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Six Upakrama

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Bhattacharyya Nirupam et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm.

4(5), Sep – Oct 2013

Review Article


Bhattacharyya Nirupam1*, Pujar Muralidhar P2, M Ashvini Kumar3, Chaturvedi Ashutosh1
PG Scholar, Department of PG studies in Panchakarma, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka,
Professor, Department of PG studies in Panchakarma, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka,
Associate Professor and Head, Department of PG studies in Panchakarma, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital,
Hassan, Karnataka, India

Received on: 24/08/13 Revised on: 17/09/13 Accepted on: 21/09/13

*Corresponding author
E-mail: drniru9999@gmail.com
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.04507
Published by Moksha Publishing House. Website www.mokshaph.com
All rights reserved.

The eternal science of life Ayurveda has indicated various types of Chikitsa for the management of diseases. Amongst the Chikitsa mentioned,
Shadvidopakrama bears lot of significance. In this context the knowledge of upakrama becomes very essential. The Sadvidhaupakrama, the
combination of six prime upakramas of Ayurveda can be considered a part of Yuktivipashraya chikitsa. Sadvidha upakrama plans to act by balancing
the proportion of the Panchamahabhutas in the body. In other words those substances or process which increases the agni, vayu and aakasha
mahabhuta in the body can be termed as langhana. Result of any Upakrama is Dosha Saamyata. It is attained through balancing the Gunas, ultimately
by achieving the Panchabhouthika stability. Whatever may be the treatment modalities it will come under the peer view of Shadvidhopkrama. That is
the reason these principles of shadvidhopkrama are implemented in the day to day clinical practice.
Keywords: Chikitsa, Dosha Saamyta, Upkrama, Shadvidhopkrama

INTRODUCTION of sandivata both sthula and krusha has to be taken into

Ayurveda, the eternal science of life has indicated various consideration, if patient is sthula then Mahayograj
types of Chikitsa for the management of diseases. guggulu would be drug of choice whereas it cannot be
Amongst the Chikitsa mentioned, Shadvidopakrama bears advised in krusha where Trayodashang Guggulu would be
lot of significance. In this context the knowledge of the choice of drug. This concept signifies the importance
upakrama becomes very essential. The word upakrama in of treatment principle that may be the reason to include
terms of Ayurvedic classics refers planning a line of Langhana, Rukshana, and Swedana included in the
treatment and executing it to a perfection for betterment Aptarpana while Brumhana, Snehana and Stambhana
of the diseased.1 Hence, the Sadvidhaupakrama, the unite to form Santarpana.
combination of six prime upakramas of Ayurveda can be
considered a part of Yuktivipashraya chikitsa of Trividha Langhana
Chikitsa as it requires proper planning and expertise of The procedures or a substance which creates lightness in
the physician for its successful implementation for health the body is called langhana7. The substances which carry
and prosperity of mankind as a whole.2 out the functions of langhana have the qualities of laghu,
ushna, tikshna, vishada, sukshma, khara and sara kathina
Sadvidha Upakrama in characteristics8.
Sadvidhaupakrama forms the basic core of treatment in
Ayurvedic science. The knowledge of Sadvidhaupakrama Types of langhana
is essential for an expert physician. It consists of the The classics mention 10 varieties of langhana therapies
procedures like Langhana, Brumhana, Rukshana, viz, Sodhana (Vamana, Virechana, Sirovirechana, Niruha
Snehana, Swedana and Stambhana.3 Basti), Pippasa, Maruta sewana, Atopa sewana, Pachana,
Upavasaand Vyayama.9 Acharaya Vagbhata have
Sadvidha Upakrama in Dwidopkrama classified Langhana into two types they are Sodhana (5
Vagbhata's concept of Dwividopkrama emprises the types of sodhana viz Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Niruha
importance as it includes these six under the heading of basti, Raktamokshana) and Shamana (Pachana, Deepana,
two modalities of the treatment as Santarpana and Kshut, Trshna, Vyayama, Atopa, Maruta).10
aptarpana4. This classification holds well because even
diseases are being explained as santrapanjanya and Indication of Dashaprakara Langhana
aptarpanjanya vyadhi.5 Hence to manage santrapanjanya Rogi, Rogi Bala, Roga are the basic criteria which should
vyadhi aptarpana is the line of management and in be taken into due account before indicating Langhana – it
aptarpanajanya vyadhi santrapan is the line of can be summarised as below:11
management.6 For an example while managing the patient

Bhattacharyya Nirupam et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 4(5), Sep – Oct 2013

Table 1

Rogi Roga Bala Roga Langhana Indicated

Brahat shareera Balavat / pravara Prabhuta- Shleshma, Pitta, Rakta, Mala along with Vata. Vishodhana
Madyama Bala Vami, Atisara, Vibhandha, Gourava, Hrudroga, Visuchika, Udghara, Pachana
Hrullasa, Alasaka, Jwara, Aruchi, KaphaPitta roga.
Alpa Bala Vami, Atisara, Vibhandha, Gourava, Hrudroga, Visuchika, Udghara, Pipasa, Upavasa
Hrullasa, Alasaka, Jwara, Aruchi, KaphaPitta roga.
Balavan Madhyama Vami, Atisara, Vibhandha, Gourava, Hrudroga, Visuchika, Udghara, Vyayama, Atopa
Hrullasa, Alasaka, Jwara, Aruchi, KaphaPitta roga. Maruta
Balavan Avara Vami, Atisara, Vibhandha, Gourava, Hrudroga, Visuchika, Udghara, Vyayama, Atopa
Hrullasa, Alasaka, Jwara, Aruchi, KaphaPitta roga. Maruta

Application of Dasavidha Langhana Snehana

The applicability of Langhana can be summarized as The procedure by which Snigdhata (oiliness),
Sodhana and Shamana. In context of shodhana Vamana is Vishyananda (liquefaction), Mardavata (softness) and
the best example for managing the Bahudosha kapha in Kledana (moistness) is achieved is called Snehana.30 The
Tamaka swasa in order to expel out the upastitha dosha12, substances which act as snehana possesses the qualities
whereas Virechana holds strong in Adhogata amlapitta such as Drava, Sukshma, Sara, Snigdha, Picchila, Guru,
which does the sthana suddhi13, similarly Basti in Sheetala, Manda and Mridu.31
Avaranajanya vata vyadhi by acting upon the both avarka
and avruta14 and Siro virechana in Kaphaja shirashoola Types of Snehana
through removal of toxins.15 Further modalities of According to action32
langhana like Pipasa, Atopa and Maruta Sewana in alpa Shodhananga
dosha or in chaya avasta of dosha, Upavasa in Taruna ·
jwara as principles starts with langana16, Deepana · Brumhana
pachana in Amaja conditions to bring it to Nirama
avsatha, Vyayama in Urustambha and Stoulya shows the According to route of Administration33
effectiveness of Shamana rupi Langhana.17-18 · Bahya (external) such as Abyanga, Lepa, Avagaha,
Parisekha, karnapoorana, akshitarpana.
Brumhana · Abhyantara (internal) like Snehapana, Basti, Nasya
The term Brumhana refers to the use of substances and
procedures which will substantiate the growth of the Shodhananga Sneha
body.19 Brumhana will result in increase in body mass and Sneha administered prior to Sodhana is known as
volume as a whole. Brumhanakari dravyas will have the Sodhananga Sneha. It is administered for the purpose of
functions of Guru, Shita, Mridu, Snigdha, Bahalam, Dosa Utkleshana prior to Vamana, Virechana for a
Picchilam, Manda and Sthiraand Slakshna.20 maxium period of 7 days.34
Application of Brumhana Shamana Sneha
Sasthika Shali as diet internally in Karshya21 and Sneha administered processed with herbs that can cure
externally in the form of Sasthika Shali Pinda Swedana in diseases. In general, the sneha dosage is administered in
Pakshaghata22, Matrabasti in case of Vataja Gridhrasi23, empty stomach when client feels hungry during Anna
Ghritapana in case of Vata pittaja Jeerna Jwara24 and use kaala. E.g. administration of Shatavari Ghrita in patients
of Rasayana and Vajikarana dravyas are few potent areas of Kshinasukra.35
where the concept of Brumhana is giving effective
result.25 Brumhana Sneha
Small amounts of sneha given along with food for the
Rukshna purpose of nourishment is known as Brumhana Sneha.36
The therapy by which the oily, sticky and fatty
constituents of the body are dried up and reduced and Application of Snehana
which eliminates excess mucus, fat and water from the Snehana has been broadly applied in various treatment
tissues and organs of the body is known as Rukshana.26 like Nasya in Apabahuka37, Abhyanga in twakgata vata38,
The drugs having the ability to carry out Rukshana have Shodhananga snehapana in kushta39, Shirodhara in
the qualities of Ruksha, Laghu, Khara, Teekshna, Sthira, Anidra40 and Parisekha in Dhatukshayajanya
Picchila and Kathinaand Drava.27 Pakshghata.41
Application of Rukshana Swedana
Rukshana can be done both externally (Bahya) and as Swedana is defined as a process by which the sweat or
well be done internally (Abhyantara). Bahya Rukshana is perspiration is produced in the body by various methods
carried out by procedures such as Udvartana and by which there is relief from stiffness, heaviness and
application of various ruksha lepas whereas Abhyantara coldness of body.42 The drugs which are Ushna, Tikshna,
Rukshana is done effeciently with administration of Sara, Snigdha, Ruksha, Sukshma, Drava, Sthira and Guru
Takrapana, Ruksha Annasewana and also by Bhesajas.28- in nature are used for Swedana.43

Bhattacharyya Nirupam et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 4(5), Sep – Oct 2013

Types of Swedana using the random sampling method. Upavasa is taken as

Various classifications are present in the classics to Hina Matra Bhojana that is, gradually increasing the dose
explain the types of Swedana. Charaka has classified of Ahara (by Padanshika Krama) was applied on the basis
Swedana as Anagni and Saagni Swedana44 of the Ahara Shakti of the Atura and status of the
Anagni Swedana- Vyayama, Ushna Sadana, Guru Agnisada. Furthermore, for the Pachana, Shunthi
Pravarana, Kshudha, Bahupana, Bhaya, Upanaha, (Zingiber officinale) was selected. The subjects for the
Krodha, Aahata, Aatopa.45 study were patients who had signs and symptoms of
Saagni Swedana- Sankara Swedana, Prasthara Swedana, Agnisada and were between the age group of 20 and 60
Nadi Swedana, Parisekha Swedana, Avagaaha Swedana, years. In Group A (Upavasa plus Pachana) 83.77 % and in
Jentaka Swedana, Ashmaghna Swedana, Karshu Group B (Upavasa) 72.97 % improvement was found,
Swedana, Kuti Swedana, Bhu Swedana, Kumbhi which was statistically highly significant (< 0.001).
Swedana, Kupaa Swedana and Holaka Swedana.46 Upavasa plus Pachana and Upavasa were both found
beneficial in promoting the Agni in patients with
Susruta has mentioned four classes of Swedana where in Agnisada. However, in the percentage-wise comparison
the above mentioned classification of Saagni Swedana Group A showed better result than Group B.50 Prasanna S.
can be included. G. Aithal et al. conducted study on Role of Rookshana as
Purvakarma for vamana in the management of sthula
· Tapa Swedana- Jentaka, Karshu, Kuti, Kupa. madhumehi. Vamana performed after Rookshana Purvaka
· Ushma Swedana- Sankara , Prshtara, Naadi, Snehapana provided comparatively better relief in
Ashmaghna, Kumbhi, Bhu frequency of urine, quantity of urine, Avila Mutrata,
· Drava Swedana- Parisekha, Avaagaha. excessive sleep, Ati Kshuda, Ati Trishna, Ati Sveda,
· Upanaha Swedana Karapada Daha, Alasya, fasting blood sugar, postprondial
blood sugar, urine sugar, weight and body mass index. On
Table 2: Special indications of Swedana the basis of above results it can be concluded that
Rookshana purvaka Snehapana and Vamana provided
Type of Swedana Indications better relief in the signs and symptoms, fasting blood
Taapa Kapha roga sugar, postprondial blood sugar, urine sugar, weight and
Ushma Kapha roga
body mass index of the patients of Madhumeha than
Drava Pitta anubandhi vata roga
Upanaha Vata Roga
Vamana performed Snehana Purvaka alone. The results of
Niragni Kaphamedovrutha Vata Roga46 this work are in accordance of the suggestion made by
Vagbhata that in the conditions were Kapha, Meda etc.
Applications of Swedana are dominant and the Shodhana should be performed by
· Upanaha Swedana: Vatavyadhi having predominance preparing the patients with Rooksha Purvaka Snehana.
of shula, Sankoca, Stambha. For this study Sthula Madhumehi was selected in which
Shashtika Swedana: Parisekha, Annalepa: Meda, Kapha, Kleda etc. are increased. It is suggested
Karmakshya Pradhana Vyadhi like Pakshaghata. that this type of study if conducted in other increased
· Kapha; Meda etc. conditions then the better results can be
Bashpa Swedana: In Katishoola, Gridhrasi
Valuka Swedana, pradeha type of Upanaha: in Aama obtained.51 Ramteke R et al. conducted study on An open
Pradhana Sotha as in Aamavata. clinical trial to analyze Samyak Snigdha Lakshana of
Dhanyamla Dhara in Aamavata Shodhananga Snehapana with Mahatikthakam Ghritam in
Kshiradhooma in Ardita Psoriasis. An open clinical trial was conducted in as there
is no work done on the Samyak Snigdha Lakshana (SSL),
Stambhana this study was undertaken to work on the different aspects
The procedures or the drugs which arrests the mobility of of Samyak Snigdha Lakshana. To minimize variables,
a moving substances or restricts the flow of a substance is subjects suffering with psoriasis and same Ghritam were
known as Stambhana.47 It possess Laghu, Shita, Mridu, selected on the basis of strict inclusion and exclusion
Drava, Slakshna, Ruksha, Sukshma and Sthira criteria. Shodhananga Abhyantara Snehapana was advised
properties.48 before Vamana and Virechana. Samyak Snigdha
Lakshanas which are described in all texts are different in
Application of Stambhana milieu. Shodhananga Snehapana with Mahatiktakam
Piccha basthi in Rakta Athisara and Avapida nasya with Ghritam was given according to Koshta and Agni in 30
Vasa swarasa in Raktapitta are few of the best examples subjects. Samyak Snigdha Lakshanas were assessed using
of Stambhana.49 a special scoring pattern and the biochemical parameters
were observed in all subjects. Statistical analysis using
Relevant Researches paired't' test were done. In all patients Vatanulomana,
Based on the principle of each upkrama many clinical Diptagni, Snehodvega, Klama and Adhastat Sneha
trials have been conducted at various research centres Darshanam were seen; whereas Angalaghava and Twak
across the country such as, Rajani A et al. conducted Snigdhata were noted in less percentage of persons. The
Comparative clinical study of Upavasa and Upavasa with onset of various Samyak Snigdha Lakshanas occurs in
Pachana in the management of Agnisada. In this research sequence. There were changes in some biochemical
study, Upavasa plus Pachana and Upavasa (among ten parameters like serum cholesterol, Serum glutamic-
types of Langhanas) are applied in two different groups, oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and fat globules in

Bhattacharyya Nirupam et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 4(5), Sep – Oct 2013

stool after Snehapana. Shodhananga Snehapana with means, in vatapradhana kustha like kitibha kustha it can
Mahatikthakam Ghritam decrease features of psoriasis up nullifies the vitiated vata dosha by Snighda guna of sarpi
to some extent. More in depth studies are required to interim the usage of the snehana upkrama does the
evaluate their importance and for their application in samprapti vightana by acting on the guntha vriddhi of the
modern medical practice.52 Dilbag Singh Jindal et al dosha in vata kustha.
studied role of Parisheka Svedana in the management of
Katigraha. This study was carried out to evaluate the Action over the Tridoshas
effects of Ksheerbala Taila in the management of Sadvidha upakrama helps to mitigate the tridoshas in the
Katigraha. As the base of Ksheerbala Taila is Tila Taila, body as Langhana mitgates Kapha, Pitta, Brumhana is
which is also has Vata relieving effect, therefore in this Vata, Pittahara, Rukshana decrease the Kapha, Pitta,
study Tila Taila was kept as a control drug to evaluate Snehana is Vata Pittahara, Swedana is Vata Kaphara and
whether the effect is of Ksheerbala Taila or only of oil Stambhana eliminates the Pitta and Vata dosha for
and heat used in the process. The results of this study example in the management of the Dhatukshaja
clearly showed that Ksheerbala Taila provided far better Pakshvada Brhumana, is the line of the management
relief to the patients of Katigraha in comparison to Tila which acts on the both vitiated vata and pitta dosha.
Taila. Hence it can be said that Ksheerbala Taila has its
own effect also in relieving Katigraha which is one of the CONCLUSION
Vata Vyadhi.53 Patel MV et al. conducted study on effects The result of any Upakrama is Dosha Saamyata. It is
of Ayurvedic treatment on forty-three patients of attained through balancing the Gunas, ultimately by
ulcerative colitis. A clinical study of 43 patients of achieving the Panchabhouthika stability.
ulcerative colitis has been conducted. They were given Shadvidopakrama works on the principle of Saamanya
Udumbara kvatha basti with oral Ayurveda medicaments Vishesha Siddhanta. All the Upakramas come under the
including Kutaj ghan vati, Udumbara kvatha, and domain of the Sadvidhaupakrama. Roga and Rogi must be
combination of Musta, Nagakesara, Lodhra, Mukta carefully assessed and only then Upakrama should be
panchamrut rasa for a one-month period. Results were planned. That is why it is called Yuktivypashraya
analyzed statistically by using the 't' test. In this study, it Chikitsa. Thus, Shadvidopakrama is used both for
was observed that the symptoms and signs, daily dose of prevention and cure of disease. Charaka has clearly
steroids and other anti-inflammatory drugs were reduced concluded this concept by saying that although various
by more than 75 % with a highly significant result. The combination of doshas are possible as per various
hemoglobin level was also increased.54 condition still the number of the doshas remains three
similarly whatever may be the treatment modalities it will
Action of Shadvidhopkrama come under the peer view of Shadvidhopkrama. Thus it
Sadvidha upakrama plans to act by balancing the can be concluded that principles of shadvidhopkrama are
proportion of the Panchamahabhutas in the body. In other implemented in the day to day clinical practice.
words those substances or process which increases the
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Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared


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