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Chronic Respiratory Diseases –

Ayurvedic management

Prof. Dr. Sathya N. Dornala

B.A.M.S., M.D (Ay/Goldmedalist).,
M.S (Psychotherapy & Counselling).,
Ph.D (Panchakarma)., PGDHHM (IGNOU).,
Vaidya-Scientist Fellow., CHRF (ICMR)., PGDMH (IGNOU)

Panchakarma Specialist
Swami Vivekanand Ayurvedic Panchakarma Hospital,
Dilshad Garden, New Delhi – 95
Ritu & Dosha relation

Chaya Prakopa Prashamana

Vata Grishma Varsha Sharat

Pitta Varsha Sharat Hemant

Kapha Sishira Vasantha Grishma

Breathing – Sign of human life
Re + Spiration
• Spiration : act of breathing
What is CRD ?
• Group of chronic diseases affecting the airways and
the other structures of the lungs.
• Respiratory disease is a medical term that
encompasses pathological conditions affecting the
organs and tissues that make gas exchange possible in
higher organisms, and includes conditions of the upper
respiratorytract, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli,
pleura and pleural cavity, and the nerves and muscles
of breathing.
• The study of respiratory disease is known
as ”Pulmonology.”
Increasing Global Public Health Problem
• WHO estimates that over 1 bn people suffer
from CRD worldwide
• Prevalence and severity increasing globally
due to Industrialization.
PM2.5 & AQI
• PM-mixture of solid • It tells you how clean or
particles and liquid polluted your air is.
droplets • AQI depends other major
• Particulate matter less air pollutants as well such
than 2.5μ in diameter. as PM10, PM2.5, SO2,
• There are toxic chemicals NOx, Ozone and others.
and heavy metals from
vehicles and other
sources suspended in air
which get into your blood
stream when you
Risk factors
• tobacco smoking
• indoor air pollution
• outdoor pollution
• allergens
• occupational risks and vulnerability

Chronic Respiratory Diseases
• Asthma • Secondary Pulmonary
• Allergic rhinitis HTN
• Chronic Rhinosinusitis • Pulmonary embolism
• Sleep apnea • Cor pulmonale
• Chronic Obstructive • Lung fibrosis
Pulmonary Disease • Lun cancer and
(COPD) – Emphysema & neoplasms of respiratory
Ch.bronchitis organs
• Post Infectious CRD • Bronchiecstasis
• Pulmonary/Tropical
• Occupational CRD
Signs & Symptoms
• Cough
• Abnormalities of breathing (Dyspnoea Stridor
Wheezing Hyperventilation Sneezing)
• Pain in the throat and chest
• Haemorrhage from respiratory passages
(Epistaxis Haemoptysis)
• Other symptoms and signs involving the
circulatory and respiratory systems - Asphyxia
Pleurisy Respiratory arrest (cardiorespiratory
failure) Abnormal sputum
Pranavaha srotas
• Word prana- It is derived from the Sanskrit
root “An” with a prefix “Pra”. “An” means to
breath, to live.

Ati Vimarga Sira

Srotomulam Sangam
pravritti gamanam grandhi
C. Hridaya and Acute Hikka Kasa Tonsillitis
Maha Srotas respiratory Swasa (Tundikeri)
S. Hridaya & distress
Rasa vahini syndrome
dhamani Asthma
Associated srotas involved
• Annavaha (C. Amashaya and Vama parshva
S. Amashaya and Annavahini Dhamani )
• Udaka vaha (C. Talu mulam and Kloma
S. Talu and Kloma)
• Rasa vaha (C. Hridaya and Maha Srotas
S. Hridaya & Rasa Vahini Dhamani )
Dimension of Pranavaha srotas
• Pranavata initiates impulse from Shirasa
(Buddhi Hrudayendriya chittam – druk =
aspect) travels through nose, tongue, pharynx,
neck till Uras understood as – reticular
formation from the Medulla oblongata with
higher center connected especially
“Respiratory center”
Pranavaha srotodusti Hetu
• Dhatu kshaya (wasting)
• Vega sandharana (natural urges suppression)
• Rooksha padartha sevana (indulgence in dry
• Vyayama (excessive physical exertion)
• Kshudhita (excessive hunger)
Pranavaha srotodusti Lakshana
• Atisrustam (too long respiration)
• Atibaddham (restricted respiration)
• Kupitam (agitated respiration)
• Alpalpam (shallow / short respiration)
• Abhikshanam (frequent/ increased/ repeated
• Sashabdam (sternous respiration)
• Sashoola (painful respiration)
Pranavaha sroto Abhighata Lakshana
• Akroshana (loud grooming)
• Vinamana (deformation of the thoracic
• Mohana (loss of consciousness)
• Bhramana (illusion / giddiness)
• Vepana (tremors)
• Marana (death)
Pranavaha sroto vikara
• Kasa
• Hikka
• Swasa
• Urakshata
• Kshatksheena
• Swarabheda
• Rajayakshma/Sosha
• Apana, Prana & Udana vata
• V, P, K, Kshataja, Kshayaja
// kase nidhigdhika // - Kantakari (AHUt)
• Solanum indicum/xanthocarpum
Urahkshata & Kshatakshina
• Ati vyayamam & Ati vyavayam
• // Kshine sarakta mutratwam parshwa prishta
atigraha // Ch.Ch11
• // Laksha sadya kshataghnanam // ASSu13
• Urah sandhana janane Lakshaya pradhanyat
Hikka - Shwasa
• Pitta sthana samudbhava – Amashaya
• Prana udaka anna vahini srotamsi sa kaphonila
• Annaja/Yamala/Kshudra/Gambira/Mahati H
• Lavana taila abhyangam
• Maha/Urdhwa/Chinna/Tamaka/Kshudra S
• Kapha vataghnam ushnam vatanulomanam
bheshajam SH
Chest abnormalities

Sunken or Funnel
Ayurvedic management
Pathya pathya – Nidana parivarjana
• Milk and variations
• Nimbu and sour items
• Dry fruits and Jaggery
• Day time sleep
• Leafy vegetables – Sarson ka saag
• Besan and Maida
• Sprouts
• Raw vegetables – Salads
• Coconut water
Influencing factors
• Panchavidha vata
• Panchavidha pitta
• Panchavidha kapha
• Elimination systems
• Srotases PAUR
Major Elimination systems
• Skin
• Kidneys
• Intestines (Colon)
• Lungs
• Liver
Chitraka H
Gomutra H
Agastya H

Gandharwa H Vyaghri H

Haritaki pathyanam
Guda H
Dasamula H

Madhu H
Takra H Danti H
Mx principle
• Acharya Charaka told that Pranavaha Sroto
vyadhis should be treated similar to Swasa
Ati Vimarga Sira
pravritti gamanam grandhi
ARDS Hikka Kasa Tonsillitis
Asthma Swasa (Tundikeri)

Snehayukta Stambhana Anulomanam Lekhana &

Virechana (Tikta and chedana
Kashaya ras)
Kasahara Shwasahara Hikka nigrahana
• Draksha • Shati • Shati
• Pushkaramula • Pushkaramula
• Haritaki
• Amlavetasa • Badara
• Amalaki
• Ela • Kantakari
• Pippali
• Hingu • Brihati
• Duralabha •
• Aguru Vriksharuha
• Karkatasringi • Surasa • Abhaya /
• Kantakari • Tamalaki Haritaki
• Punarnava • Jivanti • Pippali
dwayam • Chanda • Duralabha
• Tamalaki • Kulirashringi ?
• Bhrigarajasava – Dhatu kshayam, Panchavidha
• Kanakasasav – Kasa Shwasa Rajayashma
• Dasamularishta – Kasa Shwasa Kshaya Gulma
• Draksharishtam – Kasa Shwasa Urakshatam
Malashodanam Galarogam Kshaya
• Arjunarishta/Pardarishta – Hridrogam
Balashayam Phupphusarogam
• Vasarishta – Kasa Shwasa Raktapittam kshaya
• Talisapatradi C – Kasa Shwasa Jwara Aruchi
Ajirna Adhmana Atisara Sosha Pliha Grahani
Pandu Anaha
• Sitopaladi churna – Hastapadamsa daha,
supta jihwa, urdhwa raktapitta, alpagni,
parshwa sula,
Vati / Gulika
• Dhanwantaram gulika – Kasa Shwasa Hridroga
Yakshma Chhardi Kapha prasekam Prameham
• Gorochanadi gulika – Kasa Swasa Kanta roga
Sannipata jwara
• Shwasanandam gulika – Kasa Shwasa Hikka
• Lavangadi/Eladi vati – Chewable
• Balajeerakadi K – Kasa Tamaka shwasa
• Dasamula katutrayam K – Shwasa kasa
Parshwa sula Shiro ruja Prishta ruja Trika ruja
• Nayopayam K – Shwasa Hidhma Tamaka
• Agasthya rasayanam – Kasa Shwasa Kshaya Hikka
• Chyawanprash – Kasa Shwasa Sosha Hridroga
• Dasamula Rasayanam – Kasa Shwasa
• Kushmanda rasayanam – Kasa Shwasa
Urakshatam Kshayam Raktapitta Purana jwara
• Vasavalehyam
• Trivrit lehyam
• Haridrakhand
• Vidaryadi ghritam – Gulma Kasa
KarshyamUrdhwas swasa kshaya Sosha
• Karpuradi taila – for chest application
• Bhrigamalakadi tailam – for head application
in Chronic cough
• Anu tailam – Nasal application in OSA
• Pravala bhasma
• Abhraka bhasma
• Mahalakshmi vilas ras
• Kas shawasa chintamani
• Swarna malini vasanta ras
• Sameerpannaga ras
Muhurmuhur – p.r.n
• Visha
• Chhardhi
• Hikka
• Trishna
• Shwasa
• Kasa (AHSu13/18)
• Pro re nata – as needed
• Virechana
• Vamana
• Shirodhara
• Nasya
• Abhyanga
• Sarvanga dhara
Prof. Dr . Sathya N. Dornala

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