MSC 232 82
MSC 232 82
MSC 232 82
RECALLING ALSO resolution A.886(21), by which the Assembly resolved that the
function of adopting performance standards and technical specifications, as well as amendments
thereto shall be performed by the Maritime Safety Committee and/or the Marine Environment
Protection Committee, as appropriate, on behalf of the Organization,
RECALLING ALSO regulations V/19 and V/27 of the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, which requires all ships to carry adequate and up-to-date
charts, sailing directions, lists of lights, notices to mariners, tide tables and all other nautical
publications necessary for the intended voyage,
NOTING that the up-to-date charts required by SOLAS regulations V/19 and V/27 can be
provided and displayed electronically on board ships by electronic chart display and information
systems (ECDIS), and that the other nautical publications required by regulation V/27 may also
be so provided and displayed,
1. ADOPTS the Revised performance standards for electronic chart display and information
systems (ECDIS), set out in the Annex to the present resolution;
(b) if installed on or after 1 January 1996 but before 1 January 2009, conform to
performance standards not inferior to those specified in the Annex to
resolution A.817(19), as amended by resolutions MSC.64(67) and MSC.86(70).
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1.2 ECDIS with adequate back-up arrangements may be accepted as complying with the
up-to-date charts required by regulations V/19 and V/27 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention,
as amended.
1.3 ECDIS should be capable of displaying all chart information necessary for safe and
efficient navigation originated by, and distributed on the authority of, government
authorized hydrographic offices.
1.4 ECDIS should facilitate simple and reliable updating of the electronic navigational chart.
1.5 ECDIS should reduce the navigational workload compared to using the paper chart.
It should enable the mariner to execute in a convenient and timely manner all route
planning, route monitoring and positioning currently performed on paper charts. It should
be capable of continuously plotting the ship’s position.
1.6 The ECDIS display may also be used for the display of radar, radar tracked target
information, AIS and other appropriate data layers to assist in route monitoring.
1.7 ECDIS should have at least the same reliability and availability of presentation as the
paper chart published by government authorized hydrographic offices.
1.8 ECDIS should provide appropriate alarms or indications with respect to the information
displayed or malfunction of the equipment (see appendix 5).
1.9 When the relevant chart information is not available in the appropriate form (see section 4),
some ECDIS equipment may operate in the Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) mode
as defined in appendix 7. RCDS mode of operation should conform to performance
standards not inferior to those set out in appendix 7.
2.1 These performance standards should apply to all ECDIS equipment carried on all ships,
as follows:
2.2 These performance standards apply to ECDIS mode of operation, ECDIS in RCDS mode
of operation as specified in appendix 7 and ECDIS backup arrangements as specified in
appendix 6.
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2.3 Requirements for structure and format of the chart data, encryption of chart data as well
as the presentation of chart data are within the scope of relevant IHO standards, including
those listed in appendix 1.
2.4 In addition to the general requirements set out in resolution A.694(17)*, the presentation
requirements set out in resolution MSC.191(79), ECDIS equipment should meet the
requirements of these standards and follow the relevant guidelines on ergonomic
principles adopted by the Organization1.
3.1 Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) means a navigation
information system which with adequate back-up arrangements can be accepted as
complying with the up-to-date chart required by regulations V/19 and V/27 of the 1974
SOLAS Convention, as amended, by displaying selected information from a system
electronic navigational chart (SENC) with positional information from navigation sensors
to assist the mariner in route planning and route monitoring, and if required display
additional navigation-related information.
3.2 Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) means the database, standardized as to content,
structure and format, issued for use with ECDIS by or on the authority of a Government,
authorized Hydrographic Office or other relevant government institution, and conform to
IHO standards. The ENC contains all the chart information necessary for safe navigation
and may contain supplementary information in addition to that contained in the paper
chart (e.g. sailing directions) which may be considered necessary for safe navigation.
3.3 System Electronic Navigational Chart (SENC) means a database, in the manufacturer’s
internal ECDIS format, resulting from the lossless transformation of the entire ENC
contents and its updates. It is this database that is accessed by ECDIS for the display
generation and other navigational functions, and is equivalent to an up-to-date paper
chart. The SENC may also contain information added by the mariner and information
from other sources.
3.4 Standard Display is the display mode intended to be used as a minimum during route
planning and route monitoring. The chart content is listed in appendix 2.
3.5 Display Base means the chart content as listed in appendix 2 and which cannot be
removed from the display. It is not intended to be sufficient for safe navigation.
3.6 Further information on ECDIS definitions may be found in IHO Hydrographic Dictionary
Special Publication S-32 (see appendix 1).
Refer to Publication IEC 60945.
1 MSC/Circ.982.
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4.1 The chart information to be used in ECDIS should be the latest edition, as corrected by
official updates, of that issued by or on the authority of a Government,
government-authorized Hydrographic Office or other relevant government institution, and
conform to IHO standards2.
4.2 The contents of the SENC should be adequate and up-to-date for the intended voyage to
comply with regulation V/27 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention as amended.
4.3 It should not be possible to alter the contents of the ENC or SENC information
transformed from the ENC.
4.5 ECDIS should be capable of accepting official updates to the ENC data provided in
conformity with IHO standards. These updates should be automatically applied to the
SENC. By whatever means updates are received, the implementation procedure should
not interfere with the display in use.
4.6 ECDIS should also be capable of accepting updates to the ENC data entered manually
with simple means for verification prior to the final acceptance of the data. They should
be distinguishable on the display from ENC information and its official updates and not
affect display legibility.
4.7 ECDIS should keep and display on demand a record of updates including time of
application to the SENC. This record should include updates for each ENC until it is
superseded by a new edition.
4.8 ECDIS should allow the mariner to display updates in order to review their contents and
to ascertain that they have been included in the SENC.
4.9 ECDIS should be capable of accepting both non-encrypted ENCs and ENCs encrypted in
accordance with the IHO Data Protection Scheme3.
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5.1 ECDIS should be capable of displaying all SENC information. An ECDIS should be
capable of accepting and converting an ENC and its updates into a SENC. The ECDIS
may also be capable of accepting a SENC resulting from conversion of ENC to SENC
ashore, in accordance with IHO TR 3.114. This method of ENC supply is known as
SENC delivery.
5.2 SENC information available for display during route planning and route monitoring
should be subdivided into the following three categories, Display Base, Standard Display
and All Other Information (see appendix 2).
5.3 ECDIS should present the Standard Display at any time by a single operator action.
5.4 When an ECDIS is switched on following a switch off or power failure, it should return
to the most recent manually selected settings for display.
5.5 It should be easy to add or remove information from the ECDIS display. It should not be
possible to remove information contained in the Display Base.
5.6 For any operator identified geographical position (e.g. by cursor picking) ECDIS should
display on demand the information about the chart objects associated with such a
5.7 It should be possible to change the display scale by appropriate steps e.g. by means of
either chart scale values or ranges in nautical miles.
5.8 It should be possible for the mariner to select a safety contour from the depth contours
provided by the SENC. ECDIS should emphasize the safety contour over other contours
on the display, however:
.1 if the mariner does not specify a safety contour, this should default to 30m. If the
safety contour specified by the mariner or the default 30 m contour is not in the
displayed SENC, the safety contour shown should default to the next deeper
.2 if the safety contour in use becomes unavailable due to a change in source data,
the safety contour should default to the next deeper contour; and
5.9 It should be possible for the mariner to select a safety depth. ECDIS should emphasize
soundings equal to or less than the safety depth whenever spot soundings are selected for
5.10 The ENC and all updates to it should be displayed without any degradation of their
information content.
5.11 ECDIS should provide a means to ensure that the ENC and all updates to it have been
correctly loaded into the SENC.
5.12 The ENC data and updates to it should be clearly distinguishable from other displayed
information, including those listed in appendix 3.
.1 the information is displayed at a larger scale than that contained in the ENC; or
.2 own ship’s position is covered by an ENC at a larger scale than that provided by
the display.
7.1 Radar information and/or AIS information may be transferred from systems compliant
with the relevant standards of the Organization. Other navigational information may be
added to the ECDIS display. However, it should not degrade the displayed SENC
information and it should be clearly distinguishable from the SENC information.
7.2 It should be possible to remove the radar information, AIS information and other
navigational information by single operator action.
7.3 ECDIS and added navigational information should use a common reference system. If
this is not the case, an indication should be provided.
7.4 Radar
7.4.1 Transferred radar information may contain a radar image and/or tracked target
7.4.2 If the radar image is added to the ECDIS display, the chart and the radar image should
match in scale, projection and in orientation.
7.4.3 The radar image and the position from the position sensor should both be adjusted
automatically for antenna offset from the conning position.
8.1 It should always be possible to display the SENC information in a “north-up” orientation.
Other orientations are permitted. When such orientations are displayed, the orientation
should be altered in steps large enough to avoid unstable display of the chart information.
8.2 ECDIS should provide for true motion mode. Other modes are permitted.
8.3 When true motion mode is in use, reset and generation of the chart display of the
neighbouring area should take place automatically at own ship's distance from the edge of
the display as determined by the mariner.
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8.4 It should be possible to manually change the displayed chart area and the position of own
ship relative to the edge of the display.
8.5 If the area covered by the ECDIS display includes waters for which no ENC at a scale
appropriate for navigation is available, the areas representing those waters should carry an
indication (see appendix 5) to the mariner to refer to the paper chart or to the RCDS mode
of operation (see appendix 7).
9.1 IHO recommended colours and symbols should be used to represent SENC information5.
9.2 The colours and symbols other than those mentioned in 9.1 should comply with the
applicable requirements contained in the IMO standards for navigational symbols6.
9.3 SENC information displayed at the scale specified in the ENC should use the specified
size of symbols, figures and letters5.
9.4 ECDIS should allow the mariner to select whether own ship is displayed in true scale or
as a symbol.
.2 route monitoring.
10.2 The effective size of the chart presentation for route monitoring should be at
least 270 mm x 270 mm.
10.3 The display should be capable of meeting colour and resolution recommendations of
10.4 The method of presentation should ensure that the displayed information is clearly visible
to more than one observer in the conditions of light normally experienced on the bridge of
the ship by day and by night.
10.5 If information categories included in the Standard Display (See appendix 2) are removed
to customize the display, this should be permanently indicated. Identification of
categories which are removed from the Standard Display should be shown on demand.
11.1 It should be possible to carry out route planning and route monitoring in a simple and
reliable manner.
11.2 The largest scale data available in the SENC for the area given should always be used by
the ECDIS for all alarms or indications of crossing the ship's safety contour and of
entering a prohibited area, and for alarms and indications according to appendix 5.
11.3.1 It should be possible to carry out route planning including both straight and curved
11.3.3 It should be possible to plan one or more alternative routes in addition to the selected
route. The selected route should be clearly distinguishable from the other routes.
11.3.4 An indication is required if the mariner plans a route across an own ship's safety contour.
11.3.5 An indication should be given if the mariner plans a route closer than a user-specified
distance from the boundary of a prohibited area or a geographic area for which special conditions
exist (see appendix 4).An indication should also be given if the mariner plans a route closer than
a user-specified distance from a point object, such as a fixed or floating aid to navigation or
isolated danger.
11.3.6 It should be possible for the mariner to specify a cross track limit of deviation from the
planned route at which an automatic off-track alarm should be activated.
11.4.1 For route monitoring the selected route and own ship's position should appear whenever
the display covers that area.
11.4.2 It should be possible to display a sea area that does not have the ship on the display (e.g.
for look ahead, route planning), while route monitoring. If this is done on the display
used for route monitoring, the automatic route monitoring functions (e.g. updating ship’s
position, and providing alarms and indications) should be continuous. It should be
possible to return to the route monitoring display covering own ship's position
immediately by single operator action.
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11.4.3 ECDIS should give an alarm if, within a specified time set by the mariner, own ship will
cross the safety contour.
11.4.4 ECDIS should give an alarm or indication, as selected by the mariner, if, within a
specified time set by the mariner, own ship will cross the boundary of a prohibited area
or of a geographical area for which special conditions exist (see appendix 4).
11.4.5 An alarm should be given when the specified cross track limit for deviation from the
planned route is exceeded.
11.4.6 An indication should be given to the mariner if, continuing on its present course and
speed, over a specified time or distance set by the mariner, own ship will pass closer
than a user-specified distance from a danger (e.g. obstruction, wreck, rock) that is
shallower than the mariner's safety contour or an aid to navigation.
11.4.7 The ship’s position should be derived from a continuous positioning system of an
accuracy consistent with the requirements of safe navigation. Whenever possible, a
second independent positioning source, preferably of a different type, should be
provided. In such cases ECDIS should be capable of identifying discrepancies between
the two sources.
11.4.8 ECDIS should provide an alarm when the input from position, heading or speed sources
is lost. ECDIS should also repeat, but only as an indication, any alarm or indication
passed to it from position, heading or speed sources.
11.4.9 An alarm should be given by ECDIS when the ship reaches a specified time or distance,
set by the mariner, in advance of a critical point on the planned route.
11.4.10 The positioning system and the SENC should be on the same geodetic datum. ECDIS
should give an alarm if this is not the case.
11.4.11 It should be possible to display alternative routes in addition to the selected route. The
selected route should be clearly distinguishable from the other routes. During the
voyage, it should be possible for the mariner to modify the selected sailing route or
change to an alternative route.
.2 an adequate number of: points, free movable electronic bearing lines, variable and
fixed range markers and other symbols required for navigation purposes and
specified in appendix 3.
11.4.13 It should be possible to enter the geographical co-ordinates of any position and then
display that position on demand. Also, it should be possible to select any point
(features, symbol or position) on the display and read its geographical co-ordinates on
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11.4.14 It should be possible to adjust the displayed geographic position of the ship manually.
This manual adjustment should be noted alpha-numerically on the screen, maintained
until altered by the mariner and automatically recorded. ECDIS should provide the capability to enter and plot manually obtained bearing and
distance lines of position (LOP), and calculate the resulting position of own ship. It
should be possible to use the resulting position as an origin for dead-reckoning. ECDIS should indicate discrepancies between the positions obtained by continuous
positioning systems and positions obtained by manual observations.
11.5.1 ECDIS should store and be able to reproduce certain minimum elements required to
reconstruct the navigation and verify the official database used during the previous 12
hours. The following data should be recorded at one minute intervals:
.1 to ensure a record of own ship's past track: time, position, heading, and speed; and
.2 to ensure a record of official data used: ENC source, edition, date, cell and update
11.5.2 In addition, ECDIS should record the complete track for the entire voyage, with time
marks at intervals not exceeding 4 hours.
11.5.4 ECDIS should have a capability to preserve the record of the previous 12 hours and of
the voyage track.
12.1 The accuracy of all calculations performed by ECDIS should be independent of the
characteristics of the output device and should be consistent with the SENC accuracy.
12.2 Bearings and distances drawn on the display or those measured between features already
drawn on the display should have accuracy no less than that afforded by the resolution of
the display.
12.3 The system should be capable of performing and presenting the results of at least the
following calculations:
.3 geodetic calculations such as spheroidal distance, rhumb line, and great circle.
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13.1 ECDIS should be provided with means for either automatically or manually carrying out
on-board tests of major functions. In case of a failure, the test should display information
to indicate which module is at fault.
15.1 ECDIS should not degrade the performance of any equipment providing sensor inputs.
Nor should the connection of optional equipment degrade the performance of ECDIS
below this standard.
15.2 ECDIS should be connected to the ship's position fixing system, to the gyro compass and
to the speed and distance measuring device. For ships not fitted with a gyro compass,
ECDIS should be connected to a marine transmitting heading device.
15.3 ECDIS may provide a means to supply SENC information to external equipment.
16.1 It should be possible to operate ECDIS and all equipment necessary for its normal
functioning when supplied by an emergency source of electrical power in accordance
with the appropriate requirements of chapter II-1 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as
16.2 Changing from one source of power supply to another or any interruption of the supply
for a period of up to 45 seconds should not require the equipment to be manually
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Appendix 1
IMO MSC/Circ.982 (2000) on Guidelines on ergonomic criteria for bridge equipment and
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Special Publication No. S-52, Specifications for Chart Content and Display Aspects of
Special Publication No. S-52 appendix 2, Colour and Symbol Specifications for ECDIS
Special Publication No. S-57, IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data
Special Publication No. S-61, IHO Product specification for Raster Navigational Charts
IEC Publication 61174, Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) -
Operational and Performance Requirements, Method of Testing and Required Test
IEC Publication 60945, General Requirements for Shipborne Radio Equipment Forming
Part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and Marine Navigational
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Appendix 2
.1 display base
.2 drying line
.3 buoys, beacons, other aids to navigation and fixed structures
.4 boundaries of fairways, channels, etc.
.5 visual and radar conspicuous features
.6 prohibited and restricted areas
.7 chart scale boundaries
.8 indication of cautionary notes
.9 ships’ routeing systems and ferry routes
.10 archipelagic sea lanes.
.1 spot soundings
.2 submarine cables and pipelines
.3 details of all isolated dangers
.4 details of aids to navigation
.5 contents of cautionary notes
.6 ENC edition date
.7 most recent chart update number
.8 magnetic variation
.9 graticule
.10 place names.
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Appendix 3
1 Own ship.
4 Cursor.
5 Event.
.1 Predicted tidal stream or current vector with effective time and strength.
.2 Measured tidal stream or current vector with effective time and strength.
9 Danger highlight.
10 Clearing line.
12 Waypoint.
13 Distance to run.
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Appendix 4
The following are the areas which ECDIS should detect and provide an alarm or
indication under sections 11.3.5 and 11.4.4:
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Appendix 5
In this Performance Standard the definitions of Indicators and Alarms provided in the IMO
resolution A.830(19) “Code on Alarms and Indicators, 1995” apply.
Alarm: An alarm or alarm system which announces by audible means, or audible and visual
means, a condition requiring attention.
Indicator: Visual indication giving information about the condition of a system or equipment.
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Appendix 6
.1 facilities enabling a safe take-over of the ECDIS functions in order to ensure that
an ECDIS failure does not result in a critical situation;
.2 a means to provide for safe navigation for the remaining part of the voyage in case
of ECDIS failure.
The purpose of an ECDIS back-up system is to ensure that safe navigation is not
compromised in the event of ECDIS failure. This should include a timely transfer to the back-up
system during critical navigation situations. The back-up system shall allow the vessel to be
navigated safely until the termination of the voyage.
The back-up system should display in graphical (chart) form the relevant information of the
hydrographic and geographic environment which are necessary for safe navigation.
The back-up system should be capable of performing the route planning functions, including:
The back-up system should enable a take-over of the route monitoring originally performed by
the ECDIS, and provide at least the following functions:
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.5 plotting an adequate number of points, bearing lines, range markers, etc., on the
If the back-up is an electronic device, it should be capable of displaying at least the information
equivalent to the standard display as defined in this performance standard.
.1 The chart information to be used in the backup arrangement should be the latest
edition, as corrected by official updates, of that issued by or on the authority of a
Government, authorized Hydrographic Office or other relevant government
institution, and conform to IHO standards.
.2 It should not be possible to alter the contents of the electronic chart information.
.3 The chart or chart data edition and issuing date should be indicated.
3.1.6 Updating
The information displayed by the ECDIS back-up arrangements should be up-to-date for the
entire voyage.
3.1.7 Scale
.1 if the information is displayed at a larger scale than that contained in the database;
.2 if own ship’s position is covered by a chart at a larger scale than that provided by
the system.
3.1.8 If radar and other navigational information are added to an electronic back-up display, all
the corresponding requirements for radar information and other navigation information of
this performance standard should be met.
3.1.9 If an electronic device is used, the display mode and generation of the neighbouring area
should be in accordance with section 8 of this performance standard.
The back-up arrangements should be able to keep a record of the ship’s actual track, including
positions and corresponding times.
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3.2.1 Reliability
The back-up arrangements should provide reliable operation under prevailing environmental and
normal operating conditions.
3.2.2 Accuracy
If an electronic device is used, it should provide a suitable alarm or indication of system malfunction.
4.1 Ergonomics
If an electronic device is used, it should be designed in accordance with the ergonomic principles
.1 Colours and symbols should be in accordance with the colours and symbols
requirements of ECDIS.
.2 The effective size of the chart presentation should be not less than 250 mm x 250 mm
or 250 mm diameter.
.1 the back-up power supply should be separate from the ECDIS; and
6.2 If radar with selected parts of the ENC chart information overlay is used as an element of
the back-up, the radar should comply with resolution MSC.192(79).
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Appendix 7
Whenever in this appendix reference is made to any provisions of the annex related to ECDIS,
the term ECDIS should be substituted by the term RCDS, SENC by SRNC and ENC by RNC, as
This appendix refers to each paragraph of the performance standards for ECDIS (i.e. the Annex
to which this part is appendix 7) and specifies which paragraphs of the Annex either:
.1 apply to RCDS; or
1.8 RCDS should provide appropriate alarms or indications with respect to the
information displayed or malfunction of the equipment (see Table 1 of this
3.1 Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) means a navigation information system
displaying RNCs with positional information from navigation sensors to assist the
mariner in route planning and route monitoring, and if required, display additional
navigation-related information.
3.2 Raster Navigational Chart (RNC) means a facsimile of a paper chart originated
by, or distributed on the authority of, a government-authorized hydrographic
office. RNC is used in these standards to mean either a single chart or a collection
of charts.
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3.3 System Raster Navigational Chart Database (SRNC) means a database resulting
from the transformation of the RNC by the RCDS to include updates to the RNC
by appropriate means.
3.7 Appropriate Portfolio of up to date paper Charts (APC) means a suite of paper
charts of a scale to show sufficient detail of topography, depths, navigational
hazards, aids to navigation, charted routes, and routeing measures to provide the
mariner with information on the overall navigational environment. The APC
should provide adequate look-ahead capability. Coastal States will provide details
of the charts which meet the requirement of this portfolio, and these details are
included in a worldwide database maintained by the IHO. Consideration should
be given to the details contained in this database when determining the content of
the APC.
4.1 The RNC used in RCDS should be the latest edition of that originated by, or
distributed on the authority of, a government authorized hydrographic office and
conform to IHO standards. RNCs not on WGS 84 or PE-90 should carry meta-
data (i.e., additional data) to allow geo-referenced positional data to be displayed
in the correct relationship to SRNC data.
4.2 The contents of the SRNC should be adequate and up-to-date for that part of the
intended voyage not covered by ENC.
5.2 SRNC information available for display during route planning and route
monitoring should be subdivided into two categories:
.1 the RCDS standard display consisting of RNC and its updates, including
its scale, the scale at which it is displayed, its horizontal datum, and its
units of depths and heights; and
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5.5 It should be easy to add to, or remove from; the RCDS display any information
additional to the RNC data, such as mariner's notes. It should not be possible to
remove any information from the RNC.
8.1 It should always be possible to display the SRNC in “chart-up” orientation. Other
orientations are permitted.
9.1 IHO recommended colours and symbols should be used to represent SRNC
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10.6 RCDS should be capable of displaying, simply and quickly, chart notes which are
not located on the portion of the chart currently being displayed.
11.3.7 It should be possible for the mariner to enter points, lines and areas which activate
an automatic alarm. The display of these features should not degrade the SRNC
information and it should be clearly distinguishable from the SRNC information.
11.4.2 It should be possible to display a sea area that does not have the ship on the
display (e.g. for look ahead, route planning), while route monitoring. If this is
done on the display used for route monitoring, the automatic route monitoring
functions in 10.4.6 and 10.4.7 should be continuous. It should be possible to
return to the route monitoring display covering own ship's position immediately
by single operator action.
11.4.10 The RCDS should only accept positional data referenced to the WGS 84 or PE-90
geodetic datum. RCDS should give an alarm if the positional data is not
referenced to one of these datum. If the displayed RNC cannot be referenced to
the WGS 84 or PE-90 datum then a continuous indication should be provided.
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11.4.16 RCDS should allow the user to manually align the SRNC with positional data.
This can be necessary, for example, to compensate for local charting errors.
11.4.17 It should be possible to activate an automatic alarm when the ship crosses a point,
line, or is within the boundary of a mariner entered feature within a specified time
or distance.
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Table 1
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