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Automatica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 499-505, 1993 0005-1098/93$6.00+ 0.

Printedin GreatBritain. © 1993PergamonPress Ltd

Brief Paper

A Nonlinear Fuzzy Controller with Linear

Control Rules is the Sum of a Global
Two-dimensional Multilevel Relay and a Local
Nonlinear Proportional-integral Controller*

K e y Words--Control system analysis; fuzzy control; nonlinear control systems; PID control; relay

Abstract--The author analytically proves that a nonlinear and extended to multiple-input-multiple-output fuzzy con-
fuzzy controller with linear control rules and N members for trollers (Buckley, 1990). Following the generalization of the
input fuzzy sets is the sum of a global two-dimensional results on the linear properties, the results on the nonlinear
multilevel relay and a local nonlinear proportional-integral aspects of the fuzzy controller were also mathematically
(PI) controller which adjusts the control action generated by generalized to the fuzzy controller with more members for
the global multilevel relay. As N increases, the resolution of the input fuzzy sets, first by Buckley (1989b) and then by
the global multilevel relay is enhanced but the role of the Wang et al. (1990).
local nonlinear PI controller in total control action is In this paper, a nonlinear fuzzy controller with linear
decreased. As N approaches ~, the global multilevel relay control rules is first defined. The author then analytically
approaches a regular linear PI controller while the control derives the explicit structure of the fuzzy controller and
action from the local nonlinear PI controller approaches relates the resultant structure to the multilevel relay and PI
zero. The role of the global multilevel relay and the local controller of nonfuzzy control theory.
nonlinear PI controller in total control action is quantita-
tively described, as is the degree of nonlinearity of the fuzzy 2. Theoretical analysis o f structure o f the nonlinear f u z z y
controllers with different N. controller
2.1. Components o f the nonlinear f u z z y controller. If T
1. Introduction denotes sampling period and n T (n is a positive integer)
TO ADVANCEFUZZY control technique, sound theory needs to denotes sampling time, then the scaled inputs at sampling
be developed. The author believes that one way to develop time n T are
such theory is to analytically investigate structures of fuzzy
controllers and relate the structures to nonfuzzy control e* = G E . e ( n T ) = G E [ y ( n T ) - setpoint], (2.1)
theory. Such relations will provide solid frameworks for r* = G R . r ( n T ) = G R [ e ( n T ) - e ( n T - T)], (2.2)
analytically solving many important but previously difficult
problems in fuzzy control technique, such as stability, by where e ( n T ) , r ( n T ) and y ( n T ) designate crisp unscaled
utilizing abundant well-developed and powerful nonfuzzy error, rate, and process output at sampling time nT,
control techniques. respectively, and e ( n T - T) specifies crisp unscaled error at
To reveal structures of fuzzy controllers and link the sampling time (n - 1)T. G E and G R are the scalars for the
structures with nonfuzzy control theory, a novel method was crisp error and rate.
initially developed (Ying, 1987), presented (Ying et al., Let the number of members of the fuzzy sets "error" and
1988) and published (Ying et al., 1990). The work showed "rate" be the same and the membership functions be
that the simplest possible nonlinear fuzzy controller with two identical. This condition can easily be met, since if the
members for the input fuzzy sets, "error" and "rate change number of members differs, some members can be added to
of error" ("rate" for short) was equivalent to a regular linear the smaller set to attain equality. Assume there are J ( J >- 1)
PI controller when a linear defuzzification algorithm was members for positive "error" ("rate"), J members for
used or to a nonlinear PI controller when a nonlinear negative "error" ("rate") and one member for zero "error"
defuzzification algorithm was used. Using this method, the ("rate"). Therefore, there are a total of
results on the linear properties of the fuzzy controller were
generalized to fuzzy controllers with more members for the N=2J+ 1-3, (2.3)
input fuzzy sets and different fuzzy logic, first by Siler and members for the fuzzy set "error" ("rate"). Index systems
Ying (1989) and then by Buckley and Ying (1990) and
Buckley (1989a). Moreover, the Limit Theorems for linear {E_j, E _ s + t , . . . , E_ 1, Eo, E l , . . . , E~_I, E~),
fuzzy control rules were developed (Buckley and Ying, 1989)
{R ,, R_,+ t . . . . . R _ , , no, R t . . . . . R , _ l , R.,,), (2.4)
* Received 11 July 1991; revised 10 March 1992; received
in final form 8 April 1992. The original version of this paper are adopted to establish relationships between the indexes
was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was and the names of the members of the fuzzy sets "error" and
recommended for publication in revised form by Associate "rate". E i represents a member of the fuzzy set "error" and
Editor M. Ikeda under the direction of Editor A. P. Sage. Ri represents a member of the fuzzy set "rate". The positive
t Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Biomedical indexes specify the members for positive error (rate), the
Engineering Center and Office of Academic Computing, negative indexes denote the members for negative error
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77550, (rate) and the index 0 corresponds to the zero error (rate) of
U.S.A. the fuzzy sets. The membership functions corresponding to
~,:-0 499
5 00 Brief Paper

the members in (2.4) are expressed as: Figure 1 shows an example of such a membership function
with N = 7 (J = 3) and S = 5. In this paper, #i(e*) is denoted
{t*_,(x), ~_,+,(x) . . . . . u_,(x), Uo(X), as the membership for E i and #i(r*) as the membership for
udx) ..... u l - , ( x ) , re(x)}. (2.5) R i.
Assume there are 2N - 1 (or 4J + 1) members in the fuzzy
Denote the central value of the membership function #~(x) as set "output". Among these, 2J members are for positive
J.i and define A_j = - L , 3.0= 0, and Aj = L. Also, let the "output," 2J members are for negative "output" and one
space between the central values of two adjacent members member is for zero "output". Using the index system (2.5),
be equal. Then the space S is: the members of the fuzzy set "output" can be described by
L {U_w, U_z~+, . . . . . U_t, Uc~, U, . . . . . Uz1-t, U~}. (2.8)
S = J' (2.6)
The central values of the members of the fuzzy set "output"
and consequently the central value of #~(x) is A~= i • S. It is are designated as y~. Let y _ 2 s = - H , Yo = 0 and ,/w = H.
obvious that the base of each member is 2S. It should be Further, let the space V between the central values of two
noted that the equality of the bases does not imply loss of adjacent members be equal. Therefore the space is
generality because the bases of the members of "error" and
"rate" are different with respect to the actual unscaled H H
inputs, e(nT) and r(nT). e-2.1 N-I' (2.9)
The membership function #i(x) in this study is the
commonly-used triangular-shaped membership function sat- and the ith central value can be written as
isfying the following conditions: i.H
ri = i . V = N -~-1" (2.10)
(1) For i - - J + l , -J+2 ..... J-2, J-l,
1 For the fuzzy set "output," the author requires: (1) the
#,(x) = S [x - (i - 1)S], if x e [(i - 1)S, iS], membership function be symmetrical about its central value;
and (2) the shape of the membership functions of all the
members be the same.
#i(x ) = _ 1 [x - (i + 1)S], if x ~liS, (i + 1)S],
It is necessary to use N 2 fuzzy control rules to cover all the
possible combinations of N members of the fuzzy set "error"
~ti(x ) = 0, if x ~ [(i - 1)S, (i + 1)S] and N members of the fuzzy set "rate". In the study, the
fuzzy control rules must comply with the following rule:
(2) F o r i = J o r i = - J ,
IF "error" is El and "rate" is Rj
~,(x) = ~ Ix - (J - Os], if x • l(J - 1 ) s , J s ] , T H E N "output" is U (i+j). (2.11)
In other words, the index of the member of "output" is
#j(x) = 1, if x 6 [JS, +~) always equal to the negative sum of the indexes of the
and #j(x) = 0, if x ~t [ ( J - 1)S, +o~), members of "error" and the members of "rate". Such a
control rule is called here a linear control rule. To illustrate
#_l(x)= _l[x_(_j+l)S], if x • [ - J S , ( - J + I ) S ] , this rule, take N = 5 as an example. If the members of the
input fuzzy sets are {negative medium (NM), negative small
#_,(x) = 1, if x e ( - ~ , JS] (NS), zero (ZO), positive small (PS), positive medium
and g _ ~ ( x ) = 0 , if x ~ ( - % ( - J + 1)S]. (PM)} and are represented as {E_2, E - l , Eo, E~, E2} and
{R_2, R_I, Ro, R~, R2}, then the corresponding nine
It is obvious that members of the fuzzy set "output" can be indexed as {U 4,
U_3 , U_2, U_l, Uo, UI, U2, U.~ U4} which may be
#i(x) + #,+,(x) = 1, x e ( - % +oo). (2.7) interpreted as {negative very large (NVL), negative large


p..a(x) lt.2(x) ix.l(x) ~(x) pq(x) g2(x) p_3(x)

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 3.5

FIG. 1. A n example of a triangular-shaped membership function with seven members ( N = 7). The space
between the central value of two adjacent members is 5 (S = 5).
Brief Paper 501

RULE (2.11) WHENN = 5

E 2(NM) E_,(NS) Eo(ZO ) E,(PS) E2(PM)

R_2(NM ) U4(PVL ) U~(PL) Uz(PM ) U~(PS) Uo(ZO)

R _~(NS) U3(PL) U2(PM ) /./1(PS) Uo(ZO ) U__t(NS)
Ro(ZO ) U2(PM ) U~(PS) Uo(ZO ) /3 1(NS) U 2(NM)
R~(PS) U~(PS) Uo(ZO ) U_~(NS) U_2(NM ) U_3(NL )
R2(PM ) Uo(ZO ) U ~(NS) U_2(NM ) U3(NL ) U 4(NVL )

(NL), NM, NS, ZO, PS, PM, positive large (PL), positive Being fuzzified, the memberships of e* and r* are obtained
very large (PVL)}. The corresponding 25 fuzzy control rules as
1 . 1 .
satisfying the rule (2.1l) are shown in Table 1. t~i(e*)= - ~ [ e - ( i + 1)S], t~i+l(e*)=~[e - i S ] , (2.18)
Zadeh fuzzy logic AND is used to execute the IF side of
the fuzzy control rule. That is
1 , 1 ,
/~(i, j) = Min (#i(e*), l~j(r*)), (2.12) i~/(r*)=-~[r*-(j+l)S], /~/+t(r)=~[r-iS], (2.19)

where/~(i, j) is the membership of the member of the fuzzy which are the memberships for the members Ei, Ei+ ~, R/and
set "output" obtained when E i and Rj are used in the IF side. Rj+1, respectively. Membership for all other members of
Because the membership function of "output" is symmetrical "error" and "rate" is zero. Therefore, only the following
about its central value, the central value of the member four fuzzy control rules are executed:
U_,+/), Y-(i+i), and the resultant membership from the IF
side, namely/~(i, j), are used to calculate the THEN side of (rl) If "error" is Ei+l and "rate" is R/+l then "output" is
the fuzzy control rule, i.e. U-(i+j+2)
(r2) If "error" is El+ 1 and "rate" is R~ then "output" is
v(i, j) = ~u(i, j ) . ~, o+/) = - M i n (/~i(e*), #/(r*)) • (i +j)V,
(r3) If "error" is E i and "rate" is R/+ 1 then "output" is
where v(i, j) is the incremental control output contributed by L] (i+j+l)"
the fuzzy control rule (2.11). If more than one membership
(r4) If "error" is E i and "rate" is R# then "output" is
results, say #~ and /~2, from executing two different fuzzy
control rules, Lukasiewicz fuzzy logic OR is used to get U-(i+j)"
combined membership, #, because the conditions being Applying equation (2.13) to each of the fuzzy control rules
ORed are maximally negatively correlated. That is results in the following:
~u= Min (/q + ~2, 1). (2.14) (rl*) v(i + 1, j + 1) = - M i n (/ti+l(e*),
/.(/+,(r*)) • (i + j + 2)V
Recall that the shapes of the membership functions of
"output" were required to be the same. In the defuzzification (r2*) v(i + 1, j) = -Man (Izi+l(e*),/~j(r*)) - (i + j + 1)V
process, therefore, the contribution from the members of (r3*) v ( i , j + 1) = - M i n (/(i(e*), ~/+~(r*))- ( i + j + 1)V
"output" in the THEN side of the fuzzy control rules should (r4*) v(i, j) = -Min (l~i(e*), I~j(r*)) " (i + j)V.
be weighted by their memberships calculated from the IF
side. Consequently, the scaled crisp incremental output, To determine the results of the Min operations in (rl*) to
G U . Au(nT), can be calculated by the following defuzzifica- (r4*), the author configures a square by the intervals
tion algorithm [iS, (i + 1)S] and [jS, (j + 1)S] and divides the square into
E v(i, j) eight regions as shown in Fig. 2. In different regions, i~i(e*),
Ili+l(e*), I~i(r*) and ILi+~(r*) have different relationships in
GU " Au(nT) = GU ~(i,/)~o
Z l~(i, J) terms of the magnitudes of the memberships. The outcomes
~(i,j)~:O of evaluating the Min operations are illustrated in Table 2.
E I~(i,J)Y-(i+j) Since the fuzzy control rules r2 and r3 generate two
= GU u(i.j)~0 (2.15) GR*r(nT)
Z u(i, 1)
Finally, a new crisp output of the fuzzy controller at sampling

time nT is calculated as
u(nT) = u(nT - T) + G U . Au(nT), (2.16)
where GU is the scalar for incremental output and
u ( n T - T) is the output of the fuzzy controller at sampling IC~ IC2
time (n - 1)T.
2.2. Analytical analysis of structure of the nonlinear fuzzy
controller with linear control rules. GE*e(nT)
Theorem 1. The structure of the nonlinear fuzzy controller
with linear control rules is the sum of a global
two-dimensional multilevel relay and a local nonlinear PI
Proof. The author first proves the theorem in the situations
in which both e* and r* are within the interval f - L , L]. is
Others situations will be dealt with later•
(A) Both e* and r* are within the interval f - L , L].
With losing generality, assume that FIG. 2. Possible input combinations (IC) of scaled error, e*,
and scaled rate change of error, r*, of process output which
iS <- e* <- (i + 1)S, (2.17) must be considered to carry out the Min operation in (rl*) to
jS <- r* < (j + 1)S. (r4*) when both e* and r* are within the interval f - L , L].
502 Brief Paper


Region rl* r2* r3* r4*

IC1 and IC2 #/+~(r*) #j(r*) #i(e*) #~(e*)

IC3 and IC4 #i+l(e*) #j(r*) #i(e*) #t(r*)
IC5 and IC6 #~+~(e*) #i+l(e*) #j+,(r*) /*j(r*)
IC7 and IC8 #j+l(r*) #i+l(e*) #j+l(r*) #~(e*)

memberships for the same member, U_0+j+ w the equation denoted as 6u(i, j). The equations (2.23) and (2.24) indicate
(2.14) is needed to calculate the combined membership for that 6u(i, j) is calculated according to the relative position of
U_0+j+a). For the ICI to IC4 regions, the current scaled input state (GE. e(nT), GR • r(nT)) with
respect to the center of the square, ((i + 0.5)S, (j + 0.5)S),
#,(e*) +/~j(r*) = in which the current scaled input state lies. Therefore, one
1 [e*-(i+O'5)Sl+[r*-(]+0"5)S]<l,- (2.20) can see that the role of the nonlinear controller is to locally
S adjust the control action generated by the global multilevel
relay. The author calls such a controller a "local" nonlinear
because controller.
A regular discrete-form linear PI controller whose output
O<_[e*-(i+O.5)Sl+[r*-(]+0.5)S]<-S. (2.21) becomes zero when its inputs, e(nT) and r(nT), reach a
Similarly, it is easy to prove steady-state ((i+0.5)S/GE, (j+O.5)S/GR), can be ex-
pressed as
#i+l(e*) + #j+l(r*) --- 1, for IC5 to IC8 regions. (2.22)
Hence, the combined membership for U_(~+i+j ) is always the 6Uet(i,j)=_(Ki[e(nT) ]
sum of the memberships being ORed. Replacing the Min
operations in (rl*) to (r4*) with their corresponding
outcomes in Table 2 and using the defuzzification algorithm
(2.15) in connection with (2.7), (2.9), (2.18) and (2.19), the
scaled incremental output, G U . A u ( n T ) , for all eight where Kp and Ki are the proportional-gain and integral-gain,
respectively. Therefore, the local nonlinear controller is
regions can be found as follows:
actually a nonlinear PI controller with a local and changing
for IC1, IC2, IC5 and 1(26 regions
steady-state ((i + 0.5)S/GE, (j + 0.5)S/GR):
GU. Au(nT)= - ( i + j + 1) 6u(i,j)= -(Ki(e*, r*)[e(nT) (i +GO~)S]
_ [GE. e(nT) - (i + 0.5)S] + [GR. r(nT) - (j + 0.5)S]
2S - 2 IGE " e(nT) - (i + 0.5) + Kp(e*, r*)[r(nT) (j ~ _ 5 ) S ] ) . (2.27)
x N-~-~-' (2.23) The proportional-gain and integral-gain change with input
states and are described in equation (3.1).
for IC3, IC4, IC7 and IC8 regions (B) Either e* or r* is outside the interval l - L , L].
To analytically describe the behavior of the nonlinear
GU. H fuzzy controller when either e* or r* is outside the interval
GU. A u ( n T ) = - ( i + j + 1) ~ _ ~
l - L , L], the author divides the scaled input state plane
_ [GE. e(nT) - (i + 0.5)S] + [GR. r(nT) - (j + 0.5)S] outside the square configured by the interval l - L , L] on the
scaled error axis and the interval l - L , L] on the scaled rate
2S - 2 IGR " r(nT) - (j + 0.5)SI
axis into 12 regions, as shown in Fig. 3. By using the same
GU.H method described above, GU. Au(nT) can be analytically
x-~2~-. (2.24)
derived for the regions, as shown in Table 3. According to
Table 3, the nonlinear fuzzy controller becomes the sum of a
GU. Au(nT) consists of two parts. The first part is global one-dimensional multilevel relay and a local linear P
- ( i + j + 1)GU. H / ( N - 1), which is a two-dimensional controller with a local and changing steady-state for the 1C9,
multilevel relay with respect to i and j. Note that the IC10, IC13 and IC14 regions, and the sum of a global
multilevel relay, denoted as Relay(i, j) can be rewritten as one-dimensional multilevel relay and a local linear integral
(I) controller with a local and changing steady-state for the
Relay(i, j) = - ( i + j + 1) ~ -- 1 I C l l , IC12, IC15 and IC16 regions. The nonlinear fuzzy
controller generates its maximum increment (GU. H) and
• GU.H decrement ( - G U . H ) in the IC19 and IC17 regions,
= - ((i + 0.5)S + (1 4- 0.5)S) S(-N - 1 ) ' respectively. For the IC18 and IC20 regions, the increment is
zero. •
= - ( ( i +O.5)S + ( j + 0 . 5 ) S ) ~ . (2.25) It should be noted that when a scaled input state (e*, r*) is
on a boundary of two adjacent regions, GU. Au(nT)
The point ((i + 0.5)S, (] + 0.5)S) is the coordinate of the calculated by using the formula of either region is the same.
center of the square shown in Fig. 2. Evidently, the In other words, there is no discrepancy in control action.
multilevel relay contributes its control action according to the
absolute position, with respect to the entire scaled input state 3. Properties of the nonlinear fuzzy controller with linear
plane, of the center of the square in which the current scaled control rules
input state (e*, r*) lies• Therefore, the author calls the 3.1. Dynamic change of local nonlinear PI controller
multilevel relay a "global" multilevel relay. The second part gains. Comparing (2.23) and (2.24) with (2.26), one can see
of GU. Au(nT) is a nonlinear nonfuzzy controller, which is that the proportional-gain and integral-gain of the local
Brief P a p e r 503


IC18 IC12 ICll IC17

IC13 IC10

-L 0 GE*~ (nT)

IC14 IC9


IC19 IC15 IC16 IC20

FIG. 3. Possible input combinations (IC) of scaled error, e*, and scaled rate change of error, r*, of process
output which must be considered to carry out the Min operation in (rl*) to (r4*) when either e* or r* is
outside the interval I - L , L].



IC9 and . GU. H

ICl0 - ( J + j) N ~ - - ( G R . r(nT) - j . S) GU.2LH
I C l l and GU. H
IC12 - ( i +J) ~ - (GE. e(nT) - i. S) GU.2LH
IC13and j+ GU. H •H
IC14 -(- J)-N-~ -(GR'r(nT)-j'S) GU
IC15 and -(i GU. H
IC16 - y) ~ - (GE. e(nT) - i. S) GU.2LH
IC17 -GU. H
IC18 0
IC19 GU. H
IC20 0

nonlinear PI controller vary with input state and are Obviously, the local nonlinear PI controller can automati-
cally adjust the proportional-gain and integral-gain to adapt
GR • G U . H . to different scaled input states. T h e further the current scaled
Kp(e*, r*) ~ ( ~ fl(e , r*)
input state ( G E • e(nT), G R • r(nT) is from the center of the
square ( ( i + 0 . 5 ) S , ( j + 0 . 5 ) S ) the larger the proportional-
G R . G U . H fl(e, ' (3.1) gain and integral-gain. With the constraints on e* and r*
- 4L r*),
specified in (2.17), the range of the value of the nonlinear
GE • GU . H , function fl(e*, r*) is calculated as
Ki(e*, r*) ~ fl(e , r*)
1 <fl(e*, r*)-< 2. (3.3)
G E . G U . H fl(e.
- 4L , r*), Hence, the ranges of the proportional-gain and integral-gain
where GR • G U . H A Kp(e., r*) <- GR • G U . H
S 4L 2L '
fl(e*, r*) (3.4)
S - I G E " e(nT) - (i + 0.5)S1'
GE • GU . H GE • GU . H
for IC1, IC2, IC5 and IC6 regions, 4L <- Ki(e*, r*) <-- 2L
and (3.2)
3.2. The role o f the global multilevel relay and the local
S nonlinear PI controller in total control action and degree o f
fl(e*, r*)
S - I G g . r ( n T ) - (j + 0.5)Sl' nonlinearity. The absolute value of m a x i m u m Relay(i, j) is
for IC3, IC4, IC7 and IC8 regions. Relaymax = (N - 2 ) G U . H / ( N - 1), which is achieved when
504 Brief Paper

i = j = J - 1 or i = j = - J . The absolute value of maximum regular linear PI controller when N is oc (p is zero). The
6u(i, j) is 6Ureax = GU" H / ( N - 1), which is achieved when corresponding Kp and K i are
GE.e(nT)=(i+l)S and G R . r ( n T ) = ( j + I ) S or when
G E . e(nT) = i . S and GR • r(nT) = j . S. The author defines GR • G U . H G E • GU . H
the ratio Kp- 2L and Ki= 2L -. • (3.12)

(~Uma x 1 4. Relationship between f u z z y controllers with N >- 3 and that

O = Relaymax + 6Umax X 100% = ~ 2 ~ X 100%, (3.5) with N = 2
In Ying et al. (1990), we analytically proved that a simplest
to describe (1) the role of the local nonlinear PI controller possible (N = 2) nonlinear fuzzy controller constructed in the
and the role of the global multilevel relay in total control same way as those in this paper was a nonlinear PI
action; and (2) the degree of nonlinearity of the nonlinear controller:
fuzzy controllers as N changes. The smaller the ratio p, the for IC1, IC2, IC5 and IC6 regions
less significant the role of the local nonlinear PI controller in
total control action and the more significant the role of the G E " e(nT) + GR • r(nT) GU . H
global multilevel relay in total control action. When N = 3, O du(NT)= - 2L-GE.Ie(nT)I ~ , (4.1)
reaches its maximum, 50%, which indicates that the local
nonlinear PI controller plays as important a role as does the or for IC3, IC4, IC7 and IC8 regions
global multilevel relay. G E . e(nT) + GR • r(nT) GU . H
According to (3.4), the ranges of the proportional-gain and du(nT) = 2 L - G R . Ir(nT)l 2 ' (4.2)
integral-gain are independent from N. That means that the
ability of the local nonlinear PI controller to adapt locally to
input state is the same for fuzzy controllers as N changes. G E . le(nT)l<-L and GR • Ir(nT) <-L. (4.3)
However, it should be noted that the role of the local
nonlinear PI controller in total control action is governed by Based on (4.1) and (4.2), the simplest possible nonlinear
the ratio p and therefore is different when N is different. fuzzy controller does not include the multilevel relay and
The ratio p also describes the degree of nonlinearity of the hence the nonlinear PI controller is a global controller having
nonlinear fuzzy controllers. The smaller the ratio O, the finer one single global and fixed steady-state (0, 0). It can be easily
the resolution of the output of the global multilevel relay and proven that the fuzzy controller with N = 2 can be expressed
therefore the less nonlinear the fuzzy controller. as
3.3. The structure o f the nonlinear f u z z y controllers when
du(nT) = -[Ki(e*, r*)e(nT) + Kp(e*, r*)r(nT)], (4.4)
where the gains and the ranges of the gains are the same as
Theorem 2 (Limit theorem). The nonlinear fuzzy controller
those in (3.1) and (3.4), which indicates that the local
with linear control rules becomes a linear PI controller as
N---~ o~.
nonlinear PI controller can adjust its gains to adapt to
different input states as much as the global nonlinear PI
Proof. When N - - - ~ ( J - - - ~ ) , the control action from the controller can. However, there is a fundamental difference
local nonlinear PI controller approaches zero according to between these two nonlinear PI controllers. That is, the role
(2.23) and (2.24), that is bu(i, j)-*O. On the other hand, the the local nonlinear PI controller can play in total control
control action from the global multilevel relay becomes action is less significant because the role is governed by the
ratio p. The role is small when N is large. On the other hand,
Relay(i,j)=_(i+j+l) GU.H GU.H(i +j~ the global nonlinear PI controller contributes sole control
~---->- 2 \J 7]" (3.6) action and therefore its ratio p is 100% by definition, which
also means the fuzzy controller with N = 2 is more nonlinear
Because than any other fuzzy controllers.
i S = i L, (i+l)S=(i+l)~, 5. Conclusions
The author concludes that the nonlinear fuzzy controllers
(3.7) with N-> 3 consist of a global multilevel relay and a local
L nonlinear PI controller similar to the global nonlinear PI
j S = j L, (j+I)S=(j+I)~,
controller when N = 2 but with a local and changing
steady-state ((i + 0.5)S/GE, (j + 0 . 5 ) S / G R ) . The conse-
the inequalities (2.17) can be written as
quences of employing more than two members (N-> 3) for
input fuzzy sets are (1) introducing the global multilevel relay
-i < - -e*
< i+1 and l"< r * < l +"l (3.8) with resolution G U . H / ( N - 1); and (2) reducing the role of
the local nonlinear PI controller in total control action from
and hence 100% to I / ( N - 1). Larger N makes the fuzzy controllers less
nonlinear. As N approaches o% the nonlinearity disappears
e* i r*___ /_" (3.9) and the fuzzy controller becomes a linear PI controller. The
£---~j and L L' degree of nonlinearity of the fuzzy controllers and the role of
the local nonlinear PI controllers in total control action are
when N---~ ~ (therefore J---~ ~, i - * 0¢ and j---~ 00). Substituting quantitatively described by introducing the ratio p. The fuzzy
(3.9) into (3.6), yield controller with N = 2 , whose p is 100%, is the most
GU.H nonlinear fuzzy controller.
Relay(i,j) 2L (e* + r*)
Acknowledgements--The author is grateful to Prof. Louis C.
- ( GUH
' Ee(nT)÷GUH
' Rr(nT)2L 2L , (3.10) Sheppard for his support in the research. Sincere thanks also
go to Ms Karin Elder for her proofreading of the manuscript
and to the referees for their helpful comments and
and hence suggestions about the manuscript.
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