1 x 1-1/4-inch NPT Screwed**
o Position E***
o 1 x 1-1/2-inch NPT Screwed**
o Position F (standard)***
o 1-1/4-inch NPT Screwed**
o 1-1/2-inch NPT Screwed**
o Cast Iron with Outlet Gauge Connection
o 3/4-inch NPT Screwed**
o 1-inch NPT Screwed**
o Cast Iron with Inlet and Outlet Gauge Connection
o 1-inch NPT Screwed**
Special Order, Constructed from Non-Stocked Parts. Construction Material Requirements (if known):
Consult Your Fisher Sales Representative for Availability.
Availability of the product being ordered is determined by the component
with the longest shipping time for the requested construction.
Bulletin 71.1:S100K
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©Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1999; All Rights Reserved
The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding
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