ArcFlash Example3 PDF
ArcFlash Example3 PDF
ArcFlash Example3 PDF
Load the project file named “Arc Flash Example3”. The solution to this example is located in a directory
called “Solution3”. Open the solution project only to compare against your exercise once completed.
Run AF calculation using study case AF MV and configuration Mult_Levels. Name the report AF1. You
will notice that the program returns the message “FCT not determined” for the arc fault at “Bus30”.
1.1 Identify only the first two source protective devices directly upstream from “Bus 30” which can
interrupt an arc fault at “Bus30” for the selected configuration. (Clue: identify the upstream branch
path(s) which actually energize the faulted equipment and find the PDs along the same)
1.2 Explain why the arc flash calculation did not select the FIRST upstream primary protective device to
determine the fault clearing time and perform the arc flash evaluation at the secondary bus of
transformer “T2”.
1.3 The program did not select either the second upstream protective device as the source PD for a fault
at “Bus30”. How many branch levels away is the second source upstream PD located?
Open the ETAP Preferences Editor. To access this editor you can click on the Tools menu and select the
option “Options (Preferences)…”
Identify the options related to the Arc Flash calculation and change the value of the option “Bus Levels
Away To Find Source PD” to 15 instead of the default value of 10 and close the editor.
Re-run the Arc Flash calculation using study case AF MV, configuration Mult_Levels and output report
2.1 Was the program capable of determining the Arc Flash results? ___________ If yes, what is the
The previous two solutions did not account for the transformer fuse primary protection. Now select a fuse
from the library for “Fuse5”. You may select the same fuse type as the one selected for “Fuse6”.
Run the Arc Flash calculation using study case AF MV and configuration Mult_Levels and name the
output report AF3.
3.1 The incident energy at “Bus30” was reduced to what category after adding the library selection for
Now open Bus30’s editor and go to the Arc Flash page. Select “Relay8” as the User-Defined Source
Protective Device. Go to the AF MV study case AF page and click on the option “User-Defined Source
PD (Bus Editor)”. Close the study case.
Now run the Arc Flash calculation using study case AF MV and configuration Mult_Levels. Name the
output report AF4.
4.1 What hazard category does the program report for Bus30? ___________________________
For a fault at buses “Bus20” and “Bus15” (generator terminal buses), the instantaneous protection has
been turned off to coordinate the generator protection relays with downstream devices. The generator
overcurrent protection is set to a longer time to coordinate with downstream devices. Introducing
temporary reduced settings can help to reduce the incident energy exposure for arc faults near on the
generator switchgear.
5.1 What is the incident energy value available for a fault at the generator switchgear with the current
settings?____________________ cal/cm2
5.2 If you temporarily turn on the instantaneous response of the generator relays you can reduce the
Now switch to study case AF LV and run the AF calculation using configuration Mult_Levels. Name the
output report AF5.
6.1 What is the minimum approach distance to the arc location for an incident energy exposure of 2
cal/cm2? (Clue: use the Bus Arc Flash page for Bus44)
________________________________ in.
Observe the results for the Low Voltage buses protected with Power Circuit Breakers tripped by relays.
You will notice that the incident energy results at “Bus11” and “Bus5” yield a hazard category 4 and 3
respectively. These buses are fed from 1 MVA transformers.
6.2 If you increase the working distance for the tasks required to be performed while the equipment is