Corrosion in Cold Rolled Steel Sheets For Drum Manufacturing
Corrosion in Cold Rolled Steel Sheets For Drum Manufacturing
Corrosion in Cold Rolled Steel Sheets For Drum Manufacturing
2 authors, including:
Marcelo Gines Tenaris
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Cold rolled steel products are normally protected against corrosion by the use of rustproofing oils or aqueous nitrite
based lubricant. However, drum manufacturers that paint directly on the steel surface without any preparation require a
dry (oil-free) steel surface. Consequently, this kind of material could easily suffer the effects of atmospheric corrosion
during storage and transit if no countermeasures are taken. Corrosion rate depends on several factors such as
temperature, relative humidity, pollutants in the environment and/or residues that remain on the steel surface
(hygroscopic salts or iron fines).
At Siderar, steel for drums manufacturing can be produced by different routes, which may involve an electrolytic
cleaning process in the ECL (Electrolytic Cleaning Line) and box annealing (EBNER or HNX). Although these
processes could help increase surface cleanliness, they might also have effects on steel corrosiveness.
In this work, the effect of the different process routes and the use of VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) paper on steel
corrosion performance during storage is assessed through laboratory experiments. Steel panels were analyzed by visual
inspection and photographed as a function of storage time. Corrosion products were characterized by SEM/EDS
(Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) and FTIR (Fourier Transform InfraRed)
The obtained results allowed to select a process route to lower the occurrence of atmospheric corrosion problems on
cold rolled steel sheets.
Cold rolled steel products are normally protected against corrosion by the use of rustproofing oils or aqueous nitrite
based lubricant [1, 2]. However, drum manufacturers that paint directly on the steel surface without any preparation
require a dry (oil-free) steel surface. Consequently, this kind of material could easily suffer the effects of atmospheric
corrosion during storage and transit if no countermeasures are taken [3]. Corrosion rate depends on several factors such
as temperature , relative humidity, pollutants in the environment and/or residues that remain on the steel surface
(hygroscopic salts or iron fines) [1, 4].
At Siderar, steel for drums manufacturing can be produced by different routes, which may involve an electrolytic
cleaning process in the ECL (Electrolytic Cleaning Line) and box annealing (HNX or EBNER). Although these
processes could help increase surface cleanliness, they might also have effects on steel corrosiveness.
In this work, the effect of the different process routes and the use of VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) paper on steel
corrosion performance during storage is assessed through laboratory experiments.
(1) Centro de Investigación Industrial (CINI-FUDETEC), CC 801, 2900 San Nicolás, Pcia. de Buenos Aires,
Argentina. E-mail: – (2) SIDERAR-CSGS-Gerencia de Laminación, CC
801, 2900 San Nicolás, Pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina. E- mail: 2nd IAS Conference on Uses of
Property Sample
#2 #3 #4 #5 Thickness
ID #1 [ mm ] 0.21 0.26 0.70 0.50 0.80 Days in stock a 19 5 12 21 17
Surface Chloride [ mg/m2] 0 0 2.1 0.41 1.1 Surface Sulfate [ mg/m2 ] - - << 3.0 - - Surface Silicon [ mg/m2 ] 3.57
9.22 2.26 - 2.13 Surface carbon b [ mg/m2] 1.62/6.42 0.96/0.92 4.15/15.49 30.14/16.55 11.74/23.99 a Computed
from the
end of annealing process on; b Result correspond to CF1/CF2 carbon content (see text).
Table 1. Characterization of steel samples used in this study.
Probes (10x10 cm2) cut from sampled materials, were stacked and tied up with plastic cable ties. Half of the stacks
were wrapped with VCI paper. Both wrapped and bare packages were placed in a coil storage sector in Siderar-San
Nicolas Plant. Packages were withdrawn at the following pre-established storage times: 7, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90,
2nd IAS Conference on Uses of Steel, 2004, San Nicolas, Argentina
105, 120, 150, 180, 210, and 240 days. Storage conditions were monitored by means of a Testo 635 digital hygrometer
(Table 2). Condition Min. Max. Average a T
emperature [ °C ] 16.5 34.0 24.0 ± 3.4 Relative Humidity [ % ] 24.5 78.3
52.6 ± 13.3 Dew point [ °C ] 0.8 24.4 13.3 ± 5.8 a Average of 85 measurements.
After each extraction, steel panels were analyzed by visual inspection and photographed. When present, corrosion
products were characterized by SEM/EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) and FTIR
(Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy).
3. 1. Corrosion resistance
According to some authors, the occurrence of steel coil corrosion during in-plant storage is due to water vapor diffusion
into interstitial spaces within the coils and later absorption of the water by contaminating inorganic salts present on the
steel surface [1, 4, 5]. Volatile corrosion inhibitors (VCI) are also transported by diffusion, providing protection to those
areas they can reach [5, 6]. The protection mechanism implies migration of VCI to those inner areas and cavities that are
accessible, after which it is dissolved in the moisture layer, protecting the metal surface [5, 6].
After withdrawal from storage, visual inspection of packages showed clearly a better surface condition of VCI- wrapped
packages when compared to bare ones. For a given storage time, bare packages present corrosion in the external probes
and edges of inner probes, while these areas of the VCI-packed probes are uncorroded (Figs. 2 and 3). For bare coupons,
corrosion is observed first on its edges, and later on the overall surface as small pits. These results agree with the
described mechanism for VCI protective action and suggest that at industrial scale, the protection would be effective
mainly on the outer turns and edges of coils.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. External probes appearance after 75 days of storage. a) VCI wrapped; b) bare.
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Inspection of the inner probes for both bare and VCI packages showed corrosion pits in the overall surface. Again, the
corrosion degree of bare-packed is higher to that of VCI-packed probes for the same storage time. However, it was
observed that the time elapsed until the first corrosion spots is observed is the same for both types of package (Table 3).
Results also show that process routes have incidence on the onset time for corrosion process.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Internal probes appearance after 75 days of storage. a) VCI wrapped; b) bare.
Process route Onset time [days] Sample ID Cold rolling Annealing ECL Bare
#3 #1 HNX no - - #5 #2 EBNER no 150 - #4 #1 EBNER no 90 90 #1 #1
HNX yes 60 60 #2 #1 EBNER yes 15 15
Table 3. Onset time for corrosion process on stored materials.
After 240 days of storage, a ranking based on overall surface corrosion performance could be established for the tested
materials (Table 4). The results clearly show that corrosion performance depends on process routes.
Packing Corrosion performance 3 > 5 > 4 >> 1 > 2 Bare No ECL+HNX No ECL+EBNER No ECL+EBNER ECL+HNX
Table 4. Corrosion performance (from high to low) of studied materials (see Fig.1).
In order to illustrate the difference in corrosion performance, in Figures 4 and 5 the appearance of both types of samples
after 180 days of storage is shown. For bare samples the material with the higher performance (#3) shows only corrosion
attack on one edge, while the worst material (#2) developed corrosion spots in the overall surface (Fig. 4). For
VCI-wrapped samples, corrosion spots developed in the overall surface but no attack on edges was observed (Fig. 5).
2nd IAS Conference on Uses of Steel, 2004, San Nicolas, Argentina 230
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Appearance of VCI-packed materials (inner samples) after 180 days of storage. a) substrate #5 (No
ECL+EBNER); b) substrate #2 (ECL+EBNER).
The results obtained show that substrates without ECL processing are more resistant to corrosion than electrocleaned
ones, and that HNX annealing leads to higher atmospheric corrosion resistance than EBNER annealing. These facts are
observed for both bare and VCI-wrapped samples. Results suggest that VCI does not delay to a great extent the onset of
corrosion process on the overall surface.
According to the presented results, corrosion susceptibility is strongly related to surface cleanliness. Given that
corrosion impact is higher for electrocleaned material, and EBNER annealing leads to more corrosion problems than
HNX annealing, it can be said that the higher the surface cleanliness, the lower the corrosion resistance. This fact must
be taken into account for proper selection of process routes according to customers’ requirements.
SEM characterization showed that the morphologies of corrosion products in electrocleaned and non-electrocleaned
material are different (Fig. 6). Even though corrosion spots look similar to the naked eye for both type of samples, a
closer look reveals the presence of filiform corrosion on electrocleaned material, and round-type corrosion spots on
non-electrocleaned samples. EDS analysis showed the presence of Cl, S, and Ca in some cases. No relationship could be
established between the presence of these pollutants and the production processes.
2nd IAS Conference on Uses of Steel, 2004, San Nicolas, Argentina 231
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Appearance of bare-packed materials (inner samples) after 180 days of storage a)
substrate #3 (No ECL+HNX); b) substrate #2 (ECL+EBNER).
Filiform corrosion is characterized by the formation of a network of threadlike filaments of corrosion products as a
result of exposure to a humid atmosphere [7]. Although this phenomenon is most readily observed under lacquer or
paint, it can also occur on a bare metal surface. The damage caused by this type of corrosion is very slight, the major
objection being its detrimental effect on the appearance of the metal [7]. According to literature, a relative humidity
higher than 55% at room temperature is required for filiform corrosion to occur, but some studies indicate that at lower
values it could also take place [8]. Evans, reported the occurrence of this type of corrosion on steel contaminated with
calcium sulfate after 12 hours at 99 % RH [9].
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Morphology of corrosion products by SEM. a) round-type corrosion spot on non-electrocleaned material
(100X); b) filiform-type corrosion spot on electrocleaned material (200X).
The mechanism for filiform corrosion can be described as follows: after an electrolyte (water) permeates or become
occluded under a coating, corrosion process begins, favored by the presence of both organic and inorganic anions. Iron
salts and hydroxyl ions are formed, and a differential aeration cell is set within the formed filament nucleus. In its centre
(anode) there is a deficiency of oxygen, while in the periphery (cathode) hydroxyl ions are accumulated. Hydroxyl ions
diffuse and react with ferrous ions consuming oxygen, and producing iron hydroxides that precipitate onto the steel
surface. These oxides form a barrier, passivating the nearby zone and avoiding filaments crossing each other. According
to Koehler [10] anions would migrate to the head of the filament in order to compensate electrical charge due to ferrous
ions formation. The process continues while water diffuses, until ions concentration diminishes, osmotic pressure falls
down and the filament collapses, leaving an oxide trace. A scheme of this process is observed in Fig. 7.
The occurrence of this filament-type morphology on electrocleaned substrates could be explained by the presence of a
silicate layer on the steel surface. Although the main role of ECL processing is to remove surface pollution, it also
leaves a thin silicate layer on the steel surface, which is aimed at preventing coil interturn sticking and graphitization
during batch annealing [11-15]. According to unpublished Auger analysis performed by the authors on electrocleaned
samples, the thickness of this layer is ~40Å. It is suggested that this thin film would play the role of a coating in the
mechanism described above, leading to filiform corrosion.
Corrosion products were characterized by means of FTIR microscopy. Figure 8 shows the spectrum corresponding to a
corrosion spot on a substrate stored for 75 days in the bare-condition. According to the observed bands (Table 5), the
corrosion products contain different types of iron oxi-hydroxides, such as akaganeite (β-FeO(OH)), goethite
(γ-FeO(OH)), and crystallite (δ- FeO(OH)) [16, 17]. The presence of a broad band corresponding to hydroxyl ions
suggests that these compounds have a high degree of hydration.
2nd IAS Conference on Uses of Steel, 2004, San Nicolas, Argentina 232
Iron oxides and oxi-hydroxides
Figure 8. FTIR spectrum on a corrosion spot. Sample #4 after 75 days storage in bare condition.
] Vibration
ν [cm-1
3448 O-H stretch 1635 H-O-H bend 1466 O-H bend 1354 O-H bend 1149 γ-FeO(OH) 1064 δ-FeO(OH) 1018
γ-FeO(OH) 786 δ-FeO(OH) 690 β-FeO(OH)
Table 5. FTIR band assignation of corrosion products.
2nd IAS Conference on Uses of Steel, 2004, San Nicolas, Argentina 233
Figure 7. Mechanism of filiform corrosion [7].
1,0 1,0
e e ccnnaabbrroossbb
AA4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumber Wavenumber [ [ cmcm-1 -1 ] ]
Iron oxides and 0
,8 0,8
0,6 0,6
0,4 0,4
0,2 0,2
0,0 0,0
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
The laboratory study performed on bare and VCI-wrapped steel samples with different process routes and a dry
(oil-free) surface condition allows us to conclude that:
• Steel strip submitted to ECL processing and EBNER annealing is prone to oxidation, probably due to its high surface
cleanliness. The highest corrosion resistance of all the studied substrates was observed for non- electrocleaned material
with HNX annealing.
• Electrocleaned material develops corrosion spots with a filiform morphology after a certain storage time. On the other
hand, the morphology of corrosion spots for non-electrocleaned substrates is circular or round-type.
• For all the analyzed process routes, corrosion spots developed are composed by the same iron oxides and oxi-
• Laboratory analysis showed the beneficial role of VCI paper for protecting steel. Its use would give protection to the
edges and outer turns of steel coils, whereas it seems to have a lower ability to protect the inner surfaces (within coil
turns) from rusting.
• The results of this study led to modifications in the process routes of steel for drum manufacturing at Siderar.
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