Interaction of Current and Exural Gravity Waves: Article in Press
Interaction of Current and Exural Gravity Waves: Article in Press
Interaction of Current and Exural Gravity Waves: Article in Press
The interaction between current and flexural gravity waves generated due to a floating elastic plate is analyzed in two dimensions under
the assumptions of linearized theory. For plane flexural gravity waves, explicit expressions for the water particle dynamics and trajectory
are derived. The effect of current on the wavelength, phase velocity and group velocity of the flexural gravity waves is analyzed.
Variations in wavelength and wave height due to the changes in current speed and direction are analyzed. Effects of structural rigidity
and water depth on wavelength are discussed in brief. Simple numerical computations are performed and presented graphically to
explain most of the theoretical findings in a lucid manner.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Flexural gravity waves; Current; Dispersion relation; Phase velocity; Group velocity
0029-8018/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1506 J. Bhattacharjee, T. Sahoo / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 1505–1515
both ocean engineering and cold region science and large floating structures and in other branches of mathe-
technology. In the construction of very large floating matical physics associated with fluid structure interaction.
structures such as floating airports, the structures are
considered flexible in nature. The floating ice sheets that 2. Mathematical formulation
cover a vast area of the ocean surface in the cold regions
are also modeled as flexible structures and are used for In the present study, the effect of uniform current on
various human activities. Surface gravity waves that various aspects of the flexural gravity wave propagation is
originate in the open sea interact with the floating flexible analyzed in the two-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate
structures and penetrate into the region covered by the system ðx; yÞ with y-axis being vertically downward
flexible structures to generate flexural gravity waves. Wu positive, x-axis being horizontal and the fluid occupying
et al. (1995) applied the eigenfunction expansion-matching the region 1oxo1, 0oyoh in water of finite depth.
method to study the wave induced response of an elastic The flexural gravity waves are generated due to the
strip floating in water of finite depth. Watanabe et al. interaction of surface gravity waves with an infinitely
(2004) presented a survey on the research and develop- extended floating elastic plate of small thickness d that
ments of hydroelastic analysis of pontoon type very large occupies the undisturbed water surface 1oxo1, y ¼ 0.
floating structures. Chen et al. (2006) reviewed the We assume a uniform current flow U in the direction of the
hydroelasticity theories for global response of marine wave propagation underneath the floating elastic plate. In
structures. However, there is hardly any literature on the the linearized theory of water waves, the fluid is assumed to
propagation of flexural gravity waves in the presence of a be inviscid and incompressible and the motion is irrota-
current. The flexural gravity waves due to a steadily tional and time harmonic in nature with angular frequency
moving source on a floating ice sheet were studied by o. Thus, the associated total velocity potential Fðx; y; tÞ can
Davys et al. (1985) using asymptotic Fourier analysis. be expressed as Fðx; y; tÞ ¼ Ux þ fðx; y; tÞ, where fðx; y; tÞ
Schulkes et al. (1987) analyzed in brief the effect of uniform satisfies the partial differential equation
flow beneath an ice plate and analyzed various critical
aspects of the problem for both short and long wave cases. r2 f ¼ 0; in the fluid region (2.1)
Bhattacharjee and Sahoo (2006) analyzed the unsteady
along with the linearized kinematic and the dynamic
flexural gravity wave motion in the presence of uniform
boundary conditions at the elastic plate covered mean free
current by the application of integral transform and the
surface (y ¼ 0, for t40) as given by
method of stationary phase. In this context efforts are
made to study the mutual interaction between the plane qf q q
¼ þU Z, (2.2)
flexural gravity waves and ocean currents. qy qt qx
In the present paper, the effect of uniform current on the
propagation of steady flexural gravity wave motion is
analyzed by considering the structure as a floating elastic q q q4 q2
plate. The problem is formulated as a boundary value þU f D 4 þ g 2 þ g Z ¼ 0, (2.3)
qt qx qx qt
problem and analyzed in two dimensions using linearized
water wave theory. Since the surface is covered by an where D ¼ EI=r, g ¼ ri d=r, I ¼ d 3 =12ð1 n2 Þ, E is
elastic plate, the boundary condition of fifth order that Young’s modulus, r the water density, ri the elastic plate
makes the problem more complex in the presence of density, d the elastic plate thickness, U the uniform current
uniform current. The flexural gravity wave dispersion speed in positive x-direction, Zðx; tÞ the surface elevation, n
relation in presence of uniform current is analyzed to find the Poisson ratio and g the acceleration due to gravity. The
the group velocity, phase velocity and the wavelength of no flow condition at the bottom boundary yields
the flexural gravity wave propagating below the floating qf
elastic plate for both shallow and deep water waves. The ¼0 on y ¼ h. (2.4)
horizontal and vertical components of water particle
velocity and acceleration and the subsurface pressure Combining the kinematic and the dynamic upper surface
below the elastic plate are obtained from the potential boundary conditions (2.2) and (2.3), the linearized plate
function for the sake of completeness of the discussion on covered surface boundary condition in the presence of
the wave motion. Further, the effect of change in current uniform current at the mean free surface y ¼ 0 is obtained
speed on the wave direction is analyzed using the law of as
wave action and Snell’s law of refraction. In addition, the
q4 q2 qf q q 2
change in wave height is analyzed when there is a D 4þg 2þg ¼ þU f. (2.5)
qx qt qy qt qx
discontinuity in the current speed. Certain limiting cases
are analyzed in brief to predict the wave characteristics. Here, it is to be noted that due to the presence of the elastic
The present work will be of immense importance in the plate on the water surface, the boundary condition at the
analysis of a large class of problems on wave structure upper boundary is of higher order than the governing
interaction which may find application in the design of very equation, thus making the problem more complicated.
J. Bhattacharjee, T. Sahoo / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 1505–1515 1507
Dispersion curve
made to analyze the effect of both following and opposing
current on the flexural gravity wave propagation.
In the present section, explicit expressions for the
components of velocity, acceleration along with the
trajectory of the water particles, wave height, wavelength, (Dk4-γω2+g)ktanhkh
phase and group velocity of the flexural gravity waves are (ω−Uk)2
derived in presence of uniform current. Numerical compu- -1
tations are performed for certain critical values of the -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
uniform current speed for which analytic expressions are wave number
derived for sake of clear understanding of various physical
situations. The range of values of the physical parameters Fig. 1. Real roots of the flexural gravity wave dispersion relation.
used in the numerical computations is as in the paper
of Balmforth and Craster (1999), which are widely used
for various realistic situations. However, the values of four complex roots in the four quadrants that represent the
the various physical quantities which are same unless decaying modes and an infinite number of purely
otherwise mentioned throughout the numerical computa- imaginary roots that correspond to the evanescent modes.
tions are given by n ¼ 0:3, g ¼ 9:81 m s2 , E ¼ 5 GPa, r ¼ In the context of the present paper, hereafter it is assumed
1025 kg m3 , ri ¼ 922:5 kg m3 . that the thickness of the floating elastic plate is small
compared to the wavelength of the flexural gravity waves
3.1. Wave dispersion relation and particle dynamics (i.e., gkoo1) so that the terms containing g are neglected.
This approximation is well within the range of physical
Considering that the plane flexural gravity wave justification as the thickness of the floating elastic plate
propagates with frequency o along with a steady uniform is negligible, so that the inertia of the water layer is
current velocity U in the direction of wave propagation, we much larger than the inertia of the thin elastic plate (see
assume that the surface elevation of the flexural gravity Schulkes et al., 1987). Hence, the dispersion relation can be
wave is of the form Zðx; tÞ ¼ ðH=2Þ cosðkx otÞ, where H written as
is the wave height of a progressive flexural gravity wave.
ðDk4 þ gÞk tanh kh ¼ o2r . (3.3)
Using the boundary condition (2.5), the velocity potential
Fðx; y; tÞ can be obtained in the form In the linearized theory of water waves, at an arbitrary
4 2
HðDk go þ gÞ point ðx; yÞ in the stationary frame of reference at any
Fðx; y; tÞ ¼ Ux instant of time t, the horizontal and vertical components of
2ðo UkÞ
velocity and acceleration u, v, ax and ay with respect to the
cosh kðh yÞ
sinðkx otÞ, ð3:1Þ stationary frame of reference are given by
cosh kh
where the wave number k satisfies the dispersion relation qF H cosh kðh yÞ
u¼ ¼ U ðo UkÞ cosðkx otÞ,
qx 2 sinh kh
ðDk4 go2 þ gÞk tanh kh ¼ o2r , (3.2)
qF H sinh kðh yÞ
where or ¼ o kU is often termed as the Doppler-shifted v¼ ¼ ðo UkÞ sinðkx otÞ. ð3:4Þ
qy 2 sinh kh
frequency in the literature (Schulkes et al., 1987) and is
referred here as relative wave frequency with respect to the du H cosh kðh yÞ
moving frame of reference with velocity U. It can be easily ax ¼ ¼ ðo UkÞ2 sinðkx otÞ,
dt 2 sinh kh
observed that replacing or by o will reduce the dispersion dv H sinh kðh yÞ
relation (3.2) to that for flexural gravity waves in absence ay ¼ ¼ ðo UkÞ2 cosðkx otÞ. ð3:5Þ
dt 2 sinh kh
of current. The fifth degree dispersion equation (3.2) is
plotted in Fig. 1, which shows the existence of one positive The horizontal and the vertical components of velocity
real root, which corresponds to the wave propagation seen by an observer in the moving frame of reference can
following the current and one negative real root that easily be obtained from (3.4) by substituting o ¼ or þ kU,
corresponds to the progressive wave propagating in the x ¼ xr þ Ut, u ¼ ur þ U and v ¼ vr , where xr , ur and vr are
opposite direction. Apart from real roots, the equation has the horizontal water particle displacement, and the
1508 J. Bhattacharjee, T. Sahoo / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 1505–1515
5 0.25 h=20m
y-component of particle velocity
0 h=50m
-5 0.10
-15 -0.05
-20 -0.15
-400 -200 0 200 400
x -0.20
Fig. 2. Horizontal component of water particle velocity for different U
with d ¼ 1 m, H ¼ 1 m, h ¼ 50 m and t ¼ 1 s.
-400 -200 0 200 400
1.5 Fig. 5. Vertical component of water particle velocity for different h with
U ¼ 10 m=s, d ¼ 1 m, H ¼ 1 m and t ¼ 1 s.
y - component of particle velocity
position due to the wave induced pressure. Eq. (3.6) 3.2. Change in wavelength
indicates that the particle trajectory in flexural gravity
waves is elliptic in nature with a horizontal shift of the In order to calculate the change in wavelength due to a
center of the ellipse (centered at ðUt; 0Þ), and the major and change in current speed, assume that in the fixed frame of
minor axes of lengths 2A and 2B depend on the initial reference, the waves are propagating with absolute phase
position of the particle below the mean elastic plate speed c along with a steady uniform current velocity U in
covered surface. For the sake of clarity, in Figs. 6 and 7, the direction of wave propagation. With respect to the
the particle trajectories in the presence of current are moving frame of reference with velocity U, the progressive
plotted at various locations below the mean elastic plate wave will have relative phase velocity cr (see Fig. 8 with
covered surface for wave following and wave opposing a ¼ 90 ) with cr ¼ c U. If T and T r are the time periods
current. Although, the particle trajectories in both the cases with respect to the stationary observer and moving
are elliptic in nature, it is observed that the particle observer, respectively, then c ¼ L=T and cr ¼ L=T r .
trajectory for wave opposing current follows a smaller path Hence, we obtain 1=T r ¼ ð1 TU=LÞ=T (Hedges, 1987),
compared to the case of wave following current which whose non-dimensional form is given by
implies that the wave motion reduces faster in case of 1=2 1=2
opposing current compared to the case of following h h TU h
¼ 1 , (3.8)
current. L0r L0 h L
where L0r ¼ gT 2r =2p, L0 ¼ gT 2 =2p. Further, from the
0.8 dispersion relation (3.3), it can be derived that
n g o1=2
0.6 cr ¼ Dk3 þ tanh kh . (3.9)
Substituting cr ¼ L=T r in (3.9) and then using (3.8), we
1=2 1=2
0.0 h D 4 h TU h
k þ 1 tanh kh ¼ 1 .
L g L0 h L
-0.4 The above relation determines the wavelength for various
values of the uniform current speed U. Eq. (3.10) shows
that for U ¼ L=T ¼ c, h=L ¼ 0 and it leads to a situation
-0.8 of no wave propagation. In Fig. 9, h=L versus h=L0 is
4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 plotted for different values of TU=h. It is observed that for
ζ a given value of the water depth and absolute wave period,
the wavelength of flexural gravity waves increases with
Fig. 6. Water particle trajectory of flexural gravity waves for different
initial positions with d ¼ 1 m, H ¼ 1 m, h ¼ 50 m, Ut ¼ 5 m.
increasing following current and decreases with increasing
opposing current. In Fig. 10, h=L is plotted versus h=L0 for
different values of the flexural rigidity EI. It is clear from
Fig. 10 that the wavelength increases with increasing
0.6 flexural rigidity.
-5.6 -5.4 -5.2 -5.0 -4.8 -4.6 -4.4
0.06 rðDk4 þ gÞ
where DpB is the value of Dp at y ¼ h. In Fig. 11, the ratios
of wave height versus pressure difference H=ðDpB =rgÞ is
plotted as a function of h=L0 and TU=h. It is observed that
unlike the case of free surface gravity waves (Hedges,
1987), the ratio H=ðDpB =rgÞ does not increase with
0.00 increasing h=L0 . The results show that for fixed values of
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
T and h, the ratio H=ðDpB =rgÞ increases with higher values
of the following current. The decreasing ratio of wave
Fig. 10. Relationship between h=L and h=L0 for various values of the height to pressure difference is due to the presence of the
flexural rigidity EI. flexural rigidity term in the denominator of (3.16). The
when kh ¼ 0. On the other hand, to find the critical value
of U beyond which no unidirectional wave propagation is
0.4 possible, we assume as for a uniform current, the absolute
wave frequency remains constant, i.e., o ¼ or þ kU ¼
o0 þ k0 U, o0 and k0 are the frequency and wave number
with respect to a reference frame. Hence, from the
definition of phase velocity, it is derived that
0.0 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
c 1 U
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ¼ 1 þ 1 þ 4w , (3.22)
h/L0 c0 2w c0
Fig. 12. Relationship between the wave height and the variation in
pressure head at the sea-bed for different flexural rigidity EI. U 0 ðDk40 þ gÞ tanh k0 h0
w¼ 1þ .
c0 ðDk4 þ gÞ tanh kh
relation for wave height in (3.15) suggests that as the
rigidity of the structure increases, wave height of the Note that for U ¼ c0 =4w, c=c0 ¼ 1=2w, which yields
flexural gravity waves diminishes, which is also clear from U ¼ c=2. However, the phase velocity becomes a com-
Fig. 12. plex number for Uo c=2 and hence no unidirectional
propagation of wave is possible in such case. On the other
3.4. Phase velocity and group velocity hand, for shallow water, the phase velocity becomes equal
to the group velocity for n ¼ 1, which is possible only when
In general, from the dispersion relation (3.3), the kh ¼ 0 and no waves result.
160 40
cg c
120 0
Phase and Group velocity
40 -80
0 -120
cg c
-40 -160
1E-3 0.01 0.1 1 1E-3 0.01 0.1 1
Wave number Wave number
Fig. 13. Comparison of phase and group velocity versus the wave number Fig. 14. Comparison of phase and group velocity versus the wave number
for different current speed with c4U and d ¼ 1. for different current speed with coU and d ¼ 1.
of free surface gravity waves in the absence of a current, the energy divided by the intrinsic frequency (Jonsson and
phase velocity is not greater than the group velocity for all Wang, 1980) and is given by the equation
k40. Fig. 13 shows that for kokcrit , the phase velocity is G
greater than the group velocity and both have a minimum r: ðU þ cgr Þ ¼ 0, (3.25)
at k ¼ kcrit , which is equal. For k4kcrit , the group velocity
of flexural gravity waves is higher than the phase velocity. where G ¼ ðEIk4 þ rgÞH 2 =8 is the wave energy density, or
Hence, the plane flexural gravity waves disappear one after is the intrinsic angular frequency and cgr is the relative
another at the head of a group and appear at the end of the group velocity with respect to the moving frame of
group for kokcrit , and appear one after another at the head reference with H being the wave height. It may be noted
of a group wave and disappear at the end of the group for that in case of flexural gravity waves, the average energy
k4kcrit . Further, from Fig. 13, the phase and group density is a combination of kinetic energy, potential
velocities are greater when U40, than when Uo0, i.e. the energy and surface energy. The kinetic energy and potential
speed of wave propagation reduces in an opposing current energy are due to the propagation of the plane progressive
and increases in a following current. wave below the elastic plate. However, the surface energy is
Case 2: coU. In this case, the phase velocity is given by due to the existence of the floating elastic plate, often
8 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi referred as the strain energy, and is given by the expression
> Z 2
< U Dk3 þ g=k for following current; EI xþL q2 Z 1
c¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (3.24) S¼ dx ¼ H 2 EIk4 . (3.26)
> 2L x qx2 16
: U Dk3 þ g=k for opposing current:
In case of flexural gravity waves, Eq. (3.19) can be
For following current, c attains a maximum at k ¼ kcrit and rewritten as cgr ¼ ncr with n given by (3.20). Thus, when
is given by cmax ¼ U 2ðDg3 =27Þ1=8 . For U ¼ U crit , c has a the flexural gravity waves are traveling from a region with
zero maximum at k ¼ kcrit . The wave frequency becomes current speed U 1 into a region with current speed U 2 along
zero at the point where cmax ¼ 0 and hence propagation of with the assumptions that U 1 and U 2 are parallel and the
progressive wave is not possible. It can also be observed water depth remains constant in both the regions, the
that co0 for all k40 at U ¼ U crit . For an opposing change in wave height H 1 in region 1 to H 2 in region 2 can
current, c has a maximum given by cmax ¼ U be easily computed from (3.25) as
" ! #1=2
2ðDg3 =27Þ1=8 . In this case, c never attains a zero maximum.
H2 U 1 þ n1 cr1 EIk41 þ rg or2
Fig. 14 shows that the phase and group velocities start ¼ 4
, (3.27)
H1 U 2 þ n2 cr2 EIk2 þ rg or1
increasing with increasing wave number to attain a
maximum and then again decrease continuously. where subscripts 1 and 2 denote regions 1 and 2, respectively.
The values of n1 and n2 are determined from (3.20). The
3.6. Changes in wave height relation (3.27) is valid with the assumption of no refraction
and reflection of flexural gravity waves taking place. It is clear
The change in wave height due to the presence of from the above relation that the wave height decreases with
uniform current can be computed from the principle of an increase in current speed and wave period. Fig. 15 shows
conservation of wave action which is defined as wave the change in surface elevation as the wave propagates from a
J. Bhattacharjee, T. Sahoo / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 1505–1515 1513
Surface elevation
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